Who is the outstanding outfit admitting observer. Work in existing electrical installations must be carried out. Workers of blue-collar occupations involved in work with increased danger must

4.1 All work of increased danger is carried out according to a permit in accordance with the current safety rules. Responsible for the correct organization and safe performance of work in conditions of increased danger are:

Outstanding work permit;

Responsible leader;

Allowing to work;

Work contractor;

Work performers.

4.2 The outstanding work permit when performing work of increased danger is the engineering and technical personnel of the unit in which the work is performed, appointed by the order on the PC to which this unit belongs. The issuing work permit is appointed annually, at the beginning of the year.

This list of engineers and technicians should be revised when changing the production structure and job titles.

4.3 The issuing work permit appoints a responsible manager if it is required according to the list of works in conditions of increased danger. The issuing work permit determines the measures to ensure the safe performance of work and determines the need for measures in accordance with the requirements of the regulations of the protocols of mortal hazards (PSO) of the Safe Labor Project, appoints the admitting person (admitting) to work, acquaints him (them) with safety measures, provided for by the work permit, monitors their implementation and is responsible for the completeness of the safety measures specified in the work permit and the professional qualifications of the admitter (admitting) to work.

When performing work of increased danger by technological personnel, the issuing work permit appoints the manufacturer of the work and the members of the team, acquaints them with the safety measures provided for by the work permit, and is responsible for their professional qualifications.

When performing work of increased danger by the personnel of the non-technological service of the unit in which the work is carried out, the head of the organization performing this work is responsible for the professional qualifications of the manufacturer of the work and the members of the team.

4.4 The responsible manager may be appointed:

In the shops - the engineering and technical staff of the shop;

4.5 The responsible manager is obliged to ensure the safe performance of work and the timely withdrawal of workers according to the permit-admission to a safe place in the event of a danger in the area of ​​work.

4.6 Admitting to work on a permit-admission may be assigned:

In workshops - head of department, senior foreman (foreman), shift foreman;

In the contracting organization (when performing work at the facility of the complex, transferred under the certificate of admission) - employees of the contracting organization from among the engineering and technical workers.

4.7 Lists of officials who can be appointed admitting to work according to the permit are approved annually by the order for the shop, and agreed with the labor safety service.

4.8 When carrying out work in a shop, on a site that operates in several shifts, for the entire duration of the work permit, several persons are assigned to work according to the permit according to the number of shifts and exit schedules, and also in such cases, by decision of the administration of the complex, it is allowed combining in one person the two duties of the issuing work permit, the responsible manager and the one who admits to work.

These alignments are made by written order of the shop manager.

4.9 A person admitting to work before being admitted to work is obliged to instruct the manufacturer and performers of work (team members) about the specifics of work in this operating unit (workshop, department), directly at the place of work (a record of the briefing is made in clause 7.1 of the admission order) ...

4.10 Before the initial admission of the brigade to the performance of work, as well as in the case of a work permit extension every shift, the admitter determines (checks) the area of ​​work, and the manufacturer, as directed by the admitter, installs (checks) fences, dead ends, safety signs, signaling means and posters.

A person admitting to work on a permit-permit is obliged to check the correct and accurate implementation of technical measures to ensure the safety of work specified in the permit-permit, including:

Disconnection of the repaired facility from steam, water, gas, electrical power sources and installation of grounding;

Installation of plugs for all types of pipelines (communications), cleaning gas ducts and dust pipelines, blowing and steaming pipelines, cleaning equipment from dirt, dust, acid, oils, blowing and ventilating gas ducts and equipment;

Designation of the work area with fences, dead ends, safety signs, signaling devices and posters;

Performing other preparatory work, including JI activities.

4.11 Admitting to work on a permit-permit is not responsible for the correctness and completeness of the implementation of technical measures to ensure the safety of the work specified in the permit-order.

4.12 The following may be appointed as the work supervisor:

When the work is performed by the workshop personnel - the engineering and technical personnel of the workshop;

When performing work by a contractor, another enterprise - the engineering and technical staff of this organization, appointed by order for the enterprise;

In some cases, when performing work of increased danger, in agreement with the PC occupational safety service, the work producers may appoint supervisors or highly qualified workers (with the exception of work related to the use of hoisting machines) who have undergone special training according to the program approved by the chief technical leader for safety labor and safety precautions and agreed with the trade union committee of the complex (a typical program is given in Appendix G), who passed the exams in the PC commission (for contractors in the commission of the contractor) and received permission to manage repair, installation and construction work. At the same time, instruction on occupational safety before starting work for the members of the team working under the permit-admission is carried out by the line engineers;

Lists of officials who are appointed by the producers of work according to the permit must be agreed with the labor safety service;

When a contractor carries out work in several shifts, for the entire period of validity of the work permit, several work producers are assigned according to the number of shifts.

4.13 The contractor is responsible for:

For the completeness and quality of briefing on safety measures for team members during the performance of work at this facility (the briefing record is made out in clause 9 of the admission order table)

For their compliance with safety measures during repair work;

For the correct use of overalls and personal protective equipment;

For the serviceability of technical means of labor safety.

4.14 Performers, team members are responsible for:

For compliance with labor protection requirements and safety measures provided for by the work permit;

For the correct use of overalls and personal protective equipment during work;

For observance of labor and production discipline.

5 Registration of a permit-permit and performance of work

5.1 The work permit (Appendix I) is drawn up and registered in duplicate at the customer's workshop, where the work is supposed to be carried out in conditions of increased danger, or in the contractor organization, if the work is carried out at the facility, adopted under the permit act. The issuance of a permit-permit is registered by those admitting to work in a special "Log book for issuing permit-orders for work in conditions of increased danger" (Appendix K), entries in the log are made in accordance with the memo (Appendix L).

5.2 Magazines should be laced, numbered and sealed. The magazine should be located at the workplace of the person allowing to work.

5.3 The work permit is filled in without corrections and erasures, in compliance with the clarity and clarity of the records. All writing is done with a pen with a non-fading paste. Filling in all items and the work permit graph is made in accordance with the subscript text. In the paragraphs of the measures that, according to the production conditions, do not need to be performed, a dash is put or the entry "not required" is made.

5.4 Filling out the order - admission according to the points:

Items 1-6 are filled in by the issuing work permit, (Clause 3 may be filled in by a computer method. Only the issuing work permit has the right to make changes in clause 3, confirming the changes with his own signature);

Clause 7 shall be filled in by the first admitting to work and work contractor;

Clause 7.1 is filled in by the first admitting to work;

Clause 8 should be filled out only if the shift has ended for the technological personnel during the production of work under the permit-admission in the shop, and the repair personnel conducting these work under the permit-admission is still undergoing the change, while the admitting is obliged to warn the technological personnel , starting work, on carrying out work in conditions of increased danger according to the permit and agreeing the work permit with the admitting shift taking over to work;

Item 9 is completed by the contractor;

Clause 10 (extension of the work permit) is filled in by the work managers of the transferring and receiving shifts and allowing them to work, confirming the invariability of the safety conditions provided for in the work permit;

Paragraph 11 is filled in by the contractor and the admitting person to work.

5.5 Changes in the composition of the brigade are made by the issuing work permit with the appropriate registration in the work permit.

5.6 Work permit is issued for a period not exceeding five days. If the duration of the work is more than five days, the outfit - the admission is reissued.

5.7 Work permit is issued to perform work at one facility, at one technological unit.

5.8 In clause 5.10, the number of the ERP or the safety card, the order of performance of work (TAP), as well as with the simultaneous work of several contractors at one facility, before issuing work permits, the customer workshop, together with contractors, develops additional measures to ensure labor safety and includes them in clause 5.10. orders-tolerances.

