How to find out the truth from your husband. A conspiracy to find out the whole truth. Spell for sleep


Everything about religion and faith - “a prayer to find out the truth in a dream” with a detailed description and photographs.

Every person, deep down in his soul, dreams of having a sincere relationship, where there is no need to lie, but one can always hear the truth in response. But totally sincere relationships are hardly possible, since people tend to hide their true opinions about certain things. However, a conspiracy to tell the truth will help increase the percentage of sincerity in relationships.

Conspiracy to the truth

How does the conspiracy to tell the truth work?

If you have wondered how to find out the truth from a person, then you are ready for more open relationships with people. It is unlikely that it will be possible to deliberately force a person to say something secret; most likely, he will, on the contrary, resist it even more and the truth will remain hidden. But you can find out what you need with the help of a magical spell. This conspiracy of truth acts in such a way that it is as if his consciousness changes a little and his tongue is loosened. In fact, such a conspiracy to tell the truth can be compared to alcohol intoxication. Under alcohol, people very often say more than necessary, as if they look in the mirror at themselves and tell themselves, then sometimes they regret it.

This conspiracy also works, only a little more carefully than alcohol. But before you use this conspiracy to find out the whole truth, be sure to check yourself again to see if you really want your loved one to tell the whole truth. The fact is that after you have been told the truth, your view of this loved one may very well change. Some people say that knowing everything even about someone close to you is more valuable. That there is something that is very difficult to forgive and after which it will be difficult to build harmonious relationships.

But other people say that when you and your loved one know everything about each other, it takes your relationship to a completely different level of honesty, openness, and trust. So, the choice is yours in any case and it is not always necessary. And the ritual is actually very easy to perform even at home.

  • A person wants to be told the truth in a variety of situations. The boss can use this plot to find out which of his subordinates is deceiving him and which is loyal to him. In this case, such a conspiracy will have a positive effect on the productivity of companies; it works very effectively.
  • If a wife is unable to call her husband to an honest conversation in the usual ways, then she, too, can use this conspiracy to find out the truth. The husband will then tell all the secrets. And based on the data obtained, you can build a more harmonious relationship with your loved one.
  • Children also often lie to their parents in order to hide their true behavior. Then parents sometimes again should use such a conspiracy to force the heirs so that the truth is revealed. There are safe conspiracies when children begin to tell the truth in their sleep. And after they have said it, parents can adjust their standards in relation to their children.
  • It is not always possible to obtain frank communication from friends. Sometimes friends, in an attempt to protect you from something bad, may hide something. If a person has such suspicions and would like to have complete information about the situation, then, of course, this magical ritual can be used.

These are just a few basic example cases in which you can safely use this magical ritual so that the truth comes out. But, of course, the most important thing is to focus on your personal need for this.

Spell for sleep

If you want to learn something from a loved one, then it is best to perform such a magical ritual for sleep. Then in a dream, unnoticed by himself, he will tell you everything that he was afraid to tell during real contact, the truth will emerge half asleep. And then you decide what to do next with the information received. If necessary, then later in real contact it is easier to bring him to the truth. Or you can use it secretly, so that your loved one never finds out that you know about him.

A conspiracy for the real truth in a dream should be done on the day of the waxing moon. It is desirable that the sky be very clear on this day; the brighter the moonlight on this day, the better. You need to wait until your loved one is as soundly asleep as possible. If this is a husband, then it will be generally easy to carry out such a ritual, because you need to be in the same bed with him. So, when your husband snores sweetly, then start whispering this magical text in his ear:

“I remember the Glorious Lord, whose name everyone knows, whose name everyone glorifies. He rules all creations on earth, gives life to everything and everyone. I ask my Lord to put a petal of truth into the mouth of the servant of God (name of the man). Let that petal bloom in it and speak on its own. Let that petal in the dream of the servant of God (the man’s name) open into a great flower of truth, which will tell me everything I want to know, and I, the servant of God (my name), want to know everything. Key. Lock. Amen".

After this, it is absolutely not necessary to deliberately stay awake and wait until your husband starts telling real information. You can fall asleep peacefully and soundly. The magic ritual works in such a way that when your husband begins to babble the truth in his sleep, you will wake up instinctively. Some also say that in your sleep you may dream that your husband is telling you everything you want to know, the truth will find a way out.

