Treatment of ear diseases in adults. Diseases of the ear of people: symptoms and treatment. Comprehensive treatment of otitis media

The human auditory system is a complex apparatus that is responsible for two functions - capturing sounds and maintaining balance. The organ of the ear is unique in terms of the complexity of its structure. It consists of three parts - the outer, middle and inner ear. In turn, each of these departments has its own structure.

All human organs are susceptible to various diseases, ears are no exception. The disease can occur in people of all ages, more than once in any of the above departments. Moreover, the provoking factor of the pathology of the organ of hearing may be different for each person. To protect the hearing organs from ailments, you need to monitor hygiene, do preventive measures, avoid hypothermia and mechanical stress.

Ear diseases in humans are divided into the following types:

  1. Congenital- are hereditary or are part of a complex developmental failure syndrome. As a rule, anomalies are associated with anatomical or physiological malformations of the outer, middle or inner ear. It will be possible to restore hearing only by performing an operation or installing a prosthesis. Read more about how your hearing aid works.
  2. Traumatic illnesses- are obtained due to external influences. This includes ruptured membranes due to loud noises or careless cleaning of earwax.
  3. Infectious- diseases become a consequence of viral and infectious pathologies.

Diseases of the human ear can be infectious or non-infectious in origin, occur against the background of other ailments, or develop on their own. In all cases, an unsettled alarm in time can result in the development of dangerous complications - complete hearing loss and impaired motor functions of the whole organism.

Before finding out what diseases of the ear are, consider the general symptoms of the manifestation of diseases.

The structure of the ear apparatus

Signs of ear problems

The number of ailments attacking the organ of hearing is many, therefore, at the first sign, you should consult a doctor. Most hearing diseases have a similar clinical picture, with the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of discharge from the ears;
  • malaise and headache of various nature;
  • weakness, apathy;
  • noise in ears;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • redness, swelling, itching;
  • congestion;
  • slight increase in temperature;
  • loss of balance, orientation;
  • decrease or loss of auditory perception;
  • tingling pain radiating to the eyes, lower jaw, or temple.

Since in otolaryngological practice, human ear diseases do not occupy the last place, and the list of pathologies is quite wide, therefore, the doctor should consider the symptoms, and also draw up a picture of the disease.

Ear disease is studied taking into account its location

Types of ear diseases

All of these symptoms are considered clear signs of a malfunction in the auditory system, and indicate the presence of one of the diseases presented below.

Deaf mute

The disease is congenital and acquired (up to 3 years). In the first case, it occurs even in the womb, due to exposure to the fetus of harmful factors and viral infections.

The acquired ailment comes as a complication of other diseases or as a result of the effect of certain drugs on the body. Symptoms: hearing loss and speech impairment.

Treatment of the disease is ineffective, but they carry out social rehabilitation in centers, where they teach verbal speech using certain methods.


The disease affects the ear, but is not a disease. Sinusitis is an infectious and inflammatory lesion of the nasal cavities. Symptoms: inflammation of the nasal mucosa, feeling of squeezing and pain in the head, noise, stuffing in the ears.

Treatment... If the virus progresses, antibiotics and nasal drops are prescribed by the doctor. When an ailment appears due to allergies, then Vibrocil or Loratadin, Rinopront are used. Along the way, the sinuses are washed with the preparations Dioxidin, Miramistin, Furacillin.

Ibuprofen-based non-steroidal drugs are used to relieve ear pain.

With constant nasal congestion, mucus accumulates in the ear, which provokes pain syndrome


Pathology - characterized by damage to the auditory tube, leading to a decrease in ventilation of the tympanic cavity with the development of catarrhal otitis media. A painful process begins after getting an infection.

Symptoms: Auditory perception decreases, ear pains, feeling like water is present. During the movement of the head, the pain intensifies. The appearance of a temperature indicates the beginning of the development of purulent otitis media.

Treatment ear diseases of this kind, complex. Antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. Vasoconstrictor nasal drops, antihistamines are used.


It is an inflammation of the mastoid process of the temporal bone of an infectious origin. In the appendix, a purulent process occurs, caused by pathogenic microbes. Symptoms diseases: there is a change in blood tests, body temperature is present, there is intoxication, hearing loss.

In addition, a throbbing pain occurs in the ear, the shell itself protrudes, swelling, redness, and suppuration appear. Treatment can be medication or with surgery.

Miniere's disease

It has a negative effect on the inner ear, produces narrowing and damage to the vessels of the ear labyrinth. Disrupts blood circulation, leading to the accumulation of fluid in it.

Symptoms: manifests itself periodically, accompanied by noise, congestion, dizziness, nausea. It becomes difficult to keep balance, there is increased irritability to loud sounds.

Treatment... This ear disease in a person is incurable, in order to alleviate the ailment, antihistamines, sedatives, diuretics are used at the discretion of the doctor. In this case, you should do mustard baths, sit on a salt-free diet, lead a correct lifestyle and avoid the sun's rays.

Ear pain may radiate along nerves from other areas

Acoustic neuritis

Inflammation of the precochlear nerve is classified as a neurological disease. The disease appears due to age-related changes, inflammatory processes, injuries. Symptoms neuritis - weakening of perception, the appearance of "flies" before the eyes, dull headaches, noise, dizziness.

Treatment... After the diagnosis, the doctor directs for examination, and then, based on its results, determines drug therapy. Medicines are prescribed to dilate blood vessels and increase the blood supply to the auditory nerve.

Moreover, if you start to act at first, you can avoid hearing loss. During severe intoxication of the auditory nerve, drugs are prescribed to eliminate toxins. In case of secondary infection, biogenic stimulants and vitamins are prescribed, which are aimed at preventing the death of the auditory nerve.

Today, medicine fights against many diseases of a non-inflammatory nature with laser exposure, ultrasound, and endoscopic intervention. Sometimes radio wave operations are used. Such techniques manage to return hearing even to those people who have completely lost it.


Otitis media is the most common ear condition, treatment is chosen according to which part of the auditory organ the inflammation occurs. Separate external, middle, internal otitis media. So, the first type of the disease appears in the form of an abscess on the external auditory canal.

Symptoms... When the auditory organ is touched, pain occurs, discomfort is noticeable when opening the mouth, there is itching and pus.

Treatment... The ear is washed with solutions of furacilin or boric acid, antibiotics are taken, physiotherapy is performed, and warming compresses are applied.

Manifestation of otitis externa

The second type of disease appears due to pathogenic microorganisms. Irritants, when injected into the middle ear, press on the Eustachian tube.

Symptoms appear according to the stages of the disease.

  1. At the first, hearing impairment, intense pain shooting in the head, fever are observed.
  2. In the second stage, suppuration begins, and the pain and temperature go away.
  3. At the third, the discharge stops, the perception of hearing decreases markedly.

Treatment... Pain relievers, antibiotics, and vasoconstrictors are used. If drug treatment does not help, carry out the removal of pus.

Labyrinthitis is internal otitis media, named due to the fact that the process of inflammation affects the inner ear. Symptoms manifest themselves in dizziness, noise, loss of balance, nausea and vomiting. The color of the skin changes, there are unpleasant sensations in the region of the heart.

Treatment it is carried out with antibiotics and vesubulolytics.

Fungus in the ears or otomycosis

Otomycosis is an active foreign microflora on the membrane and walls of the passage. The provocateurs of such an ailment are mold and yeast-like fungi, their appearance begins after a violation of the natural microflora in the area of ​​the auditory organ.

Symptoms... At the initial stage, there is itching and congestion, a crust and plug form, then the ear swells, discharge begins to come out, the skin becomes dry. Diseases such as decreased immunity, AIDS, cancer and diabetes mellitus create a favorable environment for infection.

The more mucus comes out, the more the fungal infection proceeds, and attempts to remove it with an ear stick lead to more pushing of bacteria into the ear.

Treatment of the disease is complex... After diagnosis, the doctor prescribes a way to eliminate bacteria. With drug treatment, prescribe semi-alcohol compresses, anesthetics, antibiotics and drops.

Ear infection with a fungal infection


Focal lesion of the labyrinth bone capsule. The disease is inherited from the female. Symptoms: dizzy, pain and congestion in the ears, hearing loss. The effect of the disease begins gradually from one ear, and after a while the hearing loss appears on the other.

Treatment the disease is carried out conservatively and surgically. Moreover, in the first case, the treatment does not bring the desired results, only noise reduction contributes. Complex treatment includes the introduction of enzymes, massage of the tympanic membrane, blowing out the auditory tract.

If the hearing has decreased by 30–35 dB, the doctor prescribes an operation with prosthetics, after which the hearing improves. Are applied: Chymotrypsin; Lidaza; Hydrocortisone.

Otogenic sepsis

The disease begins when from the middle ear, the infection spreads to the veins and sinuses of the temporal bone. It occurs more often at a young age. Symptoms sepsis manifests itself as shortness of breath, weakness, loss of appetite, tachycardia, chills, fever.

Treatment occurs with the help of a drainage placed in the focal zone to remove the infected masses. Along the way, antibiotics and antifungal emulsions are prescribed.

Sulfur plug

When there is too much sulfur, there is a blockage of the ear canal. The seal is soft at first, but hardens over time. Symptoms: feeling of congestion, autotomy, a person begins to hear poorly. If the plug touches the walls of the passage, coughing and dizziness appear.

The accumulation of sulfur is detected with the help of otoscopy and when water gets into the ear. Then it swells and obscures the entire lumen, and hearing decreases.

Treatment... The accumulation of sulfur is removed by washing through a Janet syringe with warm water. Sometimes, for softening, a 37 C solution of sodium bicarbonate is dripped for two days for 10-15 minutes, after which they proceed to washout.

Elimination of sulfur plug

Hearing loss

Hearing loss is a slow deterioration in sound perception. The disease can be a consequence of another disease or occur against the background of vascular disorders. The symptom is constant illegibility of the speech of others.

Treatment for hearing loss depends on the stage and cause of the condition. To have an effect, first neutralize the disease that caused the inflammatory process. Fortifying therapy is carried out (injections of aloe, FiBS, vitamins B1, etc.) and agents that improve blood supply are prescribed. You can find out how to restore hearing with hearing loss.

Ear injuries

The most common are mechanical damage. The nature of the damage depends on the intensity and severity of the injury, since all three parts of the ear can be affected. Symptoms... When damage has occurred and has been hurt, nausea appears, and the head begins to spin.

Treatment... If the outer ear is hurt, you need to treat it with a disarming liquid - miramistin or chlorhexidine. The use of anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal ointments is allowed.

Also, with minor cuts in the shell, they lubricate the wound with iodine and apply an antiseptic bandage. For serious injuries with bleeding, a piece of cotton wool should be placed in the ear canal and a sterile dressing should be applied. Do not clean and rinse the auditory organ.

Loud sounds, have a traumatic effect on the hearing organ


The effect on the middle ear is due to the pressure drop. The symptom of barotrauma appears mainly in those who work in places of explosions, at heights, in caissons. Symptoms... If there is a pressure drop, the person feels a "blow" in the ear, and then pain. There is dizziness, noise and ringing in the organ of hearing. When the membrane is ruptured, it bleeds.

Treatment... If there is not a strong impact, and the membrane is preserved, a lump of sterile cotton is placed in the passage. If the membrane is damaged, antibiotics or sulfa powder is gently blown into the ear and a bandage is applied. When a strong impact has occurred, reconstructive operations are performed or a prosthesis is selected.


Having considered the common ear diseases, we can conclude that it refers to the symptomatology, it is necessary with special attention in order to exclude the risk of infectious pathologies that have a destructive effect on the hearing organ itself and on the body as a whole.

Do not forget about prevention, which consists in careful observance of ear hygiene, the correct and timely treatment of ailments of other organs, the fight against chronic infections, hypertrophy of the nasal concha, as well as tempering the body.

