DIY fur rug for beginners. Handicraft secrets: do-it-yourself rug from old things. Video: how to make rugs from old clothes

Warm and cozy home decor, the unprecedented relevance of which has been successfully used by designers in recent decades to propose new products, can be completely made by hand, and no worse than famous masters do. This decor makes the ordinary living space a truly homely home.

One of these favorite decor items is, of course, the rug. More recently, the fashionable trend of interior decoration with oriental-style carpets has changed. It has transformed into something new, minimalist-cozy, uncomplicated, but exclusively complementing any interior. Woven, felted and knitted rugs, for all their simplicity, are able to organically blend into almost any interior design, dilute the strict minimalist lines of modern organic interiors, add a bionic component to a classic design, make static "old" styles interesting and modern, become an elegant addition to style interiors art deco, modern, pop art, etc.

The relevance of the floor decor and handcrafted design also imply its high cost. But it turns out that creating such a product as a home rug is quite affordable for everyone. What makes carpet making techniques different from other artistic techniques? These are mostly inexpensive manual manufacturing methods, so not only designers with a name can make beautiful rugs.

History of the Slavic rug

Weaving originated at the dawn of mankind, over 25,000 years ago. The manufacture of rugs, rugs, paths appeared simultaneously with the advent of hand weaving and knitting. Almost every corner of the world has its own traditional rug-making techniques, which have evolved into world-renowned hand-woven weaving techniques, the secrets of which have been passed down from generation to generation.

A widely known technique is the weaving of Persian carpets. The spread of wool-based carpet technology is associated to a greater extent with the development of cattle breeding and the availability of wool as a material for production. Carpets were at the same time an ornament and insulation for nomadic dwellings, in addition, they were ideal for transportation, since they took up little space. The manufacture of small rugs was originally associated with religious oriental rituals; unique hand-woven patterns are presented in museums. Hand-woven Persian carpets still involve an almost filigree weaving technique that cannot be reproduced by machines, and have a fabulous value.

Loom of the 19th century and craftswoman Evseeva Lidia Ivanovna, Kroshnozero village, Karelia

Among the Slavic peoples, carpets and rugs belong to the "grassroots" techniques that do not imply a high level of skill, such as weaving thinner fabrics, weaving lace, lace knitting. In Russian huts, it was customary to cover benches, chests, sleeping places on stoves with rugs. Over time, housewives began to use them for floor insulation and as a decor item, as bedside or entrance rugs. This use initially had only a practical component, since the huts often cooled down in the morning, and walking on a cold floor after sleeping often led to respiratory diseases. Only over time do rugs become the subject of traditional Slavic decor.

Homespun rug in a Russian hut

Woven paths, round rugs were traditionally made from things that have served their time, this is a kind of processing technique, giving a new quality to old things. Homespun runners became popular in the 19th century. Flax, hemp, bast, and straw were also used as a material, that is, materials that could not be used for weaving. Rugs made from coarse materials were used to enter the huts, from softer fabrics they were used as bedspreads. Initially, the fabric was cut into long pieces 0.5-2 cm wide, and then rolled on a spindle. Then they were woven in the usual way, using threads made of durable material - hemp, linen, cotton - as a warp. Usually, the method of weaving rugs involved a two-thread technique, but there were also rugs woven on three and four threads. For weaving rugs, special reeds with larger teeth were used, they were used to knock threads into a single cloth.

As a rule, there was no special eclectic meaning in the drawings and ornaments of the paths, as is typical of other techniques of folk needlework. The decorative effect was achieved due to the different colors of the threads, most of all there are "irregular" tracks without any rhythmic pattern. There was no system in changing the color of the thread, the paths resembled a picturesque field and always adorned the interior perfectly. Various techniques were used to decorate the rugs, for example, "bows" and "butterflies" were used, which were made of contrasting inserts with raised pile. For complex patterns, well-known textile techniques were used: wrapping, embedded weaving, hand fingering. As a decoration or the border of the report, "pigtails" were made - white and red or black threads were twisted together and used to lay a strip of pattern.

In addition to homespun rugs, round rugs were popular in Russia. To weave such rugs, a more complex braiding technique was used on the basis, a little later, to simplify, we used braided pigtails that were sewn together, and crochet rugs were also widely used. As the main pattern when crocheting, a regular single crochet is used.

Entrance mats

The entrance to the dwelling has a certain meaning. Entrance rugs are the hallmark of any home, they convey the emotions of the owners, joyfully greet everyone who has entered, and protect the house from “bad” energy and the evil eye. In addition, entrance mats must be functional, sturdy, made of dense, coarse materials, often on a rubberized base. Entrance rugs are usually made of dark materials to help them get less dirty. The ideal solution for the entrance will be bright multi-colored rustic rugs, on which dirt is not visible.

A popular solution for the entrance will be a variety of straw rugs that you can weave yourself - both pigtail and woven techniques are used. The only drawback of such rugs is the fact that over time the straw begins to crumble, but the high-quality service life of such rugs is several years.

