Karina's birthday. The origin, characteristics and meaning of the name Karina What name to give Karina when baptized

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Origin and meaning

The secret of the name lies in its origin. With the existing variety of interpretations of the female name Karina, scientists support the traditional version of the origin from the ancient Greek Corinne, which translates as "girl". However, other options for his birth cannot be ignored.

The Slavs associate it with the legend of the mourning goddess Karina, who accompanied the funeral of the deceased. Some researchers believe that it comes from the Roman generic nickname Carinus, which in turn was formed from the Latin word "carus" and means "sweet", "dear" or is a form of an Italian name with a similar meaning. Perhaps the name originated from the Latin "carina", which translates as "keel of the ship." The story of a girl Karina, who was born on a steamer during a trip to the Kara Sea, is so exciting that she took her adventure niche in Karina's personal nomenclature.

The Arabic version of the origin connects his appearance with the name of Karim and gives it the meaning of "generous", "generous". Translated from the Tatar language, Karine means "hint", "meaning".

The name has become widespread in the world. Each nation has its own version of sound.

Astrology name

  • Astrological sign: Aries
  • Patron planet: Mars
  • Talisman Stone: Sard
  • Brown color
  • Wood: pine
  • Plant: mandrake, comfrey
  • Animal: donkey, ant, mole
  • Auspicious day: Saturday


Karin's name contains a lot of energy of movement, a desire for power, features of a capricious and demanding female character. This is a noisy and insidious person. She knows how to "wait and wait" and endure in the name of achieving the goal.

In the school team, the girl is trying to take a leading place through intrigues and scandals. Her volatile nature does not allow her to establish an even relationship with classmates. It is difficult for Karina to concentrate on her studies, she jumps from one lesson to another, striving to take dominant positions everywhere. Such a child sings, knowing that he has no voice, stretches his hand in the lesson, despite the fact that he cannot give an answer to the teacher's question.

Karina's future depends very much on upbringing in the family, parental perseverance and work. Such a child needs to be constantly helped, explained, and pacified. In adulthood, some character traits dissolve. But decisiveness and purposefulness remain in the lead. If healthy selfishness overcomes narcissism, such a nature achieves success with its activity.

Karina does not tolerate monotony in her work. She needs constant communication. Loves compliments. She loves the role of the "cutie woman". The accentuation of the personality character (over-expression of some traits) is manifested in a demonstrative type of behavior. The girl seeks to attract attention even through negative antics. Today she can be shocking, and tomorrow she can take insane risks.

Hobbies and hobbies

A feature of the character of the owner of the name Karina is a constant change of hobbies. She is capable of anything, but she never brings anything to mind. Her hobby is usually associated with the role that the woman at that moment invented for herself. She is interested in dancing, gymnastics, photography. All interests are extended if they are tied to a change in picture, movement, new emotional impressions.

Profession and business

Karina chooses a profession that belongs to the service sector. She is an excellent hairdresser, makeup artist, salesperson, waitress, reporter, journalist, producer, choreographer. He is also a great tour guide. Such a woman is looking for an opportunity to express her emotions at work, wants to be in the center of attention.


Karina's health is unenviable. She is prone to emotional overexcitation. Problems are also possible due to a weak immune system. She is fond of diets and does not want to overcome a passion for sweets. The propensity for neuroses manifests itself already in adulthood and requires serious attention and treatment.

Sex and love

Men are attracted to such a woman by sexuality. She does not like representatives of the stronger sex with a strong character. They are difficult to manage. Karina prefers pliable, helpful, psychologically weak men. She enjoys the role of "puppeteer". She is a brilliant manipulator, capable of braiding a man with the "web" of her charm and making him a love "slave". Experienced in sex, the girl knows how to make an indelible impression on her partner.

Family and marriage

Karina is a good housewife and an excellent mother. Sincere towards children. It is quite possible that the only area of ​​activity where she applies the greatest amount of effort is the upbringing of children. Her exaggerated sense of motherhood is, as it were, a reaction to personal experience, her own mistakes and failures. She skillfully manipulates her husband even if he leaves the family.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Karina

This name has a Latin origin, and translated from the ancient language means "looking forward." There are also other word forms of the specified name: Kara, Rina, Karen.

The girl named by this name is usually stubborn and capricious. She is endowed with artistry, enjoys dancing, singing, painting and other types of creativity.

At the same time, the owner of the name in question is very lazy, therefore she does not shine with success in her studies, although she has good inclinations for this.

