The love horoscope for the sign of Taurus for September. Taurus love horoscope for September Love horoscope for Taurus September

Summer is over, which means it's time to plunge headlong into work. True, according to the predictions of the general horoscope for September 2016, representatives of almost women of all zodiac signs will face a decline in the implementation of new projects. Well, in September every woman will have to analyze her mistakes and draw conclusions, improve her skills and establish business contacts, but it will be easier to do this knowing what awaits you in September according to the horoscope for a month for all signs of the zodiac.


We present the female common and love horoscope for September 2016 for each of the 12 signs of the zodiac: Cancer, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn, Lions, Taurus, Aries, Scorpions, Pisces, Aquarius and Sagittarius. Also, if you want to keep abreast of stellar predictions for every day, follow our daily updates in the section on

Aries female horoscope for September 2016

Aries women, if you want visible changes in the next month, according to the horoscope for September 2016, you should stop at nothing. This is the only way you will be able to win recognition and even improve your financial situation. In addition, success in business will not hurt Aries now! True, a strong zeal to be the first and excessive determination can play a cruel joke with Aries. Therefore, the stars according to the horoscope for September 2016 recommend moderation in everything.

Monthly Love Horoscope September 2016 for single women, Aries says that the first half of the month will be neutral for you. But after September 20, expect a sudden meeting with new or old sympathy, which can turn your head. As for family Aries, then you should be afraid of quarrels, because this month, according to the horoscope for September, any mistakes of your soulmate will irritate you.

Taurus female horoscope for September 2016

According to the horoscope for September 2016, the month has prepared a lot of interesting things for Taurus - fateful meetings, new things to do and active leisure. The main thing is not to withdraw into yourself, otherwise the Universe will probably want to take its gift back. Taurus, do not get carried away with self-deception, and do not look at the world illusory - assess your situation soberly and live as you want now.

Monthly Horoscope September 2016 in the love sphere family Taurus recommends getting rid of old problems and finding new points of contact, while lonely representatives of the Taurus sign is time to fight their complexes. The beginning of the month, Taurus' personal life will be a comfort zone, but after September 15, there may be a slight shake-up. So !

Gemini: female horoscope for September 2016

For Gemini in the first month of autumn September 2016, the horoscope promises a rather dynamic period. Sometimes you will feel very "at ease", but there will be times when the situation turns upside down and you have to follow the saying "we only dream about peace." Therefore, the horoscope for September 2016 advises Gemini not to rush to conclusions and think carefully about their actions. In principle, the stars for Gemini do not predict anything bad in the first month of autumn, but events can clearly tickle your nerves a little.

According to love horoscope, in September 2016 for Gemini special vigilance will be required. Try not to react to external circumstances and avoid irritants that can create provocations to sort things out with your soul mate. The stars also recommend Gemini to fill their relationship with passion this month, because no matter how sincere they are, sometimes they still need to be warmed up! Lonely Gemini in September should try not to strain their own and be as consistent as possible.

Cancer: female horoscope for September 2016

Usually cheerful Cancers in September 2016 will have to slightly lower their vitality. But this does not depend on you in any way - this is the arrangement of the planets. You just have to accept this fact and adapt to the circumstances. Be prepared for sudden mood swings and the desire to change everything drastically at one point. But in your case, not everything is so critical, because in September Saturn is in "exile" and its negative will gradually increase, and Mars will not spoil your life.

But love horoscope for September 2016 Cancer warns that in some situations you can feel like a clown. But whether you like to entertain others is already your decision. Also, beware of your selfishness, because often it is he who interferes with building normal relationships.

Leo female horoscope for September 2016

For Lviv, the beginning of autumn will be very successful. The dynamics of September according to the horoscope for the representatives of this fire sign will be favorable in all areas of life. True, the period can be eventful and complex, so many Leos will want to drop everything and "hide" to hell. Do it or resist it is only your choice. But he remembers that "Everything that does not kill us makes us stronger."

In turn love horoscope for September 2016 for Leo says not to be afraid of circumstances, and not to hide from the outside world. Look for new opportunities to express your feelings and be as active as possible. Now the emotional background is important for you, so do not look, but feel!

Virgo feminine horoscope for september 2016

After an active summer, Virgo will find September very boring. The female horoscope says that according to the forecasts of the stars, your activity in the beginning of autumn will really decrease. True, you will be able to prioritize correctly and act deliberately. Be prepared that you will have a lot of things to do, and, in principle, there will be no time to be sad.

