Red dry wine: benefits and harms to human health. Dry red wine: benefits and harms The effect of dry red wine on the body

Everything is poison and everything is medicine. Wine has been known to mankind since ancient times. The appearance of this drink took place about 7000 years ago, and since then people have been transmitting knowledge about the benefits and amazing properties of the divine drink. The technology of wine production has not changed much - the drink is a product of complete or partial fermentation of grape juice.

In ancient times, wine was considered primarily as a drink that improves health, preserves beauty, and the power of the mind. Modern scientists as a result of research have proven that moderate wine consumption reduces the likelihood of diseases of the cardiovascular system by 40%, and cancer by 20%. By the way, the experiment lasted for 28 years, which indicates the fundamental nature of these studies.

Wine is a product of natural origin and, according to winemakers, each grape of wine varieties on its surface and in its composition has absolutely all the substances that can turn it into wine. Hippocrates used this drink for medicinal purposes - to dissolve drugs, as an antiseptic, diuretic and sedative.

Modern science only confirms the indisputable facts of the beneficial effect of the “drink of the gods” on the human body:

  • Scientists from the University of Illinois published data on the results of studies that confirmed that red wine improves brain function (the ability to solve logical problems increases by 40%) and promotes the production of hormones that have a positive effect on bone strength.
  • The composition of the wine product contains a large amount of amino acids and chemical compounds necessary for metabolism and healthy cell activity, as well as their protection from the effects of free radicals and other substances.
  • Red wine, thanks to the chromium contained in it, ensures the synthesis of fatty acids.
  • Magnesium - Supports healthy heart function.
  • Zinc stimulates tissue regeneration.
  • Rubidium - promotes the removal of radioactive elements.
  • Wine provides the removal of cholesterol and restoration of blood vessels.
  • The drink has a beneficial effect on the stomach and intestines, especially in disorders, due to the high content of tannins. It is they who are involved in the process of healing ulcers, stimulating the work of the intestines, stabilizing the level of cholesterol in the blood and removing toxins.
  • Rated consumption of red wine reduces the risk of brain stroke and cancer.
  • The polyphenols contained in the drink suppress and eliminate microorganisms that cause malaria, cholera and tuberculosis. In times of epidemics of these diseases, it was noted that areas that traditionally consume more wine suffered less, while these diseases claimed a huge number of lives.
  • Italian scientists conducted a study that led to interesting conclusions: a glass of red wine is an excellent prophylactic against gum disease and sore throat, and also prevents tooth decay. This is due to the antibacterial properties of the drink - the destruction of streptococcal bacteria and infections of the upper respiratory tract. The study was carried out under the supervision of Professor Gabriella Gazzani.
  • A group of researchers from Johns Hopkins University found that red wine stimulates the immune system of nerve cells in the brain, and that regular consumption in small amounts significantly slows down age-related changes in the vessels of the brain.
  • A natural drink made from grapes can have an unsurpassed anti-stress effect, normalizes sleep, as well as the endocrine system.

The modern market offers a huge range of wines: red, white, dry, semi-sweet, sweet. It is rather difficult to understand all this diversity, in addition, the taste and useful properties of each wine are completely different.

Watch a video about the benefits of red wine for the heart:


A drink obtained by natural fermentation, without the addition of sugar, is one of the leaders in terms of useful properties.


It is characterized by a milder taste, should also be made from different grape varieties, sometimes a sweetener is added to achieve the desired taste, sometimes a little stronger than dry.


It has a pronounced, even cloying taste, usually stronger than dry / semi-dry wine.


White wines, according to experts, do not have a lot of useful properties, but they still exist.

Let's list these properties:

  • scientists from the USA have found that the normalized consumption of white wine has a positive effect on the condition of the lungs;
  • this drink, with a strength of up to 12%, is used as a protective agent for blood vessels, for gastrointestinal diseases, anemia and to stabilize metabolism;
  • white wines are drunk chilled, which contributes to a tonic effect on the body.


Thick, dark red Cahors has a tart taste with hints of almonds, chocolate and prunes. Cahors will be useful only if it is consumed in very moderate and limited quantities.

