Isaac Newton - biography and scientific discoveries that turned the world upside down. Isaac Newton short biography

Isaac Newton was born December 25, 1642 (or January 4, 1643 according to the Gregorian calendar) in the village of Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire.

Young Isaac, according to contemporaries, was distinguished by a gloomy, withdrawn character. He preferred reading books and making primitive technical toys to boyish pranks and pranks.

When Isaac was 12 years old, he entered the Grantham School. The extraordinary abilities of the future scientist were discovered there.

In 1659, at the urging of his mother, Newton was forced to return home to lead farming. But thanks to the efforts of teachers who were able to see the future genius, he returned to school. In 1661, Newton continued his education at the University of Cambridge.

College education

In April 1664, Newton successfully passed his exams and acquired a higher student level. During his studies, he was actively interested in the works of G. Galileo, N. Copernicus, as well as the atomistic theory of Gassendi.

In the spring of 1663, lectures by I. Barrow began at the new mathematical department. The famous mathematician and prominent scientist later became a close friend of Newton. It was thanks to him that Isaac's interest in mathematics increased.

While in college, Newton came to his main mathematical method– expansion of a function into an infinite series. At the end of the same year, I. Newton received a bachelor's degree.

Notable discoveries

Studying a brief biography of Isaac Newton, you should know that it is he who owns the presentation of the law of universal gravitation. Another major discovery scientist is the theory of motion celestial bodies. Discovered by Newton The 3 laws of mechanics formed the basis of classical mechanics.

Newton made many discoveries in the field of optics and color theory. He developed many physical and mathematical theories. The scientific works of the outstanding scientist largely determined the time and were often incomprehensible to contemporaries.

His hypotheses regarding the oblateness of the Earth's poles, the phenomenon of light polarization and the deflection of light in the gravitational field still surprise scientists today.

In 1668 Newton received his master's degree. A year later he became a doctor of mathematical sciences. After he created the reflector, the forerunner of the telescope, the most important discoveries were made in astronomy.

Social activity

In 1689, as a result of a coup, King James II, with whom Newton had a conflict, was overthrown. After that, the scientist was elected to Parliament from the University of Cambridge, where he sat for about 12 months.

In 1679, Newton met C. Montagu, the future Earl of Halifax. Under Montagu's patronage, Newton was appointed Keeper of the Mint.

last years of life

In 1725, the health of the great scientist began to deteriorate rapidly. He passed away on March 20 (31), 1727, in Kensington. Death came in a dream. Isaac Newton was buried in Westminster Abbey.

Other biography options

  • At the very beginning of his schooling, Newton was considered a very mediocre, perhaps the worst student. The moral trauma forced him to break out into the best when he was beaten by his tall and much stronger classmate.
  • AT last years life, the great scientist wrote a certain book, which, in his opinion, should have become a kind of revelation. Unfortunately, the manuscripts are on fire. Due to the fault of the scientist's beloved dog, which overturned the lamp, the book disappeared in the fire.

Date of birth: January 4, 1643
Date of death: March 31, 1727
Birthplace: Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire, UK

Isaac Newton- known as a physicist and mathematician, as well as Isaac Newton brilliant mechanic. He left his mark on history as the creator of the foundations of physics.

The famous scientist was born in 1643. His father was a wealthy farmer, but he did not have time to see the birth of his son. After the death of her husband, Isaac's mother remarried and did not raise her son.

Newton was a very sickly boy, and his relatives thought that he would die, but everything turned out differently. He was raised by his mother's brother.

Already at school, Newton showed many talents that were noted by teachers. His relatives tried to raise a squatter out of him, but their attempts were unsuccessful. Mother allowed Isaac to finish school under pressure from teachers, and he continued his education at a college in Cambridge.

Even as a student, Newton tried to explain all the phenomena occurring in environment from the scientific point of view. He is fascinated by mathematics, and at the age of 21, Isaac already makes a discovery - he deduces a binomial named after him.

For this discovery, the young man receives a bachelor's degree. In Great Britain in 1665 plague raged. The quarantine in the country lasted two years, and the scientist was forced to go home.

The future scientist was able to return to Cambridge only after the epidemic subsided. After graduating from college, Isaac devoted himself entirely to scientific work. It was during this period that Newton discovered the law of universal gravitation.

