Max fry best quotes. Max fry quotes, aphorisms. Almost anyone can be broken, if there is a desire. But putting a broken person in order is hard work, not everyone will undertake this.

Max Fry- the literary pseudonym of two authors - Svetlana Martynchik and Igor Stepin. They wrote the Echo Labyrinths series (about 40 books) and the sequel. The main character of the books, Sir Max, moves to another world and enters the service of a powerful wizard.

If you fall off a cliff into an abyss, why not try flying? What are you missing?

Max Fry, The Chronicles of Exo

Man is born alone; strictly speaking, birth is the first step towards loneliness, these are the rules of the game into which we were all dragged into without asking; complaints are not accepted. When a loved one appears, this is a wonderful event, a precious gift of fate, a welcome respite on the way, but loneliness was, is and remains the natural state of every living being. The inability to accept personal loneliness as the norm is a mental illness that must be treated.

Max Fry

Nothing is impossible. Not for you, not for me, not for anyone at all. Many things are difficult, but "impossible" is a meaningless word.

Laughter is an excellent seasoning for passion, much better than the languid seriousness with which the heroes of melodramas attack each other.

Max Fry, Outsider

Confidence is the privilege of fools.

Everyone chooses for himself what will become true for him and what will not. Do not neglect the opportunity to make this choice consciously, then everything that you like will become true.

Max Fry, The Crow on the Bridge. The story told by Sir Schurf Loneley-Lockley "

Night is night, at night you can believe in any nonsense, if there was a good preacher. And in the morning it’s not like that.

Max Fry, Complaints Book

When you tell the "truth and only the truth" about yourself, while trying to be exciting or at least funny, the effect is striking: your own sorrows begin to seem like an old anecdote that you yourself have already heard from someone.

Max Frye, "Quiet City"

It is necessary that none of the days of your life be like the others - a recipe for eternal youth.

Max Frye, "Quiet City"

Pretend that you are all right. You will be surprised when you realize how effective this method is. After you manage to deceive yourself, in general, everything in the world will be up to you.

Max Frye, "The Elusive Hubba Heng"

A person usually sees only what he is ready to see in advance.

I'm so smart now that I should sleep in a safe.

Max Fry, Power of the Unfulfilled

Long live a split personality - the shortest path to peace of mind!

Max Fry, The Book of Fire Pages

Hiding your feelings is an empty matter, it's better just not to have them, and that's it ...

Max Fry, Outsider

You must love and praise yourself. Do not entrust such a responsible task to strangers.

Fate is not stupid, it won’t bring people together in vain ...

Max Fry, Simple Magical Things

Knowing what to talk to a person about is a sign of mutual sympathy. When you have something to keep quiet about together, that is the beginning of true friendship.

Max Fry, Outsider

If there is no way out nearby, you should create it yourself, from scrap materials.

Tomorrow is one of the most dangerous words in the world. It paralyzes the will worse than any other spell, inclines to inaction, destroys plans and ideas in the bud.

I am quite indifferent to people since I got bored of actively not loving them.

Max Fry

Not only the inarticulate muttering of a person backed against the wall, but also the most powerful spells are powerless when fate really takes you by the throat and kicks you forward, into the destined.

I have never heard of a wolf getting lost in a forest, even if it is not the same forest in which he was born. Probably, there is still some unexplored “city dweller's instinct”: if you can already navigate in one big city, you will not have any special problems with other megacities.

Max Fry

A person who has hope is always dumber and weaker than someone who has nothing to lose.

I do not regret anything anyway - if only because it is pointless.

Good weather is quite enough for happiness, and in bad weather, for example, you can bake an apple pie. And no additional meaning is required. As in childhood.

Max Fry

Every self-respecting schizophrenic is obliged to discuss current problems with himself, his beloved, from time to time.

Yes. Everything should always be the way I want it. All other options annoy me to death from childhood!

Collection topic: Max Fry - quotes and phrases from famous works in which Sir Max occurs:

  • I already told you, Nuflin Moni Mach is the only Grand Master who not only believes in the imminent end of the World, but also makes serious efforts to prevent it. And this, alas, is the only merit of poor Nuflin. However, no. His second advantage is that he does not have a twin brother. Crow on the bridge
  • Excites the imagination, shakes to the depths of the soul, deprives you of peace, but, in fact, does not change anything. Dark side / Simple magical things
  • I realized that shame is an extremely unconstructive reaction to any event, but it only intensified from this - completely unbearable! Yellow metal key
  • You spend too much energy to weave your own webs, and to break out of others, but the web is arranged in such a way that all attempts to free yourself lead to the fact that you get bogged down deeper and deeper ...
  • A good life, but a bad play. Yellow metal key
  • I think that soon you will find that not only did you not lose anything, but you also gained a lot. Before you were an uncontrollable element, but now you are the one who is able to curb the element. Almost Dead God of Arvaroh. Only alive. Crow on the bridge

