The best version of Windows. The best version of Windows Better than Windows 8


  • Advantages:
  • The interface is convenient and intuitive for desktop computers, laptops and netbooks.
  • Stability - Windows 7 is one of the most stable OS in recent times. If everything is configured correctly. Drivers are installed and updated. There is anti-virus protection. The work of the seven is very stable. For example, I have had 7 on my computer for more than 5 years and I have no problems with operation or stability.
  • Windows 7 has good compatibility even with older programs and games. It is possible to run applications in compatibility mode with Windows XP and even Win 98. The operation of such programs has been tested from personal experience, for example, there is a game that was released on Windows 95 - Heroes of Might and Magic III and it still works great.
  • Protection against dummies - Windows blocks possibly incorrect user actions and indicates a possible error.
  • System Restore Service - very convenient if something goes wrong, you can always return to the original settings. After viruses or crashes, you can roll back the system to an earlier state in order to get a normal, working, virus-free Windows.
  • Touch input - yes, already in Windows 7 you can use touch input and it works quite well.
  • Convenient search - search in seven works very quickly, you can easily find the necessary files even on huge disks, for example 2TB.
  • Supports more than 4GB of RAM in the 64-bit version. On XP it was not possible to use more than 3.2GB of RAM, which imposed some limitations.
  • The seven has support for the latest DirectX, which allows you to play any games on it, naturally, provided that the parts have high performance.
  • Simplified work with any connected devices - printers, cameras, Bluetooth and more are now very easy to set up.
  • A simpler taskbar - it now has many convenient functions.
  • Convenient control panel. Everything is grouped thematically and any setting is much easier to find.
  • Improved power management service. When I first installed Windows 7 on my laptop, I was amazed at how long it could last on my battery. In general, power consumption has been very well optimized.
  • The Automatic Driver Installation Center is a very useful thing. If you have Internet access, you can update most drivers in 2 clicks, completely automatically.
  • Very fast OS installation - on your computer, installation from start to finish takes only 9 minutes.
  • Parental control - I think everything is clear here.
  • Windows Defender - built-in protection against spyware and unwanted programs. Although its protection is not very effective, I consider this option a plus.
  • Built-in multiplayer games via the Internet became available. For example, I really like to play chess with opponents from any part of the world.


  • Resource intensive - on weak Windows 7 computers. For the seven to work well, you need a fairly powerful computer.
  • An inconvenient conductor - it has been greatly simplified and sometimes it is quite inconvenient to work with it.
  • Weak native protection - despite the fact that the system has a built-in firewall and Windows Defender. The level of computer protection against viruses is very low. it is necessary to install additional .
  • It is not convenient to share files over the network.
  • Compatibility problems with some 64 and 32 bit drivers.
  • For some there may still be problems, but for myself I have not found any more problems with the seven.
Well, now let’s come to what has become better or worse in Windows 8.

Windows 8

Newer doesn't always mean better. Remember when Windows Vista came out, most users continued to use Windows XP. Why did this happen? Vista was a very crude, inconvenient and resource-consuming operating system. They were really looking forward to it. but when it came out, many went back to XP. Everyone had different ideas on this matter, but overall the whist was not a success. The developers themselves realized this and began to quickly put Vista in order, after which a pretty good seven came out. Now many people are wondering whether to switch to the new eight or wait and find out what Windows 10 will give us, which by the way will be released in the near future.

Advantages of Windows 8:

  • Explorer in desktop mode is more convenient.
  • The new task manager is very convenient and informative.
  • Quickly turn your computer on and off.
  • Convenient controls for touch input devices.
  • Ability to install Windows 8 on a USB flash drive.
  • Advanced system recovery capabilities - an interesting feature of restoring system settings to default without reinstalling Windows, restoring a PC without deleting files.
  • Burn any disc using Windows itself.
  • DirectX 11.1 support - useful for owners of video cards that support this functionality.
  • A less demanding system for hardware, unlike the seven.
  • Supports various devices - computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones.