Slightly selfish and narcissistic, becoming an adult, Karina does everything in order to attract attention to herself. She loves to stand out from the crowd - she always dresses brightly and stylishly, behaves eccentric, and sometimes even defiantly.

The girl can hardly restrain her own emotions, but she has excellent intuition and always knows how to behave in different situations.

Karina usually gets married early, succumbing to the passion that gripped her, but not always successfully. She tries to control her husband in everything and does not accept if he does not give his wife the maximum of his attention.

Congratulations for Karina on the birthday in verse

We congratulate Karisha and wish her well,
Let the roof never leak in your world!

May faithful friends always be with you,
Well-being, health will be good for you!

Karina, a light creature, our sweet angel of kindness,
May your wishes and all cherished dreams come true!

We wish you health, and many warm bright days,
We raise our glasses together, pour us some champagne!

We wish you also, go away so that troubles side,
And your beauty shone like a bright star in the sky!

SMS congratulations to Karina on her birthday

Faithful husband, good friends,
A fur coat for the cold, a bracelet for hands!
In the morning for a man to cook cappuccino,
Not life, but raspberries - congratulations Karina!

I wish you only smiles, spring and sunny days,
So that there are fewer mistakes, and more - great friends!

“Look, Karina is coming,” said one of the priests, and everyone fled so as not to cross with her.

Everyone knew Karina: she was a woman of about 50 who, after a family tragedy, as residents of one Georgian town said, “went mad”. She shouted at everyone who did not like her, came to church and could interfere with the service: she read poetry, then she told stories aloud. I could start dancing, and then start crying, not noticing anyone around. No one remembered her calm. Only one monk was friends with her, who sometimes walked with her, sometimes sang along with her, then sat for hours on a bench next to her and talked to her.

- Did you eat anything today, Karinochka ?!

- No! You know I haven't cooked for a long time! Who will cook for me ?! Nobody loves me!

- Oh, you bile man! How much you want to pull out your hair, but you already look like a burnt chicken. Doesn't the Lord love you ?! Christ personally told me that he loves you, and even made soup for you to cook several times - just yesterday, for example!

- Are you cheating me? Swear it now!

- I took an oath, Karina, when I was tonsured.

Many times one could hear a similar conversation between the maddened Karina and this simple monk. How many times he fed her: he cooked for her either soup, or stewed onions with tomatoes. And they often argued out loud, and then they laughed loudly and loudly. Everyone was surprised: why didn't Karina "fight" with him, why didn't she shout at him, didn't insult him? ..

- Who knows what she sees when she dances with tears in her eyes? - The monk once said, and his eyes also moistened ... - Who can understand the pain she feels? Here it is written: "The unwise God is wiser than men, and the weak God is stronger than men." I often ask her to pray for me, a sinner! There is special grace on such people.

"There is special grace on such people!" - Elder Gabriel said about the "crazy" Karina

The monk himself was also blessed, and his name was: it was he who was seen more than once sitting on a bench next to Karina and singing Georgian songs with her. That was the heart of the priest ... Sensitive, loving, gentle, full of compassion. Who knows what he saw when his eyes filled with tears and love when meeting Karina.

The eyes of the old man saw through and through through the prism of love and therefore warmed the "maddened" Karina, who so needed human care. He could sit with her for hours, cheer her up! And she became happy next to the monk, feeling herself the same God-created person as all the people around who so often denied her, avoided communication with her, because they could not understand what was happening in the soul of the unfortunate woman.

Only God knows this, but the confidence that now the holy fool Gabriel and the "maddened" Karina pray together for all of us in the Kingdom of Heaven does not leave me ...

Recently, a note with the name Karina was found in the memorial of Elder Gabriel.

Elder Gabriel often prayed for her, and the dialogues given above are quite consistent with the character of the elder. He could express himself very rudely, he could amaze the ears of those around him with swear words, but great love was hidden under these supposedly harsh speeches. And in this way Elder Gabriel tried to create the appearance that he was a simple madman. Sometimes he staged such performances, remember his spiritual children, that everyone was surprised and ... immediately plunged into these "performances", and they remained in the memory for a long time. We needed all those accusations and curses with which the elder often "gifted" us, otherwise, as he himself said, "they would have thought that we were winged angels."

Once the clergy brought a boy suffering from alcoholism to the elder. They thought that Elder Gabriel would instruct him, read verses from the Psalter, parables from the Gospel, but that was not the case!