  • I have mystical experiences and a heavy attack of love for humanity in the person of Iraida Yakovlevna, burdened, moreover, by an acute syndrome of Christian mercy. Encyclopedia of Myths
  • There are battles that should never be lost, although it would be so easy to lose, so sweet ... Dark Side / Simple magical things
  • It seems that all the sexually mature bears in the world honored his ears with their ceremonial walk. Encyclopedia of Myths
  • The law stipulates necessity, superstition - inner conviction, traditions testify to our habits, but at the same time everyone is free to do what he wants. Outsider (Labyrinth)
  • You must love and praise yourself. Do not entrust such a responsible task to strangers! Dark side / Simple magical things
  • Truth does not turn into a lie just because it accidentally turns out to be a consolation for the one who utters it. Gift of Shavanakhola
  • You know very well what my job is. I hunt for the heads of some crazy sorcerers at the request of other crazy sorcerers, who, praise the masters, sooner or later find their customer, another crazy sorcerer. Crow on the bridge
  • When things get worse and worse, good news is as annoying as the ridiculous wishes of longevity on a death row. My Ragnarok

  • After a night of thinking, you just need to do a couple of stupid things, just in order not to think that you are a great thinker. Dark side / Simple magical things
  • Of course I love money. They are so beautiful ... Stranger (Labyrinth)
  • While the person is alive, nothing is missing. There is always a way out of any situation, and not one, but several - and who are you to be the first human being in the Universe to find yourself in a really desperate situation ?! Chimaera nests
  • It's easy to be wise and calm until someone piss on your head! Chatty Dead Man
  • We need to sort the porridge that has filled my big, heavy cast-iron head to the brim, sort it out by grain: rice to the right, oats to the left, millet in the center, husks out the window. Encyclopedia of Myths
  • Any dream must end with awakening, if it does not want to be death. My Ragnarok
  • You never know where you get lucky. Outsider (Labyrinth)
  • In the distance of a heart-rending scream. Encyclopedia of Myths
  • Probably you will erase your hands in blood while you get to the bottom of his soul. Volunteers of eternity
  • There is nothing worse than being dragged into your own future just for the company with friends ... Chatty Dead Man
  • The musical accompaniment for the silent stage provided my heart: hoot, bastard rhythmic, like an African drum. Encyclopedia of Myths
  • No one can make more noise and destruction than an absolutely sober person who has set himself the goal of turning the world upside down. Volunteers of eternity
  • Lookhi are the colors of sad memories of an upset stomach. Gift of Shavanakhola
  • Let me say that it is extremely convenient to have a heavy temper and a bad reputation. People are sincerely grateful to you for not wiping your feet on them. Well, any very restrained manifestation of friendliness works wonders. Crow on the bridge
  • I don’t want lavrov, I’m not a soup. Encyclopedia of Myths

Max Fry is the literary pseudonym of two authors - Svetlana Martynchik and Igor Stepin. Their books are written easily and fascinatingly, delaying from the first pages. They are filled with optimistic and humorous deep observations and fill with the desire to live. A real literary antidepressant.

We have collected 27 quotes filled with optimism, kindness and real wisdom of living in a good mood:

  • The head must go round and round - this is her main responsibility!
  • I just really need something out of the ordinary to happen sometimes. Unusual. Inexplicable.
  • Life is good because it does not always meet our expectations!
  • A month is, of course, a very long time. But "in a month" sounds much better than "never."

  • A person simply needs a rest from himself, at least from time to time.
  • I have a wonderful rule: if you stop liking what is happening, you must leave immediately.
  • Pretend that you are all right. You will be surprised when you realize how effective this method is. After you manage to deceive yourself, you can handle everything in the world.
  • You and I are great, we did everything we could. It remains to do everything that we cannot, and then success is guaranteed.
  • Long live a split personality - the shortest path to peace of mind!

  • Praising me is a very correct strategy. From a conscientiously praised me, you can twist more than one hundred meters of good, high-quality ropes. A thing, as you know, is necessary on the farm.
  • Laughing at people is a great way to avoid killing them more often than necessary.
  • If you fall off a cliff into an abyss, why not try flying? What are you missing?

  • Wait and hope is a surefire way to suddenly go crazy, but rushing around the city and doing stupid things is exactly what you need!
  • Doing the impossible is not such a big problem if you know where to start ...
  • Sometimes the decisive step forward is the result of a good kick in the ass.
  • One important secret: you need to go where you want, and not where you supposedly need to.