Conspiracy to talk

This magical ritual can be used when you want to get a person to talk and want to find out the whole truth from him. By preparing with this ritual, you will ensure that this contact with him is as effective as possible. This ritual should be carried out on the eve of the day when a frank conversation will take place.

On a blank sheet of paper you need to write the full name of the person with whom you are going to have a frank dialogue. Then it is important to light the candle. Move a sheet of paper high over the candle so that it does not burn, and at the same time you need to read the following magical text:

“He told me, he said everything, he wasn’t afraid. He came to me and poured out his soul. I'm talking about the servant of God (his name). On a universal scale, your truth is a drop, do not be afraid; in an infinite key, your truth is only yours. I will find out everything, I will understand everything, we speak heart to heart, we speak with our souls, not our mouths. As has been said, it will be so, but it cannot be any other way.”

After this, you need to fold the piece of paper into four and hide it under your pillow. You can get rid of it only after the conversation takes place. With this ritual, you seem to relieve your interlocutor from the fear of telling you the truth. The ritual also works in the opposite direction; you also become bolder and more honest in relation to your interlocutor. This is a very resourceful magical ritual. Because thanks to the mental strength that it gives, a lot can then be changed in contact with the interlocutor.

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Conspiracy on a liar

If you are surrounded by a person who feels like he is lying to you all the time, then you can also protect yourself from him with such a truth-telling ritual. There are such pills from pharmacological companies after which a person unexpectedly begins to give out real information. But you won’t be able to get away for long on drugs, and besides, you can’t sell them to a liar. If you don’t want to be treated by pharmacological companies, then use a proper spell that works in the same way.

“As soon as you look into my eyes, you stop lying. The truth makes you feel bad inside, it makes you sick, it’s better without it, tell me once, then it will go on its own, you can speak, so it pours out. Our frank dialogue. Everything pours out, everything leaves, everything comes to me. It’s easier for me and it’s easier for me. My eyes, your truth. As has been said, it will be so, but it cannot be any other way.”

The next day, for the liar to start telling you the truth in spirit, you just need to look him in the eyes. It is direct eye contact that will trigger a signal for his insides so that real information breaks through.

What prayers are read to have a prophetic dream?

Probably each of us would like to lift the curtain of the future in order to know what lies ahead. Therefore, the majority, in order to satisfy their desire, turn to witches, sorcerers, and fortune tellers. But few people know that there is another way to find out more about upcoming events in life - to induce prophetic dreams. Such rituals provide a person with a great opportunity to find out, with minimal consequences, what the “coming day” has in store. You can do them yourself, but at a specially designated time. And today we will tell you what kind of conspiracy can be read for a prophetic dream, and when exactly the ritual should be done.

Prophetic dreams are considered mysterious sources that provide information to the interested person regarding a specific event or a specific time. Therefore, many who want to see an excerpt from their future resort to this rather practical magical method.

What do you need to know about rituals?

The spell for a prophetic dream can be read by the customer at the most suitable time for this. In this case, the dream will tell a person his future, lifting the mystical veil.

To prevent what you dreamed of becoming a projection of your own conjectures, you should perform a magical ritual while the moon is waxing. The last few days of this phase are ideal. To be able to calculate the appropriate time for the ritual, it is recommended to use the lunar calendar.

But not only a certain phase of the moon’s growth is a fundamental factor in the positive result of the ritual. In order for the customer to see true visions, it is worth adhering to other recommendations. The basic rules that the performer of the ritual to invoke prophecy in a dream must follow include:

  • confidentiality, otherwise do not expect success from the event;
  • loneliness during the implementation of magical ritual actions;
  • preparation and purification of thoughts so that unnecessary information from the head is not intertwined with magical trends.

There are a sufficient number of the most common rituals to provoke prophetic dreams. Below are some of them, during which a specific prophetic dream spell should be read.

How to induce prophetic dreams using a mirror?

To see a number of upcoming events in the future in your dream, you can use the most common object - a mirror. It must be round in shape and small in size. In addition, a mirror should be purchased a couple of days before the scheduled day of the ritual. In this case, a new thing will help realize the prophetic dream.