In our clinic, an experienced otolaryngologist will diagnose ear diseases in order to prescribe an effective treatment program.

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In the SANMEDEXPERT clinic, a qualified person will conduct an effective diagnosis and treatment of hearing organs. The human ear is a complex organ consisting of the auricle and the external auditory canal, which, in turn, consists of the middle and inner ear. There are many ear diseases that occur in children and adults and require timely treatment in order to avoid serious complications up to complete deafness. We will consider the most common of these pathologies.

Ear diseases can be inflammatory, non-inflammatory and fungal in nature. Also in medical practice, there are pathologies of the hearing organs that arise as a result of injuries suffered. This or that disease can affect different parts of the ear.

Inflammatory ear diseases

The most common inflammatory ear disease is otitis media, which, depending on the location, can be external, middle or internal. The disease can be acute or chronic. It often becomes a complication of a previous infection. Pain is the main symptom of the disease. Also, the ailment may be accompanied by an itching sensation. If the inflammation affects the middle ear, the patient's temperature rises, hearing decreases, and purulent discharge from the auricle may appear. Signs of the spread of the inflammatory process to the area of ​​the inner ear are intense shooting pain, significant hearing impairment.

Labyrinthitis, an inflammation of the mucous membranes of the inner ear, also belongs to inflammatory ear diseases. Very often, pathology becomes a complication of untreated otitis media, and the disease can also occur as a result of craniocerebral trauma and infections. If the inflammatory process is localized in the area of ​​the mucous membrane of the Eustachian tube, a diagnosis of "Eustachitis" is made. It usually develops as a complication of angina, sinusitis and other infectious diseases of the nasopharynx.

Furunculosis of the outer ear is another common inflammatory disease. Its development is associated with inflammation of the hair follicle due to the penetration of staphylococcal infection.

Non-inflammatory ear diseases

Non-inflammatory ear diseases include otosclerosis, characterized by damage to the bone of the ear capsule and causing hearing loss. Also included in this group is Meniere's disease, manifested by tinnitus, dizziness, progressive hearing loss, and accumulation of fluid in the inner ear. This fluid puts pressure on the cells responsible for the regulation of vestibular processes, which leads to severe dizziness.

The most common pathological conditions, often found in children and adults, include sulfur plug - an accumulation of sulfur in the auricle. The disease can occur due to increased secretion of the sebaceous glands or increased viscosity of sulfur. Sometimes the cause of cerumen is the anatomical structure of the ear canal.

Fungal diseases of the ear

Sometimes conditionally pathogenic fungal flora can lead to ear diseases. It is worth noting that in most cases, fungal ear diseases (otomycosis) are severe, and in the absence of timely treatment, they can lead to sepsis. Fungal lesions often develop due to a violation of the integrity of the skin. The fungus is capable of infecting all parts of the human ear. The characteristic symptoms of otomycosis include severe itching, noise in the ear, pathological discharge from the auricle.

Diagnostics and treatment

After conducting a detailed survey of the patient for complaints, as well as an external examination to make an accurate diagnosis, the specialist can prescribe the following studies:

  • palpation of the ear;
  • otoscopy;
  • research of hearing with tuning forks;
  • speech hearing test;
  • assessment of the patency of the auditory tubes;
  • endoscopic examination;

Once the diagnosis is made, the doctor will develop an individualized treatment program that may include drug therapy, physical therapy, and sometimes surgery. As a rule, inflammatory ear diseases are treated with local or systemic antibiotics. Typically, patients are also prescribed rinsing, the use of applications and tampons with drugs.

Diseases of a fungal nature are treated after determining the specific type of pathogen. The doctor then prescribes the appropriate antifungal medication. As a rule, antihistamines are prescribed at the same time, since most mushrooms are highly allergenic. General strengthening therapy is also carried out, which allows you to restore the body's defenses.

Various therapeutic methods are used in our clinic for the treatment of non-inflammatory ear diseases. In some cases, surgical intervention may be required to radically improve the patient's condition.

Popular questions

Why is the Eustachian tube needed?

Answer: In the device of the human ear, the Eustachian tube is endowed with an important drainage function, because it is through it that mucus is removed from the middle ear. Its patency can be impaired in the presence of inflammatory processes and any formations in the nasal cavity: polyps, adenoids, etc.

What is an eardrum?

Answer: The eardrum is a special impermeable membrane that separates the outer and inner ear. The eardrum transmits sound vibrations to the inner ear and prevents foreign bodies from entering it.

Why are ear diseases more common in children than in adults?

Answer: In children, the auditory tube, located between the nasopharynx and the middle ear, is much wider and shorter than in adults. This makes it easier for the infection to enter. The most common inflammatory disease in childhood is otitis media.

Can an infection cause hearing loss?

Answer: Sometimes otitis media left untreated can lead to deafness, as can inflammation in the auditory nerve and inner ear.

Can ear cancer develop?

Answer: Ear cancer is one of the rarest types of cancer. It develops from the tissues of the outer and middle ear. Ear cancer accounts for no more than 2% of the total number of all malignant diseases.

An adult rarely pays attention to the first signs of ear disease, which can subsequently lead to a significant hearing loss, up to disability due to deafness. Knowledge of the symptoms and causes of various ear diseases allows you to establish the correct diagnosis in the early stages and begin a timely fight against the ailment.

1 Diseases of the hearing organs

Ear diseases in adults are classified by the nature of the course and by which part of the ear cavity has been subject to the pathological process.

By the nature of the flow, there are:

  • Non-inflammatory diseases that can be caused by trauma, hereditary factors or other pathology. These diseases include otosclerosis or Meniere's disease.
  • Inflammatory, they are caused by infections or exposure to viruses. These include otitis media, otomycosis and mastoiditis.

According to which part of the ear is damaged, there are:

  • Pathology of the outer ear.
  • Average.
  • Inner ear.

Each pathology has its own characteristic symptoms and differs in its approach to treatment.

Eardrum injury, symptoms and treatment

2 Otitis externa

As the name suggests, otitis externa develops when a diffuse or limited inflammatory process affects the outer ear. The cause of this disease is an infection that has penetrated the skin of the external auditory canal in places where there were microtraumas.

Since the process can be diffuse or limited, this directly affects the symptomatology of the pathology and its treatment.

Furuncle in the ear in an adult, child: symptoms and treatment with drugs and folk remedies

3 Diffuse otitis externa

The diffuse form begins to manifest itself as a feeling of fullness, itching and increased temperature of the skin inside the ear. Soon a pain syndrome develops, which is characterized by irradiation to the half of the head corresponding to the affected ear, the pain intensifies when chewing. If the pain is significant, it becomes the cause of sleep disturbance and the development of anorexia.

Swelling of the walls of the ear canal develops, due to which it narrows and hearing loss occurs. This form of otitis media is accompanied by the appearance of serous discharge from the ear, which after a while becomes purulent. There is also an increase in regional lymph nodes.

The acute period with diffuse otitis externa is 2-3 weeks, but sometimes the disease takes on a chronic form of the course.

What is audiometry and how is it done?

3.0.1 Treatment methods for external diffuse otitis media

Treatment of diffuse otitis externa includes the use of antibiotics, antihistamines, and multivitamins. Local therapy is carried out when turunda with yellow mercury ointment, Burov's liquid, antibacterial and hormonal ointments is injected into the ear canal, the ears are instilled with antibiotic drops.

During the period of purulent discharge from the ear, rinsing of the ear canal is prescribed with special solutions with antibiotics. If the infection was caused by fungi, local and systemic antifungal drugs are used.

4 Limited otitis externa

Limited otitis externa begins with pronounced itching inside the ear, which develops into pain. This pain radiates to the temple, occiput, as well as to the upper and lower jaw, sometimes it captures half of the head corresponding to the affected ear. When chewing and at night, the pain intensifies, which causes sleep disturbances and refusal to eat.

Since the limited form develops similarly to a boil, over time it completely blocks the ear canal, which causes hearing loss.

When the infiltrate is opened, suppuration from the ear is observed, accompanied by a sharp weakening of the pain syndrome. Despite a decrease in the level of pain, this process is the cause of possible complications in the form of furunculosis, since a purulent infiltrate seeded the hair follicles of the ear canal.

4.0.1 Treatment options

Treatment of a limited form of otitis externa depends on the stage of development of the process. During the period of infiltration, it is required to treat the affected area with silver nitrate, as well as inject turunda with antibacterial ointment into the ear canal.

Ear drops containing antibiotics such as Neomycin or Ofloxacin are dripped into your ear. To reduce pain, analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs are used, sometimes UHF therapy is prescribed.

When the infiltrate matures, it is opened and the ear canal is washed with solutions with antibiotics and antiseptics.

If multiple boils appear against the background of otitis externa, antibiotic therapy, vitamins and autohemotherapy are prescribed.

5 Otitis media

Otitis media has an infectious etiology, affects the middle ear cavity and refers to diseases characterized by rapid progression.

Classification of otitis media by the nature of the course (acute and chronic) is the main one.

6 Chronic form

This variant of otitis media is characterized by a sluggish course and is a consequence of acute purulent otitis media. At the same time, hearing decreases, purulent discharge from the auditory canal constantly or periodically appears, sometimes dizziness or tinnitus appears. Pain occurs only during periods of exacerbation.

7 Acute form

Acute otitis media begins abruptly, the symptoms grow very quickly. The clinical manifestation can be described as three successive stages:

  1. 1. Initial. There is a tingling sensation in the ear, which intensifies and takes on the character of severe pain. It intensifies when bending towards the affected ear. At this time, pus accumulates behind the eardrum and signs of general intoxication of the body are observed.
  2. 2. Perforated. The tympanic membrane ruptures due to a large accumulation of pus. First, a small amount of serous-purulent contents is released from the ear, sometimes with an admixture of blood, then only purulent. The pain syndrome decreases, the signs of intoxication subside.
  3. 3. Reparative. The final stage, when the release of pus stops, and at the site of its breakthrough, fibrous tissue forms in the tympanic membrane, which contributes to hearing loss.

8 Other forms of otitis media

There is another classification, which includes such types of otitis media as:

  • Exudative, when exudate accumulates in the middle ear cavity, while there is no pain syndrome and the eardrum remains intact throughout the course of the disease.
  • Catarrhal, with inflammation of the auditory tube, tympanic membrane and mastoid process. The course of this form is acute, the symptomatology is pronounced, includes a sharp pain, often shooting, radiating to the temple or teeth.
  • Purulent, characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the middle ear. An extremely dangerous type of pathology, since there is a risk of developing intracranial complications.
  • Serous, characterized by mild symptoms, when a person feels only slight pressure, congestion in the ears and mild hearing loss.
  • Adhesive, chronic, symptoms based on the sensation of tinnitus.

9 Treatment

If the otitis media is purulent, then it is imperative that antibiotic therapy is prescribed for at least 5-7 days. With catarrhal otitis media, expectant tactics are most often used, the patient's condition is monitored for 48 hours, only antipyretics and ear drops are used.

Antibiotics are prescribed for otitis media only in the absence of positive changes in the patient's condition.

10 Internal otitis media

Otitis media or labyrinthitis most often has a bacterial or viral etiology or is a complication of otitis media or meningitis.

It is characterized by the sudden development of an attack of dizziness, which occurs 1-2 weeks after an infectious disease. During an attack, there is nausea or vomiting, noise in the ear, or hearing loss.

11 How is internal otitis media treated?

Treatment is symptomatic. Prescribe antiemetic drugs, antihistamines. Topically, patches including scopolamine can be applied. Steroids are used to reduce inflammation, and sedatives are used to treat anxiety. If the etiology of otitis media is bacterial, antibiotics are prescribed.

