The main control panel of the thermal power plant. Nuclear power plant control panels. Financial conditions and terms of trading


Once, when we were entering the glorious city of Cheboksary, from the eastern direction my wife noticed two huge towers standing along the highway. "And what is it?" - she asked. Since I absolutely did not want to show my wife my ignorance, I dug a little into my memory and came out victoriously: “These are cooling towers, don’t you know?” She was a little confused: “What are they for?” “Well, there’s something there to cool, it seems.” "And what?". Then I got embarrassed because I didn’t know how to get out of it any further. This question may remain forever in the memory without an answer, but miracles happen. A few months after this incident, I see a post in my friend feed z_alexey

about the recruitment of bloggers who want to visit the Cheboksary CHPP-2, the same one that we saw from the road. You have to suddenly change all your plans; missing such a chance would be unforgivable!

So what is CHP?
This is the heart of the power plant and where most of the action takes place. The gas entering the boiler burns, releasing a crazy amount of energy. “Clean water” is also supplied here. After heating, it turns into steam, more precisely into superheated steam, having an outlet temperature of 560 degrees and a pressure of 140 atmospheres. We will also call it “Clean Steam”, because it is formed from prepared water.

In addition to steam, we also have exhaust at the exit. At maximum power, all five boilers consume almost 60 cubic meters of natural gas per second! To remove combustion products, you need a non-childish “smoke” pipe. And there is one like this too. The pipe can be seen from almost any area of ​​the city, given the height of 250 meters. I suspect that this is the most tall building

in Cheboksary.

Nearby there is a slightly smaller pipe. Reserve again. If the thermal power plant operates on coal, additional exhaust cleaning is necessary. But in our case this is not required, since it is used as fuel.

natural gas

The second section of the boiler-turbine shop contains installations that generate electricity.

The installation consists of two parts: the turbine itself, and a generator that generates electricity.

And this is what the turbine rotor looks like.

Sensors and pressure gauges are everywhere.

Both turbines and boilers can be stopped instantly in case of an emergency. For this, there are special valves that can shut off the supply of steam or fuel in a fraction of a second.

I wonder if there is such a thing as an industrial landscape, or an industrial portrait? There is beauty here.

There is a terrible noise in the room, and in order to hear your neighbor you have to strain your ears. Plus it's very hot. I want to take off my helmet and strip down to my T-shirt, but I can’t do that. For safety reasons, clothing with short sleeve prohibited at thermal power plants, too many hot pipes.
Most of the time the workshop is empty; people appear here once every two hours, during their rounds. And the operation of the equipment is controlled from the Main Control Panel (Group Control Panels for Boilers and Turbines).

This is what the duty officer's workplace looks like.

There are hundreds of buttons around.

And dozens of sensors.

Some are mechanical, some are electronic.

This is our excursion, and people are working.

In total, after the boiler-turbine shop, at the output we have electricity and steam that has partially cooled and lost some of its pressure. Electricity seems to be easier. The output voltage from different generators can be from 10 to 18 kV (kilovolts). With the help of block transformers, it increases to 110 kV, and then electricity can be transmitted over long distances using power lines (power lines).

It is not profitable to release the remaining “Clean Steam” to the side. Since it is formed from " Clean water", the production of which is a rather complex and costly process, it is more expedient to cool it and return it back to the boiler. So in a vicious circle. But with its help, and with the help of heat exchangers, you can heat water or produce secondary steam, which you can safely sell to third-party consumers.

In general, this is exactly how you and I get heat and electricity into our homes, having the usual comfort and coziness.

Oh yes. But why are cooling towers needed anyway?

It turns out everything is very simple. To cool the remaining “Clean Steam” before re-supplying it to the boiler, the same heat exchangers are used. It is cooled using technical water; at CHPP-2 it is taken directly from the Volga. She doesn't require any special training and can also be reused. After passing through the heat exchanger, the process water is heated and goes to the cooling towers. There it flows down in a thin film or falls down in the form of drops and is cooled by the counter flow of air created by fans. And in ejection cooling towers, water is sprayed using special nozzles. In any case, the main cooling occurs due to the evaporation of a small part of the water. The cooled water leaves the cooling towers through a special channel, after which, using a pumping station, it is sent to reuse.
In a word, cooling towers are needed to cool the water, which cools the steam operating in the boiler-turbine system.

