Characteristics of mushrooms of the Orenburg region. What mushrooms can be found in the Orenburg region Edible mushrooms in saraktash


Modern people do not always have the necessary knowledge and experience to pick mushrooms in the forest themselves, but almost everyone buys mushrooms at the market and in the store.

The AiF Orenburg correspondent will try to help both.

Called himself a milk mushroom

So, first, let's deal with the quietest hunt in the forest. All edible mushrooms are useful, but according to their nutritional value, mushrooms are divided into

  • four categories:
  • The first, highest and most useful include porcini mushrooms, black and yellow milk mushrooms, as well as saffron milk caps, etc.;
  • to the second - aspen mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, aspen milk mushrooms, oak mushrooms, red mushrooms, Polish mushroom, etc.;
  • to the third - moss mushrooms, goat mushrooms, white mushrooms, serushkas, valui, russula, chanterelles, honey mushrooms, champignons, stitches, morels, etc.;

to the fourth - violin mushrooms, red mushrooms, bitter mushrooms, green mushrooms, row mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, etc. - these mushrooms are considered less valuable.

When picking mushrooms, you should give preference to young mushrooms rather than collecting everything - they are more useful and safer in composition, since old mushrooms accumulate more harmful substances from the air and soil.

The stems of mushrooms contain more sugars than the caps, which is why the stems make such delicious mushroom caviar. The sweetest legs of boletus, boletus and boletus. And lecithin, a healthy fat-like substance that prevents the deposition of cholesterol in blood vessels, is found on the inside of mushroom caps.

Photo: So, we armed ourselves with a knife and a basket and went into the forest. But where? According to Orenburg mushroom experts

  • , the most successful mushroom hunting awaits you in the following places in our region:
  • Tyulgan district (villages of Tugustimir, Almala): boletuses, boletuses, saffron milk caps, sow mushrooms, volushki, milk mushrooms, umbrellas, summer mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, morels
  • Ileksky district (villages Nizhneye Ozrenoe, Krasny Yar, Krasnokholm): Valui, oyster mushrooms, winter mushrooms, champignons, raincoats
  • Orenburg district (village Nizhnyaya Pavlovka): champignons
  • Perevolotsky district (Syrt station): summer russula, pigs
  • Sol-Iletsk district (Boevaya Gora village, Tswillinga state farm): valui, oyster mushrooms
  • Belyaevsky district (villages Kryuchkovka, Rozhdestvenka): valui, milk mushrooms
  • Asekeyevsky district (Zaglyadino village): honey mushrooms
  • Sakmara district (Anatolyevka village): boletus mushrooms
  • Buzuluksky pine forest: boletus, boletus.

How to process and store?

At room temperature, freshly picked mushrooms are stored for a very short time - half a day, a maximum of a day. It is necessary to process and cool them as quickly as possible. In the refrigerator (temperature - 0-6 degrees Celsius), the shelf life is extended to several days, depending on the type. There is a pattern: tubular mushrooms are preserved worse than lamellar mushrooms. Do not forget that the purchased mushrooms have already been stored for some time by the seller.

Processing mushrooms includes sorting, drying (or wiping), cleaning of debris and soil, washing and soaking in salted water. Never wash mushrooms before storing.

Fresh mushrooms are stored well if they are wrapped in paper, or you can place them in a closed container. The advice is not to store fresh mushrooms in plastic bags for a long time, as this can result in the formation of moisture, which will very quickly spoil the product.

Fresh mushrooms must be processed and preserved as quickly as possible. As a result of canning, pickled, salted and dried mushrooms are obtained.

The stems of mushrooms contain more sugars than the caps, which is why the stems make such delicious mushroom caviar. The sweetest legs of boletus, boletus and boletus. And lecithin, a healthy fat-like substance that prevents the deposition of cholesterol in blood vessels, is found on the inside of mushroom caps.

You can also freeze it. The shelf life of frozen mushrooms at minus 18 degrees Celsius is about one year. In mild frost, the shelf life will be significantly shorter - up to 2 months. They need to be kept separate from other foods. Containers and packaging for storing frozen mushrooms - a plastic bag placed in a solid container, or vacuum packaging.

If we don't collect it, we'll buy it!

Well, if you are so unsure of your own knowledge and prefer to buy mushrooms, then try to remember a few simple rules.

Don't buy mushrooms on the road! Mushrooms must come from environmentally friendly places, because... they absorb harmful substances that may be contained in the atmosphere very well.

