Causes of road headaches. Headache: how fatigue, lack of sleep and stress affect it. What is migraine?

There is a common belief that headaches cannot be tolerated. Another, it turns out, is possible, namely the headache stands apart?

Kirill Skorobogatykh

To come to an answer, it’s better to start with what types of headaches there are. In general, there are a lot of them - more than 200 types, all of them are counted and ordered in the International Classification of Headaches. In this classification, it is important for patients that everything headaches are divided into two types - primary and secondary.

Secondary means that the headache is caused by another disease, it is only a symptom of it. For example, sinusitis: a person has snot, fever, but also headaches in the forehead. Or, for example, intracranial hemorrhage occurs - there will be a terrible headache. There are a lot of such variants of secondary pain, but, fortunately, they are statistically rare - no more than 10%.

And 90% are a group of primary headaches, that is, independent diseases. And first of all, we must understand what kind of pain it is in order to decide whether it can be tolerated or not.

Thunderous pain, when the peak of its intensity increases to 10 points out of 10 possible in a few seconds, is a very serious symptom, you should not tolerate it, you should run to an ambulance if the person is still conscious.

And a tension headache, for example, is quite mild, a score of 3, without accompanying symptoms of nausea and vomiting, pressing, can occur at the end of the working day and go away on its own when a person goes outside. In this case, it is not necessary to take the pill right away.

And with migraines, the situation is as follows: the sooner a person begins to stop the attack, the faster it will completely end.

- How can you tell if a headache is secondary or primary?

The first task of the neurologist is to exclude secondary pain. This is important because then the underlying disease needs to be treated. There are such “red flags” that allow us to suspect that a headache is a symptom of another disease.

Features are as follows: the appearance of a thunderous headache; headaches occurring after 50 years of age; a sharp change in the nature of the headache - for example, it was pressing, as if the head was being squeezed by a helmet, and now it began to hurt somewhere behind the eye; the pain began to be accompanied by lacrimation or nasal congestion; if the headache begins to be provoked by sneezing, coughing, straining, or occurs during sudden physical exertion; pain provoked by a change in body position - a person is lying down, his head hurts, he got up - it became easier or vice versa; headache and fever.

Plus, doctors are alarmed by neurological symptoms when a neurologist examines a patient with a special hammer and does not like the reflexes. In such cases, the patient undergoes an MRI or CT scan of the brain, sometimes in a special mode that allows the vessels to be seen. No other studies are needed, but people come with whole folders and a bunch of tests, there are repeated electroencephalographs, rheoencephalographs, x-rays of the skull, duplex scanning of the vessels of the neck, which reveals changes that are declared the cause of the headache, but are actually a variant of the norm - for example , different speeds of blood flow through the right and left carotid arteries or tortuosity of the artery. These are not the reasons for headaches, although for some reason this is often said. Ultrasound of the neck vessels is generally needed in extremely rare cases.

So, if we have not found such “red flags”, we have a primary headache. How do we make a diagnosis further? Our diagnosis is based on the characteristics of pain, there is no analysis that would allow us to say - something has changed here, which means this is such and such a diagnosis.

Look, migraine. What are the diagnostic criteria? Headaches are often one-sided, pulsating, of medium or high intensity, limiting physical activity - when bending over, the pain intensifies, for example. The pain should be accompanied by nausea and/or discomfort from light and sound. It is a misconception that it is always one-sided; a migraine can be on both sides, if the pain is throbbing, strong enough and a little nauseating.

Diagnosis is based on the doctor's ability to extract symptoms from the patient. Without any treatment, migraine attacks last from four hours to three days, migraines most often bring patients to the doctor, other types of primary pain are either very rare or milder.

Tension headaches are actually more common, but they are not as intense, without nausea and photophobia, and if you also have to pay to see a neurologist, then this is an additional barrier.

Ate a chocolate bar - a migraine begins

- What is a migraine?

Migraine is a disorder of the brain, it is not something with blood vessels or the cervical region, as is often believed. Any headache is realized through the trigeminal nerve system. If you have a toothache, then the endings of the trigeminal nerve are irritated, then, as if through wires, all this enters a certain area of ​​the brain - the nucleus of the trigeminal nerve, then - through other wires - it enters the gray matter, into the zone that is responsible specifically for tooth, and we become aware of the pain in the tooth.

Pain from a blow to the nose, for example, is also realized. The nucleus of the trigeminal nerve is like a box with electrical machines in an apartment; all the wires, all the pain impulses come there. With migraine, there are formally no such incoming impulses; the nucleus and trigeminal nerve become active on their own, suddenly, and send upward signals about pain for which there is no reason.

Why the nucleus enters this state of activation is a question that is still being studied. We understand that there is a hereditary predisposition, there is a set of genes that determines that the nucleus of the trigeminal nerve in this person will react this way to some provocateurs.

In approximately 80% of cases, people note that migraine attacks are triggered by something. The most common thing is emotional stress: I got nervous and had an attack.

Or at the beginning of the menstrual cycle in women, if you didn’t get enough sleep, were hungry or drank red wine. These factors throw the trigeminal system out of balance.

Recently it turned out that when there is no pain yet, there are already changes in the brain - before the headache phase, the hypothalamus is activated. Sometimes patients say that they feel a few hours or even days in advance that there will be pain - this is called the prodromal phase of migraine.

It is accompanied by the following symptoms, for example: people are unfocused, their mood deteriorates, yawning occurs, their stomach is churning, they often run to the toilet. These symptoms are not specific to migraine and can be present on their own, but they can help many people notice that an attack is coming. And these symptoms are under the responsibility of the hypothalamus, as is eating behavior, by the way: some people want sweets, they eat a chocolate bar, and a migraine begins. But not because the person ate chocolate, the process had already begun before that. And these brain disorders - migraines - are not visible with conventional MRI.

- That is, such a patient should be meticulously questioned, and not sent for an MRI?

If we don't suspect a secondary headache, we should ask, yes. Because there are indirect symptoms. For example, migraine often goes away during pregnancy - in about 80% of patients. This is not a diagnostic criterion, but it is very common for migraines.

That is, it is important to look at the patient’s life history. Attacks may become more frequent and develop into chronic migraine, when pain occurs more than 15 times a month. In women, migraines are three times more common - this is associated with sex hormones, but it is not completely clear how and why they influence. Migraines, of course, also occur in men.

Citramon, antidepressants and... Botox

- So what should people suffering from migraines do?

The key is to have realistic expectations. Migraine cannot be cured, it is not appendicitis. It can go away on its own for some period in life, and then return after five years. We don't have anything to cut off in our heads, but we can treat it.

The first approach is to stop the attack, that is, remove pain, nausea, discomfort from light and sounds. What is used for this? Conventional pain relievers (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). There is an idea that if such a drug helps, then it is not a migraine - this is a myth; in many cases, ordinary painkillers are sufficient. If attacks of pain do not respond to this therapy, we resort to special drugs - triptans. They only work for migraines and will not help with back pain, for example. Antiemetic drugs can be added to them, since nausea is sometimes very disturbing.

Treatment evaluation criteria: the attack went away within two hours and did not return within two days. Then we chose the right drugs. But if the attacks do not stop or occur more than four times a week, we offer the patient preventive therapy - regular use of certain medications to make the attacks less frequent and more responsive to treatment.

