Zucchini baby food. How to prepare zucchini puree for first feeding. Zucchini puree with apple

The baby is growing up, and he no longer has enough. In addition, you need to prepare your baby for adult life. Therefore, there was a need to introduce the first products. A proven recipe for the first one is zucchini puree. How to cook it correctly is the topic of this material.

When can you give it to your baby?

If the mother has enough and the child receives the required amount, then complementary foods are introduced from six months. A completely different picture, if not sufficient. In agreement with the pediatrician, new products begin to be introduced into -. It is easy to determine that a child is hungry. Usually, a well-fed baby sleeps peacefully until the next feeding for 3-4 hours.

But if he wakes up after 2-2.5 hours and cries until you give him breastfeeding, this is a sure sign that the baby is not getting enough to eat. With a lack of milk, as a rule, the baby’s weight is underweight in accordance with the norms, and the need to diversify the menu becomes urgent. Artificial has a special schedule for introducing new products.

How to start complementary feeding

Traditionally, complementary feeding starts with zucchini puree. Let's look at why zucchini is used and how it is beneficial for babies.

Did you know? Zucchini appeared in Europe after Columbus discovered America in the XYI century.

  • This vegetable has proven itself to be hypoallergenic.
  • It's low in calories.
  • It contains microelements: iron, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium.
  • C and B vitamins are also present in sufficient quantities for infants.
  • An important property of this product in this situation is its ease on the stomach. It does not cause bloating, which is especially important. Young mothers know what a scourge it is - gases. The child may cry all night long until you give him an enema or induce a bowel movement in some other way.

If you start with sweet fruits, such as apples, then in the future your baby may refuse vegetables. It’s not enough to know how to prepare zucchini for complementary feeding; you also need to properly feed it to your baby. The first dose will be a maximum of 1 teaspoon of prepared puree. The first portion is ¼ teaspoon. Then you can feed 2-3 more servings, but not more than 1 teaspoon of the total volume.

How to make your own zucchini puree

Baby vegetable purees are easy to buy; beautiful jars are sold in any baby food department in all retail chains. They are quite expensive. Synthetic food additives are not used in production. That's what the manufacturers say, anyway. But in order not to guess why the child suddenly developed allergies, gas or diarrhea, it is better to prepare baby zucchini puree at home. The technology is within the power of any mother who has approached the kitchen stove at least several times, and it does not take much time.

Inventory and kitchen appliances

How to cook zucchini for first feeding is a simple science. This requires simple equipment, namely:

Important! Aluminum cookware is not used when cooking vegetables; they darken in it.

  • Small saucepan with enameled, Teflon coating.
  • Blender for chopping vegetables.
  • A sieve for grinding if you don’t have a blender.

The selected container should henceforth be used only for preparing children's dishes.


In order to cook zucchini for the first feeding, you need to choose the right products. The components are very simple:

  • The zucchini is young, 10-12 cm in size.
  • Water, enough to cover the chopped vegetables in the pan.
Zucchini puree for first feeding is usually made from one product. Mom must be sure that it does not cause allergies. If you don’t have your own garden or dacha, you can choose a vegetable at the market or in a grocery store. It’s preferable to go to some grandma’s market. Villagers rarely use mineral fertilizers as fertilizers; they are too expensive for them. And farmed zucchini will contain nitrates in 90% of cases. It must be taken into account that even a young zucchini 10-12 cm long is a huge dose for a child.

Step by step recipe

Now let's get started with the preparation:

  • Wash the selected vegetable well under running water.
  • Cut it open and remove the loose core.
  • Cut the zucchini into small slices and cubes.
  • Place in a prepared, clean saucepan and add water so that it covers the zucchini by a maximum of 1 cm.
  • Place on the fire and bring to a boil over medium heat.
  • After boiling, reduce the heat and cook the vegetables until tender. They cook quickly, 10 minutes maximum.
  • Turn off the fire.
  • Strain the contents of the pan through a sieve or colander. Do not pour out the broth; it can be useful for diluting the puree.
  • If there is no blender, then grind the vegetables through a sieve with a wooden spoon made of stainless steel, but not aluminum. Ideally, silver, if available. Silver kills unwanted germs.
  • Too thick puree is diluted with the broth in which the zucchini was cooked.

