What are the names of sex-transmitted diseases. List of Ipps: types, signs and treatment of genital infections. Diagnosing and treating syphilis is especially difficult for people with HIV

In the old days, children with any deviations in their development were subjected to ridicule and persecution. People did not realize that the children were not to blame for this, and their parents were not to blame, but gene failures were to blame. Only modern medicine has been able to explain many diseases, but it has not yet been possible to learn how to treat these diseases.

Inherited diseases.

Diseases transmitted through the male line, like other hereditary disorders, are very difficult to correct. Doctors only inform about violations in the normal development of the fetus and offer people to make a choice.
In ancient times, women who gave birth to children, downs or autists, were accused of witchcraft and communication with unclean forces. Such women were burned at the stake, and children were poisoned with dogs.
The modern science of genetics studies the problems of modern mankind. Information is already known that if both spouses have a number of genetic pathologies, it is much more likely that they will have a "special" child. Some diseases are transmitted only through the male line. There are a lot of varieties of these diseases, and not all have yet been fully studied. For example, recently scientists have found a gene for hair loss, which is passed only from father to son. Therefore, if the father's hair is very sparse, his son is unlikely to be the owner of curly and thick hair. Some pathologies in the development of the genitals, which are transmitted through men, lead to infertility in adulthood. Quite often, such deviations do not appear immediately, but only after several years. And from that moment on, going to doctors begins, who explain this by genetic failures. Severe hereditary diseases in the male line are schizophrenia, hemophilia and other diseases.

Disease Research Results.

Interestingly, there are diseases transmitted through the female line, but only men suffer from them. It should be said that in some cases, only knowledge of genetics will help people understand what kind of disease it is. The possession of people with genetic disabilities that are not inherited, the information that their children are not threatened with the disease is a guiding star. Despite this, men with congenital diseases are much more likely to have children with defects.
Research results have shown that the likelihood of hereditary transmission of defects is higher in men than in women. In addition, children born to such men have a high risk of developing birth defects that are not associated with those received from their father. From the mother, the child will receive such an "inheritance" only if the father is completely healthy. In general, boys with birth defects have a very low survival rate, so they rarely live to be 20 years old. The question arises: is it really impossible to help them? Of course you can.
Many questions are answered by the science of anthropogenetics, which studies heredity. The branch of this science, which deals with the study of inherited diseases, belongs to medical genetics. What are these sciences studying?
They study genes that store information about the human body. If nature puts the wrong information in them, a failure occurs. So it's time to start looking at the main types of hereditary defects.
Mutations, or changes, occur at different levels. Mutations can be chromosomal, gene, or genomic. Most of them provoke the development of hereditary diseases. Gene mutations cause protein production to be disrupted.

Varieties of hereditary diseases.

There are almost 1500 varieties of such diseases. They are divided into 2 types - metabolic diseases and molecular diseases.
There are about 600 first diseases. They change the amino acid, carbohydrate and lipid composition of cells.
In the most severe cases, these mutations provoke the development of malignant neoplasms. Children receive the bulk of these mutations from their fathers. Neurofibromatosis is a complex chronic disease characterized by developing multiple tumors on the nerve trunks. Children suffering from neurofibromatosis are significantly behind in mental and physical development.
Phenylketonuria is a disease characterized by a sharp increase in the level of phenylatin in the blood. The products synthesized from it in the body are characterized by a high level of toxicity. In this regard, children lag behind in mental development. Galactosemia is a disease characterized by disorders in carbohydrate metabolism. The human body does not accept dairy products. If the child is transferred to dairy-free feeding in time, he will survive. In another case, dementia and develops. With a disease such as mucopolysaccharidosis, connective tissues are most affected. Such patients have an ugly physique and various defects in the development of internal organs.
Molecular diseases transmitted through men cause the development of almost 50 hereditary blood diseases. Most of these are male-transmitted diseases. Chromosomal diseases, which are associated with a violation of the number of autosomal chromosomes, in most cases lead to the death of the baby. And chromosomal diseases, which are associated with a violation of the number of sex chromosomes, lead to changes in appearance, the absence of secondary sexual characteristics, and infertility.
It happens that the fetus develops genomic mutations. But they are very rare. Such newborns live no more than a couple of days.

What provokes the development of mutations?

The development of mutations can provoke various adverse environmental factors: ultraviolet radiation, temperature, exposure to chemical compounds, radiation.
The use of chemicals in the agricultural industry, all kinds of experiments carried out with radiation elements, and later referral to doctors lead to the emergence of a number of harmful factors. Due to the fact that men are more likely to find themselves in various extreme situations, their risk of developing mutations is much higher.

In ancient times, children with various developmental disabilities were constantly bullied and mocked. In addition, people did not understand for what reasons such a child could be born. Only modern medicine has provided an explanation for the origin of many diseases, although, unfortunately, they have not yet learned how to treat them.