In the case of ineffective drug treatment of internal otitis media, surgical intervention is performed, for example, opening the semicircular canals of the labyrinth, opening the pyramid of the temporal bone, or other operations.

12 Meniere's disease

Meniere's disease is a non-inflammatory disease that affects the inner ear. The reasons for its development are unknown, there are only a few theories (viral, hereditary, nervous, trophic), which have not received either proper confirmation or complete refutation.

This pathology has 3 clinical forms:

  1. 1. Cochlear, which begins with hearing disorders.
  2. 2. Vestibular, starting from vestibular disorders.
  3. 3. Classic, combining the two previous ones.

The phases are distinguished:

  • Aggravation.
  • Remission.

By severity:

  • A mild degree, characterized by short and often recurring attacks, alternating with long interruptions: from several months to several years.
  • The average degree, when there are frequent attacks lasting up to 5 hours, after which a person is not able to work for some time.
  • Severe, when attacks last more than 5 hours, repeating from 1 time per day to 1 time per week, and the person's working capacity is not restored.

By stages:

  • The reversible stage, when there are light gaps between attacks and the disorders are transient.
  • An irreversible stage, when the frequency and duration of attacks increases, and the light gaps between them become more rare, up to complete disappearance.

The main manifestation of Meniere's disease is an attack. It is expressed in the form of severe dizziness with nausea and vomiting, while the person is unable to stand or sit, and the condition worsens with movement. The ear is blocked, there may be a feeling of fullness or noise in the ear, coordination and balance are disturbed, hearing decreases, shortness of breath and tachycardia appear, the face is pale, sweating is increased.

The attacks last from a few minutes to several days. It provokes stress, overwork, malnutrition, smoking, alcohol consumption, and an increase in body temperature. After an attack, hearing is reduced for some time, there is a feeling of heaviness in the head, slight disturbances in the coordination of movements, unsteadiness of posture, changes in gait and general weakness.

Hearing impairment in this disease is progressive and ends in complete deafness, simultaneously with which attacks of dizziness stop.

13 Treatment of Meniere's disease

Therapy for people with Meniere's disease consists of two parts:

  1. 1. Long-term. It is based on proper nutrition, adherence to the regimen, psychological support of the patient, prescribing drugs to improve microcirculation in the inner ear, reduce capillary permeability, atropine drugs, diuretics and some other drugs.
  2. 2. Relief of an attack. It is represented by the appointment of antipsychotics, scopolamine and atropine preparations, vasodilators, antihistamines and diuretics.

In the event that drug therapy does not give results, surgical intervention is indicated in the form of a drainage, destructive operation or an operation on the autonomic nervous system.

14 Otosclerosis

Otosclerosis is a disease characterized by abnormal growth of the bone structures of the middle and inner ear, which leads to hearing loss. The cause of this disease is a violation of the metabolism of bone structures, which can be triggered by a hereditary factor, infection or other pathology.

There are 3 forms of otosclerosis:

  1. 1. Conductive, when only sound conduction is disturbed.
  2. 2. Cochlear, when the sound-perceiving function of the ear is impaired.
  3. 3. Mixed.

The onset of the disease is most often asymptomatic and takes 2-3 years. During this time, a person has a rare, mildly pronounced noise in the ear and a slight hearing loss that he does not feel.

At the height of the disease, the following symptoms are observed:

  • Hearing loss. It begins with a gradual slight decrease in hearing, after a person ceases to hear when they speak in a whisper and it is difficult for him to understand ordinary speech.
  • Noise in the affected ear, it is barely audible and reminds patients of the rustle of foliage.
  • Soreness in the ear during periods of exacerbation of the process, bursting pain, localized in the mastoid process.
  • Dizziness is a rare symptom, if it appears, then it is mild.
  • Neurasthenic syndrome that develops due to difficulties with normal communication with people. A person becomes nervous, tense, withdrawn, sleep is disturbed.

15 Therapy of otosclerosis

Otosclerosis requires exclusively surgical treatment to improve the transmission of sound vibrations through the structures of the ear. One of three operations is performed: stirrup mobilization, labyrinth fenestration or stapedoplasty.

If otosclerosis is cochlear or mixed, treatment is sometimes supplemented with hearing aids.

16 Otomycosis

The development of otomycosis is based on a fungal infection that can affect both the structures of the outer and middle ear, and the postoperative cavity of the mastoid process.

Otomycosis is classified depending on the localization of inflammation:

  • External otomycosis.
  • Mycotic otitis media.
  • Fungal myringitis.
  • Otomycosis of the postoperative cavity.

There are 3 stages of otomycosis:

  1. 1. Harbingers when there is itching and a feeling of ear congestion.
  2. 2. Acute stage, with redness and swelling of the ear, the release of pathological discharge from it.
  3. 3. Chronic stage, when the symptoms of inflammation decrease, the course becomes sluggish, periods of improvement with exacerbations alternate.

With external otomycosis, there is initially a slight swelling of the ear canal, itching and congestion of the ear appears. If you try to clean your ear to restore hearing, your skin is injured. Hyperemia and swelling of the skin of the outer ear develops, discharge from the ear canal appears, the number of which gradually increases. All this is accompanied by severe pain, which increases with swallowing and shaving.

Mycotic otitis media is manifested by intense pain and profuse discharge from the ear, significant hearing loss, increased noise and congestion in the ear, and recurrent headaches.

Fungal myringitis is accompanied only by a decrease in hearing, since due to the transfer of a fungal infection from the skin of the auditory canal to the eardrum, the mobility of the latter is impaired.

Otomycosis of the postoperative cavity is observed if a person underwent a radical mastoidectomy. With this pathology, there is an increase in pain behind the ear and in it, the amount of discharge from the ear sharply increases.

17 Treatment of otomycosis

Otomycosis therapy is based on the use of antifungal drugs. Locally, the middle ear, external auditory canal or cavity are washed after surgery with antifungal agents after the ear has been cleared of desquamated epidermis, earwax and mycelium of the fungus.

Prescribe vitamins, restorative drugs and antihistamines.

18 Mastoiditis: symptoms and treatment

The inflammatory process that affects the mastoid process of the temporal bone, which develops as a result of infection, is called mastoiditis and is a complication of acute otitis media.

Due to development, several types of mastoiditis are distinguished:

  • Primary or secondary.
  • Otogenic, hematogenous and traumatic.

According to clinical manifestations, typical and atypical forms are distinguished.

Symptoms of mastoiditis appear 1-2 weeks after the onset of otitis media. Clinical manifestations start with a deterioration in the general condition of the patient, a rise in temperature to febrile levels, intoxication, headaches, and sleep disturbances. The patient complains of noise in the ear, soreness in it, intense pain behind the ear, a feeling of pulsation in the mastoid process. It radiates to the temporal and parietal regions, the orbit and the upper jaw. All this is accompanied by pronounced suppuration from the ear.

Treatment of mastoiditis is based on the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics, antihistamines and anti-inflammatory drugs, and detoxification. If the cause of mastoiditis is otogenic, a sanitizing operation is prescribed.

19 Preventive measures

Prevention of ear disease in adults is simple and involves maintaining ear and personal hygiene.

But it is important to pay attention to some aspects of prevention:

  1. 1. In high volume environments, wear ear plugs or soundproofing headphones.
  2. 2. When you need to go outside in wet or cold weather, be sure to wear a hat or hood.
  3. 3. In order not to form a sulfur plug and not to damage the ear canal, cleaning the ears should be carried out as carefully as possible.
  4. 4. We must not forget about regular visits to a medical institution in order to examine the ear cavity.

Hearing diseases are common in everyday life, but with preventive measures, the risk of their occurrence can be reduced. And knowledge of the symptoms of possible pathologies allows you to notice violations in the early stages for a quick start of treatment.

Ear diseases are quite easy to earn, often accompanying many viral and colds. Sharp pain, hearing impairment are alarming symptoms, if you do not consult a doctor in time, there can be the most unpleasant consequences.

An ear specialist is an otolaryngologist, it is he who should be contacted in cases when something is bothering.


Symptoms for different diseases may vary, but there are several main ones, by which you can definitely determine whether you need to see a specialist and treat your ears.

  1. Pain, burning sensation in the ears. The nature of the pain can be anything.
  2. Itching inside and out.
  3. Hearing impairment.
  4. Discharge of fluid from the ears.
  5. Nausea, dizziness.
  6. Temperature increase.
  7. Redness, swelling of the ear.
  8. General weakness.

Some of these symptoms may indicate other diseases, so the diagnosis will help determine whether the cause is in the ear or these sensations are a consequence of other diseases.

Important! If these symptoms appear, you need to see a doctor.


Otitis media is an inflammatory disease of the middle and outer ear. The severity of the inflammation depends on the virus or bacteria in the ear. This condition can be extremely dangerous, so treatment should be started right away. Otitis media are common in children and adults.

Otitis media is characterized by severe, "shooting" pain in the auricle, fever and other symptoms of inflammation in the body. A couple of days after the onset of the disease, pus begins to stand out from the ear, with its appearance, the temperature decreases and severe pain disappears.

If the course is unfavorable, pus will not come out, but accumulate inside and spread inside the skull, which can cause otogenic sepsis, meningitis, or brain abscess. It is life-threatening.

Causes of the disease

Otitis media is often associated with other diseases of the throat and nose, in which pus can enter higher into the ear.

  1. Complication of viral and colds of the respiratory tract.
  2. Diseases of the nose, such as adenoids.
  3. Mechanical damage to the auricle.
  4. Severe hypothermia.
  5. Launched sulfur plug.


Diagnoses otitis media. A competent doctor will be able to identify the disease without additional research, during the examination. If an internal form is present, other diagnostic methods are used:

  • x-ray;
  • CT scan;
  • bacterial culture, this analysis is needed to select the appropriate antibiotics.

Home treatment

At the first suspicion of otitis media, you need to contact an otolaryngologist, otherwise the acute form can turn into chronic and the inflammation will recur. If there is no opportunity to visit a doctor right away, you can take pain relievers, for example, Nurafen, and antihistamines to relieve swelling.

You can also make a vodka-based compress. Lightly moisten cotton wool with liquid at room temperature and fix it on the head with a bandage. The compress should warm, pure alcohol cannot be used for this purpose.

Important! You can not use other home remedies and various herbal suppositories, you can not drip anything into your ear. This can lead to the spread of the abscess, as a result of which the person can become deaf or develop brain inflammation and become disabled.

The main treatment for otitis media is drops, in some cases antibiotics are used. Several groups of drugs are used.

  1. Antibiotics: Normaks, Otofa, Sofradeks, Flemoxin Solutab and others, depending on the degree of damage and the type of otitis media.
  2. Antiseptic - Miramistin;
  3. Candide, Pimafucin, other ointments for fungi, if otitis media was caused by them.
  4. Ear drops: Otipax, Otinum, Otisol. They have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Important! Only the attending physician can prescribe medications.

If pus does not leave the ear, there is a risk of developing dangerous complications, therapeutic treatment does not help or it is too late to take medication, a surgical operation is prescribed - paracentesis.

A small incision is made in the eardrum to allow pus to escape. Immediately after the operation, the patient feels relief.

Treatment of internal otitis media, especially giving complications, can only take place under the supervision of doctors, preferably in a hospital.


Sinusitis is not specific to the ear, but it can cause pain in the ear. There are several types of sinusitis: sinusitis, frontal sinusitis and others. With this disease, the mucous membranes of the maxillary, frontal, ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses become inflamed.

With sinusitis, there is a runny nose, severe headache, a feeling of squeezing, pain and tinnitus, clogged ears, impaired sense of smell. If acute sinusitis is triggered, it can become chronic. Also, this disease can provoke otitis media.

To correctly diagnose and identify inflamed sinuses, a number of studies are performed, including x-rays, MRI or CT.