All work of the thermal power plant is controlled from the Main Control Panel.

There is always a duty officer here.

All events are logged.

Don't feed me bread, let me take a picture of the buttons and sensors...

That's almost all. Finally, there are a few photos of the station left.

This is an old pipe that is no longer working. Most likely it will be demolished soon.

There is a lot of agitation at the enterprise.

They are proud of their employees here.

And their achievements.

It seems that it was not in vain...

It remains to add that, as in the joke - “I don’t know who these bloggers are, but their tour guide is the director of the branch in Mari El and Chuvashia of TGC-5 OJSC, IES holding - Dobrov S.V.”

Together with the station director S.D. Stolyarov.

Without exaggeration, they are true professionals in their field.

And of course, many thanks to Irina Romanova, representing the company’s press service, for a perfectly organized tour.


The main control panel is the brain of the station, from whose console the operation of all station equipment is coordinated.

The main control panel at CHPP - 1 is an instrument panel that plays the role of the main link in process automation systems. The main control panel houses electrical, pneumatic, and hydraulic instruments and devices for monitoring, control, regulation and power supply.

Consoles, cabinets, panels for automation of production processes are designed to accommodate monitoring and control equipment for technological processes, instrumentation, signaling devices, control equipment, automatic regulation, protection, interlocking, and communication lines between them.

The main control panel performs the following main functions:

· analysis of technological equipment modes;

· control of technological parameters;

· control (opening, closing, stop) and monitoring of station and unit valves;

· control of pumping modes, readiness of main and booster pumping units;

· processing of limit values ​​of parameters for the unit (boiler and turbine).

Control panels and panels at thermal power plants are used for the following purposes:

· extensions functionality automation compared to existing systems;

· ensuring accounting of consumption and production of energy resources: gas consumption ( liquid fuel), water, steam, thermal energy consumption for heating and hot water supply, condensate consumption from production, gas consumption through boilers.

Switchboards and control panels (cabinets) are a metal frame made of perforated channel with technological piping. Metal structures are painted using epoxy powder paints using the electrostatic spraying method.

The racks are equipped with measuring instruments (pressure sensors, differential pressure, temperature, vibration, current, level) and relay-type signaling devices (pressure sensors-relays, signaling pressure gauges and pressure switches, level signaling devices).

Switchboards and control panels are manufactured in the form of open racks, both for individual and for complete assembly with common wiring.

It is possible to place racks in modular devices (block boxes) for automation, monitoring and control systems.

Consoles, cabinets, panels for automation of production processes are installed in production premises and special control rooms: operator rooms, control rooms, etc.


All main thermal indicators of thermal power plants can be approximately calculated using the formulas below:

1. Equivalent fuel consumption:

where is natural gas consumption;

Fuel oil consumption;

Lower calorific value of natural gas;

Lower heating value of fuel oil.

2. Specific consumption of equivalent fuel for heat supply:

where is heat supply to consumers

3. CHP efficiency:

where is electricity supply

4. Gross efficiency of the boiler unit:

where is heat generation;

Superheated steam consumption;

Steam consumption for continuous blowing;

Accordingly, the enthalpy of superheated steam, blowdown steam and the enthalpy of feedwater.

The average fuel consumption at all boilers of CHPP - 1 is summarized in the following table:

Boiler type

Number of burners

Fuel consumption per 1 burner

Fuel consumption for the entire boiler

1,2,3 PTVM-180 20 1265 - 25300 -
4 KVGM-180 6 3796 - 22776 -
9 BKZ-210 8 2000 - 16000 -
10 TGM-84 18 1765 1,7 31770 30,6
11 TGM-84 18 1765 1,7 31770 30,6
12 TGM-84 18 1900 1,7 34200 30,6
13 TGM-84B 6 5000 5,0 30000 30,0

In November, Russia's oldest operating power plant will celebrate its 120th anniversary. the site found out how a monument of industrial architecture works, how many apartments it can provide heat and what once stopped the work of a hydroelectric power station, which did not close even during the Great Patriotic War.

A wooden door under a semicircular canopy on Raushskaya embankment, house 10 leads almost to the museum. It's just not that easy to get into. Behind the heavy lacquered door is a transparent cabin that you cannot open yourself. In some ways it looks like a teleport to another dimension, and in fact it turns out to be a time machine. It seems to take you back to the 19th century: here is the stone staircase from 1897 with twisted railings, and high ceilings, and brick walls meter thick, which they don’t make these days.