Beneficial features:

  • strengthens the cardiovascular system and is an excellent prevention of thrombosis, as well as thrombophlebitis with atherosclerosis and a number of other vascular ailments;
  • favorably affects the nervous system, effectively relieving tension with stress;
  • promotes the restoration of bone tissue, as well as liver cells.


Pomegranate wine is not a competitor to grape wine, but the popularity of this worthy drink is growing. Everyone has the opportunity to enjoy its taste and unique aroma in order to form their own opinion.

Beneficial features:

  • has a powerful antioxidant effect;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • improves the state of the nervous system;
  • cleanses the gastrointestinal tract from toxins;
  • slows down the aging of the body.


Today, home winemaking is becoming more and more popular. Wine made by hand is a great drink. It will delight you with its rich taste and provide a great mood. After all, homemade wine drink does not contain harmful chemical impurities and preservatives.

Beneficial features:

  • used for colds;
  • prevents the development of tumors;
  • lowers blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels;
  • prevents the development of strokes and heart attacks;
  • strengthens the body, improves the quality of sleep;
  • reduces the formation of urolithiasis;
  • improves appetite, assimilation of food, normalizes the acidity of the stomach and has a beneficial effect on metabolism; removes toxins from the body.

Impact on the human body

Everything is good in moderation, as the old saying goes. The same can be said about the use of wine. Everyone knows the fact that alcohol is a poison and adversely affects human health. The harm from red wine is due to the presence of ethanol in it.

Alcohol is a powerful neurotoxin that, in addition to other negative effects, also causes hormonal imbalance.

It is worth mentioning that there are people with special properties of the body - they are not able to resist alcohol, often this fact is genetically determined.

One of the most harmful effects of improper alcohol consumption can be cirrhosis of the liver, but nervous disorders and the development of addictions are also possible. Moreover, the latter in women develops faster and is practically incurable.

In order not to become a victim of alcohol, you need to remember a few simple rules for its consumption.:

  • choose only natural, high-quality wines;
  • Only light drinks will benefit. Fortified should not be considered in terms of utility;
  • wine should be consumed in moderation and not every day.

Important! Alcohol is prohibited for children, pregnant and lactating women categorically!

Watch a video that talks about the health benefits and dangers of red wine:

For women

Absolutely all the fair sex dream of a slim figure, but few people know that a glass of red wine can become a faithful assistant in achieving this goal.

Resveratrol is a substance that is found in large quantities in the drink and performs a lot of functions there, as it is the strongest antioxidant. When it enters the body, it very quickly turns into another substance - piceatannol, which plays an important role in the fight against excess weight.

Piceatannol interferes with a process called lipogenesis, otherwise the maturation of fat cells, by interfering with the work of insulin. The thing is that fat cells initially have an immature form and are called preadipocytes. In the process of their maturation, an important role is assigned to insulin, which triggers the work of genes to transform the cellular structure.

Piceatannol prevents the formation of insulin binding to immature fat cells, which prevents the formation of fatty deposits. It also affects those who are insulin resistant.

For men

According to Dutch scientists, a glass of red wine a day can extend a man's life by five years. And all thanks to the positive effect on the cardiovascular and nervous systems of the body. These conclusions were drawn from a study of more than 1,500 respondents, aged 50, who were surveyed from 1960 to 2000.

This is due to the fact that wine contains and contributes to the production of Omega-3. This fatty acid is an excellent tool for the prevention of heart failure and normalizes the functioning of the heart muscle as a whole.

American scientists also conducted studies, as a result of which it was proved that the drink stimulates an increase in the level of nitric oxide. This compound is able to reduce both systolic and diastolic blood pressure by relaxing the blood vessels.

According to researchers from France (FASEB 2011 data), for some men, wine can replace going to the gym and prevent the accumulation of body fat. This is due to the action of resveratrol, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels and inhibits the formation of adipose tissue.

Optimal Doses and Maximum Benefits of Red Wine

Based on the analysis of numerous studies, it can be concluded that women can afford one to one and a half glasses of a drink daily, while men can consume a little more - up to two glasses a day, despite the fact that a glass is 125 ml.

This amount of wine can only be consumed if no other alcohol is taken. In addition, it is necessary to take breaks one or two days a week so that the body can take a break from alcohol.

Who should abstain from the use of red wine is those who have had alcohol dependent people in their family. In this case, a genetic predisposition can negatively affect a person and lead to alcoholism.

