How to cook fluffy rice in water. How to cook rice correctly and for how long so that it is crumbly. How to cook black rice as a side dish


In the kitchen, rice dishes very often present unpleasant surprises - the rice in them can stick together into one lump, boil over, turning into a mess, burn on the bottom, not cook completely, be too watery, etc. It is clear that experienced housewives can handle any recipe, but a few tips will be helpful for novice cooks.

So, first of all, you need to know that there are several varieties of rice, and each of them is cooked according to its own rules. However, regardless of the variety, color and size of rice, the first thing to do with it is to rinse it under cold water. Only when the water stops becoming cloudy during rinsing can you start cooking the cereal.

Long-grain polished rice contains very little starch, so when cooked, the grains do not stick together, and the porridge turns out crumbly. Measure the cooking water in a 1:2 ratio (one part rice, two parts water). While you are washing the rice, put the water on the fire.

Important! Do not throw rice into cold water! This way it will absorb a lot of excess moisture and during cooking the grains will boil and lose their integrity. As a result, the porridge will turn out to be a single white viscous lump.

After waiting for the water to boil, salt it and put the washed rice in it without reducing the heat. During the cooking process, do not throw seasonings and oil into the pan with rice. Be sure to cover the pan with a lid and try not to lift it until the end of cooking. Boil the cereal for 7 minutes, then reduce the heat to low and continue cooking for another 15 minutes.

Important! Do not interfere with the cereal during cooking! By stirring the porridge, you will never achieve the “rice to grain” effect - on the contrary, the cereal will stick together.

After turning off the rice, leave it just standing in the pan under the lid for a while - it will absorb the remaining water and cook. After 7-10 minutes, you can open the lid and season the rice with oil.

Parboiled rice has a beautiful transparent yellowish tint to the grains. This happens due to the fact that the grains are cleaned not mechanically, but by steam (this, by the way, allows you to retain more vitamins in the rice). This rice requires longer cooking than previous varieties. After boiling, cook it for 20-25 minutes.

Unpolished (brown) rice requires even longer cooking. This is rice in a natural shell, it is a real storehouse of minerals and vitamins, and also a faithful friend of people losing weight. You will have to cook this cereal for 40 minutes. And before cooking, in addition to rinsing, it doesn’t hurt to fill it with cold salted water for 15 minutes.

Wild rice has a characteristic black color, and the resulting product has a specific taste that is not similar to the usual rice. It is poured with water in a ratio of 1:5 and boiled for 40 minutes. This rice is an ideal side dish for fish dishes.

Hello again, dear lovers of culinary art! Do you know how to cook tasty and fluffy rice? It may not be strange, but for many, even experienced housewives, this becomes a problem.

I also had difficulties until I learned some secrets on how to cook rice in a pan with water. Today I will share the most useful tips with you.

To cook rice correctly, you need to take into account all the nuances - from the choice of grains to the duration of cooking.

You can cook it in different ways, it all depends on its purpose - for a side dish or for porridge. You can use a slow cooker, a saucepan, a frying pan or a double boiler.
The use of this culture began in ancient times. It is known that its homeland was Asia.

In Russia, rice began to be used in the 19th century.

How long to cook and how to do it depends on the type of grain:

  1. Long grain should cook for about 20 minutes. In this case, take two water per glass of rice. It does not stick together, it is served with fish, meat or used for salads.
  2. Cook medium grain for 15 minutes. Water is taken in a ratio of 1 to 2.25. In this case, you will need to pre-soak for 15 minutes. It is suitable for pilaf, pickle and porridge.
  3. Round grain must be cooked for 15 minutes. A glass of rice is poured with 2.5 glasses of water. It is used for casseroles and sushi.

Cereals are also divided according to processing methods. There is polished or white rice, brown or unpolished, and also.

It matters what kind of container you cook the rice in so that it doesn’t burn.

Preparing the rice

In order for the product to turn out crumbly, it is important to prepare it correctly.

Here's how it happens:

  1. The package is opened and foreign impurities are sampled.
  2. Rice is washed under running water at least five times. This will also reduce the amount of starchy components.
  3. If necessary, the grains are pre-soaked.
  4. The product can then be placed in a sieve to remove excess liquid.

