How to celebrate the new year of cancer. How to celebrate the New Year for the signs of the zodiac? How to meet a new cancer

Aries - don't collect more than one Aries!
On New Year's Eve, Aries are actually very cute, until they "snapped up". But celebrating the New Year with Aries is always fun.
Where to celebrate the New Year for Aries? Aries, never deny yourself the pleasure of celebrating the New Year either at home or with close friends or relatives. New Year's in restaurants or clubs is not for Aries, that they have not seen restaurants? Moreover, every Aries has a friend who cannot be “brought into people”, “into society” or brought into a company ... because it’s a shame. Can't you remember that? Then, Aries is about you. Therefore, it is always best for Aries to celebrate the New Year in a warm, friendly company, in which they will be calm and comfortable. True, even in a "home environment", the desire to stand out and a certain snobbery will force Aries to give preference to the best varieties of cognac or wine, but in such an amount, how you drink it, does it really matter how many years of aging whiskey or cognac has? New Year is a reason, but not a reason to get drunk! When Aries drinks enough, it seems to them that they are still "in the subject", but nobody fucking notices this. If several Aries gather at the table, this will expand the circle of new acquaintances ... and "disgrace" and adventures on New Year's Eve. And Aries especially needs to remember that everything ends at some point - both New Year's Eve and booze ...
Taurus is the biggest nonsense!

Celebrating the New Year with Taurus is money, but the biggest foolishness is celebrating the New Year with Taurus, and even more stupid is celebrating the New Year without Taurus. This is such a contradiction, and all because on New Year's Eve of any year, Taurus will surpass even Gemini and Libra in noise and fun, and Aries and Capricorns in terms of the number of adventures.

That is why every New Year Taurus tries to meet in a noisy company, and if they fail, they create it even from three people! On New Year's Eve, next to Taurus, no one can say "Listen" without "Quiet !!!"
Gemini - It's not easy to be light and cuddly!

Sometimes it seems that the two most common things in the universe are hydrogen and Gemini. Especially on any New Year's Eve! Orgasm is nothing compared to the New Year with Gemini and the feeling when you look at pictures on the morning of January 1st. New Year's Eve with Gemini never ends. And it can develop into New Year's morning somewhere on January 3-4. When the Gemini get tired of sparkling, dancing, making noise and having fun and go to a well-deserved sleep in order to arrange a New Year's remix in a couple of hours, and you can be sure that they will have enough strength for this. New Year's advice "was in a hurry for Bliznetci": the real art of communication is not only to constantly speak, but also to remain silent when necessary, because Libra and Aquarius next to you continue to wonder how many words Gemini needs to say nothing. But if, nevertheless, someone on New Year's Eve tries to make you a comment about your excessive noise and activity, answer with your trademark Gemini smile: “It's not so easy to be light and pleasant, don't you believe? Try it, you just never tried .... "

Cancer - New Year's Eve is several days long!

On the one hand, Cancers can "freak out" and even try to prove on New Year's Eve that being lonely is not at all lonely. Where to celebrate the New Year of Cancer?
Cancers prefer to celebrate the New Year with their family, but not with their parents, but with their family members or friends, whom they consider to be members of their family. Most Cancers love when Love is present on New Year's Eve. In any of its manifestations - Love, light flirting, falling in love and making new acquaintances, and even spontaneous sex with Santa Claus or Snow Maiden or other daring sexual fantasies.
A romantic New Year with your beloved or loved one, in extreme cases ... with a cat is also, by the way, a good option for Cancers. It all depends on the pre-New Year mood of Cancers. Therefore, before the New Year, Cancers need to remember to check the phone - even if the phone does not blink, you still need to unlock the lock and see if there are any new calls or sms, all of a sudden the backlight just broke. And before the New Year, Cancers are strictly forbidden to remember and think about their ex, even sometimes ... obscenities ... this can greatly ruin the New Year's mood for Cancers. Relatives and friends are a lifeline and the most traditional way of celebrating the New Year for Cancers. Therefore, it is better to celebrate the New Year with Cancers at home, and then it will be just as fun with them as with Aries or Gemini, but without any adventures ... oh, but a few days long ...!
Leo is a miracle among friends.