5.9 Works performed near existing railways, highways, power lines, gas, heat pipelines and other existing open (hidden) communications and technologies, as well as all earthworks, must be previously agreed by the customer shop with organizations or workshops serving these objects, and the relevant documents (diagrams of communications of power grids and disconnection of equipment from operating units, indicating the location of the installation of connectors, plugs, fences, etc.), if necessary, should be attached to the permit.

5.10 Before starting work, the issued work permit must be signed:

Outstanding outfit - admission;

Admitting to work;

The manufacturer of the work.

5.11 Before starting work at the facility transferred to the contractor under the certificate of admission, the latter must be signed:

Head of the customer workshop;

Responsible representative of the contractor.

5.12 With the daily admission of the brigade to work, the admittancer to work hands over a completed copy of the permit - admission to the manufacturer of the work, and keeps the second completed copy of the order.

5.13 The admittancer must stop the performance of work, withdraw the work permit from the manufacturer of the work, if, before the end of the work under this permit:

Personnel accident has occurred;

Found violations of safety requirements by the personnel performing the work;

A blockage of the workplace, passages to fire hydrants, workshops, the area around and inside the workshops with various equipment, materials and construction waste was found;

An emergency situation has arisen;

It was found that the actual state of the conditions for the production of work did not correspond to the safety requirements provided for by the work permit;

When performing work near objects where a pre-emergency situation has arisen, which could lead to injury (poisoning) or other damage to the health of the operating personnel;

There was a need to connect at least part of the existing equipment or power communications in the work area (to the unit, system).

5.14 For the period of elimination of violations, a separate work permit is issued with a description of the necessary work to eliminate the identified violations and security measures during its implementation. In case of loss of a permit-permit (rendering it unusable), the work should be stopped. A new work permit must be issued to continue the work, and the admission to work must be renewed.

5.15 Every day at the end of the work, the work supervisor ensures the cleaning of workplaces, removes the team members from the place of work, and only after that draws up the closure of the work permit. The daily break in work and re-admission is formalized with the signatures of the admitting and the manufacturer of the work. There is no lunch break. In the event of a break in the work of more than one shift, the second admission is carried out after the admitting and the manufacturer of the work has checked the invariability of the conditions for the safe production of work specified in the work permit.

5.16 The closure of the work permit is drawn up with the signatures of the admitting to work and the work supervisor. The admittancer to work makes a note of the time of receipt of the work permit from the manufacturer of the work and ensures its storage in accordance with the established procedure. In the absence of an admitting person to work, the work permit is closed and signed by the issuing work permit and the work contractor.

5.17 Closed work permits are stored for one month in the department where the work was performed.

5.18 Closed work permits for work in conditions of increased danger, during the execution of which accidents and accidents occurred, should be stored in the archive of the complex with materials on investigation of accidents or accidents.

5.19 The management of the customer workshop has no right to authorize the operation of the equipment after repair until the return of the closed work permit by the work manufacturer.

Responsible for the safety of work, their rights and obligations

Responsible for the safety of work performed according to orders (orders) are:

issuing outfit giving orders;

performance Manager;

work manager;

the duty officer or a person from among the operational and repair personnel preparing the workplace;

admitting to work;


members of the brigade.

The issuing outfit, giving the order, establishes the necessity and possibility of the safe performance of this work and is responsible for the correctness and completeness of the security measures specified in the order. In addition, he is responsible for the appointment of a work manager in accordance with the lists approved in accordance with the established procedure, as well as for the appointment of an observer.

The work manager answers:

for the appointment of a work contractor in accordance with the approved lists;

for the size of the brigade, determined from the conditions for ensuring the possibility of supervision over it by the work supervisor (observer);

for the sufficient qualifications of workers included in the brigade;

for the completeness of instructing the work contractor and team members;

for the completeness and correctness of safety measures in the production process.

The work supervisor, together with the work supervisor, must accept the workplace from the admitting one and check the implementation of the safety measures specified in the order.

The work supervisor must periodically supervise the team's compliance with safety rules.

Specialists with sufficient qualifications may be appointed as job managers.

When working by order, the appointment of a work manager is optional. The need to appoint a work manager in this case is determined by the employee giving the order.

In case of repair work, the contractor is responsible for:

for compliance by himself and the team members with the requirements of the instructions for labor protection, the implementation of safety measures determined by the plans for the production of work, technological documents and technical conditions;

for the clarity and completeness of the instructions and instructions that he gives to the team members directly at the workplace;

for the presence, serviceability and use of tools, inventory, protective equipment, rigging devices;

for the safety of fences, safety signs, locking devices installed at the place of work.

The supervisor of the work, supervising the team, should not take direct part in the work if its implementation requires continuous supervision of the team members.

Employees of the enterprise and contractors who know the equipment on which the work will be performed and who are able to supervise the actions of the workers can be appointed as producers of work according to orders and orders.

Lists of workers who can be managers and producers of work according to orders and orders must be approved by the chief engineer (chief power engineer) of the enterprise and adjusted when their composition changes. Copies of these lists should be kept at the workplace of the shift supervisor (responsible personnel on duty).

The duty officer or a person from the operational and repair personnel who prepares the workplace is responsible for the correct and accurate implementation of measures for its preparation, determined by the higher duty personnel and the equipment operating instructions (disconnecting equipment, opening drains and air vents, tying fittings with chains, closing it with a lock , installation of fences, hanging of posters and safety signs, etc.).

The admitter answers:

for the correctness of the preparation of workplaces, the adequacy of the safety measures taken and their compliance with the nature and place of work;

for the correctness of admission to work and the completeness of instructing the work manager, work supervisor and supervisor.

The primary admission to work according to orders and orders must be made by the shift supervisor (in the absence of a shift supervisor, the senior duty officer) of the shop (site) or, with his permission, the subordinate personnel serving this equipment, according to the list approved by the chief engineer (chief power engineer) of the enterprise.

Admitting to the daily continuation of work on orders, as well as when transferring the brigade to another workplace with the permission of the shift supervisor (senior duty officer), may be:

duty personnel subordinate to him, servicing the equipment;

supervisor (manufacturer) of work when performing work on the heating network.

When performing work at remote sites, persons on duty at these sites may be assigned to the daily continuation of work.

It is allowed for one employee to combine the duties of two employees if he has the right to perform both of these duties. Such an employee must be included in each of the lists establishing these powers.

When performing work, one of the combinations of duties is allowed:

issuing an order (order) and work supervisor;

the manager and the manufacturer of the work, if only one outfit is issued for the manager;

work manager and admitting in heating networks.

An observer is appointed to supervise a team of construction workers, handymen, riggers, etc. when they perform work alongside or order in the immediate vicinity of the operating equipment.

The need to appoint an observer when performing the above work is determined by the issuing outfit.

Observers are appointed workers who have the right to be the producers of work, or from among the personnel on duty.

When assigning an observer, the surnames, initials, position of the work supervisor and in brackets - the observer are entered in the order line "To the workmaker (observer)". The observer signs on the line "Workmaster" after the signature of the workmaster.

Taking over from the admitting workplace, the supervisor checks the correctness of its preparation and the implementation of safety measures in accordance with these Rules.

The supervisor is responsible for the safety of the team members when they are exposed to production factors from the operating technological equipment (makes sure that the workers do not approach dangerous distances to the operating equipment and communications, ensures the safe passage of personnel to the workplace and the safety of fences and warning safety signs).

Responsible for the safety of workers in the performance of the work itself is the work manager, who must constantly be at the workplace.

An observer is prohibited from combining supervision with the performance of any other work.

The team members answer:

for compliance with the requirements of instructions on labor protection and instructions on safety measures received during instructions before admission to work and during work;

for the use of the issued protective equipment, overalls and the serviceability of the tools and devices used;

for strict adherence to work safety conditions.

V. Organizational measures to ensure the safe performance of work in electrical installations

Question... What organizational measures ensure the safety of work in electrical installations?

