What are the genitals called. What do residents of different countries of the world call their genitals? In Spain, the vagina is called the "rabbit"

As you name the genitals, so they ... will crawl. Or take off. Or they crow. You will be surprised to hear genital names at different ends of the Earth!

In Spain, the vagina is called the "rabbit"

It would be more logical to call Spanish male genitals that way, you must admit. The temperamental rabbit dived into the rabbit hole ...

"Turtle head" - in China

Not very proud Chinese people call their penis "turtle head". I wonder why?

"Karasik" - in Italy

For some reason, Italians associate the male sexual organ with fish ... While the rest of the world is sure: the herring is a purely female theme ...

In English-speaking countries, the penis is usually called a "snake"

Nothing particularly surprising. With the "one-eyed" and in Russia are familiar.

Or "cockerel"

Here the discrepancy in meanings is obvious ...

"Camel's Hoof" English girls and women

The names of the genitals in different countries of the world will greatly surprise you! The French call the penis "the hand of a child." With a pen? Child ?!

"Wallet" is another name for a vagina that can be heard in England.

By the way, they don't give an empty wallet!

In Nicaragua, female organs are called "beetles"

Imagine in "this place" a harmless ladybug. Although, they are unlikely to be found in Nicaragua.

"Chick" is the Polish term for female genitalia

The Italians can't stop. Another name for the penis is "Polka Dots"

The main thing is not a pod!

The female bosom of the Italians resembles a fig ...

... and for the Indians - a cup ...

... and the inhabitants of Mexico are generally a monkey

Hot Turks call dick "melee weapons"

And the Poles - the "head of the needle"

Dove - bird of peace and Spanish penises

If you suddenly want romance and tenderness, fly to Spain. "Dove" - ​​that's how the male penis is affectionately called there.

Fetishism - sexual deviation, characterized by sexual attraction to various animate and inanimate objects, body parts and items of clothing.

Pheromones - biologically active substances that act as a form of chemical bond between two individuals of the same species. They are secreted by special glands located directly in the skin of an animal, as well as a person. Pheromones act on a subconscious level to induce sex drive.

Frictions - pendulum-like reciprocating movements, often performed by the penis into the vagina during intercourse. The average number of frictions per minute of intercourse in a healthy man is 25-30 frictions.

Frotteurism - a distorted form of sexual desire, in which sexual arousal and sexual satisfaction are achieved by rubbing against the body of a person of the opposite sex. Usually frotteurism occurs in crowded places. Frotters - those who practice frotteurism are colloquially called "transport pinchers".

Geisha balls - vaginal balls for training the muscle walls of the vagina (including after childbirth). They are made of latex, medical rubber, plastic or metal, can be with an offset center of gravity, have a variety of bulges and ribs.

Shaving - shaving hair in the genital area, less often in the axillary and anal areas in the presence or direct participation of a sexual partner. Shaving is often accompanied by manual and oral sex. May be a manifestation of fetishism. From the point of view of psychoanalysts, clean-shaven genitals are a desire for childhood, to return to some kind of childhood and youthful experiences. In these cases, the lack of hair becomes an aphrodisiac.

Exhibitionism - achieving sexual satisfaction by demonstrating to persons of the opposite sex outside the situation of sexual intercourse.

Erection, morning erection - an increase in the volume and hardening of the penis as a result of filling with blood the cavities of the cavernous bodies. While sleeping, a healthy man gets an erection about every 90 minutes. Morning erections are usually the last of the night.

Erogenous zones (primary and secondary) - especially sensitive places on the body, when touched, sexual arousal occurs. In men and women, the primary erogenous zones, penetrated by a mass of nerve endings, are approximately the same. Secondary erogenous zones that can be formed by a partner on their own. If every time after an orgasm has just happened, you do the same thing (for example, kiss him on the neck, or stroke him on the shoulder), after a while, a relationship is formed between these sensations. That is, every time "that very action" is repeated, the thought of sex will immediately arise in the man's head.

Cuff effect - adaptation of the vagina to the male genital organ in front. The orgastic cuff is formed in the outer third of the vagina, almost at the entrance, arises due to a strong blood flow to the venous plexus of the vagina in this area and to the bulb of the vestibule: the entrance to the vagina and the outer third swell and strongly narrow, tightly covering the penis. The cuff is a kind of signal that a woman's genitals are tuned in to form an orgasm. It also prevents sperm from flowing out.

Ejaculation - ejaculation, discharge of semen from the urethra in men, usually accompanied by orgasm. Normal ejaculation usually results in an ejection of 1.5 to 5 ml. seed. During his life, the average man "produces" about 15 liters of sperm.

The female genital area includes the labia minora and labia minora, the pubis, the vestibule of the vagina and the bulb of the vestibule.