Mushrooms need to be studied both as a whole and element by element. The main elements are the cap, plates, stem, pulp, and skin. When choosing mushrooms, beware of wrinkles, mold and other suspicious deposits.

Fresh mushrooms are firm and smooth. The insides should be dry and uniform. Flabbiness is the beginning of the rotting process. Make sure that the stem fits tightly to the cap - otherwise this mushroom will turn out to be stale. Be sure to smell: you can immediately recognize a stale product by its characteristic smell.

Always give preference to younger mushrooms. The age of mushrooms must be determined by the size and shape of the cap (in mature ones they open), plates (in young mushrooms they are closed), the integrity of the film (if any), as well as color and consistency (each species has its own characteristics).

Mushrooms must have a whole and clean stem, without mechanical damage or foreign odors.

Kira Stoletova

Edible mushrooms of the Orenburg region are tasty and healthy; they are collected in large quantities for cooking and medicine. They grow in many places throughout the region throughout the season.

  • Key Features

    The climate of the region allows mushroom lovers to harvest from May to late autumn. Mushrooms in the Orenburg region are distinguished by a variety of species, so when collecting, you need to know the characteristics of edible species so as not to endanger your life and health.

    Many edible species are eaten raw, without heat treatment, including russula, champignons, etc.

    Conditionally edible varieties are safe for the body. They are not as tasty, but are no less popular among the local population.

    Inedible ones only scare with their name, but do not cause serious harm to health. They require lengthy cooking and pre-soaking, so cooks do not like them and are often used only for pickles.

    Poisonous varieties are not eaten. It is not easy to remove toxins from them at home; only professionals who have undergone special training can do this. Some are able to create a magnificent delicacy from red fly agarics, which can become the hallmark of the establishment.

    The receptors in the human mouth are quite sensitive, so forest food of the first two types is divided into 4 taste categories:

    The 1st includes porcini mushrooms, saffron milk caps, milk mushrooms, etc. They are dried, boiled, steamed, fried, etc. They are delicious after any processing.

    Poles (Polish), slippery boletus and field champignons belong to the 2nd category, which differs quite a bit in taste from mushrooms of the 1st category and is no less loved by gourmets.

    Moss mushrooms, honey mushrooms and morels are not very fragrant and are therefore included in the 3rd category, representatives of which are more often used to make pates and snacks.

    The 4th category is quite specific in its characteristics. It includes conditionally edible mushrooms in the Orenburg region. They are eaten only after preliminary processing and aromatic spices and herbs are added to enhance the taste. More often they are used as pickles or marinades.

    Edible varieties

    Mushroom pickers take with them into the forest a sharp knife, a map, a compass, and a well-ventilated basket so that the harvest does not compact. It is worth remembering what edible and poisonous forest mushrooms look like.

    Spring, summer and autumn differ in mushroom harvests; each season requires a special approach.

    In the Orenburg region, mushrooms are collected in deciduous, mixed and coniferous forests. The most beloved and popular include:

    • white;
    • boletus;
    • spruce saffron milk caps;
    • boletus;
    • milk mushrooms white, gray, black;
    • little boletuses (boletus and boletus);
    • chanterelles;
    • waves;
    • boletus;
    • honey mushrooms, etc.

    In the spring, they collect strings and morels growing on the ground that has not yet warmed up. Podbrikosoviki appear near summer cottages, in a suburban area. A rare guest of the Orenburg region is the morel, interesting for its appearance:

    • a cap made of small irregularly shaped cells or “honeycombs”;
    • white, elongated leg;
    • the color of the leg varies from gray to brownish-beige;
    • fragile pulp with a pleasant aroma.

    As soon as the apple blossom appears, these mushrooms will emerge from the ground under the larches.

    Forest and field champignons are equally tasty; they are good to look for in tall grass.


    Porcini mushrooms in the Orenburg region appear closer to autumn. They are distinguished by a thick stem and a brownish cap. The pulp is absolutely white and does not change its color even when dried. Their aroma is strong and pleasant, especially intensified during drying. But this species has poisonous counterparts - this is a gall mushroom with bitter and pulpy and satanic, which is distinguished by a black mesh on the stalk.


    Boletuses are widespread throughout the Orenburg region. They have a brown, fleshy cap with a tubular surface at the bottom. There are scales on the stem, by which the boletus can be easily distinguished from similar poisonous species. Sizes depend on weather conditions, but large specimens of this species are more common. Grows in deciduous forests from August to the last days of October.