Newton is engaged in the study of optics and develops a telescope that allowed sailors to calculate exact time by the position of the stars. This development allowed the inventor to become an honorary member of the Royal Society. The scientist is in correspondence with Leibniz.

In 1677, a fire broke out in Isaac's dwelling, which destroyed some of the works of this scientist. Newton summarized all his research in a book where he outlined the concepts of mechanics. In the same book, he introduced new quantities in physics, and also formulated the laws of mechanics and much more. The scientist also participated in public life kingdoms.

He was elected to the House of Lords, was appointed superintendent of the mint and after a while his manager. In 1703 he was elected President of the Royal Society. Newton is awarded the title of knight.

All his life, Newton actively fought against financial scams and counterfeiters, at the end of his life, he becomes a participant in monetary fraud and loses part of his fortune.

Isaac Newton has no descendants. He worked all the time. But besides this, Newton had an unattractive appearance that repelled women from him. Biographers of the scientist note that in his youth, Isaac was carried away by his peer, Miss Storey, with whom he was friends all his life. The great scientist died in 1727. Buried in Westminster Abbey.

Achievements of Isaac Newton:

Considered the founder of mechanics (a branch of physics)
Opened rings named after him
Founded integral calculus in mathematics
Author of Newton's binomial
Built a reflecting telescope.

Important dates in the biography of Isaac Newton:

1664 - Newton's binomial discovered
1665–1667 -Discovered the law of gravity
1689 - Was elected a parliamentarian
1705 - Received a knighthood

Interesting facts from the life of Isaac Newton:

Newton managed to decompose the rainbow into a seven-color spectrum. The primordial of this spectrum has been missed Orange color and blue. However, Newton then equated the number of colors in a rainbow with the number of notes in one musical scale.
Trying to prove that people see the surrounding objects in the process of light pressure on the retina, the scientist pressed on the bottom of his own eyeball, so that he almost lost it. Thus he was able to prove his theory. The eye remained intact.
Newton never missed a meeting of Parliament
Isaac was an absent-minded person, and once, instead of dipping an egg into boiling water, he threw a watch into it and noticed it only after two minutes.
Newton predicted the coming of Christ in 2060.