This is State Electric Power Station No. 1 named after P.G. Smidovich is a branch of Mosenergo PJSC, the oldest operating power plant in Russia. This year the monument of industrial architecture will celebrate its 120th anniversary. Since its launch in 1897, the equipment of HPP-1 has been replaced with modern ones, and its capacity has increased many times over. “Today, the electrical power is 76 megawatts and the thermal power is almost 700 gigacalories per hour. The station supplies electricity and heat to Central administrative District Moscow,” says Chief Engineer GES-1 Alexey Shuvalov. HPP-1 provides heat to over four thousand buildings, including about a thousand residential buildings, about 100 clinics and hospitals, more than 80 children's educational institutions (schools and kindergartens), as well as government buildings.


The worn steps of the 19th century staircase lead to the holy of holies - to the main control panel of HPP-1. It contains instruments and control keys for all switchgear of the station. Employees of GES-1 are on duty here around the clock and are responsible for its reliable operation. Among them is the station shift supervisor, who is jokingly called the night director.

The devices show the network frequency, voltage and load of transformers, parameters of turbine generators, parameters of water that goes into city networks.

The task of the employees at the control panel is to monitor the condition of the main electrical circuit and the reliable operation of the equipment so that everything is in good order. If something goes wrong, the warning signs will light up, indicating the equipment in which the failure occurred.

Art Deco, Tsar's Gate and Kaluga turbines

There are two machine rooms at the station. They have gone through several reconstructions, the last one in 2007. "It is made using modern materials, but in accordance with the historical appearance of the station,” says Alexey Shuvalov. But the riveted folding gates between the turbine room and the boiler room are the same ones from Tsarist times.

Along one wall there is a green balcony in the Art Deco spirit, on the other there is a clock with curls, on the third there are antique-style lanterns. They are working, but they don’t burn now, and that’s not necessary. sunlight pours through the glass ceiling and huge arched windows that overlook Raushskaya embankment. From here you can see how it is being built: it grows, is covered with a glass dome-greenhouse, the first trees appear.

In the hall, as well as outside, work is in full swing - a major overhaul of one of the turbines is being carried out here. It is disassembled, parts are stacked around it, it runs on rails under the ceiling crane. It's hot and very noisy here. You even envy the workers a little: they, who spend the whole day in the hall, use earplugs. “13 days until the end of the repair,” says the tear-off sticker.

A total of six turbines are installed at the station, all of them were manufactured at the Kaluga Turbine Plant. The “oldest” of them is 23 years old. But in the boiler department there is older equipment.

Boilers like on the Titanic

The boiler room does not look so attractive from the outside, but it has a historical highlight: the newest boiler, installed in 2012, and the two oldest are located here. “We have two more Babcock-Wilcox boilers, English. In general, they were the same as on the Titanic,” says the chief engineer. They have, of course, been repaired since 1931, and they still work properly and reliably. They still plan to replace these boilers in the near future, as, in principle, all outdated equipment.

It also has its own control panel, which shows the operating parameters of energy boilers. Such a shield is needed for old boilers, and new ones are controlled by operators - boiler drivers - using computers.

steam cycle

“They took the water, purified it, fed it into the boiler, heated it, got steam, and the steam went into the turbine. The turbine drives the generator; the generator produces electricity. Exhaust steam goes into a boiler to heat water. That’s it,” Alexey Shuvalov briefly explains how the system works.

How about more details? Steam boilers receive air and natural gas, which, when burned, release heat. It is transferred to water through pipes. It is taken from the Moscow River, which is why the station was built on the bank. The water required for the technological process undergoes chemical preparation - it is purified from harmful impurities in order to avoid metal corrosion.

When heated, the water is converted into steam, which enters the turbine. Its energy causes the rotor to rotate, and this rotation creates electromagnetic fields on the stator windings. This is how electricity is generated.

Water for heating and hot water supply is heated in a special heater and goes through pipelines to consumers. Having given off the heat, it comes back. It turns out to be a closed cycle.