Important! Do not wash zucchini before putting it in the refrigerator. This speeds up the spoilage of the vegetable.

Remember that the first portion is no more than a quarter of a teaspoon. After feeding, you need to carefully monitor your baby to understand his body’s reaction to the first feeding. If there are undesirable consequences in the form of gases, then you need to act according to the circumstances. But such cases are rare when using this dish.

  • If your financial situation allows, then it is better to buy a stationary blender with a tall jug as soon as the question of preparing individual dishes for your baby arises. In the future, mom will appreciate it as an indispensable assistant in the kitchen.
  • Leftover puree can be kept in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Heat in a water bath, but under no circumstances in the microwave. There is still no consensus on the benefits of products processed in these household appliances.
  • Do not reheat more than once.
  • Freezing pureed vegetables and fruits is not recommended.
  • Instead of the water in which the vegetables were boiled, you can thin the puree

The introduction of complementary foods always feels like a transition to a new level of development and maturation of the child. Just recently, the little one knew nothing but his mother’s breast, but now he, like an adult, sits in his high chair and tries new food from a spoon. No matter how much grandmothers try to insist that complementary feeding should be started from 3 months, modern WHO recommendations inform that complementary feeding should be introduced no earlier than six months. The best option for the first complementary feeding would not be the one that babies were given 20 years ago, but vegetable purees.

A few words about complementary feeding

Porridge can also be considered as a first complementary food; it depends on the child’s developmental characteristics. Usually, porridges are introduced when a child is born, since they are more nutritious and high in calories. If your little one doesn’t have problems with weight gain, it’s better to start with vegetables.

When your baby breastfeeds on demand, he is guaranteed to get enough nutrients. The purpose of complementary feeding in this case is not to compensate for the lack of vitamins, as was believed some time ago, but to begin to introduce the baby to different tastes and prepare him for eating solid food. This means that mothers do not need to try to feed their baby purees at any cost. Complementary feeding should not replace breast milk; complementary feeding does not replace feeding (unless you are in the process of weaning).

Vegetable feeding: basic rules

  1. You need to start introducing vegetables into your baby’s diet with a one-component puree. First, the baby tries all the vegetables recommended for his age separately, and only then should he be given a puree consisting of several vegetables.
  2. The best option is if the first complementary food consists of zucchini, cauliflower or broccoli. Then you can gradually introduce pumpkin, carrots, kohlrabi, and potatoes.
  3. Usually complementary feeding is introduced according to the standard scheme: start with 1 teaspoon and increase the daily portion to 50 grams, but if the baby refuses, we postpone complementary feeding for a week and try again or change the product.
  4. You should not salt or sweeten vegetable purees for your child. To adults, whose taste preferences have already formed, unsalted vegetable purees seem unimaginably disgusting, but a baby, who still has nothing to compare with, perceives this taste completely differently. It is important for a child to try “pure” tastes of foods.
  5. If you plan to purchase factory-made puree, carefully read the composition. There should be nothing in the jar except vegetables and water.
  6. Vegetable puree can be easily prepared at home. For these purposes, it is better to take vegetables from your own garden or at least grown in your area. Imported vegetables from store shelves do not inspire confidence because they may contain nitrates. By the way, if the introduction of complementary foods occurs during the “off-season”, when there are no fresh vegetables, pre-made frozen preparations will work perfectly.

Video: the most common mistakes in feeding children:

DIY vegetable puree

Preparing vegetable puree for your baby is not at all difficult. A few simple recipes will help mothers navigate cooking technology.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

Zucchini puree

Peel the zucchini from the skin and seeds and cut into rings. We place several rings in the bowl of a double boiler (in the absence of such a device in the kitchen, you can simply cook in water or make a double boiler from a pan of boiling water and a sieve placed on top). The zucchini cooks very quickly - in 7-10 minutes it is ready. Grinding boiled zucchini until smooth is not easy, since this vegetable is very fibrous. To make sure the puree is smooth and airy, you can use a blender and then pass the whole mass through a fine sieve. It is better to cool the puree in the refrigerator - this reduces the risk of bacterial growth in the container with puree, because it is impossible to maintain sterility in a home kitchen. This puree can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 4 days; it needs to be reheated in portions. You can add expressed breast milk and olive oil to the heated portion of complementary foods.