Disadvantages of Windows 8:

  • Lack of START menu - for many, the absence of this menu greatly spoils the usability of the OS for non-touch computers.
  • The Modern UI interface (tiled interface) is a very inconvenient interface for ordinary non-touch computers and laptops. It is inconvenient to operate the mouse and keyboard. This is why many people don’t switch to Windows 8. There is no way to remove Modern UI, I would like to do this.
  • Incompatibility of games - it seems like a new operating system, but not all games run on it))
  • Fragmented search - no general search for desktop and Modern UI. This is very inconvenient when searching for the necessary information.
  • The market is adapted for a touch interface, all applications in it are for Modern UI and are not convenient for keyboard and mouse.
  • Cloud - Not everyone wants their files to be stored in the cloud. Remember the example of iCloud hacking.
  • Pop-up panels are generally terrible, you work calmly and accidentally point at a corner or edge and then a pop-up window appears that interferes with your work and distracts you from work.
  • Performance - apart from the loading speed, the increase in performance, unlike the seven, has hardly changed. Therefore, I write this down as a minus.
  • The absence of a system tray causes discomfort when used.
  • UEFI bios locked to Windows 8 are extremely sad, since it is impossible to install, for example, 7 if necessary, or it is also impossible to install Ubuntu, for example.
  • Many will find many more shortcomings - you can add to the article in the comments.


As a result, I presented you with the most basic advantages and disadvantages of Windows 7 and 8. Based on them, you yourself can easily conclude what exactly to choose. Because both operating systems are good in different conditions. If you decide to do

Almost all modern personal computer users use Windows operating systems from Microsoft. The latter are easy to install and easy to use. But when the need arises to reinstall the OS, the problem of choice immediately arises and the question arises: which is better, Windows 7 or 8? It is worth saying that the operating systems are very similar, although they have many differences.

Windows 7 went on sale in October 2009 and was the next version after the sensational Windows Vista. So, let's take a closer look at how the “Seven” is superior to the new version number 8.

from "Windows 7"

The seventh version of the OS is more suitable for those who are not a supporter of various kinds of fundamental changes, updates, and so on. This system has been studied far and wide by users, in addition, its performance and reliability have been tested by time. All bugs and shortcomings have already been fixed and found in it, and it copes with almost all types of standard tasks.

The familiar Start menu

The main difference between “Windows 7” and “Windows 8” is that in “Seven” there is a menu and a “Start” button familiar to everyone, which simply does not exist in its usual form in “Eight”. Therefore, using the seventh version is much more familiar and convenient. Those who have difficulty getting used to new things will especially not like a different type of menu. And, it’s worth saying, any advanced user at first cannot get out of the habit and looks for the familiar “Start” button on the taskbar.

Window transparency

Many users have noticed that the Windows 7 interface has a significant advantage - it is transparent. Unfortunately, Windows 8 no longer has such a function. Here the windows became opaque again. The transparent interface makes the design of the operating system more attractive and modern. This is important for those who are very tired of the frosted windows of previous versions. It is also worth mentioning the roundness of sharp corners in the seventh version.

XGood compatibility with most programs and games

When asking the question: “Which is better, Windows 7 or 8?”, it is worth saying that “Seven” has been on the market for quite a long time, which means that most programs, drivers and games are well compatible with this OS. And this is an important point for those who like to install many different games, programs and utilities on their computer.

Ability to install widgets

If you have become a fan of widgets on the desktop, then when you compare Windows 8 and Windows 7, you will immediately answer that the latter is much better. In the eighth version there is simply no such function as widgets, unless you install a third-party program, which is not at all recommended. This approach will increase the load on RAM and the system as a whole, and many programs do not differ in quality.


We have figured out the advantages of the “Seven”. As you can see, there are actually not so few of them. Of course, most of the advantages of “Seven” are the pleasant visual design of the operating system. Now let's decide why Windows 8 is better than 7 and why this update was necessary. It is worth noting that this version went on sale almost exactly three years after Windows 7, also in October, but in 2012, and at first many were against this OS and criticized it to smithereens. So, the main advantages of Windows 8.

Start screen Metro

This innovation has caused a lot of discussions and debates on many sites and forums. Some people are very happy with Metro, while others never tire of vilifying it. It’s worth saying here that Metro and its capabilities are considered more like the advantages of Windows 8 over Windows 7. This interface was truly a breakthrough in the development of the OS. Many people get used to it very quickly, and when carefully considering all its capabilities, it becomes a truly pleasant innovation. Microsoft has taken care of separate applications for Metro. By the way, there are no analogues of such applications for the usual desktop, and they are much more convenient than usual programs for desktops.