Causes of the disease

Sinusitis occurs for a variety of reasons.

  1. Colds.
  2. Allergic reactions.
  3. Abuse of nasal sprays in the treatment of the common cold.
  4. Asthma.
  5. Fungus.
  6. Contaminated air.
  7. Bad habits such as smoking.
  8. Congenital anatomical features: the structure of the nasal septum.

Most of the factors that provoke sinusitis can be influenced by the person himself.


In acute sinusitis, you should immediately consult a doctor for therapy. Antibiotics are prescribed if the sinusitis is microbial; otherwise, they will be useless.

  1. Nasal drops. They should not be used for a long time. Nasal drops based on essential oils - Pinosol, Sinuforte, act the mildest. If sinusitis is caused by allergies, then Vibrocil or Loratadin, Rinopront will do.
  2. Antiseptic drugs. They will kill the infection and keep the inflammation from spreading. Usually they use Dioxidin, Miramistin, Furacillin.
  3. Means for rinsing the nose. For home treatment, a solution is made of water and salt (one teaspoon of the substance is needed for a glass of hot water), but special mixtures can be purchased in pharmacies: Aquamaris, Dolphin.
  4. Antibiotics They are used if sinusitis is caused by bacteria. Depending on the degree of damage, the shape and variety are selected. The most commonly used are Amoxilav, Ampiksid, Fusafungin.
  5. Non-steroidal pain relievers. These include medications based on ibuprofen. Will help with pain in the head and ears.

Important! You cannot take antibiotics on your own.

Punctures are used in extreme cases when therapy does not help. A well-done operation will quickly bring relief, but it happens that it only provokes a chronic disease.


Otomycosis is a fungal disease of the ear. More often an external form appears, sometimes an internal one. Mold fungus provokes this condition.

At the onset of the disease, the main symptom is itching and congestion. Then discharge begins, the ear swells, the skin becomes dry. Over time, the amount of discharge increases, attempts to clean it off with cotton swabs lead to the penetration of the infection deeper.


The disease is caused by infection with spores of the fungus - the causative agent, but the disease occurs only under certain conditions.

  1. Metabolic disease.
  2. Weakened immunity, hypovitaminosis.
  3. Long-term use of antibiotics or corticosteroid medications.
  4. Radiation therapy.
  5. Mechanical damage to the ear.
  6. Swimming in open water.

Sometimes these factors are combined.


With external otomycosis, they try to do only with local preparations, with fungal otitis media of the middle ear, they immediately begin therapy with internal ones. Then local medicines only complement the treatment.

With the help of a special probe, the specialist removes the discharge with an antimycotic drug. Miramistin is also used for disinfection.

Systemic drugs for otomycosis are as follows:

  • Nystatin;
  • Levorin;
  • Mycoheptin;
  • Nitrofungin;
  • Kanesten;
  • Exoderil;
  • Nystanin ointment and others.

The necessary drugs are selected by the doctor depending on the severity of the lesion and the form of the disease.

Important! Treatment of otomycosis should be under the supervision of a specialist, otherwise the fungus may return.

Adhesive middle ear disease

Adhesive disease or otosclerosis is an inflammatory process in the middle ear that leads to adhesions and hearing loss. More common in older people.

The main symptom is progressive hearing loss, tinnitus, and congestion. After research by an otolaryngologist and audiologist, the correct diagnosis is made and treatment is prescribed.

Important! If your hearing deteriorates, you should immediately consult a doctor, the changes in the ear may be irreversible.


  1. Chronic otitis media.
  2. Chronic tubotitis.
  3. Rhinitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, other diseases of the nasopharynx.
  4. Surgical interventions in the area of ​​the nose and throat.
  5. Barotrauma - damage to the ear tissue as a result of temperature changes.
  6. Taking antibiotics incorrectly.


Treatment of otosclerosis is complex. It includes blowing out the auditory tract, massage of the eardrum, the introduction of enzymes, sometimes surgery, prosthetics, if the hearing is severely impaired. The following drugs are used for treatment:

  • Chymotrypsin;
  • Lidaza;
  • Hydrocortisone.

These substances are injected directly behind the eardrum using a syringe without a needle or catheter.


Ear injuries are mechanical injuries that can occur for a number of reasons. In case of injuries, the outer ear is damaged, the eardrum and the auditory canal can be affected, with damage to this organ, nausea and severe dizziness are also observed.

The main danger of injury is the development of inflammatory processes that lead to otitis media, and the likelihood of hearing loss. Therefore, it is important to provide first aid quickly and be seen by a specialist.

In case of trauma to the outer ear, all lesions must be carefully treated using disinfecting fluids, for example, miramistin or chlorhexidine. Anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal ointments can be used. If inflammation appears, you need to see a specialist.


Barotrauma - damage to the middle ear, eardrum due to pressure drop. The main thing is to prevent infection, antibiotics are often prescribed immediately. A person with barotrauma should take vasoconstrictor nasal drops, and pain relievers can be taken to relieve pain.

If the damage is severe, complications appear, then reconstructive operations are performed, if hearing loss develops, consultation with a hearing aid specialist and selection of a prosthesis is imperative.

A similar tactic is used for inner ear injuries.

Important! In case of injuries, first aid should be provided as soon as possible, otherwise complications are more likely to develop.


Neuritis is an inflammation of a nerve that can cause loss of sensation, dull headaches, ear pain, and decreased sensitivity.

Usually, neuritis is caused by trauma and infections, poisoning with toxic substances, it can occur during pregnancy, diabetes, rheumatism and other diseases.

This disease goes away on its own in a few weeks. You just need to follow the general recommendations so that the recovery is complete.

In the diet of a patient with neuritis, there should be more fresh vegetables and fruits, the diet should be balanced. With the permission of the doctor, you can take a course of B vitamins.

Prevention of ear diseases

Prevention of ear disease is very simple.

  1. Colds should be avoided if they occur - you need to be treated quickly and in a timely manner.
  2. Brush your ears carefully so as not to damage your eardrum.
  3. Do not take antibiotics, steroids or other powerful medications uncontrollably.
  4. Avoid other situations in which the ear may be injured.

These rules will help to avoid many problems and long-term treatment.

The ear is very complex. The middle ear and inner ear are part of the hearing aid. Pathologies of the organ of hearing today are diagnosed very often and can affect any element. They can cause dangerous complications, including complete hearing loss. Therefore, at the first manifestations of a violation, it is worth contacting an ENT.

Diseases of the human ear

Doctors distinguish several categories of hearing disorders. Ear pathologies can be inflammatory, non-inflammatory, fungal, or traumatic. Each group of ailments has specific symptoms.


Such diseases of the organ of hearing occur frequently. They cause a whole range of unpleasant symptoms. This group includes the following:

  1. Meniere's disease - this anomaly affects the inner ear. Manifestations of the disease are nausea, vomiting, dizziness. It also provokes the occurrence of tinnitus. The disease is characterized by an increase in the volume of fluid in the ear. It presses on the cells responsible for regulating vestibular processes. If these signs are amenable to correction, then the increasing hearing impairment cannot be eliminated.
  2. Otosclerosis is considered a hereditary pathology. It is characterized by damage to the bone of the ear capsule. This process usually results in hearing impairment.
  3. Neuritis of the vestibular cochlear nerve - this disorder is also quite common and provokes a stable hearing impairment. These signs are considered the most dangerous, since it is almost impossible to eliminate it.

For the treatment of non-inflammatory pathologies of the hearing organs, modern technologies are usually used - laser exposure, ultrasound, endoscopic interventions. In some cases, it is required to carry out radio wave operations or apply the achievements of cryosurgery. Thanks to these techniques, it is possible to help even those people who have completely lost their hearing.

In the photo, the structure of the human ear


Such pathologies are diagnosed most often. These include various types of otitis media, labyrinthitis, etc. Such diseases usually result from viral or infectious pathologies.

The most common disorder in this group is otitis media. This disease can manifest itself in the form of a boil, which is accompanied by noticeable suppuration in any part of the ear. Also, the entire hearing aid is often involved in the abnormal process.

Otitis media can be acute or chronic. Provided timely therapy, it is not difficult to cope with inflammation. If a person self-medicates and does not consult a doctor on time, pathology leads to serious complications. In such a situation, the process becomes chronic.

Inflammation of the ears provokes pain and itching around the ear canal. Sometimes pathology provokes hearing impairment. If the anomaly becomes neglected, hyperemia of the auricle occurs and a purulent process develops.

With otitis media, symptoms such as fever and severe hearing impairment appear. People often experience shooting pain in the ears.

Purulent otitis media is often accompanied by purulent bloody discharge. If you do not start treatment immediately, there is a threat of a chronic form of the disease and damage to the eardrum. If the inflammation affects the inner ear, there are problems with fixing the gaze, hearing rapidly deteriorates and severe dizziness appears.

Otitis externa often develops into a lesion of the middle ear. There is also a risk of labyrinthitis. This ailment usually develops with untimely therapy for otitis media. In especially difficult situations, inflammation provokes the development of meningitis and sepsis. Another dangerous complication is the brain abscess.

Acute otitis media appears due to the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the middle ear from the nasopharynx. If therapy is not started on time, the threat of paralysis of the facial nerve and even the development of deafness increases.

At the first signs of inflammatory pathologies, it is very important to see a doctor. The otolaryngologist will be able to correctly diagnose, assess the stage of development of the disease and select

correct therapy

What happens in the ear with otitis media


Infection with fungal microorganisms often leads to ear diseases. Usually, such problems are associated with the activity of opportunistic fungi. Such pathologies are rather difficult and can lead to the development of sepsis. Most often, otomycosis is the result of traumatic injuries and surgical interventions.

These violations are accompanied by constant itching, discomfort in the ears, noise and discharge. Symptoms may vary depending on the type of fungal microorganism. In this case, any component of the organ of hearing can suffer - the outer, middle or inner ear.

Chronic fungal pathologies require long-term treatment. They often develop against the background of weakened immunity, metabolic disorders, and chronic pathologies. Often, such processes occur in people with diabetes. That is why the doctor must determine the cause of the development of the disease and only after that prescribe treatment.

About the types of otitis media, methods of treating the disease:

Traumatic lesions

Ear injuries include the following:

  • the ingress of foreign objects into the ear canal;
  • othematoma of the shell, which is a hemorrhage between the periosteum and cartilage - this disorder is characterized by suppuration;
  • damage to the membrane - it can rupture due to air pressure or external influences;
  • damage to the auricle due to bites or bruises;
  • burns;
  • ear barotrauma - is the result of a drop in atmospheric pressure;
  • acoustic trauma - occurs as a result of prolonged exposure to loud sounds;
  • vibration trauma is a consequence of air vibrations.

Symptoms of these disorders depend on the type of injury. So, patients may experience the following manifestations:

  • hearing impairment;
  • damage to the facial nerve;
  • problems with the vestibular apparatus;
  • bleeding from the ear.

In case of traumatic damage to the organ of hearing, you should immediately contact an otolaryngologist. The specialist will select the therapy depending on the cause of the problem.

Dangerous complications

If you do not start treating ear disease in time, there is a risk of dangerous consequences. These include the following:

  • meningitis;
  • deafness;
  • sepsis of the brain.

If you do not immediately respond to the appearance of symptoms of impaired ear function, there is a threat of a serious deterioration in human health. In some cases, complications are even fatal.

