What are the consequences of alcoholism and drug addiction. Social consequences of drug addiction and alcoholism. Self-test questions

Drug addiction is an incredibly serious disease that can lead to death. It’s just a pity that drug addicts themselves don’t understand this, or perhaps they just don’t want to understand. And when the “epiphany” comes, it is already too late to live, study, do interesting things, love, create your own friendly family and give birth to healthy children. In Russia, 140 thousand people are officially registered in drug treatment clinics, of which 11 thousand are children and adolescents. However, these figures cannot give a complete picture of the number of drug addicts, because only those who do it voluntarily are registered, and this is approximately every 30th drug addict. So count how many people in our society are sick with drugs!

The consequences of drug addiction primarily affect the health of the drug addict. Many human organs suffer from drug use - the brain, as well as the heart and liver. As a result of taking intoxicating substances, the psyche is disturbed, impotence occurs, a drug addict will never be able to give the world healthy offspring, the likelihood of drug addicts having children with genetic disorders and deformities is almost 100%!

Diseases of drug addicts are HIV and hepatitis C, they are observed in 90% of addicts. drug addicts endure it very hard (due to lowered immunity), so even an ordinary acute respiratory infection can turn into torture for them. After two years of taking drugs, a person begins to experience inflammation of the heart, which leads to blockage of blood vessels. Myocarditis, arrhythmia, problems with veins - these are a wide range of diseases of a drug addict. The consequences of drug addiction for others are no less dire. There are cases where parents of drug addicts died from a stroke, heart attack, or even at the hands of their beloved child. After all, a drug addict “high” becomes not like a person; the goal is constantly looming before him: to get a new dose, no matter which way. There are statistics that during his short life one drug addict (half of addicts die after six months of regular use and only 1% survives to the age of 40) manages to introduce another 7-10 people to drugs.

Why has drug addiction become so widespread? Don’t people understand what they are doing when they take drugs, don’t they know what the consequences of drug addiction are? The fact is that this addiction has another side - the drug business, it is profitable for those who sell drugs so that more and more people “get on the needle.” Note that drug dealers themselves do not use drugs! A potential drug addict always gets the first dose for free, and the offer to “try” is accompanied by numerous promises of fabulous sensations, the opportunity to visit another reality and temporarily disconnect from problems. But as soon as a person is hooked and becomes addicted, the free cheese, which only happens in a mousetrap, is immediately taken away and a certain, fairly large amount is demanded for the next dose. That is why young people from wealthy families most often become victims of drug traffickers. Those who are no longer able to get money legally, resort to all kinds of hardships.

Statistics confirm that once an area is rid of drug addiction, the number of crimes immediately decreases: thefts, robberies and prostitution. The consequences of drug addiction often lead a person to jail, and it doesn’t have to be the drug addict himself - it could be a person who unknowingly fell for the bait of friends. Often such people are charged with drug possession, maintaining a drug den, and cultivating drug-containing plants.

There is an opinion that drugs are divided according to severity, for example, marijuana is classified as light, and cocaine, heroin and “white Chinese” are classified as heavy. However, such a division is hardly appropriate; the consequence of drugs, regardless of their type and class, is always the same - severe impairment of health (physical and mental) and often death!

Drug addiction... This is one of the most significant problems of our time. Drug addiction is a serious disease that is common in many countries around the world, regardless of their economic status. Despite the fact that such a phenomenon as drug addiction is to some extent individual, its consequences affect all groups and segments of the population. What are the social consequences? How can bad habits of individuals affect society as a whole?

Social damage to the family

Let's start with the main thing - family. According to official data, the number of registered drug addicts never corresponds to real figures. If we take statistics as a basis, the real number of drug addicts will be 5 times greater than the number of registered ones.

The social consequences of drug addiction are aggravated by the fact that in addition to the drug addict himself, this terrible illness affects his family, loved ones, and friends. That is, the number of people in the “trap” of drug addiction is increasing exponentially. Due to the dependence of one of the spouses on drugs, families are destroyed, the number of divorces is growing, the well-being of families, both material and moral, is suffering, and cases of violence against women, elderly parents, and children are increasing.

Drug addiction invariably leads to degradation of the addict’s personality and separates him from society. A person ceases to be interested in anything other than the drug, except for the sensations that come to him after the next dose. All moral values ​​disappear. A person becomes a “slave” of the drug.

The spread of drug addiction in society affects all areas of human activity. Drug addicts stop going to work and become parasites. And even if they do work, they try to steal something, take it home, and then exchange the stolen goods for drugs.