Lions on New Year's Eve need to be themselves, just like that - extraordinary. Family New Year, or New Year with close friends, is exactly what Leo needs on this night most of all. Where to celebrate the New Year for Lions? Yes, Leos love to celebrate the New Year both in clubs and in restaurants, but it is extremely important for them to have “their environment” on New Year's Eve. Even if it “was somewhere nearby at the next table and went somewhere,” the main thing is that Lviv has their own somewhere nearby. And then on New Year's Eve, in a close circle of friends and relatives, and even in an almost family circle, Lions will be able to relax, freak out and have fun. Moreover, practically without alcohol, Lions are in themselves a source of joy, warmth and light, and, in principle, in a good mood, they do not need the services of alcohol at all in order to have fun celebrating the New Year. But usually they do not think about it, having fun drinking with all the signs of the zodiac, sitting with Leos at the same table, as well as at a table next to the restaurant and with the entire bar in a nightclub.

Leos know that you can't really fall in love with a person you never laugh with, and you can't celebrate the New Year without fun and carnival. And only Leos know that you can not run a marathon to prove that you can still do something meaningless, and New Year's Eve is the best reason for this!
Virgo - New Years holidays.

For Virgins, New Year's Eve does not really matter. And although they love to have fun and rejoice together with everyone, but deep down they understand that the New Year is gifts that you do not need, a New Year's outfit for money that is not there, in order to impress people who mean nothing to us. Therefore, if possible, they prefer New Year's holidays - a light celebration of the New Year, turning into several days of pleasant idleness.

It's just that many do not understand that Virgos are dreamers, and will be indignant: "Once again you fall asleep during the New Year celebration - I will kill, I will leave, I will fly away, I will leave," and many other words for "U", to which the Virgo will also answer with a word for "U "-" smile! " Fools, they simply do not know: in order to appreciate the New Year with Virgo, you need to spend it either with Aries or Gemini, in order to be grateful later for a quiet and calm New Year with Virgo!
Libra - Big Party!

Libra always tries to organize the New Year in such a way as to get the most out of it. After all, Libra will never become too old in order to learn new nonsense, eccentricities, and most importantly, a reason for a BIG holiday. And the word HOLIDAY Libra is very fond of and is ready to spend the entire budget on this word, especially if this holiday is New Year. That is why Libra very often brings the situation to the point that lying in bed on January 1 and looking at the stars in the sky think hard: "Where did the ceiling go?" After all, winter is outside, and alcohol is the most likely reason for the absence of some Libra on January 1 and 2. But celebrating the New Year with Libra is even more fun than with Gemini or Leo, because Libra, in principle, does not care where to celebrate it, the main thing is fun, noisy and bright!

Scorpio is a new Life!

Only Libra can argue with the good mood of Scorpios on New Year's Eve. They even have time to congratulate everyone on the phone, say a lot of things, and hang up before they are understood.

If suddenly Scorpios will celebrate the New Year with Capricorns or Aries, they will be surprised to find that they are not at all the center of the Universe. But on New Year's Eve, unlike other days of the year, even this cannot spoil the Scorpios' good mood. After all, every New Year is very important for Scorpios. Each New Year for Scorpios is a leap into a new life, or at least into a new hope and dream! Scorpios better than other signs of the Zodiac know how to start a "new life" not with a hangover, not with Monday, but with the New Year. That is why it is so important for Scorpios. So, by celebrating the New Year with Scorpio, you are guaranteed to celebrate it well and it doesn't matter where ...
Sagittarius is the decoration of the company.

Sagittarius usually look for themselves, the meaning of life, a forgotten mobile phone and where to celebrate the New Year until New Year's Eve. And although the best option for Sagittarius would be to celebrate the New Year at home, it is there that they rarely meet him. Because if Sagittarius wants, they will decorate any company even at three in the morning. Perhaps someone will consider Sagittarius strange, because they are not like everyone else. Do not be offended by these "someone" - they are strange in fact, because they are all the same. And, unlike other signs of the Zodiac, if Sagittarius even on New Year's Eve loses its "roof", they will not bother the finder, but will ask to keep it for themselves. Sagittarius people are extremely sociable and this, of course, is wonderful, but this is what often brings them down on New Year's Eve, especially in a large company, when Sagittarius have time to drink five glasses of both, while the rest are still after the second " did not eat. " On New Year's Eve, Sagittarius should try to take care of themselves and not overload their personal glass with hard work. After all, everything in this life is much more complicated than having met the New Year - drank, drank - met the New Year!

Capricorn is a very fast New Year

Capricorns - even on New Year's Eve, they will be happy to talk about work. Capricorns New Year's Eve is not Monday, so relax and celebrate New Years there, and in an environment where you can completely relax and forget about work. Therefore, before each New Year, Capricorns simply need to change the situation. And as soon as Capricorns change the situation, their mood will immediately change for the better. Especially if you don't need to make an effort to celebrate the New Year! But for a merry New Year's Eve, Capricorns need a suitable company, and then Capricorns will gladly support the eccentricities of Leo, and the crazy ideas of Gemini and the offer to drink from Sagittarius. The only danger is that next to Capricorns everything happens somehow quickly, suddenly and unexpectedly, including the morning of New Year's Eve. So if you celebrate the New Year with Capricorns, try to make a wish right away - then you just might forget or not have time ...

