How to protect the sense organ: instructions for use. Rules for hygiene of vision and hearing Hygiene and prevention of diseases of the sensory organs


Able to perceive various information from the environment and analyze it. This ensures his full existence. How should the senses be protected so that they effectively perform their functions throughout a person’s life? Let's figure it out together.

What are sense organs

A person perceives this world through physiological structures called sensory systems. There are five of them in total. These are visual, auditory, olfactory, tactile and gustatory. Each of them is unique and has its own structural features. However, what is common to all sensory systems is the presence of three sections. The peripheral one is represented by receptors, the conductive one - by nerve fibers, and the central one - by the cerebral cortex.

How to take care of your sense organ

The sensory systems departments work in a coordinated manner. And disruption of the functioning of any of them entails a failure of the entire structure. Often this is due to unreasonable human behavior. Thus, scientists have proven that about 95% of people are born with good vision, but lose it as a result of unreasonable use. Therefore, it is very important to observe the simple senses.

Vision hygiene

How to protect the sense organ that provides us with 90% of information? It's not that difficult. Firstly, do not let the lens get tired, because as a result it may lose its elasticity. To prevent this, you don’t need to read in transport, because the lens has to constantly change its curvature to focus. It is also not recommended to read in poor lighting. Correctly, if the light falls from the left, does not form a shadow, and the distance to the book is at least 30 cm. It is advisable to place the computer monitor even further - up to 50 cm, and the TV even more so - about 2 m. Let your eyes rest every 15-20 minutes . Of course, the visual system also has its own mechanisms to combat bright lighting and harmful microorganisms. But sunglasses in clear weather, special masks for working in hazardous industries, proper organization of the workplace, and personal hygiene are also necessary. Another guarantee of excellent vision is the presence of vitamin A in food, which are very rich in cod liver, blueberries, parsley and green onions.

It is within the power of man to preserve his hearing. After all, the most common reason for its violation is very banal - the accumulation of sulfur in the ear canal. You need to get rid of this substance very carefully so as not to damage the eardrum. Inflammatory processes of the middle ear can be a consequence of penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the middle ear through the nasopharynx and complications after influenza or sore throat.

How to protect the sensory organ in question in everyday life? There is no need to listen to loud music often, especially with a player. This reduces the elasticity of the eardrum. Just imagine: the sound intensity of a normal conversation is about 60 dB, and that of a disco is 110. For comparison: the same figure for a jet plane is quite a bit less - 130 dB. Systematic household and traffic noise is a particularly big problem in large cities.

How to protect your senses: smell and taste

The specific sensation of smell is formed by the olfactory system. Its receptors are located in the nasal cavity. They can weaken their work during colds accompanied by a runny nose. In this case, a person loses the ability to distinguish any types of odors. The food also becomes tasteless. You must admit that when you have a cold, your favorite dishes no longer evoke the proper appetite. How to protect the sense organ that forms taste? It is very important to monitor the hygiene of the oral cavity, teeth and tongue, where the receptors are located. Never taste food or drinks at either very high or low temperatures.

The meaning of touch

Is the skin that serves It contains a wide variety of receptors. With its help, we perceive pressure, stretching, temperature changes, pain, the nature and shape of surrounding objects. Every person must observe the rules of skin hygiene, take a shower regularly, and keep their clothes clean. You should beware of burns and frostbite, never touch dangerous objects, unfamiliar plants and animals.

Absolutely all senses are negatively affected by bad habits. Smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs reduce the sensitivity threshold of receptors and cause dangerous diseases.

Touch, smell, sight, taste and hearing constantly require compliance with hygiene rules. If you know and follow them, lead a healthy lifestyle and think about your safety, all senses will function effectively and provide a variety of sensations in this world.

After suffering illnesses, injuries to the ear and nervous system, the area of ​​auditory perception narrows. In the middle ear, sound is amplified 50 to 70 times. Therefore, damage to the middle ear and damage to the eardrum sharply reduce hearing. Careful treatment for viral, “cold” diseases is necessary to prevent the occurrence of inflammation of the middle ear.

