When I drink alcohol my face turns red. Why does alcohol make your face red? Why do alcoholics have red faces?

The next morning after a feast with an abundance of alcohol, a hangover sets in, which is accompanied by symptoms such as tremors, swelling and discoloration of the tongue. A red face is often observed after drinking alcohol, which may indicate an allergy. After long binges, the skin becomes dry, darkened, and the muscles cramp. What is the reason for this condition and how to remove the unpleasant consequences of excessive consumption of strong drinks are questions that require detailed consideration.

Why does my face swell after drinking alcohol?

The swelling appears due to the edema that accompanies a hangover. This is due to improper distribution of fluid in the body. Alcohol molecules penetrate tissues, taking water molecules with them. For this reason, there is a lack of fluid in the circulating blood, which manifests itself in the form of thirst - “dryness”. And the accumulation of water in the tissues leads to the formation of edema.

For this reason, the face swells after alcohol, as well as:

  • harmful breakdown products of alcohol are retained in the body;
  • headache caused by swelling appears;
  • the appearance and condition of the skin worsens.

Puffiness should be removed competently, not limited to drinking plenty of fluids, but also at the same time removing fluid from the tissues. To restore its proper distribution, it is recommended to take diuretics, for example, veroshpiron. Natural remedies include: watermelon, green tea, and non-alcoholic beer.

Mineral water such as “Borjomi” or “Essentuki” (that is, hydrocarbonate) helps quickly and effectively. The folk tradition of treating a hangover with brine is not without meaning. However, it should be taken before drinking water or other drinks and not more than one glass. Brine helps to replenish the deficiency of salts and electrolytes, making other remedies and drugs that are used after it more effective.

If your face has been swollen for a long time after drinking alcohol, for example, after long binges, and the swelling does not go away for one or more months, more serious measures are required. First of all, you should completely give up alcohol and start leading a healthy lifestyle with increased physical activity.

Why does the face turn red and what to do?

Redness can vary in nature. If they occur after drinking in the morning and go away easily on their own and are not accompanied by other symptoms, there is no reason to worry. However, a person should take this seriously and consult a doctor when the redness does not go away for a long time and other unpleasant consequences of excessive drinking occur. Possible reasons include:

  • allergy to alcohol;
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • problems with the endocrine system and others.

In such cases, you should visit an endocrinologist, therapist, or neurologist to accurately determine the problem that the body is signaling. This also applies to those cases where the spots on the face after drinking alcohol have acquired a brown or dark tint. Such changes in skin color indicate the need to check the condition of the liver.

Changes in the color of the tongue, or rather the coating on it, should also seriously alert you. If it acquires a dark, bluish tint, becomes darker or yellower, this is an alarming symptom. The tongue reflects the state of the gastrointestinal tract and These changes indicate that the body is exposed to intestinal intoxication (along with alcohol).

Causes of dry facial skin

Chapped lips, pain in the mucous membranes, a feeling of dry facial skin - all this may indicate an autoimmune or allergic reaction to alcohol. If symptoms appear after drinking a specific alcohol-containing drink, you should avoid it for a long time - at least one year. The resumption of the reaction after this period is a serious indicator, and it is better to permanently exclude it from the list of drinks consumed.

Sorbents and choleretic drugs will help solve the problem of dry skin:

  • activated carbon;
  • enterosgel;
  • smecta;
  • corn silk;
  • rosehip syrup;
  • pharmacy choleretic preparations;
  • Liv-52.

Dry facial skin after alcohol can manifest itself as a symptom of an allergy if it is accompanied by peeling, redness, and roughness. Severe swelling, the appearance of red spots or small rashes (such as hives), and inflamed, watery eyes also damage suspicions. Other body reactions may also indicate this problem, so it is important to consult a doctor immediately.

Why does my skin condition worsen?

If you drink alcohol regularly and your skin condition noticeably worsens, you should seriously think about your health. Often, alcohol has only an indirect effect, “revealing” more global problems of the body. Perhaps we are talking about damage to the pancreas, intestines or liver. In such cases, a dermatologist will be of little help; you need to look for the true cause by consulting other doctors.