Aquarius is a good table and show program.

It is best for Aquarius to celebrate the New Year under a palm tree, surrounded by mulattoes and mulatto women who do not speak Russian. Although many Aquarius will feel just as comfortable at the snow-capped peaks. And even if the Aquarius stays at home, the tropical hot party is what the Aquarius needs the most. But preferably not at the Aquarius home, but where the Aquarius will be called. But they will not call ... Aquarians will "call" themselves, and everything with the question of where to celebrate the New Year for Aquarius will be arranged in the best way. The main thing for Aquarius is not to get into the company, where they shout all the time: "Come on, let's pour it soon," but where it is warm from fun, laughter and smiles. In addition, it is very important for Aquarius to have a "good table", because there is nothing wrong with gluttony, especially on New Year's Eve, according to most Aquarius. Therefore, where Aquarians celebrate the New Year, there are no problems with salads on the morning of January 1. Sometimes Aquarius gets bored on New Year's Eve, Aquarius, do not forget - not all goodbyes are sad, for example: "Goodbye, old year!" The best option for celebrating the New Year with Aquarius is a restaurant or a club with a good show program, this can cheer up Aquarius to such an extent that they can leave Libra, Sagittarius and Gemini far behind in a storm of fun.

Pisces - making wishes!

For those who are going to celebrate the New Year with Pisces, we advise you to prepare a couple of wishes. And not for Santa Claus, but for Pisces. The main thing is that in order for them to come true, there is no need to throw a "seine" - a few compliments are enough, and Pisces will influence the fact that they are heard on New Year's Eve. Where to celebrate the New Year, Pisces absolutely does not care, they will be "New Year's magic" everywhere, wonderful and festive. In addition, on New Year's Eve it will be extremely fun with Pisces, because Pisces knows for sure that when a person smiles, he uses less muscles than when he frowns. And don't be discouraged that all you want is a little more than you can ever get. Maybe this is just “all” Pisces doesn't need on New Year's Eve.

And for all the signs of the zodiac, I want to remind you: everyone celebrates the New Year in different ways, and almost everyone plans to start a New Life after it, but almost no one’s life changes. And everything from the fact that people are planning the wrong thing - you need to plan how to celebrate the New Year - it just changes, like our life, and, God forbid, everyone's for the better!
Happy New Year!

The year 2017 of the Fire Rooster has come to an end - a cocky bully, who knows how to put things in order in the house, to repulse all difficulties and always be on the alert. This fiery symbol managed to collect in its image the most variegated and saturated shades, shimmering gilding and pretentious shine. And now the emotional and eccentric Cockerel is replaced by the Yellow Earth Dog, with its pedantry, patience, devotion and completely balanced character. Such a patron is the complete opposite of the previous one, which means that when choosing a home decor, a festive menu and a New Year's outfit, it is also worth going "from the opposite". So that over the next 12 months good luck will accompany you at every step, try to spend the night from December 31 to January 1 in an image that fully corresponds to the preferences of the Earth Dog. Let's figure out together what to celebrate the New 2018 Year of the Dog and what to wear for each sign of the zodiac, taking into account the element of the symbol of the next year.

How to celebrate the New 2018 Year of the Earth Dog: the selection of an outfit according to the signs of the zodiac

Thousands of fashionistas are already wondering how to celebrate the New 2018 Year of the Earth Dog: choosing an outfit according to the signs of the zodiac is not an easy task, especially if you are not too competent in fashion matters. It is for such cases that we have compiled a complete leuzeb for the entire "zodiacal circle". But creative girls with a keen eye for new fashion trends will do it on their own using our simple tips.

  • Firstly, the patroness of the next year likes shades that are close to the most natural color palette and generate associations with natural phenomena;
  • Secondly, the combination of black and white will never be a losing option;
  • Thirdly, outrageousness is alien to the Earth Dog, which means that the style of the New Year's outfit should be restrained and laconic;
  • Fourthly, a lover of everything living and natural will not like cheap synthetics. Suitable material for a festive dress - silk, linen, chiffon, organza, cotton, taffeta, lace, satin. The trend of 2017-2018 will look expensive and tasteful - a dress made of muted velvet colors.

