Utilization of sports facilities capacity by percentage. Methodology for calculating the load factor of sports facilities


MINISTRY OF SPORTS OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Methodology for calculating actual load and power

sports facilities

Moscow 2012

Actual annual workload of the sports facility

determined by the formula:

FZ = R x H x D x N, where

FZ - actual annual workload of the sports facility,

P – average number of visits to a sports facility per day, The average number of visits to a sports facility per day reflects how many people on average visit a sports facility per day. The initial data are: the visitor log, the number of entrance tickets, the number of registered visitor entries, or any other data that allows you to estimate the desired value. In this case, the number of visitors on any given day is averaged based on annual data. That is, if a visitor log for the year is available, then annual quantity visits is divided by 365. Visitors are understood as citizens involved in physical education and sports. The number of visits does not reflect the number of individuals using the services of a given sports facility, but rather the number of entries, i.e. the same citizen, attending different physical education classes, makes several entries, thereby increasing the number of visits. So the number of visits is not equal to, for example, the number of members sports club

(season ticket holders).

H – average duration of one lesson (visit),

The average duration of one lesson (visit) shows how much time on average one visitor engages in physical education or sports at a given sports facility during one visit. The value is measured in hours. 1 hour (60 minutes)=1. One and a half hours (90 minutes) = 1.5. 45 minutes=0.75. Etc.

The product RxH shows how many man-hours of physical education and sports on average a given sports facility provides. As class time decreases, the number of visits may increase. Conversely, with fewer visits, the duration of classes may increase D – the number of days per week during which the sports facility provides physical education and sports,

N is the number of weeks a year during which the sports facility provides physical education and sports services to the population.

If D=7, and H=52, the product is DxN=364, i.e. shows the continuous operation of the facility throughout the year. However, it is necessary to take into account and reflect periods of repair work, sanitary days, etc., reducing either D, if the phenomena are systemic in nature (for example, a sanitary day once a month means D = 6.75), or N (for example, repairs in within 3 weeks means H=52-3=49)

If a facility hosts diverse activities (classes of varying durations, periodic sporting events outside the class schedule), then it is necessary to take into account the contribution of each type of event to the RF indicator.

At the same time, spectators present at physical education and sports events and not participating in them are not taken into account. Their number is not taken into account in the calculations.

Let's consider a physical education and health complex (FOC), including a gym.

The sports and recreation center operates 7 days a week for 10 hours and organizes group physical education classes with the population.

Group lessons last 90 minutes (1.5 hours).

The schedule of classes in groups is designed in such a way that 3 classes are held on Monday, from Tuesday to Thursday (3 days a week) - 5 classes per day, on Friday, Saturday and Sunday - 4 classes.

In addition, on Friday, Saturday and Sunday the hall is available for 2 hours to play mini-football.

In April, an interschool sports competition is held on the basis of the sports and recreation center for 3 days. At the same time, the FOC does not conduct other classes.

10 teams of schoolchildren of 10 people each take part in the sports competition. Competitions are held on the principle of paired competitions. The average time of each competition is 30 minutes (0.5 hours). Each team meets all opponents (each team has 4 meetings). Those. we can assume that 20 people (2 teams) spend 2 hours on the site (4 meetings of 0.5 hours each).

The sports and recreation center did not work 10 days a year during the holidays.

The sports complex was closed for 3 days due to a water supply failure.

The physical education center was used to meet with voters for 1 day (no classes were held)


1. According to the log book for group classes 600 people come per week.

Average number of visits to a sports facility per day (group classes)

2. According to the log book for mini-football 50 people come a week

3. Interschool Spartakiad. Since this event is not held every week, but once a year, to obtain the “average number of visits per day” for this event, it is necessary to take into account a time period equal to a year.

P3= 100 people: 365 days = 0.27

4. Total: RxCh= P1xCh1+P2 xCh2+P3 xCh2=128.55+14.2+0.54=143.29

Considering that at different stages of calculation the results are rounded, the last event (the sports day) could not be taken into account at all, taking into account its minimal contribution to total figure.