The old man smiled and ... took out from under the bed a large can of red wine

The elder received everyone in his cell, listened, looked at the boy, smiled and, taking out a large canister of red wine from under the bed, offered to drink it all together. He offered it so convincingly that no one could refuse. He made toasts and thanked the Lord, the Most Holy Theotokos.

They drank three glasses calmly. And when he poured for the fourth time and made a toast, then, waving his hands towards the boy, pushed his glass, and the wine splashed out of it. This was repeated several times. Everyone felt ashamed, especially the clergy, who told the boy that they were leading him to the great God-bearing elder with the gift of prayer and denia.

But what could they do? They sat in silence and dreamed of getting out of the cell as soon as possible, but the priest would not let them go. Such was the blessing of the elder, to whom everyone had to obey at that moment. Soon the elder got up and began to scold everyone around in such words that the clergy in his cell blushed with shame and were speechless. Having scolded everyone with the last words, he suddenly jumped on a stool and began to dance and say that he will now show everyone a "striptease". Everyone could not stand this any longer and rushed out of his cell in a firm conviction that Monk Gabriel was a simple madman!

Several months passed. The elder died, and that boy came to the monastery with his whole family. He ... was completely healed from the sin of drunkenness. As his parents and he himself said, then in his cell Elder Gabriel repeated exactly the actions and words of this boy when he was intoxicated. “My son scolded us all with his last words,” his mother recalled. - Sometimes, in a completely inadequate state of intoxication, he jumped on the table and began to dance striptease, he was so obsessed and fallen! "

Everyone shed a tear upon hearing this story. It was then that it became clear why the elder behaved in this way that evening! He showed the boy from the outside all the abomination of sin with which he was possessed. He showed, not thinking about his own reputation, or what they can say and think about him - and he healed!

And there were many such cases in the life of Elder Gabriel. Behind his every deed and word (even abusive!) There was a great feat and great love, which he still dawns on everyone in such difficult times!

how they give a name at baptism, the girl's name is Karina, we are going to baptize in the fall and got the best answer

Reply from ******* [guru]
They will give a name according to the "calendar" - that is, the name of the Saint who is celebrated closest to the date of birth of this girl.

Answer from Staff[guru]
Autumn, you say? ! So your Karina will be called Michael Jackson. In general, it depends on the day. Whoever has a birthday on this day will be named by that name.

Answer from The most[guru]
Karina is not in the calendar ... in general ... will pull up the priest of the nearest saint to the day of baptism.

Answer from Kori averson[newbie]
You have to ask the priest. And, in general, which one you choose, it will be so. You can see on the day of baptism which of the angels has a birthday, and name it.

Answer from Pan Partizan[guru]
You probably think that this procedure will make the girl a Christian. A person is baptized, consciously accepting God. His name does not change. After all, when Christ was baptized, his name was not changed.
We must somehow observe the teaching of Christ. Well, everyone is led to the troubles invented by the clergy?

Answer from Sonne[guru]

Answer from MILA[guru]
Karina is a name that is not holy, that is, devoid of GOD'S GRACE.
At Holy Baptism, the priest will give you the HOLY NAME. Probably MARINA or IRINA or EKATERINA ...
And, also look at the Saints, on the girl's birthday.

Answer from Bell a morr[guru]
to name the girl Karina and baptize? are you out of your mind?

Answer from Orthodox[guru]
According to the calendar.

Answer from Yergey Bondarenko[guru]
You can choose the name of your favorite saint and the priest will call this name at baptism.
Or come to the temple and ask the priest, suggest which saints will be honored on the day on which you want to baptize.
Or the names of the holy saints, which were venerated on your daughter's birthday
and throughout the week after it.

Answer from Winds[guru]
In general, it is non-neurological to introduce it as a law established by people - to call it exclusively according to the calendar ..
In the calendar, WHERE did the names come from?
and the names of the Gentiles were LIGHTED at baptism and became Christian.
in addition, they bring confusion among Christians and strife between confessions.
There is no name Karina in the Orthodox calendar.
But in the Armenian Church the girl will be christened by HER name - KARINA: completely Christian and Orthodox. ...

Answer from Oleg @ tor[guru]
which you choose so and baptized if only it was Orthodox. Would you like to call Irina, Katerina or any other.
In general, in Orthodoxy, it is customary to call the name of the saint the day of remembrance of which falls on the interval between the seventh day from the birth of the child and the fortieth day.


Meaning: According to the main version, the name Karina is of Latin origin. Could come from the Roman generic name "Carinus", which is interpreted as "sweet" or "dear". There are other versions, though. For example, “Carina” is translated from Italian and Spanish as “beloved”.