Damage to the auditory area located in the temporal lobes of the cerebral hemispheres can cause various hearing impairments - word deafness, music deafness, hearing loss. Hearing may be impaired due to fluctuations in ambient temperature.

Prevention of hearing impairment includes special exercises to improve hearing. Closing your mouth, plug your ears with your thumbs and place your index fingers on the eyelids of your closed eyes. The ring fingers and both little fingers surround the mouth, the lips are folded, pushed forward like a beak, and the middle fingers are pressed to the nostrils on both sides. Inhale through the mouth. Having completed the inhalation, puff out your cheeks and tilt your head so that your chin presses on the jugular fossa. If possible, hold your breath as long as possible, while keeping your cheeks puffed out. Then they slowly raise their head, open their eyes and exhale through their nose. The increased pressure created in the oral cavity causes air to move towards the middle ear. This exercise “trains” the ability to equalize the pressure outside and inside the ear, that is, between the middle and outer ear.

The most common visual impairment is nearsightedness (myopia). WITH There are two reasons for the occurrence and development of myopia: visual fatigue, non-compliance with hygiene standards and rules for the prevention of visual impairment and hereditary factors.

The first signs of myopia are widening of the palpebral fissure, the dilated eyeball begins to protrude forward, and an enlarged pupil. You have to bend over objects, squint, peering into the distance. People who are nearsighted are more likely to have poor posture. Behavior changes, the habit of walking with a low head, slouching, complaints of pain and double vision, headaches, and rapid fatigue appear.

Among the measures to prevent the initial manifestations of myopia, training of the accommodation apparatus is recommended. These can be simple exercises that involve looking at objects at different distances. It is suggested to quickly move your gaze from a nearby object (finger, pencil, point on the window glass) to a distant one (opposing house, cloud, tree) and back. It is advisable to carry out these exercises for 0.5 - 1 minute with increased visual load at home, at work or during classes.

Rotating your eyes is helpful. As a preparatory exercise, without moving your head, you can direct your gaze sharply to the upper left corner of the eye, then diagonally to the lower right corner, to the lower left and upper right corners. At the end of the exercise, look up, then down to see your chest.

Systematic implementation of exercises leads to improvement of accommodation and reduces the initial signs of its impairment.

To prevent the progression of myopia, it is necessary to strengthen the general condition of the body through hardening, rational, nutritious nutrition, appropriate physical education, and adherence to a work and rest regime. In schools and universities, it is necessary to observe an optimal regime of training, education and recreation. The correct selection of furniture in accordance with height and instilling the correct working posture are very important. Students with visual impairments should sit at the front row of tables from the windows.

A child is taught basic rules of self-care from the cradle. Personal hygiene, includinghearing hygieneis an important component of this training. In this case, daily procedures aimed at keeping the ears clean are nothing more than preventing the penetration of various infections into them. Additional preventive measures include protecting the hearing organs from adverse external influences: hypothermia, industrial noise, other loud sounds, ingress of toxic substances, etc.

Let's take a closer look at the rules of hearing hygiene.

Basic Ear Hygiene

You need to wash your ears, just like washing your face, every day. This is the basis of all rules of hygiene regarding the organs of hearing. Strict adherence to it is the key to the health of all parts of the ear and the most reliable prevention of various diseases.

As for cleaning the ears with special cotton swabs, some caution must be exercised here. Incorrect actions can contribute to the formation of a dense, true plug, disrupt the natural process of earwax secretion, which protects the internal organs of hearing from the penetration of microbes and dust, and lead to damage to the eardrum.

But you shouldn’t give up cleaning your ears with cotton swabs either. When excess sulfur is secreted by the glands and accumulates in the external auditory canal, a plug may form, which leads to hearing impairment. If such a problem occurs, you should not try to remove the wax plug from the ear yourself - you must consult a doctor (ENT specialist), who will quickly and painlessly remove the wax accumulated in the ear canal.