D=7 FOC is open all days of the week.

But total time when FOC did not provide services, is: 3 (Spartakiad) + 10 (holidays) + 3 (accident) + 1 (meeting with voters) = 17 or 2.5 weeks

FZ = R x H x D x N

Federal Law = 143.29x7x49.5 = 49649.985 or 49650 man-hours

Annual capacity of the sports facility

calculated using the following formula:

MS = EPS x RF x RD, where

MS – annual capacity of the sports facility,

EPS – one-time (normative) capacity of a sports facility, calculated in accordance with the Planned Indicators of the number of participants, approved by Order of the State Committee for Physical Fitness of Russia dated 02/04/1998 No. 44,

RF – number of working hours of a sports facility per day,

RD – the number of working days of the sports facility per year.

In this EXAMPLE:

EPS=30 (standard)

RF=10 (regular working hours of the health center per day)

RD = 365-10 (holidays) = 355 (regular operating hours of the sports and recreation center per year)


Having calculated the actual load and annual capacity of the sports facility, you can calculate the actual load factor of the sports facility using the following formula:

short circuit = Federal Law x 100%, where

KZ – load factor of the sports facility,

FZ – actual annual workload of the sports facility,

MC is the annual capacity of the sports facility.

In this EXAMPLE:


Please note that the KZ indicator characterizes not the economic or functional efficiency of the sports facility, but the workload of the sports facility from the point of view of exclusively physical education and sports activities with citizens. In this sense, a low KZ value does not at all mean that the facility is operating ineffectively and is not the basis for conclusions about the advisability of its closure, repurposing or personnel decisions.

When analyzing freely accessible sports facilities that do not have initial data to determine visitors, the values ​​of the corresponding quantities are determined by the organization responsible for the operation of these facilities based on expert assessment.


Let's consider an open planar structure - a platform for outdoor games. The building has no artificial lighting

IN summer season(20 weeks) the site is open 12 hours (daylight hours).

During the winter season (10 weeks), the site is open 6 hours (daylight hours). The ice skating rink is being filled.

The rest of the time various reasons The site is usually empty.

The majority of students gather on weekends.

Average number of visits to a sports facility per day based on expert opinion, it is assumed to be 6 people in the summer and 5 people in the winter.

Average duration of classes – 1 hour

FZ = R x H x D x N

Federal Law = (6x1 + 5x1) x 7 x 52 = 4004 man-hours

MS = EPS x RF x RD,

RF=(12x20 + 6x10):52. We calculate the average operating time per year.



Calculation of standard operating hours for sports facilities

According to the order of Rosstat on approval new form 1-FK No. 562 dated 10/23/2012. As the main types of sports facilities, it is advisable to select facilities for which official statistics data are available and the planned indicators for the number of participants and operating modes of sports facilities approved by the Order have been determined State Committee Russian Federation on physical culture and tourism dated 02/04/1998 No. 44.

Analysis of the planning and calculation indicators recorded in the Order, grouping and comparison of similar objects made it possible to determine the normative daily time functioning of objects accepted for accounting in Form No. 1-FK. The obtained values ​​are shown in the table.

Type of sports facility Operating hours (hours per day)
Stadiums with stands for 1500 seats or more (grass field)
Stadiums with stands for 1500 seats or more (artificial field surface)
Other flat sports facilities
Sport halls
Sports palaces
Indoor sports facilities with artificial ice
Cycling tracks, indoor velodromes
Outdoor swimming pools
Swimming pools, indoor and heated
Ski and biathlon bases (piste)
Biathlon shooting complexes
Open shooting ranges and stands
Closed shooting ranges
Rowing bases and channels
Other sports facilities 7,5
Average operating time 9,1

Table. List of types of sports facilities and their standard operating hours per day.

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