Answer. Such organizational activities include:

registration of an order, order or list of works performed in the order of current operation;

issuance of a permit for preparation of a workplace and for admission to work in the cases specified in clause 5.14 of the Rules; admission to work; supervision during work;

registration of a break in work, transfer to another place, completion of work (5.1).

Question... Who is responsible for the safe conduct of work on electrical installations?

Answer. The workers responsible for the safe conduct of work in electrical installations are:

issuing an order, giving orders, approving a list of works performed in the order of current operation;

issuing a permit for the preparation of the workplace and for admission in the cases specified in clause 5.14 of the Rules; responsible work manager; admitting; work manager; watching; team members (5.2)

Question... What are the duties and responsibilities of an employee issuing orders and orders for work in electrical installations?

Answer... The employee issuing the order, giving the order, determines the need and possibility of safe work. He is responsible for the sufficiency and correctness of the safety measures specified in the order (order), for the qualitative and quantitative composition of the team, consisting of two or more workers, including the work manager, and the appointment of those responsible for the safety of the work, for the compliance of the work performed by the groups of workers listed in the order , as well as for conducting targeted briefing to the responsible work supervisor (work manufacturer, supervising; 5.3).

Question... Who has the right to issue orders and orders for work in electrical installations?

Answer. The right to issue orders and orders is granted to employees from among the administrative and technical personnel of the organization who have group V - in electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V and group IV - in electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V.

In the absence of workers who have the right to issue orders and orders, when working to prevent accidents or eliminate their consequences, it is allowed to issue orders and orders by workers from among the operational personnel who have group IV. Granting operational personnel the right to issue orders and orders must be formalized in writing by the head of the organization (5.4).

Question... What is the responsibility of an employee issuing a permit for the preparation of workplaces and for admission to work in electrical installations?

Answer. An employee issuing a permit for the preparation of workplaces and for admission to work in electrical installations is responsible:

for giving commands to disconnect and grounding equipment and receive confirmation of their fulfillment, as well as independent actions to disconnect and grounding equipment in accordance with the measures for preparing the workplace, determined by the order (order), taking into account the actual scheme of electrical installations and the electrical network;

for the ability to safely disconnect, turn on and ground the equipment under its control;

for coordinating the time and place of the teams admitted to work in electrical installations, including accounting for the brigades, obtaining information from all teams admitted to work in electrical installations on the complete completion of work and the possibility of switching the electrical installation into operation;

for the correctness of these commands, independent actions to turn on the switching devices in terms of excluding the supply of voltage to the workplaces of the admitted teams (5.5).

Question... Who has the right to issue permits for the preparation of workplaces and admission to work in electrical installations?

Answer. The right to issue permits for preparation of workplaces and admission to work at power grid facilities is granted to operational personnel with group IV-V in accordance with job descriptions and distribution of equipment by methods of operational management.

It is allowed to grant the right to issue permits for the preparation of workplaces and admission to work at power grid facilities to employees from among the administrative and technical personnel authorized to do so by a written instruction of the head (executive officer) of the operating organization (separate subdivision) during the operation of electrical installations that are in the operational management of others subjects of the electric power industry (5.6).

Question... What are the functions of a responsible work manager?

Answer. The responsible work manager is responsible for the implementation of all measures specified in the order for preparation of the workplace and their sufficiency, for the additional safety measures taken by him, which are necessary according to the conditions of the work, for the completeness and quality of the target instruction of the brigade, including that carried out by the admitting and manufacturer of the work, and also for the organization of the safe conduct of work (5.7).

Question... Who can be appointed as the responsible work manager?

Answer... Responsible managers of work in electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V are assigned employees from among the administrative and technical personnel who have group V and group IV - in electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V. the work manager, the employee issuing the outfit must make a note about this in the line "Separate instructions" of the outfit, the form of which is presented in Appendix No. 7 to the Rules (5.7).

Question... In what cases is a responsible work manager appointed?

Answer. The issuing outfit has the right not to appoint a responsible work manager when performing work in a switchgear with a voltage higher than 1000 V with a single sectioned or non-sectioned bus system that does not have a bypass bus system, as well as on overhead lines, KVL and cable lines, all electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V (hereinafter - electrical installations with a simple and intuitive diagram).

The responsible work manager should be appointed when performing work in one electrical installation (outdoor switchgear, indoor switchgear): using mechanisms and hoisting machines; with the disconnection of electrical equipment, with the exception of work in electrical installations where the voltage is removed from all live parts (clause 6.8 of the Rules);

on cable lines and cable communication lines (CLS) in the areas of location of communications and heavy traffic;

installation and dismantling of all types of supports, replacement of overhead line support elements;

at the intersection of overhead lines with other overhead lines and transport highways, in the spans of the intersection of wires in the outdoor switchgear; to connect a newly constructed overhead line; on changing the connection diagrams of wires and cables of overhead lines; on a disconnected circuit of a multi-circuit overhead line, when one or all of the other circuits remain energized;

with the simultaneous work of two or more teams in an electrical installation;

for phase-by-phase repair of overhead lines; under induced voltage;

without removing the voltage on live parts with human isolation from the ground;

without removing voltage with temporary isolation of live parts for the duration of work without isolating a person from the ground and using special tools and devices for working under voltage, with the exception of work in secondary switching circuits;

on equipment and installations of communication facilities, dispatching and technological control facilities (SDTU), on the arrangement of mast crossings, testing of the CLS, when working with the equipment of unattended amplifying points (NUP) or unattended regeneration points (URP), on connection filters without turning on the grounding knife of the capacitor communication.

The need to appoint a responsible work manager is determined by the employee issuing the work order, who is allowed to appoint a responsible work manager, and for other work in electrical installations, in addition to those listed above (5.7).

Question... What are the duties and responsibilities of the admitter?

Answer. An employee from among the electrical personnel who prepares workplaces and (or) evaluates the adequacy of the measures taken for their preparation, instructs the team members and provides admission to work (hereinafter referred to as admitting), is responsible for the correctness and sufficiency of the safety measures taken by him for the preparation of workplaces and their compliance with the activities specified in the order or order, the nature and place of work, for the correct admission to work, as well as for the completeness and quality of the targeted instruction conducted by him.

Admitters must be appointed from among the operating personnel, with the exception of admission to the overhead line, subject to the conditions listed in paragraph 5.13 of the Rules. In electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V, the admitting one must have group IV, and in electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V - group III (5.8).

Question... What are the duties and responsibilities of the contractor?

Answer. The contractor answers:

for the presence, serviceability and correct use of the necessary protective equipment, tools, inventory and devices;

for the safety at the workplace of fences, posters (safety signs) intended to warn a person about a possible danger, prohibition or prescription of certain actions, as well as for information about the location of objects, the use of which is associated with the exclusion or reduction of the consequences of exposure to hazardous and (or) harmful production factors (hereinafter - posters, safety signs), grounding, locking devices;

for the safe conduct of work and compliance with the Rules by himself and the team members;

for the implementation of constant control over the members of the brigade.

The manufacturer of work performed alongside in electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V must have group IV, and in electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V - group III. When performing work in underground structures, where harmful gases may appear, work under voltage, work on hauling and replacing wires on overhead lines with voltages up to 1000 V, suspended on overhead lines with voltages above 1000 V, the manufacturer of the work must have group IV.

The manufacturer of work performed by order must have group III when working in all electrical installations, except for the cases specified in clauses 7.7, 7.13, 7.15, 25.5, 39.21 of the Rules (5.9).

Question... What are the duties and responsibilities of the proctor?

Answer. An employee from among the electrical personnel who supervises teams that do not have the right to independently perform work in electrical installations (hereinafter - the observer) is responsible:

for the compliance of the prepared workplace with the measures necessary for the preparation of workplaces and individual instructions of the order;

for the clarity and completeness of the targeted briefing of the team members;

for the presence and safety of groundings, fences, posters and safety signs, locking devices of drives installed at the workplace;

for the safety of the team members in relation to electric shock of the electrical installation.