What is used for this? Several groups of drugs have been proven effective - some antidepressants, antiepileptic drugs, blood pressure medications used by cardiologists, and even Botox.

The mechanism of action of these drugs has nothing to do with the name. That is, you need to understand that we are not treating wrinkles, not depression, not high blood pressure, just some drugs have shown their effectiveness for migraines in clinical studies.

In the late 1980s, scientists discovered a certain protein that is a key neurotransmitter in the brain for migraines, then figured out how to influence it and made drugs that block this protein or its receptor. These are injectable drugs - an injection is given in the stomach or shoulder once a month or once every three months. The procedure reduces the number of days with headaches. The first such drug was registered in the United States in May of this year; in July it appeared in pharmacies; thousands of migraine sufferers have already begun to use it. In the USA it costs a colossal amount - about 7 thousand dollars a year, but there it is covered by insurance. We are waiting for him to appear with us.

- Is therapy with antidepressants or Botox cheaper?

Yes. Botox is more expensive than other drugs, somewhere around 40-50 thousand rubles every three months. There are drugs that cost 100 rubles and have been used for decades.

- Why then does someone choose Botox?

This is where individual characteristics come into play when choosing preventive therapy. We focus on the positive and possible side effects that these drugs can provide.

The patient has other conditions - for example, high or low blood pressure. And if this is a girl with a blood pressure of 90 over 60, and she is also prescribed beta blockers, her blood pressure will completely drop. Amitriptyline will be great for people with sleep disorders, but it causes tachycardia and will be uncomfortable for those who already have it.

These new injectable drugs, according to the current data, cause a minimal number of side effects - yes, there are no such long-term safety monitoring horizons, only about three years of observation. But we are waiting for this new therapy, because there are difficulties in selecting medications for patients, and it solves some of the problems. All these drugs are prescription drugs, and they should only be prescribed by a doctor, there is a whole list of side effects, you need to look at what is wrong with the patient.

Headache “due to the weather” and “from blood vessels”

- Can your head hurt because of the weather? Is there weather dependence?

Indeed, many patients complain of pain when the weather changes. Research has been carried out, but there is no evidence that a change in pressure of 40 mm Hg in our Central Russian Upland leads to any physical changes in the body.

This does not happen - there is no connection between wind strength, solar flares, pressure changes and headaches. On an airplane, the pressure drops significantly more, but no one is writhing from a severe headache, by the way. There may be a nocebo effect here.

We all know a placebo, it’s the same thing, but in reverse: there is a completely harmless object or phenomenon, but a person believes that it can influence him, and it does influence him in some way.

For example, one person in a study is given a saline solution and another is given a drug, and even with the saline solution a rash may appear all over the body - this will be the nocebo effect. A person read that there will be a solar flare tomorrow, he has negative expectations, and they are realized in the form of a headache. So this can be explained at least from some scientific point of view.

What then should these people do if they get headaches when the weather changes - take ibuprofen and not think about it?

This means that the person has some type of primary headache. It wasn't the weather's fault, he didn't get enough sleep and skipped meals. You need to come to see a doctor, some kind of diagnosis will appear. And take a close look at what other factors were present on such days. There is no type of headache associated with nocebo or weather dependence, you need to diagnose what kind of pain it really is.

- Then another widespread diagnosis is vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Oh yes. There is a persistent myth that blood vessels affect headaches. It is very common, the second one is the connection between headaches and the neck. The blood vessels have virtually no effect on headaches, disruption of the blood supply to the brain does not cause pain - the brain is devoid of pain receptors, it physically cannot hurt.

I sometimes give patients this example to dramatically emphasize this point: there are neurosurgical operations when the tumor comes very close to the speech zone, and in order to preserve speech, surgeons perform an operation with awakening. A man with an open skull, doctors slowly cut away the tumor and talk with the patient to understand when speech begins to be impaired. Cerebral ischemia does not lead to pain. Have you seen posters in the subway - how to detect a stroke? Ask the person to smile, raise their hand, say something. There is nothing about headaches, that is, disruption of the blood supply does not cause pain.

But there are headaches associated with vascular damage - for example, an aneurysm. It ruptured - the person suffered internal hemorrhage and a terrible, very intense headache. Or an arteriovenous malformation has arisen, when the arteries and veins are incorrectly connected into such a huge ball, squeezing everything in the brain. And there will be pain because of this. Or an injury in a car accident, when the vertebral artery is dissected due to the impact - there will be intense occipital pain. But these are all acute, emergency situations.

And vegetative-vascular dystonia is a Soviet-Russian diagnosis, such a hodgepodge, which includes a bunch of real diagnoses - anxiety disorders, dizziness of various natures, headaches, depression, somatoform disorders.

Why is it installed? One version is this: neurologists do not have the right to make a psychiatric diagnosis and treat it. Although it is very simple: a patient comes in with an obvious anxiety disorder - why not prescribe therapy for her? Why call a psychiatrist for this?

And for a formal bypass, the International Classification of Diseases code - “other diseases of the autonomic nervous system” can be used. This diagnosis belongs to the “neurological group”, but allows the prescription of some “psychiatric” drugs. In fact, of course, in the International Classification of Diseases this code does not mean “vegetative-vascular dystonia”.

The autonomic system regulates what we do not control with consciousness - intestinal tone, heart tone, sweating and many other functions. And she can really suffer - for example, with diabetes. One of the complications of diabetes is constipation: due to high sugar, the fibers of the parasympathetic autonomic system are affected and the intestines stop moving normally. Sometimes the autonomic system stops working normally - dry mouth, constipation, fainting occurs if a person gets up after lying down. That is, we understand that there are lesions of the autonomic system, but we do not understand why - and for this there is a special code in the classification, which they began to use at one time to prescribe treatment. And then it stuck.

Almost anyone can be diagnosed with osteochondrosis

- In fact, such patients were simply not dealt with properly?

In general, yes, this is a hodgepodge of different diagnoses - therapeutic, neurological, psychiatric. They need to be dealt with. If a person has a somatoform or depressive disorder, it is better to start with a psychiatrist, but for this the person himself must have a good understanding of medicine, which is strange to demand of him. Therefore, neurologists can be the entry point; they are more accessible and there are no additional worries associated with contacting them. Although, in theory, the therapist can figure out which specialist to refer the patient to.

But neurologists often encounter osteochondrosis - this is another phenomenon of our reality. This is not a diagnosis. What is osteochondrosis itself? These are changes in the intervertebral discs and vertebrae that most people have. This is natural, it’s like skin - at 10 years old it’s one, at 90 years old it’s different, and we don’t give her any diagnoses because of this. The same thing is with the spine: the presence of a hernia or any protrusion does not convey much information.

There is a type of headache called cervicogenic - in Latin it means “associated with the cervical region.” It is rare; to make such a diagnosis, an MRI or X-ray of the cervical spine is not needed, but a clinical connection is needed between the impact on the structures of the cervical spine and the headache: for example, when turning the head or during palpation at the appointment. If after this a headache typical for the patient occurs, then we say: yes, there is a connection. Then we block it with anesthetics, thus once again making sure that this is the source of pain.

- That is, a person with osteochondrosis does not need to do anything about it?