What causes involuntary shaking (tremor)?

Chronic alcoholism occurs with certain symptoms, including tremors of the head, hands, and tongue. This is an involuntary small trembling that tends to intensify in the morning and on an empty stomach. In some cases, after eating or drinking, the tremor disappears, so alcoholics cannot do without a hangover. At the same time, a person without alcohol dependence in a state of hangover experiences an aversion to alcohol (to the smell and sight).

Do not confuse small and large tremor. The latter affects the entire body and most often occurs after a single excessive use of alcohol. It does not indicate the development of addiction, but indicates acute poisoning. This requires urgent removal of harmful products from the body through detoxification. It is recommended to consult a doctor for advice on effective ways to eliminate toxins.

Causes of facial muscle cramps

Since it is impossible to immediately determine the cause of this symptom, it is necessary to visit a neurologist. In some cases it is a seizure disorder of central origin, in others it is a completely different problem. Only specialists, including a toxicologist, narcologist, and neuropathologist, can establish it. Personal consultation is required.

Redness of the eyes due to a hangover

Often facial swelling after alcohol is not the only symptom of a hangover. Bags under the eyes and redness are also consequences of alcohol abuse. Eye drops that constrict blood vessels will help here. However, we must remember that their action provokes an increase in intraocular pressure, and the feeling of discomfort is not removed. Recommended eye drops:

  • Visine;
  • ophthal
  • tetrizoline;
  • vial;
  • vitoptik and others.

It should be borne in mind that deterioration in appearance is not the worst consequence of excessive alcohol consumption. Very often, alcohol provokes or aggravates a serious disease. It is not always possible to recognize alarming symptoms in time, so it is important to be attentive to all the signals that the body sends.

Everyone already knows that alcohol abuse is harmful to human health. But most ordinary people naively believe that the main danger ethyl alcohol poses is to the brain, liver and nervous system. But not everyone knows that alcohol can provoke the development of other pathological situations.

Sometimes, after drinking alcohol, a person experiences redness on his face. Out of ignorance, some drinkers do not even think about why their face turns red from alcohol and do not associate this syndrome with the influence of ethanol. So what is the secret of the formation of extensive redness and is such a symptom dangerous?

There may be several reasons why your face turns red after drinking alcohol.

Redness on the epidermal layer of the skin is created by capillaries - the smallest small vessels. They are located in abundant quantities throughout the human body. When the capillaries narrow for some reason, the skin begins to turn pale. As it expands, it becomes covered with red spots.

Redness on human skin occurs due to exposure of the body to a certain irritant. In the case of alcohol, allergic reactions are caused directly by the ethyl alcohol itself.

The intensity of redness is influenced by the nuances of the structure of the skin. For example, in red-haired and blond people, capillaries are located near the surface of the epidermis. In such individuals, the redness is the brightest and most noticeable. But in dark-skinned people, visual changes in the skin are not so distinguishable and the fact that their face burns after alcohol is almost impossible for an outsider to determine.

Red spots on the face - the result of dilated capillaries

The main causes of redness

Under the influence of ethyl alcohol, not just a persistent dilation of blood vessels occurs. Ethanol, affecting the composition of the blood, also clogs their lumens. Red blood cells under the influence of alcohol thicken and stick together, forming mini-thrombi. Doctors consider the following situations to be the main reasons why red spots form on the face after alcohol:

  1. A natural reaction of the body’s blood vessels to excessive drinking.
  2. Allergy of the body to ethyl alcohol, individual intolerance to alcoholic beverages.
  3. Chronic alcoholism, which develops after prolonged alcohol abuse.

Natural reaction to alcohol

As soon as ethyl alcohol is inside the human body, it begins to actively stimulate blood circulation processes. As a result, a person’s blood pressure increases. With high blood pressure, the blood vessels involuntarily dilate. Since they are located in close proximity to the surface of the skin, the result is facial redness.