On one of the days of the waxing moon, you need to take a brand new mirror. Having placed it under the pillow, you need to read the following magical text:

“In this mirror the darkness is now visible, but in my head it will become light. Let my future be reflected in my thoughts and mind, so that that news may be true. Dream about my future on a dark night, on a moonlit night. Amen".

This spell to evoke a prophetic dream should be repeated exactly seven times. Then you need to close your eyes and relax, opening your subconscious to the flow of unearthly energy. When you wake up in the morning, you may not be able to remember the dream you had last night. It is recommended to wait until the third day. The mirror should be removed immediately. When you wake up, place the object that showed the prophetic dream in a paper envelope. It should be put away in a safe place so that no one else can find it.

Water will show the near future

Ordinary water can also be a harbinger of a prophetic dream. To carry out such a ritual, you will need to prepare in advance:

  • buy a candle in church in two days;
  • get a clean glass cup.

On the day planned for the ceremony, fill a glass with plain water. Light a candle. Bending over the water, say the following spell for a prophetic dream:

“Purified, clear water, help the truth to dream. So that I, the servant of God (proper name), could see a prophetic dream. May everything that is soon to happen appear to me in a dream and not be forgotten afterwards. My word is strong, as I said, so it will be. Amen".

After saying the text of the spell three times, wash yourself with water from the vessel. Then go straight to bed. When you are already in bed, you should say different words:

“Let everything you wish come true!”

If you do everything correctly, that same night you will see a prophetic dream. You will have to remember what you dream about within three to four days after the ritual.

A powerful ritual for inducing a prophetic dream

This ritual is more effective than the previous ones. In addition to the fact that this ritual will show the future, you will be able to undo it if done correctly. It is recommended to perform the magical actions described in this method no more than three times a year. It is advisable to perform the ritual on one of the nights:
  • on Ivan Kupala;
  • before Christmas;
  • on the night of the Old New Year.

Late in the evening on the planned day, you need to light a candle. Looking at the flame, cast a spell for a prophetic dream three times. His words should sound like this:

“I call and invite, I lure a prophetic dream into my house. Earthly and unearthly forces, take the flame of a candle, and in return give me a prophecy. Let the smoke of the candle show me my fate. Who loves, who loved, who thinks, who has forgotten, who wants to destroy me. Amen".

After speaking the words of the conspiracy, you need to undress completely and go to bed. When you wake up in the morning, do not rush to get up. Try to remember what kind of dream you had. If it is positive, bringing joy, get out of bed with your left foot. If a prophetic dream showed something negative, you can prevent this by getting out of bed with your right foot and at the same time saying:

“I give the misfortune I saw in a dream to my enemies. Amen".

Prayer to find out the truth in a dream

Is the desire to know the truth driving you crazy? Are you ready to find out the necessary information by any method? Then read the conspiracy of truth, maybe it will help you find out what is being hidden from you.

As the Russian folk proverb says: “The less you know, the better you sleep.” This is true. But not in all cases. Sometimes it is ignorance of the truth that prevents you from falling asleep peacefully and even living a full life. Is the desire to know the truth driving you crazy? Are you ready to find out the necessary information by any method? Then read the conspiracy of truth, maybe it will help you find out what is being hidden from you.

If you know what's against you.

Not everyone can afford it.

How to find out the truth in a dream

Fast for three days, after which arm yourself with a long black cloth and make a pentacle out of it. With a burning candle, draw two circles so that one is in the other. In the small circle you should write the name: Raphael. Then draw crosses at the corners of the pentacle. Turn the rag over and draw the same circles on it, writing your name in a small circle and drawing crosses at the corners of the rag. You can't talk to anyone until the morning. When you go to bed, read the spell below and place the pentacle under your pillow. Important! You should sleep alone. Spell:

“Oh, glorious name of the Lord the living God,

Who from the creation of time.

Everything earthly belongs.

And I, Your servant (name).

O Eternal Father,

I beg You to send me

whose name is written in a circle,

So that he can show me everything

What do I want to see and know?

Through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Let it be so. Amen".

