What color suits Aries men. Aries zodiac sign which flowers are suitable. The main cons of Aries

Aries astrostyle

People born under the sign of Aries are not content with secondary roles, they are ready to fight for primacy by all available means, including their own appearance. More than one enthusiastic male gaze is directed towards the beautiful representatives of this zodiac sign, since they have a bright individuality, decisive and courageous, and not only in their statements and actions, but also in the choice of everything that makes up their image.

Aries' clothing and footwear preferences

The main principle of choosing a wardrobe for most Aries is a feeling of comfort. They love to dress in a sporty style that allows freedom of action. Aries women often have a favorite male style: shirts, loose sweaters, T-shirts, jeans (all this is often shapeless), sneakers.

However, the concept of comfort is different for everyone, therefore, without deviating from the aforementioned principle, many representatives of this zodiac sign will prefer elegant high-heeled shoes to sneakers, put on a skirt (if the figure allows it, certainly a short one) and will feel very comfortable in the image of a feminine young lady.

Aries are addicted to natural fabrics - cotton, linen, wool. They often wear plain clothes without a pattern, but they have a weakness for an abundance of pockets, emblems, patches, laces, buttons, etc. The special love of women of this sign for ankle boots, rough lace-up boots has been noticed.

Aries' favorite colors

Aries Makeup

Despite the fact that many women of this zodiac sign have a masculine image, their cosmetic bag will be filled to the brim with all kinds of ladies' "tricks". In makeup, Aries women tend to go to extremes: they either do not use cosmetics at all, or they can clearly abuse it. They don't need to use all the contents of the cosmetic bag at once for daytime makeup and create an image for themselves that would look much more appropriate in the evening, in a suitable setting. But even with such a daring make-up, Aries women manage not to look vulgar - apparently, such a war paint is in harmony with their warlike spirit.

Aries Hairstyle

Aries, including the fair sex, often prefer very short haircuts. Owners of long hair either wear it completely loose, or style it in such a way as to leave the ears uncovered. These women love to dye their hair bright colors. If you meet a girl on the street with her hair of a bright red or burning black color, loose, but behind her ears, she is most likely born under the sign of Aries.

Aries Manicure

Aries women do not have an inner need to have long nails. If they dare to grow or increase them, it is only paying tribute to fashion or sacrificing themselves to beauty. With short nails, they feel more comfortable and confident. Very loosely using cosmetics and hair dye, these women rarely use bright colors of nail polish - rather, they will give preference to neutral tones or French manicure.

In a zodiac sign like Aries, "I" dominates. People, whose patron is this constellation, are distinguished by purposefulness, self-confidence, charisma and energy. The flowers of Aries, prescribed by a special horoscope, are also associated with many of the qualities inherent in these personalities. And you can tell about them in a little more detail.

Flower horoscope

Everyone knows that Aries are proud, they like to be in the spotlight. So the plants of this zodiac are far from the smallest size.

Very large, often on a long and sturdy stem with spines. They are dominated by pink, orange, burgundy and red shades. They symbolize personal and career success, and also demonstrate prosperity and solidity.

The red tint prevails. Often, by the way, this particular color is the favorite of Aries. And its meaning is appropriate. Red represents greatness, power, rebellion, strife, fire, sexuality, aggressiveness and fullness of life. And all these qualities are in one way or another characteristic of Aries.

Plants and their meanings

Now we can concretize. Aries flowers according to the horoscope are roses, lilies and violets. As a rule, they are liked by the representatives of this zodiac sign.

Snowdrops, lilies of the valley and tulips are also considered their plants. It is only desirable that the bouquet is dominated by blue, red or yellow shades.

What do these Aries flowers mean? personify passion and true, strong, selfless love. If you believe feng shui, then they increase the energy and power of a person.

Lilies of the valley, in turn, symbolize love and fidelity. Roses express deep passion, respect, unanimity and admiration. But violets speak of doubts about loyalty.

The most interesting meaning is in red lilies. They symbolize pride and wealth, and a bouquet of these flowers, presented by a man to a girl, expresses his passionate desire for her and genuine interest. The tiger lily represents prosperity, abundance and success.

Garden "representatives"

It is interesting that there are flowers that help Aries to open the psychoenergetic center in their subtle body - the chakra. All of them are garden ones. These include the notorious red roses and violets, as well as gladioli (burgundy hues), cornflowers, and sweet peas.

The penultimate flower has a very interesting meaning. Anemone is one of the magical herbs. It is believed that a bouquet of anemone symbolizes family happiness. The flower is associated with the goddess of love, and the drink from its petals serves. Interestingly, the composition contains a small amount of a narcotic substance that provides an analgesic effect. Therefore, anemone is used for medicinal purposes.

Cornflowers, by the way, symbolize simplicity, beauty, truth of life, trust, fun and loyalty.

"Male" flower

Representatives of the strong half of humanity are also often given bouquets for one reason or another, or in honor of a celebration. This may be appropriate. What flowers to give Aries men?

