Interesting Aquarius Facts You May Not Know All about Aquarius: interesting facts and features of the zodiac sign 10 unusual facts about the zodiac sign Aquarius

This zodiac sign has the highest unpredictability of the entire circle. Those born under the constellation Aquarius are often endowed with many different qualities that contradict each other.

In this article, I will tell you about the most entertaining facts about Aquarius, with the help of which you can better understand people born under this sign.


1) Aquarians are very sensitive to criticism in relation to them. Of course, any of us is unpleasant if we are made a suggestion or point out mistakes. However, it is Aquarians who make criticism a problem of a universal scale and react very emotionally to it because of their extraordinary vulnerability.

Aquarians are characterized by conservatism. The popular belief is that they really hate any kind of change. However, in reality, the cherished dream of Aquarius is some kind of stability. But the stars seem to mock them, throwing up life changes all the time.

2) In the end, Aquarius gets used to various surprises, and the attitude towards everything becomes philosophical. However, in some details they often embody their dreams of some kind of stability: they choose their favorite restaurant, a movie, or something else.

3) Responsibility scares them. Aquarians are not always confident in their abilities, only sometimes they are overtaken by joy from great ideas or resolved situations. Aquarians are great at inspiring other people for ideas, because they look at everything outside the box, although sometimes their proposals seem crazy, but in the end, the enterprise ends with success. However, the ever-doubting Aquarius will do everything not to be responsible for his own idea.

4) They become very attached to others. Aquarians have several people who are special to them, parting with whom is tantamount to death for them. In order to maintain a relationship, Aquarius will fulfill any conditions. However, it should be remembered that if they realize that they are being used, Aquarians will interrupt communication, even if it is incredibly difficult for them.

5) They are psychologically unstable. Most Aquarius understand this perfectly, and therefore, while still being adolescents, they begin to educate the mind and strengthen the nervous system so that there are no sad consequences. But, as sad as it may sound, not everyone achieves a positive result: patients in psychiatric clinics are most often Aquarians.

6) They are characterized by loyalty to a love partner. While Aquarians love tokens from people of the opposite sex, they almost never go left. Aquarians need to flirt just like breathe, but they will not hurt their chosen one.

7) Aquarians are creative people. The overwhelming majority of representatives of this sign try to connect their profession with creativity: they become artists, writers, actors, etc. However, if their chosen work is routine, Aquarians find application for their talents in any area.

8) They are very sensitive to the mood of others. Most of the Aquarius feel at the physical level and at the level of the sixth sense the mood of their relatives and friends, to the extent that after a long communication with them, calls from the Aquarius late at night when they ask: "Have you got blood pressure again?" ...

9) They may not separate dreams and real life. This is because in the dreams of Aquarius there are not only memorable visual images, but also sensations, aromas, sounds.

10) They are not vindictive. Aquarians almost instantly forget about unpleasant situations, and therefore do not take revenge. They simply stop communicating with their offenders and, smiling, watch how fate itself takes revenge on the one who offended them.

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Compatibility horoscope: 10 unusual facts about the zodiac sign Aquarius - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Aquarius is perhaps the most unpredictable zodiac sign of all. People-Aquarius are credited with a lot of features and properties, but they often contradict each other. 10 true and unusual facts about Aquarius will help you better understand them and provide answers to some important questions related to this Zodiac Sign.

Fact one: Aquarians are afraid of criticism. None of us is pleased when we are scolded or reprimanded. But if balanced Capricorns or Lions, independent of others' opinions, accept criticism calmly and either do not pay attention, or correct mistakes and calmly move on, then extremely vulnerable Aquarius will perceive swearing as a tragedy and are unlikely to be able to restrain their emotions.

Fact two: Aquarians are often conservative. It is generally accepted that no one loves change more than Aquarius. But in fact, representatives of this Sign often fervently dream of at least some kind of stability. The stars give Aquarius born in the air a very controversial gift: constant life changes. After some time, Aquarius people get used to constant surprises and surprises, and begin to treat everything in life philosophically. But at the same time, in small things, they often try to make dreams of stability come true, choosing one or two favorite cafes, the most favorite book, film or music group.

Fact three: Aquarians are afraid of responsibility. The constant lack of self-confidence pursues Aquarius all their lives, interspersed with bursts of euphoria from successful decisions and ideas. Aquarians are great ideological inspirers. They have a non-standard view of things and can offer a solution that seems insane, but in fact gives a great result. But at the same time, Aquarius, constantly immersed in doubts, will do everything possible not to take responsibility for what was proposed to him.