An ancient and famous drink made from the grapevine is distributed throughout the world. Many of its positive properties have been confirmed by experience and science, but even so, it must be remembered that wine is an alcoholic drink, and the degree of its usefulness is determined primarily by the conditions of production. To avoid misunderstandings and get only benefits, you must:

  • avoid fortified sweet wines. These drinks contain a large amount of sugar, and therefore are not able to have a positive effect. In addition, a high alcohol content causes significant harm to the body;
  • when choosing a wine, it is necessary to take into account its composition - it must contain only natural ingredients, and fermentation must take place naturally.
  • special attention should be paid to the exposure, which should be at least two years. Such a drink will have a tart, pleasant taste and the richest composition.

Interesting fact. 125 ml of wine can be completely absorbed by the body, without alcohol entering the bloodstream.

Red wine, in particular dry and semi-sweet, may not be a panacea for all diseases, but definitely an ally in their destruction, especially if you approach the issue sensibly and avoid excesses. As noted earlier, much that was previously considered a myth about this drink turned out to be a reality - the human body receives enormous benefits from red wine.

Its properties explain the “phenomenon of the French”, who, despite a kitchen full of fatty, high-calorie dishes, maintain harmony, health and beauty for many years. The same "phenomena" are very common in Greece, Italy, Chile, Spain, as the culture of these regions involves the use of wine.

Interestingly, the inhabitants of these countries are accustomed to drinking slightly diluted wine, which has a light taste, and the amount of alcohol consumed in this case is significantly reduced.

To fully enjoy the taste of red wine, its excellent ability to relax and at the same time get the maximum benefit, just follow the recommendations from the article. Red wine is often used in the beloved mulled wine, which cures colds and coughs, and a spoonful of wine added to tea turns the drink into a storehouse of nutrients, helps reduce fever and relieves chills.

Despite numerous prejudices, some doctors prescribe wine for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, colds, and also as an effective stress reliever.

Watch a video that talks about whether or not to drink red wine:

To drink wine or not is a purely individual choice, but whether it is worth giving up such a healthy and natural drink, if it is possible to control the amount of alcohol consumed, is up to everyone to decide. Wine, today, remains perhaps the most useful of all alcoholic beverages.

The tradition of drinking wine before meals came to us from the French.. They have been following this tradition for centuries. Some people believe that such a frequent use of this drink will lead to alcoholism and there is no benefit from it. And many doctors dispute this point of view and argue that wine in reasonable doses not only does not harm the body, but also contributes to the rapid recovery of a person after many diseases. Is wine harmful and should it be consumed every day? To answer this question, it is worth thoroughly studying all the positive and negative sides.

General characteristics of the drink

Wine is made from berries, sugar and water, by fermentation. Most often, grapes of different varieties are used to make a drink, although homemade wine is also made from cherries, currants and other berries that grow on a personal plot.

Wine is rich in vitamins and minerals. It contains manganese, iodine, rubidium, potassium and phosphorus. There are vitamins C, B, PP, essential oils and esters. These substances tone the human body well and help to reduce pressure. The drink contains substances that act as antibacterial drugs. Wine contains specific components that help to eliminate toxins from the body.

Wine has a natural radioactivity, which is equivalent to healing mineral waters.

What are the benefits of wine

It is difficult to say what is more from drinking wine - benefit or harm. In moderation, red aged wine is definitely beneficial for cardiovascular diseases.. No wonder that in the homeland of wine, in France, the mortality rate from such diseases is minimal, although the French cuisine is fatty and high in cholesterol. We can conclude that drinking wine in moderation every day is not so harmful. List of useful properties of the drink:

  • Helps improve appetite and normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Expands blood vessels and activates the circulatory system.
  • Accelerates metabolism and helps to gently remove toxic substances from the body.
  • Helps to increase immunity. It is a natural antioxidant that slows down the aging process.
  • Prevents the development of cancer.
  • Prevents the formation of caries and tartar.
  • Supports hormonal balance.
  • Natural antidepressant.

Which of the components makes the drink useful is still unknown.. Experts are struggling to no avail.

It is worth remembering that not all wine can have a beneficial effect on the body and help cure diseases. The product must be of high quality and well seasoned.