Better equipment - less emissions

To reduce air pollution, flue gases are recirculated. “We are reducing emissions annually by optimizing thermal conditions and modernizing equipment,” explains Alexey Shuvalov. For example, we replaced two boilers - emissions became five times less. And this despite the fact that the power of the new ones is one and a half times higher. They try to use more modern equipment more intensively - that’s optimization thermal regime. As a result, the station's emissions are much lower than the maximum permissible standards. And the natural gas itself, on which HPP-1 operates, is the most clean look fuel.

What about the water? “We take water from the Moscow River to cool condensers, clean it of mechanical impurities and drain it downstream - but it’s already clean and has undergone all the necessary processing,” says the chief engineer. And to prevent fish from getting into the water treatment plant, a special fish protection device was installed at the coastal pumping station that supplies water to HPP-1.

Museum of the Moscow Energy System

The power plant between Raushskaya embankment and Sadovnicheskaya street was founded in June 1896. According to one version, its project was developed by the architect N.P. Basin and engineer A.I. Kolosov. Another says that the project was drawn up by Siemens and Halske in Charlottenburg, and N.P. Basin came up with an idea of ​​what the station's façade would look like.

By November 1, 1896, applications were collected from subscribers of the future station. 23,435 light bulbs had to be connected. The hydroelectric power station, named Raushskaya, was launched on November 28, 1897. Its water supply system became enormous: up to 30 thousand tons of water were supplied per hour. This was twice as much as in all Moscow water supply systems.

In 1907, a new machine room and boiler room were completed at the hydroelectric power station, the station’s territory grew, and the cable network covered the outskirts of Moscow and penetrated into factory areas. The following year, the Raush station experienced one of the worst floods in the city's history. All the halls were flooded, the windings of the generators were damaged, and the floor in the battery room exploded and such a stream of water poured out that the pumps could not cope. On Easter, Moscow was plunged into darkness; on the second day of the holiday, Tverskaya Street and three theaters were illuminated, and a week later the entire station was operational. After this, a new pumping station was built, and natural disaster and today it is reminiscent of the 1908 spring water level sign on the wall at the entrance to HPP-1.

A severe flood prevented the station from working, but during the war it never stopped. Metal covers were installed over the operating equipment, pipes were covered with plywood, and they were covered with trees. The diversion channel turned into a street.

278 station workers went to the front, 16 joined the people’s militia, and two fought in partisan detachments. 48 people died a heroic death. Their names are carved on a memorial plaque in the courtyard of GES-1, where an image of Lenin’s profile with the caption “We will come to the victory of communist labor” is preserved.

The same names are also in the impromptu exhibition dedicated to the history of GES-1. “This year our station turns 120 years old. Here the staff put together a small exhibition of exhibits and documents that were found in the archives,” says Alexey Shuvalov. The small room contains photographs, memories, documents, including invitations to the opening of the station and a festive dinner menu, as well as a decorative element of the roof end, lamps, a DC potentiometer from the 1960s and other exhibits.

First in everything

GES-1 was in many ways ahead of other power plants. In 1899, a power cable was laid from here. In 1926, the first central control center in the USSR was created here, in 1933 the first domestic heating pipe with a capacity of 12 megawatts was put into operation, and in 1946 the hydroelectric power station was the first in the country to use gas as fuel. In 2001, the first fully automated water treatment plant in the domestic energy industry was installed at the station, which increases the service life of the main equipment.

But GES-1 was not Moscow’s first power plant. Since 1888, the Georgievskaya central direct current power station operated on Bolshaya Dmitrovka. Now its building is occupied by the exhibition hall “New Manege”. The same future awaits the former GES-2, where they will open.

The Mosenergo company, which operates GES-1, is also preparing to open a new museum exhibition this year. This year Mosenergo and the entire metropolitan energy system are celebrating the 130th anniversary of its formation. By this memorable date, at CHPP-20, located in the south-west of the capital, it is planned to open a museum of Mosenergo and Moscow Energy, which will collect archival documents, old and new interactive station models, equipment for the technological chain of electricity and heat production.

Archival photos courtesy of the Mosenergo History Museum

The control panel (CR) is a technical means of displaying information about the technological process of operation of power units at power plants and containing the necessary technical means for controlling the operation of an electrical installation (instruments, devices and control keys, signaling and control devices). The control panel (control panel) serves to control the operation of all equipment of the units and coordinated operation management. Senior operators and unit operators located in the control room premises ensure the normal operation of the station units.