The great English physicist Isaac Newton was born on December 25, 1642, on the day of the Christmas holiday, in the village of Woolsthorpe in Lincolnshire. His father died before the birth of the child, his mother gave birth to him prematurely, and the newborn Isaac was amazingly small and frail. Isaac was brought up in his grandmother's house. At the age of 12 he attended public school at Grantham, studied poorly. But on the other hand, he early showed a penchant for mechanics and invention. So, being a boy of 14 years old, he invented a water clock and a kind of scooter. In his youth, Newton loved painting, poetry and even wrote poetry. In 1656, when Newton was 14 years old, his stepfather, the priest Smith, died. Mother returned to Woolstorp and took Isaac to her place to help with business. At the same time, he turned out to be a poor assistant and preferred to do more mathematics than agriculture. His uncle found him one day under a hedge, book in hand, busy making a decision. mathematical problem. Struck by such a serious and active direction, yet so young man, he persuaded Isaac's mother to send him to study further.
On June 5, 1660, when Newton was not yet 18 years old, he was admitted to Trinity College. The University of Cambridge was at that time one of the best in Europe. Newton paid attention to mathematics, not so much for the sake of the science itself, with which he was still little familiar, but because he had heard a lot about astronomy and wanted to check whether it was worth studying this mysterious wisdom? Little is known about Newton's first three years at Cambridge. In 1661, he was a "subsizzar" (subsizzar), as the poor students were called, whose duties included serving the members of the college. Only in 1664 did he become a real student.
In 1665 he received a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree. It is rather difficult to resolve the issue, the first scientific discoveries Newton. We can only state that rather early. In 1669 he received the Lucas chair of mathematics, which had previously been occupied by his teacher Barrow. At this time, Newton was already the author of the binomial and the method of fluxes, investigated the dispersion of light, designed the first mirror telescope, and approached the discovery of the law of gravitation. Newton's teaching load consisted of one hour of lectures per week and four hours of rehearsals. As a teacher, he was not popular and his lectures on optics were poorly attended.
The reflecting telescope constructed in 1671 (the second, improved) served as a pretext for Newton to be elected a member of the Royal Society of London on January 11, 1672. At the same time, he refused membership, citing the lack of Money to pay membership dues. The Council of the Society considered it possible to make an exception and, in view of his scientific merit, exempted him from paying fees.
His fame as a scientist gradually grew. But Newton was no stranger social activities. In the rather difficult political situation of that time, the universities of Oxford and Cambridge played a significant role. For upholding the position of the university's independence from royal power, he was proposed as a candidate and elected to parliament. In 1687, his famous "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy" were published. At the same time, in 1692, an event occurred that so shocked him nervous system that for 2 years with some intervals ϶ᴛᴏᴛ great person showed signs of a clear mental disorder and there were periods when he experienced attacks of real, so-called quiet insanity, or melancholy. As another great scientist of that time, Christian Huygens, testifies (in a letter dated May 22, 1694): “The Scotsman Dr. Colm informed me that the famous geometer Isaac Newton fell into insanity a year and a half ago, partly from excessive labors, partly due to grief caused by him by a fire that destroyed his chemical laboratory and many important manuscripts. Then his friends took him for treatment and, concluding him in a room, forced him to take medicine, willy or not, from which his health improved so much that now he is beginning to understand his book "Beginnings ..". Fortunately, the disease passed without a trace.
Newton was already 50 years old. Despite his great fame and the brilliant success of his book, he lived in very cramped circumstances, and, sometimes, simply needed. In 1695, however, his financial situation changed. Close friend Newton, Charles Montagu achieved one of the highest positions in the state: he was appointed Chancellor of the Exchequer. Through him, Newton received the post of superintendent of the mint, which brought in 400-500 pounds of annual income. Under his leadership, in 2 years, the entire coin of England was re-minted. In 1699 he was appointed director of the mint (12-15 thousand pounds). He left the chair and moved to London permanently. In 1703 Newton was elected president of the Royal Society. In 1704, his second most important book was published. "Optics". In 1705, Queen Anne elevated him to knighthood, he occupied a rich apartment, kept servants, and had a carriage for traveling. On March 20, 1727, at the age of 85, Isaac Newton died and was magnificently buried in Westminster Abbey. In honor of Newton, a medal was stamped with the inscription: "Happy is he who knows the reasons."