The effect of wine on the blood

Grape red wine favorably affects the hematopoietic system. The drink prevents the formation of blood clots and plaques that clog blood vessels.

Just one glass of drink allows you to expand blood vessels, normalize blood circulation and reduce pressure. Cahors in small doses is prescribed to patients in the process of rehabilitation after heart attacks and major operations. The patient is given every day a few teaspoons of the drink, diluted with water if necessary.

Wine for cancer

It is impossible to abuse wine in case of oncological diseases, as it promotes the activity of cancer cells. But this sunny drink is quite suitable as a prophylactic that can prevent certain types of cancer. So, it has already been scientifically proven that prostate cancer is successfully treated with wine, in complex therapy.

Impact on viruses

The vine contains specific substances that protect the berries from pests. These properties are transferred to wine. The experiments performed have shown that it actively taken with pathogens. Proven effective in the fight against viruses, herpes and fungal diseases. People who consume a sunny drink in moderation get sick much less.

Wine and longevity

Scientists have absolutely proven that wine prolongs life. The drink contains the active substance resveratrol, which can prolong the life of yeast fungi by 80%. Studies on humans and other mammals have not yet been conducted, therefore it is not known whether this substance will have an effect on human life expectancy.

How wine affects appearance

Many dancers have enjoyed a unique diet that consists of a bottle of white wine with cheese or red wine with various fruits. The choleretic components contained in the product help to maintain a good shape. In addition, the drink contains components that stimulate the endocrine system and help restore intestinal microflora. If you drink high-quality wine in moderation, then the risk of kidney stones is reduced and toxins are quickly eliminated.

Drinking a small glass of a sunny drink before eating, a person activates the work of the stomach and intestines. Appetite improves, food that enters the stomach is quickly digested and no congestion occurs.

Help with stress

The fact that good wine helps to quickly get rid of worries and stress, many people know firsthand. This natural antidepressant allows you to quickly relieve tension and cheer. A person who has drunk quite a bit of a drink becomes more confident and relaxed, it is easy for him to communicate with people around him.

Can women and children drink wine

Women can consume quality wine within reasonable limits. The only exception is during pregnancy and lactation.. This magical drink improves skin elasticity, prevents cellulite and improves blood circulation. During menstruation, wine is shown as a means that stimulates the production of estrogens.

It may seem strange, but nutritionists prescribe Cahors to children as a drug for poor appetite or developmental delays in height and weight. The therapeutic dose is 1 teaspoon before each meal.

You can give Cahors to children only as directed by a doctor! You can not self-medicate and start giving alcohol to babies only on the advice of a neighbor or girlfriend.

What wine is allowed to drink every day

A fragrant drink can be consumed within reasonable limits every day to normalize the digestive tract or recover from illness. A number of conditions must be observed:

  • The product must be of high quality and natural, do not contain dyes and preservatives. When buying, you need to pay attention to the label that is pasted on the bottle; the composition should not contain preservatives, flavors and taste enhancers. Good wine cannot be cheap.
  • All types of wine are equally useful, regardless of color. All varieties of the drink contain useful microelements and antioxidants, but Isabella red wine, made from grapes ripened under the sun, is the most useful.
  • A drink made from pink grape varieties appeared on store shelves. Such a product has an original aroma and taste, has an invigorating effect on the body and supplies it with a complex of minerals and vitamins.

You should not buy bottles of wine, which indicate that the drink is reconstituted from dry matter - this may be a poor quality surrogate.

What harm can wine do to health?

A fragrant drink can contain not only useful substances and vitamins, but also compounds that are harmful to health can be present. If the technology was violated in the manufacture of wine or the drink was produced clandestinely, then it may contain a large amount of toxic substances. Reproduction of pathological microflora also occurs with improper storage of products. The use of wine can lead to such diseases:

  • persistent migraines;
  • allergic reactions to the components that make up the product;
  • acute asthma attacks;
  • increases the risk of developing breast cancer in women, as wine promotes the production of estrogen;
  • red sweet wine is very high in calories, therefore it contributes to weight gain;
  • people with alcohol dependence are undesirable to drink a drink even in small doses. The same can be said about people who have a genetic predisposition to alcoholism. Drinking just one glass of wine a day can turn into persistent alcoholism.