It depends on what this person is worried about. He didn’t just go for an X-ray and they saw osteochondrosis - something was probably hurting. We need to figure out why and what hurts him. But osteochondrosis in itself is nothing, it can be diagnosed to almost anyone.

Neck pain is a very common symptom with which office workers come. The reason is most often due to excessive tension in the neck muscles when staying in a fixed position for a long time. In some cases, we see a combination of neck pain and headache. And then the question arises: are these two separate diagnoses or one? A migraine attack can also begin with neck pain. When the nucleus of the trigeminal nerve is activated, the muscles of the neck are also reflexively activated. Then people feel that their neck is “stuck”, they want to stretch it, and then after 30 minutes or an hour a migraine attack begins, and they associate it with their neck. In fact, the neck is secondary in this case. People start going to chiropractors, but this won't help their migraines. The neck may get better, but the headaches will not go away.

All about motion sickness in transport, seasickness and their treatment

Motion sickness in transport and seasickness: causes, symptoms and signs, effective methods of treatment and prevention

What are motion sickness and motion sickness and why do they occur?

Symptoms and signs of motion sickness

The occurrence of severe dizziness and other symptoms characteristic of motion sickness in older people or people suffering from hypertension requires immediate medical intervention to exclude certain diseases of the nervous system (for example, cerebral stroke) that may resemble motion sickness.

Effective treatments for motion sickness and motion sickness

Maintaining a certain body position in the treatment of motion sickness

Food and drinks

Medicines to treat motion sickness and motion sickness

Reviews about "All about motion sickness in transport, seasickness and their treatment"

Thanks for the advice on medications, we tried Dramamine - it helped wonderfully :) Previously, we suffered terribly simply, every trip out of town turned out to be a disaster, and all sorts of homeopathy and traditional remedies did not help at all:((

The article is very useful, to the author +)) It usually helps us a little if the windows are open, there is a flow of fresh air, and we chew sweets) True, even this doesn’t last long, we can stand it for an hour, and then it’s a nightmare.. also, in general, we have to use pills the way, we drink the same Dramamine, for my son (we just turned 2) a quarter is usually enough..)

What about food? Such contradictory information, sometimes you need to eat, sometimes you don’t, sometimes you need to, but it’s low-calorie... And it’s the same with alcohol - many people advise drinking red wine, they say it helps, but on the contrary, you have a strict ban on alcohol.
Although, it’s better, of course, to fill everything with medications... Just not diphenhydramine... I once went to the pharmacy, completely sick, green, and I went in and said, give me diphenhydramine... Why should I? It makes me sick, I say... So the pharmacist (or whoever) looked at me so that I ran away myself... Well, there is Dramamine now, it’s not so scary to buy it, no one will take it for a drug addict

The much-hyped air-sea homeopathy turned out to be the same. I found out about six months ago when I was drinking and drinking, but it didn’t make much sense. the truth was close. Since then I have also been drinking Dramamine. This seems to be something serious, and not sugar balls or how this homeopathy is done.

You shouldn't be so upset about homeopathy. It can be different too. Aviamore didn’t help me either, but the Ecastraplast anti-motion sickness patch with extracts of ginger, mint and Datura flowers helps better than anti-motion sickness tablets. I am a dead man in transport (practically any transport except trains and trams). And then for the first time I felt better when I started using Ekstraplast.

Headache and nausea: symptoms and causes

A variety of reasons can cause headaches and nausea at the same time - from serious illnesses to ordinary fatigue or motion sickness. Most often, it is enough to take a painkiller tablet and hold a cold compress on your head so that everything goes away, but if the pain is really severe and recurs after a while, you should consult a doctor, as this may be due to a serious malfunction in the body’s functioning.

Under no circumstances should you tolerate a headache. However, treating it with home medicine is not the best solution. If you experience regular pain, seek medical help as soon as possible.

General list of probable causes of headaches along with nausea

These symptoms are characteristic of too many ailments, so you should carefully monitor your health and try to find out the cause of the ailment.

  1. Inattention to one’s health and the body’s needs is “punished” with the help of similar symptoms - for example, they are especially pronounced with anorexia, hormonal imbalances, and oxygen starvation.
  2. Nausea and headache can be a side effect of taking medications, overdose and intoxication due to food poisoning. They often accompany untreated diabetes mellitus for the same reasons and even toxicosis during pregnancy.
  3. They also serve as a signal for mechanical damage and consequences - for various types of injuries, not only of the skull, but also of the cervical spine and back.
  4. High blood pressure causes discomfort, but it can be caused by too many diseases: pinched blood vessels, tumors, cervical osteochondrosis, poor diet, eye diseases, and so on.
  5. Infectious diseases are on the same list: meningitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, encephalitis and borreliosis, and even influenza with ARVI.

Not to mention stress and muscle strain, the list is impressive. But how to distinguish simple pain from mortal danger? Look for the causes of unpleasant sensations, including the accompanying symptoms, and see a doctor in a timely manner.

General malaise

Lack of sleep, overwork, overheating or hypothermia, a long trip in transport - all this can provoke a headache along with dizziness and nausea. As a rule, they are not very pronounced, but they cause discomfort. To overcome the unpleasant condition, it is enough to rest a little - sit, go to bed, take painkillers - Citramon, Analgin, No-shpa. Having thought a little about the last 24 hours, it is quite possible to find the reason why the patient feels unwell and eliminate the source of discomfort.

Headache and nausea due to food poisoning

Intoxication or food poisoning, in addition to its characteristic symptoms, often causes headaches. Only a doctor can determine exactly why a person feels nauseous, has a headache and sometimes vomits, so you should not delay calling him. The first aid that should be provided for possible food poisoning is gastric lavage and taking activated charcoal. In this case, it is recommended to follow a strict diet so as not to increase the pain: you can drink strong tea, eat crackers or dryers, rice porridge with water or boiled potatoes without adding anything, and all in small portions. If after a day the sensations remain the same or intensify, you should immediately consult a doctor for examination.

Hours of pain - migraine

According to medical statistics, for every hundred people there are at least a couple of migraine sufferers. Its symptoms are characteristic - for no apparent reason, a sharp headache occurs in a certain place, which can last for several hours or even several days. It is usually accompanied by nausea, dizziness, lack of appetite, and sometimes even vomiting. The skin of the face becomes pale, and feverish red spots may appear on the cheeks.

A person in this state is extremely sensitive to the noise and conversations of others, bright light - at the same time it seems to him that everyone around is screaming, and sunlight or artificial light causes pain in the eyes. Sometimes the patient sees light figures - stars, spots, stripes. The combination of all these sensations is called a migraine aura.

Unfortunately, migraine is one of those diseases that is difficult to treat and sometimes returns after some time. A patient with recurrent migraine senses in advance the onset of an attack due to the symptoms described above. Leaving pain without attention and treatment, citing the fact that pills do not help, is a strange, but very common choice among patients. In addition to the medicinal method, there are other, much more effective medical means, so in no case should you neglect your health and consult a doctor immediately if such pain occurs.

Fever and joint pain – meningitis

If, in addition to nausea and headache, the patient's temperature rises, he cannot bend his limbs in the joints without severe pain, and dark spots appear on the body - this is meningitis. This infectious disease is diagnosed by neurologists and infectious disease specialists; the sick themselves almost never can determine the true cause of poor health. With meningitis, the membranes of the brain and spinal cord become inflamed, and it is also dangerous due to its complications.