Over time, the addict begins to fully provide for his relatives (if they agree to tolerate the presence of the addict). If the real family refuses to support the drug addict, he leaves home and joins the so-called drug addict family.

Drug addiction - health - crime

The social consequences of drug addiction affect the field of medicine and healthcare. There is an increase in the incidence rate, especially of “social” diseases – HIV, STDs, AIDS. In addition, it destabilizes the structure of healthcare as a whole, contributing to the diversion of funds and resources necessary for the treatment of “normal” diseases to the treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts.

Please note that in order to cure a person of drug addiction or restore health destroyed by it, huge amounts of money are spent. That is, theoretically, someone in need of medical care may not receive it, which will contribute to the growth of chronic diseases among the population.

Taking drugs has a negative effect on genetics. Children of drug addicts have a high risk of developing hereditary mutations, pathologies and anomalies. The mortality rate for children born to drug-addicted parents is incredibly high.

The negative thing is that drug addiction primarily destroys adolescents and young people from 15 to 28 years old. Because of this, the age structure of society is noticeably changing, and mortality at a young age is increasing. All this leads to the “aging” of society.

An obvious social consequence of drug addiction is an increase in crime. For the sake of the desired dose, a drug addict can transgress any boundaries of morality, commit any offense, commit any crime. Even the most disgusting thing is murder. Because of this, he becomes dangerous to society as a whole.

Yes, the social consequences of drug addiction are terrible. Which once again makes us think that the fight against drug addiction should have a special priority in all areas of social activity.

Drug use destroys not only a person’s body, but also his soul. The consequences of drug addiction are terrible both for a person’s physical condition and for his psyche. Among all the medical consequences of drug addiction, typical personality changes of people who regularly use psychoactive substances stand out.

This is impoverishment and weakening of the psyche, loss of emotions and interests, and a decrease in life potential.

At the first stages of addiction to narcotic substances, affective disorders predominate in people, that is, there is an increase in sensitivity, a tendency to emotional instability and inadequate reactions to what is happening around them. Over time, subjective personality characteristics smooth out, and patients become similar in behavior to each other.

Drug addicts exhibit behavior characterized by depression, deceit, loss of sense of duty and self-criticism. They stop realistically assessing the danger of the consequences of drug addiction. Psychopathic personality degradation occurs, in which all a person’s thoughts and powers are subordinated to one goal - to find and use a drug.

Social consequences of drug addiction

Drug use leads to a huge number of difficulties and dead-end situations for the patient himself. They appear after the first dose of the drug. A person finds himself in a completely different world, where there are no worries or worries. This world will soon replace the real one for him, but not for long, and in the real world a real nightmare awaits him - psychological instability, depression, constant withdrawal symptoms, headaches, rotting teeth, hair falling out, chronic cough, impotence. The human body begins to rot from a poison called a drug.

Socially, the drug addict will face complete collapse. His personal life is upset, his family is falling apart, and he is no longer able to work. But to answer the question: is the drug worth all this? – many drug addicts answer in the affirmative.

For a person who is addicted to drugs, life begins with the constant darkness of hospital corridors, scalpels and phonendoscopes, a colorless world around him, social misunderstanding, and denial from family members. Most drug addicts deny that they are already hooked on drugs, and those around them stop reacting to them. After all, everyone chooses their own path in life. But the social consequences of drug addiction cannot be denied. These are a growing crime rate involving drug addicts, uncertainty about the future and a more dangerous standard of living for people.

The social consequences of alcoholism and drug addiction also relate to the most important thing for every person - the next generation. Half a century ago, almost no one had heard of drugs, but today they can be bought anywhere. What awaits our youth and future generations if the elimination of drug addiction is not tackled with all determination today?

Medical consequences of drug addiction

The most common consequences of drug use for human health are infections that occur due to lack of hygiene during injections. These are hepatitis B and C, blood poisoning, AIDS.

Almost all drug addicts have an enlarged and painful liver, and there are disturbances in the functioning of the respiratory, cardiovascular, endocrine, nervous and excretory systems. An important indicator of the severity of the consequences of drug addiction is premature mortality due to accidents, suicides, intoxications due to overdoses, injuries, violent acts and somatic diseases. The average age at which drug addicts die is 36 years.

Drug addiction and substance abuse - their consequences

For the human psyche they are almost identical. Psychopathic disorders develop most quickly in patients who inhale vapors of organic solvents, especially barbiturates and other sedatives. In the final stages of substance abuse, patients develop dementia.