For people who have a history of diabetes of any type, wine is contraindicated even in small doses.

Before you start drinking this alcoholic drink daily for preventive or therapeutic purposes, you should consult a doctor.

Is homemade wine healthy?

Many people consider young home-made wine to be the most useful and natural. This is not entirely true, since it plays a role here, from which the drink is made and adherence to technology. Besides, homemade product is not sufficiently refined and contains a large amount of fusel oils that are formed during fermentation, these substances are very toxic.

But the benefits of quality homemade wines are still quite tangible:

  • A drink made from apples helps to improve digestion, stabilize the cardiovascular system and normalize weight.
  • Wine made from cherries, currants, chokeberries reduces the fragility of blood vessels.
  • A drink made from raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries contains a lot of iron, increases hemoglobin and tones the body well.
  • Wines made from berries and fruits increase immunity to various infectious diseases. They have a pronounced bactericidal effect.

Wine that is prepared at home is very useful. But do not forget that The benefit of the drink will only be if it is consumed in moderation..

Is it possible to get poisoned by wine

Wine, especially homemade wine, can be poisonous. Some people use sulfur to make a drink at home, an excess of which can cause poisoning.

Excess consumption of the product will lead to alcohol poisoning, with all the ensuing consequences. In addition, there may be non-alcoholic intoxication if fruits with stones were used for cooking - apricots, cherries, plums. The nucleoli of the bones contain hydrocyanic acid in large quantities, which passes into the drink and is poisonous to humans.

Wine poisoning can also occur if metal utensils are used to prepare and store the drink. When the product interacts with the metal, a chemical reaction occurs with the release of toxic substances.

A glass of good aged wine from time to time does not hurt anyone. To avoid health problems, it is important to drink only a quality drink and not abuse it.

Benefit and harm

Scientific studies have proven that in addition to the proportion of alcohol in high-quality wine, there are components that are beneficial for the body. These are vitamins A, B, C, PP and others, tannins, magnesium, potassium, zinc, calcium, chromium, iron, fluorine, fructose, polyphenols. Red wine is especially rich in these ingredients, since in its manufacture a whole berry with a peel saturated with biologically active substances is used.

Wine has antibacterial properties, it is often used to make mulled wine in the treatment of colds.

In a small amount, the drink activates digestion, dilates blood vessels, promotes relaxation and improves mood.

However, to avoid the risk of becoming an alcoholic, it is important to consume this drink in moderation. The habit of getting drunk can lead to jumps in blood pressure, problems with the nervous system, and gradual degradation of the personality.

Excess alcohol contributes to the accumulation of fat in the body, since it is a high-calorie product. There is a risk of damage to the pancreas, the occurrence of pancreatitis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


It has been proven that natural dry red wine helps to suppress the activity of enzymes that convert testosterone into the female sex hormone estrogen. Elevated levels of estrogen in the male body reduces testosterone levels, promotes weight gain and the manifestation of female secondary sexual characteristics. Red dry wine reduces the amount of estrogen in men, which increases testosterone. A sweet alcoholic drink does not have such properties.

However, the habit of the stronger sex to drink whole bottles of wine, referring to the low strength, over time can lead to alcoholism and chronic diseases.


Wine is traditionally considered to be a lady's drink, as it has a low alcohol content and a sweet taste. Moderate consumption of high-quality nectars will help preserve women's natural beauty, as they contain a large amount of biologically active substances. Among them is resveratrol, which is able to prolong youth.

However, it is important to remember that the daily dose of wine for the fair sex should not exceed the norm, since alcohol abuse will quickly affect both health and appearance. Statistics show that the risk of developing breast cancer increases many times if a woman drinks wine in large quantities.


Despite the fact that wine has a number of advantages, expectant mothers need to stop drinking the drink for the entire duration of the pregnancy. Failure to comply with a sober lifestyle by a woman in position is fraught with the development of pathologies in the fetus.

Health impact

If you get carried away with excessive consumption of wine, drink it in liters, the consequences will be deplorable: the body can react with the occurrence of many chronic diseases.

However, if you drink the drink in small quantities - no more than 1-2 glasses a day, this will favorably affect the internal organs and appearance.