Do not allow water to get into your ears. This causes not only an unpleasant feeling of congestion and some hearing loss, but can also lead to severe pain. If water does get into the ear, you need to lie on your back, and then slowly, slowly turn your head to the side so that the sore ear is down and the water can flow out of it freely.

Prevention of hearing diseases

Prevention of ENT diseases and hearing hygiene largely depend on normal nasal breathing. When you have a runny nose, mucus accumulates in the inflamed sinuses, which can penetrate into the auditory tube. The result is an imbalance between the external pressure and the pressure in the middle ear. There is a feeling of congestion, which causes the person to experience noticeable discomfort.

But this is not the most dangerous thing. An infection that causes inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx can spread to the internal parts of the hearing organs, causing a serious illness. Therefore, you should not blow your nose too much when you have a runny nose, or blow your nose with both nostrils at the same time. It is correct to do this alternately, pressing first one and then the other wing of the nose to the septum and carefully freeing the nostrils from mucus.

Particular attention to the prevention of ENT diseases should be paid to infectious and viral diseases such as measles, influenza, and tonsillitis. Pathogenic bacteria - the causative agents of these diseases - can enter the middle ear through the auditory tube and cause severe inflammation.

Industrial noise can cause considerable harm to the health of the hearing organs. Constant loud sounds and noises can lead not only to a noticeable weakening of hearing or its complete loss, but also cause rapid fatigue, disturbances in appetite and sleep, problems with the nervous system, and deterioration in human performance. In addition, industrial noise can cause the development of a number of systemic diseases, such as hypertension, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, etc.

To protect hearing organs from industrial noise, there are certain safety rules, including, among other things, the use of special sound-absorbing protective equipment - general and individual.

A person can maintain health only with a healthy lifestyle. In order to live a long, fulfilling life, it is not enough to be born healthy. Health is created and maintained by a person throughout his life. Compliance with hygiene rules and regulations plays an important role in this process. Let's look at the main ones.

The body must be kept clean. The skin, performing its functions, secretes sebum and sweat onto its surface. When it becomes dirty, it loses many of its functions, becomes a breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria, and an unpleasant odor appears.

You need to wash your face with running water every morning and evening. Thorough washing of the body with warm water with a sponge or washcloth and soap should be done at least once a week.

Hands should be washed several times a day (after work, using the toilet, before eating). When washing, it is important to pay attention to the subungual spaces; up to 95% of microorganisms on the skin of the hands are concentrated here, and there may also be worm eggs.

Fingernails and toenails should be cut at least once a week. Long nails dull the sense of touch and dirt collects under them.

Feet should be washed daily before going to bed. If they sweat a lot, you need to use special foot skin care products.

A person's appearance largely depends on the condition of his hair. Regular washing is the main way to care for your hair. The water should be soft; it is better to lather your hair with soap foam or shampoo. It is better to dry your hair with a soft towel; frequent use of a hair dryer leads to overdrying and breakage of hair.

To improve hair growth, it is useful to trim it from time to time. Combs must be individual and kept clean.

Hygiene of clothing and footwear. Clothing should be tailored to your height and body size, and appropriate to the weather.

It is desirable that the fabrics from which the clothes are made retain heat well, are breathable, and, for underwear, hygroscopic. Natural fabrics have these properties. Clothes made from thick synthetic fabrics are best used in the form of windbreakers and raincoats.

When soiled, clothing loses its thermal and hygroscopic properties and becomes a place where a large number of microbes gather. Therefore, clothes need to be regularly changed and washed.

It is important that the shoes fit correctly. Tight shoes compress the foot, lead to its deformation, and impair blood circulation. Shoes that are too loose prevent a person from walking normally and lead to scuffed feet. Casual shoes should have a small heel (1-1.5 cm). Shoes without heels contribute to the development of flat feet. Shoes with very high heels are also harmful. In it, the main support is placed on the fingers, therefore the stability of the body decreases. Over time, fingers become deformed.