Fact four: Aquarians are extremely affectionate towards people. Outwardly, easily parting with people and places, Aquarius have deep in their souls one or two completely special people for them, to lose whom for any Aquarius is like death. For the sake of reconciliation with such a person, the freedom-loving Aquarius will make any concessions and restrictions. But you should never use this attachment of Aquarius for your own purposes: if the representative of this Sign realizes that he is being exploited, he will instantly break any connection, no matter how hard it is for him.

Fact five: Aquarians have an unstable psyche. And most of them are well aware of this, consciously, from adolescence, educating their minds and strengthening the nervous system in order to avoid sad consequences. Unfortunately, not everyone achieves a positive result: the overwhelming number of patients of psychologists and psychiatrists is Aquarius.

Fact six: Aquarians are faithful to their other half. Despite the love of Aquarius for the attention of the opposite sex, representatives of this sign are practically incapable of treason. Flirting for Aquarius is like the air he breathes, but at the same time, the craving for stability and the depth of Aquarius's affection will not allow him to hurt his loved one.

Fact seven: Creativity is an integral part of the life of Aquarius. Most people born under the sign of Aquarius choose creative professions: most of the writers, musicians, artists and actors came from representatives of this Sign. But even if the work that Aquarius is engaged in is a continuous routine, then he will find room for creativity in any area.

Fact eight: Aquarians sense the mood of other people. Longtime friends of some Aquarius, after a few years of communication, cease to be surprised by calls in the middle of the night with questions like this: "Have you got your heart again?" Most Aquarius can physically feel the mood of people close to them, as well as intuitively understand that someone is in trouble.

Fact nine: Aquarians often don't quite separate dreams and reality. The reason is that representatives of this Sign often have extremely realistic dreams: they contain not only a vivid visual image, but also sounds, smells and even sensations.

Fact ten: Aquarians are not vindictive. It is generally accepted that Aquarians invent terrible revenge on their offenders. This is completely wrong: Aquarians do not take revenge at all. Representatives of this Sign have a pleasant feature to quickly forget all the bad things. With the person who offended them, they simply stop all communication, but they will never stoop to revenge. However, this will not prevent them from watching with a calm smile how life takes revenge on their offenders.

Now people of the most mysterious Zodiac Sign will be more understandable to you. Aquarians, like other Signs, need warmth, support and harmony in life. We wish you to always understand your loved ones, remember that all people are unique, and do not forget to press the buttons and

Aquarius zodiac sign

Consider what features the Aquarius zodiac sign has and how it relates to other signs. Aquarius sign motto: "I hope!"

Important facts about the zodiac sign Aquarius

11th zodiac sign

3rd air sign

4th permanent sign

The ruling planet is Uranus.

Astrological symbols - Aquarius, silver hands, wings, flight of birds, youth, zigzags, sage.

Lucky numbers: 2, 4, 9, 11, 13 and all numbers divisible by 4.

Auspicious days: Wednesday, Saturday.

Bad day: Sunday.

Flowers: asters, gladioli, myrtle.

Typical appearance: medium to above average height, well-built figure, inclined to be overweight, elongated face, brown eyes, blond hair.

Influenced by Venus. Born during this period - natures are shy, delicate, soft, with a refined taste.

Aquarius important years: 12, 22, 32, 42, 52.

Influenced by Mercury. Those born during this period are gentle, a little vain, highly moral, with a sense of humor.

Important years: 10, 20, 42, 60.

Influenced by the Moon. People born during this period are modest, sensitive, truthful, adamant.

Important years: 16, 24, 32, 42, 56, 64.

Zodiac sign Aquarius is a born humorist, and he knows how to joke without offending anyone around. He has high intelligence, great abilities. He is very well versed in human nature, patient, persistent, but not endowed with sufficient willpower and gives up in difficult moments.

The nature of Aquarius is contradictory: at times he is too positive, at times - too weak and negative. But at the same time, Aquarius is always original. If he does not feel in the center of everyone's attention, he withdraws into himself, painfully experiencing what happened.

He is constantly in a state of confusion and indecision. To make a decision on his own is a real torture for Aquarius, so he always tries to shift responsibility onto the shoulders of others. He is often criticized for being unpredictable.

Aquarius does not like loneliness, rarely enters into close relationships with anyone, but never shows disdain to anyone. He is very responsive, which others can shamelessly take advantage of. Aquarius is balanced and not touchy.