If you drink wine in small quantities - no more than 1-2 glasses a day, this will favorably affect the internal organs and appearance.


It has been proven that the use of alcoholic beverages has a negative effect on the liver, since it primarily breaks down alcohol into individual components. An excessive amount of alcohol in the body leads to fatty degeneration of the body and the occurrence of cirrhosis.

Therefore, when using wine products, it is necessary to remember the norm and try not to exceed the daily dose.

The cardiovascular system

It is believed that natural red wine has pronounced antioxidant properties, prevents the occurrence of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases.

Red dry wine with moderate consumption helps to reduce blood cholesterol levels.

With caution and in moderation, you need to drink wine products with arterial hypertension, since their excessive amount can cause a persistent increase in blood pressure.

With severe heart failure, severe organic heart disease, the use of alcoholic beverages is prohibited.

Nervous system

It is believed that melatonin, which is contained in this drink, improves mood, helps to get rid of nervous tension, including daytime fatigue. 1-2 glasses of wine with dinner help normalize sleep and make it calm and long.

But exceeding the permissible norm, especially if it occurs regularly, can cause irreparable harm to the nervous system. According to some studies, alcohol, entering the brain, can linger there for 20-90 days, affecting the activity of the entire nervous system. Therefore, alcohol abuse will sooner or later lead to nervous disorders, including alcoholic psychosis.

With prolonged abuse of wine in large quantities, the development of alcoholism is predictable, the treatment of which will require the help of doctors and psychologists. This process is especially difficult for women.


Numerous studies have shown that the use of a small amount of wine products has a positive effect on the figure. This type of alcohol contains biologically active substances that promote fat burning and weight loss. However, before embarking on such a diet, you should consult your doctor.

The substance resveratrol, contained in wine products, has a rejuvenating effect, has a beneficial effect on the skin.

Wine promotes the production of collagen in the body, strengthens nails.

The active ingredients contained in the drink promote the growth and density of hair, preventing hair loss. By improving blood circulation in the scalp, the drink helps to get rid of dead cells and causes the active growth of renewed ones.

However, excessive drinking of wine will lead to dull and flabby skin, the appearance of characteristic bags under the eyes, and rapid aging of the body. Such a face and body will definitely betray a woman who abuses alcohol.


For viral diseases, such as flu or colds, it is useful to drink warm wine with honey, lemon, spices. This cocktail has antibacterial properties, helps fight infection.

Oncological diseases

It has been proven that the skin of red grapes contains a large amount of the active substance - resveratrol, which is a powerful natural antioxidant. Thanks to him, drinking a small amount of dry red wine can lead to a decrease in the risk of cancer.

Studies are underway on how this type of alcohol affects the body of people who already have cancer. So far, no one knows whether it is possible to use this product not only for prevention, but also for the treatment of oncology.


There are many opinions that it is good for older people to drink a small amount of wine every day.

The drink is able to prevent or delay the onset of age-related diseases - hypertension, diabetes, atherosclerosis.

However, before drinking wine after 50 years, it is necessary to consult with doctors, since contraindications and side effects are not uncommon.

What can

It is believed that red wine is richer than white in terms of the content of vitamins and biologically active substances.

If there are no contraindications, you can drink sweet grape wine daily. In diabetes, it is recommended to choose varieties of dry drinks containing a minimum of sugar.

You can also use homemade drinks infused with berries, fruits, jam. However, you need to make sure that they are not too strong. Traditionally, wines are considered drinks, the content of ethyl alcohol in which does not exceed 9-12%.

It is important that alcohol be natural and of high quality, only then it will benefit, not harm.

How often and how much

Experts believe that good quality wine can be drunk daily, but there are strict rules for drinking. It is not forbidden for a healthy man to drink 200 grams of the drink per day, that is, 1-2 glasses. Women are advised to reduce the dose to 150 g. This is due to the fact that alcohol is excreted from the female body more slowly, so it can have a long-term toxic effect.

The weekly norm should be no more than 14 glasses for men and 9 glasses for the fair sex.

It would be optimal to drink a wine product at dinner; fresh or canned fruits, chocolate, and sweets can serve as snacks.

To drink or not to drink. Red wine

DISCOVER 5 Reasons to Drink Red Wine Every Day

However, you must always remember that too much of this drink in the body can adversely affect health.