Definitely gladioli. They are considered "masculine" and noble. In ancient Rome, gladiolus was considered the flower of gladiators. It was associated with the sword, as its name comes from the Latin gladius, which translates as "sword". And in ancient Greece, the flower was christened xiphion, which also meant "sword". However, this is not surprising, because the leaves of this plant, reaching 0.8 meters in length, have a xiphoid shape.

So this flower personifies nobility, friendship, victory, stability and constancy. But all this is appreciated by Aries men most of all.

For luck

It is worth listing those plants that can bring success to a person who was born under such a sign as Aries.

Flowers, according to the horoscope, are a very powerful talisman. Therefore, if you want to attract good luck, you should plant brilliant euphorbia at home. It is believed that it calms, protects against envy, and also directs the energy of Aries towards the realization of the plan.

You can also grow a sparkling ehmeya. She protects the house from ill-wishers, and also enhances the openness and generosity of Aries.

Azalea, in turn, inspires creative projects. And garden geranium relieves stress and relieves stress.

In addition, all of the listed plants look aesthetically pleasing, and, surprisingly, they get along well with all Aries. Who, by the way, like to keep flowers at home.

As a present

Many people who are fond of astrology think: what plant to give to a person like Aries? The flowers of the sign were listed above, but now it is worth talking about the bouquets that will be appreciated by the representative of the fire sign of the zodiac. And there may be several options.

Flowers for an Aries woman should correspond to her powerful energy and bright personality. Dahlias will show friendship and respect. Lilies are perfect as a gift on the occasion of an important celebration. An armful of tulips symbolizes the awakening of life, and gerberas indicate the girl's openness and generosity.

A truly luxurious gift will be an orchid that hints at the depth of relationships and passion. But most of all, the flower of saturated color on a high thick stem, flaunting in the center of the herbal composition, will surprise most of all. Better yet, if it is in a pot. Girls of this sign adore fresh flowers. Surprisingly, even the plucked ones, being in their house, do not fade for a long time.

What else is worth remembering?

The above plants are far from all that, from an astrological point of view, can please a person like Aries. What kind of flowers are suitable for these people yet? Depends on the decade.

Aries born between March 21st and March 31st are lucky to have a foxglove (digitalis). This is their dominant plant. Tall, elegant, bright, towering above all others - it is impossible not to admire its beauty!

Magnolias, in turn, patronize Aries of the second decade (born from April 1 to April 10). They personify perseverance, perseverance and nobility. And in feng shui, magnolia symbolizes charm, spring, chastity and respect for beauty.

Aries of the third decade (from 11 to 20 April) brings good luck hydrangea. This amazing flower is associated with devotion, sincere feelings, tenderness and love.

By the way, Aries also have their own trees. If you believe the horoscope, then happiness brings them plum, mountain ash, olive, oak, pine and hazel. But the dominant is definitely a maple. He personifies originality, energy, vigor and activity. But it is these qualities that characterize many Aries as individuals. Every person familiar with a person born under this sign will confirm this with confidence.

Temperamental Aries ( March 21 - April 19) was born under the influence of the fire element. For a typical representative of the zodiac sign, the horoscope of lucky flowers contains the hot tones of the governing planets - Mars and the Sun. The vibrations of some cold shades will allow Aries to harmonize the weaknesses of their character - impatience, inability to compromise, hot temper. This will make relationships with others more successful, which the horoscope often describes as problematic due to stubbornness and anger, everyday life, career, and will have a beneficial effect on overall mood and health.

Color for the Aries woman

Fiery and sunny colors are very suitable for the character of a passionate Aries woman. According to the horoscope, she likes a bright style, eye-catching, emphasizing the strength of this extraordinary personality. Such women adore general attention, try to look spectacular, but never stoop to vulgarity or bad taste. In any circle, the Aries lady is immediately noticeable, thanks to her elegance, courage, and sincerity. What tones should you choose for such a woman? Her horoscope of successful colors includes the most sultry, pure, bright shades.


The astrological color of Mars leads the horoscope of the shades of the zodiac sign and is very popular with Aries women. The energy of red will fill all intentions and determination to act with special strength. This color is able to make a woman of the fire sign of the Zodiac irresistible, sexy, attractive.

A red dress is the best option for a love meeting.

Bright tones are suitable for stirring up even cooled feelings. What man can resist crushing passion and an unforgettable appearance? At work, a suit of deep or muted shades of red will charge you with enthusiasm, make an Aries woman tireless, strong-willed, strong.


One of the colors of the Sun, which strongly influences the horoscope of the temperamental Aries woman, a symbol of joy, sexuality, optimism. This lady in an orange dress radiates energy, warmth, passion, like a tongue of flame or a heavenly body. A pure color can cheer you up, awaken passion, refresh your senses. If an Aries woman feels depression, apathy, sadness, she should be recharged with positive vibrations of orange tones, which can revive the pleasure of existence. This color teaches you to find non-standard solutions, to think creatively, not to be afraid of the new.