A complete mess is going on in the wardrobe of a girl born under the sign of Aquarius: the combination of styles, colors, details is absolutely unthinkable. She favors airy fabrics and a flowy cut that allows easy movement. She uses a lot of all kinds of jewelry as jewelry: pendants, bracelets, beads.

Aquarius loves to do public affairs, do things with their own hands, read books. Interests and hobbies are varied: photography, painting, modeling.

Aquarius compatibility with other zodiac signs

See the relationship between the signs: Aries - Aquarius.

See the relationship between the signs: Taurus - Aquarius.

See the relationship between the signs: Gemini - Aquarius.

See the relationship between the signs: Cancer - Aquarius.

See the relationship between the signs: Leo - Aquarius.

See the relationship between the signs: Virgo - Aquarius.

See the relationship between the signs: Libra - Aquarius.

See the relationship between the signs: Scorpio - Aquarius.

See the relationship between the signs: Sagittarius - Aquarius.

See the relationship between the signs: Capricorn - Aquarius.

Friendship and cooperation will not benefit either one or the other. The only thing that is valuable is that there will be no conflicts between them. A romantic relationship between them is possible. Although they have a strong attraction to each other, quarrels are inevitable. To avoid this, they need to become more tolerant.

There are many things that these signs of the zodiac have in common. Aquarius and Pisces can be good friends or mutually beneficial partners. A love union is rarely lasting and lasting: the coldness of Aquarius's nature interferes.

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Zodiac sign: Aquarius

The character traits that Aquarius inherited from Saturn are soft and light, this.

Humanity. Aquarians will always come to your aid, they will not leave anyone in trouble, but this feeling should not be abused, because if the representatives of this sign notice this, then you will not wait for more help from them.

Aquarius is quite patient, but his patience may also end. He is not irritable and modest, as long as everything suits him, but a moment comes, and the volcano begins to act in full force.

These people are quite impudent, but not in terms of rudeness, but in terms of action, they can get involved in the most unpromising business and eventually bring it to the best possible conclusion.

This is also possible because of the restlessness and activity of Aquarius, he is constantly in search, in motion, strives to improve himself. And, perhaps, not only himself, he will certainly make an ideal out of you, not in his own eyes, but the real one.

The inventiveness of Aquarius helps them reach quite great heights in life. Even the most boring thing in their eyes becomes an interesting game.

And plus to everything, Aquarians are also very humorous, they treat the hardships of life with irony, In addition, humor helps them in communication, Aquarians can present the most unpleasant fact in such a way that everyone will only smile, even if the solution to the problem is difficult and long.

Aquarius himself will not make special efforts to seduction, since it is in his blood. He only uses the fruits of nature, gathering crowds around him who want to get into the circle of his close people.

And yet, love for Aquarius is a way of self-expression, he will try to show his best side to you, and he has quite a lot of such sides, and he uses all of them to achieve his goal.

The Aquarius woman is just as sociable, but she will not gather ordinary men around her, she is more picky than a man. Only the best will get into her environment, and it is from among them that a woman will choose the one that will fill her life without a trace.

An Aquarius woman in love becomes gentle and affectionate, she may make some concessions, but do not expect her to change, rather, you will have to do this. Even being at the height of happiness, this woman still considers herself perfect.

In a woman, the features of Saturn are more reflected, she is softer, more romantic and sometimes even melancholy, but this feeling arises in her if you have ceased to satisfy her. True, this is not always the case. You should not keep her to yourself if she is disappointed in you. You risk waking up the volcano, and the only one who suffers from this will not be her.

Not all people will fall into the category of possible candidates for the position of a lover; compatibility plays an important role in their relationship. Aquarians believe that all signs are not too worthy of them, but some can still prove the opposite.

With Libra, full understanding, this is also an air sign, and he knows Aquarius from the inside. This helps them not only to perceive each other, but to fully comply. The two of them are capable of a lot. Aquarius will give Libra confidence, having received support in everything in return.

Sometimes it seems that Aquarius does not even like to talk about sex, but all this is just a game. Aquarius is a pretty sexy sign. He will open before you only if you have completely captured his thoughts and actions. Otherwise, you will get only crumbs from the master's table.

In her understanding, everything should depend on the man, if he is not able to touch her secret strings, then he is unworthy to be around. The Aquarius woman does not show passion too often, she cares more about the depth of feelings than about surface fire, which burns in an instant and does not bring complete comfort and satisfaction. Not many men understand her desires and rarely give real pleasure.