If there is no way out nearby, you should create it yourself, from scrap materials.

  • Knowing what to talk to a person about is a sign of mutual sympathy. When you have something to be silent about together, this is the beginning of real friendship.
  • It always seemed to me: it happened, then it happened. What the hell does it matter why the sky has collapsed on my head again? It collapsed, therefore, we must withstand.
  • It's good when the morning is at nine. No, ten is even more beautiful, and eleven is already debauchery.
  • The absence of an outright prohibition may well be considered a kind of permission.
  • The already excellent mood became even better. So I had to go down the narrow stairs sideways: the smile did not get through.
  • A man does not forgive, he forgets, and a woman - she forgives everything, but never forgets.

  • Fate is not stupid. In vain will not bring people together.
  • Saying nonsense from time to time helps to create a warm and friendly atmosphere.
  • You never know which weakness will turn out to be your greatest strength.

  • How many vices are there in a single living being - this, I understand, is perfection!
  • I do not regret anything anyway - if only because it is pointless.

Max Fry is the literary pseudonym of two authors - Svetlana Martynchik and Igor Stepin. Their books are written easily and fascinatingly, delaying from the first pages. They are filled with optimistic and humorous deep observations and fill with the desire to live. A real literary antidepressant.

We have collected 25 quotes filled with optimism, kindness and real wisdom of living in a good mood:

  • The head must go round and round - this is her main responsibility!
  • I just really need something out of the ordinary to happen sometimes. Unusual. Inexplicable.
  • Life is good because it does not always meet our expectations!
  • A month is, of course, a very long time. But "in a month" sounds much better than "never."
  • A person simply needs a rest from himself, at least from time to time.
  • I have a wonderful rule: if you stop liking what is happening, you must leave immediately.
  • Pretend that you are all right. You will be surprised when you realize how effective this method is. After you manage to deceive yourself, you can handle everything in the world.
  • You and I are great, we did everything we could. It remains to do everything that we cannot, and then success is guaranteed.
  • Long live a split personality - the shortest path to peace of mind!
  • Praising me is a very correct strategy. From a conscientiously praised me, you can twist more than one hundred meters of good, high-quality ropes. A thing, as you know, is necessary on the farm.
  • Laughing at people is a great way to avoid killing them more often than necessary.
  • If you fall off a cliff into an abyss, why not try flying? What are you missing?
  • Wait and hope is a surefire way to suddenly go crazy, but rushing around the city and doing stupid things is exactly what you need!
  • Doing the impossible is not such a big problem if you know where to start ...
  • Sometimes the decisive step forward is the result of a good kick in the ass.
  • One important secret: you need to go where you want, and not where you supposedly need to.
  • If there is no way out nearby, you should create it yourself, from scrap materials.
  • Knowing what to talk to a person about is a sign of mutual sympathy. When you have something to be silent about together, this is the beginning of real friendship.
  • It always seemed to me: it happened, then it happened. What the hell does it matter why the sky has collapsed on my head again? It collapsed, therefore, we must withstand.
  • It's good when the morning is at nine. No, ten is even more beautiful, and eleven is already debauchery.
  • The absence of an outright prohibition may well be considered a kind of permission.
  • The already excellent mood became even better. So I had to go down the narrow stairs sideways: the smile did not get through.
  • A man does not forgive, he forgets, and a woman - she forgives everything, but never forgets.
  • Fate is not stupid. In vain will not bring people together.
  • Saying nonsense from time to time helps to create a warm and friendly atmosphere.
  • You never know which weakness will turn out to be your greatest strength.
  • How many vices are there in a single living being - this, I understand, is perfection!
  • I do not regret anything anyway - if only because it is pointless.

Max Fry's books are very popular among those who like to plunge into the world of adventure. They successfully combine subtle humor and philosophical reasoning about life. If you like Max Fry, quotes from whose books have become catchwords for a long time, we offer his most striking statements.

Max Fry: quotes about love and happiness

For a long time, Max Fry's books aroused genuine interest among readers. And it was not only about interesting subjects: the author's personality remained unknown for a long time. After a while, it turned out that the books were written by two people at once - Svetlana Martynchik and her husband Igor Stepin.

There was a lot of criticism towards the authors, since many did not understand the manner of writing, a confusing plot, conflicting main characters. Nevertheless, the works are very popular. In the books of Max Fry, everyone finds confirmation of their philosophy.

The theme of love is eternal. It is touched upon in the books of Max Fry. Quotes from the author's works make you think about what love is and what it is. And where there is romance, there is happiness: it is hardly possible to imagine life without feelings.