Another sunny color that will help Aries women attract public recognition into their own lives, raise their authority, and raise their status. The general horoscope of the representatives of the zodiac sign indicates ambition, the desire for leadership, a high position. The shining of gold helps to attract wealth, prosperity, good luck... At a reception or social event, a brilliant color will strengthen the authority of a purposeful lady, arouse the respect of the environment, and help to find profitable acquaintances.


The harmonious color is suitable for Aries women for communication, rest, relaxation. It eliminates impatience, extinguishes anger, relieves irritability, nervousness, anxiety.

Vibrations of green will calm down a stubborn hot temper, help avoid quarrels, maintain balance and peace.

If a woman of the fire sign of the zodiac feels the need to soften her own character, become more diplomatic, or want to talk sincerely and frankly, she should wear something green.


The bright color subconsciously catches the eye. It will cheer up the Aries woman, help to find interesting acquaintances, and promote new solutions. The energy of yellow shades during periods of apathy gives the necessary strength, devoid of any aggression. This color will give positive emotions, promotes concentration on tasks that require special attention.

Colors for the Aries man

The general horoscope characterizes the representatives of the zodiac sign as strong personalities, noticeable from afar. A slightly selfish Aries man prefers warm colors, the brightness of which is slightly muted. He likes a comfortable yet elegant style. The representative of the zodiac sign values ​​personal convenience more than fashion. Such a man seeks to stand out with real actions, and not with flashy clothes. What colors will be successful for Aries in personal affairs or career?


The fiery energy of the color of Mars should be extinguished a little in order to avoid unnecessary aggression. The vivid shades of red can only be used for strength sports or during moments of extreme fatigue. Muted dark tones are suitable for work - cherry, burgundy, wine... Thanks to their vibrations, the Aries man will become active, confident, purposeful.


The noble dark colors of the earth will fill you with calm energy, confidence, and positive emotions. A strong Aries man appreciates shades of brown for their ability to relieve fatigue, irritation, and excessive tension. These tones are indispensable at work that requires sociability, focused activity.


In clothes of the color of darkness Aries, a man can protect himself from negative emotions of others in a hostile environment. Among many strangers, black perfectly blocks the gaze of ill-wishers, helps to hide your own feelings, to close yourself off from others. This color is indispensable in work that requires forced communication or constant nervous tension.

Negative influence of color

For Aries, the horoscope does not recommend cold deep colors, which can neutralize the powerful energy of Fire. They deprive him of the usual activity for a representative of the zodiac sign, cause apathy, interfere with personal realization. Under the influence of too light shades, Aries becomes too detached, which will negatively affect career and relationships.

  1. White. It will extinguish forces, make you too silent, withdrawn.
  2. Violet. Deprives Aries of connection with reality.
  3. Blue. Will multiply the stubbornness of the zodiac sign, pickiness, give excessive pragmatism, greed, stinginess.

Certain magical items are suitable for each sign. Talismans Aries should choose, given the fact that he belongs to the fire signs of the zodiac. A correctly selected amulet is able to influence the biofield, change it and correct it. Therefore, before buying and activating a magic item, you should carefully study its symbolism.

With the right choice of a talisman, all changes will only benefit.

The Golden Fleece

The most suitable amulet for the representatives of this sign may be the golden fleece. This is a golden lamb skin, which the Argonauts (seafarers) of Ancient Greece sought to obtain. The amulet can be made in the form of the lamb skin itself or its symbolic image.


A wonderful talisman for Aries is gold as a magical element, which is considered a symbol of knowledge and perfection. It can be a natural nugget, a small ingot, a coin, or a piece of jewelry. The coin is golden in color and its round shape attracts luck and good fortune. Any amulet made of gold concentrates physical and mental strength, for Aries it is very valuable, since they often waste them. The talisman helps the representatives of this sign to become more responsible and obligatory, not to break these promises.


Since this sign is patronized, what kind of talisman for Aries can be decided based on the elements.

The most common lighter can be a good talisman. Having watched the flame, the representative of this sign is able to relieve tension, fatigue, apathy, doubts and find an answer to a situation requiring a solution. But this should not be done too often, because such actions will further increase the aggression, nervousness, and irascibility that Aries has by nature.

Weapons and metal

The patron planet of this zodiac sign is Mars, the embodiment of battles and wars. Based on this, weapons, awards, armor, any things involved in military operations can become a magic item. Also, amulets can be surgical instruments or even manicure, with a sparkling surface, made of metal.

As the mascot of the zodiac sign Aries, the hammer of Thor can act. This item is considered a symbol of the strength and energy of creation, it

As a talisman for Aries, the image of the ancient Egyptian god Osiris is suitable.

fights against what poses a threat. It is advisable to choose such magical amulets made of steel, in the form of a figurine or a pendant. It helps to concentrate on matters of the first importance and the earliest possible achievement of the result. The Thurisaz rune, which is applied to the desired item, can become a magical amulet of similar characteristics.

There is a certain procedure for asking the talisman for help:

  1. Lying on your back, put an object on your forehead, between the eyebrows;
  2. Then you need to talk over an exciting issue and think about its speedy resolution;
  3. In this position, you need to remain until complete relaxation and a state of calm.
  4. After these actions, an answer to the problematic question will soon be received.