Aquarius women are very sensitive to sex, so they try not to let themselves get carried away too early. This plays a positive role, as in the end their restraint will be appreciated and accepted by men. Aquarius has a passion for learning, in sex it manifests itself no less, so that with just a few experiences, the Aquarius woman will conquer her partner by appearing in front of him as a completely experienced lady.

Many Aquarius women can afford to get married with absolutely no life experience, but this will only push them to action.

Marriage for Aquarius is always a pretty serious matter. They don't allow themselves to relate to him directly. Having concluded an alliance once, Aquarians will never again dissolve it. Only the most extreme circumstances can push them to take such a step.

In marriage, the Aquarius woman shows almost the same feelings, however, she is a little more tender and does not allow herself to leave, as she considers this to be a simple weakness, but she has periods when the world becomes alien. The Aquarius woman withdraws into herself, and she is no longer interested in anything. The house can be complete chaos, and she will not pay attention to it. But some time passes, and everything falls into place. Life begins to revolve around her at double speed. This is the Aquarius woman received from her ruling planet.

10 facts about Aquarius: a brief description of the sign

1. Aquarians are great visionaries and down-to-earth dreamers who want to reverse traditional values ​​and challenge established facts.

2. Innovative Aquarius include, for example, Charles Darwin, Thomas Edison, and Galileo Galilei. Each of them has done enough to make a global revolution in science.

3. Aquarius will not judge people by their first impression. He will be frank with you, but you will not get instructions, notations and unnecessary advice from him. Aquarius knows that everyone is entitled to their own ideals and desires.

4. Aquarius, figuratively speaking, lives in the sky (its element is air), sits on a rainbow and sends streams of its innovative and breakthrough thoughts and ideas from there to the earth. He has a completely different vision of life and the universe as a whole.

5. Aquarians do not like to be bound by obligations, so they are very uncomfortable when they are limited to fixed deadlines for doing any work. For complete comfort, they need a spare tailgate through which they can always retreat.

6. Aquarius is not the one who goes first into battle with the flag. Instead of a real war, he would prefer to meditate under a tree and wait for enlightenment like Buddha.

7. An Aquarius man is attracted to secrets. If you crave him, then, first of all, arouse his curiosity and force him to guess your identity. He is not interested in reading an already open book.

8. Men of this sign do not like aimless and meaningless actions and gestures. Instead of handing you a standard bouquet of roses, he will present you with one dandelion with a smile.

9. The Aquarius woman expects you to be interesting and entertaining. She lives in the present, and it will be inexpressibly boring for her to live with an elderly millionaire for the sake of a future inheritance. This is not her style at all.

10. Aquarius, unfortunately, often suffers from a lack of permanent feelings. This is very characteristic of him as an air sign. Even if he really can get very carried away by someone, alas, this often does not last long.

Famous Aquarians: John Travolta, Robbie Williams, Phil Collins, Justin Timberlake, Nick Nolte, Bob Marley, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, Charles Darwin, Thomas Edison, Galileo Galilei, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Jennifer Firakin Wernistyron, Mia Wahlin

Sparka ›Blog› About Aquarius) Absolutely everything is true!

For some reason, 9 out of 10 people who liked literally from the first moments of communication are Aquarius. There is something in them, such an unhealthy charm. The Aquarian sense of humor is the first thing that sticks in your memory. Simply because it’s hard to ignore cute, funny, and completely harmless jokes. At the same time, you can communicate with Aquarius on any topic. A functioning Bradogenerator was registered in the heads of Vodoleev for life. Almost like Collider, but much more efficient and enjoyable. You never know what Aquarius will give out the next minute. The logic of thought processes in Aquarian heads is the logic of geniuses and complete schizophrenics, and ideas range from "optimistic-jerk-weird" to "brilliantly sublimely beautiful." Aquarians are clever and clever, yes ... They are able not only to perceive new information in any quantity, but also to return the results of information processing. And, oh, a miracle - quite coherent, sometimes not even completely impossible. Aquarians know how to combine responsibility and independence. How they succeed is unknown to science, but the fact remains. And for this contrast I would like to say a huge "thank you" to all the Aquarian people.