Pain and nausea after a tick bite – borreliosis

Borreliosis or Lyme disease is transmitted by ixodid ticks. Symptoms include headache, nausea, general weakness and a skin rash that looks like red spots with a red halo at some distance from the spot. In the early stages, the disease can be stopped by taking antibiotics, but in the late stages it not only destroys many body systems, but can also be fatal. There is still controversy regarding the correct diagnosis and treatment of this disease, so it is imperative to contact a doctor if you have the slightest doubt about the nature of the symptoms. The disease is widespread in the Northern Hemisphere in the habitat of ticks; infection is possible in the spring and summer.

Regular morning pain – brain tumor

A hematoma or brain tumor provokes regular headaches combined with nausea, especially in the morning. The absence of visible causes and constant relapse at the same time of day is a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

Regular asymptomatic pain – arterial hypertension/hypotension

Just a headache and nausea that appears regularly for no reason and just as suddenly stops. Regardless of the time of day, season, or weather outside, arterial hypertension and hypotension cause pain due to an increase or sharp decrease in blood pressure, which may not be accompanied by any symptoms at all. This disease can be fatal in some cases, so there is no need to skip routine examinations and keep frequent pain and nausea a secret from your doctor. A good habit of monitoring your blood pressure will help you detect and successfully defeat the disease at an early stage.

Headache, nausea in transport

Lately I’ve been wandering around the city a lot, it’s necessary, I spend a lot of time in the subway and often use buses. Recently the following symptoms began to appear: you’re riding on a bus, your head starts to hurt wildly, you feel nauseous, your stomach feels like you’ve spilled sulfuric acid. In the subway, I also get sick like hell, my head starts to hurt instantly. Then it takes me a long time to come to my senses.
Can this condition be called new-onset migraine?
if not, then what?

idk what is this
but in the heat on buses I also start to feel sick
gets confused by baralgin

sick on the bus? what do you want, you seem to be waiting for an increase

what kind of news do I hear about myself?
it's all about Maskva, she's killing me

The same thing happens to me. Yes, my parents too. This is pure migraine. The best medicine is a soft bed and sleep in a quiet room. This actually helps me. True, you can also eat caffeine (caffeine will initially help ease the pain and thereby make it easier to fall asleep. I can’t help with anything else =)

what pill can help?

damn this is what happens
you climb into the subway, you feel disgusted (people are no longer adapted to exist at such density) and the muscles of the collar zone reflexively tense
this causes less blood to flow to the brain

Wow, I was weak, lack of oxygen and terrible physical. discomfort is to blame..

well, lack of oxygen also causes spasms, so it’s a sum of factors

Drink more water, it may be due to dehydration.
if it is a migraine, then taking a Nise tablet and strong tea with sugar helps

Well, from a lack of oxygen, a spasm also happens, so the sum of factors and also from an excess of oxygen (big bike, rollers, skateboard) -> hypocapnia -> headache

Headaches, nausea in transport

A headache in itself is rarely a cause for concern. But sometimes it is accompanied by nausea and even vomiting. Such symptoms cannot but alert you. But what is their reason?

Why do you feel nauseous and have a headache?


If you have a severe headache and nausea, then it may be a migraine. Usually attacks last at least 4 hours, but can last for 2 days. The headache is very intense, often one-sided. Symptoms that herald the onset of an attack include:

  • chills;
  • shortness of breath;
  • intolerance to bright light, strong odors and loud sounds;
  • paleness or excessive redness of the facial skin;
  • “flies” before the eyes;
  • dizziness;
  • vomiting

Migraines are often inherited from the mother. Attacks are mainly observed in the morning after sleep, as well as after meals.

Brain tumor

People suffering from a tumor complain of pain and dizziness, nausea, weakness and drowsiness. Depending on the affected area of ​​the brain, auditory or visual hallucinations occur, vision deteriorates, partial loss of sensitivity occurs, etc. Moreover, if the right hemisphere of the brain is affected, then all symptoms appear on the left side of the body. The tumor does not go away on its own, so the patient’s condition only worsens: headaches gain intensity, and it becomes increasingly difficult for the person to perform simple actions due to partial memory loss and increasing weakness.


Headache and nausea in a woman who “can’t wait” for menstrual bleeding to begin often indicates the onset of pregnancy. In this case, it is better to buy a test and visit your gynecologist. Nausea, weakness and headache can “bother” not only in the morning: these symptoms are “at your disposal” all day long.


Alcoholic drinks do not delight you for long: the next morning after active libations, a person will experience a hangover. Among its main symptoms:

  • depressed mood;
  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • loss of strength;
  • unpleasant taste in the mouth and dryness;
  • chills.

A hangover is not the most pleasant, but it does not pose any particular danger.

High blood pressure

Hypertension is caused by a sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet, and poor heredity: each patient “gets acquainted” with the disease under different circumstances. High blood pressure causes the following symptoms:

  • throbbing headache in the back of the head and temples;
  • nausea;
  • numbness of fingers;
  • feeling of panic and anxiety;
  • weakness;
  • rapid heartbeat.

Excessively high blood pressure causes a hypertensive crisis, which is accompanied by chest pain, cramps, vomiting, nausea, and clouding of consciousness.

Increased intracranial pressure

Disruption of normal circulation of cerebrospinal fluid leads to increased intracranial pressure. In children, this pathology can be congenital, in adults it can appear as a result of strokes, tumors, or infections. The main symptoms of increased intracranial pressure include:

  • a regularly occurring headache that becomes more intense in the evening;
  • nausea in the absence of vomiting;
  • bags and dark circles under the eyes;
  • increased sweating;
  • decreased visual function, “interference” in front of the eyes;
  • fatigue, decreased level of mental activity.

It is important to notice this deviation in time, since as a result it leads to a deterioration in brain activity. Increased intracranial pressure in older people is becoming a common cause of senile dementia.

Vomiting, fever, headache: causes

Food poisoning

Nausea, vomiting, fever, and headache are often symptoms of food poisoning. Consumption of low-quality or expired products leads to intoxication of the body with toxic substances. Food poisoning appears very quickly: after about 30 minutes. after eating, and over the next few days the condition worsens. The above symptoms may include diarrhea, dizziness, and general weakness. Depending on the severity of the patient’s condition, treatment is carried out either at home independently or under the supervision of a doctor in the hospital.

Head injury

Even a slight blow can cause a head injury. You can understand that not everything went so smoothly by the following symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • weakness;
  • drowsiness;
  • convulsions;
  • vomit;
  • memory loss;
  • impairment of visual and auditory function.

If these signs are present and the person’s condition continues to deteriorate, it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance.


In vulnerable, impressionable people, under the influence of stress and anxiety, the temperature rises to 38 degrees, which persists for more than 14 days. The factor that directly provokes such a reaction in the body is a spasm of the capillaries, leading to their narrowing. A slight increase in temperature may be accompanied by headache, weakness, nausea, vomiting, and sleep disturbances. Thermoneurosis is in no way connected with infectious diseases: the point here is solely that “the nerves are acting up.”