According to love horoscope, in September 2016 Virgo it is worth dealing with the "old sores". Everything that bothered you and “boiled” requires a solution, so do not put off decisions in a dark box. Even if you have to change something drastically, do not retreat, because late or early this time will come again anyway.

Libra feminine horoscope for September 2016

For Libra in September, everything will be quite positive, but not always easy. The stars recommend looking around and taking a closer look at the surroundings, from which negativity can come to you during this period. Make sure that your strength and nerves are enough to adequately respond to what is happening - for this, limit the circle of your communication and activities. And do not be afraid to make mistakes, because this will not bring you any special problems, but the experience will be very useful. In September 2016, Libra will be somewhat scattered, so don't grab onto anything - focus on one thing.

On the September will be for Libra on the love horizon very quiet and calm. There are no special events, with the exception of the standard household routine. The stars simply advise you to diversify your everyday life with romance so that you don't have to be so sad.

Scorpio: female horoscope for September 2016

For Scorpios, the first month of autumn will be bright and memorable. True, not all positive. The stars recommend soberly assessing your advantages at this stage, carefully monitoring what is happening around and analyzing. One way or another, according to the horoscope for September, observations will push Scorpios to the right thoughts and lead to new opportunities.

September 2016 love horoscope for Scorpios prepared the period of love. Many representatives of this zodiac sign will be in an elated state, and the reason for this will be new or re-emerged old feelings. Also, the stars recommend that you avoid the harshness inherent in Scorpions. She can offend others very much.

Sagittarius female horoscope for September 2016

If before that it seemed to you that you had a black streak - rejoice! Apparently, it turned out to be too narrow, since according to the horoscope of Sagittarius women in September 2016, many successful events await. But be prepared for the fact that Venus will try to control your emotions and feelings, which sometimes will prevail over reason. At such moments, you need to look for emotional release, otherwise blues or depression cannot be avoided.

September love horoscope for Sagittarius recommends to behave as naturally as possible, not clinging to old grievances or new acquaintances. At the same time, it is not advisable for you to make serious plans now.

Capricorn female horoscope for September 2016

The horoscope for September says that Capricorns will have to go through completely new impressions at the beginning of autumn. Overall, the first month of fall is going to be very productive, but only if you do a good job. If in September you will only dream about peace - get ready for great results! But do not rush to where you are not expected, and do not take on things in which you do not understand. The potential is, of course, good, but not now.

According to September 2016 love horoscope for Capricorns a lot of new and forgotten old awaits. It is important that you understand what you want now and do not fool yourself or others.

Aquarius: female horoscope for September 2016

The horoscope for September for Aquarius women says that you regularly have to fight for your place in the sun. True, use only your confidence, professionalism and restraint from the weapon, because conflicts will not lead to anything good.

According to the love horoscope in September 2016, Aquarius should listen to their intuition more often and think about what you want. Remember about? But you don't need to draw or glue anything - just put things in order in your head.

Pisces female horoscope for September 2016

According to the horoscope of Pisces, a bright and positive time awaits in September, except that some representatives of the sign will have great disappointment. According to the forecasts of the planets, now you have a strong energy that favorably affects those around you. So don't waste your time and make contact.

V love sphere in September 2016 representatives of the sign of Pisces worth being psychologists. You ignored the problems of your soul mate for a long time, and just smiled back at her, but it’s time to say goodbye to the ignorant and still help. Remember, the emotional component of a relationship is not the most important thing!

General horoscope for the month of September 2016 from Pavel Globa

In September 2016, all zodiac signs should look at themselves from the outside and say goodbye to bad habits. The first month of autumn is not an easy period in which you will have to defend your own principles. You should rely only on yourself and trust only yourself, especially during periods of eclipses. Now it is also not worth changing the field of activity and taking on unnecessary obligations. All this will not give a good profit, and will not improve the state of affairs. It is undesirable to engage in deposits and acquire large items. When it comes to love, there is a risk of increased aggression. It is worth eliminating irritants and trying to talk with partners about everything that is boiling calmly.

Auspicious days of September 2016: 2, 3, 7, 12, 17, 18, 22, 23, 30 numbers.
Unfavorable days of September 2016: 1, 4, 10, 11, 15, 19, 21, 25, 28, 29 numbers.

Here Taurus will have to make a lot of discoveries, primarily for themselves. September 2016 will offer you a lot of interesting things, especially if you have been in the status of someone's life partner for a long time and confidently. Your relationship with your significant other will take on a completely new color, and, most likely, positive. But in any case, you better be ready for anything, especially if you have long acquired "sins" that you hide from your passion. Do not forget that sooner or later all secrets will come to light.