In the life of Aquarius, a huge place is occupied by creative self-expression. They may have the strangest and most unimaginable hobby, because well-fed cockroaches are running around in their heads, and an active nature does not allow them to just sit still. An Aquarius who has no hobbies and no desire to express himself in the most creative way is not Aquarius at all, "you have been sold a fake." Everything in Aquarius is good, except idealism. Either an ideal state will be invented by accident, then a super-weapon for the sake of world peace will be invented. If these guys find a great and noble idea for themselves, they will lay their lives on its implementation. And, quite possibly, not only his own. And after all, not out of malice, but for the good of mankind. The only pity is that humanity somehow misunderstands the wonderful intentions of Aquarius. Probably not mature enough yet. Otherwise, Aquarians could save the world from hunger, disease, war and social inequality. True, in the process, the world would have to be conquered, and the worlds could have been confused ... But so these are trifles, the idea was a good one. And also Aquarians know how to be friends. Their circle of friends is a very motley company of like-minded people, it is also a complete freak show of very strange subjects who, by some cunning miracle, manage not only to coexist peacefully, but also to communicate comfortably. Aquarians know how to love and be friends, and often combine. Indeed, what kind of love is this - without friendship? Aquarians somehow forget that you don't need to have friends, you need to be friends with them. Therefore, sometimes they can confuse friendship with love. Not the best, but not fatal, nevertheless, an omission. In sex, Aquarius can experiment, due to an innate curiosity for everything new. But of all sexual positions, they prefer to love their partner in the brain, which is probably why, for the Aquarius themselves, the partner's mind will always be in the first place (and only then - external data).

AQUARIUS (January 21-February 18) A large and complex constellation. However, there are no bright stars. Consists of stars of 3rd, 4th, 5th magnitude. Almost entirely lies in the southern hemisphere. It contains a beautiful planetary nebula. Like the constellations Cancer and Capricorn, the constellation Aquarius is known mainly for being in the zodiac belt. Hieroglyphic interpretation of Aquarius - Pisces, which began the path of evolution, undergoes various trials and sufferings. This is depicted in the form of fiery streams pouring onto her from two vessels, the symbolism of which is test and encouragement. Emotional character, impressionable nature. The patrons of Aquarius are Saturn and Uranus. The first condemns him to obedience to fate. Saturn is the planet of sad memories, melancholy, unfulfilled hopes. Uranus, on the other hand, is the planet of action, the inspirer of scientists. Therefore, the character of Aquarius is ambiguous: on the one hand - dreaminess, on the other - energy.

Those born under the sign of Aquarius are very attractive to other people for their humanity. Every Aquarius has something of an inventor who is obsessed with the idea of ​​improvement. He has periods of laziness and inactivity, but, having overcome them, he can complete the work of a whole month in a week. He hates routine, pedantry is alien to him. Unstable, sometimes going through periods of acute self-doubt, but they can quickly be replaced by calmness and enthusiasm. Most people love rainbows. But Aquarians love her more than anyone else, they live on a rainbow. Moreover, they took it apart, examined every color, and nevertheless continue to believe in it. But it's not so easy to believe in something after you know what it really is. But Aquarians are avid realists, despite the fact that their address is tomorrow. You must always be prepared for any surprises with this sign. Mostly calm and kind by nature, they take great pleasure in challenging public opinion: they really like to shock conservative people with their unusual behavior. They may surprise you with some extraordinary act in the most unpredictable moments, for example, to appear barefoot at a party.

You can always recognize these people by their frequent use of the word friend. Aquarius is able to offer you friendship after an ending romance. He is not naive and tries not to philosophize too much, is full of enthusiasm and interest. The main feature of his character is an impatient desire to penetrate the next secret. It can be you, and it suits you. But you are not alone. There are many people around, and everyone can become the next secret. He is attracted to politics, sports absorbs, children intrigue, work fascinates. Therefore, his relationship with you will not be the only interest and the only goal in his life.

Freedom-loving Aquarius can be funny, original, independent, but also diplomatic, sympathetic, timid and gentle. In his life, there are dark periods of loneliness, when he does not want to see anyone. However, in whatever state Aquarius is, he always retains his sharp insight, which is much deeper and sharper than that of other signs. Uranus makes Aquarius rebels who instinctively feel that the old traditions are wrong, that the world and people need drastic changes. They constantly analyze the situation, friends, acquaintances.

You may feel uncomfortable when he asks you direct and often tactless questions, getting to your most intimate feelings. But when he discovers that the next crossword puzzle has been solved, he becomes bored and even upset about it. Nothing can be more offensive than the feeling that you have ceased to be interesting to Aquarius and he turned away to another, more interesting, in his opinion, person.