An employee with group III (5.10) is assigned as observers.

Question... What are the duties and responsibilities of the team members?

Answer. Responsible for safety related to work technology is the employee who heads the team, who is part of it and must constantly be at the workplace. His surname is indicated in the line "Separate instructions" of the order (5.10).

A team member is responsible for compliance with the requirements of these Rules, the OSH instructions of the relevant organizations and instructions received upon admission to work and during work (5.11).

Question... How is the granting of rights to workers responsible for the safe performance of work in electrical installations formalized?

Answer... The granting of rights to workers issuing an outfit, an order issuing a permit for preparation of a workplace and admission in the cases specified in clause 5.14 of the Rules, to an admitting responsible work supervisor, a work supervisor (supervisor), as well as the right of sole inspection must be issued by the relevant OSA (5.12 ).

Question... In what cases are workers responsible for safe work in electrical installations allowed to perform additional duties?

Answer. Such workers are allowed to perform one of the additional duties in accordance with table No. 2.

It is lawful for the employee to fulfill the duties of an admitting and issuing permit for preparation of the workplace and admission to work, provided that the admitting rights of operational control of equipment, which must be disconnected and grounded in accordance with safety measures for the production of work, and the rights to conduct operational negotiations with workers performing the necessary shutdowns and grounding of equipment at facilities that are not in the operational control of the admitting one.

An admitting agent from among the operational personnel has the right to perform the duties of a member of the brigade.

On overhead lines of all voltage levels, the responsible manager or the manufacturer of work from among the repair personnel is allowed to perform the duties of the admitting one in cases where, in order to prepare the workplace, it is only necessary to check the absence of voltage and install portable grounding at the work site without operations with switching devices (5.13).

Table No. 2

Additional responsibilities of workers responsible for the safe conduct of work

Question... In what cases is it required to issue a permit for preparation of a workplace and admission to work?

Answer. The issuance of a permit for the preparation of a workplace and admission are carried out when it is necessary to make disconnections and grounding of electrical installations related to the objects of the electric grid economy, which are in operation by the subjects of the electric power industry or other owners, in respect of which operational management is carried out in the provision of services for the transmission of electrical energy to consumers (5.14).

Question... How are the size and composition of the brigade determined?

Answer. The size of the brigade and its composition should be determined taking into account the qualifications of the members of the brigade in electrical safety, based on the conditions for performing the work, as well as the possibility of ensuring supervision of the members of the brigade by the work supervisor (observer).

A member of the team led by the manufacturer of the work, when performing work, must have group III, with the exception of performing work on the overhead line in accordance with paragraph 38.23 of the Rules, which must be followed by a member of the team who has group IV.

For each employee with group III, it is allowed to include one employee with group II in the composition of the brigade, but the total number of members of the brigade with group II should not exceed three (5.15).

The operational personnel on duty, with the permission of an employee from among the higher operational personnel, are allowed to be involved in work in the brigade with an entry in the operational log and registration in the order (5.16).

Vi. Organization of work in electrical installations with registration of a work permit

Question... How is the admission order issued?

Answer. The outfit is made out in two copies. When transmitted by phone, the radio outfit is issued in triplicate. In the latter case, the employee issuing the outfit draws up one copy, and the employee who receives the text in the form of a telephone message or radio message, fax or e-mail, fills in two copies of the outfit and, after checking, indicates his surname and initials at the place of signature of the issuer of the outfit, confirming the correctness of his entry. signature. The outfit is also allowed to be issued electronically and sent by e-mail.

In cases where the work manager is appointed simultaneously admitting, the outfit, regardless of the method of its transfer, is filled in in two copies, one of which remains with the issuing outfit.

Depending on local conditions (the location of the control room), one copy of the order remains with the employee issuing the permit for preparation of the workplace and admission, or with the dispatcher (6.1).

The number of orders issued for one responsible work manager is determined by the employee issuing the order.

The issuing outfit has the right to issue to the admitting and the manufacturer of the work (observer) several orders and orders at once for alternate admission and work on them (6.2).

It is allowed to issue an outfit for a period not exceeding 15 calendar days from the date of commencement of work. The outfit is allowed to be renewed 1 time for a period not exceeding 15 calendar days. During breaks in work, the outfit remains valid (6.3).

An employee who issued the outfit or another employee who has the right to issue an order for work in this electrical installation has the right to extend the outfit.

Permission to extend the work order is transmitted by phone, radio or with a messenger to the admitting, responsible manager or manufacturer of the work. In this case, the admitting, responsible manager or manufacturer of the work, by his signature, indicates in the attire the surname and initials of the employee who extended the attire (6.4).

Question... How are orders stored and recorded?

Answer. The outfits, the work on which is completely completed, must be stored for 30 days, after which they can be destroyed. If during the performance of work on orders there were accidents, incidents or accidents, these orders should be stored in the archive of the organization along with the investigation materials (6.5).

Accounting for work on orders and orders is kept in the appropriate journal, the form of which is presented in Appendix No. 8 to the Rules. Issuance and filling out of a work order, maintaining a log of work on orders and orders is allowed in electronic form using automated systems and using an electronic signature in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

It is allowed to keep records of work on orders and orders in a different way established by the head of the organization, while maintaining the composition of the information contained in the register of work on orders and orders (6.6).

Question... How is the registration of orders carried out?

Answer. Regardless of the procedure adopted in the organization for accounting for work on orders and orders, the fact of admission to work must be recorded in an entry in an operational document, in which events and actions to change the operational state of electrical equipment equipment, issued (received) commands, orders, permits, are documented in chronological order, performance of work according to orders, orders, in the order of current operation, acceptance and delivery of the shift or duty (hereinafter referred to as the operational log).

When performing work alongside in the operational log, a record is made about the primary and daily admissions to work (6.6).

Question... In what cases is it allowed to issue one order for one or several workplaces?

Answer... The outfit is allowed to be issued for one or more workplaces in the electrical circuit (equipment and buses) of the same purpose, name and voltage connected to the buses of the switchgear, generator, switchboard, assembly and located within the power plant, substation (hereinafter referred to as connection), taking into account the requirements, specified in clauses 6.8, 6.9, 6.11, 6.12, 6.14 of the Rules.

Electric circuits of different voltages of one power transformer (regardless of the number of windings), one two-speed electric motor are considered one connection. In polygon diagrams, one-and-a-half diagrams, all switching devices and buses, through which this line or transformer are connected to the RU (6.7), belong to the connection of the line, the transformer.

In electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V, where the voltage is removed from all live parts, including from the inputs of overhead lines and cable lines, and the entrance to neighboring electrical installations is locked (assemblies and shields up to 1000 V can remain energized), it is allowed to issue one outfit for simultaneous operation on busbars and all connections.

In electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V, with the voltage completely removed from all live parts, it is allowed to issue one order for performing work on the busbars of switchgear, switchboards, assemblies, as well as on all connections of these installations simultaneously (6.8).

When units (boilers, turbines, generators) and individual process units (ash removal systems, network heaters, crushing systems) are taken out for repair, it is allowed to issue one work order for all (or part) of the electric motors of these units (installations) and one work order for work in RU at all (or part) connections supplying the electric motors of these units (installations).

It is allowed to issue one outfit only for operation on electric motors of the same voltage and connections of one RU (6.9).

When working one at a time on electric motors and their connections in a switchgear equipped with switchgear cabinets, the transfer from one workplace to another is not required, it is allowed to disperse the team members to different workplaces. In a RU of a different design, the admission and work on the connections of electric motors must be carried out with the registration of a transfer from one workplace to another (6.10).

In switchgears with a voltage of 3-110 kV with a single bus system and any number of sections, when one of the sections with connections is taken out for repair, it is completely allowed to issue one outfit for working on the buses and on all (or part) of the connections of this section. Dispersal of team members to different workplaces within this section is allowed (6.11).