How does alcohol affect the blood?

Almost always, this reaction goes away on its own, without causing the individual any special health problems.

But, if such a reaction is observed constantly, and even spreads throughout the body, this can already become a serious alarm bell. In this case, you should visit a doctor and carry out the necessary examinations. After all, such symptoms may indicate problems developing in the body in the functioning of certain organs:

  • circulatory system;
  • the liver, which produces certain enzymes to break down ethanol metabolites.

In this case, doctors advise completely abstaining from drinking alcohol, even very weak ones, including beer and cocktails. You should not ignore such signals from the body, as otherwise such a reaction may develop and provoke more serious health problems.

Allergy to alcohol

Redness on the skin may appear immediately after consuming alcohol-containing products, and sometimes they occur over a period of time. If we talk about a certain dose of alcohol that can provoke an allergy, then it does not exist.

Signs of an allergy to alcohol

Allergic manifestations occur even after the first sip of weak champagne and are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • skin itching;
  • headache;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • swelling, the face may become very swollen;
  • redness of the skin of both the face and certain parts of the body;
  • rapid intoxication, even after a small dose of alcohol;
  • depression of the respiratory system, feeling of lack of air, suffocation.

Allergic manifestations may occur not to ethanol itself, but to various additional additives in an alcoholic drink. These can be flavorings, food colors, fusel oils, preservatives. Drinks such as:

  1. Wine.
  2. Beer.
  3. Liqueurs.
  4. Cocktails.
  5. Pharmacy tinctures.
  6. Unrefined moonshine.

But pure vodka can also be dangerous. True, irritation with it occurs much less frequently, but it does occur. If, due to an allergy, a red face occurs after drinking alcohol, what should you do in this case? The very first step is to stop further drinking.

Allergies can be triggered by fusel oils contained in alcohol.

It is also necessary to induce vomiting in order to remove the remaining alcohol from the stomach. And visit an allergist. After all, a developed allergy can now remind itself not only after drinking alcohol, but also manifest itself in a number of other products.

Some nationalities, especially representatives of the North and some Mongoloid nations, have congenital intolerance to alcohol.

In such people, even the smell of alcohol can cause severe allergies. And when it is consumed, allergic manifestations occur instantly, accompanied by other symptoms:

  • itching of eyes, sinuses;
  • dry painful cough;
  • frequent and intense sneezing;
  • shortness of breath, difficulty breathing;
  • swelling of the neck, face, tongue and lips;
  • tingling in the mouth, numbness of the tongue;
  • nausea accompanied by profuse vomiting;
  • a feeling of chest tightness and lack of air.

Persons classified as allergy sufferers will have to stop drinking alcohol. Otherwise, a frivolous attitude towards one’s own health can lead to the very rapid development of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and especially the liver.

Chronic alcoholism

Why do alcoholics have a red face that is constantly present on them? Persistent red spots may indicate that a person has chronic alcoholism. This disease negatively affects the functioning of all internal organs and systems of the body.

Chronic alcoholism is a common cause of facial flushing after drinking alcohol.

With prolonged alcoholism, a person experiences a gradual death of capillaries. It is for this reason that the face of these patients is always red, even when the person is sober.

A chronic alcoholic can be easily distinguished from a healthy person by appearance. Not only do they always have red faces, there is also puffiness and swelling. And sometimes the redness becomes cyanotic and purplish. If a healthy person is worried when he sees visible skin changes occurring, then alcohol addicts no longer pay attention to this.

What conclusions do we have?

Alcohol is the enemy of man, destroying health and leading to the death of the entire person. If single red spots appear after drinking alcohol, the situation is not so terrible and is reversible. This is the body’s natural reaction to ethanol - a feeling of warmth, heat spreading throughout the body.