Food hygiene. Proper nutrition is a necessary condition for the normal functioning of the body, that is, for health.

The food composition should include nutrients of plant and animal origin, vitamins, and ballast substances (fiber). The latter are not digested in our body, but stimulate intestinal motility. Food eaten with appetite is absorbed better. The attractive appearance, pleasant taste and smell of food awakens the appetite. It is useful to eat dishes at the beginning of meals that promote increased secretion of digestive juices. These are various snacks (cabbage, herring, salad, vinaigrette).

Food should not be too hot. Eating food whose temperature is above 50°C can lead to chronic inflammation of the mucous membranes of the esophagus and stomach. You should not overuse spices (mustard, pepper, vinegar, onion, garlic). They can also cause irritation of mucous membranes.

Dry eating (eating sandwiches) is harmful to the digestive system. A nutritious diet must include hot dishes on the menu: soups, cereals, etc. You need to eat at the same time, i.e. follow the diet. Disordered eating leads to the fact that the digestive organs are unprepared to digest food. Food is digested more slowly, which means it is not fully absorbed by the body.

It is better to eat 4 times a day, distributing food consumption as follows: breakfast - 25%, lunch - 40%, afternoon snack - 15%, dinner - 20%. Adults can eat 3 times a day. Nutrition should be moderate. Overeating negatively affects the digestive organs and leads to obesity. Food should be chewed thoroughly, then it is better absorbed. While eating, you should not be distracted, read a book, watch TV, or listen to the radio. You should have dinner 3-4 hours before bedtime. After each meal, you need to rinse your mouth and clean your teeth from food debris.

Hygiene of the musculoskeletal system. The human musculoskeletal system is formed before the age of 20-25. Its development is influenced by heredity, quality of nutrition and physical activity. For normal growth of bones and muscles, a person must receive nutritious food. Thus, a lack of protein in a child’s diet in the first years of his life can lead to short stature. The lack of calcium and phosphorus in food leads to the development of diseases: rickets, osteoporosis. The development of the musculoskeletal system is also influenced by physical activity: physical education, sports, physical work.

The beauty and health of our body largely depends on its posture. Posture is the habitual position of a person’s body at rest and when moving. Correct posture ensures the normal functioning of internal organs (heart, lungs, stomach) and organs of movement. Signs of incorrect posture: stooping, increased natural curvature of the spine in the thoracic or lumbar regions, lateral curvature of the spine.

It is necessary to monitor posture from childhood, when the musculoskeletal system develops. During this period, the bones are still weak and can easily bend. While working at the table, you need to sit upright, slightly tilting your torso and head. The distance between the chest and the table (desk) is the width of the palm, and from the eyes to the workplace - 30-35 cm. The legs should rest on the floor or a special stand, the elbows should lie on the table.

When carrying heavy loads, the load on the muscles should be distributed symmetrically and be feasible. It is better to carry school textbooks in a satchel or backpack.

If your posture is poor, you should consult a doctor. An individual set of physical exercises can correct many posture defects.

The formation of posture is greatly influenced by the condition of the foot. In a number of cases (incorrectly selected shoes, prolonged standing and walking, carrying heavy loads, excess weight), the foot loses its arched shape and flat feet develop. People with flat feet get tired quickly when walking and standing, and experience pain in the foot and lower leg.

To prevent flat feet, do special exercises; it is useful to walk barefoot in the summer and wear shoes with low heels. For significant flat feet, special insoles-instep supports are used.

Hygiene of the cardiovascular system. Human health largely depends on how the organs of our body are supplied with blood. The composition of the blood can show what the state of the body is. For this purpose, laboratory analysis is done. It shows the number of blood cells, hemoglobin content, sugar, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). If the ESR is increased, it means that there are some inflammatory processes in the body (the normal ESR for men is 2-10 mm/h, for women - 2-15 mm/h). A decrease in the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood indicates the development of anemia (the norm of hemoglobin in men is 130-160 g/l, in women 120-140 g/l).