    Irina Selyutina (Biologist):

    Almost all types of boletus have approximately the same taste. Therefore, mushroom pickers do not always distinguish between specific species. But, nevertheless, it is better to study the mushroom directory so that when you go on a “quiet hunt” you know what you are bringing home in your basket.

    The aroma is strong and pleasant. The pulp is dense and does not change color when cut. It is better to collect this mushroom in dry weather, because... Worms love him.

    Milk mushrooms

    Nutritious and healthy autumn yellow milk mushrooms are a specialty of this region. They are easy to recognize: the cap is yellow, spherical in the shape of a ball in young ones, and concave inward in older specimens. The pulp is soaked in juice similar to milk, so the mushroom requires good pre-treatment: soaking and cooking. Only after this does it become juicy and lose its characteristic bitter aftertaste.

    They grow in small groups in coniferous forests, sometimes found under deciduous trees.

    Saffron milk caps

    Ryzhiki are loved by everyone for their appearance and excellent taste. They are fragrant and easy to clean, making them a pleasure to cook with. There is nothing better than a salty snack made from saffron milk caps.

    Irina Selyutina (Biologist):

    Forest blocks of clearings are places where these fungi grow. In spring they are well warmed up by the sun. By the end of summer, entire families of saffron milk caps are found in such areas. The red caps are visible from a distance; inside (on the underside) they are plate-like and have curved and wavy edges, similar to lace. Orange-yellow juice appears on the cut. Their legs are crooked and curved at the bottom. They are fragile and have a pleasant smell.


    Lovers of quiet hunting are familiar with boletus, the owner of a slippery cap. Their description is as follows:

    • average value;
    • the color of the cap is brown;
    • the surface is covered with a thin layer of sticky mucus;
    • the leg is dense, short;
    • the pulp has a pleasant aroma;
    • at the break the flesh is olive or pale yellowish.

    Boletus grows in the Orenburg region in tall grass and forms mycorrhiza with spruce or pine trees. They prefer light spaces between these representatives of coniferous species.

  • villages Kryuchkovka and Rozhdestvenka, Belyaevsky district: famous for porcini mushrooms and milk mushrooms.
  • Zaglyadino village, Alekseevsky district: There are many mushroom places near this settlement. Honey mushrooms, russula and champignons constantly grow here.
  • To collect more saffron milk caps and boletuses, it is better to go to the village of Almala.


    Locals prefer to collect edible mushrooms from the Orenburg region for storing for the winter, drying, pickling or freezing. Anyone, an experienced mushroom picker or a beginner, will find their favorite mushroom in this region and reap a good harvest if they do not neglect the advice and certain rules of mushroom pickers that have been developed over the years.

  • Where do mushrooms grow in the Orenburg region and what kind?

    It would seem that mushrooms grow where there are dense forests and deep lakes. But that was not the case, they exist in our steppe region, you just need to know the places.

    Giants of the forest

    “The region richest in them in the Orenburg region is Tyulgansky,” says Sergei Mamkin, an avid mushroom picker, “here, if the weather is favorable, they can be collected from spring until frost.

    Morels are the first to appear in early May. From July - boletus, boletus, saffron milk caps, honey mushrooms, boletus, oyster mushrooms. Boletuses and boletuses can be found in deciduous forests, boletus mushrooms on gentle slopes, and oyster mushrooms on trees. Not far from the villages, in the pastures you can find champignons. They are larger and more flavorful than store-bought ones.

    Orenburg mushrooms are distinguished not only by their diversity, but also by their size. Boletus mushrooms often reach a weight of 1 kilogram, and oyster mushrooms generally reach 3 kilograms. One such mushroom is enough to feed all relatives.

    Picking mushrooms in Orenburg is much more difficult than, for example, in Siberia. With us they do not proudly stick out, but carefully hide and camouflage themselves. Therefore, you need a special flair, the ability to see through the piled leaves, to distinguish the tubercles under which the trophy is hidden. And remember that mushrooms grow in families - where you find one, there are sure to be a couple more hidden there.

    Myths about “one-legged”

    Beginning mushroom pickers should look through a special encyclopedia before going into the forest - many inedible mushrooms are very similar to edible ones. And the folk remedy for identifying a poisonous mushroom (cooking, for example, an onion or garlic with it, which should turn blue or brown if there is a toadstool in the pan), does not always pay off. Often people get poisoned, although the bulb remains the same color.