Watch the video with doctor's advice on ear prevention:

Preventive measures

To prevent the occurrence of serious ear diseases, you need to deal with their prevention:

  1. Be sure to wear a hat in cool, windy or rainy weather;
  2. Do not use cotton swabs, pencils, matches to clean the ear canal from wax. These measures only stimulate its formation, which leads to the compaction of the plug in the area of ​​the tympanic membrane. As a result, natural cleansing of the outer ear becomes more difficult. In addition, there is a risk of damage to the membrane and ear canal.
  3. If you need to often contact with loud sounds, you need to wear special headphones or earplugs.
  4. Acute and chronic lesions of the nasopharynx cannot be ignored. These processes can spread to the organs of hearing.
  5. Systematically visit an ENT doctor for preventive examinations. Thanks to this, it will be possible to identify any violations at the initial stage of development.

Today, many ear pathologies are known, which are accompanied by unpleasant manifestations and can lead to a pronounced hearing loss. To prevent this from happening, it is very important to monitor your health and visit an otolaryngologist if you have any suspicions.

Human hearing organs have a complex structure, they allow not only to perceive sounds, but are also responsible for balance. Ear diseases are accompanied by various unpleasant symptoms, if you do not start timely treatment, you can completely or partially lose your hearing.

Ear pain is the first sign of the development of the disease

Types of ear diseases

The ear consists of the external auditory canal, the auricle and the inner ear, diseases can begin for various reasons, sometimes affecting several departments at once.

The main types of ear diseases:

  1. Non-inflammatory pathologies - otosclerosis, Meniere's disease, vestibular neuritis, most often have a genetic origin, chronic in nature.
  2. Infectious diseases - these diseases are leading among ear pathologies, most often they are diagnosed in children, since their ear canal is shorter than in adults, infections spread quickly. This group includes all types of otitis media.
  3. Fungal infections (otomycosis) - opportunistic fungi can infect any part of the hearing organs, the disease most often develops against the background of injuries, decreased immunity, oncological diseases, after surgery, with metabolic disorders.
  4. Ear injuries are most common in children and athletes. This group includes damage to the shells during a blow, bruise, bite, the presence of foreign bodies in the ear canal, burns, barotrauma. A separate place is occupied by hematoma - hemorrhage between the periosteum and cartilage, in which the process of tissue suppuration begins.

Diseases can proceed as an independent disease, or in the form of complications after other pathologies not associated with the ears.

Ear diseases

Most ear diseases have a similar clinical picture, manifested in the form of pain, itching, burning, redness of the skin, discharge, hearing impairment. With a strong inflammatory process, there is a deterioration in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus - coordination, dizziness, nausea, vomiting are impaired.


An infectious pathology, in which the auditory canal is damaged, the ventilation process in the tympanic cavity is disrupted, and catarrhal otitis media develops. The cause of the disease is the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms from the nasopharynx and upper respiratory tract.

Eustachitis - damage to the auditory canal


  • pain, a feeling of the presence of water inside the ear, with movement, the discomfort increases;
  • decreased auditory perception;
  • an increase in temperature indicates the development of a purulent process.

The most dangerous ear pathology is deaf-dumbness. The congenital form occurs even in the womb due to viral infections in the mother, the acquired form develops in children under three years of age, as a complication of other diseases, when exposed to certain medications.


Infectious pathology, characterized by inflammation of the mastoid process of the temporal bone, the presence of a purulent process, occurs when the infection spreads from the middle ear. The main pathogens are influenza coli, pneumococci, staphylococci, streptococci.

Mastoiditis is an infectious disease

Signs of the disease:

  • heat;
  • signs of severe intoxication;
  • deterioration in auditory perception;
  • throbbing pain;
  • the auricle swells, protrudes slightly;
  • purulent discharge from the ear appears.

A sudden onset of dizziness often indicates the onset of an inflammatory process in the inner ear.

Meniere's disease

Against the background of the disease, narrowing and damage to the blood vessels occurs, the blood supply is disrupted, and fluid accumulates in the ear cavity. The exact reasons for the development of pathology have not yet been identified, some experts believe that the disease is of viral origin, other doctors adhere to a hereditary theory. Trigger factors - disturbances in the work of blood vessels, low levels of estrogen, changes in the water-salt balance.

Meniere's disease - accumulation of fluid in the ear labyrinth

Clinical picture:

  • tinnitus, congestion;
  • dizziness, nausea;
  • balance deteriorates;
  • loud noises are irritating.

Miniere's disease is considered incurable, therapy is aimed at prolonging the stage of remission. Patients should adhere to a salt-free diet, give up addictions, and avoid exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Acoustic neuritis (cochlear neuritis)

The disease refers to pathologies of a neurological nature, the causes of the disease are inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx, trauma, cervical osteochondrosis, cardiovascular and endocrine diseases, atherosclerosis, brain trauma.

Cochlear neuritis - inflammation of the auditory nerve


  • hearing impairment;
  • flickering of black spots before the eyes;
  • dull headaches;
  • noise in ears;
  • dizziness attacks.

If the disease is started, necrosis of the tissues of the auditory nerve will begin, which will lead to complete irreversible hearing loss.

Otitis and tympanitis

The inflammatory process in various parts of the hearing organs, the most common ear disease, develops as a complication of influenza, colds, tonsillitis, sinusitis, and ear injuries. Most often diagnosed in children and the elderly.

Types and symptoms of otitis media:

  1. Otitis externa. With an organic form, boils appear on the outer part of the ear canal, which develop in the sebaceous glands, hair follicles, the disease is accompanied by sharp pain, an increase in parotid lymph nodes, ulcers form at the site of bursting abscesses. Diffuse otitis media develops when the ear is damaged by viruses, bacteria, fungi, purulent discharge appears, the ear turns red, itches, the touch is accompanied by pain, the discomfort intensifies when opening the mouth.
  2. Otitis media - develops when pathogenic microorganisms enter the ear cavity that irritate the Eustachian tube. At the initial stage of the disease, severe shooting pain appears, which radiates to the head, the temperature rises, and the auditory perception worsens. The second stage is accompanied by purulent discharge, while the pain disappears, the temperature decreases. The disappearance of suppuration against the background of a strong hearing loss indicates the onset of the third stage of the disease.
  3. Labyrinth - inflammation of the inner ear, accompanied by attacks of dizziness, poor balance, nausea, vomiting, tinnitus. As the pathology develops, the color of the skin changes, and discomfort occurs in the region of the heart.
  4. Mesotympanitis is a type of purulent otitis media, the symptoms are similar to inflammation of the middle ear, pus is released periodically.
  5. Epitympanitis is a severe form of otitis media, in which the bone rots, the walls of the middle ear are destroyed, purulent discharge has a sharp unpleasant odor, the pain is strong and prolonged.

Warming up the ear with otitis media can be carried out only in the absence of fever and purulent discharge.

With otitis externa, the parotid lymph nodes are enlarged


Fungal infection that affects the membranes and the ear canal, the causative agents of the disease are yeast-like and mold fungi.

Otomycosis - a fungal infection of the ear


  • itching occurs, the ear is blocked;
  • plugs, ulcers and crusts are formed;
  • the ear swells, discharge appears, the skin dries up.

Otomycosis is most often diagnosed in diabetics, people with a positive HIV status, and cancer patients.


Hereditary ear sore, in which the bone capsule of the labyrinth is affected, the disease first affects one side, gradually the hearing loss spreads to the other hearing organ.

Otosclerosis is a hereditary disease

The main symptoms are:

  • dizziness;
  • ear congestion;
  • noise and ringing in the ears;
  • hearing loss.

Otosclerosis is inherited only through the female line, an effective method of treatment is prosthetics.

Otogenic sepsis

The disease begins when the inflammatory process from the middle ear spreads to the vessels and sinuses located in the temporal bone; it is diagnosed more often in young people. With pathology, symptoms appear that are unusual for ear diseases.

With otogenic sepsis, the middle ear becomes inflamed

Signs of otogenic sepsis:

  • feverish conditions, chills;
  • tachycardia;
  • dyspnea;
  • increased fatigue;
  • deterioration in appetite and sleep.

Before starting drug therapy, drainage is performed to remove purulent masses.

Ear plug

Excessive accumulation of sulfur is observed with improper hygiene procedures, excessive synthesis of ear secretions - the plug clogs the ear canal, gradually hardens.

The ear plug is blocking the ear canal


  • automy;
  • hearing impairment;
  • ear congestion;
  • coughing and dizziness occurs if a clot irritates the walls of the ear canal.

Often, signs of ear plugs appear after water procedures - a clot of sulfur swells, obscuring the entire lumen.

Ear injuries

Most often, damage occurs against the background of mechanical damage, one or more parts of the hearing organs may suffer, if the integrity of the human membrane is violated, nausea is disturbed, and the head is very dizzy.

Headaches are common with ear injuries

Barotrauma occurs when pressure drops, the disease manifests itself in explosives, high-altitude workers, people who work at great depths. First, a person feels a blow, then pain occurs, and when the membrane is ruptured, blood flows.

Ear tumors

Ear neoplasms of a benign nature are formed at the site of scars, burns, dermatitis, localized on the outer or middle ear. Malignant tumors can appear after purulent otitis media, with metaplasia.

Neoplasms near the ears

Which doctor should I go to?

An otolaryngologist deals with the diagnosis and treatment of ear diseases. If necessary, you may need to consult a dermatologist, neuropathologist, endocrinologist.

Otiatr is engaged in operations on the organs of hearing, the audiologist eliminates hearing problems.

Diagnostic methods

Most ear diseases can be diagnosed by an experienced professional by examining and interviewing the patient. But if the clinical picture is not completely clear to the doctor, he will prescribe other diagnostic methods. Devices for the study of hearing organs can be seen in the photo.

Special tube for examining the ear canal

Methods for detecting ear diseases:

  • otoscopy - examination of the ear canal and tympanic membrane using a special tube;
  • audiometry - measurement of hearing acuity, determination of auditory sensitivity to waves of different frequencies;
  • tympanometry - a probe is inserted into the ear canal, after which the specialist measures the volume of the ear canal, periodically changing the pressure inside the ear;
  • X-ray - allows you to assess the state of the structure of all parts of the organ of hearing;
  • CT - the method allows you to see injuries, displacement of bones, identify inflammatory and infectious pathologies, tumors, abscesses;
  • Ultrasound - performed to identify neoplasms, foci of infection, size and characteristics of the ear canal;
  • bacterial culture to determine effective antibacterial drugs;
  • clinical, biochemical and serological blood tests for the detection of infectious diseases.

All research methods are painless, special training is required only for blood tests - they must be taken on an empty stomach, the last meal should be 10-12 hours before the study.

Possible complications

The main consequence of ear diseases is complete or partial hearing loss, which can be reversible and irreversible. If you do not start treatment in a timely manner, the infection will begin to spread to the lymph nodes, brain tissue.

Consequences of ear diseases:

  • sepsis of the brain, meningitis;
  • violation of the integrity of the tympanic membrane;
  • ear and brain abscess;
  • malignant and benign neoplasms;
  • paralysis of the facial nerve;
  • hearing loss.

Neglected forms of the disease almost always lead to disability, in some cases a lethal outcome is possible.

If ear diseases are not treated in time, then paralysis of the facial nerve may develop.

Treatment of ear diseases

The list of ear pathologies and symptoms of their manifestation is very large, therefore, only a doctor can correctly diagnose the disease and draw up a treatment regimen. They always carry out complex therapy, which is aimed at eliminating the inflammatory process, pain syndrome and other unpleasant symptoms, preventing the development of complications, and prolonging the stage of remission in chronic forms of the disease.

The main groups of drugs:

  • pain relievers - Nurofen;
  • antibacterial drops and tablets - Normaks, Otofa, Flemoxin Solutab;
  • antiseptic agents - Miramistin, Furacilin, Dioxidin;
  • systemic drugs for the treatment of otomycosis - Nystatin, Levorin;
  • hormonal drugs - hydrocortisone;
  • enzymes - Lidase, Chymotrypsin;
  • pain relievers and anti-inflammatory ear drops - Otizol, Otipax;
  • vasoconstrictor drops to eliminate nasopharyngeal edema - Pinosol, Sinuforte, Vibrocil;
  • sulfur softeners - Remo-wax.