It is recommended to use rigid thick ropes as a material for the manufacture of entrance rugs; different colors give the rug decorativeness. Attaching the rope thread in such rugs can be done in different ways. The decorative part of the rug made of rope is attached with silicone or glue, and then glued to the rubberized base. Such a rug may well be used outdoors.

Corridor rugs

The appearance, texture, size of corridor rugs depends on the type of room. Among them, homespun paths are most relevant, especially for long narrow corridors. In small apartments, rugs of various sizes and colors can be used, the material for production is selected based on the required functionality of the rug, service life, the number of residents permanently in the apartment. The fewer the requirements for durability, the more possibilities for creativity.

Weaving a rug from a rope using the crochet method, such a rug can be used in the corridor, living room, bedroom

Of course, the traditional Slavic technique of making rugs allows you to make something more from floor tracks than just a covering. At the moment, multi-colored paths are a full-fledged decor that brings a life-affirming touch to any interior. The element of decorative organics, giving things the possibility of a second life, surprisingly positive color images make the use of such a traditional decor popular. It is important that such rag rugs are well washed, do not wear out, do not accumulate dust, which other floor coverings, presented in a wide range of stores, cannot boast of. In most cases, these rugs are natural, although synthetic fabrics can also be used. Rugs can be both summer and winter woolen. It is very convenient to store replacement rugs rolled up in the closet.

Crochet rug from thin cotton rag ribbons

Modern trends in the manufacture of rugs

Manual techniques for making various decor have long been used by designers, and rugs are no exception, which offer a huge space for creativity and self-expression. The techniques used allow you to create almost any patterns, experiment with color, create new original solutions. And always colored rugs will be associated with positive emotions. They love to give them away, decorate interiors and create them on their own.

A simple and affordable technique for weaving rugs, of course, is the technique of weaving "pigtail" and sewing individual braids together. The use of different materials allows for stunning experiments, such as the manufacture of rugs from fleece ribbons in different colors. These rugs can be used as bedspreads, napkins. New materials for weaving, of course, allow for a more careful selection of colors, it becomes more harmonious and sophisticated. Craftsmen use soft transitions between shades, experiment with the shape of the rug, create amazing collages that fit into almost any interior. In the example below, the braids are woven together and a zigzag stitch is used to sew the rug.

Rugs for children and bedrooms become the object of author's design. At the moment, soft pom-pom rugs, fluffy pile rugs, and sirloin mats are being produced. Such rugs take a worthy place near fireplaces, near beds, in nurseries.

Rugs can be made using the tapestry technique, perhaps these will be the most expensive rugs, but the result will surpass what was conceived. The tapestry weaving technique has recently become more and more popular, which is why it is used by craftsmen to make expensive designer rugs. A pre-created sketch, careful selection of threads allows you to get an extra result. For the convenience of manufacturing, a full-size colored sketch is attached to the base. Weaving carpets using the tapestry technique is painstaking and slow work, but the result is worth the time.

Tapestry rug and tapestry making process

How to make do-it-yourself rugs

You can make rugs yourself in several ways. The simplest method would be to braid the rugs. This is a cost-effective, simple and effective way to create a beautiful rug with your own design, ideally suited to your preferences.

The shapes of the braid rugs can be completely different. If you decide to make a rug from old things, then the rag thread should be properly prepared.

For a beautiful weaving of braids, it is important to make clean connections of rag ribbons with each other. This can be done, for example, as follows:

Pigtail rugs can also be woven on the backing, eliminating the need to sew pigtails.

Weaving pattern of the rug based on: 1 - left weaving; 2 - right weaving; 3 - weaving with a gap; 4 - compact weaving; 5 - weaving with alternating slope; 6 - weaving with a constant slope

Weaving of a rug can be done on a fairly simple equipment, and the length of the rug can also be adjusted by rearranging the fabric. Radial rugs are woven using the same technique with a radially fixed base. Depending on the thickness of the fabric thread, the size of the rapport can be adjusted, of course, the thinner the original fabrics, the thinner the thread will be. As shown above, thin fabrics are strengthened in several folds.

Video: workshop on weaving a rectangular rug on a loom

An alternative to weaving on a loom can be crocheting. Moreover, very beautiful rugs are obtained from linen and blouse fabrics. If you are making thread from small pieces of fabric, we recommend cutting it in a circle to avoid multiple joins. The preparation of the thread and the weaving itself are painstaking processes, as a rule, weaving 1 m 2 of a rug takes about 5 hours.

On the finished product, you need to fix the warp threads well. In many cases, the edges of the track are trimmed with tape, which can be an additional decoration. Most often, the warp threads are fastened and left in the form of a fringe that adorns the edges of the track. Weaving on the base allows you to make a variety of patterns. The texture of your rug will depend on the thickness of the thread; the thinner the thread, the more the rug will look like a tapestry.

In conclusion, let's say a few words about creating pile rugs based on. These rugs are pleasant to the body, and the technique allows you to create the most complex patterns. In order to weave a rug, you need to prepare a strong base with rare threads and prepare threads of the same length. As a rule, these rugs are made of yarn. The pile is fastened according to the scheme shown in the photo.