A serious medical consequence of drug addiction and substance abuse is the increased tendency of patients to commit suicide. According to statistics, drug addicts commit suicidal acts 5-20 times more often than normal people. They are also prone to self-harm, such as cutting themselves. But most often, drug addicts perform such actions in order to calm themselves down - the sight of blood relieves their tension.

Cannabis derivatives - marijuana, hashish

Cannabis leads to addiction - first mental, characterized by a strong desire to repeatedly take the drug, and then to physical, in which withdrawal symptoms are observed. The patient is plagued by irritability, decreased mood, impatience, he loses his appetite, cannot sleep, and loses weight. Tremors, chills, heaviness and compression in the temples and chest are observed. This lasts from 3 days to several weeks.

Single use of cannabis derivatives can lead to loss of the sense of time and space, abnormal perception of sounds and colors, and loss of connection with the outside world. Visual impairment often occurs, symptoms of intoxication psychosis appear with hallucinations, delusional ideas, a state of panic and fear. Suicidal thoughts may occur.

The consequences of teenage drug addiction when using marijuana often manifest themselves as amotivational syndrome, “burnout.” Loss of interest in the outside world, study and work. This syndrome is experienced by 40% of drug addicts who regularly use marijuana. This drug causes severe brain damage. In addition to insomnia and headaches, cannabis addicts suffer from decreased appetite, stomach upsets or chronic constipation, and their body weight decreases to the point of emaciation.

Even small doses of this drug significantly deteriorate memory and the ability to understand goals and tasks, and weaken attention and concentration. This leads to the inability to learn. One hashish cigarette can suppress a person’s memory for 37 days! When consuming cannabis derivatives, there is a high risk of developing schizophrenia.

The immune system becomes a target for this drug. Its use by women leads to damage to DNA molecules responsible for genetic information. Ovulation is disrupted and infertility develops. In men, this drug reduces motility and the number of healthy sperm, and reduces sexual activity.

Opium and its derivatives

In addition to mental dependence, they cause pronounced physical dependence. Opiates depress the brain and spinal cord, leading to the development of encephalopathy - a decrease in mental abilities. Substances used to process opiate raw materials have negative effects on the lungs, heart and liver.

Physical dependence on these drugs is expressed in a withdrawal syndrome that occurs in the absence of the opiate. In this case, the patient has an irresistible desire to take the drug, convulsions occur, loss of appetite, motor restlessness, yawning, weakness, sweating, diarrhea and vomiting. He feels stylish pain in his muscles, joints and stomach. Blood pressure and body temperature increase.

To find the next dose, a drug addict is forced to commit illegal actions. These people often have suicidal thoughts, are unable to concentrate, lose interest in work and become useless to society.

Chronic use of opiates leads to immune depletion. Unsterile syringes cause infiltrates, inflammation of the veins, liver, lungs, sepsis and endocarditis. Drug addicts are the main distributors of hepatitis, sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS. Over time, they become disabled due to mental or other illness.

Cocaine and other psychotropic substances

Cocaine forms a pronounced mental and weak physical dependence. LSD, even with a single dose, can irreparably damage brain cells and create schizophrenic-like symptoms.

Amphetamines are stimulants of the central nervous system, and with 3-5 injections they cause addiction. Ephedrine, due to the presence of manganese salts, after several years of use causes paralysis of the legs and specific manganese dementia, which cannot be treated.

Volatile narcotic active substances (VND) - varnishes, deodorants, acetone, gasoline, adhesives, etc., destroy the body faster and more strongly than some drugs. Adolescent substance abusers quickly experience delays in physical mental development, tissue and organs are damaged, which leads to disability.

Treatment for the consequences of drug addiction can be long and painful, and it is not always possible to restore full health. Many damage to the body is irreversible. Therefore, before deciding to use a drug, it is worth thinking about what short-term euphoria and escape from life’s difficulties will soon result in.

There are no soft, safe or mildly harmful drugs. The so-called “light” drug makes way for a more “heavy” drug, as a rule, it turns out to be heroin.

Unlike “legal” drugs, “illegal” drugs destroy a person many times faster. But so far far fewer people have died from them than from “legal” ones.

As a rule, drug addicts rarely live beyond the age of 30. Any drug is a poison that destroys human health and leads to death.

Is there any treatment for “jiviash”? Use for about two years

Consequences of drug addiction and alcoholism for society

If you don't know how to get rid of addiction, don't worry. Call us, our employees will share with you all the necessary information.