Soaking makes the rice fluffy so it doesn't stick together. Long jasmine grains can be scalded with boiling water and then rinsed with cold water.
I hope you enjoy the following recommendations:

  1. You can't over-salt the dish. To make rice as a side dish for 4 people, just one teaspoon of salt is enough.
  2. If the rice turns out like porridge, it can be used for...
  3. Do not stir the rice while cooking.
  4. If the cereal is not cooked enough, you can add half a glass of water and cook for another 5 minutes.
  5. Use seasonings to add color to the stew. Turmeric is suitable for creating a yellow tint. The shade of ruby ​​will be obtained if you add beet juice; curry will also make the product more yellowish.
  6. To prevent the grains from sticking together during cooking, add just a little vegetable oil.

How to make fluffy rice?

Let's look at a traditional recipe. To prepare it you will need 200 grams of cereal, half a liter of water and a little salt.

The cooking time will take 50-60 minutes.
The cooking process consists of the following steps:

  • Pour cold water into a thick-walled saucepan. Its quantity should be twice as much as rice;
  • put on fire and wait until it boils;
  • add the cereal and cook for 20-30 minutes depending on the type of product;
  • Drain the rice in a colander and rinse with hot water.

Many people use rice in bags. It takes approximately 15 minutes to prepare.

How to cook fluffy rice

Cooking methods depend on the type of rice.


To prepare this type of rice, you need to take a glass of cereal, two glasses of water, and a teaspoon of salt.
Prepare like this:

  1. Two glasses of water are poured into a thick bowl.
  2. After boiling, the water needs to be salted.
  3. Then add the washed and clean cereal.
  4. After this, wait until the mixture boils and turn off the heat.
  5. The dishes should be covered with a lid and not removed from the heat. In about 40 minutes you will get a crumbly product.


To prepare, take a glass of rice, 2.5 glasses of water and salt.

To prepare crumbly food, follow these steps:

  1. Pour 2.5 cups of water into a thick-walled bowl.
  2. After boiling, add salt.
  3. The cereal is pre-soaked for 50-60 minutes.
  4. Then the cereal is poured in and when boiling, the heat should be reduced.
  5. After turning off, let the dish stand with the lid closed for 15 minutes.

Long grain and round grain

For a glass of this or that cereal you will need 2 glasses of water.

The preparation procedure includes the following steps:

  1. Rinse the cereal at least 5 times.
  2. Pour cold water into the bowl.
  3. Place on the fire and wait until it boils.
  4. The cereal can be soaked for 20 minutes.
  5. Salt boiling water and add rice.
  6. The mixture should come to a boil again.
  7. After the cereal boils, reduce the heat or turn it off completely.
  8. The grain will absorb water and become fully cooked.

How to cook rice in a slow cooker

Simply cook the cereal in a slow cooker. It must be washed, put in a bowl and pour boiling water in a ratio of 3 to 5.

Then you need to add oil and salt and set the cereal mode. You need to cook until the end of the program.
You can also cook a delicious steamed dish in a slow cooker. For example, these could be rice hedgehogs. In this case, the double boiler mode is used, and the product is infused for 5 minutes with the lid closed.

Cooking in a frying pan

You can cook a delicious dish in a frying pan. To do this you will need 200 grams of cereal, 400 grams of water and vegetable oil.
This is how you should cook it:

  • the grains are washed and, if necessary, soaked;
  • sunflower oil is poured into the frying pan and heated;
  • then the cereal is poured in and fried;
  • After frying, add water and seasonings and cover with a lid. You need to simmer for 20-40 minutes.

Steamer recipe

For 200 grams of rice, you need to take enough water to cover the top grains by 5-6 cm.
You need to prepare it like this:

  • rinse and sort the cereal;
  • pour water into the steamer bowl;
  • put all the ingredients and put on a special mode.

Microwave dish

It’s easy to prepare delicious food in the microwave. First you need to sort and wash 200 grams of rice, then put it in a special bowl with a lid.

Pour water and add salt. Set it on for 20 minutes.

Features of cooking rice with milk

You can prepare a delicious product with milk. To prepare, you will need a glass of rice, half a liter of milk, butter, salt and sugar.
Here's what to do:

  • rinse the cereal, pour a glass of water, put it on the fire and wait until the moisture is absorbed;
  • pour ¾ cup of milk and boil, and then leave on low heat;
  • As it thickens, add milk in small portions. Add salt and sugar. Then put in the butter.