The control room is used to start turbines, start a generator, bring it to power, synchronize generators, remote control of safety systems, and also turn on auxiliary systems.

The control panel is located in the main building of the power plant. Switchboards used to be equipped with vertical panels and inclined panels on which control and monitoring devices were located. These consoles and panels are arranged in an arc for better visibility. To the right and left of the consoles there could be non-operational circuit panels with protection devices for the boiler, turbine, and generator.

The control panel of a nuclear power plant has its own characteristics. Since operating personnel at a nuclear power plant cannot familiarize themselves with the state of the radioactive circuit equipment on site, the volume of technological information at nuclear power plants is more extensive than at thermal power plants.

The control panel of a nuclear power plant consists of operational and non-operational parts. In the operational part there are consoles, panels with control elements, remote control and regulation. In the non-operational part there are panels for periodic control, electronic regulation, logical control, and technological protection.

Main, central and block control panels are installed in special rooms, which must meet the requirements for convenient placement and maintenance. Block control panels, which contain control and monitoring devices not only for electrical but also technological equipment, are usually located in the main building of the station. To ensure normal working conditions for the personnel on duty, air conditioning installations are provided in the control room.

Main, central and block control panels usually occupy a special room, which must satisfy diverse requirements both in terms of providing the on-duty personnel with comfortable working conditions and in terms of rational arrangement of panels.

Light signals for equipment status are displayed on the control panel (MCR). The appearance of light signals is accompanied by an audible process alarm.

The control panel rooms are soundproof and provided with a supply of conditioned air.

The block control panels also provide an emergency process alarm, notifying the person on duty.

At power plants such as combined heat and power plants, control of auxiliary electric motors is carried out from local (unit, workshop) panels: in the boiler department - from the boiler panel, in the turbine department - from the turbine panel, etc. The main elements of the main circuit are generators, transformers, HV lines, auxiliary power supply elements are controlled from the main control panel of the main control room.

At block power plants, IES are provided with block control panels (MCC) and a central control panel (CCC). The control room controls the electrical installations of one or two adjacent power units, including their own needs, as well as control and monitoring of the operating mode of boiler units and turbines.

The central switchboard controls high-voltage circuit breakers, backup auxiliary transformers, backup mains, and also coordinates the operation of power plant power units.

Control at hydroelectric power stations is carried out mainly from the control room. Many hydroelectric power plants are controlled by a power system dispatcher using telemechanics.

At substations with simplified schemes (without HV switches), special control panels are not provided. Switching at such substations is partially or completely carried out from control centers using telemechanics. Complex operations are carried out by an operational field team (OTB).

At powerful substations of 110 kV and above, according to schemes with HV switches, general substation control points (SCU) are built, from the central panel of which transformers, lines of 35 kV and above, the battery are controlled and the operation of the main elements of the substation is controlled. Control of 6-10 kV lines is carried out from the 6-10 kV switchgear. Local control panels are installed near the controlled object. For them, closed-type panels or 0.5 kV switchgear are used.

The main and central control panels at modern power plants are located in a special room in the main building on the side of the permanent end or in a special building adjacent to the main switchgear (at a thermal power plant), or near open switchgears (at a power plant).

The location of consoles and panels, lighting, painting, temperature of the switchboard room, location and shape of instruments, control keys are selected based on creating the best working conditions for operating personnel.

NPPs are equipped with block control rooms (main control room), backup control rooms (control control rooms) and central control panels (central control rooms).

Each reactor unit requires a control room designed for centralized control of the main process units and. main process equipment during start-up, normal operation, planned shutdown and emergency situations. The control room controls the switches of generators and transformers. n., backup power inputs with. n. 6 and 0.4 kV, switches for electric motors. power units, generator excitation systems, diesel generator sets and other emergency sources, fire extinguishing devices for cable rooms and power unit transformers.

The control room of each nuclear power plant unit is located in a separate room (the main building or a separate building).

For each reactor unit of a nuclear power plant, a reserve control panel (RCR) is provided, from which it is possible to emergency stop the reactor installation and emergency cool it down while ensuring nuclear and radiation safety, if for some reason this cannot be done with the control room. The control room must be isolated from the main control room so that both panels are not affected for the same reason. The control panel controls diesel generator sets and other emergency sources, as well as sectional switches in the 6 kV switchgear for auxiliary needs.

