Recipe books for Redmond multicookers of various models. Dishes in the Redmond multicooker: recipes with photos

home Since the multicooker appeared in the kitchen, women may not spend their time at the stove. free time , preparing delicious and healthy food

for the whole family. In a slow cooker you can cook first courses and porridges, second courses and side dishes, stews, as well as excellent desserts. Within our website you can find various recipes

in a Redmond slow cooker: step-by-step recipes with photos will help you understand exactly how a particular dish is prepared, what steps should be taken to ultimately put a tasty and healthy work of culinary art on the table. In this material we will give a few more recipes to help housewives.

Fast pizza
Both adults and children love this dish very much. But not everyone dares to cook it at home.

yourself, because you will need to go through many stages of preparation, starting with the dough. According to this recipe, pizza can be prepared in no time; it will definitely be tasty and very nutritious.
What do you need:
Four large spoons of mayonnaise;
A pair of eggs;
Nine large spoons of flour;
Four tablespoons of sour cream;
Sausage and grated cheese;

Mushrooms and other favorite ingredients for pizza toppings. Pizza according to this recipe can be prepared in a slow cooker in just a few minutes; the finished dish will delight you with its aroma, taste and beauty. appearance

. Liquid dough is used for preparation. It should be mixed with sour cream and eggs, mayonnaise and flour. Place in the bowl of the device.

Place any filling you wish on top of the dough. Traditionally, mushrooms and tomatoes, sausage, pickled cucumbers, and onions can be noted here. Spread the pizza with mayonnaise, then top with a thick layer of grated cheese. Turn on the device for forty minutes, setting the “Baking” mode.

Advice! This quick pizza can be prepared in a frying pan in exactly the same way. Then just put the pan on low heat and fry the pizza for 15 minutes.

Tender mackerel If we consider other recipes in the Redmond multicooker: recipes with step-by-step photos must definitely include fish. Mackerel is available and delicious fish

yourself, because you will need to go through many stages of preparation, starting with the dough. According to this recipe, pizza can be prepared in no time; it will definitely be tasty and very nutritious.
, but it is quite fatty and because of this, housewives do not know exactly how to cook it correctly. A slow cooker will help. Pay attention to the recipes.
A couple of carrots;
Three mackerel;
A glass of sour cream;
Glass of water;

Many who have already tried this recipe in action say that the most tender mackerel is obtained when cooked in a slow cooker. Clean the fish carcasses, rinse and cut into medium pieces. Peel the carrots and onions. Chop the onion and grate the carrots.

First place the onion, then the carrots and fish into the bowl of the soybean device, and place sour cream on top. Sprinkle everything with salt and pour a glass of water. This dish should be cooked in the “Baking” mode for forty minutes.

Cottage cheese casserole

So we’ve come to the recipes in the Redmond multicooker, we suggest looking at the recipe with photos of step-by-step preparation cottage cheese casserole. It will turn out tender and airy, but how could it be otherwise?

yourself, because you will need to go through many stages of preparation, starting with the dough. According to this recipe, pizza can be prepared in no time; it will definitely be tasty and very nutritious.
Bag vanilla sugar;
Half a kilo of cottage cheese;
A glass of kefir;
Small spoon of baking powder;
A third of a glass of regular sugar;
100 grams of semolina;
Five eggs.

Semolina will need to be poured with kefir for a quarter of an hour, because it should swell. Break the eggs and separate the whites from the yolks. Now beat the yolks and cottage cheese, baking powder and semolina, kefir and vanilla sugar in a mixer. You should get a light and airy homogeneous dough.

Beat the egg whites separately and gradually add sugar without stopping the process. Place the curd mass into the bowl of the device, which is slightly greased with oil. Bake for 40 minutes in the “Baking” mode. After this, set the “Warming” mode for 50 minutes; this is the move that will make the dish airy. All that remains is to serve the casserole on the table, garnishing with whipped egg whites and sugar. How can I do it?

Cake "Prague"

Oddly enough, but like this a delicious cake Since Soviet times, today you can cook twice as fast if you have a multicooker at home. The taste is special and truly exquisite.

yourself, because you will need to go through many stages of preparation, starting with the dough. According to this recipe, pizza can be prepared in no time; it will definitely be tasty and very nutritious.
500 ml condensed milk;
150 gr. butter;
Three eggs;
A teaspoon of soda;
A glass of flour;
A few tablespoons of cocoa;
For glaze: two large spoons of cocoa, 100 gr. sugar and 50 gr. butter, canteen
a spoonful of water and two tablespoons of sour cream.

The eggs will need to be beaten into foam. Add soda to sour cream, beat these ingredients with condensed milk, then add the egg mixture to them. Mix everything, add flour and a little cocoa. This will be the cake dough.

Place the dough in the bowl and set the “Baking” mode for exactly one hour. When the cake has cooled, it needs to be cut into two parts. Mix condensed milk and melted milk separately butter- This is the cream that is used to lubricate the cakes.