To prevent anemia, long walks in the air, good nutrition, and the use of foods containing iron and vitamins (liver, apples, carrots, greens) are necessary.

Good blood supply to organs depends on the functioning of the heart and the condition of the blood vessels.

The state of the cardiovascular system is affected by physical activity. During active muscular activity, the heart requires additional effort. Loads close to the maximum and subsequent rest provide a training effect. The heart muscle becomes thicker, the heart becomes larger. A trained heart can pump out more blood per contraction and do more work with less energy. A sedentary lifestyle negatively affects blood vessels and weakens the heart. At the slightest load, it beats faster and gets tired quickly.

Respiratory hygiene. The respiratory system ensures gas exchange between the body and the environment. Its effectiveness depends on the state of the respiratory system and the composition of the inhaled air. An important indicator of the development of the respiratory system is the vital capacity of the lungs. This is the volume of air exhaled after a deep breath. Vital capacity depends on the age, gender, height of the person, as well as the degree of training of the person. Athletes, primarily swimmers and rowers, have the greatest vital capacity. A healthy adult has a vital capacity of 3-4 liters of air, an athlete - 6-8 liters.

Sports (rowing, skating, skiing, swimming), breathing exercises affect the development of respiratory muscles, increasing endurance, chest mobility, and elasticity of the lungs.

The most beneficial for a person is rhythmic (14-16 respiratory movements per minute) breathing through the nose, with clean, dry air. Smoking, drinking alcohol and using drugs is unacceptable.

Hygiene of the senses. The senses serve as a source of information about the world around us. The reliability and usefulness of information depend on the condition of these organs.

Currently, human visual organs are often forced to work under great strain. Therefore, it is very important to create an environment for the eyes that makes their work easier.

The room or workplace must be properly and sufficiently lit. Daylight is the best. The light should fall from the front and from the left side. In the evening you need to use a table lamp. The distance from the eyes to the book should be at least 30-35 cm. When working with a book for a long time, you need to take 10-minute breaks every 30-40 minutes.

Television has become a part of our lives. It promptly provides us with extensive information. But you shouldn't abuse it. Long-term viewing of television programs causes overstrain of the nervous system, impairs memory, weakens attention, reduces visual acuity and the ability to distinguish colors. Based on hygiene standards, TV viewing time for older schoolchildren should not exceed 1.5 hours a day.

We use computers more and more in our studies and at work. To avoid its negative impact on health, it is important to organize your work correctly. The distance to the monitor should be 60-70 cm, the diagonal size of its screen should be at least 31 cm, and the screen should have a filter.

Reading in poor lighting, on the go, or in public transport has a negative effect on vision. The unstable position of the book quickly leads to eye fatigue.

At school age, a vision defect can develop when a person sees distant objects poorly - this is myopia. In old age, people develop farsightedness. This is a condition when nearby objects are seen indistinctly, blurred. At the first signs of illness, you should consult a doctor, he will identify the causes of the illness and select glasses.

The first rule of hearing hygiene is to keep them clean. The ear canal, where earwax and dirt accumulate, should be washed with warm water or with a cotton swab. It is unacceptable to clean the ear canal with hard objects. In some diseases, inflammation of the middle and inner ear can occur. If you have ear pain, you should consult a doctor immediately. Self-medication is unacceptable, as ear disease can lead to deafness.

Hearing is negatively affected by loud noise, including very loud music in discos and through headphones. It tires the nervous system, reduces a person’s performance, and dulls hearing.

Hygiene of the nervous system. The optimal daily routine, which prevents fatigue of the nervous system, should include alternating mental and physical labor. After school, you should first have an active rest (play sports, help your parents around the house).