Stomach flu

Gastroenteritis, or stomach flu, is a viral disease transmitted through food, contaminated surfaces, and from person to person. At the initial stage, the disease “masks” as food poisoning, “demonstrating” diarrhea and a slight increase in temperature. But then more “honest” symptoms of the stomach flu appear:

  • vomit;
  • sore throat;
  • nausea;
  • redness of the whites of the eyes and pharynx;
  • acute abdominal pain;
  • yellow stool with a sour odor;
  • chills and fever.

The disease is not so dangerous for a more or less healthy young person, but for children and the elderly it poses some risk. The best prevention of gastroenteritis is regular hand washing.


Inflammation of the meninges, or meningitis, manifests itself very acutely. At the initial stage, the symptoms of the disease resemble a cold: the temperature rises to 40 degrees, fever, weakness, and pain in the muscles and joints appear. The main symptom of meningitis is an intense headache that gets worse with any movement. Patients cannot identify a clear localization of pain, claiming that “the head hurts everywhere.” Vomiting also appears, after which there is no relief.

Within 24 hours, the condition of a patient with meningitis worsens significantly. Symptoms such as confusion, increased excitability and irritability, and drowsiness appear. At this time, brain tissue swells and blood supply deteriorates. The disease is dangerous and can cause coma or death. Be sure to see a doctor.


Encephalitis is a disease that causes inflammation of the brain. A person with the following symptoms should be urgently hospitalized:

  • indigestion;
  • chills and elevated body temperature;
  • headache;
  • feverish condition;
  • dizziness;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • nausea and vomiting.

The causes of encephalitis are very different: only a doctor should find out about them and make a final diagnosis. Self-medication in this case is categorically unacceptable.

How to get rid of headaches

When a person’s well-being allows self-medication (the headache is not too severe and occurs infrequently), then you can turn to painkillers. Among them:

If nausea and headache are associated with increased blood pressure, then it is necessary to take medicine that normalizes blood pressure. In cases of headache, nausea, weakness and dizziness that occur during any travel in transport, Betaserc and Vertigo Hel are usually prescribed. All medications used for home therapy should be discussed with your doctor first.

Cold compresses or just good sleep help relieve headaches. And sometimes a person suffering from headaches and nausea just needs to leave the house. A short walk in the fresh air will restore his strength and relieve all unpleasant symptoms.

It is important to understand that nausea, vomiting, and fever are not the most harmless accompanying headaches. If the cause of this condition remains a mystery to a person, then it is necessary to undergo examination in a hospital: it is better to detect serious diseases yourself than to wait for them to declare themselves openly.

Perhaps a headache is one of those insidious ailments that can deprive us of the opportunity to engage in any activity, physical or mental. Agree, when you have a headache, it is absolutely impossible to think about anything else. The whole world seems distorted, as if floating in a fog. Of course, in the modern era, the degree of susceptibility to headaches has increased significantly. The reason for this was the lifestyle that many lead. A maximally busy working day, most of which we are busy with the same type of activity without leaving our workplace, weekends spent in household chores, constant problems and endless tasks. The fact that we spend most of our time indoors and not outdoors leads to oxygen deprivation, which is one of the most important causes of headaches. Numerous stress and mental disorders - all this plays a negative role. According to medical statistics, 90% of complaints about episodic or chronic headache attacks are associated with psychological stress and can stem from the most insignificant trifles. For example, your head can hurt due to such trivial things as reading advertisements on public transport or wearing uncomfortable clothes. American psychologists believe that even good news like winning the lottery can cause a headache. The mechanism for the occurrence of such attacks is as follows: hormones produced in a stressful situation by the adrenal glands and other endocrine glands maintain the muscular system of the body in tension, similar to that which occurs during physical activity. The vessels of the brain are compressed, the muscles suffer from a lack of oxygen, as a result, a signal is sent to the brain along the nerve fibers, to which it responds with a severe headache. Gradually, the pain goes away along with stress: the release of hormones decreases, muscle tension subsides, which helps to stop the pain. In addition to psychological factors, external factors also contribute to the occurrence of headaches. Among these reasons, the most common are various changes in weather conditions, in particular changes in atmospheric pressure, which negatively affect the activity of blood vessels. Is there a predisposition to migraines? Migraine headaches are paroxysmal in nature. There is no particular predisposition to this disease, but there are a number of reasons that cause frequent and prolonged attacks. Pain can occur as a result of mental stress. One reason may be changing weather conditions. Statistics show that 80% of people suffer from migraine attacks on days when the weather changes. This occurs due to fluctuations in blood pressure in the body, with its increased sensitivity to external factors. If you notice that headache attacks are repeated regularly as the cyclone approaches, be sure to consult a doctor, as this phenomenon indicates a dysfunction of the blood vessels. For most people, migraine attacks worsen towards the end of the work week, which is associated with nervous tension accumulated during everyday life. For car owners, headaches can be fully justified by the abundance of stressful situations that arise on the road: getting into traffic jams, colliding with inexperienced drivers, pedestrians constantly crossing the road both in the right and wrong places.

Is migraine a hereditary disease? The official opinion of experts is that the hereditary factor plays a significant role in the origin of this disease. If your parents or close relatives suffered from pronounced migraine attacks, then it is possible that your head is doomed to the same torment. However, a lot depends on the type of activity your parents did. Doctors have long noticed that migraines most often torment people who are active, focused, responsible and ambitious. This is explained by the fact that such people, as a rule, are almost always under psychological stress. This condition is a sufficient reason to trigger the migraine mechanism if there is a hereditary predisposition to it. American medical statistics indicate that 70% of patients suffering from chronic migraines had parents who also experienced similar symptoms; In 20% of respondents, only one of their immediate relatives suffered from migraine.

Can a concussion trigger a migraine? Since a concussion occurs as a result of a blow, it can cause headache attacks. As a rule, such attacks are caused by changes in the tone of extracranial and intracranial vessels. Try, if possible, to avoid various falls, the number of which increases significantly with the onset of the cold season. Any head injury can cause a migraine, which will not be easy to get rid of in the future. However, after sufficient time has passed after recovery from a concussion, headache attacks should gradually become weaker and shorter-lasting, and then disappear altogether. Of course, this will only happen if you lead an active, mobile lifestyle and do not provoke the development of the disease yourself. If, after a bruise, headaches constantly torment you, and soon they are joined by symptoms such as numbness in the muscles of the neck and back of the head, sharp pain behind the ears when turning the head, consult a doctor immediately. These signs indicate the possible occurrence of a benign brain tumor. Several decades ago, the so-called migraine gene was discovered in medicine. It manifests itself to the greatest extent if one of the possible causes of this type of headache is added to the hereditary predisposition: fluctuations in hormonal levels, allergic reactions to foods, etc.

Can spinal injuries cause headaches? Spinal injuries can vary in severity. In mild cases, the injury is always curable, but displacement of the vertebrae can affect the disruption of blood vessels, which leads to headaches. As a rule, after recovery, migraine attacks do not bother the patient. The acceleration of the treatment process is greatly facilitated by a specially designed set of physical exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back and neck. In more severe cases, as a result of damage to the spine, complete or partial cessation of motor function of the limbs is possible. In this regard, the patient’s immobile lifestyle is added to the above reasons for the occurrence of migraine attacks. Of course, the combination of these factors contributes to the occurrence of headaches, especially if the person was susceptible to similar attacks before the injury.