Mashed cabbage, broccoli and potatoes

Boil 1 potato and several broccoli florets (you can steam them). In proportion, there should be less potatoes than broccoli, since the starchy vegetable is difficult to digest by the body. Grind the boiled vegetables with a blender or rub through a sieve, adding a little vegetable broth. After cooling, the puree can be given to the baby. The rule about expressed milk or vegetable oil also applies in this case.

Pumpkin puree

Peel the pumpkin, remove the seeds and cut into small pieces. Place about 200 grams of chopped vegetables on a baking sheet, pour in a little water, cover with foil and bake for 20 minutes. When the pumpkin is ready, grind the pieces in a well-known way, cool, add breast milk or vegetable oil and the puree is ready.

It is better to introduce pumpkin into a child’s diet in the last rows. It is believed that this vegetable can cause allergies. In addition, there is an opinion that pumpkins strengthen the body, so it is necessary to monitor the child’s reaction.

Video: vegetable puree recipe

It usually takes a month or a month and a half to get to know different vegetables. After introducing complementary foods, the consistency and smell of the stool changes - this is completely normal. According to WHO recommendations, simultaneously with the introduction of the first complementary foods, you can start giving your baby something to drink (

Thanks to vegetables, the child receives nutritious carbohydrates, as well as a number of vitamins. The fiber and pectins contained in them help remove harmful elements from the body. When the baby is not gaining weight well, the pediatrician may recommend porridge as the first complementary food, but the option with vegetable puree is suitable for children with digestive problems, especially for those who have constipation.

Why is zucchini considered optimal for first feeding? It is easy to prepare, delicate in taste, and the possibility of allergies from it is minimal, but we will talk about this later. A large amount of nutrients helps make the baby healthier. Sometimes children under one year old develop physiological anemia, and zucchini helps cure it.

Complementary feeding is a very important process in a baby’s life. And the first dishes recommended for feeding small children are vegetable purees, for example from zucchini

It is ideal to start complementary feeding with zucchini, because it has a wonderful effect on the body, thanks to the following beneficial characteristics:

  1. The puree is well accepted by the child’s body, helps improve digestion, preventing constipation, and also protects the baby from possible bloating and colic.
  2. Hypoallergenic product. Allergic reactions are extremely rare.
  3. Zucchini contains a whole range of vitamins and microelements necessary for the full development of the baby. Among others, there are magnesium and phosphorus, iron and potassium, as well as vitamins B and C.

The positive aspects of the vegetable do not end there:

  • ease of preparation: even a novice housewife can handle the recipes;
  • low price for the product in the summer;
  • fresh frozen product can be introduced at any time of the year;
  • It cooks very quickly, which means mom saves a lot of time.

Zucchini has beneficial properties that are necessary for a child, and the vegetable is hypoallergenic, which is important when feeding for the first time.

Rules for introducing complementary foods

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Vegetable purees appear in the diet of infants closer to six months, if the child is breastfed, and after 4 months, if the baby eats formula. Let us recall the basic entry rules:

  • the puree must be one-component, homogenized, without salt and sugar;
  • It is better to give the sample in the morning (at about 11:00) or at lunch (about 14:00);
  • first complementary feeding - then breastfeeding or an adapted formula;
  • the first dose is small - from 0.5 to 1 teaspoon, after a week the dose will gradually increase to 50 grams; as a result, by the age of 7 months the baby should eat up to 100 g, and closer to the age of 150 g per day;
  • if the baby does not want to eat, try feeding the product a week later or offer another vegetable for introduction, after consulting with your pediatrician;
  • You should not conduct taste experiments if it is too hot outside or the child is not feeling well - the attempt is unlikely to be successful.

When introducing complementary foods with zucchini, it is extremely important to know when to stop. If you notice a child has a wonderful appetite and a desire to eat more, you should not do this. How much should you give in the end? Give strictly the prescribed dose, otherwise you may get digestive problems.

Before you start giving your baby complementary foods, consult your pediatrician, he will tell you the correct feeding schedule for your baby (more details in the article:)

Zucchini is a vegetable to which allergies are extremely rare. It is usually offered to children prone to food allergies or its variations, as well as to children already suffering from allergies. Still, one should not forget about caution and be extremely attentive, especially if this is the child’s first meal.