The world is divided into those who are calm about alcohol, and those who see it as an exceptional evil.

Whether dry wine is useful or harmful is the question over which spears break.

Dry wine - red and white

Dry grape wine is one of the most popular alcoholic drinks in the world. It is made from different grape varieties, so the taste, color and compatibility with the products of the wine differ. You can use it with cheese, meat, poultry, sweet fruits.

The strength of dry wine is average - from 9 to 13 degrees, calorie content - about 75 kcal per 100 ml of drink. A dry wine is a wine that has little sugar - up to 3 g / dm³. This is a feature of the production of the drink: in the process, sugar evaporates. Wine is produced by pressure of vine berries and fermentation of the resulting raw materials.

It is believed that red wine is made from red or black grapes, while white wine is made from white grapes. In fact, dry white is often made from pink or red varieties, but without the skin. It is the skin that colors the drink, and the grape pulp itself, full of juice, has a light color.

Is it possible to drink dry wine without fear of harming your liver, heart, hormonal system? It is possible if there are no chronic diseases. Scientists believe that the daily norm for a woman is no more than one and a half glasses of wine with a volume of 125 ml. Men can drink 2 of the same glasses a day. But weekly you need to give your body a rest from alcohol: at least two, in extreme cases, one day, do not drink wine at all.

Benefits of dry red wine

Long-term studies of the benefits of dry red wine have shown that this drink really has almost healing properties. What are the health benefits of the drink? Here is a list of proven virtues of dry red wine.

1. Life expectancy is increased due to the content of resveratrol - a powerful plant substance-antioxidant. Some scientists believe that resveratrol is almost a panacea for all diseases, especially those associated with age. The substance is contained in the skin of grapes and its seeds, and therefore wine from crushed whole raw materials is more useful than made from pulp alone. In addition, quercetin, another natural antioxidant, has a positive effect on health.

2. The heart is strengthened, and the vessels retain their elasticity due to the presence of procyanides in dry wine - special substances found in wine tannins. In addition, scientists have found that if a person moderately, without exceeding the permissible norm, drinks dry red wine, then the risk of a heart attack decreases significantly.

3. Memory improves, especially short-term. In addition, wine has a positive effect on the areas of the brain responsible for emotions and the ability to perceive new information, that is, to learn.

4. Improves visual acuity, reduces the risk of developing age-related cataracts.

5. Reduced risk of cancer - again thanks to resveratrol. This substance blocks the degeneration of a cell into a pathological one.

6. The level of bad cholesterol also decreases. Completely healthy people who took part in one of the experiments, after drinking wine, found a drop in this indicator by 9 percent compared to their pre-experimental state. But for those who suffer from high cholesterol, its level fell by 12 percent.

7. Improves the condition of the oral mucosa, reduces the risk of developing caries. It turns out that wine destroys the bacterial flora that negatively affects the health of the oral cavity.

Let's remember the Middle Ages: wounds were cauterized with boiling wine to prevent blood poisoning. Wine was added to water to destroy pathogenic microflora. The benefit of dry wine is also that it prevents colds. Those who regularly drink a glass or two are less likely to get SARS and flu.

Benefits of dry white wine

A lot of good things can be said about dry white wine. It also has a number of useful properties that help prevent various ailments. The benefits of dry wine are as follows:

Disinfects water, destroying microbes, bacteria, pathogens of typhoid and cholera;

Helps to quickly recover from gastrointestinal disorders;

Prevents infection with hepatitis A and the five main types of influenza;

Prevents cardiovascular diseases due to the production of lipoproteins that increase the level of "good" cholesterol;

Helps to normalize the salt balance, which is important for frequent travelers;

Relieves depression by reducing stress levels;

Together with food, it helps to better absorb many useful substances contained in food, for example, iron;

Strengthens the immune system, prevents the development of beriberi;

Like dry red wine, it improves memory and thinking processes.

Dry white wine is useful as a prevention of Alzheimer's disease and the development of atherosclerosis. Another question is that you need to drink wine, and not tinted wine powder. Cheap drinks masquerading as wine only harm the body. Dry wine must be natural, made from grapes and labeled accordingly.

Which wine is healthier: red or white?

