What is balyk made from? Description of the process of making pork balyk at home with photos; how to choose a meat delicacy; calorie content and product composition. Beef at home

home Recently I was lucky enough to take a good silver carp while spearfishing, weighing about 7 kg, while driving home I was mentally imagining how tasty it would turn out to be balyk . Then, about a week later, I caught my first, although not a trophy, cupid. I decided to do the same with him as with the silver carp - screw up. Do fish balyk Recently I was lucky enough to take a good silver carp while spearfishing, weighing about 7 kg, while driving home I was mentally imagining how tasty it would turn out to be I will use a new recipe that I spied on from my mother last year. First, let's clarify what it is

- This is the back or fillet of large fish that is salted and then air-dried. This recipe breaks the stereotypes about balyk a little, since not only salt is used for its preparation, but also various spices, and also the type of balyk itself will be slightly different from the usual halves of fish, since we will be making portioned pieces at once. This is done primarily for aesthetics; you must admit, not everyone likes to clean fish, getting elbow-deep in fat. Fish balyk - recipe

: The first thing we need to prepare balyk is, of course, fish, grass carp or black carp will do. I’ve never made balyk from or, if you want to take a risk, go for it. In a word, you need large fatty fish, and the larger the fish, the tastier the balyk will be, don’t believe anyone who says that large catfish, carp or silver carp stink of mud, have loose meat and are not tasty, everything is not like that . How to make a balyk:

fish for balyk must be scaled and gutted, as well as excess films and blood clots removed. Next, using a sharp knife, you need to make an incision on the back along the line of the spine, then carefully continue to cut the fish meat along the spine until the fillet is completely separated. The meat should be cut to the ribs, and they, in turn, should be separated from the spine with a more powerful knife or nippers.

Now we start cutting the balyk into portioned pieces; to do this, take the back and use a sharp knife to cut off pieces of meat 1 - 2 cm thick from the skin. If the fish is very large, then the strip of the back can be cut lengthwise. Be careful not to cut the skin, and do not leave any remaining skin on the pieces of balyk. Cut only with a sharp knife to avoid cutting shapeless and ugly pieces.

We continue to prepare our homemade fish balyk: let's move on to the most basic process, which will affect the final taste of the finished product - salting. Pour the chopped pieces of balyk into a saucepan, add salt to taste, the most important thing here is not to overdo it, otherwise you will not enjoy the taste of juicy tender fresh balyk, but the taste of salt. Don’t worry about diseases that you can catch from fish, our balyk will still undergo heat treatment. Let's return to the salt, estimate the amount of balyk, add a little salt and mix, a handful of salt will be more than enough (everyone's handfuls are different, and so is the amount of fish). Next, we take spices, preferably fish ones, in the absence of which (everyone went to prepare balyk from silver carp), I took meat ones, pour them into the pan and mix thoroughly again. I really like adding khmeli-suneli seasoning to balyk, it gives a very pleasant aroma and taste. Rub the ribs with salt and spices, make rolls and put everything in the same pan. Having mixed everything thoroughly, and once again adding some salt, put the pan in the refrigerator for 2 - 3 days, during which time the fish will be salted and absorb the aroma of the spices. It is advisable to stir the pieces a couple of times while the balyk is in the refrigerator.

After salting, put the pan in the freezer in order to minimize the possibility of contracting some disease. Freezing kills almost 100% of bacteria and should be continued for 2 days. You can do it differently before cooking balyk - freeze the whole fish, or remove the fillet and freeze it, and only then start salting. But it’s more convenient for me.

The last step in preparing balyk is hanging it out to wilt (dry). Defrost the pan and its contents, string the pieces onto a nylon thread so that they do not touch each other. We also hang the ribs to dry. I’ll be honest, I just adore raw balyk – not dried, and I always leave half for myself and hang it out to dry for friends. Drying does not last long, 1 - 2 days. As soon as the balyk is ripe (the consistency suits you), it must be removed, otherwise it will dry out.

Store balykfrom fish It is best to wrap it in polyethylene in the refrigerator so that it does not absorb foreign odors, and for long-term storage it can be frozen.

My balyk is now at the freezing stage, as soon as I hang it up I’ll attach a photo.

Bon Appetit everyone!

Translated from Turkic, balyk means fish. That is why all products that are called balyk mean a fish dish. This dish can be prepared from various commercial fish. These breeds have differences in fat content, which gives the balyk a delicate taste. Previously, when someone said the word balyk, they meant a delicacy, and in our time this word has not lost this meaning. True, now such a delicacy is available to many, and not just to high society who use special stores.