Despite being stable in friendship, Aquarians don't have many friends. They strive for quality rather than quantity in friendship and rarely develop strong relationships. Besides, they are always interested in what is around the next corner? Therefore, they always have only a few real attachments. If Aquarius has lost interest in you, it is useless to appeal to his feelings. But if you hit the heart of an Aquarius, then he will almost certainly get off his bike to go back and see what he missed. Aquarius is surrounded by a special atmosphere of isolation.

People often do not understand them, and this happens because those around them simply do not keep up with them, since Aquarians live mainly in the future and come to the present only for short periods. They understand the reasons for their isolation, but this makes it even stronger. Aquarians wander lonely among their clouds, and we, mere mortals, wonder what they are doing there? Astrology claims that the present day of Aquarius is torn off from ours by 50 years.

1. How boring it is to be like others!

2. If I invented you, become what I want.

3. Prejudice is the lot of fools.

4. The future simply has to be great.

5. It is difficult to be an angel, but it is necessary.

6. Good intention is more important than good deeds.

7. To become an innovator, you must first forget about tradition.

8. Sex? There are more important things to do in life.

9. First friends, and then family ... if of course there is time.

10. There is no kinder me, no more cheerful me.

The first thing to remember when caring for an Aquarius - a woman: she is paradoxical in love, just as in life. She will be faithful to you, and at the same time somewhat cold and detached. A woman ruled by Uranus has many friends and different hobbies in her life besides you. Don't think that you can tie it to a stroller or stove. It belongs to everyone and nobody. Therefore, if you give her much-needed freedom, her loyalty to you will be limitless. Aquarius is interested in money only insofar as. It is much more important for her that you achieve success in some kind of professional, better intellectual activity than possessing untold wealth. When deciding to catch this adorable butterfly, you should consider whether you can put up with her love of freedom. If you want a woman who is passionate about you, your choice is definitely unfortunate. Aquarius is the ideal companion for anyone pursuing a career in science or politics. She is witty, attractive, pleasant to talk to, naturally holding on to any society. Usually Aquarius does not suffer from suspicion, she gladly accepts all your words on faith. She will never go into your briefcase and pockets, she will not look at your handkerchiefs to find traces of someone else's lipstick. You, of course, can count these qualities as a special strength of character. But this is not true. Firstly, she studied you very well before the wedding, and if you did not meet her requirements, she would never become your wife. And secondly, besides you, she has many other interests in life.

It can be said about Aquarius of both sexes that they rarely show concern for their partner when he does not flicker before their eyes. And yet, if you give her a serious reason not to believe you, Aquarius will simply leave you. True, you can remain friends, but that's all. The only exception to this rule is first love. She will remember her for the rest of her life, you can be sure. Even if the "love" consisted in the fact that she and he went to the circus together at the age of nine and during the intermission he treated her to peanuts.

Aquarius women dress unusually. Moreover, the range of their styles is truly huge. She can look like a professional fashion model showcasing the latest avant-garde model, or dress in a gown with a corset from her grandmother, or better yet, a great-grandmother. Moreover, sometimes individual elements of the toilet will be borrowed from different eras, for example, a lace blouse can be combined with leather pants. Aquarius' hairstyles are quite consistent with her clothes - from a modest bun and curled locks to a powdery hairstyle or a shaved head. A conversation with Aquarius is no less entertaining than her appearance. She can have a serious conversation and suddenly switch abruptly to the fact that you are not only namesakes with her grandfather, but that your surnames also have two identical letters. Such an unexpected turn may baffle you, but for her it is quite natural.

In relations with children, Aquarius will be very scattered at the beginning, of course, because her attention, which was previously dispersed over many objects, is now captured by one child. Aquarians make attentive and caring mothers, sometimes coldish. She will instill in them love for humanity and tolerance, teach them to be truthful, since she will never punish them for the truth, no matter how bitter it may be.

Do not expect that the Aquarius wife will exactly fulfill all your instructions and requests, especially instructions. Aquarius has its own view of the world; do not try to remake it or convince it. It costs her nothing to wear a sweater backwards, put flowers in a herring pot, drink brandy with milk and wash her hair with shaving cream. Why is she doing this? She herself often does not know this, she just wants it so much. If you don't want to lose her, don't be jealous, critical, conservative, greedy, petty, and angry. Love her friends, even if they sometimes seem strange to you.