Also an interesting solution is the manufacture of rugs from pom-poms, for this you must first make pom-poms according to the scheme below, then they are attached to the base. Different colors can be used to create different patterns, making pom-pom rugs is an excellent way to dispose of yarn waste.

Pompom making scheme

Attaching pom-poms to the base

Various options of rugs - entrance, bedside, paths, rugs, allow us to make any, even the most modest home, cozy and comfortable. Rugs can be made from different materials to suit different seasons. They are convenient for storage, cleaning, wear-resistant enough. In addition, the old techniques of making rugs allow you to get rid of boring things and give them a new life in the form of a rug that will delight the eye for many years. It all depends on your desire, capabilities and imagination. Any rug will be original and truly author's.

Do-it-yourself rugs have been created for many centuries. They were both a necessity and an element of decor. Then, for a while, homemade rugs supplanted carpets made with special equipment. Today, hand-made products are again popular, which are a stylish decor for a home interior. Handmade rugs will give special warmth and comfort to any home. They can be made using completely different materials, up to worn out clothes or old plastic bags, and the result of creativity will depend on the imagination of the needlewoman.

History of the creation of carpets

Since ancient times, people have decorated their homes with woven carpets. They were made exclusively from natural raw materials, protected from the cold, decorated the floor and walls, and also indicated the status of the owner of the house. The masters put a special meaning in images and patterns on carpets: they spoke eloquently about the culture and traditions of this or that nation.

Popularity of handicrafts

In those days, when carpets were made exclusively by hand, each of them was a whole work of art, since it existed in a single and inimitable copy. Today, the production of carpets is put on stream, which has helped to significantly expand the volume of production of these products, as well as the range. The products are available to everyone, mass production has made it possible to reduce the cost of it. At the same time, the rugs have lost their uniqueness, as it was before: the skill of carpet weaving was passed down from generation to generation, each unit of the product was made in a single copy.

Therefore, despite the huge assortment of carpets offered by modern manufacturers, buyers value more handmade goods, in the manufacture of which a person's soul is invested. Hand-made rugs are also popular today because they are used in interior design in Scandinavian, ethnic, country style.

Patchwork rug in the interior of a modern kitchen


DIY rugs are created for use for various purposes:

  • to retain moisture and dust from the street near the front door in the hallway;
  • to absorb moisture in the bathroom;
  • for noise insulation and floor insulation in the living room and other living rooms;
  • as a shock absorber to cushion falls during active games in the children's room;
  • for outdoor use, for example, before entering a house;
  • as a massager in the bathroom or toilet.

In addition, an important function of carpets is decorative - they decorate any room, regardless of its purpose, being a stylish addition to the interior of a house or apartment.

Bright home accessory

The size

Depending on the purpose of the rug, its size is determined. The largest carpets are laid on the living room floor: they should cover almost the entire seating area. At the same time, it is not at all necessary for the carpet to cover the entire floor - it is difficult to do such a thing with your own hands and for a long time, and such a large covering will cease to be the accent of the room. In a bedroom, two narrow rugs on either side of the bed are usually sufficient. Small rugs are also laid in the hallway - there it is enough to arrange the space near the front door.

Types of homemade rugs and material of manufacture with a photo

According to the technique of execution, homemade rugs can be divided into several varieties:

  • Sewn.
    Technically, these rugs are easier to make than other types. This will require additional materials (threads), in addition to the main one, as well as a sewing machine. Usually, a base is used for a rug made of rough natural fabric - canvas, tarpaulin, matting, burlap.
  • Wicker.
    They are made by weaving or tying materials together. In this case, scraps of fabric, thick threads, etc. are used.
  • Crochet.
    These are one-piece knitted products, most often of a round shape.
    Knitted on a woven or mesh base
    These are fleecy, fluffy carpets consisting of a coarse knotless mesh, to which separately connected elements are attached.
  • Patchwork.
    They are made by fastening together scraps of fabric, bags, films and other materials. Patchwork technique is the fastest, but similar products are less durable than other types.
  • Typesetting from solid natural materials on a mineral or organic basis.
    They are made with or without a mesh backing. A suitable option as a base is a building fiberglass mesh. These rugs are designed for both indoor and outdoor use. Instead of natural materials, imitation is often used, as a result of which the aesthetic effect of the product is not reduced, and the cost of consumables is cheaper.

Sewn fabric

Pieces of fabric are intertwined, then stitched together


Pompons are attached to the base of the carpet

Stone product in the interior

A do-it-yourself rug can be made from various materials:
  1. Old clothes (T-shirts, jeans, nylon tights, etc.).
  2. Ropes, thick rope.
  3. Thick woolen threads.
  4. Artificial or natural stones.
  5. Cork.
  6. Old towels.
  7. Leather belts.
  8. Plastic bottle caps.
  9. Oilcloth, plastic bags.

A product woven from old jeans

This is what a stylish cord flooring looks like

Knitted fabric absorbs moisture well

How to make yourself a rug: step-by-step instructions with a photo

Consider the most popular ways to make a rug without spending too much time and materials.

From pompons

Pom-pom rug - fluffy, soft, cozy. Pompons are made from colored yarn:
wind a bundle of threads on the palm, tie in the middle and cut the loops.