Your actual desires, of course, are important, but remembering past merits from time to time is still worth it. And although Saturn will try to cover you in various piquant situations, you will also need to be careful in conversations with family and friends, especially on tricky topics. Otherwise, the choice of the course of action is entirely yours. The stars only recommend maintaining a fairly high activity. if you want your relationship with your loved one to develop productively enough. Despite the background negativity, the first month of autumn will still prove to be a bright and dynamic time. That is, stay in constant motion, do not give rest to yourself or your friends.

In September 2016, Taurus can finally free itself from some kind of restrictions, which, as he thought, very much interfered with him. And although at first Taurus will accept this release with relief and even joy, after a short time he will have to make sure that in fact these restrictions helped to remain intact in many important factors or circumstances. So, glad that your boss has gone on vacation, Taurus can afford to come to work late and some important, and most importantly, money, the customer will never wait for him. As a result, money will flow to your competitors. Or, in September 2016, Taurus will notice that they are significantly moving away from their relatives or friends, since the tradition of getting together on certain days has moved away. And while this rule may weigh on you, you will have to make sure that it kept you all sticking together. So new doesn't always mean better. Think about it.

Favorable numbers of September - 8, 10, 12, 15, 18, 22.

Unfavorable numbers of September - 2, 4, 19, 21, 27, 29.

September 2016 for Taurus will be a relatively calm month in terms of personal relationships. Circumstances will develop in the most favorable way and Taurus may not expect any troubles. However, human nature is arranged in such a way that you always want to correct something, even if everything is going great. Apparently, based on these considerations, at the end of September 2016, Taurus may decide that it is necessary to sort out the relationship, initiating a major disagreement. So think - do you need it?

It is possible that the friends that Taurus brings home this month will spend quite a lot with his family or parents. There is no need to worry about this, they are just really interested in each other.

In order for your children to be able to achieve better results in school or in the section they attend, you will need to devote more time to classes with them, and from the very beginning of the school year.

Finance and career horoscope for September 2016 Taurus

This month, Taurus will be best suited to humble his own ambitions and stubbornness. Horoscope for 2016 Taurus advises the representatives of this sign in September not to argue with those who are in a higher position or enjoy greater authority in the team. Remember that if a person managed to take this place, therefore, he has certain merit, which is pointless to dispute, at least now. At the same time, Taurus will be able to derive some benefit from their consent and take the first steps in promoting their own career.

In their day-to-day work in September 2016, Taurus is best served with old, tried-and-true methods that will still work great today. This time is not very suitable for business development, it is best to check again whether everything is properly organized at the current stage. It is possible that Taurus will be able to find and eliminate some of the shortcomings.

The end of the month can be marked by an increase in tension in the team. This will probably be due to the fact that Taurus will rebuild those around him.

Health horoscope for September 2016 Taurus

This month, Taurus may notice that the current daily routine is not quite right for him. The horoscope for 2016 Taurus says that, most likely, representatives of this sign eat too much breakfast in the morning and because of this, they tend to sleep until lunchtime. It may be better to postpone breakfast to a later time or to eat some lighter foods. Taurus, and not only him, must listen to the signals of his body, and not just adhere to established traditions.

This month professional debt claims from Taurus may be in clear conflict with personal plans. Try to do this - devote days to work, well, and evenings to close people - such an alignment will save you from claims and grievances.

Love, Taurus family in September 2016

Taurus living a personal life will face a number of problems. Parents will have to do more than usual with the affairs of their children and invest considerable sums in their development and education. The proverb "The older the children, the more serious their problems" can be safely rephrased - this time it will sound like this - "The more expensive their problems are." Taurus in love can make plans for the future, but each time they are adjusted for different reasons. Somewhere there is not enough money, but somewhere the strength of the soul. At the same time, the stars remind - if this month Taurus fails to achieve harmony, then a lot can be lost. This deadline is really the last one. The same applies to those whose passion lives in another city or in another country.

To look charming in September 2016 horoscope Taurus recommends cutting and dyeing hair according to Lunar calendar of haircuts for September 2016.