    There are also folk signs based on misconception. Some people believe that poisonous mushrooms have an unpleasant odor, while edible ones have a pleasant odor. But the smell of the toadstool is almost identical to the smell of mushrooms, although, according to some, the toadstool has no smell at all. They say that “worms,” insect larvae, are not found in poisonous mushrooms, but this is also a misconception. It is also not true that silver objects in a decoction of an inedible mushroom turn black.

    The only thing that is unconditionally true is that you should avoid collecting mushrooms along the highways, because even an edible mushroom, having absorbed exhaust gases, can pose a serious threat to life and health.

    Sergei recalls that during his childhood (and he spent the summer with his grandmother in the village of Tugustemir, Tyulgan region), mushrooms were salted in huge 300-liter (!) oak barrels. Now technology has changed, and housewives are wary of preparations; too often entire families are poisoned with mushrooms. And for the digestive system this is heavy food.

    However, no one gives up mushrooms completely. And over the centuries, people have found optimal ways to process them: it is better to dry boletuses and boletus mushrooms, pickle boletuses, milk mushrooms and rows of mushrooms, marinate boletus, honey mushrooms and the same rows of mushrooms. Champignons are mostly fried immediately.

    Don't put bad mushrooms in your basket

    How not to get poisoned by the gifts of nature

    Poisonous mushrooms that are conditionally edible, cooked incorrectly and contain radionuclides pose a danger to humans.

    Where do mushrooms grow?

    Tyulgansky district (villages of Tugustimir, Almala): boletuses, boletuses, saffron milk caps, sow mushrooms, capillaries, milk mushrooms, umbrellas, summer mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, morels;

    Ilek district (villages Nizhneye Ozrenoe, Krasny Yar, Krasnokholm): valui, oyster mushrooms, winter mushrooms, champignons, raincoats;

    Orenburg district (village Nizhnyaya Pavlovka): champignons;

    Perevolotsky district (Syrt station): summer russula, pigs;

    Sol-Iletsk district (Boevaya Gora village, Tswillinga state farm): valui, oyster mushrooms;

    Belyaevsky district (villages Kryuchkovka, Rozhdestvenka): valui, milk mushrooms;

    Asekeyevsky district (Zaglyadino village): honey mushrooms;

    Sakmara district (Anatolyevka village): boletus mushrooms;

    Orenburg district (Chernorechye village): honey mushrooms;

    Buzuluksky pine forest: boletus, boletus.

    Deadly toadstools

    Most often they are poisoned by mushrooms that have an external resemblance to edible ones, so you should collect only the types of mushrooms that you know.

    It is necessary to know the characteristic differences between poisonous groups, but remember that they may be absent in some specimens: in the fly agaric, the white flakes on the cap are often washed off by rain, and the cap of the pale toadstool, cut off at the very top, does not allow the rings to be noticed.

    Among mushrooms there are deadly poisonous species, that is, causing fatal poisoning even with a small amount of mushrooms eaten. These include: panther and stinking fly agarics, pale and spring toadstools, fringed galerina, mountain and beautiful spiderworts, sulphur-yellow and brick-red false mushrooms, umbels - crushed, chestnut, shield-shaped, crested, fleshy-reddish, inflamed silverfish.

    Be careful with morels

    Morels and strings are classified as conditionally edible mushrooms. The toxicity of morels, according to some information, depends on the area of ​​growth.

    In addition, poisoning can result from the consumption of improperly prepared dishes made from morel mushrooms or their excessive consumption.

    The active principle is a number of substances called gyromitrins. These poisons can be partially (in morels) or completely (in individual specimens of the lines) heat-resistant, so the lines cannot be eaten at all, and the morels must first be boiled, draining the water.

    Symptoms of poisoning: jaundice, vomiting, diarrhea and severe drowsiness. In severe cases, convulsions occur, coma and death occur.

    “Stuffing” of cesium

    Mushrooms contaminated with cesium-137 are also dangerous.

    According to the degree of its accumulation, mushrooms are divided into four groups:

    Low-accumulating: oyster mushroom, champignon, pearl puffball, variegated umbrella mushroom, honey fungus;

    Moderately accumulating: boletus, boletus, gray row, common chanterelle, porcini mushroom;

    Highly accumulating: russula;

    Radiocesium batteries: oiler, flywheel, svinushka.