Here are some of the best quotes from Max Fry about love and happiness:

But love doesn't seem to be a matter of conscious choice at all. When the heart turns on, common sense flies into tartarares, which, according to my estimates, are already filled to the brim with it.
... I know only two ways to love people. The first way is to rejoice immensely whenever I see a person. And almost not at all to remember him when I do not see him. The second way is not to see at all almost never (or we can do without “almost” at all), but remember that there is, theoretically speaking, such a person. And kiss the earth because such a creature walks somewhere on this earth.
In general, I am not good at understanding people. Especially the ones I love.
Love is lying on the uncomfortable slippery knees of an uncomfortable slippery, constantly moving beloved creature, crawling off them every few minutes, but not releasing the claws that have grown after a haircut, not clinging to the floor, sighing, jumping back onto slippery uncomfortable knees, curling up into a ball and again slide to the floor, but do not release claws, do not cling, fall, sigh and return - and so on ad infinitum.

Love is sitting in an uncomfortable position, raising your knees, barely touching the floor with the tips of your toes, trying to move less so that the little stupid white cat falls and sighs as rarely as possible, and in this wonderful world, woven of stupidity and love, there was a little more silence and peace.
“I love you, I can’t live without you, please don’t disappear,” I say to myself in the darkest days. While we are still together.
I seem to increase the number of happy idiots by one unit of man. And rightly so: there should be more happy idiots than us unfortunate idiots.
Any black streak ends sooner or later. The main thing is to manage to live up to the moment when he starts to luck again!
You should not shoulder your own heavenly vault on other people's shoulders. Everyone is his own globe, himself and the Atlas.
Good weather is quite enough for happiness, and in bad weather, for example, you can bake an apple pie. And no additional meaning is required. As in childhood.
We are all born and die with the same unspoken request on our lips: love me, please, as much as possible! In a desperate search for this unrealizable self-love, we pass by magnificent things that could well come true, including real miracles. But we have no time for them: we are too busy looking for those who will appreciate and love us.
... The people I love - they somehow live in me, and I feel good with them. And out of stupidity it seems to me that I also somehow live in them, crawling through the arteries with a delicate alien gizmo, poisoning the blood, accumulating on the walls of blood vessels. Everyone, it seems to me, is good from such simple and understandable processes.
- How little I need for happiness!
- Everyone needs little to be happy, while everyone has a lot of different things in stock. But there is always something wrong.
The skeptical mind is a terrible weapon in the fight against your own happiness.

Max Fry's quotes about love and happiness are very controversial, but they have a deep meaning. Perhaps it is this philosophy that is close to many modern people.

Max Fry: Travel Quotes

Traveling is a great opportunity to relax, see the world and see how other people live. Rarely does anyone not like to leave home for a short while to another country in order to gain new impressions and recharge themselves with energy.

In the books of Max Fry, a lot of time is devoted to the movements of the protagonist. Therefore, it is no wonder that travel quotes have become popular.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with quotes from the books of Max Fry, because the authors saw in the movement something more than just a change of scenery:

The best journey is the one that never ends.
Loving unfamiliar places is easy: we accept them as they are and demand nothing but new experiences.
... I generally like to leave, because without leaving one city, it is rather difficult to come to another, and I like coming more than anything else.
I'm leaving forever ... And in general, everyone always leaves forever ... It's impossible to return - someone else always returns instead of us.
Love follows the path, not the coming destination, whatever it may be.

Dawn in the mountains is the best event that can happen to a person.
It is much easier to fall in love with someone else's homeland than with your own.
In a strange World there is always an irresistible charm, whatever it may be. And their own homeland often causes dreary disgust, sometimes completely unjustified.
There is nothing better than a clear, sunny spring morning in the old center of Exo ... and there is nothing worse than a clear, sunny morning at any time of the year and anywhere in the universe - if you have not been given enough sleep.
One of the easiest ways to love the city in which you live is from time to time to look at it through the eyes of a stranger (unless, of course, evil fate has thrown you into a very disgusting hole).
Any unfamiliar city seems beautiful to me ... I look after unfamiliar cities, like women are courted - I try to gently touch the cobblestones with my feet, I even breathe carefully, taking every portion of the air permeated with a strange scent with gratitude, like a kiss so as not to appear unfeeling rude, one of many, and I say with admiration: "You are the most beautiful place of all that I have seen, it is simply impossible better!"
The average admiring tourist is already happy with everything because he has escaped for a while from the usual cycle of life: he does not have to push in public transport, buy food for dinner, take out the trash, checking with the instruments, calculate the rent, go to bed early, prudently setting an alarm clock at the head of the bed, tossing and turning from side to side, composing answers to tricky questions that the boss will certainly ask tomorrow morning - nothing like that at all. The lifelong slave of the routine is drunk from the sudden arrival of freedom ...

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