When does the 1st week of pregnancy begin? The first days of pregnancy: the feelings and actions of the expectant mother. Feeling slightly unwell

home This is a kind of phantom period, which is characterized by a process occurring in female body

every month. The first week of pregnancy is distinguished rather theoretically, because even regular periods are possible during this time. There is no embryo yet, that is, in fact, pregnancy does not yet exist. The fruit is formed much later.

The symptoms of this week are caused only by the woman’s fears or desire to become pregnant. There cannot be any physiological manifestations or specific sensations. Abdominal pain and menstrual bleeding are normal for the onset of menstruation.


Every woman, even if she is not planning a pregnancy, should be aware of the dangers that await her in this process. The body will change immediately after conception. This may be completely unnoticeable, but it is still worth monitoring your health more carefully. Most dangerous period

occurs in the first week of pregnancy. At this moment, the most destructive thing for the embryo is medical intervention or exposure to drugs.

Before a planned pregnancy, it is mandatory to visit a gynecologist. It will help determine whether the body is ready for conception and indicate what dangers may be encountered at the very beginning of the path to achieving the goal. If the pregnancy was not planned in advance and your health is not ideal, the doctor may prescribe treatment. In the early stages, it is worth devoting maximum time to consultation and supervision of a specialist.

The first week after conception is the most dangerous and in many cases does not lead to the attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus. In this case, a woman may not even notice the presence of a miscarriage at such an early stage and may never know that she was pregnant. If you experience heavy bleeding that is not associated with menstruation, or severe pain in the lower abdomen, you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

Abdominal pain in the first week after conception can be completely harmless. To determine whether they pose a danger, it is worth familiarizing yourself with their characteristics. As mentioned earlier, in the first seven days after fertilization of the egg, it moves towards the uterus and attaches to its walls. Active sex hormones influence the increase in the volume and number of muscle fibers of the uterus, as a result of which it expands. It is located on the pelvic ligaments, which are slightly stretched during this period.

The above-described changes in the body are accompanied by sensations depending on sensitivity expectant mother. Some women may feel absolutely nothing at this moment. But more sensitive girls experience significant nagging pain in the lower abdomen. The process of embryo implantation may also be accompanied by short-term pain. They cannot be significant, so women most often do not feel anything unusual during this period.

If a pregnant woman experiences significant pain in the lower abdomen after implantation of the embryo into the wall of the uterus, this may be an alarming sign. It is worth seeing a doctor and undergoing the necessary examination.

What do we have to do

Every girl, faced with pregnancy for the first time, is somewhat confused. If this was not planned in advance, most likely the onset of pregnancy will be indicated by the onset of a delay in menstruation. It is impossible to accurately determine the success of conception immediately after fertilization of the egg, even with the help of the most reliable tests and analyses. Therefore, it is worth doing this in the first week.

Assuming pregnancy occurs, it is necessary to radically change your lifestyle. It is advisable to do this at least six months before conception, but if this has not been done, you should get down to business immediately. First of all, you need to accurately determine the presence of pregnancy and undergo examination by a doctor. At this moment, important tests are taken and useful knowledge is acquired.

Don't despair, let alone be nervous. In the first week of pregnancy, you can learn a lot of useful information, do gymnastics for expectant mothers and change your diet. It is best to spend time for your own pleasure and get pleasant impressions. But you shouldn’t relax, because this moment is the most crucial and will play main role in the correct development of the baby. By adhering to absolutely simple rules, you can ensure the successful course of your entire pregnancy.

What does the belly look like?

In the first week of pregnancy, the belly remains virtually unchanged in size. The photo shows that there are no changes.

Belly photo

1 week of pregnancy is a conditional period, since obstetricians begin counting the pregnancy period from the first day of the last menstruation. For what? First of all, a woman almost always remembers the start date of her period, especially if she plans to get pregnant. But in most cases, the woman simply does not know the date when the pregnancy actually began, that is, the day of ovulation and fertilization. Even if partners remember the date of intercourse, fertilization could occur within a few days after it. The exception is when an ovulation test was performed and conception occurred on that day. Then the woman knows for sure when the pregnancy began. Another exception is if conception occurred through in vitro fertilization, then the exact date of the start of pregnancy is always known.

What happens in 1 week of pregnancy?

Every woman planning a pregnancy should know the difference between the gestational and embryonic stages of pregnancy.

It is the gestational (or obstetric) period of pregnancy that is counted from the first day of menstruation. The embryonic period begins from the moment of fertilization. Since in most cases ovulation and fertilization of the egg occurs 2–2.5 weeks from the beginning of the cycle (from the first day of menstruation), the embryonic pregnancy period is less than the gestational age by these 2–2.5 weeks. Thus, pregnancy of 1–2 weeks is a conditional obstetric period, during which important changes occur in the female body, preparing it for pregnancy.

According to the obstetric frame of reference, pregnancy lasts on average 40 weeks, or ten obstetric months (one obstetric month of pregnancy is exactly 4 weeks, or 28 days, not calendar month).