The most uncomplicated amulet is a square, which can always be at hand in the form of a pendant and a keychain. Such an amulet helps to achieve material goals, add solidity, make you more persistent and help bring things to their logical conclusion.

But not every square can become a talisman; there are certain conditions that it must meet. It should be yellow, red or green. These colors give optimism, health, strength and sexuality. The green square will help to establish communication with others, and the blue will bring serenity and tranquility, make you more agreeable and softer.

The number of flowers and elements from which the amulet is made should in total correspond to the lucky numbers for Aries. These numbers are considered 4, 7, 9 and 11.

Animal talismans for Aries

Of the representatives of the animal world, the ram and deer are ranked as talismans for the representatives of this zodiac sign. Of course, such animals are not kept at home, so their images will be quite enough. You can also choose a decoration with these animals in the form of a ring, figurine, pendant. And if it is nevertheless necessary for the animal to be in the dwelling, then cats or large dogs can also become amulets.

Talismans, which personify animals, perfectly protect against the dangers into which Aries often drives themselves, they kindle the will to win.

The manufacture of the amulet must be approached very responsibly, otherwise it will not acquire the necessary strength. If maximum effort was spent in its manufacture, then the return will be maximum in the future. Conversely, if little energy was expended, it means that the amulet will not become too effective.

Plant talismans for Aries

Trees can be protectors, they share their own powers given to them by nature. A suitable tree can be found anywhere, in the forest, in the park, and mentally ask him for magical help.


This tree symbolizes power, vitality and power. Aries do not have enviable patience, and oak helps to gain confidence and calmness. Such a powerful talisman for an Aries man helps in business, protects him from misfortune. Experts recommend decorating talismans from this tree species with the symbol of the sign, this will enhance their effect.


Calms thoughts, gives patience, extinguishes aggression. It is recommended to place magic items from hazel near the bed, then the dream will be healing. Aries, who have chosen hazel as their talismans, are outstanding personalities, are constantly cheerful, overwhelmed with energy.

Representatives of this zodiac sign are considered indecisive, restrained and constrained, but even these qualities will not prevent them from making the right decisions if Aries has chosen a hazel amulet. With such an ally, they cannot sit at home.


This tree has a very beneficial effect, pacifies self-will and pride. Such a talisman brings peacefulness to the life of the representatives of this sign and relieves irritability. Such a talisman is especially suitable for an Aries woman with a hot-tempered character, since mountain ash is able to give harmony with herself.


It can be considered an excellent antidepressant for Aries, it is able to charge a great mood when sad moments are overwhelmed. Such a talisman saves from the blues, it can be made from dried leaves and twigs, which must be collected in autumn.


Any red flowers can suit Aries, for example, roses, tulips, geraniums. They perfectly complement the house with their colors. Plants with orange tones also have a beneficial effect, these are tiger lily, calendula, nasturtium.

Aries have strong energy and activity. To maintain a balance of energy, people born under this zodiac sign are advised to carry a stone that matches their horoscope. For Aries, stones are suitable, which will have a beneficial effect on their mental balance and repel negative energy.

Obsidian - will help Aries to acquire those character traits that they need: intuition, practicality and the ability to self-analyze. This stone enhances performance, gives energy and reduces the manifestation of aggression of its owner. Under the influence of obsidian, Aries will better listen to the advice of loved ones, will be able to compromise painlessly for themselves and will become more attentive to their feelings and experiences.

Agate is suitable for active Aries. It promotes the development of talents and knowledge. Agate is good to carry with you while studying or in the process of comprehending something new. He gives this sign of the Zodiac concentration, enhances his attention, disposes to a good assimilation of new skills and knowledge.

The Labrador stone will protect Aries in times of risk and danger. It gives energy, strength and self-confidence. Also, the stone helps to attract fame, respect and recognition, which is so important for this zodiac sign. In addition, the Labrador is the keeper of the family hearth. It will have a beneficial effect on the relationship between spouses.

Amethyst is perhaps the most essential stone for Aries. He is able to make Aries less aggressive and quick-tempered. Carrying an amethyst with them, Aries will become more easygoing and calm in relation to the people around them. This will allow them not to become a victim of their own character.

Pyrite will bring good luck to Aries and become faithful helpers in overcoming new career heights. This stone attracts money, success and makes Aries even more determined and unshakable.

In addition to stones, Aries are protected by their personal talismans. A ram figurine or a red square image will bring good luck. Talismans in the form of a sword, claw or tooth also have a beneficial effect on them. A protective talisman for Aries must be made of bone or leather. If the talisman is made of metal, then it should be exclusively gold or iron.