The new Metro interface makes accessing PC settings easier and faster. Now you just need to point to the bottom right corner and the button “Start”, “Device”, “Settings”, “Search” and “Sharing” will immediately appear. If you compare “Windows 7” and “8”, then this introduction makes it much easier to find settings, and the “Search” function also immediately opens them. The latter can be called an analogue of the usual “Start”. In Figure Eight, each corner of the desktop is functional and responsible for some action.

New design

For lovers of everything new and unusual, the answer to the question: “Which is better, Windows 7 or 8?” will definitely become “Windows 8”. It has new sounds, buttons, features, themes, and other innovations that pleasantly refresh the boring interface of the Seven, but at the same time are not very different from it.

Improved version of IE browser

There are computer users who do not like to search for and install other browsers and prefer ready-made ones. As you know, it doesn’t matter whether you have Windows 8 or 7 installed; the standard browser there will be Internet Explorer. In Windows 8 it has been updated and is more convenient to use. It is worth saying that the changes concern not only its external component, but also its internal one. IE has become more reliable, faster and smarter in operation compared to the version in Windows 7. And in the new version of the operating system there are two Explorers: the desktop version and Metro.

Updated Task Manager

When choosing which is better, “Windows 7” or “8”, it is also worth saying that the “Eight” has one more innovation that can be considered a plus: an updated version. Now it is more understandable and comfortable for the user. In it you can not only disable the process, but also analyze the operation of the computer, disable or enable programs in startup, etc.

Operation of two processor cores

Most likely, many have already heard and are aware of the features described above. It's all design and visuals. But many do not know about the most important advantage of Windows 8. It is support for the simultaneous operation of two processor cores. Comparing "Windows 7" against "8", it is worth saying that previously all Microsoft operating systems supported the operation of only one core of your processor. That is, it didn’t matter whether it had one core or eight, the system could only work with one of them. This was the main reason for frequent freezes and blue screens. The latter, by the way, received a new design in the G8. Supporting two cores simultaneously helps the operating system cope with tasks faster and easier, and if one core fails, the system switches to the second and restarts the first. This advantage of the G8 can be called the most important for users who value performance and stability.


As you can see, Windows 8 can rightfully be called the most modern and fastest version of this operating system from Microsoft. But, despite all the advantages of the eighth version, sometimes it becomes necessary to install Windows 7 instead of Windows 8 for various reasons. So, you have decided to install “Seven” instead of the “Eight” pre-installed on your laptop or PC. Such a step will lead to encountering some problems that do not allow replacing the G8 with the Seven.

Problem of replacing 7 with 8 No. 1

In the UEFI BIOS of your laptop or PC, the UEFI-boot item is activated (in addition, also pay attention to the Secure boot item or something similar). Activating the UEFI-boot item makes it possible to create a UEFI service partition on the target drive with a GPT table of contents. It is worth saying that not a single edition of Windows 7 supports installation on a drive with such a table of contents. For this reason, these items in the BIOS must be deactivated.

Sometimes BIOS settings can be opened from the G8 service menu. You can get into it by performing a normal reboot and holding down the Shift button.

Problem #2

As mentioned earlier, pre-installed Win 8 operating systems are usually installed on a drive with a GPT table of contents, and to install Win 7 it must be converted to the traditional MBR main boot area. You can make such a conversion during the installation of “Seven”. When the installation wizard prompts you to select a partition or drive to install the OS, you need to press the key combination Shift+F10, which will open the command line. In the command line that opens, type diskpart and press ENTER.

  • At the command prompt, type list disk and press ENTER again.
  • You need to remember the disk number that needs to be converted to an MBR disk.
  • Now at the command prompt you need to type select disk (instead of “enter disk number”) and press ENTER.
  • Enter the clean command to remove partitions and clean up the disk.
  • After that, at the prompt from diskpart, enter convert mbr and press ENTER.
  • You can close the command prompt (by closing the window or using the exit command).

Now in the window for selecting a drive to install “Seven”, click the “Update” button and continue installing Windows.