Diseases transmitted through the male line are just as difficult to treat as other hereditary disorders. Doctors can only warn about the abnormal development of the fetus and offer to make a difficult choice.

Women who gave birth to babies with autism or Down syndrome were previously accused of being linked to evil spirits. They were usually burned, and children were persecuted. Nowadays, genetics is seriously studying the problems of mankind and can explain why the fetus has certain deviations in development.

It is already known that if both spouses have a certain set of genetic pathologies, it is very likely that they will have a "special" child.

There are diseases that are transmitted only through the female line. But also no less diseases are transmitted only through the male line. There are quite a few varieties of such diseases. Unfortunately, not all of them are fully understood.

For example, quite recently, doctors have identified a gene for hair loss, transmitted through the male line. A large number of genital pathologies, also transmitted through the male line, and already mature men lead to infertility. In many cases, the deviation manifests itself only after reaching a certain age.

It is to such severe hereditary diseases that hemophilia and schizophrenia belong.

Studies have shown that the risk of inherited defects from a man is much higher than from a woman. In addition, fathers with birth defects are also more likely to give birth to children with the same problems.

In general, boys with birth defects rarely live up to 20 years of age, since they have a low survival rate.

Fortunately, the science of anthropogenetics provides answers to many questions that seem insoluble. She studies heredity. The part of anthropogenetics that studies diseases that are inherited is medical genetics.

These two sciences are concerned with the study of small cells that contain information about our body. If nature lays it down incorrectly, then a failure occurs.

Mutations (changes) occur at different levels. They are subdivided into gene, chromosomal, and genomic. Most of these mutations lead to hereditary diseases. Gene mutations are responsible for the disruption of protein synthesis. About 1,500 such diseases are already known to exist.

Among them, two groups are distinguished: molecular diseases, as well as metabolic diseases. About 600 metabolic diseases have been identified, which lead to changes in the carbohydrate, amino acid and lipid composition of the cell.

In especially severe cases, these mutations can lead to malignant tumors. Most of these mutations are inherited by children from their fathers.

A serious chronic disease characterized by the appearance of numerous tumors of the nerve trunks is neurofibromatosis. Children suffering from this ailment lag behind in mental and physical development.

Another hereditary disease is phenylketonuria, accompanied by a sharp level of phenylatin (amino acid) in the blood. The products obtained from it are particularly toxic, which leads to mental retardation.

Galactosemia is a disease characterized by impaired carbohydrate metabolism. The body of a child suffering from galactosemia does not accept milk, and it must be transferred to milk-free feeding as soon as possible. In another case, dementia and cirrhosis of the liver may develop.

Mucopolysaccharidosis is another male-transmitted disease. With this disease, connective tissue suffers. Patients have a rather ugly physique and numerous defects of internal organs.

About 50 types of hereditary blood diseases arise from molecular diseases. Many of these ailments are transmitted through the male line.

Chromosomal diseases, which are associated with a violation of the number of autosome chromosomes, in most cases lead to the death of the child. And chromosomal diseases, which are associated with a violation of sex chromosomes, cause changes in appearance, are characterized by the absence of secondary sexual characteristics and infertility.

In some cases, the fetus develops a genomic mutation. Newborns with this rare condition live for only a few days. A mutation can be provoked by such unfavorable environmental factors as radiation, ultraviolet radiation, the effects of chemical compounds, and men, who are more likely to be exposed to stress, are more affected by these factors than the fairer sex.

Why? After all, the Y chromosome of men is not symmetrical, unlike the X chromosome of women, so it "breaks down". For this reason, genetic diseases are transmitted through the male line more often than through the female.

The use of chemicals in agriculture, experiments with radiation elements, as well as late visits to doctors lead to the emergence of a whole complex of harmful factors that can only provoke an increase in the transmission of hereditary diseases through the male line.

Quite widely known to everyone due to the method of their distribution. They have haunted humanity for centuries, possibly millennia, leading to serious illness, infertility, deformities in newborns and untimely deaths. Doctors have learned to cope well with some infections, but some of them can still either be healed in the early stages of the disease, or are still able to resist our efforts.

Before formulating a complete list of STIs, you need to find out what they are, how they threaten people and how they affect the body.

Sexually transmitted infections, or STIs, are transmitted from one sexual partner to another, uninfected, during unprotected intercourse in any form. The causative agents can be viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc.A mixed form of infection is quite often observed, especially in persons who are promiscuous without protection, prone to antisocial behavior, drug addiction, alcoholism.

Failure to understand the risk of contracting certain types of STIs can cost a person dearly. They can lead to chronic inflammatory processes of the human genital area, cause miscarriage or, impotence and prostatitis in men, lesions and the immune system, which can cause serious diseases, even fatal.

Some infections affect only the reproductive system, but they are also able to "spread" throughout the body and cause irreparable harm to health, affecting even the spinal cord and humans.

The only reliable protection against STIs can be caution and care when choosing a sexual partner, high-quality protection and timely full treatment in case of infection. It is necessary to treat both partners.