Aries' main color is red. It is the color of passion, energy and courage. Red for Aries will enhance his fighting qualities, and can also affect his emotional state, and even physical health. This color perfectly helps to stimulate the central nervous system, protects against stress and loss of vitality. In addition, the red color enhances the brain processes of Aries, fights insomnia and normalizes metabolism. Shades of red - pink and lilac - can also have beneficial effects on the mental and physical health of Aries. However, it is better not to overdo it with shades, since the basic qualities of Aries in this case can go out. Helpful article? Then be sure to put and

21.05.2013 14:34

Astrologers advise Pisces to wear amulets that can bring them closer to the real world and remove pink ...

To attract good luck, Libra should choose stones that match their inner state and character. Malachite will do ...

Each sign of the zodiac has its own colors and shades that help to accurately reflect the inner world and energy of a person born under a certain zodiac sign.

Clothes, selected in accordance with the colors characteristic of the zodiac sign, will add energy, brightness and strength. With the help of flowers, you can achieve any goal, become more noticeable and more attractive, therefore it is so important to know what are the favorable color shades according to the signs of the zodiac in order to choose the right clothes and create an interior that gives comfort and coziness.

What colors are suitable for each of the zodiac signs

Aries. The whole palette of red is suitable for this sign of the zodiac, as this color is dynamic, energetic and rather aggressive, like Aries. Red symbolizes primacy, passion, courage and activity - all these qualities are just inherent in people born under this zodiac sign. He brings them good luck and prosperity, but only if Aries is healthy, if he is not feeling well, he needs to wear clothes of purple and blue shades that bring peace and relaxation. Black and white and black combinations are also suitable for Aries. In the interior, it is better to use green, white and pinkish-white.
Taurus. Blue and its shades are ideal: it will help to feel peace and tranquility. Also, successful natural colors - blue sky, green grass, pink sunset and yellow sun - they will cheer you up and will not disturb the balance necessary for an outwardly calm and internally stubborn Taurus. The same colors should be chosen for the interior as well: they will calm down, create comfort and help to concentrate. But bright, especially red, colors must be abandoned both in clothing and in the decoration of the home, as they will annoy and anger Taurus.
Twins. A suitable color for this sign is yellow, as it is associated with joy, positivity and strength, which is so often lacking in active Gemini who do not sleep well because of this. In addition, yellow, it stimulates communication and mental abilities, which is so necessary for sociable and knowledge-hungry people born under this sign. It will soothe and relax, as well as give positive energy - green and peach color, which can be used both in clothes and in the interior. But it is better to refuse cloudy shades - gray or brown oppresses and induces apathy.
Crayfish. Ideal colors for Cancer are white, pale green, silver, purple and blue, which will protect and attract the opposite sex. However, it is better not to use them for interior decoration, since Cancers themselves are very lonely - they rarely reveal their souls, then at least at home they should feel the brightness of being, therefore, for decorating their homes, it is better for them to use orange, yellow and hot pink colors ... Also gray is suitable for them - it is associated with a change in the mood of Cancers and gold - harmony and clarity of mind. It is worth avoiding blue, it can introduce this sign into a depressive mood. A lion. Leo's colors are bright: red, yellow, red, orange and gold. Thanks to them, people born under this zodiac sign will shine and attract attention, without which they cannot. This is especially true of gold, which symbolizes their generosity and beauty. White is also suitable, but only for vacation and weekend clothes, as well as rest rooms, and cherry - will soothe. They can be used in decor, combining with each other. They will help during stressful situations and to stabilize emotions.
Virgo. Natural colors are suitable - green and brown, as well as their mixture - olive, ocher and mustard. These colors organize them and also help focus, so they can also be used in home and office decor, although you can use brighter options to decorate your office - add blue, purple or yellow-gold. Gray can be combined with green, thanks to this trend, Virgos can feel comfortable and stylish, which is very important for this sign.
Scales. Blue and green shades will bring good luck to them: the first will calm and relax, the second will maintain a balance between mental and physical forces. Also dull yellow, milky white, gray and pink will suit them - they will soothe and give strength. For the interior, it is better to choose dark shades - deep green and dark gray. In such an atmosphere, Libra will feel comfortable and calm.
Scorpion. Lucky colors are dark brown, purple, scarlet, cherry, dark blue, green, and purple. They will give energy, protect from the negative influence of competitors during activities, and also calm down, and purple will promote sound sleep and reduce mental stress, so it can be used in the interior. Black also suits this zodiac sign, as it helps to quickly gather strength and act. For a home environment, you can use calm tones to feel the comfort and coziness.
Sagittarius. Suitable colors are blue, turquoise, blue, violet. Will bring firmness of mind and spur to action. Purple will also awaken romantic feelings, give spiritual qualities and wisdom. If you apply this color in interior decoration, then Sagittarius in such an environment will be able to achieve great heights in creative professions, and will also feel calm and peaceful. They can also use red in combination with blue for the same purposes.
Capricorn. Good luck to this sign of the zodiac will bring blue, brown, green, purple, gray - all dark shades, as well as black. They will protect from the negative influence of envious people, give organization and discipline. It is recommended that Capricorns wear brown clothes as often as possible, it will help normalize relations with others, making them more friendly, which is so often lacking in the representatives of this zodiac sign. He will emphasize the best qualities - Capricorns will want to lend a helping hand. However, it is better not to use brown in the interior of the house, since it will not be possible to relax with it - it is better to give preference to cherry and wine shades.
Aquarius. To realize your plans and yourself as a professional, it is better to use blue, cyan and purple colors, but for a room where you can dream, you need to use dark cherry and silver colors. When Aquarius is stressed or anxious, it is better for him to wear something blue, as this color will smooth out negative emotions, remove mental and physical pain. Green can restore calmness, so they need to be used to decorate a bedroom or rest room. Using shades of blue, green and blue will bring calm and peace.
Fishes. Favorable shades for Pisces are washed out violet, blue and green, as well as their transitions from one to another. Thanks to this combination, representatives of this sign will feel comfort and freedom, they will be confident in themselves, doubts and fears will go away. However, as soon as the mental strength returns again, you need to change clothes for yellow or silver: help in solving important issues. Pure violet should be used when you want to change in life - it will give physical lightness and remove emotional stress. These colors can be used both for choosing clothes and for decorating decor in the home and office.