You can add nuts, raisins and fruits to the porridge.

If you know some valuable advice, write it in the comments. See you again, dear readers!

Rice is usually served with various side dishes, meat and fish. It has many useful substances. But not every housewife is able to cook delicious porridge.

Required amount of time

How long should you cook the rice so that it becomes crumbly? This is the most important factor that is worth knowing and taking into account when cooking crumbly porridge.

Required components:

  1. Rice – 1 glass;
  2. Water – 2 glasses;
  3. Butter – 3 tbsp. l.;
  4. Salt - to taste.

Cooking time: 60 minutes.

Calorie content: 140 kcal.

Cooking steps:

How to get fluffy rice

There are several ways. So, here's how to cook rice so that it's fluffy:

These methods describe general principles. Below is the recipe for a complete side dish.

Required components:

  1. Rice – 2.5 cups;
  2. Nutmeg - a pinch;
  3. Turmeric – 5 g;
  4. Salt – 20 g;
  5. Ground paprika – 5 g;
  6. Vegetable oil – 50 ml.

Cooking time: 45 minutes.

Calorie content: 140 kcal.

Cooking steps:

  1. Place the cereal in a container and pour boiling water over it;
  2. Leave for 10 minutes, during which time the water will turn white;
  3. Drain the water and rinse the cereal under running water;
  4. In this case, the grains must be rubbed with your hands, continue until the water becomes clear;
  5. Place the cereal in a cauldron and add water so that the water covers the rice and its level is 2 centimeters higher;
  6. Add spices, oil and salt. Mix;
  7. Cook in a cauldron over low heat, covered, for 20 minutes.

How to properly cook fluffy rice for a side dish in a saucepan

Before cooking rice, you need to think about what result you want to achieve. The result depends not only on the method, but also on the type of cereal.

Short grain/round rice has a lot of gluten. This promotes moisture absorption. As a result, it sticks together and boils over. It should only be washed under running water. It absorbs even this kind of water well.

Long-grain polished is most suitable. It does not stick together into lumps and has a very delicate taste.

Brown/brown rice should be soaked before cooking. The cooking time is also different, it is much longer. This variety is preferred by people who pay a lot of attention to their health.

Steamed grains cook faster and are almost universal. Any dish can be prepared from this type of cereal.

How to cook a truly tasty and crumbly dish?

Required components:

  1. Rice – 1 glass;
  2. Water – 1 glass;
  3. Salt - to taste.

Cooking time: 40 minutes.

Calorie content: 130 kcal.

Cooking steps:

The most common mistakes that cause rice to stick together

  1. Rice can very easily be ruined if it burns. There are several explanations for this. The most common one is that the porridge will burn if you do not maintain the ratio of liquid to porridge. This way the bottom will burn and the top will stick together;
  2. You can also undercook the rice. This can happen if you cook over very high heat. This way, all the moisture will evaporate before the porridge is cooked. This can be corrected by adding a little hot water to the container. But keep in mind that excess water may cause the rice to stick together;
  3. If the porridge is ready, but there is water left, then there are several options. You can evaporate the remaining moisture on a burner or strain through a sieve;
  4. If you stir the porridge, lumps will form. This does not make the porridge any less tasty, but the appearance does not cause any appetite. As a last resort, you can stir the porridge only once, when it boils;
  5. Do not rinse rice after cooking. Porridge is washed only before cooking. In this case, it is necessary to remove all debris and all grains on the surface;
  6. For side dishes, you can fry rice. It is washed, placed in a container with hot oil and all the liquid is evaporated. Then fry a little and add the required amount of cooking liquid;
  7. Choose the right type of rice. Round-grained is least suitable for this purpose.
  1. The amount of water should be strictly observed;
  2. Pour boiling water over the porridge only;
  3. When choosing a container for cooking, give preference to thick-walled dishes;
  4. Add salt at the end of cooking;
  5. Water can be replaced with broth;
  6. After cooking, it is not recommended to open the lid for some time;
  7. Keep an eye on the expiration date of the cereal. If it passes, the porridge will stick together and the grains will break.

Bon appetit!