For a person to tell the truth

Looking at the bridge of a person’s nose, you need to repeat the following spell to yourself three times:

“Go, Judas, don’t be cunning. Go, Jesus, and protect me, The head of the servant of God (name) is a crumb, His impudence and cunning are a fig. Hitri (name), I don’t buy it! Amen".

So that the husband does not lie

When the person hiding the truth from you falls asleep, stand next to him, and, crossing his mouth, whisper a conspiracy against lying:

“With the sign of the cross I fly away lies,

With the sign of the cross (spouse’s name) I will wean you from lies.

Not in the morning, not in the afternoon, not in the evening, not at night

You will not say a word that is cunning and unrighteous.

And if you want to lie,

Let your tongue go numb

And your eyes will darken.

The Lord himself will be your judge.

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Spell of Truth

"For those who want to know the truth,

Who longs to open hearts and minds.

From now on until the memory runs out.

Those who are in this house

Let them hear the truth from other lips.”

How to Increase Your Ability to Recognize the Truth

Repeat the following spell three times, which will help you recognize the true nature of a person and his actions:

“Lord, who is in heaven, who lives in me, open my heart, open my clear eyes and make me worthy to see in true light what is hidden behind the veil of darkness. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Magic ritual “Mirror of Truth”

This ritual helps to identify the cause of your problems and troubles, and, if there is a negative program, completely neutralize it. For the ritual you will need: a frameless mirror (30 x 40 cm), a new black cloth slightly larger in size than the mirror, dry wormwood (2 tablespoons), dried sage (1 tablespoon), a strand of your own hair, a candle, a metal cauldron, a box new matches.

Be sure to use natural fabric

The ritual should begin on the full moon. A candle is lit, herbs and hair are thrown into the pot, which are burned to ashes, while the plot is read:

“Burn the candle, burn the grass, burn not the body, but the dirty deed. The hat on the guilty one is on fire, but the mirror tells the truth. Exactly!"

The mirror is evenly covered with ash, and with the index finger of the right hand scales with bowls in balance are drawn on it. After this, the mirror is covered with black cloth and the reflective side is turned to the east and left in this position for 9 days, after which the cloth is removed.

If, when you open the mirror, you see the scales in balance, there is no damage to you, but if the image has changed, then the damage can be easily removed by simply washing the mirror. If additional signs appear on the mirror, then you are the cause of your troubles and misfortunes, for example, your constant lies. Look for answers in symbols and in yourself, this will help you discover the truth about the state of your affairs today.

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Thank you! This is my only hope - turning to magic!

Voditsa-sister. What kind of mother is she to you, don’t write nonsense, don’t confuse people

It will definitely help if you really believe in it! Be healthy!

You definitely have to believe, without FAITH there is no HOPE for healing. Be healthy.

Of course, you need to believe, that’s where without believing in a miracle, if you have a dream, you believe that it will come true, here it’s the same thing, only here you need to believe in your strength and in the belief that you will succeed!

Thank God, people have begun to trust doctors less and less these days. Their greed and unprofessionalism are terrible.

I hope it will help cure the child

doctors are not gods, they treat the body, without healing the soul we cannot recover quickly. doctors, faith, folk remedies, only 3 components can heal, tested on ourselves

I will believe rather than endure such pain

I believe in prayers and live with the hope that this will help me and my wife. Smolensk. Good health to all.

I'll try to do a ritual for recovery

I really want to believe that the terrible disease will be defeated. Hope remains.

the conspiracies are good. they will definitely help. believe.

Thank you very much for the spells) But for cleaning I highly recommend turning to such things as casting on wax and whispering into water. These spells will remove the negative, but not global.

I personally have been helped many times by various conspiracies!

Hello, I am a Muslim and in difficult times I sometimes use spells. People help, if you don’t believe, sit in silence, don’t say all sorts of nasty things, for example, I believe. Allah solves everything, this is a conspiracy to help someone, thank you everyone. May Allah bless you and never get sick

You have to believe and everything will work out. So be it so so.

So what to do. When you want to believe but something gets in the way!? Fear does not give rest. I believe from the bottom of my heart!! I’m just starting to read when suddenly something prevents me from concentrating. And hope is kind of weak. And this is how faith imparts. Is there any prayer to restore faith and vitality!? If you don’t believe in anything……. But I want to believe.