Red is the main color of good luck for people born under the sign of Aries. The color red is dynamic and requires action, it is associated with aggression, but also reflects the energy and optimism of Aries. Red is the color of dominance and is associated with the inherent desire for leadership in the people of this zodiac sign. Similar to the personality traits of Aries, red symbolizes strength, courage, passion, activity, energy and optimism. In addition, the color red is associated with good health.

All shades of red are capable of bringing good luck and prosperity to Aries. However, not if they are ill or sick. During such periods, purple and blue colors are better for them, which will bring relaxation and tranquility.

best colors

Red, crimson, golden yellow and all shiny, pale yellow and green.

  • helps to overcome lethargy or depression
  • In times of poor health or illness, the colors are better, which will bring relaxation and tranquility
  • In addition to red, blue and purple, and are also considered lucky flowers

You can not only choose red clothes, but also give preference to this color when choosing food: tomatoes, red bell peppers and other red vegetables and fruits. This will lead to an increase in the flow of the necessary energy, and you will feel the urge to move on to action.

The colors of luck for Aries

Sunday, May 20, 2012 01:06 + in the quote pad

Aries 21.03-20.04
Aries is the first fiery zodiac sign.
Among the ancient Greeks, the myths associated with the zodiac sign of Aries are very close to the Thessalian legend of Jason and the golden fleece. The golden fleece ram, the gift of the god Hermes, helped Frix and his sister Gelle - the children of Tsar Afamant, whom their stepmother planned to destroy. When the ram was flying over the sea through the air, Gella got scared and fell into the raging waves. Frix managed to escape - the ram brought him to Colchis, where the child was raised by Eet, the son of the god Helios. Aries was sacrificed to Zeus, and his golden skin was hanged in the sacred grove of the god of war Ares (Mars). The fleece was guarded by a terrible dragon, who never closed his eyes. The descendants of Afamant, Frix's father, including Jason, knew that the salvation and well-being of their family depended on the possession of this relic, and they wanted to get it at any cost.

Mars, the ruling planet of Aries, provides people of this zodiac sign with an active life, energetic activity, ambition, restlessness and stubbornness.

Mars was the famous lover of Aphrodite. It is believed that every person born under the sign of fire and ruled by Mars is as if endowed with an irrepressible sexual fervor. Among the ancients, this deity occupied a leading place: with a cleansing torch and a spear in hand, a symbol of military power, Mars reigned over war and battles, which in those days was considered the highest honor. Everyone admired his tremendous energy and undeniable courage - for this he was obliged by exorbitant ambition. No mortal dared to displease him. It is enough to look at the deities surrounding Mars, such as courage, fear, honor, courage, war, justice, to experience the sacred awe.


Alexandrite is a stone of spiritual renewal


Diamond is the king of stones


Aquamarine is a stabilizer of mental balance


Amethyst is a stone of fidelity. It is also called the third eye stone.


Hematite - healing wounds


Pomegranate is a stone that brings good luck in love and friendship


Heliotrope is the best Christian amulet


Moonstone - absorber of lunar energy


Emerald is a stone of wisdom and composure


Ruby - Dragon's Hot Blood


ARIES METALS: iron, steel



They say that anemones are called anemones because they owe their appearance to a creature of easy windy behavior - Adonis.
Adonis, a young man of incomparable beauty and charm, was carried away at the same time by two goddesses: the goddess of the underworld Persephone and the goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite. And therefore he spent part of the year in the kingdom of the dead with Persephone, and part of the year on earth with Aphrodite. The goddess Artemis, the protector of chastity, found out about this and sent a wild boar to Adonis while hunting. According to legend, Aphrodite burst into tears over her fallen beloved, and anemones sprouted from her tears.
This is how the legend explains the mythical appearance of two different flowers from the buttercup family - anemones and adonis.
It has been proven that a bouquet of white anemones not only pleases the soul, but also has a beneficial effect on the eyes. It is worth looking at the white blooming anemones for ten minutes, and eye fatigue will go away imperceptibly.