Newton's main discoveries

Discovery of the calculus (analysis) of infinitesimals (differential and integral calculus).
A successor to Barrow, his teacher in mathematics, Newton introduces the concepts of fluent and fluxions. Fluent - current, variable value. All fluent have one argument - time. Fluxion is the derivative of the fluent function with respect to time, that is, fluxion is the rate of fluent change. Fluxions are approximately proportional to the increments of fluent, which are formed in equal, very small intervals of time.
A method was given for calculating fluxions (finding derivatives), based on the method of expansion into infinite series. Along the way, many problems were solved: finding the minimum and maximum of a function, determining the curvature and inflection points, calculating the areas closed by curves. Newton also developed the integration technique (by expanding expressions into infinite series).
It can be seen how much Newton possessed the images of continuous motion when creating mathematical analysis. Its uniformly current independent variable is, as a rule, time. Fluents are variables, for example, a path that varies with time. Fluxions are the rates of change of these quantities. Fluents are denoted by the letters x, y …, and fluxes by the same letters with dots above them.
Regardless of Newton, the famous German philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716) came to the discovery of differential and integral calculus. Between them and their followers there was even a trial about the priority of the discovery of analysis. As it turned out later, International commission to resolve the dispute, Newton himself led (secretly) and she recognized his priority. Subsequently, it turned out that the Leibniz school developed a more beautiful version of the analysis, but in Newton's version, the "physicality" of the method is more pronounced and important. In general, both Leibniz and Newton worked independently, but Newton completed the work earlier and Leibniz published it earlier. Now in the analysis, Leibniz's approach is mainly used, including his infinitesimal numbers, the separate existence of which Newton did not consider.
Optical research.
In this area of ​​physics, Newton is credited with great merit. "Optics" is one of his main works.
The main merit was the study of the dispersion (decomposition) of light in a prism and the establishment of a complex composition of light: "Light consists of rays of different refraction." The refractive index depends on the color of the light. Newton conducted the famous experiment with crossed prisms, which showed that the decomposition of white light into the colors of the rainbow is not a property of a glass prism, but a property of light itself. Monochromatic light was isolated. The main thing is that the color of the beam is its original and unchanging property. “Every homogeneous light has its own color, corresponding to the degree of its refraction, and such a color cannot change with reflections and refractions,”
The mirror telescope-reflector created by Newton is a consequence of Newton's conviction in the fundamental irremovability of the chromatic aberration of lenses due to the dispersion of light in them. This Newton, that the dispersion is the same for all substances.
Newton studies the colors of thin films. Comes up with a remarkable arrangement of lenses, which is now known under the name of the installation for obtaining Newtonian rings, both in reflected and transmitted light. He found that the squares of ring diameters increase with arithmetic progression odd or even numbers. Thus, he contributed to the study of the phenomenon of light interference. In the last part of "Optics" Newton describes some diffraction phenomena.
In the field of establishing the nature of light, Newton was a supporter of the corpuscular theory. Actually, he substantiated it, as opposed to the wave theory of Huygens.
Newton began to deal with the problem of gravitation in the same years 1665-66 as he did with optics and mathematics. At first, he interprets the presence of gravitation by the theory of the ether in the Cartesian spirit. The qualitative picture suggested the law of the dependence of the gravitational force on the distance inversely proportional to the square of the latter. From here it was not far to the conclusion that the Moon is kept in its orbit by the action of the earth's gravity, weakened in proportion to the square of the distance. It was possible to calculate the stress of the gravitational field in lunar orbit and compare it with the value of the centripetal acceleration. The first calculations showed discrepancies. But Picard's more accurate measurements of the Earth's radius produced a satisfactory match. The moon, of course, continuously falls to the Earth, simultaneously moving away from it with a uniform tangential motion.
Further, from Kepler's laws, Newton mathematically concludes that the force holding the planets in orbit around the Sun is the force of mutual gravitation, which decreases in proportion to the square of the distance.
The law of gravity remained a hypothesis ( experimental proof received only in the 18th century), but Newton, having repeatedly tested it in astronomy, no longer doubted. Now the law of gravity is represented by a compact formula: F=G m_1 m_2 /(r^2) . This law gave the dynamic basis to all celestial mechanics. For more than 200 years, theoretical physics and astronomy were considered in accordance with this law, until quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity arose. Newton considered it to be derived in a purely inductive way. He himself found action at a distance meaningless, but refused to publicly discuss the nature of gravity. At the conclusion of "Beginnings ..." Newton makes the following statement: "moving bodies do not experience resistance from the omnipresent God", i.e. God is the mediator of action at a distance. "The cause ... of these properties of the force of gravity, I still could not deduce from the phenomena, but I do not invent hypotheses."
"Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy"
The pinnacle of Newton's scientific work was precisely ϶ᴛᴏᴛ work, after the publication of which he largely departed from scientific papers. The greatness of the author's intention, which subjected the system of the world to mathematical analysis, the depth and rigor of presentation struck contemporaries /2/.
In Newton's preface (there is also a preface by Kots, his student), the program mechanical physics: “We offer this essay as the mathematical foundations of physics. The whole difficulty of physics, as will be seen, consists in recognizing the forces of nature from the phenomena of motion, and then using these forces to explain the rest of the phenomena (for example, in the 1st and 2nd books on the observed phenomena, the law of action of the central forces is derived, and in the third, the found law is applied to the description of the system of the world). It would be desirable to derive from the principles of mechanics the rest of the phenomena of nature, arguing in a similar way, for many things lead me to suppose that all ϶ᴛᴎ phenomena are determined by certain forces with which the particles of bodies, due to reasons as yet unknown, or tend to each other and interlock in correct figures, or mutually repulse and move away from each other.
"Beginnings ..." begins with the "Definitions" section, where the definitions of the amount of matter, inertial mass, centripetal force and some others are given. The ϶ᴛᴏᴛ section ends with the “Instruction”, where the definition of space, time, place, movement is given. Next comes the section of the axioms of motion, where the famous 3 laws of Newton's mechanics, the laws of motion and the immediate consequences of them are given. Therefore, we observe a certain imitation of Euclid's "Principles ...".
Further, "Beginnings ..." fall into 3 books. The first book is devoted to the theory of gravitation and motion in the field of central forces, the second - to the doctrine of the resistance of the medium. In the third book, Newton outlined the established laws of motion of the planets, the Moon, the satellites of Jupiter and Saturn, gave a dynamic interpretation of the laws, outlined the "method of fluxes", showed that the force that attracts a stone to the Earth does not differ in nature from the force that keeps the Moon in orbit , and the weakening of attraction is associated only with an increase in distance.
Thanks to Newton, the universe began to be perceived as a well-oiled clockwork. The regularity and simplicity of the basic principles that explained all the observed phenomena were regarded by Newton as proof of the existence of God: “Such an elegant combination of the Sun, planets and comets could not have happened except by the intention and in the power of a wise and powerful being. This one governs everything not as the soul of the world, but as the ruler of the universe, and according to his dominance, the Lord God Almighty should be called.
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4. N. Copernicus On the rotations of the celestial spheres. - M.: Nauka, 1964.
5. Dynnik M.A. The worldview of Giordano Bruno. - M., 1949.
2. Spassky B.I. History of physics in "t. - M .: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1963.
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6. Philosophical encyclopedic Dictionary. - M .: " Soviet Encyclopedia", 1983.
7. Zubov V.P. Aristotle. - M., 1963.
1. Plutarch. Comparative biographies. T.1. - M.: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1961. 2. Diels G. Antique technology. - M.-L.: "OPTI", 1934.
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On the statue of Sir Isaac Newton(1643-1727), erected at Trinity College, Cambridge, the inscription "In his mind he surpassed the human race" is carved.