Another way to make pom poms

The number of pom poms you need to make depends on the size of the rug.

When the pom-poms are ready, they are sewn onto a fabric or mesh base. You can combine them as you like, creating whole drawings. By combining pompons of different sizes, you can make an interesting volumetric ornament.

A striking example of pompons: an unusual DIY decoration

From old t-shirts

A carpet product from old clothes can be made by weaving rag bundles, or you can use the knot method - it is faster. To complete the work you will need:

  1. Mesh for the base for the product, which can be purchased at a hardware store or a craft store.
  2. Crochet hook.
  3. Old knitted T-shirts.

T-shirts are ripped apart at the seams, the finishing seam, pockets are cut off, and strips of 5 cm wide are cut from the canvases. In total, you will need about 20 T-shirts, the color depends on the desired shade of the rug. The resulting strips are cut into 12-15 cm segments. Then, each of the strips must be stretched along the length so that it curls into a tube.

Crochet begins to thread twisted strips through the net, starting from the middle.

Thread both ends, tying in a knot

Thus, they move in a spiral until there is not a single empty space.

This is what the product looks like from the wrong side.

You can use regular fabric instead of mesh. Twisted strips of fabric are glued onto it with the help of double-sided tape, then sewn on a typewriter.

Volumetric option

Children will really like a voluminous carpet with their own hands. The technique for performing this type of product is more laborious and time-consuming, but the result is worth it.

First, volumetric pom-poms are made: they take square scraps of fabric, stuff them with a soft filler - synthetic winterizer, nylon, cotton wool, etc. Form balls, then sew them together. When the canvas is ready, it is attached to the base - a dense fabric.

Volumetric option for a children's room

Making from fabric scraps

A beautiful and simple product is obtained from multi-colored scraps of fabric. They can be of various sizes and textures. It is best to use dense material - gabardine, drape, tweed. The flaps should be washed, steamed, ironed.

To make the product last longer, you need to use a lining. It can be foam rubber, synthetic winterizer, batting. All flaps are sewn to the base in a chaotic manner, or following a specific pattern. To make it easier for yourself, you can use ready-made patchwork schemes that can be found on the Internet or in magazines.

We make patchwork from patches

Instead of sewing, you can use knitting, where the pieces of fabric are tied together.

Wickerwork from an old towel

The easiest way is to create a product from an old terry towel. It is cut into several strips, from which "pigtails" are woven. All woven sections are connected with threads or glue, and folded in a spiral. It turns out a voluminous and soft rug, while the production time is minimal.

The scheme of making a carpet from a towel

From traffic jams

An unpretentious bathroom rug can be made from ordinary wine corks. They are cut in half and glued onto a mesh base.

The cork absorbs water well, so it is great for the bath

From the hoop

An original element of interior decoration will turn out if you use a regular gymnastic hoop. It is wrapped with strips of fabric, then the same strips are pulled on each side, criss-crossing in the middle.

Making a product from a hoop, you should get a kind of cobweb.

  1. When choosing a technique for making carpets, it is worth considering their purpose: patchwork and fleecy are suitable for the bedroom, wicker and knitted for the bathroom and hallway, which absorb water well. When making a carpet for placement at the front door, it is better to use a rubber or polypropylene backing.
  2. If the product is made from strips of fabric, then you should choose a material that does not crumble around the edges. Ideally, this is a cotton fabric that is twisted into flagella.
  3. For convenience, it is recommended to use the patchwork technique: individual elements of the rug are made, which are then connected together to achieve the desired shape and size.
  4. It often happens that the finished knitted product is deformed due to improper tightening of the loops. To fix this, they act according to the following scheme: the rug is soaked in hot water in which PVA glue is diluted (2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water). When the water has cooled down a little, take it out and stretch it on a plywood backing, fixing the edges with pushpins. When completely dry, the product should straighten, provided that the knitting pattern was followed correctly.
  5. It should be borne in mind that the thicker the fabric, the thinner the ribbons should be cut, and vice versa.

The individual pieces were joined together to form a large carpet.

Spring is the time for general cleaning. Therefore, we should look into our closets and go through everything to get rid of the junk stored there. But do not rush to get rid of it for good, because everything has the right to a second life. For example, you can create rugs from old things with your own hands and give yourself new emotions and memories.

Rugs from old things, what techniques can be used

Old things are an excellent material for creativity, which a thrifty housewife can always find. T-shirts, unusable towels, and any wardrobe items can always get a second life. But it is still very important to understand that in order to create new things from old ones, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the material for creativity, but also to the technique that we choose for this.

After all, rugs from old things can be:

  • weave,
  • to tie,
  • sew.

And we will try to create a rug from old things with our own hands step by step, using detailed master classes and getting an excellent result.


Weaving is one of the oldest and most proven carpet making techniques. After all, this does not require a lot of knowledge or skills. And sometimes the simplest tools are required, easily replaceable with something that is always at hand. And therefore, it is worth starting to create your first rug with weaving or weaving.