Today, when markets offer a variety of fish breeds, you can make balyk yourself at home. Because this is not a very difficult technology. You can make balyk from asp, silver carp, carp, and pike. The fatter and thicker the balyk, the better it is valued. What would be healthier and tastier for breakfast than a made sandwich with balyk. It's very easy to make. Let's look at preparing balyk from different types of fish.

We take fresh carp weighing more than 7 kg. Clean the fish from scales, open its abdomen, remove the entrails, thoroughly wipe the abdominal cavity, cut off the tail and head. Cut the carp carcass prepared in this way, separating the large bones and spine. Cut the resulting carcass into pieces 6-7 cm thick, wash with water, wipe with salt, place the pieces in a bowl with the skin side down. After this, dry salt it. Place a weight on top of the carp, cover with a lid and place in a cool place. Keep the salted fish for 5 to 7 days.

Soak the carp in water after salting to reduce the amount of salt. After the fish is wet, you need to let the water drain, tie the slices with twine and hang in a cool, well-ventilated place. To make the pieces shiny and smooth, they must be pressed. Three to four days after the start of wilting, put them under pressure, and then hang them up again. After about 10 - 15 days, the carp balyk is ready. Also, to improve the taste of balyk, before rubbing the pieces with salt, sprinkle them with sugar. Sprinkle layers of fish placed in enamel dishes with salt without sugar.

Balyk made from asp

Asp is the fish most suitable for balyk and salting. The best balyk comes from asp weighing 1–3 kg, caught in the autumn. Small specimens are not suitable for balyk.

The asp must be cut (plated). Using a strong and sharp knife, carefully cut the back of the fish along the ridge from head to tail, while working, we try not to damage the belly, otherwise all the fat will drain off.

We cut off one side of the ribs from the spine and unfold them into two halves. Carefully remove the insides so as not to damage the bile. The ridge can be cut out if desired, or left. Then remove the gills, wash the fish to remove blood and sprinkle with salt. We use coarse salt, but not iodized salt. Leave the salted fish in a cool place for 8-12 hours (depending on the weight of the fish).

When salting asp in brine, add spices to it (for example, seasoning for fish), it contains all the necessary components. To determine the concentration of salt in a solution (brine), you need to put raw potatoes in it - it should not sink.

Then we wash the asp to remove excess salt and soak it. Soak fish weighing 3 kg for approximately 60 minutes; 1 kg. -120 minutes. In late autumn, asp can be made more lightly salted; in hot periods, we reduce the soaking time. Next, we hang the fish so that the water drains from it and it should dry out a little. Be sure to tie gauze soaked in vinegar (for flies and wasps). Could be the air flow from the fan.

Place a sprig of dill inside the slightly dried asp; you can also put a cut clove of garlic, it is a good preservative. Then for a day we put the asp in the refrigerator or a cool place, wrapped in parchment or cotton cloth. At night, we put up the spacers and hang them out into the wind. For the day we put it back in the refrigerator. We place dry salted fish in the sun for an hour during the day so that the asp becomes covered in fat. Now balyk can be used as food.

Silver carp balyk

We carefully remove the caught fish without damaging the inside of the gallbladder. We do not remove scales and thorns. Separate the heads and wash. Then cut off the tail and belly. The abdomen must be cut along an arc so that the thickness of the cut along the entire length is approximately the same. Then we cut the fish into fairly thick pieces, approximately the same thickness, at least two centimeters. If the pieces are thin, then they will dry out, and very thick ones will begin to sour in the middle.

Take a container large enough for the fish to fit in 2-3 layers, but not aluminum!!! Stainless steel, ceramic or enamel pan. Mix salt and sugar, observing the indicated proportions (10 tablespoons of salt, 3 tablespoons of sugar per 1 kg of fish, add spices to taste), pour this mixture into an even layer on the bottom. Place pieces of fish tightly next to each other on top, immediately sprinkling them with salt. Place the tail fins and bellies skin side down. Now we tightly cover the top with a wooden circle and put pressure on it. Leave for six days in the refrigerator.

The fish releases juice and brine is formed - this is a strong solution of salt and juice. Taking it out of the refrigerator, rinse the fish under running water and wash off excess salt. Then hang it on a strong cord, in a draft, wrap the fish in gauze, after soaking the gauze in vinegar. After 2-3 days, balyk can be consumed.