Food diary - taking care of your child

It’s a good idea to keep a food diary where you will record all your baby’s reactions to a new product:

  • bloating;
  • redness or rashes on the skin;
  • restlessness, moodiness;
  • bowel dysfunction or gas formation.

If you notice some of the above signs, you should stop introducing complementary foods and consult your doctor. He will tell you when to start introducing food again. Most likely this will not be earlier than a month. When introducing new purees, it is advisable to choose one-component options, i.e. those in which only one vegetable is present. A mixture of vegetables or fruits will make it difficult to identify the “culprit” of poor health or allergies.

When, having bought a product at the market and subsequently prepared it yourself at home, you notice redness or rashes on the skin, then perhaps you should replace the homemade version with canned purees or use frozen vegetables for cooking. We will talk further about all possible manipulations and methods for preparing zucchini.

Choose only young vegetables for complementary feeding (more details in the article:). But it’s better to buy zucchini from friends or grow it yourself

Contraindications for use

Attention! Zucchini is contraindicated in children with hyperkalemia. With this disease, the kidneys suffer, which cannot cope with the task of removing potassium from the body. Zucchini is also prohibited for children with kidney failure of various origins.

Another possible reaction after eating zucchini is the appearance of flaking on the skin. This reaction is absolutely natural and has nothing to do with allergies. To prevent this, mix the zucchini puree with a small amount of water in which the zucchini was boiled or add a little breast milk. Excessive peeling can be shown to a doctor and you can get qualified advice on this matter.

Product selection and preparation

The most reliable method of preparation is to make your own puree from your own vegetables, grown on your own plot, and then boiled or steamed at home. What if a baby born in the summer has to try his first complementary foods in the winter? You can find a fresh product in stores, but most likely it will be an imported version. It may contain nitrates and other harmful substances.

Zucchini keeps well in the freezer. In the same way, you can save any other vegetables for your baby.

Solutions in this case may be as follows:

  • Freeze fresh vegetables for the winter ahead of time. Buy fresh green young vegetables (you can take greenhouse varieties), their length should not exceed 20 cm. Tender pulp will allow you to easily remove the seeds. When choosing, keep in mind that the surface should be smooth, slightly shiny, without spots or other irregularities. It is advisable to buy from a trusted seller.
  • Jar puree. Any product on the shelves of children's stores is certified. In this case, the most important thing is to read the composition. Ideal composition: zucchini and water. It is advisable to avoid “pear-shaped zucchini” in a number of ingredients. It is an analogy of pumpkin, which means it is not suitable for the very first complementary feeding due to a possible allergic reaction.

It is not recommended to combine zucchini with milk. At least 6 hours should pass between taking these two products. To combine with zucchini, choose meat protein, vegetable fats (olive oil), other vegetables and herbs.

When purchasing zucchini baby food, read the product ingredients. There should be nothing there except the vegetable itself and water

How about a frozen version?

Young summer fruits cannot be stored for a long time, due to the fact that their peel is very thin and there is a lot of water inside. Large zucchini with thick skin fit well, but are less suitable for feeding children. Their structure is coarser, and their nutritional value is reduced compared to young fruits. That is why freezing young vegetables is an ideal option for the winter. You can do it like this:

  1. Wash the vegetables thoroughly and cut the skin as thin as possible.
  2. Remove the top and also the stalk. They can be a place where nitrates live.
  3. There is no need to remove the middle, so just cut the zucchini into small circles. Their thickness should be about 3 cm. Then place them in a freezer bag in one layer.

Advice for young mothers: freeze vegetables for the first complementary foods for the winter in disposable cups. For the first small samples, choose small cups, then slightly larger ones. Place the chopped vegetables in a container and cover with cling film or foil. It is very convenient to store this format. The compact option is also convenient because frozen vegetables can be cooked in a matter of minutes, even faster than fresh ones.

Vitamin C retains its nutritional properties when frozen, but it is still better to resort to the quick freezing option. First, you should set the freezer to the lowest setting, wait about an hour, and then put the cups of vegetables in the freezer. Remaining time in the freezer is 1 hour. After freezing, you can return to your usual temperature levels.