The Yellow Dog is very democratic, therefore, loyal to any style and style of New Year's outfit. But you shouldn't overdo it with an exclusive. Clothing should be comfortable, simple and by no means vulgar. Optimal choice:

  • knee-length and full-length skirts of styles: "tulip", "barrel", "half sun", "sun", "bell", "tutu";
  • floor-length dresses, plain or with a trendy print (geometric shapes, large flowers, elements of nature);

  • casual skirt and trouser suits;
  • stylish jackets;
  • dresses to the knee (with the exception of the frank mini and overly tight options);

  • blouses made of cotton, silk, linen, satin;
  • full-length high-waisted loose trousers and 7/8 slim fit;

In what color to celebrate the New 2018 - a photo of trendy outfits

In addition to the "main" colors of the New Year 2018 - yellow and brown - there are others that match the temperament of the Earth Dog. Combine them in your holiday party outfit and you will achieve the attention and favor of the symbol of the year. So, the most trending shades of a magical New Year's Eve:

  • burgundy
  • scarlet and dark red
  • golden
  • beige
  • cream
  • coral
  • mustard
  • Orange
  • chocolate
  • olive
  • muted green
  • blue
  • Violet
  • pink
  • mint
  • purple
  • classic black and white

As you can see, there are many colors and shades in the color palette of the patroness of the next year. The dog, as a character, is supportive of any manifestations of individuality, so all fashionistas at the party will not have to flaunt in the same outfits.

Choosing the right tones for the New Year's look, do not forget about the completely unacceptable. So, a failed option - mini-skirts and too revealing dresses of acid colors. Also, Yellow Dog is not a friend of cats, so on New Year's Eve it is strongly recommended to avoid any prints that hint at the presence of the feline family. Discard:

  • fluffy fur vests;
  • leopard print;
  • hats and headbands with cat ears;
  • skirts, trousers and blouses with images of cats or their symbols;
  • decorative fur trim on dresses and shoes;
  • long arrows and cat-eye makeup variations;

What to wear for the New Year 2018 for each zodiac sign: photos of suitable bows for a New Year's party

A dog is not only a friendly entertainer, but also a lover of comfort in all its manifestations. That doesn't mean you can wear a wool sweater and frayed jeans to a New Year's party. But when choosing a fashionable evening bow, it is worth stopping at a light and comfortable outfit. Put aside fluffy layered dresses, super-skinny minis, or eerily uncomfortable platforms - these items are sure to get in the way of fun and have a lot of fun. Choose which of the suitable bows to wear for the New Year 2018, taking into account the characteristics of the symbol of the year and each zodiac sign.

  1. Capricorns- true workaholics. But on New Year's Eve, it is better for the representatives of this sign to abandon the elements of work clothes and give preference to light dresses made of geometric, floral or abstract prints. Such a choice will certainly delight the patron of 2018.
  2. Aquarius it is better to restrain the desire to shock and shock all guests with high cuts and deep necklines. Courage and determination are a clear trait of a Dog, but not the best principle in choosing an outfit for a New Year's party. An excellent alternative to catchy costumes is modest clothes made of natural fabrics of sand, peach, lilac in a duet with earrings and a necklace made of natural stones.
  3. Pisces- difficult dual natures - it is better to choose an elegant outfit of golden sand tones for the New 2018. Orange, coffee, chocolate colors with bright accessories that emphasize the created image will look good on the representatives of the sign on New Year's Eve.
  4. Aries, with their inherent romanticism and sensuality, you should pay attention to soft natural fabrics and images that combine white with burgundy or cherry. You can experiment with long dresses and skirts, but it is better to leave the neckline mysteriously hidden. If the chosen outfit is luxurious and extravagant, accessories should be discreet and modest.
  5. Taurus- one of the most graceful and sophisticated representatives of the fair sex. Choosing an outfit for a New Year's party, they should take a closer look at light and spacious dresses in green, blue or purple. And to emphasize them properly will help volumetric earrings, bracelets and pendants made of gold or silver.
  6. On a wonderful New Year's Eve Twins will look equally good in any look. But in order to please the symbol of the year - the Yellow Earth Dog - you will have to wear a stylish trouser suit of brown, mustard, sand or straw color with additional nuances in the form of a leather clutch, amber hair clip or beads made of small wooden elements.
  7. The best type of clothing for a girl is Cancer on New Year's Eve - a bright and stylish jumpsuit made of light flowing fabric of yellow, terracotta, coral, amber, red, brown or golden color. The ideal choice of accessory is a mysterious carnival mask with rhinestones, precious stones, feathers or artificial flowers. Such an ensemble is atypical, but quite suitable for the most magical night of the year.
  8. To Lionesses in 2018, there was success and good luck, their festive image should "breathe" wealth, luxury and real chic. Silk, satin, velor and velvet of golden, chocolate, scarlet and burgundy colors in combination with elegant shoes and expensive jewelry will create an unsurpassed image for any representative of the "royal" sign.
  9. Pedantic and self-confident Virgin always know a lot about fashion and have an excellent sense of style. But in choosing an outfit for celebrating the New 2018, they will have to forget about all the fashionable excesses. Representatives of such a feminine zodiac sign will look spectacular in clothes of classic styles from simple natural fabrics. The optimal color scheme for such an occasion is blue-gray or yellow-green.
  10. Libra on New Year's Eve, it is worth getting luxurious fur wardrobe items or minimal accessories with a lush edge. Such elements can be successfully combined with a trendy pantsuit or a floor-length skirt in red, beige or brown. And you can complement the New Year's bow with a light touch in the form of amethyst or chrysolite earrings.
  11. Scorpions- mostly purposeful, assertive and very decisive people. They should not hide their essence from the Yellow Dog on New Year's Eve. Representatives of this zodiac sign can opt for a sexy garnet, crimson or yellow outfit with a deep cut on the back or a high slit on the side. A passionate and attractive scorpion look can be complemented with graceful stockings and high-heeled shoes.
  12. Sociable Sagittarius who prefer to always be in the spotlight, for the New Year's celebration, you can choose a bright outfit with spectacular decorations. The symbol of the next year is sure to fall in love with linen or cotton dresses in navy blue or bright turquoise. Especially in a duet with pendants, bracelets and rings made of sapphire, emerald and garnet.