Chronic headache – myth or reality? People subject to frequent neuroses and stress tend to claim that they have chronic fatigue, accompanied by constant headaches. Is this really true? First of all, the so-called chronic fatigue arises from leading an incorrect lifestyle, from maximum workload during the work week, from the inability to rest and relax. “It’s simply impossible to live differently these days,” you say. From the very morning, a long list of things that need to be done in a day appears before your eyes, a lot of problems and questions that need to be solved today. And on weekends, you don’t find anything better than to sleep until noon and spend the remaining time watching TV, combining such “rest” with completing household chores that have accumulated over the week. And so on day after day, week after week. All this causes a state of chronic fatigue and headaches. In fact, in medical practice such a formulation occurs. As a rule, these are dull, aching, tightening pains that cover both halves of the head, unlike migraine attacks. Over time, the walls of the brain vessels stretch and become inflamed, so they become overly sensitive to any hormonal changes in the body, changes in atmospheric pressure, etc.

Are there diseases that cause frequent headaches? Headaches can occur as a side symptom as a result of certain diseases not directly related to the brain. First of all, one of these diseases should be considered mental neurosis and its varieties: depression, neurasthenia, hypochondria... This series can be continued. In addition, headaches can also be caused by toxins produced in the body during various diseases: influenza, pneumonia, tonsillitis, measles. In principle, any illness accompanied by fever can cause headache attacks. As a rule, the drugs that we take to relieve fever also relieve headaches, which only confirms the interdependence of these phenomena. This type of symptom such as dizziness can be caused not only by a reaction to unusual external factors (for example, fear of heights), but also by certain diseases of the inner ear.

Can a strong smell cause a headache? A strong, pungent odor can also contribute to headaches. Whether the smell is pleasant or unpleasant, the result, as a rule, does not change. Let’s say that on public transport a woman stood next to you, around whom the suffocating aroma of sickly-sweet perfume spread for several meters. Over a short time on your journey together, you may well develop an aversion to such a smell and a desire to get rid of it as soon as possible. Of course, the negative emotions experienced in this case can provoke a headache attack. The same can happen in the case of an unpleasant odor. On top of everything else, a sensitive person may experience a feeling of severe nausea, accompanied by a headache. Various gases and chemicals with a strong, specific odor have a particularly harmful effect. In addition to headaches, they can also cause general poisoning of the body. There is a special type of headache - toxic vascular headache, which occurs due to poor ventilation of the room, carbon monoxide poisoning or nitrites. It is usually accompanied by an increase in temperature. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Are migraines and eye diseases related? Some eye diseases are accompanied by headaches. This is especially true in cases where vision is forced to function in unacceptable conditions. For example, with the wrong approach to working at the computer, pain in the eyes, watery eyes, and headaches occur. Attacks that torment you occasionally can gradually develop into chronic migraines. The opposite reaction - eye disease as a result of a headache - can occur with cluster migraine, during attacks of which blood rushes to the face, the nose is blocked, lacrimation occurs and vision sharply deteriorates. The headache in this case is of a sharp stabbing nature, usually in the area of ​​the right temple and orbit.

Does migraine occur during toxicosis? As you know, during pregnancy, significant changes in hormone levels occur in a woman’s body. In this regard, some manifestations of migraine symptoms are possible. Your susceptibility to headache attacks increases greatly if you have experienced similar unpleasant sensations before. An additional factor may be a hereditary predisposition to migraine. If your parents or your child's father's parents suffered from migraines, there is a possibility that the headaches will worsen and be passed on to your baby. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor to avoid complications.

Migraine: how to avoid attacks

Migraine is one of the most common types of headaches, affecting up to 38 percent of the world's population. Although migraine symptoms have been described since the time of Hippocrates, little is known about it. For example, it has been found that this disease is often inherited and affects women two to three times more often. However, “bad” heredity manifests itself only under certain unfavorable circumstances - poor lifestyle and chronic nervous tension.

How does a migraine differ from a regular headache?

...When the university exams were successfully passed, Olga saw herself on the list of applicants and finally relaxed, she had this terrible attack for the first time. The painful, debilitating headache did not go away for several days. Conventional drugs did not help. The girl was unable to do anything and lay in the room with the curtains drawn for days. Since then, the headache has become a constant...

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Car at a junkyard.

Before it breaks down, the car gives a series of “signals”. But not every driver can notice them in time. This ultimately leads to breakdowns and costly repairs. It turns out you can avoid headaches and save a lot of money. Here's a look at 6 signs your car may need repairs soon.

1. Strange color of smoke from the exhaust pipe

Black exhaust of a diesel pickup truck.

If a little white smoke from the exhaust pipe is the norm for any car, then all other cases indicate a malfunction of one or another system. A large amount of white exhaust can be caused by a bad cylinder head gasket. Then the coolant evaporates and enters the exhaust pipe. In cars with high mileage, the exhaust gases are bluish (gray) in color due to the combustion of engine oil, which seeps through the gaps. Black smoke is caused by problems with the power system. This can often be noticed on diesel engines, especially at idle....

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Applied kinesiotherapy doctor, founder and chief specialist of the medical fitness club “NADO Fitness” Alexey Kuznetsov explains what happens to the musculoskeletal system when we stand in traffic jams for a long time, and how to avoid problems that arise when driving a car.

When driving a car, the driver's legs work in different modes, which provokes the occurrence of pelvic asymmetry. If you have a car with an automatic transmission, then the left leg does not work at all, and the right one works in the following mode: plantar flexion occurs when you press on the gas, and simply kicks forward when you press on the brake....

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Before deciding how to get rid of a headache, you need to find out what caused it.

A headache can occur unexpectedly at the most inopportune moment, and medications to get rid of it are not always available.

But there are ways to relieve headaches without the use of drugs. So, let's look at how to relieve headaches at home.

How to get rid of a headache without pills

This symptom can be caused by serious diseases that require qualified medical care. But if you know exactly why the pain occurred, you can try to cope with it yourself.

Using some simple methods, you can relieve a headache without medication: a walk (after being in the fresh air, getting rid of negative thoughts, the discomfort goes away); regular ventilation of the room (every hour for 10–15 minutes); relaxation (sound of the sea surf,...

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Any trip can be overshadowed by many small troubles that eat up money and spoil your mood. And the most offensive thing is that most of them are quite predictable. For example, what’s stopping you from putting tablets for an upset stomach in your suitcase, finding out the cost of roaming in advance, and then getting an economical package? For those of our readers who are already packing their bags for a New Year's trip, and for those who are just thinking about future trips in 2011, the editors offer an educational program regarding various aspects of travel.


Those who are going on a New Year's tour probably already have an insurance policy in hand. If you bought it “for show” in order to get a visa, re-read it carefully before leaving. Pay special attention to such moments.

TYPE OF INSURANCE. It can be compensatory (you need to pay abroad for the medical services provided, and then in Ukraine the insurance company returns the money) or service (they don’t take money from you). Compensation...

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Chapter 8 of Dr. Bitterlich's book

8.1.Try to relieve pain with heat.

One of the ways to restore blood flow to the vessels of the head and scalp, and thereby relieve headaches, is to warm up the areas of pain. The restored blood flow supplies oxygen to the “suffocated” muscles, and also helps to remove accumulated pain-producing toxins. To achieve results, place a warm heating pad under your head for twenty to thirty minutes. Or - for a more penetrating flow of heat, direct a stream of warm water to the neck or immerse the head and neck and warm water several times.