When planning to cook, do not wait for the zucchini to defrost. If you do the opposite, you will end up with only a mushy consistency, but not zucchini at all. To cook, place the frozen vegetable in water and cook for about 5-7 minutes. Once the zucchini is cooked, grind it using a sieve. You can choose any cooking option that suits you: steamed or in a slow cooker. The quality and usefulness of the product will not be affected.

Do not prepare a lot of zucchini puree, as for the first samples of the vegetable you only need a spoonful of the finished product

Preparation options for first feeding

Before cooking, it is important to properly process the product:

  1. Wash the vegetable in cool running water.
  2. When preparing puree for a child of the first year of life, you need to remove the skin and rinse again with water.
  3. Having bought the product in a store or market, you need to soak the vegetables for about 2 hours in cold water with salt. To do this, you first need to cut each fruit in half. These manipulations are done in order to get rid of possible nitrates.

How to cook zucchini for your favorite little one? We will give you some simple and delicious recipes. All of them are simple and accessible.

In a saucepan

  1. You need to cook with filtered or purchased clean water. Boil some water.
  2. Cut the zucchini into cubes and place in boiling water. Boil for about 10 minutes until tender.
  3. The prepared vegetables should be ground in a blender, or even better, then pass the puree through a sieve, so the consistency will become even nicer and more uniform. Add some vegetable broth.

You should not cook for long, 10 minutes is the maximum. Excessively long cooking will lead to the loss of valuable vitamin C. The measured time period is optimal for preserving all the usefulness of the vegetable.

If the baby does not want to eat zucchini, then there is no need to force him. Or maybe vice versa, then the mother needs to know when to stop and not give more than planned

In a slow cooker

  1. Peel the fruit and remove the seeds, then cut into rings.
  2. Place the chopped pieces into the slow cooker.
  3. To start cooking, you need to press the corresponding button on the panel (“Stewing” or “Steaming”). Set the process time to 10 minutes.
  4. The method for chopping zucchini was indicated above or you can use any other option convenient for you.

For a couple

Steaming is possible using a simple pan:

  1. Pour water into the pan, about ¼ of the volume, and place a sieve or colander on top.
  2. Washed, peeled and seeded, the fruits should be placed in a sieve.
  3. Boiling water will provide the steam needed for cooking. Such a simple device ultimately copes with its task no worse than a double boiler.
  4. To make the process go faster, it is better to cover the vegetables with a lid.

Do not resort to salt, the baby absolutely does not need it, and the baby will not yet notice its absence in food. It is better to cool the puree at room temperature. The finished puree can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 4 days. It is better to heat a new portion separately from the total mass.

Zucchini puree for babies is the beginning of a new “adult” life for your little one. A healthy vegetable not only introduces the baby to the food of mom and dad, but also gives a lot of useful nutrients that are so necessary for active growth and development. With its help, you can show the taste beauty of food, but do not overdo it. Do not put pressure on the baby when feeding. Approaching the age of 1 year, your baby will master many more new dishes. Do not forget to listen to the advice of doctors so that the process of accustoming to new things is pleasant and comfortable for the baby.

Artificially fed babies begin to be given vegetable purees for their first complementary feeding from the age of 4-4.5 months. Babies growing on mother's milk are supplemented with their diet when they reach six months. Zucchini is considered the most suitable product for first feeding, as it does not cause an allergic reaction. Thanks to its delicate fiber, the product is easily absorbed by the baby’s body and strengthens the child’s immunity due to the potassium and sodium in its composition.

And preparing any children's dish from this vegetable, using a recipe tested by experienced mothers, will not be difficult. A few of our tips will tell you how to prepare zucchini for your baby’s first feeding, so that his introduction to adult food is successful and brings maximum benefit to the little one.

If you are lucky enough to have a natural product from your own garden, all you have to do is thoroughly wash the beautiful smooth zucchini with cool running water, peel it and wash it again.

Juicy fruits with seeds inside are also suitable, but you need to get rid of the middle.

When purchasing vegetables at the market or in a store, choose medium-sized fresh young fruits without cuts, roughness or rotten spots. Before preparing food for your baby, wash one zucchini well, cut it lengthwise and leave it in cold salted water for a couple of hours. This must be done to get rid of some of the chemical fertilizers that were fed to the plant.