Consequences of drug addiction

When a person first starts using drugs, one can see that affective disorders appear. This includes a tendency to react inadequately to the world around a person, increased sensitivity, and emotional instability. Over time, a person’s personal characteristics seem to be washed away and smoothed out, as a result of which all drug addicts acquire significant similarities with each other.

The drug addict’s perception of the world completely changes, since he ceases to treat drugs with caution and does not even want to listen about the consequences of drug addiction, in addition, the person loses self-criticism, a sense of duty, and such psychopathic qualities as depression or deceit appear. Thus, in a psychopathic sense, a person begins to degrade, wasting all his thoughts, strength and emotions on drugs.

One of the most severe consequences of drug addiction is high mortality. On average, people who use drugs live only to 36 years. Some die much earlier. There are actually a lot of reasons: drug overdose, suicide, accidents, violence, accidents, somatic diseases, injuries incompatible with life.

What are the consequences of drug addiction for society?

Of course, many people think that if there are no drug addicts or drug dealers around him, then there is no problem. But this is not true! The problem exists and will remain as long as humanity does not notice each other. Imagine that someone close to you has a drug problem, but no one wants to help? How does it feel?

The topic of drugs will sooner or later affect everyone, because nowadays there are more and more people who are addicted to drugs. If all this is not stopped, the development of our country and society as a whole will decline.

One of the consequences of drug addiction for society is an increase in crime. After all, drug addicts need something to buy their next high, and groups are constantly fighting among themselves. Do you want to live in the center of military operations?

Consequences of alcoholism

Alcoholism affects not only a person’s mental characteristics. Mortality from alcoholism is currently a fairly common phenomenon, because alcohol has a detrimental effect on a person’s internal organs. Alcohol abuse leads to a number of somatic diseases from which a person can die.

Already at the earliest stages of addiction, changes in a person’s mental state are visible, since alcohol negatively affects the nervous system of people:

  • Alcoholic polyneuritis;
  • alcoholic encephalopathy;
  • alcoholic epilepsy;
  • alcoholic psychoses - the names speak for themselves.

Alcohol upsets a person’s psyche, leading him to such serious diseases that require quite expensive treatment. In addition, the person loses his ability to work.

Treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction is the only opportunity to return to a normal, fulfilling life. Contact drug treatment centers to get rid of addiction.

To receive detailed advice on any

If you don't know how to get rid of addiction, don't worry. Call us, our employees will share with you all the necessary information.

Consequences of drug addiction

When a person first starts using drugs, one can see that affective disorders appear. This includes a tendency to react inadequately to the world around a person, increased sensitivity, and emotional instability. Over time, a person’s personal characteristics seem to be washed away and smoothed out, as a result of which all drug addicts acquire significant similarities with each other.

The drug addict’s perception of the world completely changes, since he ceases to treat drugs with caution and does not even want to listen about the consequences of drug addiction, in addition, the person loses self-criticism, a sense of duty, and such psychopathic qualities as depression or deceit appear. Thus, in a psychopathic sense, a person begins to degrade, wasting all his thoughts, strength and emotions on drugs.

One of the most severe consequences of drug addiction is high mortality. On average, people who use drugs live only to 36 years. Some die much earlier. There are actually a lot of reasons: drug overdose, suicide, accidents, violence, accidents, somatic diseases, injuries incompatible with life.

What are the consequences of drug addiction for society?

Of course, many people think that if there are no drug addicts or drug dealers around him, then there is no problem. But this is not true! The problem exists and will remain as long as humanity does not notice each other. Imagine that someone close to you has a drug problem, but no one wants to help? How does it feel?

The topic of drugs will sooner or later affect everyone, because nowadays there are more and more people who are addicted to drugs. If all this is not stopped, the development of our country and society as a whole will decline.

One of the consequences of drug addiction for society is an increase in crime. After all, drug addicts need something to buy their next high, and groups are constantly fighting among themselves. Do you want to live in the center of military operations?

Consequences of alcoholism

Alcoholism affects not only a person’s mental characteristics. Mortality from alcoholism is currently a fairly common phenomenon, because alcohol has a detrimental effect on a person’s internal organs. Alcohol abuse leads to a number of somatic diseases from which a person can die.

Already at the earliest stages of addiction, changes in a person’s mental state are visible, since alcohol negatively affects the nervous system of people:

  • Alcoholic polyneuritis;
  • alcoholic encephalopathy;
  • alcoholic epilepsy;
  • alcoholic psychoses - the names speak for themselves.