The readiness of the balyk can be checked if it is elastic, and when pressing on it, no moisture is released, but only fat remains on the fingers.

Pike balyk recipe

So, let's begin. The pike must be fresh, otherwise it will not be salted. We cut off the head of the pike and gut it. There is no need to remove the scales. We do not wash the fish. Next, we cut it along the spine to the tail, making cuts throughout the body without damaging the skin. The cuts are necessary for the best penetration of salt into the fish. Next, take coarse salt and lightly, evenly sprinkle the fish with salt. If your pike is quite large, then place a small amount of salt in the cuts. Here it is necessary not to overdo it. If there is not enough salt in the pike, the balyk will disappear. If, on the contrary, there is too much salt, it will be extremely salty. Over-salted balyk must be soaked in water. Then we place the fish meat-to-meat and place them with their backs down, in a plastic or enamel bowl. That's all for now. It's worth resting for about twenty minutes.

Then, we hang the cut carcasses with hooks by the tail outside, in a well-ventilated place that is also protected from flies. The fish carcasses should already be a little dry and weathered, remove the dry ones and go to the kitchen. Let others wait their turn. Open the oven and place the fish carcasses unfolded on the wire rack, with the scales facing down. Turn on the gas and close the door. Although we don't close it tightly.

We maintain a centimeter gap by placing something fireproof between the oven and the door. Turn on the hood above the stove. The hood is needed for two reasons. The first reason is that without it, your kitchen will quickly turn into a sauna (it will be hot). The second reason is that there is a possibility that you will choke on saliva from the smell of the balyk that is being cooked. All! All that's left to do is wait. This is about five to nine hours, depending on the size of the carcasses and the heat in the oven. When the meat on the fish carcasses turns yellowish, your balyk is ready!

In fact, balyk is a fish, or rather its carcasses, peeled, salted and dried in the fresh air. But now this traditional name has begun to be used for some types of meat prepared in a similar way.

Pork balyk

Dried balyk can be prepared from almost any type of meat (chicken, veal), fish, but most often it is made from tender young pork. And experts say that this product does not necessarily have to be purchased in a store for a tidy sum; it is quite possible to make it at home yourself.

The first stage is preparing the meat

Having chosen the right cut, you can consider that half the job is already done. The final result will depend on its quality. A good pork balyk is, as a rule, a neck, tenderloin, loin, that is, those parts of the pork carcass on which the animal had less load during its life. It is here that the meat is especially tender and has fewer veins. For good salting and ease of preparation, it is better to select a piece of no more than one or two kilograms.


Before starting the process, the meat should not be washed or stored in the refrigerator; it would be ideal if you purchase it on the same day and immediately begin salting.

  1. Pork balyk will turn out juicy if you choose fattier pieces of tenderloin; those who are watching their figure should pay attention to this and remove fat layers from the meat before cooking.
  2. It is better to cut pieces that are too large (more than a kilogram) lengthwise for convenience.
  3. In a large container, mix salt, a little sugar and seasonings (coriander, a mixture of peppers), coat the meat thoroughly, cover with a clean kitchen napkin, press down with pressure and put in the refrigerator for five days.
  4. Check its condition every day, drain any released juice and turn it over.
  5. Balyk is dried meat, so after the expiration of the prescribed period, it must be hung in any ventilated place, but inaccessible to animals.
  6. Keep it for another five days, treat it with spices to your liking and send it to ripen in the refrigerator. At this stage you can already try it.

Balyk is prepared at home in different ways, each recipe is good in its own way, but there are a number of rules that need to be taken into account.

  • Real balyk cannot be dried in the oven or in any other way to speed up its preparation; it requires mandatory drying.
  • Do not skimp on salt, the meat will not absorb excess amount, and its lack will lead to a deterioration in the taste of the finished product.
  • On the contrary, you should be careful with spices so as not to interrupt the main taste of the meat.
  • Homemade balyk is stored exclusively in the refrigerator, and good aging only benefits it.

Chicken balyk

For this recipe, it’s easier to decide on the choice of meat; a chicken breast cut up and removed from the bone is ideal here. Choose large whole pieces to get a beautiful chicken balyk. Be sure to remove films, veins and layers of fat from them. Dry the cleaned meat thoroughly with a paper napkin, and you can begin the salting process.