Vegetable complementary foods should be introduced to infants in the form of a puree. We’ll talk further about how to cut zucchini, how to process them further, and how long to cook to get a one-component vegetable puree of the required consistency.

Preparing puree

To prepare a tender mass that your child will not have to chew, you need to soften the zucchini. At home, you can make fluffy and healthy vegetable puree in several ways: boil the zucchini, steam it, or use a slow cooker, and then chop it properly.

Heat treatment of the fetus at home

Recipe 1: Boiled/stewed zucchini

To properly cook a vegetable, first boil some bottled or filtered water in an enamel saucepan. Place the zucchini, cut into small cubes or cubes, into boiling water and cover the saucepan with a lid. You will need enough water to completely cover the vegetable pieces.

The zucchini should be simmered over low heat for no longer than 10 minutes. After this time, pour the broth into another container to make it easier to chop the vegetable and, ultimately, achieve the desired consistency.

Recipe 2: Steam zucchini

Steaming vegetables is much healthier than boiling them. This way you are guaranteed to retain a large proportion of vitamins and other beneficial substances in their composition.

It doesn’t matter whether you use a modern double boiler or a saucepan with bubbling water in it and a metal sieve on top.

Cut the vegetable into rings 0.5 cm thick and place on a sieve. Cover the dish with a lid and do not open it until the zucchini is soft. Remove the pieces from the sieve into a deep container for further grinding.

Recipe 3: Zucchini cooked in a slow cooker

The zucchini, cut into the same rings, should be placed in the bowl of a household appliance or on a steaming rack and the lid of the device should be closed. To prepare a dish for your child in automatic mode, select the “stewing” (“steaming”) program and set the cooking time to 10 minutes. When the process is complete, remove the zucchini pieces to form a soft mass.

Grinding prepared zucchini

After heat treatment, it is necessary to grind the product so that there are no lumps or fibers left from the core of the fruit. Use a blender or mashed potato masher for this purpose, and then rub the resulting mass through a plastic sieve.

Completing the preparation of the baby food

The broth that you drained when you finished cooking the zucchini should be gradually introduced into a dense mass until you achieve the required viscosity. You can vary the recipe by replacing the vegetable broth with breast milk or formula.

The main thing is that the zucchini puree turns out to be similar to thick kefir, then it will not be difficult for the baby to swallow part of it from a teaspoon.

There is no need to add salt to the finished zucchini puree, and, of course, do not try to sweeten it. It’s too early to add butter and cow’s milk to a child’s diet.

Only after a few weeks it will be possible to add a little olive or unrefined sunflower oil. Start introducing complementary foods to your baby with no more than 1 tsp. per day, gradually increasing the daily portion to 100 g after a few weeks.

How to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth?

This modest vegetable has won the respect of nutritionists and pediatricians due to the presence of valuable vitamins and microelements. Zucchini is easily digestible by the human body, does not contain coarse fiber and has dietary properties. This is especially important for infants, because their digestive system is just adapting to solid food. When a baby starts eating solid foods, complementary foods should be easily digestible. And also uh This wonderful vegetable has a calming effect on excitable and capricious babies. That's how interesting he is! Among fruits, pear and apple are considered useful additions to the diet, and among vegetables, zucchini.

Zucchini is ideal for starting vegetable feeding.

What are the benefits of zucchini?

This vegetable is useful for all people with its rich composition of nutrients.

Zucchini is especially valuable for its ability to prevent anemia. And the delicate fiber of zucchini does not irritate the baby’s intestines, and therefore is safe for digestion.

What does this fruit consist of:

  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • folic acid;
  • vitamin C;
  • B vitamins.

Baby's first feeding

Making zucchini puree is so easy, even dad can do it! That's why no need to be lazy and think about buying a finished product in a store. If it's summer or autumn, pamper your little one with a tasty and healthy dish prepared by yourself. You cook with love!

Dad is the best cook in the world!

What to do in winter?

If you have a good freezer, you can freeze the prepared pieces in it. This is a great way out. Frozen fruits and vegetables retain all vitamins and nutrients, so feel free to put the zucchini in the freezer. Moms should know that you cannot defrost food before cooking!

You need to freeze fresh young zucchini after cutting them into pieces.

Why is homemade puree better than store-bought?

The fact is that starch is added to factory-made baby purees as a thickener. Starch in itself is not harmful, but it provokes excess weight gain. And this is completely undesirable for a child!