8.2. If warmth or tightly wrapping your head when it hurts helps you, then headaches can be prevented (or relieved) by wearing a strip (circular bandage) knitted from soft wool, 7-8 cm wide. The bandage is put on the head in such a way that its lower edge was located above the eyebrows and under the occipital protuberance. Depending on the feeling of comfort and effectiveness of the action on...

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Pain can be a symptom of a variety of pathological conditions. However, its characteristics will be different. In diagnostic terms, the nature of the pain, its localization (occipital, temporal or frontal region), duration, as well as the conditions under which the pain occurs, intensifies and weakens plays a role.

Headache during pregnancy can be primary, i.e. not associated with the course of any other disease, and secondary, when pain in the head is one of the symptoms of the underlying disease.

Headache during pregnancy: causes

The most common cause of headaches during pregnancy is migraine. This is a neurological disease, usually developing in young adulthood, characterized by repeated attacks of headaches, as well as visual disturbances and gastrointestinal disorders. With a migraine, a headache attack develops due to changes in the tone of the blood vessels of the head, changes in the production of biologically active substances, in...

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Home - Herbalist Recipes. - Headache. It's not simple at all.

Every person has had a headache at least once in their life. No one is immune from headaches: we tend to worry and worry. But not everyone can boast of the ability to relax properly. This is precisely the reason for the most common type of headache - muscle tension headache (TTN), says Vladimir Vladimirovich PONOMAREV, head of the non-vrological department of the 5th Clinical Hospital in Minsk, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery of the Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate education.

A headache is any unpleasant sensation that manifests itself from the eyebrows to the cervical-occipital region. Everything below the eyebrows is already facial pain.

Keep your emotions in check

Women are more emotional than men, and therefore they suffer from headaches more often. When examining such a person, changes in the muscles are always detected...

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Menstrual migraine is one of the most common forms of this disease in women. According to statistics, menstrual migraine in women accounts for more than 50% of all cases of this disease. Many women experience severe headaches about 1-2 days before the onset of menstruation. Given the clear connection between menstruation and headaches, many women consider this symptom to be a manifestation of premenstrual tension. Menstrual migraine is characterized by severe, prolonged attacks that can last from several hours to several days.

Such migraine always manifests itself without an aura, which also does not encourage women to worry about their health and consult a doctor. Periods of acute pain with this form of the disease can be replaced by discomfort and heaviness in the head. During an attack, a woman’s performance is significantly reduced, since pain and even discomfort in the head do not allow her to fully concentrate on work,...

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During pregnancy, the load on the female body increases significantly, which undoubtedly affects overall well-being. Loss of appetite, general weakness, swelling of the lower extremities - all these are trifles compared to headaches during pregnancy, which can be quite difficult to get rid of.

How to treat headaches during pregnancy? For a pregnant woman, this is not just a question, but a real problem, because most of the usual methods of getting rid of migraines can harm the health of the baby. Despite the limited choice of remedies for headaches during pregnancy, there are safe and effective methods for eliminating them.

How to treat headaches during pregnancy? Determine and eliminate the cause.

1. “Rumps” of hormones.

Oddly enough, headache is often one of the signs of pregnancy. There is an explanation for everything, and in this case, migraine is a consequence of hormonal changes in a woman’s body.

Treatment of headaches in...

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Any weight loss diet is both your friend and, in a sense, your enemy.
On the one hand, it helps you get rid of excess weight and get your figure in order, but on the other hand, it deprives the body of the most essential nutrients, which can cause headaches. But this should not scare you or force you to abandon your plans. A few simple but very effective techniques will help you avoid the headaches that often plague those who go on a diet.

Maintain water balance in the body

Not only during a diet, but also during any diet, an optimal supply of fluid to the body is extremely important for health. It must be remembered that during a diet the body needs more water than usual. If you neglect this rule, then you may end up with dehydration, and this is a direct path to headaches.
Basically, when you're dehydrated, your brain doesn't have enough...

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Eleven rules for avoiding headaches: preventing migraine attacks

Migraine is just a disease that few people take seriously. Firstly, it never leads to death. Secondly - sooner or later, but by the age of 40 - 60 it completely disappears. So, if you are “blessed” with such a diagnosis, then all is not lost. The only thing that will darken your life for 30 or 50 years is painful attacks of headaches - migraine attacks.

Probably, the term “MIGRAINE” was proposed by the great Hippocrates in the 5th century BC (although in ancient Greek it looked a little different - hemikrania - half of the skull). Subsequently, the French began to pronounce this word as migraine, but its meaning remained the same: during the most characteristic migraine attack, the pain covers only half of the head, writes

Migraine is jokingly called the disease of great people. Many people with great heads suffered from it: Julius Caesar, Calvin, Linnaeus,...

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Every day, many of us spend several hours behind the wheel - some by choice, but for others it is a forced circumstance. Being in a sitting position for a long time, we provoke a number of related problems - excess weight, osteochondrosis of the lumbar and cervical spine, radiculitis, constipation, varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

When driving a car, the driver's legs work in different modes, which provokes the occurrence of pelvic asymmetry. If you have a car with an automatic transmission, then the left leg does not work at all, and the right one works in the following mode: there is plantar flexion when you press on the gas, and just a forward kick when you press on the brake. Completely different muscles work, and then the leg is adducted and abducted. On a manual, the left foot works in pressure mode, since the clutch is smoothly pressed and smoothly released, and the right foot works in the same way as when driving an automatic transmission. And since...

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There are several reasons for headaches that suddenly arise or progress during pregnancy. These include changing hormonal levels, increasing weight, which puts additional stress on all organs, swelling in the nasal cavity that limits the supply of oxygen, toxicosis and exhaustion of the body. The most difficult periods are the first and last trimesters of pregnancy, as they are associated with serious changes in the body of a pregnant woman.

You need to get as much rest as possible. Sleep at least 8 hours a night. Find moments at work to take your mind off your exhausting work. Probably, even before pregnancy, you noticed “heaviness” in your head due to lack of rest. And now most of your energy is spent on the baby’s development, and you need additional rest.

Don't forget about positive emotions. All means are used - good music, aromatherapy (you can give yourself an aroma session by adding a couple...

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It overtakes us at home, at work, in line at the checkout. Persistent, intermittent, intensifying... It does not allow us to live normally. Who is this enemy of our well-being?

I have a headache…

How many times a headache overtakes us, only we ourselves know. It comes regardless of civic position, professional skills or social status. Headache plagues both the poor and the rich. Salespeople, professors, cleaners, top managers, insurance agents, entertainers, politicians, and even doctors themselves. very different. But is there any chance at all of winning the fight against her?

How to help yourself?

There is hardly any need to explain the mood of a person who is suffering from a headache. It is difficult to find peace and comfort due to a splitting skull. However, there are several tricks that will help reduce discomfort and also allow you to quickly get rid of unwanted pain. Depending on the place, time and situation we find ourselves in, we have several options to choose from.
When we have a headache, the last thing we want to do is be in company, especially noisy ones. We are looking for peace. And it’s good if there is a quiet corner for us - just when we need it. Therefore, when you have a headache, it is best to take time for a short nap.