    Mushroom season opens in Orenburg region

    Mushrooms. It is not only tasty, but also healthy. However, sometimes a treat can turn into real poison for the body. It is enough just to cut off some false honey fungus, and even in a place not at all intended for collection.

    There are many mushroom places in the Orenburg region. Buzuluksky pine forest alone is worth it!

    “My father lived in Koltubanovka,” one of the local residents, Elizaveta, shares her memories. – The forest near the village is a real mushroom paradise! Dad said that his grandmother went into the thicket, as if into her garden, and an hour later she returned with full baskets of boletus, saffron milk caps, and chanterelles... My father became addicted to “silent hunting” from childhood. His mother shared his passion. And so, on the day off, parents took buckets and knives in their hands and went to the plantings. Previously, a remarkable harvest could be harvested in Prigorodnoye, behind Nezhinka. We went to Ovchinka. And when several families gathered, they went to Syrt. And later, in the late 80s - early 90s, a special “mushroom” train ran to Buzuluksky Bor. During one such trip, we got a little lost... Oh, how many mushrooms I have seen in my life! Tons!

    It was possible to get hold of a whole trunk of milk mushrooms and boletuses in the Saraktash region, not far from the famous Red Mountain. Now mushrooms are also valued. However, this is an era of commercialization, and therefore, for many, going for tasty treats has become an opportunity to earn money. At the very beginning of the season, a small bucket of pigs can be purchased on the Orskaya highway for 300 rubles. Much cheaper - milk mushrooms. They ask for 50 rubles per kilogram. True, milk mushroom is a specific mushroom. You can only salt it. You won't be able to fry it with potatoes.

    So what do you need to remember when going into the forest to fish? The most important thing is to know real mushrooms by sight. In the age of the Internet, it is not difficult to study what, for example, honey fungus, russula, pig or champignon looks like. General criteria for edible mushrooms include:

    – absence of a sharp bitter smell and taste;

    – they are not characterized by very bright and catchy colors;

    – usually the inner pulp is light;

    – most often do not have a ring on the stem.

    However, it is not a fact that the trophy will have all these signs. The most poisonous pale grebe has no smell and has a light-colored interior. You need to carefully study the most common “varieties”. Popular forest dwellers in the Orenburg region among mushroom pickers include porcini mushrooms, boletuses, boletus, chanterelles, russula, honey mushrooms, champignons and oyster mushrooms. To avoid serious poisoning and, God forbid, death, you need to focus on these names. They actually have no imitators, except that honey mushrooms may be false. The easiest way to avoid the appearance of dangerous specimens in the basket is to print out pictures depicting edible mushrooms.

    What else needs to be clearly remembered when collecting delicacies is the place!

    Mushrooms, like watermelons, have the unpleasant property of absorbing various poisons and exhausts. Therefore, it is not worth conducting “silent hunting” along the routes. Even if real porcini mushrooms grow in a small forest near the road and they look like real ones, you cannot pick them! They have absorbed everything negative that can be on the highway, and therefore are dangerous to health. An example of this is the story of Orenburg resident Igor.

    – We were driving from Buguruslan to Orenburg. Somewhere near Sorochinsk our Gazelle broke down. The driver began to repair it. And the passengers scattered along the road. My girlfriend and I went down to the nearby landing. And there are mushrooms - mow them with a scythe! We took a package from the salon and filled it up. We came home, cleaned it, fried it. I felt sick after three hours. My friend felt unwell after she called an ambulance for me. As a result, we ended up in an infectious diseases hospital with serious heavy metal poisoning. As they say, we ate mushrooms...

    So, the conclusion: when going for mushrooms, you need to print out the picture and study all the characteristics of the edible specimens. Do not harvest along highways.

    How to pick mushrooms without getting poisoned?

    Fly agaric is one of the most beautiful and poisonous mushrooms in the Orenburg region

    Fly agarics, toadstools, scaly mushrooms, milk mushrooms, pig mushrooms... And dozens more mushrooms grow on the territory Orenburg region. Some of them are incredibly tasty, others are deadly. Read about how to pick mushrooms without getting poisoned in our new review Ural56.Ru.


    Toadstools They are not only deadly poisonous, but also excellent camouflages: they can easily be confused with champignons, russula and some other edible mushrooms.