Otipax - anti-inflammatory ear drops

In the treatment of perforated and purulent otitis media, steroid anti-inflammatory drugs cannot be used; antibacterial agents from the group of fluoroquinolones are used in therapy - Normax, Tsipromed. Additionally, mucolytics are prescribed for the speedy elimination of pus - Sinupret, Erespal.

In the treatment of non-inflammatory diseases, drug therapy is ineffective; laser, radio waves, ultrasound, endoscopy, cryosurgery are used to eliminate dysfunction.


To avoid ear diseases, it is necessary to follow the rules of hygiene, to protect the hearing organs from the negative effects of external factors, especially during therapy and after an illness, to timely treat diseases of the nose, throat, and fungal pathologies.

How to prevent ear diseases:

  • do not clean your ears with hard, foreign objects;
  • clean only the outer edge of the ear with cotton swabs - the hearing organs are capable of self-cleaning, so there is no need to try to remove the wax inside the ear canal;
  • protect ears from cold, wind;
  • when swimming and diving, wear a protective cap to prevent water from entering the ear;
  • most often, complications in the ears are caused by flu, tonsillitis, sinusitis, therefore, these diseases should be treated immediately;
  • try to use headphones less often;
  • visit an ENT doctor 1-2 times a year for a routine examination.

A simple exercise will help you quickly get rid of the ear plug - you need to chew the gum for a few minutes, then gently pull the earlobe down several times. This method is suitable for small plugs, otherwise special medications or the help of an ENT will be required.

The best prevention of inflammatory diseases - strong immunity, hardening, a balanced diet, an active and healthy lifestyle will help to avoid not only ear infections, but also other serious diseases.

They occur frequently in adults, especially during the cold season. It is important to contact an otolaryngologist in a timely manner when the first symptoms appear. A thorough diagnosis will be required to make a diagnosis. The doctor will conduct an examination and select a special treatment. Self-therapy can harm health and provoke the development of complications.

Ear diseases in adults (symptoms and treatment require careful diagnosis in order to establish the exact cause of the pathology) are characterized by clinical signs, depending on the cause of the development of disease processes.

Any pathology requires the intervention of an otolaryngologist (ENT). The specialist will conduct an examination, if necessary, appoint an additional examination. Based on the results obtained, he will select the most effective and safe treatment.

Causes of congestion, noise, pain, lumbago in the ear

Ear diseases in adults (symptoms and treatment are determined by an otolaryngologist) provoke serious problems if left untreated.

Name Description
Inflammation of the auditory tube.Ear congestion worries a person constantly.
Otitis externa.Shooting pain arises.
Otitis media.A person complains of dull pain syndrome.
Stretching or damage to the tympanic membrane.The reason is noises of varying strength (acoustic, industrial). There is not only pain, but also lumbago.
Ear plug or foreign object.Due to the pressure on the eardrum, shooting and pain occur.
Toothache (abscess).The nerve endings in the head are closely interconnected, so the pain syndrome is projected into the ear.

Ear diseases: symptoms and treatment

In each case, a diagnosis will be needed to determine the disease and select a treatment.

Preparations for the treatment of ear diseases

The therapy is carried out in a comprehensive manner, provoking factors, the degree of development of pathological processes and the patient's condition are taken into account. It is important not only to drink the medicine, but also to avoid stressful situations, observe the rules of hygiene, eat right, drink vitamins to maintain immunity.

Antibacterial drugs

Ear diseases in adults (symptoms and treatment are considered by the doctor individually) can help eliminate antibiotics. They kill and prevent the reproduction of pathogenic microflora. Wide spectrum of action drugs are selected.

Name Application Contraindications
"Amoxiclav".The tablets are taken before meals. The course of treatment lasts 5-14 days. Patients are prescribed 250-500 mg every 8 hours.
  • allergy;
  • impaired liver function;
  • Infectious mononucleosis;
  • lymphocytic leukemia;
  • the age of the patient.
"Cephalexin".The medicine is prescribed at 250-500 mg every 6-12 hours. The duration of treatment is 1-2 weeks.
  • hypersensitivity;
  • age up to 3 years;
  • renal failure;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period.

For the treatment of mild diseases or for boils, antibacterial agents are used in the form of ointments, drops. Some drugs contain hormonal components that suppress the development of the inflammatory process.


The drugs reduce the development of allergic processes. They are more used as symptomatic therapy, since they do not affect the underlying cause of the disease.

Name Application Contraindications
"Suprastin".The usual dosage is 75-100 mg 3-4 r. per day.
  • allergy;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • ulcer;
  • erosion of the stomach;
  • arrhythmia;
  • myocardial infarction.
"Tavegil".The daily dosage is a maximum of 6 tab. The standard reception includes 1 tab. 2 p. in a day.
  • damage to the lower respiratory tract;
  • lactose deficiency;
  • lactation period.

Medicines restore the patency of the auditory tube, also relieve swelling of the mucous membrane and itching that accompanies many pathologies.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

Medicines reduce pain and inflammation, eliminate high fever.

Name Application


Ibuprofen.At 20-30 mg / kg every 6 hours.
  • allergy;
  • ulcer;
  • intestinal bleeding;
  • perforation of the walls of the stomach.
"Paracetamol".The standard dosage is 500-1000 mg, the time interval between doses is 4-6 hours.
  • individual sensitivity;
  • renal and hepatic impairment;
  • age up to 3 years.

Ear diseases in adults, the symptoms and treatment of which are determined by an otolaryngologist, cause discomfort to a person and disrupt his usual lifestyle. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) relieve the condition. Ear drops with anesthetic (Otipax) have a positive effect. They have anesthetic effect.

Glucocorticosteroid anti-inflammatory drugs

The drugs eliminate the cause of the inflammatory process, and also have an anti-allergic effect.

Name Application Contraindications
Dexamethasone.3 drops each in each ear 3 p. per day. Treatment is carried out 2-14 days.
  • infectious and viral diseases;
  • individual sensitivity;
  • violations in the liver;
  • rashes on the body.
"Prednisolone".4-5 drops. 3-4 p. in a day.
  • bacterial, viral, fungal infections;
  • tuberculosis;
  • syphilis;
  • neoplasms on the skin;
  • period of bearing the baby.

It is imperative that during therapy, the otolaryngologist recommends adhering to strict hygiene in order to speed up the healing process. Special antiseptics are used to flush the ear canal.

Recipes for folk remedies for ear treatment

Non-traditional methods are used only for milder forms of ear disease and after consulting a doctor. The components used can provoke side effects or aggravate a person's condition.

Name Recipe Application and effectiveness
Ammonium and camphor.Dissolve salt (1 tablespoon) in warm water (1l). Mix camphor oil (10 g) and ammonia 100% (100 g). Combine all components, stirring until the white flakes disappear.Moisten a cotton swab in the resulting solution, squeeze well and apply for a short time to your ear. The medicine reduces inflammation and pain.
Garlic oil.Chop the garlic, pour 150 mg with vegetable oil (60 mg). Leave in the refrigerator for 10 days.The resulting solution is placed in the ear canal on a small piece of cotton wool. Treatment is carried out 14-16 days for 3 r. per day.
Lemon juice.Squeeze out the juice, strain and use according to the scheme.Dripping 2-3 p. 3-4 drops per day. for 5 days

Propolis tincture has a regenerating and antimicrobial effect. A moistened cotton swab is placed in the external auditory canal. It should be changed 2-3 p. per day.


Ear diseases in adults are treated in a comprehensive manner. Not only medications and folk recipes are used.

If there are no contraindications, physiotherapy procedures will help eliminate unpleasant symptoms:

Name Description Application and effectiveness
UHF.An electromagnetic field of a certain frequency is applied.The patient is prescribed 5-6 procedures for 5-7 minutes.
Medicinal electrophoresis.The medicine enters the inflammation area with an electric current through the skin.7-10 procedures are prescribed in time from 10 to 20 minutes.
Microwave therapy.The impact is carried out by an alternating electromagnetic field of ultrahigh frequency.The duration of one session is 5 minutes. Biological reactions are activated and active substances are formed.

Massage, ultrasound treatment, laser treatment, and the use of infrared rays also help in the fight against various ear pathologies. Physiotherapy is carried out strictly after the acute period subsides, in the absence of an active purulent process.

Complications of Ear Disorders

Lack of correct and timely therapy leads to serious consequences. It is important to see a doctor, undergo an examination and start treatment in order to prevent complications:

Name Description
Labyrinth (internal otitis media).The cause is an infection after otitis media that has spread to the inner ear. It also provokes a gradual deterioration in hearing to complete deafness.
Meningitis.Complication after mastoiditis. Purulent contents enter the lining of the brain.
Encephalitis.An inflammation that affects the meninges, caused by pathogens.
Abscess.Microbes penetrate into the area of ​​the temporal bone under the lining of the brain or into its cells. The body temperature rises, the patient's condition worsens. Lethargy, severe headache and vomiting appear.

Persistent hearing disorders, dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus is also a consequence of the lack of proper therapy and neglect of the recommendations of the otolaryngologist. Otogenic intracranial complications are fatal.

Ear diseases in adults are not dangerous if you go to the hospital in time. Given the symptoms, the doctor can determine the source of the development of pathological processes. He will select treatment after diagnosis and monitor the condition until complete recovery.

Ear Disease Videos

Ear and hearing diseases:

Symptoms for different diseases may vary, but there are several main ones, by which you can definitely determine whether you need to see a specialist and treat your ears.

  1. Pain, burning sensation in the ears. The nature of the pain can be anything.
  2. Itching inside and out.
  3. Hearing impairment.
  4. Discharge of fluid from the ears.
  5. Nausea, dizziness.
  6. Temperature increase.
  7. Redness, swelling of the ear.
  8. General weakness.

Some of these symptoms may indicate other diseases, so the diagnosis will help determine whether the cause is in the ear or these sensations are a consequence of other diseases.

Among the main causes of ear disease should be highlighted:

  1. Weakening of the immune system and the development of pathogens. This can cause inflammation.
  2. Inflammatory processes of the larynx, pharynx, nose, oral cavity. That is, in those organs that are in close connection with the ear.
  3. Mechanical, acoustic, or barotrauma. They can rupture the eardrum.
  4. Congenitality.
  5. Tumors that put pressure on the ear, nerves and trunks.

In addition, the reasons include: poor blood circulation in the brain or its injury. Hearing loss is affected by the following ear conditions:

  1. Meniere. The inner ear is damaged, further this disease reduces hearing, causes dizziness, nausea.
  2. Neuritis of the vestibular cochlear nerve. As a result, hearing loss is formed, or a person may completely lose hearing.
  3. Otosclerosis. It is inherited. It is characterized by the fact that a bone grows in the middle ear. This pathology contributes to hearing loss, there is also a possibility of hearing loss altogether.

If the baby has been diagnosed with hearing loss, then this may be due to: rubella, measles, mumps, which the mother suffered during pregnancy. Also, hearing is affected by malfunctions in the thyroid gland and some antibiotics with a long course.

The structure of the human ear

Ear diseases show the following symptoms:

  1. Various discharge from the ears.
  2. Slight swelling, redness, pain and itching.
  3. Noise in ears.
  4. Autophony.
  5. Minor disturbances in orientation or balance.
  6. Deafness.

There may be a slight fever, headaches, or discomfort. In children, ear problems can cause acute pain, poor sleep, prolonged crying, and poor appetite.

The most common symptom of ear disease is pain, which can be tingling or severe. Usually, it radiates to the area of ​​the eyes, lower jaw or temple. When walking, swallowing, or chewing, the pain may become worse.