Additional information about ASUS laptops with Windows 8 preinstalled

Laptops from ASUS often have G8 preinstalled. In order to install Windows 7 instead, you must first deactivate the Secure boot item in the BIOS in the Security section. And after that, in the Boot section, activate Launch CSM, that is, select Enabled instead of Disabled (this way it is activated. After performing these manipulations, click “Save” and exit the BIOS. Then go to the BIOS again and select change boot priority in the Boot section. That is, in As the First boot device, you need to select a flash drive or depending on what you are going to install Windows from.

The replacement of “Eight” with “Seven” often occurs due to the need to install some program that is needed for work, but which is not designed for Windows 8. So these tips will solve possible problems with replacing one version with another.

Both versions of Windows have advantages and disadvantages. But each user chooses the appropriate version for himself. One has only to add that Windows 7 is more suitable for those who choose stability and do not like innovations. Moreover, many useful programs and interesting games have been written for it. And “Windows 8” is an operating system for lovers of novelty and active PC users, because, as mentioned, it noticeably speeds up the computer and is able to cope with many tasks at the same time.

So look, evaluate and choose what suits you and your PC best for more efficient and faster interaction. What is more important to you, a familiar operating system or instant response? By answering these questions, you can make the right choice and determine the best OS for yourself.

How does Windows 8 differ from Windows 7, the positive and negative aspects of switching from one version to another, which of these operating systems to choose - all these questions will be answered. After you decide on the version of Windows, instructions will be given for switching from Windows seventh to Windows eighth and, vice versa, from Windows eighth to Windows seventh.

The main differences between Windows 7 and 8

The main difference in these versions is the visual part: the desktop and other design of the system have radically changed. Windows 7 is a desktop familiar from older versions of the operating system with separate shortcuts and icons, Windows 8 is randomly arranged tiles that match the color scheme to the background color. Which of the designs suits you personally is up to you to decide. Therefore, let's look at the more significant changes that Windows 8 brought us.

Synchronization and quick access to social networks

By updating to a new version of the OS, you will be able to link several of your devices: computers, laptops, phones running Windows. This is useful if you use several devices in turn: you don’t have to make the same changes on each of them, do it on one and synchronize it with the others. In this way, you can synchronize settings, design, calendar, photos, passwords, history and bookmarks from browsers and some other elements.

Items you can sync

Simplify working with multiple monitors

If you work with the system on several monitors at once, you will feel improvements: there are more settings, separate taskbars and design options. The main difference is that each screen can be configured individually, rather than as one unit.

The ability to work with two screens has been improved

Transferring elements

The process of copying and cutting files has changed: now all transferred elements are summarized in one window, and in this window there is a detailed scale in the form of a graph about the speed of the procedure.

All copied files are displayed in one window

The main advantage is the ability to pause the process and then start it again. This can be useful if you notice that the file names are the same and you need to rename them before they replace each other.

Detailed information about the copied file

Flexible reset and update

All Windows users are recommended to reinstall the system once every six months to a year, since you don’t treat it with care, it still gets clogged over time and starts working noticeably slower than it could. In Windows 7, the only way out of this situation is to reinstall the system or perform a system reset. In both cases, all your data will be permanently deleted. In Windows 8, the situation has changed, now there are two functions - reset, which works the same as in Windows 7, and update, which allows you to restore all system files and settings to default values, without deleting user content.

You can either reset the system or update it

Changing the security system

There is now the ability to create a graphic password, which has long been familiar to all users of touchscreen phones. You can not set a password using numbers, but select any photo and set several mouse movements on it, repeating which you will unlock the computer. In some cases, this system is less reliable, since someone can follow your mouse movements; in some, on the contrary, it is more reliable, since no one will guess the password by entering your date of birth.

Draw your graphic key onto the image

The level of protection against encryption viruses has also been increased. A built-in SmartScreen function has appeared: when trying to download a file from the Internet, you will receive a warning from this service if the file you are downloading has not been verified by other users, or the site you are on is suspicious to the system.

The computer warns that the site may be unsafe

Setting up disk space

Changing disk space settings will allow you to combine several hard drive partitions and external drives into one. This function can be useful if you want to expand the memory of your computer using third-party disks or flash drives, and will also help you forget about those moments when one partition of your hard drive is full and the second is almost empty.