Remembering the date of the start of your last menstruation, it is very easy to calculate the estimated date of birth: just add 7 days to this date and count back three months.

Pregnancy 1 week: signs

Is it possible to detect signs of pregnancy at 1 week? Actually no, since pregnancy has not yet occurred. The first signs of pregnancy (1 week of embryonic period) can be discerned a little later: you may notice some irritability, weakness, possible aching pain in the lower abdomen, reminiscent painful sensations before menstruation.

What's happening?

With the onset of menstruation, the body of the expectant mother begins to prepare for the development of pregnancy. Important structural changes are now taking place in the endometrium: during menstruation, its functional layer peels off, and then a new loose layer of cells is formed, ideal for embryo implantation.

Under the influence of changes in hormonal levels, the process of maturation of the egg occurs. The beginning of this long process lies during puberty: this is when the development of follicles begins. With the beginning of each menstrual cycle, several follicles begin to actively grow, but then one of them outstrips all the others - this is how a dominant follicle is formed. It is he who will reach the moment of ovulation - the release of an egg ready for fertilization from the follicle.

Immediately after ovulation, the egg is in abdominal cavity, from where, with the help of movements of the villous apparatus of the fallopian tube, it moves directly into the tube. This is where fertilization normally occurs.

On average, ovulation occurs on days 12–16 of the menstrual cycle, but it is considered normal if this process occurs on both days 8 and 19. This is why in the vast majority of cases, a woman does not know when fertilization occurs. But if you are planning a pregnancy, you must take this period seriously and prepare properly.

The first weeks of pregnancy are the most crucial period: it is now that the most important changes in the embryo occur, absolutely all organs are formed, the formation of all tissues, all systems begins. Now anyone negative factor can affect the development of the baby and even cause termination of pregnancy at 1 week. When planning a pregnancy, you should take care of your health in advance, including proper nutrition.

Your diet before and throughout pregnancy should be balanced: you should get enough of all the essential nutrients: proteins, valuable carbohydrates, vitamins, microelements, healthy fats. Include a variety of vegetables, fruits, herbs, berries, and nuts in your daily menu. Avoid alcohol completely, try to avoid products with preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers and other chemical additives.

Talk to your doctor and start taking a multivitamin. Pay attention to the sufficient content in them folic acid. It has been proven that folates significantly reduce the risk of congenital pathologies of the nervous system. That is why folic acid is included in all special vitamins for pregnant women. These medications should be started three months before the planned pregnancy. Such preconception preparation helps reduce the risk of fetal developmental abnormalities and helps to carry a pregnancy to term.

Mom's feelings

Since the first week of pregnancy is the beginning of the next menstruation, the woman will feel the same. Possible pain in the lower abdomen associated with spasm of the muscular layer of the uterus, weakness. Since pregnancy has not actually occurred yet, there will be no specific signs yet. Only when the 1st week of pregnancy begins after conception, you will notice characteristic signs.

Every woman planning a pregnancy eagerly awaits its first signs. Symptoms that suggest pregnancy include the following:

  • Lack of menstruation. The most famous and common sign of pregnancy is early stages- this is a delay in the next menstrual bleeding. If conception has occurred and the development of the embryo has begun, the corpus luteum continues to function, and the progesterone it produces prevents the rejection of the functional layer of the endometrium - menstruation does not occur. However, this sign is not always present: in some cases, even during pregnancy, menstruation may occur.
  • Increase in basal temperature. If a woman measures basal temperature, she will notice a change in the graph: when pregnancy occurs, this indicator increases, and the reason for this is the influence of progesterone.
  • Malaise. Already in the early stages, a woman may experience nausea, more often in the morning, weakness, and dizziness.
  • Changes in the mammary glands. Suspected signs of pregnancy include sensitivity, tenderness of the mammary glands, their swelling, and the appearance of a venous network on the chest.
  • Changing allocations. Already in the 1st week of pregnancy, discharge under the influence of progesterone changes: the amount of cervical mucus increases. But this symptom is also individual: some women do not notice an increase in the abundance of discharge, and in some this symptom is quite pronounced.
  • Painful sensations in the lower abdomen. In early pregnancy, contractions of the uterus often occur, and these sensations often resemble the beginning of menstruation.
  • Bloody discharge before expected menstruation. When an embryo is implanted into the endometrium, bloody issues. This occurs about a week before the expected start of your next period.
  • Positive pregnancy test. Of course, the most long-awaited moment for a woman planning a pregnancy is two lines on the test. It must be remembered that the test is not always positive, because the test strip determines the concentration of the hormone -, and if it is lower than the level that this test can determine, then the result may be false negative.

Despite the fact that the fertilization process has not yet occurred and the baby’s development has not begun, your body is ready for this, and 1 week of pregnancy is a very important period in order to properly prepare.