Weaving on the principle of macrame

If it seems to you that macrame is only suitable for creating and small elements, then now we will dispel this belief. After all, if instead of a thin lace you take something more voluminous and dense, then the result will be completely different.

In weaving rugs from old things, there are no difficulties or tricks that are inaccessible to novice craftswomen. As in any technique, a sense of taste and a desire to create play the main role here. Therefore, any set of old things can easily turn into a charming bedside rug with a little effort.

Basic knots and pattern combinations are great for weaving. But it is worth considering several factors:

  • the rug is used actively and therefore needs washing from time to time,
  • they will not only trample on it, but can sit, lie or use it as a bedding on a chair,
  • it should fit into the overall interior.

That is why, when choosing knots, do not forget that the rug should:

  • look like a new and not a worn out rug,
  • have a dense structure so as not to crumble in your hands and not turn into a string bag,
  • be not easily soiled and not bulky, for the convenience of cleaning.

And therefore, the most common way of weaving is currently using the principle of knitting with a French bracelet.

Such a charming rug will definitely not go unnoticed in the house and will be beneficial to emphasize the interior and taste of the hostess. And to create it, you do not need so much:

  • wide stripes from old things,
  • adhesive tape,
  • scissors,
  • thread and needle.

First, arrange 5 strips in the order you like best. Fold 5 more strips next to it, but already in a mirror image.

It is most convenient to fasten all the ends from the side of the beginning with adhesive tape. This will allow you not to be distracted during the weaving process, and also to clearly define the sequence.

So, when all the ribbons are laid out, we take the leftmost one, set it aside and fold it so that it rests on all the others, creating the number "4". We put a working tape behind the adjacent one and tie the first knot.

We continue to tie the same knots on the next 3 ribbons, and then move to the opposite side, starting to weave towards the first series of knots.

When both working ribbons meet in the middle, tie them together and continue weaving from the edge. Once you have reached the desired length, simply grab the last knots with strong thread and cut off the remainder to create a cute fringe.

Do not forget that it is not necessary to curl the braid, it can be folded in a snake or laid parallel to one another to make a charming rectangular fringed rug.

Knitting rugs from old things

Rugs from old things do not have to be woven; knitting is considered a more common solution for creating them.

Even if this is your first time picking up the hook, you will be able to create a charming and practical decor element. After all, it is a large knit that will help you quickly understand the intricacies of crocheting. And a pattern from the simplest single crochet can look very bright and original if you choose the right yarn.

Moreover, yarn is also made from old things. This is how things can go:

  • old t-shirts,
  • jeans belts,
  • just thin strips of fabric left over after sewing outfits.

It is enough to know and be able to knit increments, and then it is a matter of technology.

If the yarn taken for the rug seems loose or thin to you, you can use an excellent trick - at the beginning of knitting, insert a strong cord into the posts and continue tying it. This will keep your spiral perfectly in shape.

For a more delicate rug, knit in double crochet, increasing the number in each row. But keep in mind - such knitting will be beautiful, but less dense.

Openwork rug

It is worth noting that you can knit a rug from old things without a hook - an interesting knitting technique from rings on fingers will help you cope with the disposal of small pieces without spending unnecessary effort and without forcing you to buy any special tools.

You can learn how to knit from rings from Olga Popsuyeva. In her video master class, she tells in detail how to weave a pigtail, and then form a rug out of it.

Patchwork sewing

When it comes to using old things to create rugs, it's hard to ignore sewing. After all, they started long ago and independently of each other in different countries.

As now, women did not throw away old things, children's dresses or worn-out husbands' shirts, preferring to collect them in order to sew them afterwards, bedspreads, curtains and, of course, rugs. Such rags are no longer a pity to trample, cut and collect in various intricate patterns.

Fluffy rugs on a mesh

In the past few years, fluffy rugs have become very popular, which are so much fun for children to play and crawl in. And it's just nice to sink your legs.

The high pile and soft texture conquered the hearts of craftswomen and housewives, and bright colors attract the attention of households. But most of all, I am glad that such a rug can be made without using any special tools.

A fluffy rug can be created in a number of ways:

  • tying the cuts with knots,
  • using a carpet hook,
  • wielding the simplest crochet hook.

The basis for us will serve as a net from a hardware store with a large cell or a bath mat with holes.

In addition to the very foundation, we also need:

  • fabric ribbons,
  • scissors,
  • hook (optional).

To begin with, cut short ribbons, but do not skimp on their length, because you need to take into account - they will fold in half, and even tie or otherwise be fixed on the grid. Therefore, it is better to make them longer, and then cut them off as you like.

When everything is ready, the most important task remains for you - you thread a strip of fabric into the cell so that both ends remain on the front side, and then you can tie them together with a simple knot, or pass through a loop using a hook.

When the patches cover the net completely, you just have to cut them to the desired length and the rug made of old things is ready to delight you and your legs.

Fluffy rugs with a sewing machine

If you don't want to waste your time tying each individual ribbon, or you have not found a suitable mesh, then you can go in an easier way, for which we need:

  • an old pillowcase or piece of fabric that will become the basis,
  • all the same tapes from old things,
  • scissors,
  • sewing machine.