If there is someone close to you, it will be good if he gives you a pleasant massage of the back of your head and shoulders. This procedure will help us relax and feel much better.

Some people find that cold mustard plaster placed on the back of their head helps.

Or maybe warm bath? Is there nothing better than immersing your whole body in a full, warm bath with aromatic foam. Such a bath will relax you and you will feel an unearthly lightness. This is the best holiday in the comfort of home.

As a last resort, when other remedies do not help or when we do not have the right conditions to have a good rest, take a bath or a massage session for an unpleasant headache, we can use painkillers.

When is a headache a warning sign?

A headache isn't always because we had a bad day or because we drank too much coffee during a busy day at work. Sometimes my head literally rings the alarm. Because such pain can sometimes be the cause of very serious illnesses, and then a visit to the doctor is required.

* Arterial hypertension. When arterial hypertension appears in the arena, the headache usually starts in the morning. It is not our imagination or nightmares that cause this headache, it is the significantly increased blood pressure. We feel pain in the back of the head, and after we get to our feet, it most often disappears.
* Meningitis. In the case of this dangerous disease, the headache is very severe and is accompanied by additional symptoms. If, in addition to pain, stiff neck muscles, fever and nausea appear, then a doctor’s consultation is necessary.
* Injuries. Headaches almost always appear after severe injuries. They can be caused by a fall or blow. Pain does not always appear immediately

Most often, it overtakes the victim even several weeks after the unfortunate incident.
* Tumors. Although the headache itself is not the main manifestation of a possible brain tumor, it is still one of its symptoms. If we can exclude other causes of such pain, and it is accompanied by vomiting, then it is possible that this is a symptom of a brain tumor. But the main symptoms of this disease are paralysis or epileptic seizures.
* Sinusitis. If we become infected with a virus or have a bacterial inflammation, then very often there is pain in the sinuses. The disease is easy to recognize because, in addition to unpleasant nasal discharge, we feel strong and unpleasant pressure on the forehead.
* Vision problems. Very often, a headache indicates problems with vision. Incorrect diagnosis, failure to detect such a problem and lack of treatment only leads to increased pain.
* Teeth. Inflammatory conditions in the jaw area are often the cause of severe headaches.
* Degenerative processes of the neck. They appear mainly in older people. In addition to the headache, there is pain in the back of the head and dizziness.

When should you contact a doctor? If the headache is accompanied by eye pain, stiffness of the back of the head that prevents us from touching our chin to our chest, problems with control of our limbs, speech or balance disorders, high body temperature, and also when the pain that appears gets worse very quickly and does not help with it on its own treatment. In such situations, you do not need to hesitate, but immediately visit a doctor, who will refer you for further detailed tests.

Is it possible to avoid headaches?

There can be many causes of headaches. Sometimes we become its victims due to our inattention, neglect or unfavorable external conditions. Is there a chance to completely avoid it? Well, maybe not completely, but we can always limit it significantly. What should we do and what should we be afraid of so that we suffer from headaches as little as possible?

* Avoid stress as much as possible. Stress is perhaps the biggest threat in the modern world. The greatest, because, although it does not affect us externally, it mercilessly eats us up from the inside. And, of course, it is the greatest threat to our health. It is its impact that causes a number of unpleasant and painful ailments and diseases. The worst thing is that it is difficult to hide from it - it manifests itself in every area of ​​our daily life. It haunts us not only in the professional field, but often destroys our personal life into dust... The only way to contain its crushing power is to “harden” it against certain stress factors and the ability to relax. Therefore, we will try to avoid stress as much as possible.
* Let's limit our coffee consumption. Once upon a time, scientists only talked about the harmful effects of coffee. According to the latest scientific research, it contains life-saving antioxidants that delay the aging process of the body. One cup of not very strong coffee daily should not cause any harm to our health. However, excess coffee is harmful - yes, the point of view on this is unlikely to ever change. How many cups can you drink daily? After all, we drink this energy drink not only early in the morning, but also before noon, after noon, and sometimes even in the evening! From our point of view, any time of the day is suitable for coffee. But it should be taken into account that its excessive consumption can lead to many ailments, including headaches.
* Avoid inhaling exhaust and tobacco smoke. Severe pain strikes visitors to smoky cafes or motorists after being forced to inhale fumes at a gas station. However, despite everything, we often do not stop contact with these toxic substances! Because, even though no one will most likely want to inhale exhaust voluntarily, supplying the body with harmful cigarette smoke is most often our voluntary choice. Still, we are forced to inhale tobacco smog, like passive smokers. But he is not in a hopeless situation. If we do not smoke ourselves, and someone does not know how to treat this with respect and tries to treat us with their smoke, we do not hesitate to reprimand him. And if we have fallen into the clutches of addiction and cigarettes are our daily delicacy, then we will think whether it would be better for our health to break with such an insidious friend. Not only because of possible headaches, but also because of the much more serious consequences of smoking, which are neoplasms and heart disease.
* Let's not hunch over. As a child, our parents and teachers at school told us many times, “Don’t hunch your shoulders”! But why, as adults, don’t we know how to be full masters of our body? Do we have correct posture? After all, we often hunch over as if a concrete slab had suddenly settled on the back of our heads. In this position, you won’t have to wait long for a headache to appear. And along with it, dangerous spinal deformities.
* Let's give our eyes a rest. Often we do not understand that headaches can be caused by overworking our eyes. For this, it is enough that our work requires us to constantly be in artificial light or work intensively in front of a computer monitor, and a headache can haunt us day after day. Therefore, it is also important to give ourselves breaks from working with the computer, avoid artificial light as much as possible and, in addition, give our eyes a rest from time to time. Sleep is best for this, but contemplation of green mountain ranges, forests or eyebright lotion will also work well.
* Let's make time for rest. Minutes of respite are sometimes very rare for us. But they are the ones that allow us to maintain the correct pace of work of our entire body. The course of both regenerative and pathogenic processes in the body depends on how long it lasts, and whether we rest at all. When we are too overtired and do not take care of getting enough sleep, a headache is the first and completely natural reaction of our body.
* Avoiding noise. Nowadays it is very difficult to find silence. Such seemingly ordinary silence. It is noise that is a sign of today's times. It is a signal that life around us continues, but sometimes it seriously harms our health. After all, noise not only causes headaches, but can also weaken our hearing. That's why sometimes it's worth escaping from the noise on the streets. And avoid noisy and shrill discos. And leave the mp3 player on the table. And if noise is a daily part of our work, it is necessary to wear appropriate ear protection and go out into the quiet lap of nature more often than usual.
* Let's not be angry. Quick capitulation to negative emotions means a headache will appear very quickly. Of course, anger is natural, because it allows you to unload accumulated negative emotions, but it is very important to be able to pull yourself together. Sometimes we get angry completely unnecessarily. Therefore, in order to reduce the chances of unpleasant headaches, we try not to get angry and avoid nervous situations.

Headache was, is and probably will be one of the ailments that, despite all our tricks, will overcome us from time to time.
And if traditional methods of dealing with headaches don’t help, then maybe it’s worth using therapy through sex? Until recently, it was thanks to the proverbial headache that women avoided intimate relationships, but today scientists have already proven that sex is one of the best cures for headaches. Maybe it's worth trying this method?

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