  1. Add spices, aromatic seasonings; a mixture of Provençal herbs goes well with the chicken.
  2. Dredge the meat well and place it in a container with a lid, put it in the refrigerator for two days. Be sure to drain and turn the chicken breast over.
  3. After the expiration date, the meat can be washed and hung in a well-ventilated place. To protect the product from insects, wrap it in a thin layer of gauze and leave it for a day.
  4. This balyk can already be eaten, it is soft and tasty. But lovers of dense meat should keep it for up to five days.
  5. Then put it in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator. Use as a separate dish, for side dishes or as a slice in salads.

The benefits of homemade balyk

Properly cooked meat in this form can be stored for up to two weeks, but more often it is eaten much earlier. Balyk, prepared at home, always turns out tasty, and due to the absence of all types of heat treatment, healthy. It retains a lot of biologically active substances needed by the body. But balyk is beneficial only when consumed in small quantities.

This is an energetically powerful product that allows you to quickly restore strength after serious physical exertion.

It helps speed up metabolism, lowers cholesterol and cleanses the blood.

Participates in the formation of muscle tissue and even improves immunity.

Consuming it in large quantities, due to its high salt content, can lead to edema and weight gain.

Now such a dish is considered a real delicacy and is served at the festive table.

Other cooking methods

If you have your own mini-smoker, you can cook delicious meat in it. The sequence of actions here remains the same, obligatory salting and keeping under pressure, after which the meat is dried for at least two days and then smoked. It turns out incredibly aromatic and juicy, and if you want more density, the meat can be kept in the air for a few more days, periodically checking its condition. This excellent appetizer is served with different types of sauces and looks impressive, so both adults and children really like it.

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than for yourself))


The delicacy called balyk is very easy to prepare at home with a minimum amount of ingredients and active work time. This is a great addition to salads, various cereals, and is convenient to take with you as a snack. The delicacy will become a real decoration for a festive or everyday table. Prepare balyk from your favorite type of meat, based on your taste preferences, please yourself and your loved ones.

What is balyk

In cooking, balyk is dried meat from large fish species: sturgeon (beluga, stellate sturgeon), salmon (chum salmon, pink salmon) and so on. The delicacy has a delicate structure, special taste and aroma. To prepare it, you must use fresh pieces of meat, otherwise it may spoil during the drying process. Before sending it to dry, the pieces are covered with salt for a while.

It draws out moisture well and saturates the pulp with flavor. After this procedure, the pulp is rubbed with spices and herbs, if necessary according to the recipe, and sent to dry. It is advisable to do this outdoors and always in the shade, avoiding exposure to sunlight. Using this technology, you can prepare balyk from the pulp of pork, veal and chicken.

Beneficial features

During the process of drying fish, all useful substances are preserved. It is no secret that fish pulp is rich in vitamins and minerals. Below is a list of useful substances contained in fish balyk, calculated per 100 grams of product:


  • A – 0.058 mg;
  • A (Retinol equivalent) – 58 mcg;
  • B1 (Thiamin) – 0.04 mg;
  • B2 (Riboflavin) – 0.1 mg;
  • E (Tocopherol equivalent) – 2.4 mg;
  • RR – 1.7 mg;
  • PP (Niacin equivalent) – 6.6 mg.


  • Sodium – 347 mg;
  • Potassium – 240 mg;
  • Sulfur – 204 mg;
  • Phosphorus – 181 mg;
  • Chlorine – 165 mg;
  • Calcium – 39 mg;
  • Magnesium – 21 mg.


  • Iron – 0.9 mg;
  • Zinc – 0.7 mg;
  • Fluoride – 430 mcg;
  • Chromium – 55 mcg;
  • Nickel – 6 mcg;
  • Molybdenum – 4 mcg.

Other useful substances:

  • Cholesterol – 92 mg;
  • Water – 57.2 g;
  • Ash – 9.9 g;
  • Saturated fatty acids – 2.8 g.

Balyk is a dietary food product; it does not contain a single gram of carbohydrates, only proteins and healthy fats. It is included in the diet of many diets and other weight loss programs. The delicacy replenishes the lack of nutrients in the body and satisfies the feeling of hunger well. It is worth noting that during heat treatment most vitamins are destroyed, while during drying they are preserved.

Balyk recipes

Today there are many recipes for preparing this delicacy. Making balyk from fish at home is not difficult, just like from other types of meat. The main thing is to strictly adhere to the cooking technology and wait for the moment when the pulp is well dried and can be eaten without harm to health. Choose a recipe that suits your taste perfectly.