Question... In what cases is it allowed to issue one order for the simultaneous or alternate performance of work at different workplaces?

Answer. One outfit for the simultaneous or alternate performance of work at different workplaces of the same electrical installation may be issued in the following cases:

when laying and re-laying power and control cables, testing electrical equipment, checking protection devices, measurements, blocking, electrical automation, telemechanics, communications;

when repairing switching devices of one connection, including when their drives are located in another room;

when repairing a separate cable in a tunnel, collector, well, trench, foundation pit;

when repairing cables (no more than two), carried out in two pits or switchgear and a nearby pit, when the location of the workplaces allows the contractor to supervise the team.

At the same time, it is allowed to disperse the members of the brigade to different workplaces. Registration in the order of transfer from one workplace to another is not required (6.12).

When carrying out work in accordance with clauses 6.8, 6.9, 6.11, 6.12 of the Rules, all workplaces must be prepared before the crew is admitted to the first workplace.

Preparation for switching on any of the connections, including testing of electric motors, is not allowed until the completion of work along the line.

In the case of dispersal of the members of the brigade in different workplaces, one or more members of the brigade who have group III are allowed to stay separately from the work manager.

Team members, who are to be separate from the work supervisor, must be brought to the workplace and instructed on the safety measures that must be observed when performing work (6.13).

It is allowed to issue one outfit for alternately carrying out the same type of work on several electrical installations intended for the conversion and distribution of electrical energy (hereinafter - substations) or several connections of one substation.

Such works include: wiping of insulators; tightening of contact connections, sampling and adding oil; switching of taps of transformer windings; checking of relay protection devices, electrical automatics, measuring instruments; test with increased voltage from an external source; checking insulators with a measuring rod; finding the place of damage to the cable line. The validity of such an outfit is 1 day.

The admission for each substation and for each connection is drawn up in the corresponding column of the order.

Each of the substations is allowed to be put into operation only after the complete completion of work on it (6.14).

Question... How is work organized on sections of overhead lines in RU?

Answer. Work on the sections of the overhead line located on the territory of the RU should be carried out according to the orders issued by the personnel serving the overhead line. When working on an end support, the local operating personnel must instruct the team to lead them to this support. In electrical installations that do not have local operating personnel, the manufacturer of the line crew is allowed to receive the key from the switchgear and independently go to the support.

When working on open switchgear portals, indoor switchgear buildings, roofs of outdoor complete switchgears (KRUN), the admission of the line brigade with the necessary registration in the outfit must be carried out by an admitting one from among the operational personnel serving the switchgear.

The manufacturer of work with a line brigade has the right to leave the RU independently, and individual members of the brigade - in the manner prescribed by paragraph 11.3 of the Rules (6.15).

Question... How is work organized at CL sites in RU?

Answer. Work on the end couplings and terminations of cable lines located in the switchgear must be performed according to the orders issued by the personnel serving the switchgear. If RU and KL belong to different organizations, then these works are carried out in accordance with the requirements set out in Chapter XLVI of the Rules.

In these cases, the admission to work on the cable lines is carried out by the personnel serving the reactor.

Work on cable lines passing through the territory and in cable facilities of the switchgear must be carried out according to orders issued by the personnel serving the cable lines. Permission to work is carried out by the personnel serving the cable line, after obtaining permission from the operating personnel serving the RU (6.16).

Question... How is work organized on communication devices located in RU?

Answer. Work on communication devices located in the RU is carried out according to orders issued by the personnel of the SDTU service. It is allowed to issue such orders by personnel serving the reactor plant. Exceptions are work on communication capacitors and high-frequency interceptors, which should be carried out only in accordance with orders issued by workers serving the reactor.

Preparation of workplaces and admission to work in SDTU devices located in the RU is performed by the personnel serving the RU (6.17).

Question... How is the work on the overhead line organized?

Answer. For each overhead line, and for a multi-circuit overhead line and for each circuit, a separate outfit is issued. It is allowed to issue one order for several overhead lines (circuits) in the following cases:

during work, when the voltage is removed from all circuits, or during work under voltage, when the voltage is not removed from any circuit of the multi-circuit overhead line;

when working on overhead lines at their intersection;

when working on overhead lines with voltage up to 1000 V, performed alternately, if the transformer stations or complete transformer stations from which they are powered are disconnected;

for works of the same type on non-current-carrying parts of several overhead lines that do not require their disconnection (6.18).

The order must indicate whether the overhead line being repaired is under induced voltage, as well as overhead lines crossing the line being repaired, which must be disconnected and grounded (with the installation of grounding in accordance with Chapter XXII of the Rules). The same indication should be included in the outfit regarding the overhead lines passing near the repaired one, if their shutdown is required by the working conditions. In this case, the grounding of overhead lines crossing the repaired or passing nearby must be performed before admission to work. It is not allowed to remove grounding from them until the completion of work.

If the overhead line belongs to other organizations, their shutdown must be confirmed by the operating personnel of the overhead line owner (6.19).

When repairing overhead lines by phase, an outfit is issued for work only on the site of one step of the transposition.

On disconnected overhead lines, it is allowed to disperse the brigade on a site with a length of no more than 2 km, with the exception of work on the installation and dismantling of wires (cables) within

longer anchor span. In this case, the length of the work site of one brigade has the right to determine the issuing outfit.

When working on live parts under voltage, the team must be on one support (in one intermediate span) or on two adjacent supports (6.20).

When working one at a time alongside in different sections, overhead transmission line supports, the transfer of the brigade from one workplace to another in the order is not drawn up (6.21).

Organizational activities include:

1) registration of work by a work permit, order or list of work performed in the order of current operation;

2) admission to work;

3) supervision during work;

4) registration of work breaks, transfers to another workplace, work completion.

Outfit - this is a task for the production of work, drawn up on a special form of the established form and determining: content, place of work, start and end times of work, conditions for safe work, the composition of the team and persons responsible for the safety of work.

Along with that, work can be carried out in electrical installations, performed:

1) with stress relief;

2) without removing the voltage on live parts and near them;

3) on the overhead line additionally - without removing the voltage away from live parts that are energized:

With a rise above 3 meters from ground level, counting from the feet of a person;

With disassembly of structural parts of the support;

With the excavation of support racks to a depth of more than 0.5 meters;

Using mechanisms and lifting machines in the protected area;

On clearing the overhead line route, when it is required to take measures to prevent the falling trees from falling onto the wires;

Clearing the 0.4-10 kV route, when the cutting of branches and twigs is associated with a dangerous approach of people to the wires or with the possibility of branches and twigs falling onto the wires.

4) in electrical installations, cable lines and substations additionally - without removing the voltage away from live parts that are energized, when the installation of temporary fences is required;

With the use of mechanisms and lifting machines in RU.

Order - this is a task for the production of work, which determines its content, place, time, security measures (if required) and the persons entrusted with its implementation.

The order has a one-time character, its validity period is determined by the duration of the working day of the executors.

If it is necessary to repeat or continue the work when its conditions or the composition of the brigade change, the order must be given again with registration in the operational log.

By order, the following can be performed:

1) work without removing the voltage away from live parts that are energized, with a duration of no more than one shift;

2) work caused by production needs, lasting up to 1 hour;

3) work with voltage removal in electrical installations up to 1000 V with a duration of no more than one shift.

Organizational measures to ensure the safety of work are the same as for work alongside.

Work, the performance of which is provided by order, at the discretion of the person issuing the outfit, can be performed along the line.

Current operation - this is the conduct by the operational (operational-repair) personnel independently on the site assigned to him during one shift of work according to the list compiled by the person responsible for the electrical system and approved by the chief engineer of the enterprise.