    The color of the mushroom is light green, white, yellowish-brown-olive. The pulp is white, odorless and tasteless, the cap reaches 10 centimeters in diameter.

    fly agaric is considered less poisonous than toadstools, since poisoning with these mushrooms is rarely fatal. Fly agaric mushrooms are rightfully considered one of the brightest and most beautiful mushrooms. Their hats can be bright orange, bright red, beige, and they are always decorated with white dots. There is a so-called skirt on the leg.

    Amanita muscaria was used as an intoxicant (hallucinogenic) and entheogen in Siberia and had religious significance in local culture.

    In many European languages, the name of this mushroom comes from its ancient method of use - as a remedy against flies.


    Common pig

    pigs is a genus of mushrooms that includes various types of edible and inedible representatives. Therefore, you need to be careful with them.

    For a long time it was believed that pigs could be eaten after prolonged soaking and boiling for 30-40 minutes. In fact, all this does not correspond to the true state of affairs. However, recent studies have shown that thin pork contains one of the most insidious poisons - muscatine. It is heat-resistant, which means it does not fade even after prolonged cooking. The same thin pig contains a specific antigenic protein that is aggressive towards the red blood cells of the human body. Because of it, instant blood clotting can occur with the formation of blood clots in the heart muscle and large vessels of the brain.

    Another danger of pigs is that they accumulate cesium.


    Ramaria, Kuvandyk district, Sarin forests

    Genus of mushrooms Ramaria considered one of the most unique found in Orenburg region. These mushrooms have popular names: Yellow Coral, Yellow Rogatik, Coral Mushroom, Coral, Mushroom Noodles.

    Ramaria reaches height 15-20 cm, peculiar twigs grow from the root, similar to corals. The smell is pleasant, a little like herbal, the taste is weak.

    Ramaria is an edible mushroom when young. They are fried, boiled in soups and salted - after boiling 10 minutes. Old mushrooms begin to taste bitter or acquire an unpleasant bitter taste.

    Interestingly, yellowing Ramaria (Ramaria flavescens) is listed in the Red Book of the Chelyabinsk region.

    Golden scale

    Golden scale

    Golden scale distributed throughout Russia, often found in Orenburg region, for example - in Guberlinsky mountains. Grows in large groups on or near the trunks of deciduous trees.

    Note that golden flake belongs to edible mushrooms. As encyclopedias dedicated to mushrooms report, the fruiting bodies of the flake contain a large amount of fat, protein, vitamins, sugar, and mineral components (among them sodium, magnesium, calcium, iron). The pulp contains 3 times more of these components than other mushrooms.

    What’s interesting: there are no more mushrooms that look like scales.

    The most mushroom places Orenburg region are considered:

    • Tyulgansky district (villages of Tugustimir, Almala): boletuses, boletus mushrooms, saffron milk caps, sow mushrooms, volushki, milk mushrooms, umbrellas, summer mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, morels;
    • Ilek district (villages Nizhneye Ozrenoe, Krasny Yar, Krasnokholm): valui, oyster mushrooms, winter mushrooms, champignons, raincoats;
    • Orenburg district. Nizhnyaya Pavlovka village: champignons; Chernorechye village: honey mushrooms;
    • Perevolotsky district (Syrt station): summer russula, pigs;
    • Sol-Iletsky district (Boevaya Gora village, Tswillinga state farm): valui, oyster mushrooms;
    • Belyaevsky district (villages Kryuchkovka, Rozhdestvenka): valui, milk mushrooms;
    • Asekeyevsky district (Zaglyadino village): honey mushrooms;
    • Sakmara district (Anatolyevka village): boletus mushrooms;
    • Buzuluksky pine forest: boletus, boletus;
    • Kvarkensky district (Bolotovsk village): boletus, honey mushrooms, milk mushrooms, russula;
    • Kuvandyk district (Sarinsky forests): boletus, boletus, russula, boletus, honey mushrooms, oyster mushrooms.

    Boletus in the forest in Kuvandyk district

    And finally, some advice for novice mushroom pickers:
    • take only those mushrooms that you are confident in. If in doubt, it is better to avoid such mushrooms.
    • Do not take mushrooms without whole stems, as well as old, wormy, overripe or beginning to rot.
    • Just because a mushroom is eaten by worms or insects does not mean it is safe for humans.
    • Never try raw mushrooms in the forest.
    • Do not pick mushrooms with seals around the stem. This is one of the signs of poisonous mushrooms.
    • Do not pick mushrooms near highways or near cities. Such mushrooms are saturated with toxic substances.

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