How to complement a bright outfit for the New 2018 for all signs of the zodiac

Once you've decided on your festive wardrobe, don't forget to choose shoes, hairstyle and fashion accessories. It is these details that can make the image unique, inimitable and completely complete. Taking into account the taste preferences of the Yellow Dog, you can enlist her support and favor for the whole next year. And also, boldly attract the eyes of all guests at the long-awaited New Year's party.

: yellow, black and brown. And also their shades - sand, olive, golden, coffee, ocher, khaki. White, cream or milky are neutral colors for the Dog.

The dog is positive and playful by nature. In the first place for the symbol of the coming year - sincerity and benevolence. Therefore, you should not spend a lot of money on a New Year's outfit. The main thing is that the clothes are chosen with taste.

This animal appreciates beautiful and unusual things.

How to celebrate the New Year 2018 for Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces

These signs refer to representatives of the water element. In 2018, the Year of the Yellow Earth Dog should pay attention to sand and lilac shades - it is believed that these colors can attract wealth, help in matters of health and personal life.

It is not necessary to choose plain clothes; a dress or suit can be made in several contrasting shades. Prints and drawings look original and unusual - the hostess of the holiday welcomes such decisions. Drawings on oriental or geometric themes will be some of the most successful for representatives of the water element.

Beautiful ladies will look great in dresses made of weightless fabrics - silk, organza, chiffon, lace. For men, everything is much simpler: a win-win is an unforgettable classic: trousers, a stylish jacket and a shirt. At least one piece of clothing should be yellow or sandy: a tie, a scarf around the neck or a trouser belt.

As for accessories, it is better to give preference to classic jewelry made of gold or amber. Yellow shades will come in handy and will surely evoke the sympathy of the Dog - the symbol of the next year. Astrologers are ready to give advice to each sign separately in order to highlight accents, emphasize the individuality and exclusivity of each image:

Cancers can take a carnival mask to the party, decorated with flowers, sequins and rhinestones. The horoscope promises the representatives of this sign an amazing romantic story, and the mask, if necessary, will help to hide sudden emotions;

Scorpio women are recommended to wear stiletto heels for the meeting of 2018, and the more original and unusual the shoe model is, the better;

Pisces can wear a dress or blouse with an adorable tropical print. The abundance of flowers will become the personification of fun, joy and mutual love.

How to celebrate the New Year 2018 for Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn

Representatives of the earth element were more fortunate than others: this element is the closest and dearest for the wise Dog.

Designers offer skirts, dresses and shirts in beige, brown, golden colors. The palette also captures other shades close to the earthly origin - graphite, gray, terracotta. These tones are especially effectively embodied in smooth, sliding fabrics - knitwear, silk, satin. Elements of decoration should not be overlooked: motifs of flowers, greenery, herbs and the sky are very welcome - they evoke associations with walks in the fresh air.

When discussing styles for women, fashion designers single out sheath dresses or A-line outfits. Such options are moderately restrained, but they can look incredibly advantageous if they are decorated with stylish jewelry.