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Zodiac sign Aquarius - 01.21 - 02.19

Element - air

Patron planet - Saturn

According to astrologers, the Aquarius zodiac sign is one of the most unpredictable zodiac signs. It combines personal characteristics that contradict each other. What makes them special, you will learn from 10 facts about Aquarius that will surely surprise you.

1. They are afraid of criticism

Representatives of this zodiac sign do not take criticism at all. If Aquarius hears her, then it will be a whole tragedy for him. He will not be able to remain silent, he will definitely express his opinion on this matter.

2. They are loyal

Aquarians almost never cheat on their second half. Of course, they can flirt, but this will not go further. Attachment to a loved one will not allow you to hurt him.

3. They are creative people.

Most Aquarians can be called creative people. There are many musicians, actors, poets and artists among them.

4. They are not vindictive

Aquarians never take revenge on their offenders. They have a good feature - to forget all the bad things. But this does not prevent them from watching how life takes revenge on their offenders.

5. They constantly doubt

Aquarians are rarely confident about anything. Most often, they doubt their abilities. It affects their lives badly. Therefore, they rarely take responsibility.

6. They love stability

Aquarians don't like drastic changes in their lives. They like stability and a measured order of actions.

7. They get very attached to people.

Aquarians are strongly attached to people. It is very difficult for them to let someone go from their lives. But if it happens that someone takes advantage of his such weakness, he will leave irrevocably.

8. They are conservative

This applies to their life addictions. They don't like to cheat on their hobbies.

9. They have an unstable psyche

Aquarians more often than all other signs of the zodiac seek help from doctors, psychiatrists and psychologists.

10. They have developed intuition.

Thanks to this fact, they can predict how a person will behave in a given situation.

Aquarius is perhaps the most unpredictable zodiac sign of all. People-Aquarius are credited with a lot of features and properties, but they often contradict each other. 10 true and unusual facts about Aquarius will help you better understand them and provide answers to some important questions related to this Zodiac Sign. Fact one: Aquarians are afraid of criticism. None of us is pleased when we are scolded or reprimanded. But if balanced Capricorns or Lions, independent of others' opinions, accept criticism calmly and either do not pay attention, or correct mistakes and calmly move on, then extremely vulnerable Aquarius will perceive swearing as a tragedy and are unlikely to be able to restrain their emotions. Fact Two: Aquarians are often conservative. It is generally accepted that no one loves change more than Aquarius. But in fact, representatives of this Sign often fervently dream of at least some kind of stability. The stars give Aquarius born in the air a very controversial gift: constant life changes. After some time, Aquarius people get used to constant surprises and surprises, and begin to treat everything in life philosophically. But at the same time, in small things, they often try to make dreams of stability come true, choosing one or two favorite cafes, the most favorite book, film or music group. Fact Three: Aquarians are afraid of responsibility. The constant lack of self-confidence pursues Aquarius all their lives, interspersed with bursts of euphoria from successful decisions and ideas. Aquarians are great ideological inspirers. They have a non-standard view of things and can offer a solution that seems insane, but in fact gives a great result. But at the same time, Aquarius, constantly immersed in doubts, will do everything possible not to take responsibility for what was proposed to him. Fact four: Aquarians are extremely affectionate to people. Outwardly, easily parting with people and places, Aquarius have deep in their souls one or two completely special people for them, to lose whom for any Aquarius is like death. For the sake of reconciliation with such a person, the freedom-loving Aquarius will make any concessions and restrictions. But you should never use this attachment of Aquarius for your own purposes: if the representative of this Sign realizes that he is being exploited, he will instantly break any connection, no matter how hard it is for him. Fact five: Aquarians have an unstable psyche. And most of them are well aware of this, consciously, from adolescence, educating their minds and strengthening the nervous system in order to avoid sad consequences. Unfortunately, not everyone achieves a positive result: the overwhelming number of patients of psychologists and psychiatrists is Aquarius. Fact Six: Aquarians are faithful to their other half. Despite the love of Aquarius for the attention of the opposite sex, representatives of this sign are practically incapable of treason. Flirting for Aquarius is like the air he breathes, but at the same time, the craving for stability and the depth of Aquarius's affection will not allow him to hurt his loved one. Fact Seven: Creativity is an integral part of the life of Aquarius. Most people born under the sign of Aquarius choose creative professions: most of the writers, musicians, artists and actors came from representatives of this Sign. But even if the work that Aquarius is engaged in is a continuous routine, then he will find room for creativity in any area. Fact Eight: Aquarians sense the mood of other people. Longtime friends of some Aquarius, after a few years of communication, cease to be surprised by calls in the middle of the night with questions like this: "Have you got your heart again?" Most Aquarius can physically feel the mood of people close to them, as well as intuitively understand that someone is in trouble. Fact Nine: Aquarians often don't quite separate dreams and reality. The reason is that representatives of this Sign often have extremely realistic dreams: they contain not only a vivid visual image, but also sounds, smells and even sensations. Fact Ten: Aquarians are not vindictive. It is generally accepted that Aquarians invent terrible revenge on their offenders. This is completely wrong: Aquarians do not take revenge at all. Representatives of this Sign have a pleasant feature to quickly forget all the bad things. With the person who offended them, they simply stop all communication, but they will never stoop to revenge. However, this will not prevent them from watching with a calm smile how life takes revenge on their offenders. Now people of the most mysterious Zodiac Sign will be more understandable to you. Aquarians, like other Signs, need warmth, support and harmony in life. We wish you to always understand your loved ones, remember that all people are unique