  • Now it is very important to avoid introducing any toxins into the body. Avoid drinking alcohol, smoking, and taking medications that can negatively affect the development of the embryo. If still required drug treatment any illness during this period, be sure to consult a doctor.
  • During this period, exposure to x-ray radiation on the pelvic area is undesirable. If such an examination is necessary, be sure to tell the doctor that you are planning a pregnancy. It may be advisable to postpone the planned conception to next month.
  • Stressful situations It’s worth limiting it to the maximum now. If you have a stressful job that involves psychological stress, think about changing something. Try to avoid conflicts with relatives. And most importantly, pay attention to your relationship with your spouse: arrange romantic evenings, plan everything together. As for sex in the 1st week of pregnancy, there are, without a doubt, no contraindications.
  • Support your immunity: vitamins, balanced diet, daily walks, physical activity - all this will greatly help you cope with changes in your condition during pregnancy.
  • Avoid contact with people with infectious diseases. Even a banal viral infection, especially one accompanied by a high temperature, can negatively affect the development of the embryo in the early stages of pregnancy.
  • If you suffer from diseases of the reproductive system, be sure to visit a doctor before your planned pregnancy: you may need to undergo an ultrasound or other tests.
  • Pay attention correct regimen of the day: now we must not forget about daily exercises and walking. And such types physical activity You can start now, like yoga and swimming, and continue throughout your pregnancy. good physical form significantly facilitates the well-being of the expectant mother and helps to better cope with childbirth.

Useful video

What can a woman feel in the 1st week of pregnancy from conception?

The first week of pregnancy is the period when fertilization has already occurred, the embryo moves through the fallopian tube and is implanted. During this period, a restructuring of the mother's body occurs, allowing her to bear the baby. In the early stages, a woman may experience malaise, nausea in the morning, weakness, cravings for unusual foods, and sometimes dizziness. Already at this time, frequent urination is possible, associated with increased blood supply to the pelvic organs. If a woman had intestinal problems before pregnancy, constipation and flatulence may increase. This is due to changes in hormone levels, which reduce intestinal contractility. Painful sensations in the lower abdomen are also possible, which are associated with contraction of the myometrium.

After a positive pregnancy test, I immediately went to the gynecologist, and the doctor gave me a gestational age of 4 weeks, and an ultrasound concluded that the gestational age was 1-2 weeks. How is this possible?

It's quite normal. It is generally accepted to count the gestational age from the beginning of the last menstruation. If you received positive test in the first days of the delay, then probably four weeks have passed since the onset of menstruation. But in fact, pregnancy begins from the moment of fertilization, and this occurs on days 14–18 of the cycle. During the ultrasound, you were told the actual term (embryonic).

My husband and I are planning a pregnancy. There’s not even a delay yet, but I feel unusual weakness, slight nausea, but my stomach hurts like before my period. Could these be early signs of pregnancy?

Yes maybe. But the symptoms you described are nonspecific. To confirm pregnancy, take a test, but when purchasing a test system at a pharmacy, choose the one with the greatest sensitivity, that is, the one that detects a low concentration of hCG. If the test is positive, the answer is obvious. If not, redo it in a few days and consult a doctor.

I think I'm 1 week pregnant, but I got sick with ARVI. Is this dangerous for the child?

A viral infection, especially a severe one with a high fever, can cause fetal developmental abnormalities. Sometimes in such situations, doctors recommend gentle termination of pregnancy. But in the overwhelming majority of cases, the pathology of fetal development in the early stages leads to spontaneous abortion. If the disease is mild, no high temperature, there is no need to take medications that can cause pathology in the development of the fetus - there is no reason to worry. In any case, consult a specialist.

Confusion in the weeks of pregnancy appears due to the fact that doctors consider the so-called obstetric period from the monthly cycle, when conception has not yet occurred. And girls, especially those pregnant for the first time, who are not experienced, count time and weeks from the stage of “successful” sexual intercourse, that is, from about half the monthly cycle. Thus, during the period of suspension of menstruation, according to the calculations of the expectant mother, pregnancy has already lasted 2 weeks or approximately that. And the doctor reports that it’s already 4 weeks. And nothing depends on the volume of the fetal testicle or embryo. So far they are absolutely similar for everyone. Signs of pregnancy 1 week after conception can be found below.

What happens inside a woman in the first week

The fusion of sperm and egg occurs in the fallopian tube, after which it forms single cell organism in the egg and new life activity begins to develop. This occurs approximately 12-24 hours after ovulation, at the beginning of the third week of the cycle (obstetric). For girls, this is 1 week after conception, when everything just begins.

The nuclei of the sperm and egg unite, and the fetus forms a standard set of chromosomes - 46, 50% from the mother, and 50% from the father. The sex of children is formed, and pathologies sometimes arise directly during this period. In most situations, nature decides to get rid of the “defective” embryo, and the girl begins her period. This is considered an early abortion.

If everything is in order with the fetus, then the zygote begins to divide and at the same time move along the fallopian tube into the uterus. Due to the division of part of the cells, a further chorion (placenta) is formed, and the remaining portion turns into a fetus.