Alcohol upsets a person’s psyche, leading him to such serious diseases that require quite expensive treatment. In addition, the person loses his ability to work.

Treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction is the only opportunity to return to a normal, fulfilling life. Contact drug treatment centers to get rid of addiction.

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Social consequences of drug addiction

Drug addiction... This is one of the most significant problems of our time. Drug addiction is a serious disease that is common in many countries around the world, regardless of their economic status. Despite the fact that such a phenomenon as drug addiction is to some extent individual, its consequences affect all groups and segments of the population. What are the social consequences of drug addiction? How can bad habits of individuals affect society as a whole?

Social damage to the family

Let's start with the main thing - family. According to official data, the number of registered drug addicts never corresponds to real figures. If we take statistics as a basis, the real number of drug addicts will be 5 times greater than the number of registered ones.

The social consequences of drug addiction are aggravated by the fact that in addition to the drug addict himself, this terrible illness affects his family, loved ones, and friends. That is, the number of people in the “trap” of drug addiction is increasing exponentially. Due to the dependence of one of the spouses on drugs, families are destroyed, the number of divorces is growing, the well-being of families, both material and moral, is suffering, and cases of violence against women, elderly parents, and children are increasing.

Drug addiction invariably leads to degradation of the addict’s personality and separates him from society. A person ceases to be interested in anything other than the drug, except for the sensations that come to him after the next dose. All moral values ​​disappear. A person becomes a “slave” of the drug.

The spread of drug addiction in society affects all areas of human activity. Drug addicts stop going to work and become parasites. And even if they do work, they try to steal something, take it home, and then exchange the stolen goods for drugs.

Over time, the addict begins to fully provide for his relatives (if they agree to tolerate the presence of the addict). If the real family refuses to support the drug addict, he leaves home and joins the so-called drug addict family.

Drug addiction - health - crime

The social consequences of drug addiction affect the field of medicine and healthcare. There is an increase in the incidence rate, especially of “social” diseases – HIV, STDs, AIDS. In addition, drug addiction destabilizes the health care structure as a whole, contributing to the diversion of funds and resources needed to treat “normal” diseases to the treatment and rehabilitation of drug addicts.

Please note that in order to cure a person of drug addiction or restore health destroyed by it, huge amounts of money are spent. That is, theoretically, someone in need of medical care may not receive it, which will contribute to the growth of chronic diseases among the population.

Taking drugs has a negative effect on genetics. Children of drug addicts have a high risk of developing hereditary mutations, pathologies and anomalies. The mortality rate for children born to drug-addicted parents is incredibly high.

The negative thing is that drug addiction primarily destroys adolescents and young people from 15 to 28 years old. Because of this, the age structure of society is noticeably changing, and mortality at a young age is increasing. All this leads to the “aging” of society.

An obvious social consequence of drug addiction is an increase in crime. For the sake of the desired dose, a drug addict can transgress any boundaries of morality, commit any offense, commit any crime. Even the most disgusting thing is murder. Because of this, he becomes dangerous to society as a whole.

Yes, the social consequences of drug addiction are terrible. Which once again makes us think that the fight against drug addiction should have a special priority in all areas of social activity.

Signs of drug addiction

Drug addiction is a real scourge of our century. No person can be immune from it. Drug addiction spares no one.

A narcissist makes his partner jealous

Recently, scientists from the University of Alabama made an interesting statement. Experts said that some people get pleasure from forcing their own.

Prevention of substance abuse

Substance abuse is one of the types of drug addiction. Because treating drug addicts is a long, difficult process, which is also far away.

Teenage substance abuse

Substance abuse is most common among adolescent children. During this period of life, there is a high probability that a teenager may become...

The abuse of substances that lead to addiction, dependence, somatic disorders and radical personality changes is called substance abuse. This was a phenomenon in the 80s.

There are types of addictions that can develop without any predisposing factors. These include substance abuse. Mainly to the category of people.

Drug addiction is not just a harmful addiction, but a serious disease that leads to damage to internal organs, mental disorders, etc.

Smoking drugs

Is it possible to smoke drugs? This question has not been rhetorical for a long time, because there is a whole series of smoking drugs. If.

Types of drug addiction

Drugs are a problem for a lot of people. And, unfortunately, the percentage of drug addicts is growing every year. Moreover, the statistics show.

Gone are the days when the word “drug addict” was shocking. Today, drug addiction has already entered every school.