From fish

  • Time: 8 days.
  • Number of servings: 15 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 86 kcal/100 grams.
  • Purpose: snack.
  • Cuisine: Turkic.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Balyk is prepared mainly from large fish (from 3 kg) of valuable species: trout, sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, catfish, carp, and so on. This recipe uses large silver carp, which is in no way inferior in taste. Chum salmon balyk is also often prepared - this is one of the most common types of fish of the salmon family. According to the recipe, half a kilo of salt is used for 5 kg of fish; you can increase or decrease this amount based on taste preferences.


  • silver carp – 5 kg;
  • salt – 500 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the fish, cut it as follows: cut off the head, tail, carefully remove the dorsal fin so as not to damage the fillet, cut along the back closer to the spine on both sides.
  2. Remove the spine, take out the entrails.
  3. Rinse the fish thoroughly under cold water.
  4. Cut crosswise into pieces 8-10 centimeters in size.
  5. Rub all the pieces with salt, place them in layers in a glass or stainless steel bowl, and sprinkle each layer with salt as well.
  6. Send the silver carp to marinate on the refrigerator shelf for 5 days.
  7. After five days, drain the resulting solution and rinse each piece thoroughly.
  8. Place in a clean bowl, fill with fresh cold water, and soak for 5 hours, changing the water regularly.
  9. Next, hang each piece in the shade in the air or under a fan.
  10. In two or three days the balyk will be ready.
  11. Each piece should be wrapped in cling film and stored on refrigerator shelves.

Beef at home

  • Time: 10 days.
  • Number of servings: 15 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 128 kcal/100 grams.
  • Purpose: snack.
  • Cuisine: Turkic.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Beef balyk is tasty; its structure resembles another delicacy called basturma. Spices give a special taste, in this case it is a mixture of ground black pepper and coriander. It is important to pre-fry the mixture in a dry frying pan, then the pepper will lose its excessive pungency. Even during heat treatment, pepper and coriander will reveal their aroma, and the meat will acquire a more piquant taste.


  • beef tenderloin – 450 g;
  • salt – 100 g;
  • apple cider vinegar – 40 ml;
  • sugar – 20 g;
  • ground black pepper – 20 g;
  • coriander – 20 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the tenderloin under running water, pat dry with a paper towel, wrap in a natural cloth and send to “ripen” on the refrigerator shelf for two days.
  2. After the allotted time, remove the tenderloin and sprinkle it with salt and sugar.
  3. Transfer the meat to a flat dish or plate, place pressure on top and place it on the refrigerator shelf for another day.
  4. After a day, drain the liquid and remove it using dry gauze soaked in apple cider vinegar.
  5. In a dry frying pan, lightly fry ground black pepper and coriander.
  6. Sprinkle the resulting mixture onto the tenderloin, secure the loop, cover with gauze and send to dry in a special dryer or in a well-ventilated area.
  7. After a week, you can serve the balyk to the table.

Pork balyk

  • Time: 8 days.
  • Number of servings: 20 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 240 kcal/100 grams.
  • Purpose: snack.
  • Cuisine: Turkic.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Since pork is a fatty meat, the balyk made from it is high in calories. This recipe uses the neck, this part of the carcass is tender and cures well. Before using, it is better to warm the spicy mixture a little in a dry frying pan so that the spices and herbs reveal their aroma. The recipe specifies a minimum amount of spices, you can vary it to your taste.


  • pork (neck) – 1 kg;
  • salt – 100 g;
  • coriander – 20 g;
  • ground black pepper – 20 g;
  • paprika – 20 g;
  • dried garlic – 20 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the meat and wipe dry.
  2. Roll the pork in salt, transfer to a flat dish and place under pressure on the refrigerator shelf for three days.
  3. Turn the meat regularly to ensure it is evenly salted.
  4. Drain the liquid, pat the pork dry, and rub with spices.
  5. Wrap the neck with gauze or other thin natural material, and tie it several times with thread.
  6. Hang in a warm, well-ventilated place for 5 days.

Homemade pork with garlic and vodka

  • Time: 8 days.
  • Number of servings: 20 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 245 kcal/100 grams.
  • Purpose: snack.
  • Cuisine: Turkic.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Adding vodka while marinating meat gives it a special taste and helps the salt penetrate deeper into the flesh. During the ripening process, the alcohol evaporates, so there is no need to worry about its intoxicating effect. Garlic is also intended to impart a piquant taste and aroma to the meat pulp. You can prepare balyk from meat at home in just 8 days. Using this technology, it is recommended to alternate drying places.