Alcohol intolerance is congenital. In this case, redness of the skin occurs due to the fact that when alcohol enters the capillaries of the face, shoulders, and neck begin to expand, which causes the formation of red spots. Against the background of redness, the overall body temperature rises. This effect is associated with an anomaly in which the body does not produce an enzyme capable of breaking down alcohol. In this case, the reaction can occur after taking the first portion of alcohol. When this effect occurs, it is necessary to stop drinking alcohol to avoid negative consequences for the body as a whole.

If you have alcohol intolerance, drinking alcohol causes an even greater risk of developing cancer of the digestive system and liver.

Allergic reaction

An allergic reaction occurs due to the presence of impurities that are not accepted by the body. An allergy to usually manifests itself not only in the form of redness of the face - some people may experience itching all over the body and swelling. Symptoms may cause increased blood pressure and breathing problems. In this case, a person becomes intoxicated very quickly even after a small amount of alcohol. When you stop drinking alcohol, the allergy goes away within a few hours. Symptoms of an allergic reaction can be relieved with antihistamines.

To avoid allergies, you should drink alcoholic beverages that contain a minimum amount of preservatives, dyes and flavors.

Vascular reaction

After drinking a portion of wine or stronger alcohol, blood circulation in the body increases, which also leads to vasodilation. Also in this case, the skin may turn red. In this case, redness may not begin immediately, and the time of its arrival may depend on the amount of alcohol taken. If the redness does not cause discomfort and appears only in the form of a blush, there is no reason to worry - this is a normal reaction of the body to alcohol.

Chronic alcoholism

In chronic alcoholism, the subcutaneous capillaries are constantly dilated, which leads to disruption of the elasticity of the walls, as a result of which the outflow of blood is disrupted and the vessels begin to burst. Also, the appearance of dark circles under the eyes and swelling of the face may indicate a violation of the liver and kidneys. In this case, you should definitely consult a doctor for consultation and prescribe the necessary treatment.

A red flush on the face is a sign of good health and looks attractive, but sometimes redness of the skin can be a consequence of drinking an alcoholic drink, and this is no longer normal. Few people know why the face turns red from alcohol; most people simply ignore this fact, attributing everything to a low-quality drink. In fact, everything is not so simple and, if your face constantly turns red from alcohol, this is evidence of an allergic reaction of the body or serious disorders in the functioning of the liver.

Why does my face turn red after drinking alcohol?

After drinking alcohol, the face becomes red because there is a jump in blood pressure and increased blood flow to the capillaries. Ethanol is able to dilate blood vessels and promotes the gluing of red blood cells, which in turn can clog small capillaries. The skin on the face becomes covered with spots and the person feels that the area of ​​the face and neck is burning.

It should be noted what do people with pale skin have?face after alcoholhas a more pronouncedreddishcolor, and all because their skin is initially lighter and blood vessels are better visible through it.

Alcohol and facial redness are closely interrelated; scientists have identified several factors that provoke facial redness in a person:

  1. A genetic abnormality that results in intolerance to alcoholic beverages.
  2. Allergy to alcohol.
  3. Natural reaction of blood vessels to alcohol.
  4. Consequences of alcohol addiction.

Congenital intolerance to alcohol

There are people who can drink strong drinks for a long time and not suffer any harm from alcohol, but among the population there are also individuals with congenital intolerance to ethanol. This genetic feature is rare, but does occur. In people from this group, even after drinking a small amount, large spots are observed, and the body experiences intoxication much faster.

It will be interesting to know that sometimes 50 grams of vodka is enough for such a person to simply pass out.

Scientists explain the reasons for the atypical state of a person after drinking alcohol by the fact that people with a congenital anomaly have slow enzymes that utilize alcohol breakdown products or their insufficient amount in the liver. Such people can only drink soft drinks. The hangover syndrome, which is repeated regularly, can cause cancer in the liver, esophagus and stomach in a short period of time.