Drug use destroys not only a person’s body, but also his soul. The consequences of drug addiction are terrible both for a person’s physical condition and for his psyche. Among all the medical consequences of drug addiction, typical personality changes of people who regularly use psychoactive substances stand out.

This is impoverishment and weakening of the psyche, loss of emotions and interests, and a decrease in life potential.

At the first stages of addiction to narcotic substances, affective disorders predominate in people, that is, there is an increase in sensitivity, a tendency to emotional instability and inadequate reactions to what is happening around them. Over time, subjective personality characteristics smooth out, and patients become similar in behavior to each other.

Drug addicts exhibit behavior characterized by depression, deceit, loss of sense of duty and self-criticism. They stop realistically assessing the danger of the consequences of drug addiction. Psychopathic personality degradation occurs, in which all a person’s thoughts and powers are subordinated to one goal - to find and use a drug.

Social consequences of drug addiction

Drug use leads to a huge number of difficulties and dead-end situations for the patient himself. They appear after the first dose of the drug. A person finds himself in a completely different world, where there are no worries or worries. This world will soon replace the real one for him, but not for long, and in the real world a real nightmare awaits him - psychological instability, depression, constant withdrawal symptoms, headaches, rotting teeth, hair falling out, chronic cough, impotence. The human body begins to rot from a poison called a drug.

Socially, the drug addict will face complete collapse. His personal life is upset, his family is falling apart, and he is no longer able to work. But to answer the question: is the drug worth all this? – many drug addicts answer in the affirmative.

For a person who is addicted to drugs, life begins with the constant darkness of hospital corridors, scalpels and phonendoscopes, a colorless world around him, social misunderstanding, and denial from family members. Most drug addicts deny that they are already hooked on drugs, and those around them stop reacting to them. After all, everyone chooses their own path in life. But the social consequences of drug addiction cannot be denied. These are a growing crime rate involving drug addicts, uncertainty about the future and a more dangerous standard of living for people.

The social consequences of alcoholism and drug addiction also relate to the most important thing for every person - the next generation. Half a century ago, almost no one had heard of drugs, but today they can be bought anywhere. What awaits our youth and future generations if the elimination of drug addiction is not tackled with all determination today?

Medical consequences of drug addiction

The most common consequences of drug use for human health are infections that occur due to lack of hygiene during injections. These are hepatitis B and C, blood poisoning, AIDS.

Almost all drug addicts have an enlarged and painful liver, and there are disturbances in the functioning of the respiratory, cardiovascular, endocrine, nervous and excretory systems. An important indicator of the severity of the consequences of drug addiction is premature mortality due to accidents, suicides, intoxications due to overdoses, injuries, violent acts and somatic diseases. The average age at which drug addicts die is 36 years.

Drug addiction and substance abuse - their consequences

For the human psyche they are almost identical. Psychopathic disorders develop most quickly in patients who inhale vapors of organic solvents, especially barbiturates and other sedatives. In the final stages of substance abuse, patients develop dementia.

A serious medical consequence of drug addiction and substance abuse is the increased tendency of patients to commit suicide. According to statistics, drug addicts commit suicidal acts 5-20 times more often than normal people. They are also prone to self-harm, such as cutting themselves. But most often, drug addicts perform such actions in order to calm themselves down - the sight of blood relieves their tension.

Cannabis derivatives - marijuana, hashish

Cannabis leads to addiction - first mental, characterized by a strong desire to repeatedly take the drug, and then to physical, in which withdrawal symptoms are observed. The patient is plagued by irritability, decreased mood, impatience, he loses his appetite, cannot sleep, and loses weight. Tremors, chills, heaviness and compression in the temples and chest are observed. This lasts from 3 days to several weeks.

Single use of cannabis derivatives can lead to loss of the sense of time and space, abnormal perception of sounds and colors, and loss of connection with the outside world. Visual impairment often occurs, symptoms of intoxication psychosis appear with hallucinations, delusional ideas, a state of panic and fear. Suicidal thoughts may occur.

The consequences of teenage drug addiction when using marijuana often manifest themselves as amotivational syndrome, “burnout.” Loss of interest in the outside world, study and work. This syndrome is experienced by 40% of drug addicts who regularly use marijuana. This drug causes severe brain damage. In addition to insomnia and headaches, cannabis addicts suffer from decreased appetite, stomach upsets or chronic constipation, and their body weight decreases to the point of emaciation.