When starting to do homework, it is important to remember that a person’s performance changes throughout the day, reaching its highest activity in periods from 10-13 hours to 16-20 hours. You should start working gradually. Take short breaks while working: 5-10 minutes. It is useful to stand up, walk around, and do a few simple physical exercises during a break.

It is advisable to perform the most complex tasks during periods of greatest activity.

After preparing your homework, it is useful to take a walk in the fresh air, go in for sports, and do physical work.

In many ways, a person’s health depends on his mental balance, his ability to control himself, build relationships with people, and on the psychological climate in the family and team.

It is important to learn how to communicate correctly from a young age. You should live by your own thoughts, but respect other people’s opinions, be able to listen to objections, understand the position of another, put yourself in their place, and admit your mistakes. Admitting your mistakes and correcting them is not weakness, but a sign of a person’s strength and maturity.

It is also important to be able to restrain your negative emotions and develop a sense of self-discipline.

Stress is a general reaction of the body to the influence of strong external or internal factors. A sharp change in temperature can cause temperature stress, taking large doses of medication can cause drug stress, and an extraordinary event in a person’s life can cause emotional stress. Emotional stress is the most common. It begins with a state of anxiety. At this stage, all the body’s defenses are mobilized, hormones are released into the blood, which increase metabolism, and all organs of our body begin to work more actively. The body counteracts the stress factor and, under favorable conditions, copes with a negative situation. If stress continues for a long time, a stage of exhaustion may occur. This leads to the development of various diseases.

At the same time, stress helps us overcome the difficult situations in which we find ourselves. It is an important condition for the development of any normal personality. You need to protect yourself not from stress, but from exhaustion, which is caused by overexertion.

Fast walking and active games relieve nervous tension well; listening to melodic music, communicating with loved ones or pets has a calming effect on the human body.

Test your knowledge

  1. What is hygiene?
  2. What human organ systems do you know?
  3. What is personal hygiene?
  4. How to eat properly?
  5. What is a daily routine, how to follow it?
  6. What is posture? What is the role of correct posture?
  7. What is the essence of the training effect?
  8. How to breathe correctly?
  9. How to maintain visual acuity?
  10. What is stress?


Why is it necessary to comply with hygiene requirements to maintain health?

To maintain health, a person must lead a healthy lifestyle and follow hygiene rules and regulations.

Hygiene of the senses.

General lesson on the subject: health and life safety.

Target: update and deepen students’ knowledge on the topic of sensory hygiene.


  • educational:

To update students’ knowledge about the types of sense organs;

To form an idea of ​​the rules for caring for the senses (eyes, skin, ears, tongue, nose)

To update children's knowledge of what hygiene is.

  • Correctional and developmental:

Continue the development of mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization) through the implementation of practical tasks during the lesson;

Develop students’ attention and perception by working with presentation material;

Continue work on developing students’ short- and long-term memory and enriching their vocabulary.

  • Educational:

To instill in students neatness and respect for their bodies, their senses in particular.

Location of the lesson: cabinet

Lesson duration: 40 minutes

Logistics of the lesson:laptop, projector.

Methodological and didactic support for the lesson:a flower with cards - sensory organs, closed plastic cups with pieces of lemon, garlic and coffee, salt, sugar, citric acid, disposable spoons, MP3 recordings - sea surf, forest sounds, city noise.

During the classes.

  1. Introduction


Hello guys!


We said to each other:


And it seemed to become lighter outside.


With this word we wished everyone health!


But they didn’t seem to say anything at all.


Let's smile at each other and start our lesson. Today a guest came to our lesson. I'll tell you a riddle, and you guess who it is.

Treats small children

Heals birds and animals

He looks through his glasses

Good doctor...

Children: Aibolit. (Slide 2)

  1. Relevance

Teacher: Correct. Today our guest is Doctor Aibolit. Look guys, he brought a flower with him. (a flower with petals - “sense organs” is fixed on a magnetic board). This flower is not simple, it is magical. With the help of this flower we will remember what sense organs a person has.