Virgos, who are accustomed to dressing brightly, for the New Year 2018 are simply obliged to emphasize their femininity and romance. It is better to celebrate the holiday in gentle, flowing dresses in the floor of sand shades;

Ladies of the Taurus sign need to pay special attention to accessories. The best option would be massive, bulky gold earrings - they personify wealth and success in all financial endeavors;

The main accent in the image of Capricorns should be an original handbag or clutch, this attribute will play the role of a luxurious cherry on the cake and attract the attention of others to its owner.

How to celebrate the New Year 2018 for Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

"We dress brightly" is a constant motto for representatives of fire signs. When celebrating the New Year, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, it is better to deviate from the established rules and give preference to more restrained burgundy and pink tones. It is better to do without dresses with rigid corsets, deep neckline, trains. If an outfit with bare shoulders has already been purchased, you can supplement it with a light stole or a weightless scarf - this way the harmony of the image will be preserved and a kind of tribute to the rules established by the Yellow Earth Dog will be given:

For romantic Aries, the best option would be a deep coral long dress. A blouse or a suit made of noble natural silk is also suitable. As a decoration, you can purchase long earrings, a ring with a large stone or an original hair clip;

Leo women, like in any other setting, should feel like real queens. A luxurious diadem or crown will come to the rescue; the accessory will not only emphasize the beauty of the hairstyle, but also make the image more regal;

For Sagittarius, a spectacular hat will be a great finishing accent. Models with a veil look very original - an excellent solution for those who want to surround themselves with an atmosphere of mystery and enigma.

How to celebrate the New Year 2018 for Aquarius, Gemini, Libra

For fickle Aquarius, cheerful Gemini and optimistic Libra, green and blue shades are best suited. The same applies to prints - all variants of tropical, floral ornaments will be more than appropriate. After all, the Dog loves to walk!

Pair bracelets made of gold or other yellow metal will help to emphasize the individuality of Gemini. The accessory will become a symbol of openness and demonstrate to the Universe that Gemini is ready for new meetings and acquaintances.

Lacy gloves are a must-have on the charming hands of Aquarius. They can be worn with almost anything; even a simple dress will look truly aristocratic if you add such an exquisite detail to it.

When choosing a festive decoration, Libras are advised to pay attention to beautiful dresses and blouses with shiny sequins and lurex. The main thing is that there are not too many sparkles - you do not need to overshadow the Christmas tree with an outfit. Dazzling elements will definitely attract the attention of the Earth Dog and help to achieve its location.

Holidays always bring harmony and joy to our life, if you do not celebrate holidays, life will be boring and monotonous. It is the people around you and the fun that bring colors to life. How to celebrate the New Year of Cancer should be of interest to every representative of this zodiac sign, the stars influence a person in a large form. In fact, it is very important and correct to listen to the advice of astrologers, this can explain a lot, give a lot and suggest. For example, depending on your zodiac sign, it will depend on exactly how you should spend the New 2013, how to meet it and what it will bring to the next year of your life.

The fourth sign of the zodiac is Cancer. He belongs to such an element of the zodiac as Water. People born after June 21 and before July 23 refer to Cancer according to the horoscope. Once upon a time, the sign of Cancer was drawn as an image of cancer. However, today the symbol of this sign of the zodiac is the number 69 turned on its side, lying down. Sometimes the symbol is described as a kind of yin-yang, for example, but still everyone looks at their own angle. The main influence on Cancer is the Moon, but Mars, Saturn and Jupiter also have an undeniable influence. All representatives of the Cancer sign are united by the following characteristic features:

- Cancers are highly dependent on their mood, if it is good, then Cancers are capable of anything;

- are very dependent on the opinions of others, therefore they attach great importance to style;

- they are dependent on home, they like to be here, they hide personal relationships and do not tolerate fights for show;

- do not like to travel, but once a year they can relax at sea;

- spontaneous and unpredictable, often touchy;

- carefully choose partners, especially for marriage, try to be married once for life.

Do you know how to celebrate the New Year of Cancers? Simple: trust the will of professionals. They prefer to celebrate the new year with their families. But the family should be their own (partner and children), they do not like to celebrate holidays with their parents, they strive for friends, where they are calmer. Therefore, the New Year 2013 is worth celebrating with friends whom you can invite or visit with your family. Cancers will come to visit friends or friends to visit Cancer depends on who is in charge. If Cancers are responsible for the preparation, it is worth inviting them to your place, otherwise you risk falling into a bad mood of Cancer friends, who will give up preparing for the New Year and go to their corner for meditation. When the New Year is nevertheless entrusted to Cancers, you should know: if they bring the matter to the end, everything will be grandiose and bright.