Windows 8 is more optimized, so it can run and start up a little faster than Windows 7. Of course, if your computer has weak hardware, then don't expect to notice much change. The system may start loading faster by a few seconds.

New File History feature

This function commands the system to save previous versions of settings, visual parameters and edited files. That is, if you realize that a file has been corrupted, you can restore its previous version. Please note that this feature is not enabled by default as it may require a large amount of memory to operate. But you can configure it so that it stores the history of files and settings on a third-party storage device: a flash drive or disk.

Change in Task Manager

The design of the task manager has changed for the better. Now its main page shows only currently running programs, and not everything in a row. This will make it easier to close unresponsive applications.

Easier disabling of apps

In the “Processes” tab, you can observe and sort information about how and how much each application or process loads the central processor, writing to the disk and the disk itself, as well as the Internet connection. These statistics will help you monitor your computer's load at any time.

Detailed statistics on computer load

Technical improvements

The new version of the OS supports USB 3.0, Bluetooth 4.0 and NET.Framework 4.5 and DirectX 11.1. Support for ARM architecture.

RAM offload

Windows will close open programs that you do not use for a certain period of time. This is done to reduce the load on RAM and processor created by a large number of unnecessary running applications. All files located in a Windows program that is closed will be automatically saved, so you will not lose any data due to this.

Working with disk images

The new version of the system has the ability to create disk images in ISO format without third-party programs, and also use them as a virtual disk. A virtual disk is another partition of a hard disk, but all the files on it are written to one ISO file. That is, you can delete this file and, accordingly, immediately erase the entire partition, or copy it and transfer it to another computer or third-party media.

Summary of the differences

Windows 8 surpasses its previous version in the number and convenience of functions and services, and supports more modern applications and additional programs. The only thing in which the new OS could theoretically be inferior to Windows 7 is the interface. If this does not bother you, and you are satisfied with the new visual parameters of the system, then you can safely switch to the new OS.

Transition from Windows 7 to 8

So, if after reading the differences described above, you decide that it is worth upgrading to a new version of the OS, then you need to follow these steps:

  • First you need to get an image of Windows1. It is version 8.1, since the previous version 8 contains a lot of errors, which were subsequently corrected in version 8.1. At the moment, the image in ISO format can be downloaded from unofficial sites, for example, from here

    Download the Windows 8.1 image

  • Download and install the third-party UltraISO program from the official developer website We will need it to create a bootable flash drive.

    Download and install the program

  • You will also need a flash drive itself, at least 4 GB. Please note that it must be completely empty. It also needs to be formatted in a specific format. To do this, insert it into your computer and, while in Explorer, right-click on it and select “Format.”

    Let's start formatting the flash drive

  • In the window that opens, select the NTFS format and format the flash drive. All data from it will be permanently deleted.

    Select NTFS format

  • After formatting, run the previously downloaded UltraISO program. In the Quick Access Toolbar, expand the “File” section, select “Open” and specify the path to the previously downloaded Windows image.

    Open the OS image

  • Select the device that will become the installation flash drive.

    Selecting the media

  • In the recording method, select USB-HDD+ mode.

    Selecting the recording method USB-HDD+

  • Click on the “Burn” button to begin the process of creating installation media.

    Click on the “Record” button

  • Wait until the program in automatic mode finishes recording.

    We wait until the end of writing the image to the flash drive

  • Turn off your computer. When turned on, enter the BIOS.

    We go into the BIOS while turning on the computer

  • While in the BIOS settings, set the boot order so that it starts with your installation flash drive. By default, the computer first checks the hard drive for the presence of the operating system and, seeing it there, turns on. But if you put the flash drive first in the list, the computer will turn on with the program installed on it.

    Install the bootable USB flash drive in the first place

  • If you do everything correctly, you will see the Windows installation process greeting.

    Windows 8 installation begins

  • Select the language in which the installation will take place.

    Select the language in which the installation process will take place

  • Click on the “Install” button.

    Click on the “Install” button

  • Accept the terms of the license agreement.