In the order of current operation, the following can be carried out:

1) work without removing the voltage away from live parts that are energized (cleaning premises, indoor switchgear to a permanent fence, behind relay protection and automation panels, cleaning and landscaping the outdoor switchgear area, mowing grass, snow removal, driving through the territory of outdoor switchgear of cars, transportation of goods, loading , unloading them, repair of lighting equipment, replacement of lamps, repair of telephone communication equipment, maintenance of electric motor brushes and their replacement, maintenance of rings and EM collector, renewal of inscriptions on fences, casings);

2) work with the removal of voltage in electrical installations up to 1000 V (repair of magnetic starters, start buttons, circuit breakers, knife switches, rheostats, contactors, provided they are installed outside shields and assemblies, repair of individual electrical receivers (electric motors, electric heaters), separately located magnetic stations, control units, change of fuses, repair of lighting wiring, repairs performed in electrical installations with one-way power supply)

Such work has the right to be carried out by 2 persons with the second and third groups on electrical safety.

The types of work included in the list are permanently permitted, they do not require the execution of any orders.

Persons responsible for the safe conduct of work, their rights and obligations.

According to PTB, those responsible for the safety of work in electrical installations are:

1) the person issuing the outfit, giving the order;

2) admitting;

3) the responsible work manager;

4) the manufacturer of the work;

5) observer;

6) members of the brigade.

Person issuing the outfit, giving the order:

a) from among the administrative electrical personnel with a group of at least V in electrical installations above 1000V, with a group of at least IV in electrical installations up to 1000V.

b) in the absence of persons from the administrative electrical personnel who have the right to issue an order or order to work to prevent an accident and eliminate its consequences - the right is granted to the operating personnel of all substations and operational field teams with a group of at least IV.

c) during the production of emergency work in electrical installations of enterprises by duty teams of city networks or REU - in the absence of the persons specified in paragraph a) - the duty or operational-repair personnel of the enterprise have the right to issue an order at the direction of the person responsible for the electrical equipment of the electrical installation.

d) the right to give orders according to the list approved by those responsible for the electrical facilities is also provided to persons from the operating personnel with a group of at least IV.

The person who determines the need and scope of work is responsible for:

The possibility of its safe execution;

Adequacy of qualifications of responsible persons;

is obliged to determine the content of the line of the order "separate instructions".

Admitting - the responsible person from the operating personnel, group at least IV in electrical installations above 1000V, not lower than III - in electrical installations up to 1000V is responsible for:

Correctness of implementation of safety measures necessary for admission and performance of work, their sufficiency and compliance with the nature and place of work;

Correctness of admission to work, acceptance of a workplace at the end of work with registration in orders or magazines.

If there is any doubt about the possibility of safely performing work according to this order, order, or the sufficiency and correctness of the measures specified in the order for preparing the workplace, this training should be stopped.

Responsible manager - a person from electrical personnel with group V, accepting a workplace from an admitting person and carrying out admission, is equally responsible for the correct preparation of the workplace, the adequacy of the safety measures taken, including those provided for in the column "Separate instructions".

He is forbidden to take direct part in work on orders, except for cases when he combines the duties of a work supervisor. The need for his appointment is determined by the issuing outfit.

The appointment is not required when working alongside in electrical installations up to 1000V and according to orders.

Work Producer carried out alongside in electrical installations above 1000V must have a group not lower than IV, in electrical installations up to 1000V - not lower than III, by order - in all electrical installations not lower than III

When accepting a workplace from an admitting person, the contractor is responsible for the correct preparation of the workplace, for the implementation of the necessary safety measures.

Obliged to instruct the brigade on safety measures and ensure their implementation. Observes the PTB himself and is responsible for their observance by the members of the brigade, monitors the serviceability of instructions, rigging, repair equipment; ensure that the installed fences, posters, grounding are not removed or rearranged.

Watching - assigned to team oversight construction workers, handymen, riggers and others from not electrical personnel when they perform work in electrical installations according to orders and orders.

Overseeing electrical personnel, including on a business trip, is appointed in the event of work in electrical installations under especially dangerous conditions, determined by the person responsible for the electrical equipment.

Monitors the presence of installed grounding, fences, posters, locking devices and is responsible for electrical safety in electrical installations.

Responsible for safety related to work technology is the person who heads the team, who must be part of it and constantly be at the workplace.

It is forbidden to combine supervision with the performance of any work and leave the brigade unsupervised during work.

Observers - persons with a group of at least III.

The list of persons who have the right to issue orders, orders, be a responsible manager, manufacturer, supervise, is established by the order of the person responsible for the electrical equipment.

Brigade members - are obliged to comply with the PTB rules and instructions received upon admission to work and during work.

It is allowed to combine the duties of one of two persons:

1) issuing the outfit;

2) a responsible manager;

3) the manufacturer of the work.

This person must have a group not lower than that required for persons whose duties he combines.

When working alongside in electrical installations with voltages above 1000V without permanent maintenance personnel, persons from the operational and repair personnel are allowed to combine the duties of an admitting and responsible manager.

In electrical installations up to 1000V - the manufacturer of the work and the admitting one. An admitting person and a member of the brigade - when working on orders.

On overhead lines up to and above 1000V, it is allowed to combine the duties of the manufacturer and the admitting one in all cases.

The order of issuing the order:

In duplicate. Clear, clear, no fixes. It is possible by phone (then in 3 copies) with a reverse check (dictated by the issuer from an already completed order).

One copy is issued to the manufacturer immediately before the start of work.

When expanding the workplace, changing the number of workplaces, a new outfit should be issued. The team must consist of at least two people.

The composition of the brigade defines an outstanding outfit. The number, qualifications of the team members - subject to the conditions.

In a brigade led by the manufacturer, for one member of the brigade with group III, 1 person with group I can be included, but not more than two.

Operational personnel can be included in the repair team with the permission of higher operational personnel without being included in the work order, with an entry in the operational log.

Changes in the composition of the ordered team are prohibited.

Crew admission to work.

Before the admission, the contractor and the responsible manager, together with the admitting one, check the implementation of technical measures.

After checking and instructing the brigade, the responsible manager signs the outfit.

The admitter checks:

1) the conformity of the composition of the brigade and the qualifications of the persons included in it, entries in the attire (if the admitting does not know the names, the check is carried out according to personal certificates);

2) reads along with the names of the responsible persons, the content of the assigned work, explains to the brigade where the voltage was removed from, where the grounding was applied, which parts of the repaired and neighboring connections remained energized, what special conditions of work must be observed, indicates to the brigade the boundaries of the workplace, makes sure, that everything stated to the brigade is clear;

3) proves to the brigade that there is no voltage: in electrical installations> 35 kV - by showing imposed portable groundings, in electrical installations up to 35 kV where grounding is not visible from the place of work - by touching live parts with a hand after preliminary checking the absence of voltage with a pointer or a bar;

4) hands over the workplace to the work manufacturer, which, indicating the date and time in both outfits, is drawn up with the signatures of the admitting and the manufacturer of the work.

The admission must be carried out directly at the workplace.

One copy - to the manufacturer, the second - from the operational personnel in the folder of the current orders.

The time of admission and completion of work, indicating the order number and the content of the work, is entered into the operational log.

The right of secondary admission on the following days is granted to the responsible manager, and in his absence - to the manufacturer of work with a group of at least IV - in electrical installations up to 1000V, and in electrical installations above 1000V - not lower than group V.

Supervision during work.

The observer is constantly at the workplace from the moment of admission and in the most critical areas of work. It is prohibited to combine supervision with other work.

If it is necessary to leave, the manufacturer (observer) (if he cannot be replaced by the responsible manager, the manufacturer who issued the outfit, or a person from the operational personnel) is obliged to withdraw the brigade from the RU, lock the door behind him, take a break in the outfit.

The responsible manager and operational personnel must periodically check the compliance with the safety regulations by the workers; if violations are found, the outfit is taken from the manufacturer and the team is removed from the workplace. After the elimination of violations, the brigade is again allowed by the operational personnel in the presence of the responsible manager with the registration of admission in the attire.

Changes in the composition of the brigade.