The pubis is separated from the thighs by the hip grooves, and from the abdomen by the pubic groove. It is covered with hair extending to the labia majora. Also in this area, the subcutaneous fat layer is well developed.

Between the labia majora are the labia minora. Their front ends cover the clitoris, and form the extreme, and the rear ends form the frenum of the labia.

The clitoris has a body, leg, head and foreskin. He has a dense fibrous tunica albuginea. And the skin that covers it is rich in sensitive nerve endings.

The vestibule of the vagina is the space between the labia minora. It contains the opening of the vagina and the urethra. Separated from the vagina by the virgin.

The vestibule bulb is located at the base of the labia majora. Consists of two lobes connected by a thin intermediate arched part.

Internal genital organs

The internal genital organs include the ovary, uterus, fallopian tube, and vagina.

The ovary is a genital steam gland located in the pelvic region. It has an ovoid shape. With the help of two ligaments, it is fixed on both sides of the uterus.

In the ovary, two free surfaces are distinguished. The first is medial, which is directed into the pelvic cavity. The second is lateral. It is adjacent to the pelvic wall.

The uterus is located in the pelvic area. It is a complete, pear-shaped muscular organ. It distinguishes between the body, the neck and the isthmus between them. The cervix contains many glands that secrete a viscous thick mucus. It forms a Christeller plug, which closes the lumen of the cervical canal.

The fallopian tube, or fallopian tube, is a paired tubular organ. It promotes the passage of the egg into the uterine cavity from the ovary.

The vagina is a tubular organ bounded by the cervix and the hymen (or its remains). Its length is 8-10 cm, and its width is 2-3 cm. The contents of the vagina are whitish in color and have a specific odor. These secretions are bactericidal because they contain lactic acid.

Male and female organisms are similar in many ways; their main difference is the genitals, which, in fact, distinguish a boy from a girl immediately after their birth.

The reproductive system is also called the reproductive system, which means "reproducing offspring", because the main task of the human genital organs is healthy children.

The final maturation of the genitals and glands occurs by about 18 years.

Female reproductive system

The genitals of women are divided into external (vulva) and internal. The external genitals include the pubis, labia majora and minora, clitoris, and hymen. Internal - the vagina, uterus, ovaries and fallopian (fallopian) tubes.

Female pelvic organs in longitudinal section

The uterus looks like a large, hollow shell. It is in it that the growth and development of the fetus - the unborn child - takes place. The ovaries produce female sex hormones. In the same place, in the ovaries, in special vesicles called follicles, female cells - oocytes - also mature.

When the follicle reaches the correct size, it bursts, the egg is released and enters the fallopian tube. At this time, the egg can meet with the male reproductive cell - the sperm, and then fertilization will take place.

If the meeting does not occur, the unfertilized egg enters the uterus and dies there. After that, the dead egg and the upper layer of the uterine lining, along with the blood, are removed from the woman's body.

Female reproductive system

This process occurs monthly and is called menstruation. Menstruation begins at the age of 11-15, and the time of their onset is genetically determined.

The mammary glands are located in the female breast. When a baby is born, milk begins to be produced in them, which is necessary for feeding the baby. Breast milk contains all the nutrients you need. Men also have mammary glands, but they are not developed.

Male reproductive system

A man's external genitals are the penis, or penis, and the scrotum, which contains the testicles. The internal genital organs include the prostate gland, seminal vesicles, the actual testicles and their appendages.

Male reproductive system

The penis is made up of a special elastic spongy tissue (corpus cavernosum) that can fill with blood, causing the organ to grow in size. This condition is called an erection, it is necessary for sexual intercourse.

Male genital organs

It is no coincidence that the testicles are located in the scrotum - sperm need a temperature two degrees lower than body temperature. At the age of 10, a boy's testicle weighs 1 g, at 14-16 years old - about 7 g, and in an adult man - 25-30 g.

In the testes, male sex hormones are produced, and male sex cells - sperm cells - begin to develop. Sperm maturation takes place in the epididymis.

The germ cells then enter the seminal vesicles, where they mix with semen, which maintains their ability to fertilize. The resulting mixture is called sperm.

The sperm cell consists of a head, a middle part and a tail, with the help of which it moves. This shape allows him to move quickly.

Semen in the body is produced by the prostate gland, or prostate. From there, during intercourse, sperm flows through the vas deferens into the urethra, and then into the woman's vagina.

In details .

A special muscular device that resembles a valve - the sphincter - prevents urine and semen from being simultaneously in the urethra.

Of a million sperm, only one enters the egg, fertilizing it. The rest die.

The human reproductive system is very complex. We have considered only the most basic nuances of her work.

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