    We accept the license agreement

  • Choose what you want to do: update the system or install it from scratch. With the first option, all your data will not be affected, with the second, only data stored not on drive C will remain. Of course, if you do not format the partitions. The system update will take place automatically, so let's consider manual installation.

    Choose manual installation or update

  • A window will open with a list of sections. You need to prepare one of them for installing Windows itself, so click on the “Configure Disks” button.

    Click on the “Disk Configuration” button

  • Select the drive where you want to install the system. It is advisable that at least 20–40 GB be allocated for the partition you choose, but more is better, since in the future you may encounter the fact that it becomes clogged, and it will be impossible to clean it because it contains system files. In this menu you can delete sections, combine them, split them. But the main goal is to format the partition allocated for the system.

    Format the hard drive partition

  • Confirm formatting. All files, including the previous Windows 7, will be permanently deleted.

    Confirm formatting

  • Mark the formatted disk and click on the “Next” button.

    Select the partition on which Windows will be installed

  • Wait for the system to install. Do not interrupt the process under any circumstances, otherwise the system will not be installed correctly.

    We wait until the system is installed on the computer

  • After installation is complete, the Windows setup process begins. Name your computer and choose a primary background color.

    Select the background color and PC name

  • You can customize Windows for yourself later, so choose standard settings.

    Selecting default options

  • If you want, log in to your Microsoft account. This is optional, so you can skip this step.

    Login to your account or skip this step

  • If you are not logged in to a Microsoft account, then you will have to create a local account, that is, register a user with administrator rights for your computer.

    Choose to create a local account

  • Name the user as you wish. You don't have to set a password, but if you need one, you can enter it and create a hint in case you forget it.

    Enter the name and password for the account

  • Done, Windows 8 is installed and initially configured.

    The system is installed and configured

  • Rollback Windows 8 to 7

    There are two ways to roll back the system: legal and not. The legal option is only suitable for users who have a licensed version of Windows 8 “Professional” on their computer. The unofficial method completely repeats the option of switching from Windows 7 to Windows 8, described above in the article, only in the first steps you need to create an installation flash drive not with Windows 8, but with a hacked Windows 7. All other steps are repeated: start from the installation flash drive, go through the installation process and perform the initial settings of Windows 7.

    If you have a licensed professional Windows 8, you can roll back to the previous version of the operating system for free, but subject to certain conditions:

  • Only users with the professional version can perform a free rollback. The rest will need a license key for activation, or will have to use a hacked system.
  • The key you use for activation must be licensed, but it can be used on several computers.
  • You must have a Windows 7 Professional installation disc.
  • Your computer or laptop must have drivers for the seventh version of the OS, otherwise it will not be able to work fully and correctly. If you bought a device with the eighth OS already installed, then there is a high chance that it will not have drivers. But they can be downloaded from the official website of the company that assembled your computer or laptop. Drivers for external devices (headphones, mouse, etc.) are downloaded from the website of the device creator, and sometimes installed from the device itself if it is more or less new.
  • The Windows 7 installation will look like this:

  • First you need to prepare your computer. To do this, go to UEFI (analogous to BIOS in Windows 8) and enable Legacy or BIOS Mode. This is necessary because Windows 7 does not support UEFI.

    Select Legacy mode

  • Insert the installation disk with the system into your computer and boot from it. To do this, you need to change the boot order while in the BIOS. By default, the computer first checks the hard drive, finds the operating system on it and boots from it. But if you move the disk to the first place in the Boot section, the computer will start booting from it and, accordingly, will start the installation process. Please note that the disk will appear in the BIOS settings only if you first insert it into the drive, and only then restart the computer and enter the BIOS.

    Put the boot disk first

  • Go through the Windows installation process Choose a manual installation rather than a system update.

    Selecting manual installation of Windows 7

  • When the disk selection window opens, format the partition on which Windows 8 was installed and install Windows on it.

    Formatting the main disk partition

  • When asked to enter your activation code, do so.

    Enter the license key to activate Windows

  • But if you enter a code that has already been used on another computer, then after the installation is completed you will be written that the system could not be activated. This is normal, you must explain over the phone that you have exercised your official right to roll back the system. To do this, open the Windows Activation application through the Start menu.

    The system must be activated

  • Expand the entire list of activation methods.

    Select “Show other activation methods”

  • Select activation by phone.