The female name Karina today is quite popular in our country, like many Latin names. It has a strong energy, promises many good qualities to bearers, and has pretty good compatibility with Russian male names ...

Conversational options: Karinka, Kara, Karisha

Modern English counterparts: Karino, Karin, Karine

The meaning and interpretation of the name

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The meaning of the name Karina has a very strong energy. But the main thing is not this, but the fact that it promises the carriers many good qualities, including such character traits as activity, impulsiveness, inaccessibility, prudence, persistence, efficiency, assertiveness, readiness to go to the intended goal until the very end, inability to give up and love for freedom ...

Karina can be emotional and too pretentious, but at the same time, she is also a very cheerful person, optimistic in life. And Karina is always a very bright personality, demonstrating her merits and positive sides to the whole world, and is not afraid of the public. Such girls love to be in the spotlight, and moreover, for this they are ready for anything (within reason).

Advantages and positive features: brightness, willingness to experiment and learn everything new, inability to give up. And Karina is all, without exception, sociable and sociable,

Karina treats badly people who are boring and boring, to those who have a bad attitude to humor, to people who are lazy and immobile. And Karina also hates people trying to stand out against her background or use her brightness for their own selfish purposes.

A popular version among Russian researchers was that the name Karina could have come from the name of the Kara Sea ...

The nature of the name Karina

The nature of the name Karin is such that it promises a lot of interesting things for the representative of the weak half of humanity named in this way. For example, her character is usually endowed with such characteristics as good nature, cheerfulness, optimism, benevolence, openness, friendliness, sociability, positivity, activity and energy, inconstancy and unpredictability. Moreover, the character of the girl named Karin's nominal variation is usually such that it presupposes the presence of such a trait as love of freedom, which is expressed in everything without exception, both in professional activity and in relations with men. She will never allow anyone to restrict her freedom, is too independent and tries with all her might to limit herself from anyone's influence. And one more no less important point - the character of Karina suggests a craving for hatred of all types of injustice, that is, she has an extremely negative attitude towards everything that can be attributed here, and to betrayal, and to self-interest, and to the unfair attitude of someone to whom -or. And her character is such that she is vindictive, and can begin to take revenge for any insult even to the closest person ...

On the other hand, character is one of the most unpredictable factors, and it is quite difficult to guess with absolute accuracy what it will be in a particular person. In addition, it largely depends on a bunch of additional factors, including children's upbringing, and even the influence of the zodiac sign patronizing a girl named Karina.

Early childhood

The early childhood of the girl, whose parents on her birthday decided to choose the beautiful female name Karina, is filled with good emotions, energy and impressions, and all thanks to those features that promise such a factor as the meaning of the name form. At its core, it is usually from childhood a calm and balanced, secretive, uncommunicative, uncommunicative baby, but closer to adolescence she becomes different - sociability, talkativeness, sociability, openness and many other equally important qualities appear.

So, significance can bestow energy, and activity, and kindness, and attentiveness, and benevolence, and a cheerful disposition, and resourcefulness, and a unique mindset. Karina, patronized by the meaning of this name, is an open, kind and cheerful child who is usually popular in society. Often this is an ambitious and very bright girl in the future, but in childhood she is overly active and sociable, not sitting still for a minute. For parents, this should not cause problems, but those around her can note her restlessness and restlessness, often seeming as a manifestation of disobedience. But Karina is clearly popular with the children themselves, and even if she is not a leader, she will be such an organizer and a welcome friend in every society, be it the environment in a kindergarten, or children from the yard.


The teenage period of this girl is also full of emotions and good days, which is not surprising, because the meaning of the name Karina endows this child with a cheerful, kind, positive, albeit slightly complex character. On the one hand, she is cheerful, can be a ringleader, unplanned, optimistic and humorous, kind and attentive, caring and sensitive, but on the other hand, too emotional and receptive, she can be offended by her best friend because of a trifle, and she can even begin to take revenge later. , not much, but so that it was noticeable.

In general, the life of this girl is overflowing with theatricality - not only does the girl, usually named in this way, endowed with an acting talent, she also loves to play for the audience, so that everyone around her will notice her and so that not a single action of hers is left unnoticed. All this can lead to frequent conflicts with teachers at school and too defiant behavior, sometimes developing into a real "insanity". But again, all this is just a game - Karina just loves to be paid attention to, when they look at her, regardless of what people themselves feel, admiration, or, on the contrary, disgust. But Karina is friendly - the meaning can turn her into a really popular person, with a bunch of friends and comrades, although such like-minded people are usually sadly few.