Allergy to strong drinks

If your face turns red after drinking, the reasons may lie in allergies. The skin may not immediately become covered with allergic spots; a reaction may appear only after a certain dose of alcohol consumed. In people who drink, an allergic reaction has a number of characteristic symptoms by which it can be recognized:

  • Large spots with blurred contours appear on the cheeks of people who drink;
  • there are surges in blood pressure;
  • Breathing becomes more difficult, shortness of breath occurs and the person feels short of breath. Tries to take a bigger breath;
  • the face swells and the skin begins to itch;
  • migraines and dizziness occur.

If you have an allergic reaction, the main thing is to eliminate the allergen from the blood, in this case after a binge, cleansing the body, the redness goes away and the person feels much better.

If you notice the above symptoms, stop drinking. It is known if you drink in large sips, the toxic substances contained in the drink are very quickly absorbed into the blood. Therefore, it is important to induce vomiting to remove the toxin from the body.

It is important to note that sometimes an allergic reaction manifests itself not to ethyl, but to other components of the drink. For example, if you drink wine, low-alcohol or cognac, your cheeks become stained much faster than when drinking vodka or diluted alcohol.

Typical body reaction

Many people claim: “for example, I drink for a long time, I can drink cognac and wine - I blush, but there is no allergy.” This is an individual feature of the body. A person may not have an allergy or congenital pathology, but he will still blush. The vessels simply enlarge and become noticeable. This condition does not pose any particular danger, but people are advised to undergo diagnostic testing of the entire body.

Consequence of alcohol addiction

In alcoholism, the first changes affect the skin on the face. No matter how an alcoholic tries to get rid of his vascular network and redness, it will not work. On the face, due to constant exposure to the toxin, capillaries burst and die. It is their particles that are visible through thinned skin. As mentioned above, after drinking alcohol, red blood cells stick together and clog the cavity of the capillaries; therefore, blood does not flow into them, and they burst, losing their elasticity. Over time, the number of broken capillaries increases, and they form a condition that in medicine is called a vascular network. Under the influence of alcohol, the red face also swells. This is not a reversible process, which indicates a dysfunction of the liver.

Consequences of facial redness

Under no circumstances should you ignore a reddened face when drinking alcohol. If the situation repeats itself systematically, you need to consult a doctor and face the fact “I can’t drink without consequences, so I won’t.” There is a high probability of developing serious complications, they will usually affect the internal organs of the liver and kidneys. A person runs the risk of developing toxic hepatitis or inflammatory liver diseases, which will ultimately develop into cirrhosis and result in death and disability.

Without timely treatment, facial skin will deteriorate, rosacea, dryness, cracks will appear and painful ulcers will form, in which a bacterial infection can develop. Such a condition will cause not only physiological torment, but psychological discomfort. That is why it is better to ask yourself the question “is a glass of wine worth drinking, beauty and full health of internal organs?” In the modern world, there are a huge number of ways to relax and escape from routine, why choose the most flawed one.

Each body reacts differently to the entry of alcohol-containing products into the blood. It is difficult to determine from the face of one person whether he has been drinking or not. Another's skin turns red. Let's figure out why the face turns red from alcohol, and whether such a reaction threatens your health.

Reasons for changes in complexion after drinking alcohol

There are many thin vessels on the skin of the face. When the capillaries are close to the surface of the skin, then as their walls expand, the face begins to turn red, and sometimes spots appear on the cheeks.

Any alcohol-containing product helps to expand the vascular walls. That's why most people's faces turn red when they drink alcohol. But, the change in the shade of the skin occurs differently in each person, and is associated with the individual characteristics of the body.

The following causes of red spots on the face after alcohol are identified:

  • intolerance to alcohol-containing products;
  • allergic reaction;
  • problems with blood vessels;
  • high blood pressure;
  • alcoholism.

Let's take a closer look at what causes the face to turn red from alcohol and look at the reason.

Alcohol intolerance

It is easy to determine whether the body is rejecting alcohol-containing drinks. If, after drinking alcohol, red spots appear and the pulse increases sharply, then most likely it is an intolerance to a product containing ethanol.

Alcohol withdrawal may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. redness from alcohol appears on the face, in the area of ​​the shoulders and neck;
  2. blisters appear that are very itchy;
  3. temperature rise is possible.