Our Father and Psalm 90. I sincerely wish you to find faith, then everything will be as you want.

You need to go to church to light a candle for your health and forgive and love everyone. The more we forgive, the more we have to forgive. Good health to everyone, I forgive and love everyone.

The spell for pain helped. My knee stopped hurting))) But it’s a pity for the tree, I don’t dare to carry it out.

I applied for white magic many times, it helped me, thanks to the people who post this on the internet!

God exists and we must believe him!

How to get rid of fear of people? And from stupid thoughts? It always seems like everything will turn upside down and it happens :(

This is just working with yourself, nothing else. Everything is out of your head, you can reconfigure yourself.

Hello! Is it possible to use tap water for a universal spell? Hard to find in the city. Thank you in advance)

Anna, you make melt water out of it, that will be best.

And with the help of one of these rituals you can get rid of stuttering

Here, after general cleaning, you will need to work like this: you will need

Icons: “Lord Pantocrator”, Most Holy Theotokos “Tikhvin”, “St. Onesimus the Wonderworker” or “Saints”. A candle in a candlestick in front of each icon. Black prayer cloth. Shirt. Boiled chicken egg, peeled. Saucer. Bread knife. Matches.

Place the icons in a triangle on a table covered with a black prayer tablecloth. In front of each icon, place a candle in a candlestick. Place a chicken egg on a saucer in the center of the triangle, place a bread knife next to it. Lay a black prayer cloth on the floor. Place a shirt in the center of the cloth. Stand on the corner canvases. Call upon the Lord Almighty, the Most Holy Theotokos of Tikhvin, and St. Onesimus the Wonderworker for help in carrying out the ritual. Light the candles. Read the Lord's Prayer 3 times.

Turn the shirt inside out and put it on. Take a bread knife in your hands. While reading the plot, cut the egg in half. Cut carefully so that the egg does not slip off the saucer.

Like a rooster crowing loudly on a fence,

Doesn't stutter, doesn't stutter,

Sings easily, does not shift,

His tongue does not stumble,

So is the servant of God (name)

Speaks easily and quickly

His tongue does not stumble,

The word flows easily from the lips,

How easily I chop an egg,

So soon the Spottykach will come down and distort the tongue and throat of the servant of God (name).

Like a rooster crows easily,

Doesn't stumble, doesn't stutter,

It does not repeat itself, so does the servant of God (name)

He speaks easily, does not hesitate,

Doesn't stumble, doesn't repeat itself.

No one will interrupt my business,

It will fall off the stutterer's tongue.

Read the plot 7 times. Cut the egg into small pieces. When the candles burn out, read a prayer of thanks. Turn the shirt inside out three times.

Wrap a finely chopped egg in a bag; it needs to be fed to a rooster or chickens, or some birds. Place the saucer upside down at the head for 14 days.

Is there another way?

Is it true that you can extract all the secrets from a sleeping person? and got the best answer

Reply from User deleted[guru]
It all depends on the person and the depth of his sleep. There are people who talk in the first phase of sleep (when they just fall asleep). Not all their senses have switched off yet and they can try to talk. There is a very high probability of receiving an intelligible answer to your question. But you may not like the answer :) this applies more to very jealous people :)

Answer from Yoasha Adiyakov[newbie]
My dad got up at night when I was sleeping and asked me and when I woke up I don’t remember anything!

Answer from Mitya[newbie]
Everything, not everything... but you can find out something. You just need to talk to a sleeping person in the same intonation, calmly...
I tried that, it's cool...

Answer from Natalia Victorovna[guru]
yeah! and you will find out the most important secret, which organ should you go to in small steps

Answer from Andrey Verevkin[master]
Not for everyone. Only if a person sleeps very soundly (For example, after 18-25 hours without sleep). Then you can. You just need to ask in a very quiet whisper. The thing is that when a person is very tired and goes to bed, his brain cells relax so much that the flow of information comes against his will. Sorry for the inaccurate wording.

Answer from Dobraja[guru]
eto ne na vsex rasprostraniaetsia, nocju razbudit i ask pro to sto interesujet, po idei otvetit pravdu tak kak soobrazat ne budet sto proizoslo

Answer from S.o.V.a[guru]
I know that if you hold a young man by the little finger of his left hand and ask questions about him, he will answer the truth. I checked it myself.