For elements of the security system, duplicated independent remote control is provided from the main control room and control room.

The NPP control room controls switches of high-voltage lines, communication autotransformers, generator-transformer units, as well as switches of backup transformers. n., including sectional switches for backup lines. The fire extinguishing devices of the plant's cable rooms and transformers controlled from the central control room are controlled from the central control room.

Initially, the control room was located in the main building of the first unit of the nuclear power plant. Currently, the control room is located in a separate building, separate from the main buildings of the power units.

At a nuclear power plant, the control room consists of operational and non-operational parts. In the operational part there are consoles, panels with controls, remote control and regulation. In the non-operational part there are panels for periodic control, electronic regulation, and logical control of technological protections.

Control panel lighting requirements

The control panel (CR) monitors and controls the operation of the power plant (substation). The work of the duty personnel in the control room is to monitor the readings of devices and signals, carry out operations for switching and commissioning units, maintaining permanent records, etc. The readings of almost all devices must differ over a significant distance. While on duty, control room personnel must be constantly prepared to respond to emergencies.

Lighting must be uniform throughout the room; There should be no glare or shadows on devices. High-brightness luminous surfaces, glare, and sharp brightness contrasts should not be in the field of view of the duty personnel. different surfaces. The surrounding background and architectural design of the room should be measured, not distracting the attention of the staff on duty. The brightness of the luminous surfaces of lighting devices should be low. In the control room room, it is necessary to ensure the illumination required by the standards on the horizontal, especially on the working vertical surfaces of the switchboard panels.

Depending on the plan of the designer and lighting engineer, the control room can be illuminated by luminous surfaces (light ceiling, strip, etc.), reflected light, or a system combining these devices.

When lighting with luminous surfaces or a reflected light device, appropriate structures must be provided for the hidden placement of lighting fixtures and lighting wiring. It is very important to ensure comfortable and non-hazardous maintenance of the lighting device, because in control rooms, which are often quite high, there are great amount switchboard panels, critical devices and apparatus.

The most suitable conditions for operation are created when servicing lighting devices from the walk-through technical floor. But the implementation of lighting installations with large luminous surfaces, serviced from a walk-through technical floor, is associated with more complex structures, increased costs and increased energy consumption for lighting. For these reasons, at substations and small power plants, the lighting of the control room room is carried out with hanging, ceiling or fluorescent lamps built into the ceiling with screening meshes or diffusers. Such a lighting system for the control panel is also adopted in those cases where it is structurally impossible to install complex lighting devices in the room.

As mentioned above, in order to create normal working conditions in the control panel room, it is necessary to eliminate the possibility of reflected glare on the glass and the appearance of shadows on switchboard devices, as well as reflections and reflections on objects and parts of the control panel equipment. To create Better conditions observing different readings from devices and not tiring your eyes, you should not create a sharp difference between the brightness of different elements of the room.

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The main control panel (post, console) is the central room where the main monitoring and control equipment is concentrated and where the operational personnel operating the station are on duty.
At operating stations, all conveniences are created for operating personnel to control the operation of the facility, intervene in all processes of controlling the main and auxiliary equipment, change modes, and regulate work.
In the main control room there are switchboards and control panels, switchboards for automation and telemechanics, relay protection, heat control, alarms, and auxiliary needs. At large stations, in addition to the main control room, there are local control panels (LCC), unit and group panels: in the machine room, at the boiler units, at the assigned substation, in the pump room, in the premises of auxiliary services.
The main control room is connected to local switchboards and all equipment and devices located on the station territory by a system of control cables. The duty personnel, using operational communications and personal inspection, must monitor reliable operation all equipment. Therefore, it is recommended that the main control room be located centrally on the site plan with a convenient approach to all cable communications. The start-up of the first unit of the station must be ensured by devices that are finally installed in the main control room. Next to the main control room there are usually rooms for the duty engineer and a communications room. At critical facilities, a double is provided - a second control panel, which is mounted in a protected room and serves as a reserve for the main panel.
The control panel is located in the annex to the machine room or in a special control building. At small stations, the switchboards are located directly in the machine room.