Kids choose homemade dishes prepared personally by their mother.

How to properly feed your baby?

It is better to start complementary feeding with a small portion: give puree on the tip of a spoon, mixed with breast milk. Gradually increase the portion to two spoons. In a month, vegetable puree should become an independent dish! If you want to supplement the menu with nutritional elements, mix zucchini puree with boiled yolk. Your little one will love a delicious, hearty lunch!

Small steps to big portions.

Just don’t think about adding sugar or salt to the dish and don’t feed this product to your child the next day! It is better to give puree before breast milk, so that the baby eats food more willingly. If he is full, he may simply refuse additional food! Children are also cunning.

Many mothers notice that their babies have... In this case, do not be afraid ahead of time. There can be many natural causes for increased sweating: excessive activity, too warm clothing, excessive crying. If the child is calm and the head remains wet, you should consult a specialist.

Many mothers complain that their newborn baby confuses day and night. This regime is strictly contraindicated for a small person and is very tiring for parents. Read how to enter the correct mode.

What to do if your baby spits out food?

In this case, please be patient. Do not force him to eat, but gradually accustom your child to a new dish. Perhaps you should add more breast milk to the zucchini to get the same taste. Then gradually reduce the amount of milk, replacing it with vegetable mush. Intuition will tell mothers the right path! But on hot days and if the baby is unwell, you should not give a new dish. Mommy should know that this is dangerous and can cause intestinal disorders.

Breast milk is the best base for purees.

If your baby has eaten too much...

It is also important to know that you should not overfeed your baby. It happens that a baby happily eats porridge or drinks fruit juice, and then intestinal upset begins. Be attentive and sensitive! Don’t give in to joyful emotions and don’t admire your baby’s excellent appetite - measure the amount of food carefully.

Dosed portions and stomach upset are not a problem for you.

Reviews. What do young mothers say about feeding zucchini?


“We started feeding him with liquid gruel, the consistency of which was slightly thicker than milk. They gave me a teaspoon at first. Then they increased the portion and density. The baby eats with pleasure!”

“And we started feeding after three months. My son's constipation has stopped! She feels great and eats with gusto!”

“I stew the zucchini in a double boiler, then chop it. To prevent the puree from being thick, I add a little milk.”

may serve as a signal of serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, or may be a reflection of what the mother ate the day before. A professional will tell you when to sound the alarm and when to change a nursing mother’s diet.

Along with zucchini puree, pumpkin puree is also popular. This berry is rich in beta carotene and vitamins, which are necessary for the normal development of the baby. young mothers share.

Healthy zucchini dish recipe

Let's find out how to prepare zucchini puree correctly so that it is tasty and healthy for children. Any mom knows that You need to prepare food for your baby from fresh ingredients. The ideal option would be to pick vegetables from your own garden bed. But not everyone has a garden or a summer house. There is no need to be upset - buy food at the market. Just choose fresh and high-quality fruits.

Full of vitamins and microelements.

Take a young zucchini with a tender skin, rinse it thoroughly under running water and peel off the skin. Then cut the pulp into small pieces, remove the seeds, place in an enamel saucepan and cover with water. Let the water just cover the top of the pieces. Then rub the boiled zucchini through a strainer scalded with boiling water, cool and feed the child.

Remember that vegetables for cooking should be filled with hot water, not cold: otherwise the vitamins will not be preserved! If you do not have a young zucchini, then soak the ripe fruit in water for three to four hours to remove the bitterness and pesticides.

Apple and zucchini puree

Here's another interesting recipe. If your little one is familiar with apples, you can make a delicious lunch of apples and zucchini! Only Take a sweet apple, without sourness. Boil the apple and zucchini separately until tender, then combine and strain through a strainer. Do not add sugar, otherwise you will accustom your baby to sweets prematurely!

It was delicious! I want more!

We got acquainted with a healthy and tasty vegetable that will help your baby grow healthy and strong. When your child gets used to the new product, you can make mixtures of several fruits and vegetables. The main thing is that the baby does not have allergies or intestinal disorders. Carefully monitor your baby’s body’s reaction to new foods. In case of skin rash, remove the product from the menu or replace it with another. Let the baby grow up healthy and happy!

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