Do you remember why we need sense organs? With the help of our senses, we perceive the world around us, distinguish objects by smell, color, shape, and sounds.

Doctor Aibolit: Guys, you know that health is a great human value. Nature has endowed man with enormous capabilities. But you can use them if a person knows how to properly care for his body. Therefore, today we will talk not only about the human senses, but also about how to properly care for them. Guys, what is another name for taking care of your body, keeping it clean.

Students: personal hygiene (Slide 3)

Doctor Aibolit: Correct. Hygiene is taking care of your body and keeping it clean.

  1. Main part of the lesson

Teacher: Now, let's remember what sense organs a person has. Guess the riddle:

Two windows at night

They close themselves

And with the sunrise

They open on their own. (eyes) (Slide 4)

The teacher turns over the petal of the “Eye - vision” flower on the board.

That's right, the eyes are the organ of vision. Vision helps us perceive the world around us.

Doctor Aibolit: (Slide 5)

Rules of visual hygiene

You need to treat your eyes with care. The eyes can get sick if dirt gets into them, which is a breeding ground for many diseases. Dirt gets into our eyes when we rub them with dirty fingers, when we wipe them with a dirty towel, or when we sleep on a dirty pillow.

  • You must use a clean towel, sleep in a clean bed, and do not rub your eyes with your hands.

Lighting is of great importance for preserving vision. In poor lighting, the eyes strain and get tired very quickly. And if it is very bright, they can get sick.

  • Do not read, draw, or play in poor lighting.
  • Do not be in bright sun without sunglasses.

You need to protect your eyes from dust and sand, and from damage from sharp objects.

  • Protect your eyes from injury and foreign objects.

To keep your eyesight good, you should not watch a lot of TV, you should not sit close to the TV, sit directly in front of the screen, and not to the side. The lights must be turned on while watching TV.

  • Don't overstrain your eyes.

Teacher: Now let's give our eyes a rest.

Gymnastics for the eyes

Teacher: Let's continue. I have another riddle for you. Name the organ of hearing. Together, in unison! This is ... (ear) (Slide 6)

The teacher turns over the “Ear - Hearing” petal.

Teacher: That's right guys, this ear is an organ of hearing. Now please close your eyes. I will play a recording of sounds for you, and you will tell me what you heard and where you visited.

Game "Where are we?" (children close their eyes. The teacher plays MP3 recordings: sounds of the forest, the sound of the sea surf, sounds of the city and asks the children after listening to tell where they were).

Doctor Aibolit: (Slide 7)

You also need to take good care of your ears.

Hearing hygiene rules

  • Never shout in anyone's ear or listen to loud music for a long time.
  • Never pick your ears with sharp objects, as you can damage your eardrum.
  • Wash your ears every day or use hygiene ear sticks.
  • In case of illness, be sure to consult a doctor

Teacher: Guess which sense organ we’ll talk about now.

There is a cliff between two lakes,

There are two caves in it, this is ... (nose) (Slide 8)

Correctly, the nose is the sense organ of smell. The sense of smell is a person’s ability to smell.

The teacher turns over the “Nose-Smell” petal.

Practical tasks:

Determine what is in the glass. (Children are given numbered cups with a perforated lid. Inside there are 1. LEMON 2. GARLIC 3. COFFEE. Students must identify what is in the cups by smell.)

Doctor Aibolit: (Slide 9) Now let's see what rules need to be followed in order to preserve our organ of smell.

Olfactory hygiene rules

  • Do not inhale odorous substances sharply
  • It is necessary to regularly ventilate the room.
  • Dust is especially dangerous to human health, so daily wet cleaning is important.
  1. Teacher: Now let’s rest a little and stretch our body.Physical education minute

Teacher: Well, let's continue our lesson. Guess our next sense organ.

Always in my mouth

But you can't swallow it.