And there is another visual recipe for cooking fluffy rice in the next video.

Rice is loved by many families for its healthy qualities, mild taste and consistency. Housewives prefer to cook cereal as a side dish, and this is not surprising. Boiled rice goes well with fish, meat, stewed vegetables, and mushrooms. Thanks to its versatility, the dish will not leave even the most sophisticated gourmet indifferent. However, during the cooking process, difficulties may arise associated with the heat treatment of a particular variety of rice.

How to cook steamed rice as a side dish

  1. A special feature of this type of rice is its hard shell. First you need to rinse the grains under plenty of water. It is necessary to eliminate white deposits; after washing, the water should become clear.
  2. Then you need to soak the rice. To do this, pour the grains into a deep bowl or pan and fill with purified water. The exposure time is 35-45 minutes, during which time the shell will soften.
  3. Now you can start cooking. Pour 500 ml into the pan. water, add your favorite spices if desired or use chicken broth as a base. Salt the liquid and bring to a boil.
  4. For 0.5 l. water is 200 grams. rice grains. Pour them into the boiling liquid and stir immediately. Turn the burner to low and cook the rice, covered, for 20 minutes.
  5. When the set time has elapsed, remove the dishes from the stove, add butter (optional). Close the container with a lid and let the rice sit for a quarter of an hour. Use as a side dish.

How to cook long rice as a side dish

  1. Long-grain rice has a high content of starch and foreign dust, so rinsing is indispensable. Place the mixture in a sieve or bowl and pour water over it 6-7 times. When the liquid becomes clear, proceed to the next step.
  2. Prepare a heat-resistant dish for cooking; it should have a thick bottom and sides. Place 200 grams of rice grains in a pan, pour 450 ml. filtered water at room temperature. Do not add salt at this stage.
  3. Place the container on fire and set the power to medium. Bring the mixture to a boil with the lid closed. Now you can salt the rice to taste. Set the heat to maximum, simmer for 5 minutes, reduce to minimum.
  4. Continue cooking the rice for another 12-15 minutes, covered. There is no need to mix the composition, otherwise the grains will stick together and form a porridge. After the allotted time has passed, turn off the burner.
  5. Add a knob of butter if desired. Let the side dish sit for 15 minutes; for best effect, place a towel over the pan. Start tasting.

  1. Cooking begins with preparing the grains. This step should not be skipped, as it sets the tone for the entire dish. To begin manipulation, you need to pour the rice into a sieve, then rinse under the tap 5-7 times.
  2. You can carry out the procedure in a colander. After all actions, the water should become completely transparent. It is this feature that suggests that you can go further.
  3. Now move the grains into a deep bowl or basin, fill with filtered water and wait 20-30 minutes. During this time, the rice will soften a little, making it easier to work with.
  4. You can start cooking. Drain the liquid and rinse the cereal again under the tap. Take a thick-bottomed pan, pour 2 parts water to 1 part rice.
  5. Don’t throw in the grains yet, add salt to the water. Place on the stove and wait until the first bubbles appear. When the salt granules dissolve, add 30 ml. vegetable or olive oil.
  6. Add rice to the boiling liquid and immediately begin stirring. Reduce the burner power to medium and cover the pan with a lid. Cooking time is 12-15 minutes.
  7. During the entire heat treatment, rice should not be stirred. Otherwise, the grains will stick together and you will not be able to use the grains as a side dish.
  8. After the specified period has passed, turn off the heat and do not open the container. Place a towel on the pan and wait a third of an hour. Many housewives prefer to add butter at this stage.

How to cook black rice as a side dish

  1. The cereal must be processed in advance. Rich black rice is difficult to prepare, so follow the basic instructions. Sort out the dry grains, place them in a saucepan and cover with running water.
  2. Wait a certain period of time for the rice to settle to the bottom and the excess dust to remain at the top. Drain the liquid, repeat the steps 4-5 more times. Each time you soak, knead the grains vigorously. Once all the dirt has been removed, move on.
  3. It is advisable to soak black rice in water at room temperature; it will become softer and more pliable. To do this, pour filtered liquid into a bowl, add grains, and leave overnight (at least 7 hours).
  4. Start cooking on the stove. Prepare a thick-walled pan, fill it with water so that for 1 part of rice there are 3 parts of water passed through the filter. Don't add the grains yet.
  5. Bring the liquid until the first bubbles appear, keeping to the maximum mark. Pour black rice into boiling water and wait until it boils again.
  6. When this happens, reduce the heat on the stove to low and add salt to taste. Cover with a lid and simmer the exotic cereal for about 25-30 minutes. During this time, the rice will soften and cook.
  7. Remove the dishes from the heat, place the cereal in a colander or sieve. Rinse from a pitcher of filtered water, removing excess starch. Now scald the mixture with boiling water, wait a little, and serve.