Adult woman

The value patronizing an adult girl with the name Karina already grants a much larger number of remarkable characteristics to her nature. Even in adulthood, she is an eloquent, cheerful, optimistic, positive and positive, sociable and friendly, good-natured and respectable, sociable and intricate woman. It is never boring with such a person, she is always, as they say, “on horseback”. Karina also has a lot of friends, and this is also in some way the merit of such a factor as the meaning of the name, and like-minded people may already begin to appear in the adult stage. She herself is ideal in terms of friendship - she will never commit betrayal, she is always ready to help a person in need of her help, she will not deceive a loved one and will not use anyone's weaknesses to achieve her goals, is disinterested and free of charge. But there is also one bad feature in it - vindictiveness, which manifests itself at the moments when a betrayal or lie is noticed behind someone from close people.

As for the professional activities of the girl named after Karina, everything is simple here - as mentioned earlier, the meaning of this name gives the gift named Karina an acting gift, and this will be useful to her in adult life, because her activities are likely to be connected with pop, communication, fun, organizational events and all the like.

Interaction of Karina's character with the seasons

Spring is the bearer of the name Karina, which will be born under the influence of the meaning of the spring months, is a mysterious, slightly secretive and mysterious person. This is difficult to predict and predict, her behavior defies criticism, and impulsiveness and recklessness sometimes play into the hands. Needs a protector who can turn being into heavenly pleasure.

Autumn - for an autumn girl, the opposite is true, she will become a reasonable, intelligent and calculating lady. It is difficult to deceive or offend her. She is diplomatic, knows how to talk beautifully and impose an opinion, but at any moment she is ready to turn into a storm of emotions, moreover, not always positive ones. Purposeful, does not have weak willpower.

Summer - this girl has an eccentric nature and a strange character, extraordinary and cheerful, optimistic, sincere and warm-hearted. She will become desirable in any company, she will never turn away from her neighbor, she is not offended, and she perceives any troubles as mandatory tests. She is sweet and kind, and needs an optimist whose goals will coincide with her desires.

Winter - which appeared during the Winter period by the origin of the soul is principled and meticulous, proud of itself, a clear leader striving to become a manager. Not a single trouble is capable of bringing her negative emotions, everything will be decided, nothing can be hidden from her. In her heart she dreams of weakness - she will look for someone next to whom she can become a weak and defenseless princess, happy and protected.

The fate of the name Karina

The fate of the name is the most theoretical, mysterious and inexplicable factor, but nevertheless, attracting no less attention from researchers. It was thanks to these researchers, by the way, that we were able to find out several interesting facts about what, in theory, the fate of a girl named by such a beautiful name-form as Karina could be.

Well, first of all, it is worth noting the simple fact that Karina is always freedom-loving, independent in judgments and actions, unpredictable, not subject to anyone's influence, a person who is not amenable to logic. It is thanks to this that fate presupposes Karine a difficult, complex, unpredictable and fickle personal life. Her fate is such that Karina herself will change gentlemen like gloves until maturity - the reason is that her fate is to be with someone who can satisfy her requirements, and such, unfortunately, are regrettably small.

At the same time, fate presupposes a woman named Karina and many difficulties in family life. The reason is in several points - firstly, her fate involves the creation of a family with a strong man, uncompromising and uncompromising, the same as herself, which can lead to conflicts, and secondly, she herself is very conflicted and cannot claim, not to the title of an ideal mother, not the title of an exemplary wife, for she devotes her whole life only to herself and her career and material development.

Love and marriage

Karina is both a pragmatic and romantic person, her soul longs for lyrics and romance, like in a fairy tale. Such exaggerated demands and the search for a prince from a fairy tale delay the arrangement of her personal life for a long time. She will be comfortable with a man with a softer character and not the same willpower as hers. She gets real pleasure from the feeling that she is taking care of her man and he is dependent on her. Karina may have several marriages. Usually the second marriage is more successful, reliable and strong. A fairly happy family is possible with a calm, slightly secretive man who is capable of maintaining his mystery and mystery as long as possible so that his temperamental wife does not get bored next to him. However, even such an idyll does not guarantee that this marriage will last long.

Unfortunately, Karina is not created for family life, family is never her main life priority. She does not strive to become a caring spouse and a diligent hostess, although she would have succeeded if she wanted to. She does not seek compromises in her relationship with her husband and does not want to change the rules of the game in family life. Not surprisingly, in the end, Karina will prefer a life without marital obligations and restrictions.