On the 6th or 7th day unborn child enters the uterus and the embryo is implanted. The process takes about two more days. The surface cells of the embryo enter the endometrium and connect with the original blood vessels. A shell is formed that will saturate the embryo with all the necessary substances throughout its entire intrauterine life. Of course, after a couple of weeks it changes into a new organ - the placenta, or baby's place.

Signs of pregnancy

So, if you are planning a pregnancy, you need to pay attention a large number of attention to your own body and everything, even the most minor changes, is tracked. You should definitely familiarize yourself with the presented list of the first indicators of pregnancy. These may be the following signs of the first week after conception:

  • Minor bleeding.
  • Frequent ailments.
  • Raising the base temperature.
  • Swollen female mammary glands, increasing their receptivity.
  • Drowsiness, momentary asthenia and lack of composure can also signal the emergence of a new life.
  • Tingling sensations from inside the uterus.
  • Changes in food taste preferences, dislike of specific aromas, vomiting, nausea.
  • Headache.
  • Increased salivation.
  • Lower back pain.
  • Vaginal discharge.
  • Frequent urination.
  • And, ultimately, the most well-known and predicted criterion for pregnancy is a delay in the monthly cycle.

It is not at all necessary that when pregnancy occurs, a woman will immediately experience all these signs of conception. After a week of gestation, none of the above symptoms may occur; everything happens on an individual basis. There are a number of signs, if present, you should immediately go either to the pharmacy for a pregnancy test or to see a gynecologist.


Let's start with the fact that even before the cessation of menstruation, such a symptom may arise after the week of conception, such as minor spotting, which can confuse a woman, because she perceives it as menstruation, which is not similar to normal and began at an untimely time. The discharge will be yellowish-brown in color and small in volume. In medicine, such discharge is called “implantation”, meaning the earliest, initial symptoms of pregnancy.

They appear approximately from the 6th to the 12th day after conception and indicate the attachment of the embryo to the walls of the uterus. Departments of this type are not only natural process during pregnancy, but also a reason to consult a gynecologist, since the possibility of miscarriage cannot be ruled out. The main thing is not to panic and consult a doctor.

Temperature increase

An increase in baseline temperature is also considered a standard indicator of pregnancy. However, in order to reasonably estimate this indicator, it is necessary to measure the temperature in the rectum several days before conception. Obstetricians and gynecologists believe that an increase in temperature of more than 37 degrees is an obvious criterion that the girl is in an interesting position.

An increase in the base temperature during pregnancy is caused by a change in the level of progesterone in the blood; of course, it occurs only in the first 2-3 weeks, and after that the body adapts to the new level of the hormone, and the temperature returns to normal.


Head pain and weakness are very similar to the initial signs of a cold. But in fact, this is due to an increase in temperature initiated by a change in progesterone levels. In some cases, some girls have a weakened immune system at the beginning of pregnancy, which can cause rhinitis or a sore throat.

Chest hurts

Characteristic indicators of pregnancy at 1 week include slight breast swelling. In addition, many note that the breast becomes extremely sensitive, aches when pressed, and in some cases it is simply impossible to touch it. There is a possibility that colorless discharge will begin to come out of the nipples. This is an obvious indicator that the breasts are preparing to feed the unborn baby.


If certain dishes or intense odors stimulate nausea, these are features of premature toxicosis during pregnancy. It can appear as early as 2 weeks of pregnancy and last until birth. Intoxication is not a systematic manifestation, it can last only a week, and then stop for a while and, of course, everything is individual: someone really suffers, and some lucky ones don’t even understand what it is. In addition, do not be surprised that your eating habits will change significantly.

Frequent urination

Quite frequent urination is also considered a distinctive indicator of pregnancy. They arise due to an increase in the number of sexual female hormones and blood flow to the pelvic organs; moreover, with hormonal changes in the body, the functioning of the kidneys also changes. In the later stages, frequent urination is considered to be the result of fetal pressure on the bladder.


Heavy vaginal discharge can also help indicate pregnancy. There is no need to be afraid of them; during pregnancy, such compartments protect the woman’s body from bacteria and infections, since the secreted secretion contains a huge number of hydrogen ions. But keep in mind that such an environment is suitable for the growth of fungi. To prevent thrush from occurring because of them, it is necessary to use hygiene products as often as possible.

and corpus luteum

Is it possible to notice a fertilized egg on an ultrasound? this period? Unfortunately, not yet. Even if you undergo examination with a vaginal sensor, since it is still very small size. The doctor can only notice a good, lush endometrium, typical for this phase of the monthly cycle, and a yellowish body in the ovary. And in some cases there are 2 yellowish bodies, that is, one in each ovary.

The corpus luteum is a short-term gland that forms the hormone, the main testosterone of the 2nd phase of the monthly cycle. It is formed only if there was ovulation, after it. Then, if fertilization does not occur, the corpus luteum dies, the level of progesterone rapidly decreases, the endometrium begins to peel off, and a new menstruation occurs.