  • pork – 1 kg;
  • vodka – 100 ml;
  • salt – 70 g;
  • coriander – 20 g;
  • mixture of peppercorns – 20 g;
  • paprika – 20 g;
  • ground chili – 20 g;
  • dried garlic – 20 g;
  • bay leaf – 3 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Carefully clean the balyk part of the pork from any membranes.
  2. Rinse the meat under running water and pat dry with a towel to remove excess moisture.
  3. Cut the flesh against the grain into portions.
  4. Roll each piece in a small amount of salt.
  5. Place the meat slices into a glass baking dish of suitable size and fill with vodka.
  6. Cover the top with a flat plate, then put it under pressure and place it on the refrigerator shelf for three days.
  7. Turn the pieces daily to ensure the meat is evenly salted.
  8. Remove the meat, rinse it from excess salt, and pat dry with a towel.
  9. Break the bay leaf into a mortar, add peppercorns, coriander and grind, then add the rest of the spices and mix well.
  10. Rub the salted pork with the spicy mixture, wrap it in cotton cloth, tie it with twine, make a loop and hang it in a room in a dark place.
  11. Periodically hang the meat on the balcony.
  12. Rotate the drying area regularly.
  13. The balyk will be ready in at least five days.

Quick pork balyk with cognac

  • Time: 21 hours.
  • Number of servings: 20 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 144 kcal/100 grams.
  • Purpose: snack.
  • Cuisine: Turkic.
  • Difficulty: easy.

On average, it takes at least a week to prepare meat balyk. Using an oven, this process can be reduced to 21 hours. It is important to cut the meat into thin slices, let it marinate well and dry the pork properly in the oven. The recipe uses tenderloin; it is best suited for this dish. You can experiment with a set of spices to suit your taste.


  • pork tenderloin – 1 kg;
  • salt – 120 g;
  • cognac – 70 ml;
  • sugar – 50 g;
  • ground red pepper – 5 g;
  • paprika – 5 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the tenderloin, cut into pieces against the grain, 2 centimeters wide.
  2. Mix salt and sugar in a separate container.
  3. Sprinkle the slices generously with cognac, rub, then sprinkle with salt.
  4. Cover with a towel or cling film and let sit for at least 15 hours.
  5. Rinse the tenderloin pieces under running water and wipe dry.
  6. Preheat the oven to 80 degrees.
  7. Place the meat slices on a wire rack and let dry for 10 minutes.
  8. Then turn off the heat in the oven and leave it for another hour.
  9. Repeat this procedure 2 more times.
  10. Brush cooled tenderloin pieces with cognac or butter.
  11. Mix paprika with ground red pepper, rub the pork with this mixture and place on the refrigerator shelf for 2 hours so that the pork is soaked in spices.

  • Time: 22 days.
  • Number of servings: 30 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 93 kcal/100 grams.
  • Purpose: snack.
  • Cuisine: Turkic.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Meat balyk made from veal is very tender. This type of meat is very tender, it has little fat, so the product is low in calories. It can be used in a dietary diet. This recipe uses sweet paprika, ground ginger and fresh garlic as spices. If desired, you can add a little thyme, a mixture of Provençal herbs, and hot red pepper to this set.


  • veal – 1.5 kg;
  • salt – 1 kg;
  • paprika – 7 g;
  • ground ginger – 7 g;
  • garlic – 2 cloves.

Cooking method:

  1. Divide the piece of veal into 4 parts.
  2. Place the slices in a deep bowl, cover with salt and put on the refrigerator shelf for five days.
  3. On the sixth day, remove the veal from the refrigerator and rinse thoroughly to remove salt.
  4. Dry the slices with a paper towel and wrap in several layers of gauze.
  5. Place the wrapped meat on a flat plate, place the press and place it on the refrigerator shelf for another five days.
  6. After the specified time, remove the gauze, make a hole in each slice, stretch the twine and form loops.
  7. Hang the veal in a room with good air ventilation, cover with a cotton napkin on top.
  8. On the sixth day, remove the veal, sprinkle with water, grate with chopped garlic and sprinkle with the spicy mixture.
  9. Transfer the slices to a food container and put them on the refrigerator shelf for another week.

  • Time: 22 days.
  • Number of servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 116 kcal/100 grams.
  • Purpose: snack.
  • Cuisine: Turkic.
  • Difficulty: easy.