Knitted fabric is best for these rugs, as it is more elastic and soft. In addition, it is easy to sew on without fear of breaking the needle.

Bright rug from old knitwear

Heart-shaped rug

After you have cut the required number of ribbons, pull them in length so that they twist a little, and then just apply to our base and sew in the middle row by row.

Don't worry if the strip is not straight, you can always trim the entire pile to the desired length.

Rugs from old things, what will be used?

We learned about the techniques for creating a rug from old things, now it's worth talking about what can serve as a material for them and how best to bring your idea to life.

Considering the density, quality and size of the old thing, you can choose the way of its reincarnation. That is why we would like to tell a little about how and from what rugs are made by modern needlewomen.

Rugs from old jeans

The first thing that comes to mind and requires regular disposal is jeans. Denim has long won our hearts and there is not a single fashionista or fashionista who does not have jeans in her wardrobe. Moreover, despite their strength and versatility, they still rub, stretch or otherwise become unusable.

Throwing them away, of course, is a pity, so we collect them on a separate shelf so that we can sew something afterwards.

But sewing requires patterns, a sewing machine, and sometimes a place. While making a rug from old jeans with your own hands is not difficult, everything from linen to pockets and a belt will go into work.

Just choose the technique and match the flaps to it:

  • cut them into long strips and weave the rug on a loom,
  • braid long pigtails and gather them into a round rug,

  • arm yourself with a large crochet hook and knit any shape using cut strips instead of yarn,
  • weave the strips together according to the braiding principle and sew on a typewriter or by hand.

And the cat liked it)

Given the strength of the material, such a rug will serve you for more than one season.

Rugs from old T-shirts

But more often than not, we wear out jeans to T-shirts. After all, we use them every day, grow out of them, stretch them, stain them with paint and just get tired of them over time.

They may not be worn anymore, but the knitwear used to make T-shirts can become an excellent material for creativity. They can make great potholders, coasters, bags and, of course, rugs.

How to make knitted yarn with your own hands

When we look at our handmade rugs from old T-shirts, at first we can't believe what they are made of! After all, craftswomen crochet from something very similar to yarn, and not to an old T-shirt.

However, do not be surprised by this and do not think that there is some kind of trickery. Anyone can turn old T-shirts into knitted yarn.

To do this, just follow the detailed video master class on the Utility Crafts channel, in which we will be taught how to make as much yarn as possible for new rugs from an old T-shirt.

T-shirt is a versatile material for creating your own rug

And after preparing the yarn, you can already try your hand at creating rugs from old T-shirts with your own hands. After all, you can:

  • to tie,
  • weave,
  • cut for fluffy rugs,
  • sew braids pre-woven from them.

And for that you only need a couple of T-shirts and a desire to create.

And for crocheting, any napkin or lace patterns are suitable, and you can weave according to the previously described principle of a French bracelet.

Or, pick your favorite T-shirts, cut them into pieces, and sew a rug like a patchwork quilt, so you can preserve memories and not throw anything in the trash.

Rugs from old tights

Tights are the most consumable wardrobe item at all times. They tear so quickly and fall into disrepair, and even have a certain seasonality, that at some point we all think - should we come up with something after they have served their time?

And we found the answer - rugs from nylon tights, which you can make with your own hands! After all, they can be an excellent yarn for knitting or weaving a new rug - durable and practical.

The main thing is to know a few tricks:

  • to get a long strip from one pair of tights, you just need to cut off the socks and panties, and then cut the remaining pipe in a spiral,
  • do not tighten knitting so that the rug from old tights does not deform and lose its shape over time,
  • nylon can be dyed to make your rug brighter - just use a fabric dye and follow the instructions on the pack.

Rugs from old tights can be created with your own hands and without a hook. They can be:

  • sewn from braided braids,

  • weaved on a loom,

  • woven on a hoop.

And children's tights, which are more often than others collected in our bins, are perfect for knitting on the fingers. All you need is to cut them into rings, and then use the video tutorial from Marina DIY Dolgih:

Rugs from old towels

And even old towels find use in the world of rugs. Due to their density, length and ability to absorb moisture well, they can give us an excellent accessory for a bathroom, bath or balcony, where you always need to keep your feet warm and dry.

A rug made of old towels with your own hands is as simple as any other. It is easy:

  • weaves
  • fits
  • weaved
  • curls up.

In general, it is created in this way and in the technique that lies in your heart.

And if you want to give life to terry towels in this way, then even try to make a fluffy rug on a construction mesh.

As you can see, when cleaning the house, you should not rush to throw out your old things. Old T-shirts, towels and even tights can inspire you to create something new and as useful as their original purpose. Just be smart and your home will be replete with new, soft and fashionable rugs that you can create without spending anything but your time and getting a charge of emotions and good mood!

Rugs never went out of style. They changed, adapted to new trends, but they were and will be. While the house will be designed to give comfort, cozy rugs will lie on its floors. Majestic designer items are available for purchase.

And you can see how designers are looking for inspiration in history, and turn to needlework. You can buy an imitation homespun rug. Or you can make a rug with your own hands. It's not difficult at all.