In addition to redness of the face after drinking alcohol, nausea occurs, even if a small dose of light alcoholic drink is consumed. Typically, intolerance to alcohol-containing products is explained by the lack of a special liver enzyme, which is responsible for the absorption, processing and further excretion of ethanol. Or such an enzyme is present, but in small quantities.


The enzyme that processes ethanol and breaks it down into simple substances for excretion from the body is located in the liver. It turns out that if your face turns red when drinking alcohol, and there is a rejection of alcohol-containing products, you can talk about problems with the liver. It is impossible to cure such a condition.

Therefore, if an ethanol rejection reaction is noticed, it is better to exclude alcohol-containing products. Otherwise, such a condition can lead to alcoholism.

The occurrence of allergies

When red spots appear on the face after drinking alcohol, or the whole face becomes an unnatural purple hue, an allergy can be assumed. But each body reacts differently, so it is difficult to determine an allergy to an alcoholic product.

There are several main symptoms of an allergic reaction to alcohol-containing products:

  • red face after drinking alcohol;
  • The color of not only the face, but the neck and décolleté area changes. And my face is literally burning;
  • general swelling, including extremities;
  • severe headache;
  • breathing becomes difficult;
  • intoxication occurs instantly, even after a small dose of alcohol.

It happens when, when drinking alcohol, the face turns red and the heartbeat quickens, not because of ethanol, but under the influence of some components of the alcohol-containing product. This can be various dyes and additives.

The listed symptoms disappear on their own when the cause goes away.

Many people are concerned about this reaction, and the question often arises of what to do when your face is red after drinking alcohol, even after a small dose of light alcohol. To quickly get rid of an unpleasant and serious condition, it is necessary to cleanse the blood of ethanol. The fastest way to help is vomiting, which must be induced artificially by pressing two fingers on the root of the tongue.

If your cheeks turn red from alcohol, your face changes color, and other allergic signs are present, then you should completely avoid alcohol-containing products.

Vascular pathologies and high blood pressure

When red spots form on the face after drinking alcohol, and the pulse becomes rapid, then the problem may be in the blood vessels. This reaction may indicate impending hypertension.

Often the only indicator of high blood pressure is facial flushing, as a reaction to alcohol. Therefore, at the first signs of problems with blood vessels, you need to stop and stop drinking, then seek medical advice. Often, incipient hypertension has no symptoms, and high blood pressure can only be noticed by redness of the skin after drinking alcohol.

There are vessels so thin, and they are so close to the surface of the skin, that the face becomes very red after drinking alcohol.

If the cause of the change in skin tone is high blood pressure, then the blood vessels become more and more damaged after each consumption of alcohol. Facial redness when drinking alcohol is dangerous. Small vessels rupture first, but if you continue to drink, large ones will suffer. This condition leads to damage to blood vessels located in the brain. The result may be a stroke.


If the face turns red after drinking alcohol due to an allergic reaction, then the skin tone is restored after a day, provided that the consumption of alcohol-containing drinks is stopped.

But when spots on the face after alcohol are formed as a result of dependence on alcohol, the skin tone always remains unhealthy. The skin can be crimson, and even with a hint of purple. At some point, small vessels burst and did not recover. When blood stopped flowing to the vessels, the tissue began to die. Therefore, facial redness is observed not only after alcohol, but always.

The main signs indicating alcoholism include:

OUR READERS RECOMMEND! To quickly and reliably get rid of alcoholism, our readers advise. This is a natural remedy that blocks cravings for alcohol, causing a persistent aversion to alcohol. In addition, Alcolock triggers restoration processes in organs that alcohol has begun to destroy. The product has no contraindications, the effectiveness and safety of the drug has been proven by clinical studies at the Research Institute of Narcology.

  1. not only redness, but also loss of facial sensitivity;
  2. constantly red nose, even with a purple tint;
  3. the face is almost always swollen.

The listed signs appear most clearly after a prolonged binge.