You can also prepare delicious balyk at home from chicken fillet. The drying process for this recipe takes a lot of time, but the result is worth the wait. The balyk turns out to be very tender, literally melting on the tongue. Fans of spicy snacks can add ground red pepper to the spicy mixture and rub the fillet with it. These products go well together.


  • chicken fillet – 500 g;
  • salt – 500 g;
  • vodka – 50 ml;
  • Provençal herbs – 10 g;
  • ground black pepper – 2 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Separately combine ground black pepper, Provençal herbs and salt, then add vodka and mix well.
  2. Rinse the chicken fillet under running water and wipe dry.
  3. Place half of the spicy mixture on the bottom of a plastic food container, place the fillet on top, and spread the remaining mixture on it.
  4. Wrap the container with cling film and place the meat on the refrigerator shelf for two days.
  5. After a while, remove the fillet, rinse well, and wipe dry with a towel.
  6. Serve the finished dish in thinly sliced ​​slices.

Balyk in a slow cooker

  • Time: 3 hours.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 306 kcal/100 grams.
  • Purpose: snack.
  • Cuisine: Turkic.
  • Difficulty: easy.

With the advent of modern kitchen appliances, preparing many dishes has become much easier. Balyk is no exception, which can be prepared using a slow cooker in just 3 hours. The meat is rich in taste and very aromatic, thanks to a large number of different spices. This dish will be a wonderful appetizer on the holiday table.


  • pork balyk – 1 kg;
  • vegetable oil – 60 ml;
  • dried basil – 40 g;
  • soy sauce – 40 ml;
  • walnuts – 40 g;
  • prunes – 20 g;
  • lemon juice – 10 ml;
  • sugar – 5 g;
  • dried ginger – 5 g;
  • garlic – 1 head;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the pork, dry it, sprinkle with finely chopped garlic.
  2. Separately, mix basil, sugar, salt, ginger, then add oil, soy sauce and lemon juice, stir until smooth.
  3. Place the meat in the marinade and leave for 2 hours.
  4. Soak prunes in hot water.
  5. After some time, spread food foil on the work surface (in several layers), lay out the meat, place prunes on top and sprinkle everything with ground walnuts.
  6. Wrap the meat tightly in foil, transfer it to the multicooker bowl and cook in the “Baking” mode for an hour and a half.
  7. After the beep, check the meat is done. If it is still a little hard, then leave it to cook for literally 15 minutes.

To make your balyk the most delicious, you should strictly adhere to the cooking technology and take the advice of professional chefs:

  1. It is not advisable to dry meat in the hot season, in which case the likelihood that it will go rotten increases. If you still decide to make balyk in the summer, then there should be good air circulation in the room for drying the meat (you can install a fan); the slices themselves must be covered with a cloth so that insects do not land on it.
  2. To ensure that the spices on dry-cured meat stick better, it must be wiped with water or a small amount of vegetable oil.
  3. It is necessary to store dried meat on the shelves of the refrigerator, after wrapping it in cloth or paper. If you use a plastic bag, there is a high chance that the meat will become moldy.
  4. For salting and storage, it is better to use coarse sea salt; it draws out moisture better and prevents meat from rotting.
  5. You can add smoked notes to balyk using liquid smoke; it can be found in many supermarkets.


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The section is very easy to use. Just enter the desired word in the field provided, and we will give you a list of its meanings. I would like to note that our site provides data from various sources - encyclopedic, explanatory, word-formation dictionaries. Here you can also see examples of the use of the word you entered.

The meaning of the word balyk

balyk in the crossword dictionary


Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Dal Vladimir

Recently I was lucky enough to take a good silver carp while spearfishing, weighing about 7 kg, while driving home I was mentally imagining how tasty it would turn out to be

m. Tatarsk. salted and loose sturgeon (and other similar fish) spine strip;

Crimea. large mullet, Mugil Cephalus fish. Balchuk m. fish trade, delivery, market. Balykovina balyk meat, part of it. Balykovy, balychny, related to balyk. Balychnik m. making balyks; who sells them; hunter before them. Balychnya Chernomorsk a light structure on poles, covered with reeds, for singing or drying balyk; kind dried.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov

Recently I was lucky enough to take a good silver carp while spearfishing, weighing about 7 kg, while driving home I was mentally imagining how tasty it would turn out to be

balyka, m. (Turk., Wed. Tat. - fresh fish). Salted and dried backbone of red fish. Sturgeon balyk.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.