To establish the correct diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe several examinations, including:

  1. Otoscopy.
  2. Otomicroscopy.
  3. Audiometry.
  4. CT scan.
  5. X-ray.
  6. Diagnostics of the patency of the auditory tubes.

Treatment for ear diseases may be limited to medication, and surgery is also possible. After diagnosing the disease, the doctor chooses the method of treatment; in the case of the drug method, the patient will be prescribed anesthetics, antibiotics or special ear drops. Also, some are prescribed semi-alcoholic compresses, which should be applied to the outer part of the ear canal, various washes or tampons with pharmaceutical preparations.

If ear diseases are neglected, and the doctor is sure of the ineffectiveness of drug treatment, the patient will be prescribed surgery.

To prevent diseases, you need to protect your ears from internal and external mechanical damage, overheating and hypothermia, as well as monitor their general hygiene. One of the main symptoms of ear disease is hearing loss. It can be triggered by a number of other diseases:

  • circulatory disorders of the brain;
  • blockage of the ear canal;
  • acute viral and colds;
  • stress and nervous disorders;
  • side effects of certain groups of medicines;
  • overvoltage, significant physical activity.

Ear diseases occur suddenly and are accompanied by a variety of symptoms. The main symptoms are:

  • high temperature, which signals the presence of inflammatory processes;
  • headache;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • weakness and apathy;
  • aching and shooting pain in the ears;
  • itching in the ear canal;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • noise in ears.

Diseases of the inner ear arise from infectious lesions, congenital anomalies, general intoxication of the body, inflammatory processes in other organs and systems. The development of pathology can provoke contusion and damage to the eardrum. Types of inner ear diseases:

  1. Otosclerosis.
  2. Internal otitis media (labyrinth).
  3. Various types of hearing loss.
  4. Meniere's syndrome.

Diseases of the middle ear include various types of otitis media. Often the disease is triggered by infections that are in the nasopharynx. Purulent processes can cause inflammation of the brain.

Diseases of the outer ear include:

  • sulfur plugs;
  • otitis externa;
  • eczema;
  • erysipelas of the external auditory canal;
  • herpes;
  • growths and neoplasms in the ear canal.

After conducting a detailed survey of the patient for complaints, as well as an external examination to make an accurate diagnosis, the specialist can prescribe the following studies:

  • palpation of the ear;
  • otoscopy;
  • research of hearing with tuning forks;
  • speech hearing test;
  • assessment of the patency of the auditory tubes;
  • audiometry;
  • endoscopic examination;
  • laboratory research.

Once the diagnosis is made, the doctor will develop an individualized treatment program that may include drug therapy, physical therapy, and sometimes surgery. As a rule, inflammatory ear diseases are treated with local or systemic antibiotics.

Diseases of a fungal nature are treated after determining the specific type of pathogen. The doctor then prescribes the appropriate antifungal medication. As a rule, antihistamines are prescribed at the same time, since most mushrooms are highly allergenic. General strengthening therapy is also carried out, which allows you to restore the body's defenses.

Various therapeutic methods are used in our clinic for the treatment of non-inflammatory ear diseases. In some cases, surgical intervention may be required to radically improve the patient's condition.

Popular questions

Why is the Eustachian tube needed?

Answer: In the device of the human ear, the Eustachian tube is endowed with an important drainage function, because it is through it that mucus is removed from the middle ear. Its patency can be impaired in the presence of inflammatory processes and any formations in the nasal cavity: polyps, adenoids, etc.

What is an eardrum?

Answer: The eardrum is a special impermeable membrane that separates the outer and inner ear. The eardrum transmits sound vibrations to the inner ear and prevents foreign bodies from entering it.

Why are ear diseases more common in children than in adults?

Answer: In children, the auditory tube, located between the nasopharynx and the middle ear, is much wider and shorter than in adults. This makes it easier for the infection to enter. The most common inflammatory disease in childhood is otitis media.

Can an infection cause hearing loss?

Answer: Sometimes otitis media not treated in time can lead to deafness, as well as inflammation in the auditory nerve and inner ear.

Can ear cancer develop?

Answer: Ear cancer is one of the rarest types of cancer. It develops from the tissues of the outer and middle ear. Ear cancer accounts for no more than 2% of the total number of all malignant diseases.

Symptoms of otitis media, by which you can recognize acute otitis media, are the following signs: severe pain in the ear (according to the patients it is described as shooting), fever, and after 1-3 days - purulent discharge from the ear canal. After the appearance of pus, the patient's condition usually improves, the temperature decreases, the pain becomes less pronounced or disappears altogether.

Pus is discharged from a breakthrough through the eardrum. This outcome of the disease is considered positive; with proper treatment, the hole in the eardrum gradually overgrows, without affecting the hearing.

With an unfavorable development of the disease, pus cannot find a way out, and this is fraught with the fact that the infection can begin to spread inside the skull. Such otitis media can turn into meningitis, as well as into a brain abscess. In order to avoid such dire consequences, at the first symptoms of otitis media, contact an otolaryngologist for advice and proper treatment.

Otitis media, depending on the location of the inflammation, can be:


  • Internal.

Otitis externa often affects swimmers, therefore the disease is popularly called "swimmer's ear". The inflammation begins due to mechanical trauma to the auricle or the external auditory canal. Damage to the protective cover leads to the ingress and multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms, then a furuncle forms in this place.

If not immediately treated, otitis externa becomes severe and spreads to the parotid cartilage and bones. With this type of disease, the patient is worried about aching, throbbing pain, swelling of the ear and a moderate increase in temperature.

With otitis media, the inflammatory process spreads to the airways of the middle ear, located immediately behind the tympanic membrane: the tympanic cavity, the auditory tube and the mastoid process.

The form of otitis media often flows from catarrhal to purulent.

Acute catarrhal otitis media of the middle ear occurs as a complication of acute respiratory infections or acute respiratory viral infections, after the penetration of the causative agent of the infection into the tympanic cavity. At the initial stage, hearing level may decrease, tinnitus may appear, but the temperature remains normal or slightly rises.

If these symptoms are ignored, then catarrhal otitis media is manifested by a sharp and strong increase in temperature and shooting pain in the ear, spreading to the eye, neck, pharynx or teeth. You can cure such otitis media only by getting rid of the infection, for which you need to urgently consult a doctor.


The causes of otitis media are:

    Penetration of infection from other ENT organs - as a complication of a concomitant infectious and viral disease;

    Various diseases of the nose, sinuses and nasopharynx. This includes all types of rhinitis, curvature of the nasal septum, and in children - adenoids (adenoid vegetation);

    Ear trauma;

    Hypothermia and weakened immunity.

The main reasons can be distinguished:

  • cold ;
  • mechanical damage;
  • penetration of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • sulfur plug;
  • narrow ear canal;
  • lack of hygiene;
  • hormonal disruptions;
  • genetic predisposition.

Almost all ear diseases develop rapidly, causing severe symptoms and severe complications. Signs of most pathologies have a similar clinical picture, therefore, it is important to diagnose in a timely manner and begin appropriate treatment for ear diseases.

The image on the right shows an example of ear disease (photo). In humans, various pathologies of the organ of hearing develop quite often. Therefore, it is important to know how they manifest themselves and what the treatment is.

Fungal diseases

Most often, patients with inflammatory diseases, namely with infections of the outer and middle ear, turn to the doctor. Otitis media is an inflammation in the ear that is caused by the presence of hemolytic streptococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and other bacteria that contribute to ear tuberculosis.

Most often, otitis media is a complication of the inflammatory process in other organs, namely when the virus enters the ear with the blood flow. Otitis media of this origin is considered secondary, but it also happens to be primary. Basically, the formation of this disease affects people whose ears were previously exposed to microtraumas or they had a decrease in immunity. Poor ear hygiene also contributes to this.

Acute pain sensations most often characterize otitis media of the middle ear. The disease occurs in many patients, but it mainly affects children. This statistic is explained by the fact that in a child's body the auditory tubes are not fully developed, they are somewhat shorter and slightly wider. This physiology allows various respiratory infections to quickly leak from the nasopharynx into the auditory tube.

It is worth noting that improper treatment or its long absence will certainly lead to chronic otitis media, and a slight hearing loss is also quite possible.

Otitis externa is also considered a common disease, it is divided into two types:

  1. Limited. A furuncle is formed in the external auditory canal. This inflammation is caused by Staphylococcus aureus. The patient is worried about pain, which becomes stronger at the moment of chewing.
  2. Diffuse. A similar otitis media is formed due to streptococcal infections that affect the entire ear canal. In the presence of diffuse otitis media, patients complain of pain, swelling, discharge, both external and internal.

In addition, otitis externa can be the result of an allergic reaction or inflammation, which was formed due to water entering the ear. If you have complaints of severe itching, then you most likely have a fungal ear infection, which is also caused by a virus.

Mostly, fungal infections (otomycosis) begin to affect the outer or middle ear. Mold and yeast-like fungi are considered provocateurs of this disease, their development can begin with damage to the skin in the ear canal, which arose during trauma or as a result of surgery.

Such ear diseases have several symptoms: a feeling of a stuffy ear, severe itching is created. If you do not start timely treatment, then the patient will begin to worry about severe pain in the ears and head, discharge, the color of which depends entirely on the type of fungus.

With complications, there is a high risk of a plug in the ear canal. Diseases of this kind require urgent and correct treatment.

Non-inflammatory ENT diseases are most often hereditary. Less commonly, they occur as a result of endocrine and vascular disorders. Treatment of non-inflammatory ear diseases is carried out in different ways, so the main diseases should be considered separately.

Sulfur plug

Sulfur plug - blockage of the ear canal due to excess sulfur production. Often diagnosed in young children when their auditory canals are too narrow due to physiological characteristics. The formation of the plug reduces hearing acuity and can provoke inflammation.

An otolaryngologist can get rid of the plug with the help of special instruments and rinsing the ear canal. You can use special drops that dissolve sulfur: A-Cerumen, Remo-Wax, Vaxol, or instill 3% hydrogen peroxide.

The most common inflammatory ear disease is otitis media, which, depending on the location, can be external, middle or internal. The disease can be acute or chronic. It often becomes a complication of a previous infection. Pain is the main symptom of the disease.

Also, the ailment may be accompanied by an itching sensation. If the inflammation affects the middle ear, the patient's temperature rises, hearing decreases, and purulent discharge from the auricle may appear. Dizziness, intense shooting pain, and significant hearing impairment become signs of the spread of the inflammatory process to the inner ear.

Labyrinthitis, an inflammation of the mucous membranes of the inner ear, also belongs to inflammatory ear diseases. Very often, pathology becomes a complication of untreated otitis media, and the disease can also occur as a result of craniocerebral trauma and infections. If the inflammatory process is localized in the area of ​​the mucous membrane of the Eustachian tube, a diagnosis of "Eustachitis" is made. It usually develops as a complication of sore throat, sinusitis and other infectious

diseases of the nasopharynx

Furunculosis of the outer ear is another common inflammatory disease. Its development is associated with inflammation of the hair follicle due to the penetration of staphylococcal infection.

Non-inflammatory ear diseases include otosclerosis, characterized by damage to the bone of the ear capsule and causing hearing loss. Also included in this group is Meniere's disease, manifested by tinnitus, dizziness, progressive hearing loss, and accumulation of fluid in the inner ear. This fluid puts pressure on the cells responsible for the regulation of vestibular processes, which leads to severe dizziness.

The most common pathological conditions, often found in children and adults, include sulfur plug - an accumulation of sulfur in the auricle. The disease can occur due to increased secretion of the sebaceous glands or increased viscosity of sulfur. Sometimes the cause of cerumen is the anatomical structure of the ear canal.