Today's publication contains a brief biographical information about life path and scientific achievements of the great scientist. We will find out when and where Isaac Newton lived, in which one he was born, and also some Interesting Facts about him.

Brief biography of Isaac Newton

Where was Isaac Newton born? Great English, mechanic, astronomer and physicist, creator of classical mechanics, president of the Royal London was born in the village of Woolsthorpe in Lincolnshire at death.

Date of birth of Isaac Newton may have a twofold designation: according to the one in force in England at the time of the scientist’s birth, - December 25, 1642, by , whose action in England began in 1752, - January 4, 1643.

The boy was born prematurely and very painful, but he lived for 84 years and accomplished so much in science that would be enough for a dozen lives.

As a child, Newton, according to contemporaries, was withdrawn, loved to read and constantly made technical toys:, etc.

After graduating, in 1661 he entered Trinity College, Cambridge University. Even then, a strong and courageous Newton was formed - the desire to get to the bottom of everything, intolerance to deceit and oppression, indifference to noisy glory.

In college, he immersed himself in the work of his predecessors - Galileo, Descartes, Kepler, as well as the mathematicians Fermat and Huygens.

In 1664, a plague broke out in Cambridge, and Newton had to return to his native village. He spent two years at Woolsthorpe, during which time his major mathematical discoveries were made.

At the age of 23, the young scientist was already fluent in the methods of differential and integral calculus. Then, as he himself claimed, Newton discovered universal gravitation and proved that white sunlight is a mixture of many colors, and also derived the famous Newton's binomial formula.

No wonder they say that the greatest scientific discoveries are made most often by very young people. This happened to Isaac Newton, but all these epoch-making scientific achievements were published only after twenty, and some even after forty years. The desire not only to discover, but also to prove in detail the truth always remained the main thing for Newton.

The works of the great scientist opened up a completely new picture of the world to his contemporaries. It turned out that celestial bodies located at great distances are interconnected by gravitational forces into a single system.

In the course of his research, Newton determined the mass and density of the planets and found that the planets closest to the Sun are the most dense.

He also proved that it is not an ideal ball: it is “flattened” at and “swollen” at the equator, and are explained by the action of gravity and the Sun.

Scientific research and discoveries of Isaac Newton

In order to list all the scientific achievements of Isaac Newton, more than a dozen pages are needed.

He created the corpuscular theory, assuming that light is a stream smallest particles, discovered the dispersion of light, interference and diffraction.

He built the first one - the prototype of those giant telescopes that are installed today in the largest observatories in the world.