  1. Cooking brown rice always begins with pre-rinsing. This must be done to remove dust and starch residues. Place the mixture in a sieve and rinse under the tap. You need to bring the water to a clear state.
  2. Now scald the grains with boiling water to seal the beneficial elements inside the shell. Place the rice in a bowl, cover with purified water, and let sit overnight. If you don't have a lot of time, reduce the duration to 4-5 hours.
  3. Place the soaked rice in a thick-bottomed pan, add 20 grams. salt per 250 gr. grains Now add 650-800 ml. purified water, place the cookware on the stove. Stir and bring to a boil.
  4. Cover the container with a lid and cook on maximum heat for about 7 minutes. Next, reduce the power to between medium and minimum. Stir the mixture, simmer the cereal for another half hour, do not open the container.
  5. After the set period has passed, turn off the burner, add a slice of butter (optional), and place a towel over the lid. Let the side dish sit for 30-45 minutes, then serve on plates.

How to cook red rice as a side dish

  1. Red rice is an unpolished type, so the grains must be sorted before cooking. Remove foreign debris and damaged specimens. For convenience, place rice on the table one handful at a time.
  2. When the entire volume of grains has been sorted out, spread the rice in a thin layer over the work surface. Once again, evaluate whether the composition contains pebbles, crushed elements, or husks. If necessary, eliminate everything unnecessary.
  3. Place the red rice in a deep bowl and rinse under the tap until the water becomes completely clear. You will need 5-8 repetitions.
  4. If desired, rice can be soaked in water at room temperature and left for 2 hours. If you don't have time, start cooking. Pour 0.6 liters into the pan. filtered water, add 0.2 kg. rice, add 10 gr. salt.
  5. Place the container on the fire and cook at maximum power. When the water boils, remove the foam, cover the container with a lid, and reduce the burner to low.
  6. After 35-45 minutes, evaluate the consistency of the grains; they should be soft. If the cereal crunches on your teeth, simmer the rice for another 10 minutes. Turn off the burner and leave the side dish covered for a quarter of an hour.
  7. In some cases, the liquid in which the cereal is cooked takes on a brownish tint. In such situations, drain it immediately after boiling and add new water. Salt the dish 5 minutes before it is ready.

  1. The difficulty in cooking wild rice is that the grains are quite hard. The bran-type shell inhibits beneficial enzymes, and the shell does not cook well.
  2. Before cooking rice, you need to soak it. Thanks to this, the water will wash away the starch, making the finished dish crumbly and healthy. To soak, rinse the cereal under the tap 5-7 times, the water should not be cloudy.
  3. Next, pour the rice into a bowl, cover with filtered water, and leave for 6 hours. After the specified time has passed, rinse the grains again. You can increase the soaking time to 10 hours to get healthier sprouted rice.
  4. After washing and soaking, heat treatment can begin. Pour 750 ml into the cooking vessel. clean water, salt, place the container on the stove. Wait until bubbles appear, then add the rice and cover the pan with a lid.
  5. Cook for 10 minutes, stirring. Now reduce the heat to low and cook the wild rice for another half hour. There is no need to stir it, otherwise it will turn out to be a mess. Readiness is determined by visual inspection; rice grains increase 3-4 times.

Regardless of the type of rice, do not neglect preliminary preparation. You need to rinse and soak the cereal, then you can start cooking. A tasty side dish is made from all varieties of rice grains, but the most useful are the brown, black, wild, steamed and red ones.

Video: how to properly cook fluffy rice

Cooking rice requires its own approach and some little secrets that we will reveal to you. This will help you prepare delicious rice porridges, like in the East - they know the price of rice and prepare it everywhere not only as a side dish, but also as an excellent independent dish.