Even small doses of this drug significantly deteriorate memory and the ability to understand goals and tasks, and weaken attention and concentration. This leads to the inability to learn. One hashish cigarette can suppress a person’s memory for 37 days! When consuming cannabis derivatives, there is a high risk of developing schizophrenia.

The immune system becomes a target for this drug. Its use by women leads to damage to DNA molecules responsible for genetic information. Ovulation is disrupted and infertility develops. In men, this drug reduces motility and the number of healthy sperm, and reduces sexual activity.

Opium and its derivatives

In addition to mental dependence, they cause pronounced physical dependence. Opiates depress the brain and spinal cord, leading to the development of encephalopathy - a decrease in mental abilities. Substances used to process opiate raw materials have negative effects on the lungs, heart and liver.

Physical dependence on these drugs is expressed in a withdrawal syndrome that occurs in the absence of the opiate. In this case, the patient has an irresistible desire to take the drug, convulsions occur, loss of appetite, motor restlessness, yawning, weakness, sweating, diarrhea and vomiting. He feels stylish pain in his muscles, joints and stomach. Blood pressure and body temperature increase.

To find the next dose, a drug addict is forced to commit illegal actions. These people often have suicidal thoughts, are unable to concentrate, lose interest in work and become useless to society.

Chronic use of opiates leads to immune depletion. Unsterile syringes cause infiltrates, inflammation of the veins, liver, lungs, sepsis and endocarditis. Drug addicts are the main distributors of hepatitis, sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS. Over time, they become disabled due to mental or other illness.

Cocaine and other psychotropic substances

Cocaine forms a pronounced mental and weak physical dependence. LSD, even with a single dose, can irreparably damage brain cells and create schizophrenic-like symptoms.

Amphetamines are stimulants of the central nervous system, and with 3-5 injections they cause addiction. Ephedrine, due to the presence of manganese salts, after several years of use causes paralysis of the legs and specific manganese dementia, which cannot be treated.

Volatile narcotic active substances (VND) - varnishes, deodorants, acetone, gasoline, adhesives, etc., destroy the body faster and more strongly than some drugs. Adolescent substance abusers quickly experience delays in physical mental development, tissue and organs are damaged, which leads to disability.

Treatment for the consequences of drug addiction can be long and painful, and it is not always possible to restore full health. Many damage to the body is irreversible. Therefore, before deciding to use a drug, it is worth thinking about what short-term euphoria and escape from life’s difficulties will soon result in.

There are no soft, safe or mildly harmful drugs. The so-called “light” drug makes way for a more “heavy” drug, as a rule, it turns out to be heroin.

Unlike “legal” drugs, “illegal” drugs destroy a person many times faster. But so far far fewer people have died from them than from “legal” ones.

As a rule, drug addicts rarely live beyond the age of 30. Any drug is a poison that destroys human health and leads to death.

Is there any treatment for “jiviash”? Use for about two years

Social and mental consequences of alcoholism and drug addiction for adults and adolescents

Alcoholism is enemy No. 1 of modern society. Typically, the consequences of alcoholism are divided into two branches.

First - These are bad consequences for the person suffering from alcoholism. After all, with prolonged consumption of alcohol, the functioning of the main organs in the body is disrupted, the condition of chronic diseases worsens, and a person begins to degrade.

After all, alcohol not only destroys health, but also entails mental consequences.

The second branch of consequences - it's social. When a person’s alcoholism interferes not only with the addict himself, but also with those around him.

How alcohol affects the human body

When alcohol enters the body, it negatively affects human organs, and also aggravates existing chronic diseases and generally spoils health.

As a result, long-term drinking of alcohol leads to the formation of diseases such as: cirrhosis of the liver, ulcers of the stomach, intestines and duodenum, gastritis, heart and kidney diseases, hypertension and many other diseases that can eventually lead to death.

Women are also prohibited from drinking alcohol during pregnancy, as this can negatively affect the development of the fetus.

Scientists have proven that alcohol, even if you try it only once in your life, has a very bad effect on an egg that is ready for fertilization. After all, the number of eggs received at birth is never updated again. And there is no guarantee that at the moment of fertilization a healthy cell will be found, and not one that was damaged by drinking alcohol.

There is a long-known and proven fact that eggs are protected from everything except ethyl alcohol. Therefore, while drinking a glass of beer, think about your future children.

If at the time of conception at least one of the couple was drinking, this may negatively affect the health of the unborn child; the child may be born with mental or psychological defects or not healthy.