He's always at work

When we talk

And he’s resting

When we are silent. (language) (Slide 10)

The teacher turns over the “Language is taste” petal.

Teacher: That's right, it's a language. It is the organ of taste. Thanks to him, we can understand what we eat. Now let's check how our language works.

Practical task.The teacher asks students to taste sweet (sugar), salty (salt), sour (citric acid or lemon).

Doctor Aibolit: (Slide 11) You guys are great. And now I will tell you about the rules of hygiene of the taste organ.

Hygiene rules for the organ of taste

  • Don't eat too hot food.
  • Follow the regime and diet.
  • Wash your hands before eating.
  • Do not put unfamiliar plants in your mouth.
  • Keep your mouth clean.
  • Follow the rule “When I eat, I am deaf and dumb.”

Teacher: Well, there is only one petal left to turn over on our flower.

I cover my body from above,

I protect and breathe

I sweat out,

I control the temperature. (Skin) (Slide 12)

Teacher: Skin is an organ of touch. The skin protects the human body from various injuries. Substances harmful to the body are removed through the skin. Let's do a little experiment.

Practical tasks:

Tactile perception tasks.

1. “Warm/cold.” Children close their eyes. They are asked to touch water bottles with warm and cold water and determine which is which.

2. “A squirrel/hedgehog ran across my palm.” The teacher runs a soft brush, a glue brush / or bristles across the student’s palm one by one and asks: “Who ran across the palm? Squirrel or hedgehog?

Doctor Aibolit: (Slide 13) You need to take care of your skin: keep it clean!

Hygiene rules for the organ of touch

  • Personal hygiene. Daily water treatments
  • Clothing hygiene. Clothing must be permeable to air and moisture, and most importantly it must be clean.
  • It is necessary to protect the skin from burns, frostbite and other injuries.
  • Do not touch unfamiliar plants; they may be poisonous and cause skin irritation.
  • Don't touch unfamiliar animals on the streets.

5. Summing up

Teacher: Well, now we have remembered all the human senses. (Slide 14) All the petals of our magic flower have opened. And the wonderful Doctor Aibolit told us what rules we must follow in order to preserve our senses. Guys, let's thank him and promise to follow all these rules.

Doctor Aibolit: (Slide 15)

"Wishes to Friends"

I wish you to bloom, grow,

Save money, improve your health.

It's for a long journey -

The most important condition.

Let every day and every hour

He'll get you something new.

May your mind be good,

And the heart will be smart.

I wish you from the bottom of my heart,

Friends, all the best.

And everything is good, friends,

It doesn't come cheap to us!

Rules for visual hygiene: Use a clean towel, sleep in a clean bed, and do not rub your eyes with your hands. Do not read, draw, or play in poor lighting. Do not be in bright sun without sunglasses. Protect your eyes from injury and foreign objects. Don't overstrain your eyes.

The ear is an organ of hearing. Hearing allows us to understand the world around us and navigate it.

Rules of hearing hygiene Never shout in anyone's ear, and don't listen to loud music for a long time. Never pick your ears with sharp objects, you can damage your eardrum. Wash your ears every day or use hygiene ear sticks. In case of illness, be sure to consult a doctor

The nose is an organ of smell. The sense of smell is a person’s ability to sense smells.


Skin is an organ of touch. The skin protects the human body from various injuries.

Hygiene rules for the organ of touch Personal hygiene. Daily water procedures Clothes hygiene. Clothing must be permeable to air and moisture, and most importantly it must be clean. It is necessary to protect the skin from burns, frostbite and other injuries. Do not touch unfamiliar plants; they may be poisonous and cause skin irritation. Don't touch unfamiliar animals on the streets.

About the sense organs

“Wishes to friends” I wish you to bloom, grow, save, and improve your health. It is the most important condition for a long journey. May every day and every hour bring you something new. Let your mind be kind and your heart be smart. I sincerely wish you, Friends, all the best. And everything good, friends, is not cheap for us!

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