What awaits Cancers in the New 2013.

In the New Year 2013, Cancers will have to count money: save, save, etc. Perhaps they are saving for a big purchase for themselves, or maybe for their family. Cancers are good at betting on interest, try investing in something worthwhile. It is in 2013 that Cancers will be able to cure all sores, forget about health problems. The work area in 2013 for Cancers will also be successful, everything will be smooth, perhaps even a promotion. The most successful time in the New 2013 for Cancers is October-January 2014. At the beginning of 2014, Cancers will already be able to purchase that large purchase, which they had planned for the whole of 2013.

The Yellow Earth Dog is running away beyond the horizon, the New Year of the Pig of the same color is coming. Or Kabana, if you like it more. The gender of the totem animal has absolutely no effect on the choice of a festive outfit. And last year's cannot be used. There is a great chance to disappoint the new owner, fall out of favor, and lose luck for 12 months. It would seem that a dog and a pig, both domestic, four-legged and the same color. But this is where the similarities end, their character is completely different. Deciding how to celebrate the New Year 2019 is easy if you think through the whole image in detail in advance - color, style, makeup, accessories, hairstyle. Detailed instructions with a photo will help you figure out the details. And also a bonus - recommendations for each zodiac sign.

In this article:

The pig sets the tone

Someone will celebrate the coming year of the Pig, and someone else the year of the Boar. The feminine and masculine do not conflict here. Both animals are inquisitive, value family, sometimes like to indulge in gluttony, tastefully relax and have fun. They are thrifty in small things, and they know how to do large expenses wisely. Sounds like a sane and happy person - it is.

Another important feature. In the Chinese horoscope, the Pig has a special role. It completes a full 12-year cycle. This event should be celebrated on a grand scale. Set a lavish table, decorate the house, buy gifts and enter the year 2019 exclusively in a new outfit.

The extravagant Yellow Pig, despite its roundness and seeming earthiness, knows a lot about fashion and is endowed with excellent taste. She will not be impressed by a modest outfit, and the colors of 2019 are not as limited as they seem at first glance. What to wear and how to meet are crucial questions that should not be left to chance. Otherwise, instead of luck, a financial hole awaits.

Motley Boar or in what color to celebrate the New Year

There is an opinion that every new totem is delighted with an outfit in its color scheme, which was defined in ancient China. What's in perspective - New Year 2019 in yellow and brown?

Don't jump to conclusions and don't listen to homebrew counselors. Times are changing, patron animals are increasingly guided by fashion trends and take liberties. Do not believe me - ask the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire. They know and know how to celebrate their Eastern New Year.

But it is not worth breaking stereotypes abruptly. Pay homage to tradition if these colors suit you:

  • yellow, golden;
  • ecru, beige, coffee with milk;
  • orange, terracotta;
  • brown, chocolate.

By adding warm or cold tones to a yellow-brown palette, you can get a lot of interesting shades. Not happy and not suitable - use the colors of grass, water, summer meadow, sunrise or sunset sky, anthracite night, early twilight. All this is on earth, and therefore does not contradict the terms of the Chinese treaty.

There is also an original point of view. Perhaps the Earth Pig is considered yellow because it rolled in the dust? If you wash it properly, you get a completely different picture. Apparently, the designers were guided by this, including pink, black, white in the list of current colors 2019. Achromatic tones are used both independently and in combination.

The style of the fastidious guest

It is not in vain that the pig serves as the most popular prototype for the piggy bank. Women will be able to shine on New Year's Eve and attract financial luck by choosing a stylish and comfortable look:

  • outfit with a fluffy skirt;
  • elegant;
  • a white blouse with a complex decor;
  • spectacular jumpsuit;
  • loose trousers in light colors;
  • bright leggings or tights.

Make your childhood dream come true by wearing a dress with a fluffy hem, like a princess. The style is not impressive or does not fit - voluminous lantern sleeves with flounces and ruffles will be a full replacement.

If you choose a little black dress - let it be embroidered with gold. Jumpsuits are preferred for evening wear. Combine sophisticated blouses with a laconic cut of trousers and skirts. Colored tights require a plain top.

What should men do? Consider that the Yellow Pig has come to them - a dandy, a fashionista, a strong personality who knows his own worth, and celebrate the New Year according to his rules. Financial and other well-being will be ensured by an elegant suit in beige and brown tones and shoes made of soft leather.

Home option - loose pants, shirt, jumper. Any spectacular detail will complement the image - a tie with an original clip, cufflinks, a buckle on a belt, a ring, a bracelet, a chain. It is undesirable to use accessories made of rough leather.