Scientists have studied that women who drink alcohol during pregnancy give birth to children with problems (premature, with delayed internal development, with circulatory disorders, visual impairment, schizophrenia, dementia, etc.).

It is also dangerous to drink alcohol while breastfeeding a child, because all the alcohol poison enters the body of a small person who is not yet fully formed along with the milk.

Alcohol affects the human brain and nervous system. Thought processes begin to slow down, memory disappears, and orientation deteriorates.

When a person drinks a small amount of alcohol, he begins to feel pleasure, joy, and fun. He begins to talk more, becomes more self-confident, and the person gradually loses control over himself.

Then, when a person drinks even more alcohol, he is already in the middle stage of intoxication.

He becomes even more talkative, becomes dizzy, begins to make various promises for the future that he cannot ultimately fulfill, begins to interfere in the affairs and problems of others, tells everyone about his problems, because he will think that everyone is very interested.

After which a severe stage of intoxication appears. When a person has incoherent speech, problems with coordination, he begins to commit various thoughtless actions, inhibition and weakness appear.

After which the person falls asleep, this state is very dangerous, since this is already poisoning the body with alcohol, which can lead to various negative consequences.

Alcohol causes irreparable harm not only to a person’s health, but also to his psyche, and this already leads to social problems.

Social consequences of alcoholism

  • drunken robberies, robberies;
  • low ability to work;
  • quarrels in the family, which in the future can lead to disintegration;
  • loss of friends and close acquaintances;
  • suicide;
  • problematic pregnancy.

Due to drunkenness, the driver's reaction slows down and attentiveness disappears. Road accidents caused by a drunk driver are one of the common causes of death and injury.

When a person drinks one hundred and fifty grams of vodka, his reaction slows down approximately two times, but if a person drinks two hundred grams of vodka, then three times, three hundred grams of vodka slows down the reaction eight times.

If a driver thinks that after drinking a glass of beer, he can get behind the wheel in a couple of hours, then this is not so.

You can drive only when all alcohol has completely left your body. Otherwise, neither reaction nor attentiveness will be fully restored, and the driver will be able to harm not only himself, but also the people around him.

Violations of law and order (drunken robberies and robberies)

According to statistics, in Russia about 80% of crimes are committed under the influence of alcohol.

When a person drinks, he loses self-control, a sense of his own strength and importance appears, aggression appears, and he begins to commit rash acts.

By the way, in the Russian Criminal Code, the punishment for a drunk person who has committed an offense is not removed, but rather increased.

Disruption of relationships with family and friends

When a person drinks, first of all his health suffers from this, and secondly the people who surround him.

In a family where there is an alcoholic, often everyone suffers, there are constant quarrels, discord, aggression, assault, and eventually the family breaks up. When a person drinks, he degrades not only mentally, but also physically.

If such a person used to have many friends, then over time, the longer a person drinks, the more friends he loses and as a result, new drinking buddies remain or appear who are interested in spending time together for only one reason: to drink together.

When both people drink in a family, it is the children who suffer first; they suffer from a lack of parental attention, aggression from mom and dad, and a lack of social needs.

As a result, they either end up in the care of close relatives or start drinking alcohol themselves or end up in an orphanage.

Also, families can break up due to alcohol even when a person does not drink much.

When drinking alcohol, a person's sexual activity may increase. For example, a husband went on a business trip, drank in company, his sexual activity increased, he met a pretty woman and cheated on his wife with her.

As a result, he became infected with a venereal disease and infected his wife upon arrival. When the wife found out about the illness, of course, the family broke up. As a result, the man lost his family, even after drinking very little alcohol.

Consequences of drug addiction

The problem of drug addiction in the country is as great as alcoholism. But compared to other addictions, the problem of drug addiction is truly global.

Drug addiction affects people from an early age, and while alcoholism can be cured, drug addiction is not so easy.

Drugs cause a high that you get used to from the first time you use it.

After which not only psychological dependence on drugs appears, but also physical and mental. The worst thing is that drug addiction is filling the ranks of teenagers more and more day by day.

After all, it’s so easy to get them hooked on drugs, but to stop using them is much more difficult.

First stage appears after the first drug use.

Second stage appears when using drugs for a period of 1.5 months. Then there is not only mental dependence, but also physical dependence. At this stage, a person uses drugs systematically. And in order to get drugs, he can commit various crimes.

Third stage drug addiction is very dangerous. It appears after 3 years of constant drug use. The person completely loses self-control. He has only one goal - to find and use the drug. At this stage, serious health problems begin, and all this can lead to death.

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