The answer to this question is quite simple. Either wine can be useful if it:

1. real, that is, made according to the correct technology from pure raw materials, and is not a wine surrogate;

Yes, there is a slight difference between the red and white varieties of dry drink. So, in red wine there is a little more of the unique substance resveratrol, but the key word here is a little (it is also present in white wine). Red wine has slightly more magnesium and potassium.

If we talk about the difference, then in red wine there is, for example, the coloring drink lutein, which is absent in white wine. In addition, red varieties are stronger than white varieties in degrees, and this makes the latter safer for health.

But by and large, there is no particular difference between dry wines, since the allowable amount reduces all the existing nuances to zero. The volume of 1-2 glasses is too small for the difference to be noticeable. So you need to drink the drink that gives you more pleasure. And the benefits of dry red or white wine are about the same.

Harm from dry wine

It is not necessary to take information about the beneficial qualities of wine as a recommendation for its use for preventive purposes. There are other ways to improve that should not be discounted.

The harm from dry wine can be considerable. The drink is especially dangerous in the presence of the following diagnoses:



Chronic diseases of the kidneys, stomach, liver;

Allergy to plant pollen.

When breastfeeding, wine is contraindicated, but when carrying a pregnancy, there is a certain period during which the gynecologist will not object to one glass in order to relieve the tone of the uterus. It is clear that a pregnant woman can drink wine only if the gynecologist allows it.

Do not risk your health with a tendency to hereditary alcoholism. It is dangerous to exceed the dose recommended by doctors or turn libations into a vicious system. Abuse will lead to damage to the liver, heart, destruction of the psyche.

Guest article.

In the hot southern countries there is a tradition: to drink a glass of dry red wine every day at dinner. People who consume an alcoholic drink in this way claim that in moderation, dry red wine is even beneficial for humans.

But is it really so? This type of alcohol, despite its beneficial properties, should still have disadvantages.

Benefits of dry red wine

It has been scientifically established that only in this type of wine are flavonoids that help cleanse the body of harmful, dangerous cholesterol and vice versa increase the level of cholesterol that is useful. The ancient Greeks spoke about the beneficial qualities of this drink - Hippocrates advised drinking a glass of red wine if you want to get rid of headaches.

It is said that this type of wine is useful to use to reduce the risk of oncology, vascular thrombosis. In addition, this drink will be useful for losing weight.

Scientists from Italy in the study of the beneficial properties of red wine have advanced the furthest: they interviewed 800 women, who were divided into three groups: those who drink a glass of dry red wine daily, those who prefer other types of alcohol and those who do not drink it at all .

The study involved women aged 18 to 50 years. The goal is to measure the level of sexual activity. The results showed that among wine drinkers, there are much more women who have maintained a high level of sexual activity.

So when used in moderation, red wine can actually be good for the drinker. But at the same time, one should not forget that wine is an alcoholic drink, and along with its beneficial properties, it has the same negative properties as any other alcohol.

Harm of dry red wine

A bottle of dry red wine contains 9 to 16 percent ethyl alcohol. If the wine is fortified, its strength is slightly higher - from 16 to 22 percent. The drink, which can be found on the shelves of our stores, on average has a strength of 13 to 15 percent.

The strength index determines how much alcohol is contained in the wine. The stronger it is, the more harm it does to the body. When drinking it, one should not forget that wine, like any other alcohol, is absorbed into the bloodstream and causes intoxication of the body.

If you exceed the norm established by scientists in 300 milliliters per day, then the positive effect of dry red wine is replaced by the opposite.

People who constantly exceed the norm of drinking alcohol per day are at risk of becoming hypertensive, dying from a stroke, and causing the development of cancer. In addition, they suffer from depression, which without treatment is also life-threatening. Excessive consumption of this grape drink can lead to alcoholism.

According to scientific studies, people who prefer to drink a lot of red wine are more likely than others to suffer from depressive symptoms. In addition, they are more likely to commit suicide or any other reckless act, without thinking about what consequences this will entail.

Do not forget that the use of red wine, even in certain quantities, may be prohibited due to health conditions. Therefore, before you start drinking a glass of wine every day, you should consult your doctor. Perhaps you should not drink any alcohol because it aggravates the disease.

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