If birth has occurred, the corpus luteum will exist for another couple of weeks. If the doctor observes 2 full corpora lutea, then this phenomenon means that the girl had two ovulations at once. At the same time, two eggs set off to meet the sperm. And if you are lucky and they are both fertilized, the girl will have a multiple pregnancy.

Many girls who carefully monitor their own health say that they not only can own feelings establish ovulation, however, they also sense the presence of the corpus luteum. In the area of ​​the ovary where ovulation occurred, a stabbing pain appears and pulls in the lower abdomen. Whether these feelings are related to pregnancy or not is a question that cannot be answered with certainty. Probably, self-hypnosis and the desire to find at least some signs of the week after conception in such a premature period play a more role here.

Ultimately, if you haven’t seen the symptoms listed above, then it’s time to look at the monthly calendar. Probably, while they were listening to themselves and expecting at least some changes, the time had come for the “red days” on the calendar. If this is the case, but you still don’t get your period, then, therefore, you have a delay, and this is the clearest criterion for pregnancy, in which 70% of girls decide to buy a test in order to make sure.

So, if you are really pregnant, you need to go to the gynecologist and prepare for a positive perception of the world around you, because now you can’t be nervous. Be ready to be a mother and be sure to monitor your own well-being, constantly share your fears and problems with the doctor. Do not forget that the health of your unborn baby depends on this. Try to enjoy every moment of pregnancy, and then after 9 months you will be rewarded with a small miracle - the desired baby.

As noted above, you should not get your hopes up at the first signs of pregnancy. It is necessary, at a minimum, to wait until the start of the delay of menstruation. But this does not mean that you need to sit idly by or lead an unhealthy lifestyle. Future mother should adhere to the following tips.

  1. Start taking folic acid and potassium iodide. Folic acid is needed for the normal formation of the nervous system of children. This element is considered insufficient. It is almost absent from our food products. And its disadvantage is main factor serious malformations in the fetus and termination of pregnancy in the early stages. For this reason, it is necessary to start taking the microelement in the amount of 0.4-1 g per day as early as possible, more correctly even before conception. And use it at least until childbirth. In the first weeks of pregnancy, all organs and systems of the body develop in the embryo. This process can be disrupted
  2. Potassium iodide, more famous in Russian Federation under the trade name “Iodomarin”, it is needed for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Take 200 mg per day throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  3. Forget about bad habits- drinking alcohol and smoking. Everything is obvious here. All harmful substances negatively affect emerging life.
  4. Do not take pharmaceutical or traditional remedies (including various herbs, they can be poisonous), do not undergo x-rays or other operations that are potentially unsafe for expectant mothers.
  5. Try not to be in in public places and in children's groups, in order not to “catch” an acute respiratory viral or other infectious disease. It is especially important for the cool period of the year and the first trimester of pregnancy in general. It is very risky for the unborn baby if the mother is infected with herpes (especially type 2, genital), rubella, and chickenpox.
  6. When cleaning the toilet after pets, only wear gloves and wash your hands thoroughly afterwards.
  7. Boil meat for a long time, thoroughly peel vegetables and fruits before consumption. All these restrictions during the 1st week of pregnancy are considered to prevent an infection that is unsafe for expectant mothers - toxoplasmosis.
  8. Watch cute movies, meet with friends, girlfriends and do other things that bring pleasure and pleasure.
  9. Avoid stress.
  10. Sex is not prohibited, but only if there is no risk of contracting something sexually transmitted infection. The question of whether it is possible to have sex arises most critically after the cessation of menstruation, if there are certain signs of danger of termination of pregnancy.
  11. Taking a warm bath, steam room, or sauna should be avoided. They will lead to an increase in temperature, including in the uterine area, which is not considered suitable for children. There is every chance of causing an abortion in the early stages.

Many girls are interested in when is the best time to inform family members and friends about their own pregnancy. Of course, everyone decides for themselves. However, it is unlikely that this should be done a week after possible conception, since pregnancy can fail even in a very young and healthy girl.

There is no point in visiting a gynecologist or going for an ultrasound in the initial weeks. Neither a doctor nor an ultrasound will be able to accurately determine pregnancy a week after conception.

In our pregnancy calendar, you, along with thousands of other expectant mothers, will go through an amazing and lifelong journey of forty obstetric weeks. This will be a happy and prosperous journey, starting from the first day of the last menstruation and ending with the long-awaited and most joyful birth of the baby.

Let’s immediately make a reservation that obstetric weeks are usually counted from the first day of the last menstruation, and embryonic weeks “ interesting situation» take the starting point from fertilization. In our calendar, in accordance with advanced medical science, we count obstetric weeks.

You will learn from our calendar what happens in your body in 1 week of pregnancy and at each new stage, how the fetus develops and grows, you will receive useful recommendations, you will see encouraging videos, expectant mothers will share photos of their bellies, ultrasound images, their impressions and symptoms. There will be a ton of useful information, we guarantee.

First obstetric week of pregnancy, how are you already understood, precedes conception, so a woman should not have any unusual sensations.

There can be no signs of pregnancy at 1 week according to the obstetric counting method. They will appear 14 days later.