    Select the method “Use automatic telephone system”

  • Call the number provided and dictate your code that you entered when installing the system.

    We call the specified number

  • If it is really official, then they will confirm to you that you have the right to rollback, and will dictate a special number in response, which you will need to enter in special fields in the “Windows Activation” window.

    Fill in the empty blocks with the code dictated to you over the phone

  • After entering the code dictated by the operator, you activate the system. Done, all that remains is to install all the necessary drivers and you can start using the system.

    Updating drivers

  • So, it’s worth switching to a new version of the OS, unless you are offended by its design. It has more advantages than disadvantages, all of them will not improve your computer very much, but they will bring small pleasant changes. In any case, you can try upgrading to the new Windows, use it and, if you don’t like it, roll back.

    Which Windows is better than 7 or 10? This question is raised by many users, because before reinstalling the operating system, it is not always completely clear which of these versions will be the most acceptable. The debate about choosing one OS or another will most likely not stop for a long time, and everyone finds their own advantages among these versions. Let's try to figure out all the advantages, disadvantages, performance of the “seven” and “ten”.

    Almost all users of Microsoft operating systems have moved from one stable version to another. At one time, XP was considered the most successful and functional. The appearance of Vista did not impress many, primarily because it had many shortcomings and bugs that were not corrected even through the release of patches and updates. The developers themselves, understanding all the shortcomings of the newly-made OS, began to develop a conceptually new operating system, as a result of which Windows 7 was born in 2009, which really turned out to be stable and practical to use.

    Evolution from “seven” to “ten”

    After some time, specialists from the OS Windows development company felt the need to create an improved operating system, the graphical shell of which was as similar as possible to the one that began to be implemented in mobile devices. This was primarily due to the need to enter the market with a new mobile platform that would compete with Android and iOS in the mobile platform market, and accordingly bring the desktop version as close as possible to the mobile one.

    However, most users did not like this solution and the 8th version, in fact, like Vista, did not gain as much popularity as XP and the “seven” had before. As a result, the developers made a “Solomon” decision - to combine the mobile version with the classic desktop version, which ultimately led to the emergence of Windows 10.

    In terms of performance and functionality, this release was noticeably better than the 8th version.

    Let's figure out how Windows 7 and 10 differ, and which version will better satisfy certain requirements.

    Comparative characteristics of the “seven” and “ten”

    All testing will be performed on a computer with the following characteristics:

    • processor core i5 3.4GHz;
    • RAM 8 Gb;
    • Video GeForce 980 GTX;
    • HDD 1Tb.
    1. Operating system loading and unloading speed

    Turning on the computer, and, accordingly, the time parameter for loading the OS in these two versions is actually the same: 5 seconds. 7 versus 6 sec. in version 10.

    But with regards to waking up from sleep mode, the latest version is clearly superior to the previous one and has a significantly lower rate. If for a complete shutdown on the 10 it takes only 10 seconds, then on the 7 it takes up to 17. That is, this indicator varies almost twice. The same applies to exiting hypernation mode (the difference is also about 7 seconds).

    1. Appearance and graphical interface.

    Comparing the design of two objects is always a subjective thing, because each person has his own taste and vision. Before comparing these two operating systems, it must be said that the user’s transition from “seven” to “ten” will be quite painful, because in some graphical aspects these operating systems differ radically.

    The design of the 10th version is made in a strict direction: flatness and sharp corners. Windows 7 is more familiar to those who have been using this OS as the main operating system on their computer for decades. It all depends on the specific taste of the person himself.

    In the “ten” there is a choice of desktop display: classic and in the form of tiles, which was introduced in the 8th version. This parameter can be attributed in favor of the newer version, since in the seven there is no such choice at all. The Start menu in 7 is also more familiar, but in 10 it is presented as a hybrid of classics and tiles.

    In general, we can note the fact that the “ten” looks much more colorful and prettier than its predecessor. If we also take into account the fact that there is a voice assistant, then in the graphical shell option, Windows 10 is much more attractive.

    Program and game performance

    When you start Microsoft office, the software loads in approximately the same amount of time. No significant differences were found here.