And it has a double benefit: the wardrobe is unloaded from old things, and the house gets a bright accessory. For a couple of evenings, you will give your tired hands after a hard day the joy of a soft touch.

And how much children love bright rugs, I don't even have to say.

There is such a phrase "zealous hostess". Such a hostess does not waste anything. And her house is always a full cup thanks to her ingenuity and hardworking hands. Take a close look at your home: where are the extra things that can be recycled into new and beautiful ones?

Floor rugs are the perfect chance to give a second wind to things that have served you for years.

Give them a chance to be with you for a few more years! Rugs are very easy to weave. And it is not at all necessary to have any devices and machines. Only fabric, threads and a needle.

Let's look at from the many options for rugs, those that you can make with your own hands without a lot of materials and time.

Famous do-it-yourself knot rugs

For work we need:

Carpet net (buy in a handicraft store or in a hardware store). There are different types of grids. We buy a large-mesh one, it is more convenient and faster to work with it.

A thick crochet hook that should fit freely into the mesh.

Knitted ribbons.

Where to get knitted stripes? Of course, in the closet with old things! Thoroughly go over the summer wardrobe of the whole family. All jersey T-shirts, unbearable for various reasons - into action! Let's give them a second chance. T-shirts are unstitched at the seams and cut from the details into strips of five centimeters wide.

How much do you need? Lot. Up to twenty T-shirts may be needed. If you are lucky enough to find so many things of one or similar colors, you were born under a lucky star. Because professional designers are not too lazy to attack second-hand stores. Shredding T-shirts is long and tedious. It is not necessary to follow a perfect line. The main thing is to complete this boring task.

Chopped? Now turn on your favorite movie, which you know by heart enough to have fun looking with one eye, and cut the strips into pieces of about twelve or fifteen centimeters.

It will take just enough time to watch the comedy. It remains only to scroll through these beautiful scraps in the washing machine. You can even without any detergents. Just in the water. As a result, they will take the form of tubular pasta, which should give the rug a mysterious design look.

Lyrical digression: as an option, you can use non-knitted things. The main thing is that the fabric is soft and does not crumble. For example, old terry towels. True, such strips will not curl into a tube.

Well, now comes the most interesting thing - carpet weaving itself! We sit down more comfortably, arrange a net on our knees, put a box with "pasta" on the left, a hook in our right hand. At a distance of a little more than a meter, we put a box of chocolates from those that we rarely allow ourselves. And we agree with ourselves that each hundred nodes is crowned with eating one candy. Believe me, they will have a fabulous taste!

It is more convenient to start from the center. Put the first "macaroni" under the net, pull both ends outward with a crochet hook. And we tie a knot on the nylon wall of the cell tightly with a brace. This is an elementary trick, you have done it thousands of times.

We also stretch the second strip and tie it side by side. And we move, better in a spiral, until there is no empty space. If you run out of "macaroons" earlier, make more blanks, or simply cut off the mesh.

For the first time, it's best to knit a rectangular rug. The next one can be both round and oval, you can even play with flowers. Just do not get carried away excessively, do not leave the family without clothes!

Do-it-yourself rug from "T-shirts"

And another option for a rug made of t-shirts. We make blank strips as mentioned above, but do not tie them to the grid, and the grid can be omitted. And any fabric that will be called "base". On this basis, we glue double-sided tape in rows. And already on the scotch tape, on each row in turn, we put the "pasta". We try to make it smoother. Lay in and stitch in the middle. They folded back the already sewn row, put in a new one, sewn it. The process looks something like the photo.

The rug turns out to be indistinguishable from the same, but knotted. And it has not yet been proven by science which method is easier and faster. The second, perhaps, turns out to be thicker.

When you're done, you can mow your rug like a lawn. Or you can leave the natural hairiness.

Homemade rug for hardworking

From any durable fabric such as raincoat fabric, a considerable number of circles are cut using a template. We put a piece of padding polyester inside each one and, sewing it with a thread in diameter, we will tighten it. It will turn out to be such an elastic ball. Naturally, we use nylon threads.

Then we sew the balls together, attaching each new one with several strong stitches to the previous ones.

It can be done in rows, in a spiral, in any order ... Children like these "pimpled" rugs very much - it is pleasant to walk on them barefoot.

The oldest, most famous way is the so-called "grandmother's rug".

Today it can be called a "country style rug". The fabric is cut or torn into stripes, and these stripes are woven into colorful plaits. And the pigtails fit into a spiral and sewn with large stitches using a large needle and thick thread.

A country-style rug will look very elegant if you choose a fabric in a monochromatic range for it. And it is not at all necessary to twist the spiral! You can cut wide strips, weave large braids, lay them next to each other, and secure well.

Knitted rug

In America, its own method of weaving from knitted remnants was widespread. Stripes of knitted items were wound into balls and knitted with a thick crochet chain from air loops. Then the multi-meter chain is twisted in a spiral and stitched. American grandmothers did not weave rugs, but huge carpets in this way. It took more than a month for one such instance. American needlewomen do the same today, creating carpets in the style of the 60s of the last century. But the result is worth it.