Receive letters about the baby's development and the mother's condition once a week.

Embryo development

Many thousands, and even hundreds of thousands, of young girls, as soon as the test shows the coveted two stripes, rush to type in a global network search engine the query: “the first week of pregnancy - embryo development.” They can’t wait to read how the unborn child is doing under their hearts, as soon as they learned about their “interesting situation” and the prospect of carrying a little Miracle inside them for the next nine months. This is the eternal maternal instinct from Mother Nature.

However, as we said in the previous section, 1 week of pregnancy according to the obstetric counting method (not to be confused with 1 embryonic week of pregnancy, which will occur 14 days later) PRECEDES not only fertilization, therefore the birth of an embryo in the body of the expectant mother, but also ovulation, necessary for conception, for the sperm to reach the egg.

Life will begin under the heart of a young girl only between the second and third obstetric weeks of pregnancy.

If you really can’t wait to find out about the development of the fetus inside you and what it looks like, the correct way to write it in a search engine is the development of the embryo in the 1st embryonic week of pregnancy.

Signs and symptoms of pregnancy in the first week

According to the week counting system (obstetrical) chosen by our calendar, strange as it may sound, in the first week of pregnancy the pregnancy itself has not yet occurred, a cycle has simply emerged in the female body, favorable for preparation for conception and, as a consequence, pregnancy. But in order not to waste time, it’s time to give the expectant mother useful information about what pregnancy symptoms she should expect in the 1st week after conception.

So, the first week of pregnancy is characterized by the following signs and symptoms:

  1. It is acceptable for the expectant mother to feel slightly unwell with symptoms similar to a cold, but without a high fever.
  2. During the day, the mood can change dramatically several times with a high amplitude (from tears to laughter). Hormones in a woman’s body make her emotional mood extremely unstable in a short period of time.
  3. Sleep may be disrupted. If a girl wakes up unreasonably early, she may feel the desire to sleep more all day long. The feeling of lack of sleep intensifies the ailments from the first point, adding to them weakness and fatigue.
  4. There is a possibility that a pregnant girl will feel heaviness in her lower abdomen. This is due to the fact that now a larger volume of blood is supplied to the uterus than usual.
  5. In addition, the likelihood of headaches of varying intensity and severity is acceptable.
  6. Touching the mammary glands can be painful for a girl.
  7. Many expectant mothers at this stage of pregnancy note an increased appetite.
  8. It is possible that early toxicosis will already make itself felt, manifested by short-term attacks of nausea in the morning.
  9. The urge to urinate may become more frequent.
  10. There is a small chance that a girl will feel discomfort in the lower back at this stage.

It is not at all necessary that all ten of the listed early pregnancy companions immediately “attack” you after fertilization. Not at all. Each female body is individual.

Most likely, in the 1st week of pregnancy after conception, you will notice only pain when touching your breasts and active mood swings. And everything else will pass you by. You should hope for the best and prepare for the worst. Under no circumstances should you program yourself that this whole wealth of symptoms and signs will “fall” on you in in full. Stay positive!

Remember, at any stage of the “interesting situation” it is very important for the expectant mother to be in a comfortable psycho-emotional state. Do not think about bad things, do not get involved in conflicts, avoid stress and strong experiences. Everyone should “work” for the positive mood of a pregnant woman: spouse, parents, close relatives, friends, neighbors, colleagues, doctors and everyone.

Determining the exact date

In the first obstetric week of pregnancy, as we have repeatedly said above, sexual intercourse between future parents with the aim of fertilizing the egg has not yet occurred. In fact, the pregnancy has not yet begun. Exact date, most likely, your local gynecologist will be able to skillfully and competently determine when you go to the antenatal clinic to register.

Now let's once again talk through the sequence of events and the corresponding weeks of pregnancy according to the obstetric reference system.

For this we will use a numbered diagram. The number will indicate the obstetric week of pregnancy.

  1. The menstrual cycle of an expectant mother.
  2. Ovulation in the female body.
  3. Fertilization of an egg during sexual intercourse of future parents.
  4. The fertilized egg moves down the fallopian tube, dividing from the zygote to the blastocyst, and is implanted in the endometrium of the uterus.
  5. A simple pregnancy test based on hCG levels may show two lines.
  6. Education and development of the embryo.

Ultrasound of the fetus at 1 week of pregnancy

An ultrasound of the fetus in the first obstetric week of pregnancy, as you yourself understood from the diagram above, is not done. This is completely meaningless until fertilization and sexual intercourse for the purpose of conception between future parents. However, ultrasound examination is permissible during the first embryonic week of pregnancy (corresponding to the third obstetric week) in order to confirm pregnancy.

Abdominal pain

Abdominal pain in early pregnancy is a common symptom. Of course, not during the first or second obstetric week, but somewhat later. The uterus will be supplied with blood more actively and week after week it will actively grow, pressing on the bladder and other internal organs. Nowadays, a woman can experience pain in the abdomen only if it is her usual pain during menstruation.