Sweet pea-
in ancient times, the sweet pea wreath was considered a symbol of fertility and was an important element of folk rituals.


Violet -
According to one of the legends, violets appeared from tears of Adam's gratitude when he was on the island of Ceylon, where the archangel Gabriel brought him the message of the forgiveness of sins to the first person.


Once the sky reproached the cornfield with ingratitude: "Everything that inhabits the earth thanks me. Birds send me singing, flowers - fragrance and color, forests - a mysterious whisper, and only you do not express gratitude, although it is none other, namely, I fill the roots cereals with rainwater and make the ears ripen. " "I am grateful to you," the cornfield answered. "I decorate the arable land with everlasting greenery, and in the fall I cover it with gold. I don’t know how to express my gratitude in another way. Help me, and I will shower you with caresses and talk about love." "All right," agreed the sky, "if you cannot come up to me, then I will come down to you." A miracle happened instantly; among the ears of corn, magnificent blue flowers, similar in color to the sultry sky, grew. Since then, ears of grain with every breath of the breeze bow to the messengers of heaven - cornflowers and whisper tender words to them.


Hawthorn flowers -
The ancient Slavs had a legend about a girl whose blond hair was often decorated with a hawthorn wreath. She had a narrowed one; and from day to day, matchmakers were expected in the house. Unfortunately, a visiting foreigner passionately fell in love with the beauty. Once he tracked down a girl and wanted to take her power. However, not wanting to break the oath given to her beloved, the beauty chose death. Since then, the hawthorn has become a symbol of virginity and chastity, and young Russian girls in honor of their proud sister began to be called "hawthorns" or "young ladies".


Depending on the decade of birth, you can determine the dominant plant and the qualities that it gives to a person born on these days.


Unlike a flower - nondescript and pale yellow - people born under this sign are distinguished by decisiveness. Digitalis's head works like a computer clearly and quickly, finding the right way out even from the most confusing life situation. Never get lost. However, the nerves are gradually giving up. Headaches are possible.


Ambition, the desire to always be the first - these are the hallmarks of Magnolia. However, her position in society is very fragile due to her unwillingness to listen to the advice of others.


She is generous, generous, loves to have fun. However, such latitude often annoys those around who expect concrete help from her.



The nature of people born under the sign of Hazel is extremely contradictory. They are restrained and modest, they can prove themselves to be wise, kind, patient people, capable of making a lot of efforts in order to benefit a dear person. But at the same time, hazel trees can be harmful, vicious and even dangerous. Their mood changes very quickly. People of this sign are always noticed by others. Oreshnikov has a thirst for versatile knowledge, the ability to master them easily and quickly. However, Hazelnut may not use the knowledge gained - it depends solely on their goodwill.

Men. Representatives of this sign are able to grasp everything literally on the fly, largely thanks to intuition and a subtle mind. The mood of Hazel men can change several times, even during one day.

Women. Ladies born under the sign of Hazel are characterized by extreme originality, dissimilarity from all the others; they even differ in their attitude to life. With equal success, they can leave all their affairs to chance and rush for the sake of the goal on the barricades.

Love and marriage. If a Hazel woman feels sincere affection for someone, she will do everything possible and impossible in order to make life easier for that person. The character of the representatives of this sign is very uneven, unstable, therefore, with equal success, they can be very gentle, sweet and become a real torment for their second half.


The fragile appearance of Rowans is very deceiving: behind it is a persistent character that you can always rely on. People of this sign are loyal to others, friendly, sensitive to external influences, love everything beautiful. They can often be seen with a smile on their face. This is explained to a greater extent by the ability to control oneself, rather than inner gaiety. Rowan trees consider it their duty to bring joy to people, even if this may harm them themselves. In general, they are not egoists, but they nevertheless demonstrate a certain amount of egocentrism from time to time. In a love relationship, Rowan is able to give a lot, but at the same time, she is inclined to constantly check the feelings of a loved one. They dress with taste (and they have it just excellent) and pleasure, and in general they know how to skillfully emphasize the dignity of their appearance.

Men. It is rather difficult to communicate with Rowans, since the nature of these people clearly lacks simplicity. But you can rely on them without any doubt, since they are distinguished by honesty, decency and tolerance. Rowan men dream of living their own lives, but often cannot afford it: they consider themselves not entitled to leave the people for whom they are responsible.

Women. Representatives of this sign are very ambitious and intelligent, but, paradoxically, they rarely manage to make a career. Rowans are wonderful housewives, which is very much liked by men who are tuned in to family life. Women of this sign always think about tomorrow and make sure that everything is good in the future.

Love and marriage. Giving a lot, Rowans demand the same amount in return. These people quite often arrange a test of their own feelings, but betrayal and betrayal partners will never be forgiven.