He discovered the fundamental law of universal gravitation and the main laws of classical mechanics, developed the theory of celestial bodies, and his three-volume work "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy" brought the scientist worldwide fame.

Among other things, Newton turned out to be a remarkable economist - when he was appointed director of the British court, he short time put in order the money circulation in the country and launched the issue of a new coin.

The works of the scientist often remained misunderstood by his contemporaries, he was subjected to fierce criticism from colleagues - mathematicians and astronomers, however, in 1705, Queen Anna of Great Britain elevated the son of a simple farmer to a knighthood. For the first time in history, the title of knight was awarded for scientific merit.

The Legend of the Apple and Newton

The story of the discovery of the law of universal gravitation - when Newton's thoughts were interrupted by the fall of a ripe apple, from which the scientist concluded that mutual attraction bodies with different masses, and then mathematically described this dependence with the famous formula - just a legend.

However, the British for a whole century showed visitors the “same” apple tree, and when the tree grew old, it was cut down and made into a bench, which is preserved as a historical monument.

Greetings to regular readers and site visitors! In the article "Isaac Newton: biography, facts, video" - about life English mathematics, physicist, alchemist and historian. Along with Galileo, Newton is considered the founder of modern science.

Biography of Isaac Newton

Isaac was born into a farmer's family on 01/04/1643. A few months before his birth, his father died. Mother, trying to arrange a personal life, moved to another town, leaving little son with my grandmother in the village of Woolsthorpe.

The absence of parents will affect the character of the little genius: he will become silent and withdrawn. All his life he felt lonely, never married and had no family of his own.

After studying at primary school, the young man continued his studies at the school in the city of Grantham. He lived in the house of the pharmacist Clark, here the guy developed an interest in chemistry.

At 19, he entered Trinity College, Cambridge University. The talented student was very poor, so he had to work as a servant in the college to pay for his education. Newton's teacher was the famous mathematician Isaac Barrow.


After graduating from the university, Isaac Newton received a bachelor's degree in 1665. But in the same year, an epidemic of plague struck England and Isaac had to return to his native village of Woolsthorpe.

Woolsthorpe. The house where Newton was born and lived

The young man was in no hurry to engage in village farming, and quickly received the label of a lazy person from his neighbors. It was not clear to people why an adult young man should throw pebbles and turn glass in his hands.

It was during this period that his ideas of the largest discoveries in mathematics and physics were born, which led him to the creation of differential and integral calculus, to the invention of a mirror telescope, the discovery of the law of universal gravitation, and here he also conducted experiments on the decomposition of light.


He returned to Cambridge only two years later, and not empty-handed. Soon the young man receives a master's degree and begins teaching at the college. And a year later, Professor of Mathematics Newton will head the Physics and Mathematics Department.

The brilliant scientist continues his experiments in optics. In 1671, he designed the first mirror telescope, which impressed not only scientists, but also the king. This opened the way for a physicist to the English Academy of Sciences.

Newton worked at the university and worked on the study of the laws of motion and the structure of the universe. "The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy" (briefly "Principles") is the main work of his life.

"Beginnings" combined different sciences. Fundamentals of mechanics in the classical form. Theoretical view on the motion of celestial bodies. An explanation of the ebb and flow and a scientific forecast for several centuries to come.

Newton was an ambitious scientist. A real dispute arose between him and the Saxon scientist about the right of a discoverer in the field of differential and integral calculus. The controversy dragged on for many years. Newton was not shy about insulting his colleague.


When the scientist was appointed caretaker of the state mint, he moved to London.

The coin business, under his leadership, was put in order. He was awarded the prestigious title of master. This forever put an end to the cramped financial situation of the scientist, however, alienated him from science.

Newton was elected a member of the Royal Society of London, which he headed in 1703, becoming its president. He served in this position for a quarter of a century.

Sir Newton

In 1705 another memorable event took place. Queen Anne knighted Newton. Now the honorary scientist had to be called "Sir".

So, the boy, on whose fate it was written to be a farmer, not with the most excellent health, became a great scientist, recognized quite early, and lived for 83 years. The great scientist is buried in Westminster Abbey. His zodiac sign is Capricorn.
Isaac Newton: short biography

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