List of STIs: types, description and signs

The number of genital infections includes diseases that penetrate the human body from the outside, from an infected partner, and those whose pathogens normally constantly inhabit our skin and mucous membranes without causing any harm. These microorganisms are called opportunistic flora.

As long as the body is healthy, and the immune system resists the onslaught of infection and maintains the number of microorganisms at a low, harmless level, the disease does not occur. But with sexual contact with the carrier, the same or with a decrease in immunity, the number of pathogens increases sharply and the person becomes ill. Such diseases include the well-known thrush, or candidiasis. Its pathogens are constantly in the body of every person, but the disease occurs only when a number of conditions coincide.

A number of pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases respond well to treatment with modern drugs, but it is best to do this as early as possible, until the infection has caused serious inflammatory processes.

As a result, adhesions that threaten a woman with infertility, lesions, unpleasant external rashes and even oncological tumors can occur. There are some STIs that, if neglected, are fatal. This, and. With timely and proper treatment, the life span of such patients can be extended for a fairly significant time.

Useful video - Signs of STDs.

The concept of STIs, or (sexually transmitted diseases) is somewhat broader than the concept of sexually transmitted diseases. "Diseases of Venus" are included in the list of sexually transmitted infections, as an integral part of it.

Complete STI List:

  • Syphilis is caused by treponema pallidus, or spirochete, has three stages and can be congenital. It is capable of affecting the skin, mucous membranes, soft and bone tissues, the central nervous system. It is easily transmitted not only through sexual intercourse, but also through blood and household contacts with the personal belongings of an infected patient - a carrier of treponema. It manifests itself as a rash, ulcers, specific formations - chancres and gummas. Secondary and tertiary syphilis can occur in a latent form. If untreated, it leads to numerous health and mental problems, and then to death.
  • Gonorrhea is caused by gonococci, affects the mucous membranes of the urethra and, and with the spread of the disease - the bladder, conjunctival membranes, pharynx, oral mucosa. It manifests itself as purulent discharge, burning sensation and pain with frequent visits to the bathroom. It can be acute and chronic.
  • Trichomoniasis is very common in all countries of the world and can be transmitted in the household. In men, it manifests itself as painful urination, bloody discharge. In women, there is a sharp redness of the vulva, burning, itching, profuse discharge, pain during intercourse.
  • caused by chlamydia and has a very secretive "character". Due to the absence of external manifestations, the level of infection spread is very high. With advanced forms, women may feel itching, pain and burning, as well as an unpleasant-smelling discharge. Men mainly experience burning and itching when urinating.
  • Mycoplasmosis is provoked by conditionally pathogenic microorganisms mycoplasmas, more often it affects women, causing vaginosis, and inflammatory diseases of the internal genital organs.
  • can be transmitted not only sexually, but also during childbirth from mother to newborn. Almost always passes without pronounced symptoms, but with a large number of ureaplasmas in men, signs of prostatitis may appear, the classic symptoms of infection may occur - itching, burning and pain.
  • Gardnerellosis is a type of bacterial vaginosis associated with the "displacement" of lactobacilli and replacing them with gardnerella and some other microorganisms. Has several ways of appearance, not only sexual. A very common condition.
  • Candidiasis, or thrush, is also extremely common and can occur without external influences, such as with antibiotics. Manifested by profuse cheesy discharge, severe itching, irritation and inflammation. It can affect not only the genitals, but also the oral cavity.
  • The human papillomavirus () is transmitted sexually and through everyday life, has many varieties, some of which are capable of causing cancer and others provoke the formation of genital warts on the genital and anal mucous membranes. It is manifested by the appearance of wart-like formations on the skin and mucous membranes, which can be single or turn into continuous zones of damage.
  • Cytomegalovirus spreads through sexual and household routes, through various bodily fluids. It is asymptomatic, especially dangerous for pregnant women, as it affects.
  • spreads not only sexually, but also through any contact with contaminated blood. It develops slowly, affects the immune system, causing AIDS. Patients most often die from secondary infections that have joined, for example, from pneumonia, since the patient's immune system, killed by the virus, does not resist.
  • also have many ways of spreading, including sexual. With these dangerous diseases, a change in structure and functioning occurs, which is manifested by a series of characteristic symptoms.
  • Lymphogranuloma venereum affects the skin and lymph nodes of an infected person. It is rare in Europe and the Russian Federation, since the main region of its distribution is Africa, South America. Asia and India. It is caused by a special type of chlamydia, manifested by vesicles, ulcers, inflammation of the lymph nodes, fever, headache and indigestion.

As can be seen from the list, some infections are of a viral nature (CMV, herpes, papillomatosis and condylomatosis, hepatitis, HIV and others), fungal (candidiasis), bacterial (gonorrhea), or are provoked by protozoa microorganisms (ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis and others). Accordingly, the treatment should be tailored to the specific pathogen. For mixed infections, combined treatment is used.

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