Taurus career finances in September 2016

The main professional task of this month for Taurus is finding solutions to complex financial problems. It is on this occasion that entrepreneurs and bosses will have disputes with partners, friends or some high-ranking persons. You will try to achieve clarity, but apparently this is not in the plans of your opponents. It will take some extra effort on your part to dot the i's, and most likely it won't happen in September. Time will pass before all issues are settled, but this is not a reason to give up - remember the proverb "He who walks the road" and act accordingly.

Taurus is developing well with colleagues from other cities or countries; one might even say that in September a step forward will be made in cooperation that is beneficial for both parties. However, even here we can talk about finances and, in the opinion of the astrologer, the views of both parties may differ somewhat.

The financial situation of Taurus is unstable. September will bring a lot of expenses, and in one case it is connected with investments in the business, and in the other - with the needs of children and loved ones.

Taurus in September 2016 will feel great, and his beauty and attractiveness will attract the views of others. On September 3, 14, 23 and 25, representatives of the Taurus sign may have a desire to do yoga or other oriental techniques that support inner harmony and physical beauty.

Common horoscope for September 2016 Taurus

The horoscope for September 2016 for Taurus pays special attention to the most conflicted day of the month - September 18. On this day, Taurus may have quarrels at work, and there is also a possibility of injury along the way through no fault of their own.

In September 2016, Taurus needs to be attentive to their thoughts and actions on the new moon, that September 1 - this day is able to set the mood for the next six months. During this time, it is most favorable to make plans about the themes of family, home and personal growth. In September 2016, Taurus needs to think positively and then everything will work out for him.

In September, new prospects associated with a partner may open up for Taurus. So, the second half can assist in resolving issues related to the purchase or renovation of an apartment, a house, which will be most favorable on the days from 5 to 7 September.

Career and money horoscope for September 2016 Taurus

The horoscope for September 2016 for Taurus foresees participation in large financial transactions on days 1, 8, 15-17, as well as September 26-28. Taurus can be given serious responsibility for the execution of such projects.

Most likely, Taurus will be able to successfully resolve working issues together with the team on September 15 or 26 - on this day there should not be serious disagreements between the participants, in general, a friendly atmosphere is predicted.

In September 2016, Taurus may be prevented from making the correct acquisitions by Mercury retrograde. So, in the period from September 1 to September 22, it is better for representatives of the sign to refrain from large purchases, especially in the field of leisure and entertainment. It is highly likely that after September 22, such acquisitions may be unnecessary, and Taurus will not know what to do with them.

In September 2016, the activities of Taurus will be influenced by the planet Jupiter, which will bring a sense of well-being and tranquility. For Taurus, working in pairs or providing services to the public, working days on September 10, 21, 23, 30 can become an example of successful team activity and what the representatives of the sign will strive for the whole next year. Taurus should pay special attention to the day of September 26 - just such a direction in work may be offered to them in the near future.

Auspicious days for career and financial affairs in September 2016 for Taurus: September 26 - 28.

Love horoscope for September 2016 Taurus

Taurus on September 6, 2016 may have a meeting with former lovers or old friends with whom the representatives of the sign have not maintained any relationship for a long time. On September 5 and 7, Taurus, together with his partner, can understand something very important, necessary for the harmonious development of relations, as well as building plans.

Already on September 7 and 8, acquaintances can occur with interesting people who have powerful energy and weight in society, who can have a positive impact on the personal relationships of Taurus in the future.

In the period from September 25 to September 29, a partner can arrange sexual provocations for Taurus: it's all about the transition of Venus into the sign of Scorpio, which is a symbol of jealousy and deep feelings. These days, Taurus can have a passion with elements of play in relationships.

The horoscope for September 2016 for Taurus warns of the risk of conflicts on September 12 and 13. Most likely, topics for unpleasant conversations with a partner will serve as financial support or raising children.

It is the partner who can bring tension to such conversations, exaggerate the significance of the existing problems. It is worth noting that due to unresolved issues on the 12-13th, Taurus's nervousness can accumulate and reach a maximum on September 16, which can turn into a real scandal. The stars recommend Taurus not to run the situation, negotiate with a partner and solve all personal and family problems in a timely manner.

Auspicious days for love relationships in September 2016 for Taurus: September 7, 8, 25 - 28.

Health horoscope for September 2016 Taurus

In September 2016, Taurus needs to try not to burden themselves at work on 12-13, as well as on September 16-18. It will be good if Taurus does not undergo high physical exertion on these days. The stars warn the representatives of the sign about being too emotional during this period, which can negatively affect the state of health.

In September 2016, Taurus is favorably engaged in the prevention of diseases, as well as oriental health-improving methods.

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