Answer from S_r[guru]
I once tried to do this, at night they wanted to find out if I had a girlfriend, so I kind of didn’t understand anything and turned around in a dream so that I supposedly accidentally hit my beloved’s lower jaw with my fist)) after that she didn’t ask me anything else at night)) I I don’t advise you to do this either, otherwise you might just end up with a bruise))

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Is it true that you can extract all the secrets from a sleeping person?

Do you want to understand whether a person is telling the truth or not? Did you know that you don’t have to be a psychologist to “read” a person? In fact, the ability to recognize the facial expression of your interlocutor and determine whether what they are telling you is true or false will help protect you from problems.

Recognizing a liar

Gestures play an important role here. You should pay attention to them first. For example, if a person is lying, his gestures will be limited and uncertain. Eye contact will also be ignored. A liar talking to you will touch his mouth or neck, hair, etc. There may also be touching of the chest (heart area). Surely you have noticed more than once that when a person lies, his gestures become unnatural, fussy, because he is nervous. Of course, they are characteristic not only of liars, but also of those people who experience anxiety and nervousness. Also, a lying person will:

  • snap your fingers;
  • pound your foot on the floor;
  • tapping a pencil on the table;
  • touch the edges of your clothes;
  • shake off dust;
  • remove lint;
  • fingering.

Remember that in the very first second after the question, a person’s face reflects what is inside him, what he really feels. If it expresses absent-mindedness, but at the same time he speaks of his confidence and steadfastness, then you need to be wary. And if the gestures have slowed down, this means that your opponent is trying to give the most plausible answer. In addition, lies are often accompanied by a “conflict” between a person’s words, gestures and behavior (for example, nodding when denying, etc.). A person who lies chooses a position of “defense,” but a person who tells the truth often goes on the “offensive.”

What should you pay attention to?

Look at how your opponent stands in front of you. A liar is unable to stand straight in front of his interlocutor. He can turn away, leave the field of view (hid behind furniture, a computer monitor, fall apart in a chair, sliding under the table). Liars often place various objects between you and themselves when talking. Anything can act as a barrier (a cup, a book, some kind of trifle, etc.). If a person is lying, then he will certainly want to change the topic of conversation. If you decide to talk about something else, he will happily take up your initiative and begin to discuss it. But an innocent person will try to figure everything out to the end. Liars often have a lot of cynicism, sarcasm and irony in their arsenal. Their humor is "black" and they often use it "inappropriately."

Of course, the presence of one or another sign does not make the interlocutor a 100% liar. Do not rush to attach the cliché of a deceiver to your opponent; it is enough to simply observe him at the moment of a serious conversation, when you suspected something was wrong. Some of the signs described correspond to the behavior of an anxious person, and this anxiety is not always a symbol of lying. Therefore, if you want to find out whether a person is lying or telling the truth, analyze his behavior to the end.

Alas, people often deceive each other. A lie can be manipulative and provocative, for the sake of words and for salvation, but the worst thing is a lie of concealment. As a rule, in order to lie, a person definitely needs a reason for this, so if you catch a person lying, think about why he is lying to you. It is likely that if you offer him ways to solve the existing problem, then the need for lies will disappear by itself, and you will not need to resort to methods of detecting lies.

Dream and truth

This method of identifying the truth is considered one of the most vague, since often in a dream a person can talk about what he is dreaming, and not open the corners of his subconscious. So, how to find out the truth in a dream? The basis of this method is a conversation with a sleeping person who is prone to uttering words, as well as entire phrases. It is believed that by asking leading questions, one can thus find out all the ins and outs of a person. Although this method is not scientifically proven, we will describe the main points that need to be made:

  • the conversation with the sleeping person should last from several seconds to several minutes;
  • it is necessary to ask monosyllabic questions that would have either “yes” or “no” in their answer;
  • questions should be short;
  • physical contact with the person is necessary (hold his little finger);
  • The volume of the voice should be muffled and rhythmic with the breathing of the sleeper.

If you didn’t get the necessary information from the person, then don’t worry. Below we will describe real ways to understand the truth in modern living conditions.