Recently I was lucky enough to take a good silver carp while spearfishing, weighing about 7 kg, while driving home I was mentally imagining how tasty it would turn out to be

A (-y), m. Salted and dried backbone part of red fish. Sturgeon 6.

adj. balykovy, -aya, -oe.

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.

Recently I was lucky enough to take a good silver carp while spearfishing, weighing about 7 kg, while driving home I was mentally imagining how tasty it would turn out to be

m. Smoked or dried meat of the backbone of sturgeon and large salmon fish.


see Balyk products.



Balyk(Turk. Recently I was lucky enough to take a good silver carp while spearfishing, weighing about 7 kg, while driving home I was mentally imagining how tasty it would turn out to be- fish) - salted and then air-dried back of large fish of valuable species - sturgeon (beluga, stellate sturgeon, etc.), salmon (chum salmon, pink salmon, etc.).

Balyk has a delicate consistency, pleasant specific taste and smell. The most valued is balyk, obtained from whitefish, nelma and sturgeon, containing up to 22-23% fat. The meat of some fish (toothfish) has a fat content of up to 30%.

In modern Russia, balyk is also called smoked pork pulp along the spine.

Balyk (disambiguation)


  • Balyk is the salted and then air-dried back of large fish of valuable species - sturgeon, salmon.
  • Balyk, Vladimir Antonovich (born 1958) - accordion player, teacher, composer, Honored Artist of Russia.

Examples of the use of the word balyk in literature.

Balalaikin, - this caviar was presented to me by Vyushin for congratulating him on Angel’s Day, and this Recently I was lucky enough to take a good silver carp while spearfishing, weighing about 7 kg, while driving home I was mentally imagining how tasty it would turn out to be sent directly from Kokan by the former rebel khan Nasr-Eddin because I found him a bride.

That's Recently I was lucky enough to take a good silver carp while spearfishing, weighing about 7 kg, while driving home I was mentally imagining how tasty it would turn out to be“,” he said out loud, “in its original form, it swam in the lower reaches of the Don, also, tea, and thought: I’m a hundred, yes we are!”

What should a herring be like, if it is a herring, and what should it be Recently I was lucky enough to take a good silver carp while spearfishing, weighing about 7 kg, while driving home I was mentally imagining how tasty it would turn out to be, if he Recently I was lucky enough to take a good silver carp while spearfishing, weighing about 7 kg, while driving home I was mentally imagining how tasty it would turn out to be.

I stopped thinking like our generals, only they have vodka and Recently I was lucky enough to take a good silver carp while spearfishing, weighing about 7 kg, while driving home I was mentally imagining how tasty it would turn out to be, and I have blood in my mouth, and Igor’s head is still before my eyes.

His eyes are darting around, there are scraps in his mustache balyka stuck, and the drops of vodka glisten like dew.

She stood in front of me, holding a piece of food with two fingers balyka and plucking microscopic pieces from it with her even white teeth.

Herring - with smell, and caviar - yes balyka You can't get it for any money.

It’s strange, however, that for all this trouble he balyk Yes, he thanked me with a jug of water!

Fat balyki served with Smirnov vodka, which Isak ordered at a Nicosia restaurant.

Delicacies were brought to the army headquarters for the generals: wines, balyki, sausages, etc.

And now sharks balyki can often be found on the shelves of fish stores in Europe and America.

Three bottles of Muscat champagne were poured into large, heavy silver-lidded crockpots made of massive crystal, at the bottom of which Boris Mikhailovich alone had a well-known mixture of jams and citrus fruits, and after a hearty snack - buckwheat pancakes with chum salmon, grained and pressed caviar, pancakes with salmon and balyks and many more delicacies - the doctors drank the contents of the glass bottles, topped up the champagne, and again drank the contents of the glass bottles, and, already drunk until they were green, read and listened to poetry.

In the dining room, the table has already been formally set, the tablecloth is shining, decanters of kvass are glowing in the sun with crimson lights, and everything is so wonderful, tasty, bright that they serve with botvinya: green onions, fresh steamed cucumbers, botvinya itself, plates balyka and Belorybitsy, a bowl of crystal-shining ice.

In the summer, be sure to botvinya with sturgeon, white fish and dry grated balyk.

Old Believer Lenten treat for guests: caviar, Recently I was lucky enough to take a good silver carp while spearfishing, weighing about 7 kg, while driving home I was mentally imagining how tasty it would turn out to be, various pickles, nuts, gingerbread, marshmallows, dates and wine berries.

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