Important little things for a complete look

We figured it out, it remains to think over the details - accessories, makeup, hairstyle. The image should be complete and harmonious. And do not forget to set aside a couple of hours to rest, the Pig loves contented and relaxed.

If you doubt that a frisky hog will appreciate the outfit, shoes will save the situation. Beige shoes or sandals will confirm that you are of the same blood, and at the same time lengthen and show your legs in a favorable light. In general, it is advisable to meet New Year's happiness in comfortable shoes made of soft leather or suede.

Put your phone, lipstick, mirror and other women's little things in a classic clutch. This accessory should be simple in shape and effective in color scheme. In jewelry, it is better to prefer gold, complex decor, large size. Jewelry made from natural materials - wood, bone, ceramics - will do.

In the new year 2019, declare categorically no to complex hairstyles, obvious asymmetry, varnish and styling. Maximum naturalness and freedom:

  • loose ponytails;
  • various weaves and bunches;
  • sloppy styling with light texturing;
  • soft curls and vintage smoothness.

Hair accessories are welcome - hairpins, headbands, combs, tiaras, ribbons.

Choose a make-up that is waterproof so that it does not "float" during the evening. Shadows to match the color of the eyes, blush and powder to match the skin tone, it is advisable to highlight the lips with bright lipstick or shimmery gloss. Makeup smoky eyes and vignette a la the 70s with thin expressive arrows are topical.

New Year's outfits according to the signs of the zodiac

Additionally, enlisting the support of the stars is not a bad idea. Suddenly the Yellow Pig will be out of sorts and will find your outfit not original enough or appropriate to the earthy theme. A short instruction to all zodiac signs on how to celebrate the Year of the Earth Pig will serve as a saving straw if something does not go according to plan.


It is recommended to slightly muffle, but not suppress the fiery energy. On New Year's Eve, give up red, preferring bright yellow or golden. The best choice of fabric is natural silk, flowing and weightless.


An earth sign will intuitively understand what it is necessary to meet an earthly guest. As an option - a dress or a jumpsuit with a laconic cut in the color of amber or a ripe truffle. Massive gold jewelry in large quantities will save you from excessive simplicity and severity.


Your symbol in the Year of the Pig is a couple. Symmetrical jewelry, garment decor, repeating patterns and prints, an even number of rings or beads in a thread. A good option is paired bracelets or hairpins, large earrings with pendants.


The humble Cancer should shine. On New Year's Eve, an unusual event awaits you - a romantic meeting or a wish fulfillment. Attract good luck with rhinestones, feathers in your hair, an unusual hat, gold shoes. At the same time, the dress should be simple and elegant.

a lion

Leo 2019 motto is to command and rule. It is not necessary to show a dictatorial character, it is enough to add a regal note to the New Year's image. The best choice for this is a tiara in a high hairstyle or loose, slightly tousled hair.


Feminine by nature Virgos on New Year's Eve will be charming in delicate shades of ecru or light beige. Your choice is light fabrics, flowing silhouettes, soft cut lines that create a constant illusion of movement.


Play on duality and contrast - fur and chiffon, velvet and silk, white and black. As an option, open shoulders and a fur boa or boa made of exotic feathers against the background of a smooth straight dress in a discreet shade.


Get ready to show the Pig your legs, or rather, extravagant shoes. These can be elegant pumps, but with incredible heels. A low original heel, unusual color, bright buckle, fur trim will do.


The highlight of Sagittarius is the hairstyle. On long hair, you can make an unusual weaving, sprinkle the short ones with plenty of sparkles, decorate the middle ones with hairpins, headbands, ribbons. The most chic is a miniature hat with an exquisite veil.


Vintage jewelry, voluminous necklaces, large earrings, rings, bracelets will make your New Year's look. Eye-catching makeup can be a substitute for spectacular accessories. Not a war paint, but a bright accent on the eyes, lips, nails.


The lightness of being Aquarius will be emphasized by transparent precious stones. Diamonds, cubic zirkonia, rhinestone in jewelry, Swarovski crystals or rhinestones on clothes, purses, shoes. As a last resort, appease the Boar by decorating the hem or belt of the dress with New Year's tinsel.


Silver and gold - the union of two noble metals will balance the complex energy of Pisces. It can be combined jewelry, silver nail polish and a golden clutch, shiny lurex on the matte fabric of the dress.

How to celebrate the New Year 2019 will tell your own mood. And to do it according to the rules of the Yellow Pig or the Earth Boar is not difficult. The friendly couple recommends having fun, loving yourself, appreciating those close to you, not worrying about what will most likely never happen. Happy New Year and all your wishes come true!

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