How to cook rice correctly - advice from V. Pokhlebkin

The famous historian and collector of recipes helped more than one housewife become an excellent cook, thanks to his remarkable experience, which he outlined in several of his books, which have become tabletop books in many families, and if you think about it, cook the rice, the salad and dinner are ready for it! So, Pokhlebkin teaches us that in order to prepare fluffy, delicious rice, we need to take several points into account.

Be sure to rinse the cereal thoroughly with cold water before cooking;
Pour boiling water only;
Cook only under a tight-fitting lid, without lifting it until the end of cooking;
Do not add too much water;
Do not fry before cooking;
Maintaining exact proportions and cooking times.

So, Pokhlebkin’s recipe for properly cooking rice:

We take cereal to water in an exact ratio of 1:1.5. We use only boiling water - either fill the rice in a cauldron with water, or immerse it in boiling water. This is in order to eliminate the time when the rice will be in heated water, which will increase its boilability. The lid must be tight-fitting, without holes, so that there is nowhere for steam to escape, since steam is a prerequisite for preparing fluffy rice. If such a lid is not available, place a towel under the lid.

So, the proportions are met, the pan and the lid are selected. Now the main thing is how and how much to cook. Pokhlebkin advises: cook the porridge for 3 minutes at a high boil, the next 7 minutes on medium heat, and another 2 minutes at the lowest setting. Total 12 minutes. Turn off the heat and don’t look at the porridge for exactly 12 minutes. During this time, the rice is still steaming. That's it, you can open it, add butter and salt. We ended up with crumbly, not lumpy, and not overcooked rice.

How to cook rice so that it doesn't get overcooked - the second recipe

This recipe has the right to life; many housewives use it. This is how long-grain rice is cooked, and different varieties like Basmati go well with steamed cereals.
We take the proportions as follows: 1 volume of cereal to 1.4 volumes of water. Also rinse the cereal thoroughly, until the water is clear, about 8-10 times, with cold water (this is the main thing!). Let the water drain (to do this, you can place the cereal in a colander. The water will drain, the rice will dry out a little - just right!).

Pour cold water over the rice in the casserole and close the lid tightly. Bring quickly to a boil, reduce the heat to a minimum, and forget about its existence for about 15 minutes. Then open the lid, take a fork, move it over the grain, separating the grains, and see how they crumble under the fork. We got fluffy, undercooked rice!

Adviсe: Take a thick-walled pan to prevent the rice from burning. You can also immediately add salt and oil, which will also add fluffiness to the rice and additional taste. Porridge with butter will be especially tender.

You can also add fried onions - it will be very tasty, and adding it to it is simply a magical combination!

How to cook rice so that it does not stick together - the secrets of Uzbek chefs

Pour dry rice into the cauldron, level it with a spoon, and place a plate on it. This is so that when you add water, the cereal will not be disturbed. Now carefully pour in the water so that it becomes 1 cm above the cereal. Remove the plate, put the lid on top, and cook until it boils over low heat. Then add salt, butter (butter is the most delicious), maybe peas and corn - tasty, not soggy, beautiful!

The third recipe for cooking fluffy rice - proportions and tips

The trick here is that you immediately salt the water and add oil, add boiling water and cook over very low heat. Do not open the lid, do not look into the cauldron, do not check immediately after cooking for 10 minutes.

Another option suitable for round rice, which is very difficult to cook crumbly due to its increased stickiness and mealiness.
Water is taken 1:3. Boil water, add salt. Throw in the rice and cook over high heat. When it’s almost ready, rinse it, add oil and put it in the oven, or on the lowest heat, and let it cook. It will be crumbly and very tasty. And they will come to him for lunch.

How to cook fluffy, tasty and tender rice in a slow cooker

It will be especially tender in a slow cooker if you cook it according to this recipe.
Take rice in a ratio of 1:2 to water or broth. Immediately add salt, oil and, if you want, spices.
Place the pre-prepared, washed cereal into a bowl, add all the ingredients, pour in water and press the “spaghetti/rice” button. It will cook on the automatic for about 20 minutes, when cooking turns off, turn off the multicooker, because it will switch to heating - we don’t need this. Now let it sit for at least an hour, it will be warm, like in a thermos, and will not fall apart.

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