Unpredictable Aquarians, with their out-of-the-box thinking and constant zeal for understanding the world, are one of the most interesting representatives of the Zodiacal Circle. The wards of the air element themselves are like the wind. It is difficult for them to be at rest and sit in one place. Their bodies are as fast in motion as their minds. To better understand the people of this zodiac sign, astrologers suggest that you familiarize yourself with a dozen interesting and reliable facts.

First fact

Nobody likes being criticized. But someone takes it with dignity, draws conclusions and moves on. And someone perceives criticism as a great tragedy. Aquarians are among those people who are afraid of her and absolutely do not know how to calmly relate to her. Any claims, reproaches and reprimands are perceived by them as a great tragedy. This unsettles them and throws them out of their emotional balance.

Second fact

It is widely believed that no one loves change as much as Aquarians. And the thing is that their patron planets are too generous in giving changes and surprises. The wards of the elements of Air have no choice but to maneuver and adapt to new circumstances, developing a philosophical outlook on life. However, they dream of at least some kind of stability and try to get it at least in something insignificant: a favorite sweater, a song or a cafe on the waterfront.

Third fact

Being the ideological inspirers, Aquarians, until the last moment, try not to take responsibility for the implementation of their plans. They tell few people and carefully hide the fact that they are always tormented by doubts about their own strengths. They are constantly rocked from euphoria from success to outright apathy from failure.

Fourth fact

It is read that freedom-loving Aquarians do not have strong emotional attachments and easily break off relations with people. Some corrections are needed here. The wards of the elements of Air are very selective and are attached with their hearts to a narrow circle of trusted people. For their sake, they are ready for any compromises and sacrifices. But it is worth disappointing them and using them for selfish purposes, and Aquarius, despite the severe pain, will break off all relations and go their own way.

Fifth fact

Not all people know that Aquarius have an extremely unstable psyche. A very large percentage of patients in psychiatric clinics are precisely the wards of this zodiacal constellation. They themselves very early begin to understand this peculiarity and try to strengthen their mental health, although their efforts are not always crowned with success. Close and relatives of these people should be aware of this nuance and in every possible way to help them, mainly taking care of the emotional background of communication.

Sixth fact

It has been said more than once that Aquarians are in no hurry to tie themselves with love and family obligations. But if they meet a person who completely wins their heart, then they remain faithful to him until the very end. In this they find for themselves an island of stability in their unpredictable life.

Seventh fact

Representatives of the sign of Aquarius do not at all imagine their life without creativity. They will find every opportunity to devote enough time to their interests. Even if their profession is not in any way connected with the creative process, Aquarians in their free time from work will definitely sign up for all kinds of circles or make a plan for visiting galleries and concert venues.

Eighth fact

The wards of the elements of Air physically feel the mood of people. They generally understand others well and see through them. It often happens that Aquarians can sense from a great distance what is happening to their relatives or close friends.

Ninth fact

These people quite often have vivid dreams filled with tactile sensations, aromas and sounds. Because of this, it is often difficult for them to distinguish between dreams and real life. As a rule, their dreams are prophetic. And if Aquarians do not become afraid of their feelings during dreams and learn to interpret them correctly, they will discover another mystical facet in themselves.

Tenth fact

These people will never waste their energy on revenge, because they either know the laws of the universe well, or they intuitively follow them. Aquarians quickly get rid of their grievances, but they will not deny themselves the pleasure of watching how life itself punishes their offenders.

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