Allowed only when working alongside. Changes are drawn up in the order by the issuer, in his absence - by the person who has the right to issue in this electrical installation.

The manufacturer is obliged to instruct the employees assigned to the team.

If the team is replaced by more than 50%, or the leader, or the manufacturer, a new outfit must be issued.

Registration of work breaks.

There are two types:

1) during the working day (lunch, according to the terms of the work). In this case, the brigade must be withdrawn from the RU. Posters, fences, grounding remain in place. The outfit remains with the manufacturer of the work. No one has the right to enter RU without a work contractor. No admission is made;

2) posters at the end of the working day. In this case of grounding, the guards remain in place. The end of the working day is signed by the work contractor.

In electrical installations with permanent operating personnel, the outfit is handed over every day to a person from the operating personnel and is drawn up with their signatures in the order. In electrical installations without permanent operating personnel - it is left in the folder of current orders (only the signature of the work manufacturer is allowed).

The next day, the place of work is inspected and the implementation of safety measures is checked by the admitting or responsible manager or manufacturer of the work. The signatures of the admitting and the manufacturer of the works are put.

Transfer of the brigade to another workplace.

It can only be carried out when working alongside.

Work at several workplaces of the same connection one at a time can be carried out under the following conditions:

1) all workplaces of this connection are prepared by operational personnel and accepted by the work manager and the responsible manager before the start of work;

2) the contractor with the team is admitted to one of the joining workstations;

3) in electrical installations with permanent operational personnel, the transfer of the brigade to another workplace is carried out by an admitting person;

4) in electrical installations without permanent operational personnel, the transfer of the brigade to another workplace in the absence of an admitting person is made by the responsible manager;

5) the transfer of the brigade to a new workplace is made out in table 3 of the order "Daily admission to work and its completion" and if the transfer is carried out by the responsible manager, he signs in the table instead of the admitting one.

Completion of work.

After the complete completion of the work, the workplace is put in order, accepted by the responsible manager, who, after the brigade is withdrawn by the manufacturer, signs the order and hands it over to the operational personnel, or leaves it in the folder of the current orders.

The outfit can be closed after inspection by the operating personnel of the equipment and place of work, checking the absence of people, foreign objects, tools and with proper cleanliness.

Closing the order.

The closure of the order is made out by an entry in the operational journal.

When performing work on one connection by several teams, the outfit can be closed at the end of the work by one team with an indication in the order "groundings are left for work alongside No. ...".

The order is closed after the following are successively executed:

1) removal of temporary barriers and the removal of posters "Work here", "Get in here";

2) removal of grounding with verification in accordance with the accepted accounting procedure;

3) Installation of permanent fences and removal of other posters posted prior to commencement of work.

Insulation testing of repaired equipment immediately before switching on is carried out, if necessary, before removing temporary fences and warning posters, immediately after removing portable grounding.

The equipment can only be switched on after closing the order.

If, on a disconnected connection, work was performed on several orders, then it can be included in the work only after all orders are closed.

Validity the order is established up to 5 days, except for the work of the same type of operational at several substations, at one or several connections of each substation (wiping the insulation, tightening the clamps, checking the relay protection and automation devices, measuring instruments, testing with increased voltage, checking the insulators with a measuring rod). The validity of such an outfit is one day.

During breaks in work, the order remains valid if the schemes were not restored and the conditions for the production of work remained unchanged.

Control for the correctness of the registration of orders is carried out by the person who issued them, and by persons from the leading electrical personnel periodically by random check.

The outfits, the work on which is fully completed, must be stored for 30 days, after which they must be destroyed.

If during the execution of work on the orders there were accidents or electrical injuries, then these orders should be stored in the archive of the enterprise.

The injury rate in the construction industry is one of the highest. An essential role in the prevention of accidents is played by training in safe work performance for blue-collar workers.

Safety precautions are a set of measures and means that should prevent exposure of workers to harmful and hazardous production factors. In other words, these measures are designed to protect employees from industrial injuries.

Basic requirements for the construction site

Before starting work:

  • Fencing of the territory;
  • Clearing the territory;
  • Arrangement of temporary roads (if necessary). Even temporary roads must meet certain requirements - SNiP. Also, if necessary, road signs are installed;
  • Temporary communications device (power supply, lighting, water supply);
  • Placement of buildings and structures (sanitary and domestic, administrative), storage areas for materials and structures.

Preparatory work is accepted according to an act drawn up in accordance with Appendix I SNiP 12-03-2001.

Organizational arrangements BEFORE the start of work (each type of work):

  • Establishing the boundaries of the territory that is allocated to the contractor;
  • Carrying out the necessary preparatory work in this area (see above);
  • Determination of the procedure for admitting contractor employees to the construction site;
  • Determination of the area of ​​combined works;
  • Determination of the order of performance of work in the area of ​​combined work.

During construction:

General requirements:

  • The admission to the territory of unauthorized persons and persons not employed in the process of work on the site is prohibited;
  • When on the territory of the construction site, employees must wear protective helmets;
  • Employees, being at the construction (production) site, “are obliged to comply with the internal labor regulations adopted in this organization”;
  • At air temperatures below ten degrees Celsius (outdoors or in unheated rooms), workers must be provided with rooms for heating;
  • Wells, pits, and other recesses should be covered with covers, shields or fenced off;
  • The width of the aisles on the sites: not less than 0.6 m;
  • Inspection of the instrument is carried out at least once every ten days, as well as immediately before use;
  • When working with concrete mixtures with chemical additives, harmful paints (other hazardous substances), it is necessary to use protective equipment for hands and eyes - glasses, gloves;
  • When cleaning plastered surfaces, it is necessary to use respirators, goggles.

Basic requirements for the production of work during construction:

  • Full compliance with the sequence according to POS, PPR. Completion of the previous work is a necessary condition for the preparation and implementation of subsequent ones;
  • For the production of combined work, additional measures are being developed. The combined work is carried out according to the plan developed by the general contractor (together with the contractors);
  • Construction and installation works are carried out when performing the activities provided for by the certificate of admission (Appendix B to SNiP 12-03-2001);
  • High-risk works are carried out according to the permit.

Registration of an admission order

The work permit is drawn up before the start of construction and installation work by the general contractor (subcontractor) and the administration of the organization operating (building) this facility.

The general contractor or lessor, when performing work on production sites with the participation of subcontractors or tenants, is obliged to:

develop, together with them, a schedule for the implementation of combined work (which includes work performed simultaneously at one facility in two or more levels in height by one or more work producers), ensuring safe working conditions, mandatory for all organizations and persons in a given territory;

ensure the implementation of labor protection measures common for all organizations and the coordination of the actions of subcontractors and tenants in terms of the implementation of labor safety measures in accordance with the permit and schedule for the combined work.

The work permit is issued to the immediate supervisor of the work (foreman, foreman, manager, etc.) by a person authorized by order of the head of the organization. Before starting work, the work manager is obliged to familiarize employees with the production safety measures and issue instructions with a record in the work permit.

When performing work in the security zones of structures (communications), a work permit can be issued only with the written permission of the organization - the owner of this structure (communications).

The work permit is issued for the period necessary to complete a given amount of work. In the event that hazardous or harmful production factors arise in the course of work, which are not provided for by the work permit, the work should be stopped, the work permit should be canceled. The resumption of work is carried out after the issuance of a new work permit.

The person who issued the work permit is obliged to monitor the implementation of the prescribed measures to ensure the safety of work.