Karina as Mother

Karina may not be the best spouse, but as a mother she realizes herself in the best possible light. She devotes as much time and effort as possible to the upbringing of children, trying to give them all her love. She will be a seasoned and patient mother. She takes motherhood very seriously and even in the event of an unsuccessful marriage, she will not allow the relationship with her spouse to affect the psyche of the children.

Karina takes care of the all-round development of children, enrolls them not only in various sections, but also regularly tries to get out with them to various theatrical performances, classical music concerts, and, if possible, to ballet. Children study in dance studios, attend a music school, and she often enrolls them in an art school.

She tries to educate children in independence, willpower, dedication and an optimistic attitude towards life. It is important for her that children grow up as strong-willed and self-confident people. At the same time, not being able to make compromises herself, she teaches children to listen to her opinion, and she herself gradually begins to hear them and learns mutual respect with them.

Horoscope named after Karin


Aries - under this sign of the zodiac, or rather under the influence of its meaning, Karina is always born, possessing such traits as sociability, eagerness to learn new things, curiosity, love of freedom and openness. He constantly makes new acquaintances, does not like to sit still, is in search of a companion who can become a partner in achieving goals.


Taurus - here in the bearer of the name Karina reigns such properties as devotion and loyalty, sacrifice for the good of love and good nature. This girl is prone to a depressive state, sensitive, but fraught with incredibly great willpower. Hates loneliness, avoids it by marriage with a reliable protector.


Gemini - here, the girl named Karina has a difficult character. A cheerful and reckless adventurer, in fact, she is vulnerable and lonely in her soul. Compatibility is achieved only with men who are ready to accept her as is, not arrogant in origin, able to love her as she will be at the time of meeting. Appreciates love and all the highest moral qualities.


Cancer is shy and touchy, afraid of communicating with people, does not want to be deceived and offended. Reject immediately the one who offends her feelings. From an early age, she fosters self-reliance and independence. She is looking for a confident knight who will take her problems on his shoulders.

a lion

The lioness has charm and charm, but she is a predator by nature, cruel and principled. She loves to subjugate people, to rule over them, to rule. Selfish, values ​​only her own goals. She will choose someone who will admire her and obey.


Born under the symbol of Virgo, she will grow up to be a demanding and purposeful lady, a secretive but self-confident girl, a perfectionist, an excellent wife and an excellent mother. She is carried away by her own being, does not tolerate troubles, which she does not count on, is prone to depression.


Libra - this one has tact, delicacy, the ability to show diplomatic qualities, sociability and openness. They trust her - she knows how to keep secrets, she will never betray. Will fall in love with honest and loyal, kind and sympathetic, sacrificial and romantic.


Scorpio - Karina, who was born as a scorpion, will be a fundamental person, something similar to a lioness. Silent, but explosive, demanding, pacified, at times calm, but at any moment suddenly becomes a "raging fire". Not everyone can stand this.


Sagittarius, an activist, an energetic lady, cheerful and positive, who adores noise and din, fun and efficiency, will appear from the womb of her mother. In middle age, she will change her outlook on life, begin to look for something that can change her and give her the lack of seriousness and determination.


Capricorn - the compatibility of this zodiac sign with men is, so to speak, selective. This lady adores witty men, adventurers, while she herself is pragmatic and calculating. She always follows a clear plan, a careerist, but not a mother and wife, at least in her youth.


Aquarius - here, in the nature of the owner of the name Karin, such properties are involved as sociability, the ability to listen and understand, empathy, a tendency to self-sacrifice in the name of someone else's good. Temperament and passion in the stronger sex are not of interest - they appreciate loyalty and poise.


The fish will be the one that is drawn to the constant improvement of itself. Her desire to develop knows no bounds, but there is a "but" - she loves to be alone. It is not easy to get her heart, but the one who succeeds will be incredibly lucky. Will become an exemplary wife and keeper of the hearth.

Male name compatibility

As for the question of combining the name Karin with male names, everything is quite complicated here, and the topic itself has been studied even by modern researchers. They then found out that the best variations for building a marriage would be such as Boris, Varlaam, Gordey, Nikolai, Trofim, Robert, Yegor.

Bright and sincere feelings can be built in alliance with Ippolit, Klim, Maxim, Prokhor, Samuel, Ruslan, Ustin, Thomas.

And as for people like Yaroslav, Albert and Vilen, it's better not to even try to build a relationship here.

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