Now put sour cream and water, sugar and cocoa in a bowl, mix everything and put on the stove. Bring the ingredients to a boil over low heat. Add butter to the chocolate mixture and continue stirring until smooth. When the glaze is ready, pour it over our cake assembled from cake layers with cream.

If you need to find recipes in a Redmond multicooker: recipes with step-by-step photos, then within the framework of our culinary project we have collected many options for preparing this dish with step-by-step pictures and photographs. We can only wish you and your family bon appetit!

If you want to easily prepare a variety of dishes, including real culinary masterpieces, and not just traditional and everyday soups and cereals, pay attention to the Redmond multifunctional multicooker.

It is optimal among all devices on the market of this type. And it is not surprising that more and more European housewives prefer this particular model.

Fortunately, in the virtual cookbook on our website you can find recipes with photos that will allow you to prepare the most delicious dish.

Incredible possibilities

With the help of a universal, compact and economical multicooker Redmond, you can easily prepare:

  • soups;
  • porridge;
  • pies;
  • bread;
  • yogurts;
  • meat, etc.

You will simply be amazed at how delicious a meal can be that you just spent a few minutes preparing - finding the recipe in our cookbook and putting all the ingredients together.

Unique features of Redmond

As mentioned above, the Redmond multicooker is surprisingly versatile. Because it combines several functions of various kitchen appliances. For example, now you do not need to additionally purchase:

  • yogurt maker;
  • steamer;
  • bread maker.

Since the Redmond multicooker combines the functions of several devices at once, the number of recipes for it is unusually large. All of them are presented in a virtual cookbook on our website and illustrated with high-quality photos that provide a complete picture of what you will end up preparing.

Convenient catalog

Recipes with photos are ideally catalogued, which will allow you to choose a dish quite quickly, without wasting time on long flipping through the pages of the site. Using the advice of the best chefs who created all these recipes, you can prepare a truly original dish that will amaze your family members and guests of your home. In this case, the main concern will fall on the Redmond multicooker.

You don't have to spend stressful hours in the kitchen, constantly moving around the work area. You just need to load the Redmond multicooker with products in accordance with the selected recipe and you can go about your business with complete peace of mind. After finishing cooking, the kitchen appliances will notify you with a sound signal that you can set the table!

Anything you want

The Redmond multicooker is perfect for preparing any dish. These can be the following culinary masterpieces:

  • pilaf;
  • rabbit stewed with wine;
  • beef chops.

As you know, real Uzbek pilaf requires special approach and a certain culinary talent, but if you use the Redmond kitchen appliance, no difficulties will arise. The same can be safely said about other recipes available on our website. Pick up necessary ingredients, prepare them, load them into your smart kitchen assistant and confidently go about your business!

The Redmond multicooker will do everything for you, and you will only receive praise from your family and friends who will appreciate the taste characteristics of the food prepared in this household appliance.

The multicooker allows you to cook in automatic mode, that is, this device does not require your constant participation and intervention in the process. She can fry, boil, stew and bake. Plus, the manufacturer included a “steaming” program in this “miracle saucepan.” In other words, every housewife will like a multicooker.

To prepare this or that dish in the Redmond multicooker, all you have to do is prepare the ingredients, load them into the saucepan and set the optimal mode..

Professional opinion: “ international company Redmond is one of the leading manufacturers of household appliances and electronics. Therefore, each of the multicooker models of this brand represents new technological developments. Anyone who has ever used this technique understands that it is highly comfortable and is perfect for modern image life without forcing women to stand at the stove for hours.”

Cooking in the Redmond multicooker: recipes with photos from the site

If you decide to cook some dish on the Redmond multicooker, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with our recipes. After you choose one of the dishes we offer, proceed to the cooking process, following the step-by-step recommendations in the recipe. This way you will eliminate the slightest risk of mistakes, and in the future, having gained experience, you will be able to experiment with different options cooking your favorite dishes.

Almost all popular dishes are very easy to prepare in a slow cooker. Any housewife can handle this kitchen device; the main thing is to follow the step-by-step steps. Now, to prepare a full meal, you don’t have to spend a lot of time, because this technique will do everything for you.

Attention! It should be noted that food that is cooked in a slow cooker preserves a large number of vitamins, without forming various substances harmful to health, carcinogens. You can cook anything in it, first and second courses, baked goods, drinks and even winter preparations, recipes for which you will find .

  • To prepare a delicious dish and not spoil it, recipes with photos and step by step descriptions. Plus, take the time to watch the video at the end of each recipe, which will allow you to better understand the whole process.
  • The tastiest things to make in a slow cooker are biscuits, pies with fruits or berries, manna cakes and casseroles.
  • It is recommended to fill the miracle saucepan with ingredients no more than 2/3 and no less than ½ of its volume.
  • Experienced chefs do not recommend opening the lid of a multicooker, only stirring if necessary or checking the dish for readiness.
  • If you plan to simultaneously cook meat and vegetables in a multicooker, it is recommended to place the latter under them, spreading them over the walls and bottom of the appliance.