    When testing the operation of the Mozilla and Chrome browsers, the “seven” proved to be much better. The loading and display speed of pages is much faster here. It is worth noting that the newly created Edge browser, which is installed only on 10, is generally not inferior in response time to the above-mentioned browsers on 7, but this question is subjective, since such an application simply does not exist in 7.

    As for working with hard drives in general, the throughput and copying speed to different partitions are approximately the same.

    Based on the use of new modern toys, we can say that they work approximately the same. When comparing the performance of Crysis 3, the fps indicators did not actually differ, although this parameter was still higher in the 10th version. The only thing is that in a more modern version of the operating system there may be difficulties in launching those games that were released even before the advent of the “seven”: they will simply be impossible to install.


    Based on the above, we can say that if you are planning to purchase Windows OS, then the choice, of course, should fall on version 10. If you currently have “seven” installed, then you shouldn’t bother too much and rush to switch to a more modern version, because from the above we can say that the two separate products are approximately the same.

    In contact with

    With the release of the eighth version of the operating system from Microsoft, many users began to wonder how much better it is than the usual “Seven”, and whether it makes sense to change their favorite interface. It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. In addition, recently laptops and system units have been going on sale with Windows 8 initially installed. Let's compare these two operating systems according to the main parameters.

    Beginning of work

    In Windows 7, loading after switching on takes about a few minutes. In the new version of the OS, the developers have worked to fix this. The result was that in Windows 8, the system startup time was reduced by at least half.

    In addition, the emphasis here is on use and sleep patterns. Thanks to this, very little time passes between the time you press the power button and the system is ready for use. This can be considered one of the advantages of the new operating system over the seventh version. If we talk about shutdown, there is little difference in time between versions of the operating system.

    Working with files and documents

    Let's look at whether the speed has changed when performing basic actions with files or documents. So, the window that opens when copying documents has become quite convenient. In both versions of the operating system, here you can see information about the time spent on the operation, as well as the copy speed.

    However, the interface has been slightly changed. In addition, Windows 8 has added a feature that allows you to pause an operation. It can be useful if you need to copy a large amount of information, but you need to go away. Speaking about the speed of the operation, I note that the various tests carried out show results in favor of Windows 8. But the difference is literally a few seconds, so in principle there is no point in talking about improving performance in this case.

    Working with applications and programs

    Many applications and programs work in both the seventh and eighth versions of the operating system. In the latter case, however, the developers took care of updating the utilities. So, the good old Internet Explorer in Windows 8 comes in the tenth version. This means that the Internet browser in the operating system is equipped with additional features, including advanced protection mode, SmartScreen filter, etc.

    Many standard programs, for example, Live Movie Maker for video processing and Windows 7 work almost the same. Of course, the developers made sure to improve application performance in Windows 8. However, the difference was not too big.

    The main difference between the new operating system is that the familiar desktop interface has been significantly changed.

    In Windows 8, developers have included new update and reset capabilities. It’s easier here than in Windows 7 to create a system image. In addition, it is possible to reinstall the OS without losing personal data and user information. Also in Windows 8, you can set passwords using pictures and gestures. This function can be found in Charms bar – Users. All you need to do is select a photo from the library and create three gestures on it.


    So, all of the above can be summarized in several points, from which you can conclude which version of the operating system is best for you. Let me remind you that everything is relative and depends only on your preferences, as well as the performance of the computer or laptop on which the OS is installed. However, I will note the following.

    • In games and applications, the systems demonstrate almost the same performance. Therefore, it makes no sense to change Windows 7, hoping that the performance of programs will improve.
    • Windows 8 starts faster than Windows 7. If this characteristic is important to you, then consider installing a new version of the operating system.
    • Windows 8 is designed specifically for touchscreen devices. If you have it, then installing this operating system can significantly improve your work comfort. However, controlling the new interface with a mouse or keyboard is not as easy as we would like. Of course, there are third-party utilities that will help return the familiar interface, but then does it make sense to install “Eight”?

    As you can see, there are several significant differences between operating systems. The choice always remains with the user. Although recently most computers and laptops go on sale with the built-in eighth version of the system. However, nothing prevents you from installing a second system or reinstalling it. True, there is no doubt that soon Microsoft developers will delight us with another operating system, which may surpass all previous options in terms of ease of working with it.

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