The only drawback is that the Beloshveika household sewing machine will not pull such a thick cloth! You need a special industrial seam or make a hand seam. A little slower, but the seam can be made deliberately decorative, which will make the rug extremely beautiful.

You can get creative with this method and combine several small rugs with each other into a composition. The main thing here is to choose the right colors. Such a rug will fit into the most modern interior.

Using the spiral principle, you can give a second life to a few old sweaters. If you cut the strips across, they will roll themselves into tubes. It is necessary to carefully sew the strips together into one long one, then lay and stitch.

And you can use not ready-made things, but the rest of the thread. Knit a scarf of them ten centimeters wide and ten meters long. If the last loop in each row is knitted like a purl, the fabric will twist itself into a thick "sausage". We twist the spiral and sew!

Or you can immediately knit a spiral, grabbing and knitting the extreme loop of the finished fabric.

So, taking the classics as a basis and including creativity, you can do a lot of beautiful, comfortable and functional rugs for your beloved home with your own hands. Get involved!

I want to tell you a story about carpet weaving, by the forces of the children themselves and by means ... and all those that are not enough for them and which it is time to get rid of - unnecessary clothes.

I will note: you can do the same from new noble threads and fabrics, even, I can argue, it will come out more beautiful. But what is a special pleasure - to make beautiful out of something completely hopeless. This is the question of the materials used. And you will undoubtedly consider the rest of the advantages when you understand how simple it is, and how children like the process itself, and you - the result.

So, let's begin?
See what I found in the barn:

Isn't something like this lying around at your dacha or nearby? Yes, maybe it was once a frame for a window, but this story did not suit me. I needed a basis for weaving a carpet :)
And for this you need to make fasteners for the transverse rows, it looks like this:
(distance 5 cm, top and bottom)

And at home, why not take any frame, even from a photo or a painting? Or even a sports hoop (I myself spied on the open spaces, then the rug will be round).
Various homespun guides say that: "... make the distance between rows 0.5-1 cm." But, in fact, it is necessary to build on the materials used. In my case, these were knitted stripes 3-4 cm wide and a canvas made of cotton bias tape 1 cm. Knitwear is a good thing, but in rugs it is better to lay an inextensible base, for example, longitudinal cotton threads. Then, if he walks a little, then only in width, without losing his basic shape.
Where to get knitted stripes, you ask? Everything is very simple, you sort out your wardrobe and everything knitted (any in general), which does not represent absolutely any artistic and practical value, calmly cut into shreds (and you thought where did the real grandmother's rugs come from?). T-shirt, T-shirt, skirt - cut along with the side seams, starting from the edge of the product and spiraling upwards. And if you delve deeper into the topic and come up with a drawing, then anything you want can become materials for coloring a carpet, even faux fur or yarn. The more unusual the texture, the more unusual the result is guaranteed.
At first it looked like this to me:

Here and further, I propose to switch to black and white when there are evening photos, so as not to injure you with a merciless red color. This is because this occupation, homework, is so meditative and relaxing that God himself ordered them to do their evenings. And we spent these evenings with great pleasure at the machine. But alas, a wooden background and poor lighting will successfully make a gorgeous reddish something out of any photo.
Therefore, welcome to dusk :)
While you are cutting into shreds everything that only comes under your hands, the children can be given their part of the work, to wind the cut threads into balls:
Montessori never dreamed of how wonderful fine motor skills work in simply winding up a ball.

Then, if the random thing turned out to be of an unnecessary color, throw it into the dye, it will definitely not get any worse. In the children's version in general, the brighter, the more fun. I had Batik dyes for the fabric, but it's too greasy for the rug. But I had no choice, I was in the village. Therefore, I recommend that you choose more economical and simple dyes for painting.

Then, we dry our pasta:

Although, here you can not repeat my mistakes, but just first paint the fabric itself, and then cut it, right? :)
Later I also came to the same conclusion, but I will add a photo of pasta.
And then we have the best part. We fix the transverse cotton canvas on the fasteners we made.
We take the first ball in our hands and ... and then I don’t remember. We woke up - a rug.
Well, almost so, honestly :) Captures absolutely! Even a child with an absolutely restless temperament (from the word in general) stuck to the machine for several days. Yes, it turned out not absolutely perfect, but in such a product it is, firstly, completely imperceptible, and secondly, can you imagine what kind of pride a person has from the realization of their results? Not every job brings such pleasure and such an easy, pleasant result.
But let's get back to the process.
On the transverse threads of the warp, we begin to lead the first longitudinal row. Everything is simple here: we tied a knot and then thread a ball through one thread. Moreover, the ball is preferably not very large, so that it is more convenient to thread it through the rows.

We finished the row and then in the opposite, checkerboard pattern, without breaking the threads (tying the end of one ball to another), we spin to the size we need. Each row of five fingers, like a comb, press against the previous one.

All this was done in one sitting by one princess for almost six years:

And then, while she was distracted, I could not stay away and also meditated with great pleasure. Approximately 20 cm :) I was not the only one, the whole room ran into the curious. Such a stir.
A ginger cat on a ginger background is something.

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