On our website you will find a lot interesting ways, how to use the Redmond multicooker. This useful miracle technique can quickly feed your entire family.

In this section you can download books on cooking various dishes in Redmond multicookers absolutely free of charge. Recipe books for multicookers in PDF format.

Recipe books for Redmond multicookers

Keep in mind that in most cases recipes for a specific model can be easily adapted to another. Try it, you will definitely succeed!

Recipe book for multicooker Redmond RMC-M10
(120 recipes)

With the help of such a multifunctional device as the Redmond M10 multicooker, you can easily adhere to the basic norms of a healthy diet, because... this model contains latest developments in the field of kitchen appliances, aimed at healthy eating and conservation the largest number nutrients in the products used in the preparation of various dishes.

This model allows you to perform a number of indispensable actions for any housewife in the kitchen, while it is made in a fairly compact case that does not take up much space. With the help of the recipe book for the Redmond M10 multicooker, you will become a real chef in the kitchen.

You can cook a wide variety of dishes, from simple and everyday to the most exotic and unusual. Cook soups and cereals, fry fish or meat, cook delicious desserts and biscuits, this is not a problem with the recipe book for the Redmond RMC-M10 multicooker.

Recipe book for multi-pressure cooker Redmond RMC-M4504
(101 recipes)

With the book for the Redmond RMC-4504 multicooker, you will become a real chef in your kitchen. From the seemingly simple products you will learn how to cook the most delicious dishes. All products that are prepared in this model retain maximum nutrients, thanks to the technology of special heating of the bowl and the tightness of the lid.

The recipe book for the Redmond M4504 multicooker-pressure cooker, containing 101 recipes, will always help you prepare something exquisite and extremely tasty for your family and friends. Now you don’t need to rack your brains over what to cook for lunch or dinner, you just need to open the book, choose the recipe you like and start implementing it.

This multicooker-pressure cooker model can replace all the bulky and noisy cooking equipment that you have used up to this point. The Redmond 4504 multicooker can cook not just ordinary porridge and cabbage soup.

With it you can always prepare unusual and even extravagant dishes, so to speak culinary delights that only an experienced chef can do.

Recipe book for multicooker Redmond RMC-M90
(200 recipes)

The Redmond RMC-M90 multicooker combines all the features of a household appliance itself High Quality. Its functional design and compactness will allow you to do away with many kitchen appliances, freeing up enough great place in the kitchen.

A book with recipes for the Redmond M90 multicooker, specially developed by the company's chefs, will allow you to bring almost any dish to life. You have 45 automatic cooking programs at your disposal.

In addition to the standard ones: Frying, Steaming, Stewing - this model implements such programs as Simmering, Bread and Desserts. Redmond engineers tirelessly create for you more and more functional and convenient multicookers so that you can please your friends and loved ones with unforgettable culinary masterpieces .

Fortunately, this will take very little time!

* The list of recipe books for multicookers will be updated, so keep an eye on the site for updates.

Today we will bake potatoes in a slow cooker with cheese and mayonnaise.

Buckwheat with frozen vegetables

Buckwheat will always save you if you need to quickly and easily prepare something hearty and versatile. Add vegetables to it, and now we have a complete dish. Today we will cook buckwheat with frozen vegetables.

Rice with stew in a slow cooker: tasty, simple and fast

Serving option for ready meals

Not sure what to cook for dinner? Try rice with stew!

Chicken with zucchini in a slow cooker

During the vegetable season, you can pamper yourself with variety. delicious dishes. An excellent option for this dish is chicken with zucchini, cooked in a slow cooker.

Cabbage with rice in a slow cooker

Cabbage and rice are two cheap and accessible products that will allow you to deliciously feed your family, and will not put a dent in the owner’s pocket, even in times of crisis. Today there are two for you simple recipes cabbage with rice in a slow cooker.

French fries are an excellent hearty dish that can be easily and quickly prepared in a slow cooker. For you, a recipe for French fries in a Redmond slow cooker.

Vegetables in a Redmond multicooker (sauté)

Vegetables in the slow cooker are ready!

Today there is a recipe for you stewed vegetables in a slow cooker. This recipe is also called vegetable sauté in a slow cooker.

Potatoes with meat in a slow cooker

No matter how you look at it, meat and potato stew is everyone's favorite. It is nutritious, satisfying and, if you have a multicooker, easy to prepare.

Beans in a slow cooker

If nothing comes to mind in terms of cooking, try making beans with vegetables - very tasty, satisfying and original. The lack of meat does not affect the taste in any way. Beans themselves are very nutritious, so combining them with vegetables becomes a real godsend.

Buckwheat with chicken in a slow cooker

Cooking buckwheat with chicken in a slow cooker is very simple and easy. Today there are three great recipes for you:
  • classical
  • with chicken and mushrooms
  • with chicken, tomatoes and cheese

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