An approximate list of works for the performance of which a work permit is issued:

  • performance of work with the use of cranes and other construction machines in the security zones of overhead power lines, gas and oil product pipelines, warehouses of flammable or flammable liquids, flammable or liquefied gases;
  • performing any work in wells, pits, confined and hard-to-reach spaces;
  • excavation work in areas with pathogenic soil contamination (landfills, cattle burial grounds, etc.), in protective zones of underground electrical networks, gas pipelines and other hazardous underground communications;
  • the implementation of current repairs, dismantling of equipment, as well as the production of repair or any construction and installation work in the presence of hazardous factors of the operating enterprise;
  • performance of work in areas where there is or may arise a danger from adjacent areas of work;
  • performance of work in the immediate vicinity of the carriageway or bed of operated roads and railways (determined taking into account the current regulatory documents on labor safety of the relevant ministries and departments);
  • performance of gas hazardous work.

Workers of blue-collar occupations involved in work with increased danger must:

  • have professional training and qualifications appropriate to the nature of the work performed;
  • pass a health check and have no medical contraindications for performing work in the main and combined professions;
  • pass the knowledge test of the requirements of labor protection instructions for the main and combined professions;
  • be admitted to independent work in the main and combined professions;
  • undergo targeted briefing in accordance with the work permit and follow the instructions received.

In accordance with the legislation, additional safety requirements are imposed on workers performing work in conditions of hazardous production factors associated with the nature of the work. The list of such professions and types of work must be approved by the organization, taking into account the requirements of the legislation.

A responsibility for ensuring safe working conditions

The workers who ensure safe working conditions when performing work with increased danger (with the issuance of a work permit) are:

  • issuing work permit;
  • head of work on the admission side;
  • admitting to work on a permit-admission;
  • the manufacturer of works on the admission-order;
  • watching;
  • performer of works.

The duties of the work performer are determined by the issuing work permit or by the work manufacturer by communicating the production assignment, target briefing.

The work permit is issued in two copies and is registered in the register of work permit.

One copy of the work permit is issued to the manufacturer of works (against a receipt in the specified journal) and during the performance of work must be located directly at the place of work with the manufacturer of the works or the supervisor. The second copy is kept by the issuing permit.

The closed work permit is subject to return by the work producer to the issuing work permit, who must keep both copies for 30 days from the date of closure.

If the work permit is lost by the work producer or supervisor, the work is suspended. A new admission order is issued for the extension of the work, and the admission to the work of the performers is made anew.

Obligations of an employee issuing an admission order

An employee issuing a work permit is obliged to:

  • to establish dangerous and harmful production factors of the forthcoming work;
  • determine the necessary measures to ensure safe working conditions for the performers;
  • appoint a work manager, and, if necessary, perform complex work (for example, combined work) - a work manager and admitting to work;
  • to conduct targeted briefing on safety measures provided for by the work permit, to the work supervisor, who admits to work and to the work manufacturer.

If necessary, he combines the duties of the issuing work permit and the work manager, and is also responsible for the completeness of the measures specified in the permit for ensuring safe working conditions.

Duties of the head of work for the permit

The work manager is appointed by the issuing work permit. He manages the production of work with increased danger by coordinating the actions of the admitting (admitting) work and the manufacturer of the work.

At the same time, the head of work on the permit-admission:

  • checks whether all hazardous and harmful production factors are taken into account in the work permit;
  • determines the sufficiency of measures to ensure safe working conditions specified in the work permit;
  • if necessary, determines additional measures to ensure safe working conditions and makes appropriate instructions in the work permit;
  • provides control over the implementation of the activities included in the admission order;
  • combines, if necessary, the duties of a work manager and a person admitting to work on a permit;
  • controls the implementation of basic and additional measures to ensure safe working conditions for work performers;
  • suspends work in cases of a threat to the life and health of the performers or during the performance of work in conditions that differ from those specified in the work permit;
  • is responsible for the sufficiency of basic and additional measures to ensure safe working conditions specified in the work permit.

Obligations of the admitting person to work under the permit-admission

A person admitting to work according to a permit is appointed by the issuing work permit if it is necessary to perform complex preparatory work (for example, combined) or when shutdowns (switching) of power plants are required to stop the operating equipment, etc. work on the side-admission to the manufacturer of the work.

Admitting to work on a permit-admission:

  • ensures the implementation of the necessary measures provided for in the work permit to ensure safe working conditions in preparation for the production of work with increased danger, before the start of their production;
  • acquaints the manufacturer of the work with the measures taken to ensure safe working conditions and the measures that must be taken during the performance of work under the permit;
  • permits the performance of work to the manufacturer of the work by making a permit entry in the permit;
  • monitors compliance with the activities provided for by the work permit;
  • suspends the performance of work, withdraws the work permit from the work contractor or supervisor, notifies the issuing work permit and the work manager in cases of a threat to the life and health of the work performers or when performing work in conditions that differ from those determined by the permit;
  • bears responsibility for the implementation of measures to ensure safe working conditions specified in the work permit in the section "before the start of work".

Duties of the manufacturer of works for the permit

The manufacturer of the work according to the admission order is appointed by the issuing the admittance work order. Manufacturer of works:

  • determines the composition and qualifications of the contractors;
  • instructs the work performers on the necessary measures to ensure safe working conditions;
  • when performing work with increased danger, carries out measures to ensure safe working conditions in accordance with the work permit;
  • on behalf of the issuing work permit, combines the duties of the work producer and the one admitting to work under the permit;
  • personally supervises the implementation of measures that ensure safe working conditions, receives from the admitting person a record allowing him to start work (if the admitting person is not appointed, he himself makes an entry in the admittance order that allows him to start work);
  • appoints an observer if it is necessary to perform complex work (for example, combined);
  • accepts from the shift worker the work performed according to the permit, personally checks the working conditions, makes a permitting entry in the permit, or receives from the admitting an entry permitting to start work;
  • allows the resumption of work after breaks in work during the shift (for lunch, according to the terms of work);
  • extends the work permit when there is a break in work for more than one shift. At the same time, the work manufacturer checks the implementation of measures to ensure the safety of the performers, makes a permitting entry in the work permit or receives permission to resume work from the admitting person;
  • monitors the performance of work and compliance with measures that ensure safe working conditions and are the responsibility of the performers of work;
  • suspends work in cases of a threat to the life and health of the performers independently or at the direction of the admitting person or the work manager (for example, removes the performers to a safe place when scrolling and testing equipment);
  • resumes work after a personal check of the implementation of measures to ensure safe working conditions, and making a permitting entry in the work permit or upon receipt of permission from the admitting or supervisor of the work;
  • is responsible for the compliance of the employee's qualifications with the nature of the work performed and for the implementation of activities determined by the work permit and ensuring safe working conditions during and after work.

Responsibilities of the observer

The supervisor is appointed by the issuing work permit or the work manufacturer from among the most qualified performers of work (as a rule, the foreman) if it is necessary to carry out work that is difficult to manage (joint or combined). Watching:

  • receives targeted instruction from the issuing work permit or the work contractor (against receipt in the permit);
  • personally supervises the performance of work during the work shift and compliance with measures to ensure safe working conditions, determined by the work permit and included in the duties of the performers;
  • independently or at the request of the work supervisor or the admitting person, suspends the work (and notifies the work supervisor about this) in cases of a threat to the life and health of the work performers;
  • resumes the production of work at the direction of the admitting to work or the manufacturer of the work;
  • bears responsibility for compliance with measures to ensure safe working conditions during the performance of work included in the duties of the performers and determined by the work permit.

Duties of the contractor (team member)

The performers of the work are determined by the issuing work permit or the manufacturer of the work when issuing the work permit. Executor of works:

  • correctly applies and uses special clothing and other personal protective equipment during work;
  • performs the work entrusted to him in strict accordance with the work permit;
  • fulfills the requirements of instructions received from the manufacturer of the work, instructions stipulating his duties (technological, operation, types of work, labor protection), as well as instructions from the manufacturer of the work and the supervisor;
  • complies with the safety requirements provided for in the work permit;
  • stops the performance of work at the direction of the work supervisor or supervisor;
  • released from the duties of the executor of work when appointed as observers;
  • bears responsibility for compliance with measures to ensure safe working conditions, determined by the work permit and included in his duties.

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