In the first obstetric week of pregnancy, at the very beginning of your happy journey to motherhood, there can be no early toxicosis or nausea, because fertilization has not yet occurred. A woman’s body is only preparing for its “interesting situation.” If you are experiencing nausea during this period, this is not a sign of pregnancy, but most likely a consequence of some problem in the digestive system.

Mood changes

During the first obstetric week of pregnancy, corresponding to the start of the first trimester of the “interesting situation” and the very beginning of the first obstetric month of pregnancy, there should be no mood swings or changes. Unless this is individually characteristic of this particular girl at the beginning of the menstrual cycle.

Mood changes in the early stages of pregnancy are usually caused by hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother.

Of course, it cannot begin before fertilization, that is, until pregnancy actually occurs.

Many women in early pregnancy are susceptible to this psychological problem– during the day, the mood changes dramatically several times: from tears and negative experiences to incredible joy and laughter. New hormones in the body of the expectant mother, according to the laws of Nature, thus prepare the woman for a new status and strengthen her psychological immunity.

Decreased performance

In the early stages of pregnancy, expectant mothers may experience a decrease in performance. This can be facilitated by: sleep disturbance, a feeling of weakness, fatigue and lack of sleep, sudden changes in psycho-emotional mood, and sometimes the pursuit of all kinds of “pregnant” phobias and fears. This is absolutely normal.

Both physiologically and psychologically, a woman must rebuild and prepare for her new status as a mother - the most important person in the life of the unborn child, responsible for his health, well-being and happiness.

In order to prevent a decrease in performance from disturbing the usual daily routine, it is very important not to succumb to bad thoughts, fears and unnecessary worries. Keep your spirit up for the best!

Possible problems

As we said, in the first week of pregnancy, according to the obstetric counting method that we chose in our calendar, pregnancy did not actually occur. The menstrual cycle is still going on. After this, the egg matures, and only then (after 12-16 days) fertilization. Therefore, there is no point in talking about possible problems in the first two weeks. It is better to prepare the expectant mother for possible problems early pregnancy.

The key word here is “possible”. It is absolutely not necessary that all of the above, or even part of it, will affect you. Each organism is individual.

There is a high probability that the following ailments will not bother a pregnant girl.

Hypothetical problems in early pregnancy include:

  1. Thrush during pregnancy, accompanied by itching and curdled discharge.
  2. Early toxicosis, accompanied by morning nausea, low appetite and poor health.
  3. Frozen pregnancy, the likelihood of which is extremely low if you follow all the recommendations of specialists.
  4. Frequent urination due to the growing uterus putting pressure on the bladder.
  5. Constipation.
  6. Spontaneous abortion, or miscarriage, which also happens extremely rarely if all the rules are followed at the stage of pregnancy planning and the actual bearing of the child.
  7. Changes and sudden changes moods.
  8. Sleep disturbances, feeling of lack of sleep, weakness and fatigue.

Set yourself up for a positive wave. We have listed what is most likely to occur in pregnant women in the early stages. Aware means armed. The birth of a healthy child largely depends on the positive attitude and optimism of the expectant mother!

The birth of a new life is coming inside a woman, and measures taken to preserve her health during this period are more important than ever. Therefore, at this time it is important to find out what is not allowed in the first week of pregnancy.

  1. If you haven't done this before, start right now, and this will definitely have a beneficial effect on your baby's development in the future.
  2. Probably the most important warning is to avoid all possible ingestion of poison into a woman’s body. That is, smoking and alcohol in the first weeks of pregnancy should be completely avoided. All medications that a woman is forced to use for one reason or another must be approved by a doctor. Everyone knows that many medications
  3. can cause irreversible processes in a woman’s body. Therefore, it is unacceptable to take medications without a doctor's permission. Try to avoid X-ray exposure of the abdominal organs. Such studies are carried out only when!
  4. emergency
  5. Stressful situations negatively affect the health of the expectant mother, so it is advisable to solve all problems that arise peacefully. Don't quarrel with your loved ones, don't conflict with your employees! It would be much better to create a cozy romantic atmosphere at home with your husband, because sex in the first weeks of pregnancy will not only allow you to relax, but will also strengthen your relationship with your spouse in the intimate sphere. Avoid contact with sick people as much as possible. It is important to dress warmly during the cold season and protect yourself from colds and various diseases which may cause temperature increase
  6. To strengthen the immune system and enrich the body with missing microelements, it is recommended to take vitamins already in the first weeks of pregnancy. But don’t forget about proper nutrition, which is so important. The diet must include vegetables, fruits, grains and dairy products. It is especially important to pay attention to the folic acid content in foods, which will help prevent birth defects and promote normal fetal development.