Ways to Reveal the Truth

So, are there effective ways to determine the truth and find out whether a person is lying to you or not? The following methods are currently known:

  1. Direct impact method. Typically, these means include various methods of psychological and physical influence, which may be accompanied by torture, the use of various pharmacological agents that will suppress a person’s will, as well as influencing the person’s subconscious through hypnosis and suggestion.
    • The method of physical coercion was widespread in the Middle Ages both in Europe and in Rus' (torture with a hot iron, tearing out nostrils, beating with sticks and whips, driving nails under nails, racking). Physical influence has a significant drawback: a person undergoing torture is capable of signing up for any offense, as long as he is given a break, and this is no longer a search for the truth, but an immersion in another lie.
    • Taking pharmacological drugs is widely used nowadays during interrogations (the famous “truth serum”). This technique can also include an old and proven remedy - alcohol, but with the caveat that many drunks very often confuse reality with fiction. As a rule, pharmacological drugs are used together with psychological techniques of suggestion, otherwise it is very difficult to achieve the truth.
    • The method of psychological influence includes the use of a hypnotic session, as well as various methods of suggestion. The latter include, for example, the famous method with two investigators (good and bad), which works almost flawlessly among ignorant people.
  2. Method of bodily manifestation. These are so-called non-verbal techniques for finding out the truth. The central place in this method is occupied by the well-known lie detector, which is used by internal affairs agencies in their work. Using the method of bodily manifestation, you can only see that a person is either lying to you or not, but you will not know the truth itself. What should you pay attention to when talking to a person?
    • eyes (a person who composes on the go will raise his eyes upward, narrow his eyes, strain his gaze);
    • facial expressions (a person who lies will never be able to portray sincerity - so he will smile only with the help of his mouth);
    • posture (deceiving people, as a rule, shrink psychologically, which is expressed in their posture - legs crossed, arms crossed, head pulled into shoulders);
    • movements (if a person gesticulates strongly, and his hands involuntarily reach for his earlobe, nose, forehead, throat, neck, hair or eyes, then most likely he is lying);
    • blinking (if a person blinks more than six times a minute, then he is lying);
    • intonation (a person who exhibits strange intonations that are not characteristic of him is most likely composing on the fly);
    • delay in speech (before answering a question, a lying person will involuntarily take a long pause).
  3. Method of logical analysis. Using deductive or inductive methods, experts can determine whether the facts are true or whether the interlocutor is hiding the truth. Everyone is well aware of the deductive method of Sherlock Holmes, as well as other logical methods of famous detectives who use them in their work.
  4. Method of provocation. This method is considered a classic, as it forces the interlocutor to eventually reveal all his cards. By manipulating a person’s consciousness and putting him in certain conditions, you can find out not only that the person is deceiving, but also hear the long-awaited truth. Among the most common techniques of this method are:
    • vigilance euthanization technique;
    • technique of applying the effect of surprise;
    • bluff technique;
    • the technique of feigning doubt about a person’s veracity;
    • false alarm technique.

    The main thing in this method is to make a person worry, since being in an emotionally unstable state, he is able to reveal the truth. Skilled interrogators either play along, or show feigned distrust, or get angry, or convince the person that they sincerely believe him. All these actions can confuse a person and reveal the truth.

  5. A method of using a person’s personal qualities. How to understand the truth in this case? This method uses the weaknesses of the interlocutor, his strong character traits, which will reveal the truth as soon as the opponent splits.

If you are worried that a person is not telling you something, a conspiracy to tell the truth will help. It will be especially useful to a wife who doubts her husband’s fidelity. Such rituals do not require much effort and are suitable for performing at home.

A conspiracy will help you find out the truth about a person’s thoughts and actions

The strongest conspiracy to truth

Conspiracies to tell the truth are not difficult to carry out; even a beginner in the field of magic can perform the ritual on his own at home. If you want to call a specific person to a frank conversation, you should read the following words of a strong prayer before going to bed:

“Tomorrow, when I ask a question, you, servant of God (name), speak from a pure heart. Don't hide the truth from me, because I don't hide it from you. I promise that I will forgive all mistakes. Amen".

After that, go to bed and think about the questions you will ask. You must voice them during a conversation in order to hear true information.