The color of the skin is not restored for the following reason. There is always alcohol in the blood, which means the blood vessels are constantly dilated. Red blood cells block blood access to the capillaries on the face, and their walls gradually die. After the blood vessels die, the face remains red.

Among the signs of alcohol dependence, in addition to red spots on the face, are almost black circles under the lower eyelids with severe swelling. Thus, the liver and kidneys send a signal about general poisoning of the body with alcohol-containing products.

Skin type and reaction to alcohol

If alcohol causes your face to become blotchy and red, it may be due to your skin type. So in red-haired people and natural blondes, the skin of the face is usually a light shade. It is not uncommon for small blood vessels to be visible through the skin. Such people often blush, and their faces turn red after drinking alcohol.

For dark-haired people the opposite is true. The skin is usually darker and denser. Therefore, when their cheeks turn red after drinking alcohol, it is not so obvious.

How dangerous is skin discoloration?

Often, when the face turns red after drinking alcohol, the phenomenon goes away without consequences. But such a symptom cannot be ignored. It is possible that in this way the body gives a signal about some internal problems.

If you constantly blush from alcohol, then you need to be very careful when consuming alcohol-containing products. If the cause of a red face from alcohol is an insufficient amount of the enzyme responsible for the absorption and subsequent removal of ethanol, then severe intoxication is possible. It is impossible to predict the consequences of drinking. Poisoning can occur even from a small dose of alcohol.

If you ignore the reaction to alcohol and continue to drink when you are covered in alcohol stains, then pathological processes in the liver or stomach, or all together, will begin to develop. The constant effect of alcohol on the insides can even lead to oncology.

There is an opinion that if the face turns red after drinking alcohol, then this is a congenital reaction. It is recommended not to experiment with your health, and to give up any type of alcohol if your face turns red from alcohol due to hereditary intolerance to alcohol-containing products.

How to eliminate redness of the skin?

When you drink alcohol and your face turns red, then, of course, you want to get rid of the unpleasant phenomenon as quickly as possible. But the method of eliminating the uncomfortable condition depends on the reason that caused the change in the shade of the skin.

So, if the cause of a red face after drinking alcohol is an allergic reaction, then the first thing you need to do is stop drinking. But some amount of ethanol has already spread through the blood. In such a situation, it is necessary to independently empty the stomach of the contents by performing artificial vomiting. After cleansing the stomach, your overall health will noticeably improve.

To quickly get rid of ethanol breakdown products, you can drink activated carbon. The number of tablets is calculated depending on the person’s weight. The usual ratio is 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight.

Many people complain that after drinking alcohol, their face turns red and their pulse quickens. Most likely, this is how high blood pressure manifests itself. This reaction to alcohol is especially dangerous for men over 35 years of age. For women, this is the age period after 40. You should not ignore this sign and expect a deterioration in your health. If you notice that your face turns red after drinking alcohol, you can get rid of the symptom only by completely avoiding alcohol-containing products.

OUR READERS RECOMMEND! To quickly and reliably get rid of alcoholism, our readers advise. This is a natural remedy that blocks cravings for alcohol, causing a persistent aversion to alcohol. In addition, Alcolock triggers restoration processes in organs that alcohol has begun to destroy. The product has no contraindications, the effectiveness and safety of the drug has been proven by clinical studies at the Research Institute of Narcology.

Frequently seek medical help, what to do if I turn red from alcohol. Blood pressure needs to be monitored. And if your blood pressure rises immediately after drinking, then the simplest solution is to completely give up alcohol.

It is possible that high blood pressure is inherited, in which case you need to drink alcohol with extreme caution.

Important: Before deciding what to do when your face turns red from alcohol, you need to find out the cause of the phenomenon. Only a specialist can determine the real reason. If necessary, laboratory tests will be ordered, the doctor will check the functioning of the blood vessels, and offer options for eliminating the problem. If the cause of the change in skin color is dependence on alcohol, then it is necessary to begin treatment as soon as possible.

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