Maples are outstanding personalities. They are always cheerful, full of energy, do not know fatigue. Being naturally restrained and even slightly indecisive, Maples, nevertheless, are able to make very risky decisions, which are based more on a lively interest in life than on some material motives. Representatives of this sign cannot be called couch potatoes. Sociable Maples are happy to make new acquaintances. Representatives of this sign protect new ideas that are interesting to them with great enthusiasm, but they rarely undertake their own projects. An astute, clear mind coexists in their nature with intuition and a developed imagination. Maples are a little cynical.

Men. These people are interested in the latest scientific and technological achievements. They are very impressed with their own open-mindedness. Having met new people, Maple men can easily call them for the most frank conversation.

Women. Shrewd ladies, endowed with a clear mind, often use imagination and intuition. Maple women really like to be the subject of discussion, although they never take other people's opinions into account.

Love and marriage. Maple is also uncommon in love relationships. This original does not act like everyone else, looking for a completely unique, special, even strange path to personal happiness.






Golden yellow




The Golden Fleece





The stars bend but do not force.
Formula of medieval astrology

Aries (Latin aries)- the first sign of the zodiac corresponding to the sector of the ecliptic from 0 ° to 30 °, counting from the point of the vernal equinox.

For people born under the sign of Aries, the following is suitable:

Mascot: hammer, golden fleece.

Aries Release: Fire - rewards people of this sign with strength, swiftness and indomitability.

Symbols: ram, deer, red-yellow and green squares.

Colors: bright red, carmine, orange, blue, lilac, crimson and all shiny (purple is bad).

Stones: Some stones (yellow, orange, red) enhance certain qualities inherent in Aries. Others (green and opaque blue) soothe and help fight the imperfections associated with this zodiac sign. Recommended for Aries: Agates (red, orange, yellow), Diamond (colorless diamond), Turquoise (blue, green, white), Carnelian (deep red chalcedony), Quartz-hairy (inclusions of golden rutile sticks), Corals (red, pink ), Lapis Lazuli (dark blue with pyrite), Arabic Onyx (black and white and brown bright alternating stripes), Opal (fiery, orange semi-opal), Ruby (red and crimson corundum), Citrine (golden yellow quartz).

Metal: iron, steel.

Aroma: Aries love a classic perfume with a strong aroma. Sharp odors activate them, make them more persistent and attentive. Woody notes improve well-being and inspire them to do good deeds. For women Allure, Coco, Opium, Chanel 5, Magic Noire. Men Kenzo, Green Jens, M. Jordan, One Men Show.

Essential oils: mint, lemon, sage, laurel, sandalwood, rosemary, cypress, thuja, jasmine, rose, fennel, pine, fir, sage.

Flowers: Aries' favorite flower is dahlia, as well as gerberas, carnations, poppies, tulips, roses of bright, pure shades. Plants such as asparagus, asters, laurel, lemon, arrowroot, orchids, sansevieria, chlorophytum, chrysanthemum, cissus are not recommended for Aries.

Plants: Aries is a sign of fire, its plants are often large, thorny, have red, burgundy, pink and orange shades - azalea, royal begonia, geranium, pomegranate, reed gusmania, euphorbia shiny, rose, sparkling and striped echmeya.

Days and numbers

Favorable numbers: 4, 7, 9 (all numbers divisible by 9), 11.

Happy Days: tuesday, sunday.

Bad days: Friday Saturday.

From March 21 to March 31 - under the influence of Mars - natures are born especially courageous, aggressive, firm, strong, undisciplined, courageous, inclined to bravado and passionate in love. Important years: 15, 30, 45, 75.

Born from 1 to 11 - under the influence of the Sun - natures are proud, generous, noble, courageous, capable of command, ambitious, able to overcome obstacles. Love is a great affection for them. Important years: 15, 19, 30, 35, 45, 57, 60, 76.

Born from 12 to 20 April - under the influence of Venus - natures are passionate and gentle, dexterous and impulsive, loving music and fine arts. Important years: 15, 30, 36, 40, 60, 66.

Choosing a profession for Aries

From rams come dynamic talented salesmen, traveling salesmen, lecturers, dentists, veterinarians, soldiers, policemen, butchers, wonderful surgeons, sculptors. They get along well with fire and metal. Aries' muscular body promises an athletic career.

Regardless of the choice of profession, Aries strives to be the first, the best fighter. Aries is a young sign, he has a need for bravado, window dressing.

How does Aries feel about money?

Money is often lukewarm. For him, they are only a means to achieve something more. Aries is not inclined to waste money. But, if necessary, he can spend a large amount wherever he thinks necessary.

Aries addictions in comfort

Aries has a relative concept of comfort. He loves Spartan conditions. And he rests in an environment that annoys another person, if he is not an Aries, and does not allow him to relax.

Life planning

Aries doesn't like to plan because plans bring order. When everything is in order, it is difficult to hide imperfections. Doing a lot spontaneously is the motto of Aries. The main thing is to start, and others will complete it.

Aries sensitivity

Aries has an innate intuition, but he may not trust her. Her revelations come to him too spontaneously. It is easier to follow the familiar track of social opinion. Here a contradiction may arise, on the one hand, the desire for individuality, and on the other hand, the opinion of society.

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