Nutrition for the expectant mother

The future mother's diet throughout pregnancy, in general, and in the early stages, in particular, should be varied, balanced and healthy. You will have to give up smoked, spicy, fried foods. Preference should be given to steamed, stewed and boiled dishes. More fresh vegetables and fruits, herbs and berries. It is advisable to abstain from carbonated drinks (lemonade, Pepsi and cola). Avoid excessive consumption of coffee, chocolate, citrus fruits and honey (high-risk foods). allergic reactions). To avoid toxicosis, it is better to eat meals in fractions – often and in small portions. Five to six times a day. Lean on dairy products - a source of calcium, and boiled meat and seafood - a source of protein.

Many people are surprised to learn that 1 week of pregnancy is not the pregnancy itself. Using the figure 40 weeks, doctors calculate the obstetric period, which is counted from the first day of the last menstruation, that is, the first day of the cycle in which conception occurred. So in the first week there are no and cannot be any signs of pregnancy.

So what is the first week of pregnancy and why is a woman not actually pregnant at this time? When talking about term, doctors mention two concepts: obstetric term and embryonic term. The process of bearing a child consists of 40 obstetric weeks or 38 embryonic weeks. In medicine, they operate precisely during the obstetric period.

If it is the first obstetric week of pregnancy, the test will not show two stripes, since fertilization has not yet occurred. The test begins to respond as soon as the concentration of hCG in the urine reaches a certain level. This occurs only a week and a half after the implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterine endometrium.

Obstetric and embryonic term

The obstetric gestational age is counted from the first day of the last menstruation. For example, your last period began on the 1st of the current month. According to the schedule, the next ones should start on 29. But they are not there, and the pregnancy test shows two lines. From the 1st to the 29th, 29 full days have passed. By carrying out simple calculations, you can determine the obstetric gestational age. In this case it is equal to 4 weeks and 1 day.

The embryonic period is also called real. It is counted from the moment when the egg unites with the sperm.

It turns out that the first day of pregnancy is the day of conception. Finding out exactly what day conception occurred is quite difficult for two reasons:

  • It is not always possible to remember when you had unprotected sexual intercourse.
  • Fertilization does not occur during sexual intercourse, but from 3 hours to 3-5 days after it.

Therefore, it is much easier to count the gestational age from the first day of the last menstruation. On average, the difference between obstetric and embryonic periods is 14 days. With an obstetric period of 4 weeks, the real “age” of the embryo is 2 weeks. It turns out that the first obstetric week of pregnancy is not a pregnancy as such. Your period usually begins at this time. After them, ovulation occurs.

The process of ovulation is the release of an egg from the follicle. It occurs approximately 2 weeks after the start of your period.

This period is considered the most favorable for conception, and the duration is equal to the lifespan of the egg - usually two days.

Taking into account all of the above, we can conclude that in menstrual cycle There are only two days for pregnancy to occur. But there is one caveat: exact time It is difficult to determine the onset of ovulation.

In addition, sperm live a little longer than an egg. It turns out that the number of days favorable for conception increases to a week (3 days before ovulation and 4 days after it happens).

In most cases, doctors keep records by obstetric period. This helps them see and correct possible problems.

What happens in the first week?

1 week of pregnancy according to the obstetric period is the beginning of the cycle.


Almost all this time the woman has bleeding. The process itself represents the cleansing of the uterus from the endometrium - this is the mucous tissue that lines its cavity. Thanks to it, a fertilized egg can successfully implant in the uterus.

During the period between menstruation, the endometrium changes greatly. It becomes thicker and enriched with blood vessels, thereby preparing the “soil” for the fertilized egg. If conception does not occur, this layer is torn off and brought out.

After your period ends, the mucous membrane begins to grow again. At the same time, the process of maturation of follicles with eggs begins. Usually there are about 30 of them, but by the time of ovulation only one remains.

It turns out that 1 week of pregnancy according to the obstetric period is the time when the mother’s body is cleansed of old cells and stocked with new ones.

In this way he prepares for possible conception.


The breasts become denser. Touching can be unpleasant and even painful. This is normal during the premenstrual and menstrual periods.


Most women feel a nagging pain in the lower abdomen, as well as in the lumbar region.

It appears due to the fact that the uterus contracts in order to get rid of the endometrium, and is also a normal phenomenon. But severe pain you can’t tolerate it – you should definitely consult a doctor about taking antispasmodics, this is especially important if you are planning a pregnancy.

What to do?

During this period, a woman needs to prepare her body as best as possible for pregnancy.

This preparation has several goals:

  • increase the chances of conception;
  • give the child the opportunity to fully develop;
  • ensure the health of both mother and child.

How to properly prepare for conception and the process of bearing a child?

The right diet

The diet must be changed in advance. It is recommended to adhere to the correct diet during pregnancy planning, after conception, and during breastfeeding.

If fertilization has occurred

If the egg has been fertilized by a sperm, it begins to move towards the uterus. This process usually takes approximately ten days. As soon as she occupies her designated place, the first week after conception begins.

During this period, the woman’s body undergoes some changes:

Obstetric and embryonic periods of pregnancy have significant differences. The first week of the obstetric period is, in fact, preparatory to conception. At this time, a woman should be especially attentive to her health. It is recommended to change your diet and daily routine, giving preference to healthy food and adequate rest.

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