To find out the truth from a person

This truth conspiracy is suitable for those cases when you need to get specific explanations during an honest and frank conversation. You can easily do it yourself at home. Maximum effectiveness is achieved during the full moon. The principle of carrying out a conspiracy to tell the truth is to perform the following steps:

  • indicate on an A4 piece of paper at night, the day before a frank conversation, the name of the person with whom you want to open a dialogue;
  • place a white church candle nearby and light it;
  • hold a piece of paper over the fire, but take care that it does not catch fire.

“Let the servant of God (name) tell me the whole truth, without hiding any details. I wish that he would talk about all his experiences without hiding the truth. I want to loosen his tongue so that he can prepare for an important conversation. I want to force a person to tell me everything that I want to hear. I always try to speak honestly, but everyone always lies to me. I'm tired of hearing lies addressed to me, so I turn to magic. I read the words of a magical prayer so that the Almighty Lord will help me achieve my goal. Speak, servant of God (name), but do not hide anything. Amen".

As soon as you finish performing the ritual yourself at home, place this sheet of paper under your mattress or pillow. Before you fall asleep, you need to read the truth plot again. As soon as the conversation is completed, you can get rid of the note. During the conversation, the person will answer all your questions.

To find out the truth in a dream

With the help of this conspiracy to tell the truth, you can. To carry it out, you need to wait until the person from whom you want to hear the truth is fast asleep, perform the ritual. In the case of your husband, the ritual will not cause any difficulties at all; it is easy for you to keep track of it, since you will sleep in the same bed with him.

“Your lips, servant of God (name), will never hide from me what I want to know. Higher powers will help me, and no one will take away the words of this prayer. Tomorrow morning we have a difficult conversation, during which do not hide the truth from me. Amen".

The next day you will hear whatever you want. You can rest assured that this will be true information.

After reading the plot, a person will see the truth in a dream

So that the cards predict accurately

Usually cards are used, but they are often used to tell fortunes and try to find out about their future. If you want to make the cards tell you the truth, you need to perform a simple but effective ritual. The table should be covered with a red tablecloth. After this, black candles are placed at each corner and lit. Place the cards in front of you, each of them needs to be warmed over a candle fire.

It is important to pronounce the following words:

“I, the servant of God (name), turn to higher powers for help so that they can help me find out the truth. I want the cards that are now in front of me to always truthfully answer the questions that interest me. People come to me to find out about their future, so I need truthful information. Let it be so. Amen".

Remember that these cards cannot be played. They must be intended for divinatory purposes. This is the only way they can tell the truth to their owner.

To make my husband confess

Situations often arise when a wife doubts the plausibility of her husband's answers. At such moments, she should turn to magic for help and perform quick-acting magical rituals. With their help, you can find out the whole truth in just a few hours. You can use medications that can force a person to say everything that he is hiding, but magical rituals are considered more harmless, which is why they are often resorted to.

  • To carry out this simple but powerful ritual yourself at home, you should follow several recommendations.
  • Take a photo of your husband alone.
  • Wait until the moon is waxing in the sky.

Looking at the photo, read the following words of the magical prayer:

  • “I, the servant of God (name), want to force my husband to tell me the truth. If he has a mistress, then I must know about her existence. I wish his tongue would loosen and he would say her name. I also want to know why he traded me for her. Speak, my beloved, but don’t hide the truth. Today his tongue will be loosened and he will no longer be able to control it. The words of this conspiracy to the truth will help me achieve my goal. My dear husband, servant of God (name), tell me only the truth today. I promise that I will restrain my emotions and there will be no scandal. I can accept the truth. If you committed a rash act, the blame lies with me. Magic powers, help me open my husband’s soul and find out what’s troubling him. Amen".

You cannot perform the ceremony if you have started your period.

If you want your husband to tell the truth tomorrow, just look into his eyes. Literally right away he will tell you what you ask him about. If you do not maintain direct eye contact, the ritual will not work.

Often a wife may doubt her husband’s sincerity


In the modern world, it is not always possible to hear the truth in response to your question. People turn to magic for help. You always want to know what they think about you in a given situation. For a fortune teller, to reveal the truth about your future in order to determine what life is preparing you for. This is why a conspiracy to tell the truth is used.