Deaf mute

The cause of this pathology may be congenital or acquired (up to 3 years) deafness. Congenital deafness develops in the embryonic period under the influence of harmful factors during pregnancy (viral diseases, syphilis, toxic substances, medications, vitamin deficiency, etc.). The hereditary form, as a rule, is combined with malformations of the middle and inner ear.

Treatment in this case is ineffective. All efforts should be directed to teaching verbal speech in specialized institutions. Modern techniques will help you achieve good social rehabilitation.

Adhesive middle ear disease

Adhesive disease or otosclerosis is an inflammatory process in the middle ear that leads to adhesions and hearing loss. More common in older people.

The main symptom is progressive hearing loss, tinnitus, and congestion. After research by an otolaryngologist and audiologist, the correct diagnosis is made and treatment is prescribed.


  1. Chronic otitis media.
  2. Chronic tubotitis.
  3. Rhinitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, other diseases of the nasopharynx.
  4. Surgical interventions in the area of ​​the nose and throat.
  5. Barotrauma - damage to the ear tissue as a result of temperature changes.
  6. Taking antibiotics incorrectly.


Treatment of otosclerosis is complex. It includes blowing out the auditory tract, massage of the eardrum, the introduction of enzymes, sometimes surgery, prosthetics, if the hearing is severely impaired. The following drugs are used for treatment:

  • Chymotrypsin;
  • Lidaza;
  • Hydrocortisone.

These substances are injected directly behind the eardrum using a syringe without a needle or catheter.

Otitis media (inflammation of the middle ear) often develops. The first stage of the disease is characterized by pain inside the ear, it can be pulsating, shooting, boring. The body temperature rises sharply (above 38 ° C). After a while, a perforation (breakthrough) of the tympanic membrane occurs and pus flows out.

Body temperature returns to normal. A common complication of acute otitis media is mastoiditis. With such a disease, the mastoid process of the temporal bone becomes inflamed, in its thickness there are air cells that communicate with the middle ear cavity. With this pathology in the cells of the appendix, the development of a purulent process is observed, which can provoke the occurrence of intracranial complications (meningitis), since the sinuses and lining of the brain are located anatomically close. The pressure on the appendix causes painful sensations.

Mastoiditis can provoke the occurrence of meningitis, facial paralysis, purulent streaks in the neck, abscesses in the ear region.

Therapeutic measures are to ensure the outflow of pus from the middle ear cavity and to combat purulent infection and inflammation. Surgical intervention is necessary in the presence of complications and ineffectiveness of conservative treatment. During the operation, an incision is made in the area behind the ear and the mastoid process is opened.

Fungal diseases of the ear

Sometimes conditionally pathogenic fungal flora can lead to ear diseases. It is worth noting that in most cases, fungal ear diseases (otomycosis) are severe, and in the absence of timely treatment, they can lead to sepsis. Fungal lesions often develop due to a violation of the integrity of the skin.

Ear diseases of fungal origin are called otomycosis. Most often, the fungus infects the outer and middle ear, if you do not follow the rules of hygiene and do not handle scratches and wounds.


What causes otomycosis:

  • mechanical damage to the skin;
  • sores in the ear (pimple, boil, insect bite);
  • hyperhidrosis;
  • dermatitis;
  • diseases of the human auricle;
  • allergic reactions;
  • diabetes;
  • decreased immunity;
  • lack of hygiene.

Symptoms of a fungal disease in the ears are expressed by itching, peeling, redness of the skin. With the progression of otomycosis, edema develops, the auditory canal narrows, noise appears in the ear and hearing decreases. If the fungus affects the eardrum, then fungal myringitis is diagnosed, which has symptoms similar to otomycosis.

Therapy for all fungal infections is carried out with the help of antimycotic drugs:

  1. Tablets: Fluconazole, Terbinafine, Ketoconazole, Pimafucin.
  2. Solutions: Clotrimazole, Naftifin, Candibiotic, Candide.

To relieve itching and swelling, antihistamine tablets are prescribed: Loratadin, Suprastin, Zyrtec. To reduce the temperature and eliminate pain, anti-inflammatory drugs are needed: Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, Nimesulide. Be sure to follow a diet low in carbohydrates and fats.

Otomycosis is a disease that is caused by the active multiplication of fungal microflora on the walls of the ear canal and the eardrum. The main signs are:

  • severe burning sensation;
  • redness of the skin in the area of ​​the external auditory canal;
  • sensation of a foreign body in the ear;
  • decrease in the diameter of the ear canal;
  • ear congestion;
  • noise in ears;
  • sharp pain;
  • swelling of the auricle;
  • various secretions;
  • violation of the perception of one's own voice;
  • hearing loss.

The disease occurs due to ear pollution, disruption of the natural microflora in the area of ​​the ear canal, mechanical damage, dermatitis, allergies and injuries. Low immunity contributes to the development of pathogenic microflora. To diagnose the disease, the doctor examines the ears, prescribes microscopy, otoscopy. Laboratory tests can help identify the type of fungus.

Based on the results of the examination, the doctor prescribes general and local therapy with antifungal drugs. Otomycosis treatment is a difficult, painstaking and not very pleasant experience. Prevention consists of maintaining ear hygiene.

Miniere's disease

The disease refers to non-inflammatory diseases of the inner ear. It is characterized by periodic attacks of dizziness, nausea or vomiting, tinnitus, imbalance, decreased hearing in one ear, increased irritability from loud sounds. Pathology develops due to diseases of individual systems and organs (allergic conditions, hypertension, hypotension, atherosclerosis, vegetative-vascular dystonia, hormonal disorders, menopause, various toxicosis, nicotine abuse).

Treatment consists in adherence to bed rest, salt-free diet, mustard foot baths are shown. For the purpose of stopping an acute attack, Syabro powder (caffeine-sodium benzoate, platifillin hydrotartrate, sodium bromide) is used. To prevent vomiting, drugs "Aminazin", "Ephedrine", "Diphenhydramine" are administered intravenously.

Traumatic disorders

Traumatic ear diseases are classified into two types - mechanical and acoustic. Also, injuries to the outer, middle and inner ear are distinguished.

The outer ear is most susceptible to mechanical stress, but at the same time, its damage is the least dangerous, since it rarely leads to damage to the deep structures of the hearing organs.

  1. gunshot wound;
  2. cuts;
  3. blows;
  4. falling;
  5. chemical and thermal burns;
  6. frostbite.

As a result of traumatic ear diseases, a person develops symptoms of the most diverse nature:

  • wounds;
  • hematomas;
  • breaks;
  • tumors;
  • pain;
  • bleeding.

Wounds are treated with antiseptic solutions - Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, hydrogen peroxide, Furacilin solution. If necessary, apply a bandage with Levomekol ointment to prevent infection. If the ear is torn or severely damaged, plastic surgery may be needed to restore the ear to its normal shape.


Although only the ears hurt with otitis media, complications with inadequate or lack of treatment can affect many organs. Incomplete treatment of otitis media leads to very terrible consequences - suppuration passes to the lower jaw, touching the salivary gland and often leading to disability.

But what makes otitis media even more dangerous is that this disease is not always easy to detect. For example, in some cases, the disease is not accompanied by acute pain in the ears. Often, due to otitis media, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted. This is because our abdominal region and ear are connected by the same nerve. Therefore, during otitis media, especially in a child, the intestines may swell, vomiting, and constipation may appear.

If a mother thinks that her child has just an upset of the gastrointestinal tract, and takes up self-treatment, then otitis media can develop into a more serious disease - otoanthritis. This is a situation in which pus passes into the behind-the-ear region and another inflammation joins, as a result of which the ears protrude outwardly, edema appears and the temperature rises again.

Other common complications of otitis media include the transition to the chronic stage, damage to the vestibular apparatus and hearing loss.

In addition, a complication of otitis media can be:

    Meningitis and other intracranial complications (brain abscess, encephalitis, hydrocephalus) - the stage following otoantritis, if measures are not taken in time;

    Facial nerve paresis;

    Rupture of the tympanic membrane and filling of the ear cavity with pus;

    Cholesteatoma - overlap of the auditory canal with a tumor-like cystic formation in the form of a capsule with dead epithelium and keratin;

    Mastoiditis - inflammation of the mastoid process, causing destruction of the auditory ossicles in the middle ear;

    Disorder of the gastrointestinal tract - bloating, vomiting, diarrhea;

    Persistent hearing impairment, hearing loss (up to complete deafness).

Chronic otitis media is extremely difficult to treat and greatly reduces the quality of life - hearing is impaired, there is a constant inflammatory process in the ears and suppuration occurs. Often, conservative treatment is not enough to get rid of chronic otitis media in adults, and you have to resort to surgery.

If you start treatment and do not pay attention to ear diseases, then there is a high risk of developing internal otitis media, which affects the peripheral vestibular apparatus, in the future this will be the main reason for complete hearing loss. Another name for the disease is labyrinthitis. In the presence of otitis media, several symptoms are distinguished:

  1. The head is spinning.
  2. Vomit.
  3. Nausea.
  4. Balance disturbances.
  5. Discharge of a purulent character.

In addition, an inflammatory disease that is not cured in time can develop into meningitis or acute mastoiditis. If you notice any of the listed symptoms, then do not try to cure the disease on your own, but immediately seek medical help.

Complications of ear diseases depend on the type of disease. Inflammatory processes lead to infection of other ENT organs, as a result of which pathologies such as sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis develop.

Complications of otitis media and fungal infections:

  1. Myringitis is a lesion of the tympanic membrane.
  2. Mastoiditis is an inflammation of the mastoid process.
  3. Labyrinthitis is an inflammation of the labyrinth.
  4. Facial nerve paralysis.
  5. Venous sinus thrombosis.
  6. Transition to a chronic form.
  7. Relapses.

With the wrong or untimely treatment of ear diseases, the infection enters the bloodstream and infects the internal organs. The greatest danger arises when the lining of the brain becomes infected - the risk of developing encephalitis, meningitis or brain abscess increases. That is why any manifestations of ear diseases require an immediate visit to an otolaryngologist.

Diseases of the human auricle lead to inflammation of the cartilage tissue and the development of perichondritis. A prolonged inflammatory process that affects the cartilage provokes necrotic changes, this can lead to deformation of the shell.

Some diseases of the human ear lead to partial or complete hearing loss, which can only be eliminated by a surgical method - stapedoplasty or hearing aids. And not in all cases a complete recovery is possible.

Internal otitis media

Internal otitis media is labyrinthitis. A similar inflammatory process can be acute or chronic. Infection can enter the inner ear in a variety of ways. With purulent inflammation - through the middle ear, with meningitis - through the meninges, with various kinds of infections - through the blood.

When the first symptoms appear, urgent hospitalization is required. Depending on the form of the disease, therapy can be both conservative and surgical.

For treatment, antibiotics ("Amoxiclav", "Ceftriaxone") and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ("Indomethacin", "Diclofenac") are used.

This article describes common human ear diseases (symptoms, causes, treatment principles). To prevent ailments of the organ of hearing, it is very important to observe hygiene and timely treat diseases of other organs that are close to the ear (pharynx, paranasal sinuses). If ear diseases still occur in people, you should not self-medicate - this can lead to serious consequences.

Preventive measures

Knowing the causes of ear problems can be avoided with simple precautions.

What rules need to be followed:

  • treat infections in a timely manner;
  • monitor the state of the oral cavity;
  • do not put sharp objects in your ears;
  • avoid getting water in your ears;
  • observe hygiene rules;
  • harden;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • properly handle wounds and insect bites.

Prevention of ear diseases is necessary for those who are prone to frequent colds or have chronic pathologies of an infectious nature. Special care should be taken by athletes, swimmers and those who work in hazardous industries. Patients with ear diseases should treat their pathologies by adhering to medical prescriptions, avoiding self-medication.

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