Rice. 11.1. Design diagrams of switchboards and consoles
The control panel must have a front main entrance, convenient communication with other premises of the station, good natural lighting, and light reflections on the glass of the instrument scales are unacceptable.
The dimensions of the main switchboard room depend on the size and number of switchboard panels and control panels accepted for installation and on their layout in the room.
The number of panels is selected depending on the number of generators, transformers (units), the number of outgoing overhead lines, the auxiliary circuit, etc.
The panels are assembled from vertical panels, the console is assembled from single-pitched inclined tables - console panels. The most recommended and easy-to-use design is the combined panel-remote panel (remote-panel).
The leading specialized enterprise in our country supplying energy panels and consoles is the Electropult plant in Leningrad. Boards and consoles are made free-standing, single or double, or leaning from profile steel and bent sheet steel profiles with a thickness of 2-4 mm. On the sides, boards and consoles are edged with frames; on the top frame, plastic letters indicate the purpose of each panel: generator, transformer, line, etc.
In Fig. Figure 11-1 shows diagrams of the design of boards and consoles from the Electropult plant of the most common sizes.
The number of panels of the main control panel is selected depending on the adopted electrical circuit. Convenient arrangement of equipment on panels and visual installation of secondary circuit wires on the back side of the panels is obtained if you select one panel panel with a remote control for each generator or unit; It is also advisable to have a separate panel for each step-up transformer (possible without a remote control); the remaining elements of the circuit, such as: outgoing lines, inter-bus and sectional switches, voltage transformers, auxiliary transformers and others, are completed at the rate of two or three elements per panel.
In the middle part of the vertical panels of the panel or on the inclined plane of the console, a so-called mnemonic diagram is mounted with overhead strips.
A mnemonic diagram is a simplified representation of a single-line diagram of a station with the main elements: generators, transformers, switches, etc. Sections of different voltages are shown in different colors. In the past, strips of different metals were used, differing in natural color: brass, red copper, aluminum, blued steel, etc. Currently, mnemonic diagrams use painted metal strips or plastic of different colors.
In the sections of the circuit strips, the handles of the switch control keys, indicators or lamps indicating the position of the disconnectors are mounted in places corresponding to their position in the single-line diagram. The servomotor buttons, signal lamps, light displays, devices for monitoring the health of circuits, insulation, fuses, equipment and devices for light and sound emergency and warning alarms are installed nearby as provided for in the secondary device diagrams.
In the upper part of the recessed panels, measuring instruments of rectangular or round shape are mounted (recently, narrow-profile instruments have also been used). Along the walls (sidewalls) and at the bottom of the rear side of the panels there are rows of clamp assemblies, which serve for the transition from control cables to panel switching wires.
Synchronization columns are installed on the sides of the control panel - working and backup.
Generator and transformer panels are usually located in the middle part of the panel, and outgoing lines, auxiliary transformers and other devices are located at the edges. In this case, the outline of the mnemonic diagram should be similar to the image of the executive single-line diagram of the station, which, in turn, is made similar to the layout of switchgear cells as in indoors, and in open areas.
Relay boards are assembled from vertical panels. It is advisable to locate relay panels near the main control panel, behind it in the second (sometimes in the third) row, but it is also possible in an adjacent room or even on another floor. Each relay panel has its own purpose. Sets of protections are mounted on the generator relay panels: maximum, differential, against ground fault, etc. At the bottom of the panel there is a row of blinkers - indicating relays. Rows of clamp assemblies are also installed on the sides or bottom of the panels to transition from switching panel wires to a system of control cable cores.
On special panels of the relay board, sidewalls or back side of the main board, summing (counters) and recording instruments are installed that record the parameters of the station equipment.
When arranging relay boards complete with the main control panel, panels of the same purpose, belonging to the same circuit element, are mounted opposite each other, while the local connection wires are shorter.
The designs and switching of other control panel panels are carried out similarly to those described. All shields in the upper part - behind the upper frame - have operational current busbars: “plus” and “minus” SHU, “plus” and “minus” ShS, “plus” ShM, ShZA, ShZP.
Under the main control room there is a need for a sub-panel room, which serves for the distribution of control cables, operational current cables, and sometimes cables for auxiliary needs. The flows of these cables - thousands of wires - converge into the sub-panel room through cable channels, tunnels, galleries, shafts from the machine room from units, transformers, from indoor switchgear rooms, from outdoor switchgear platforms, from all auxiliary service rooms, from everywhere where electrical equipment is installed.
In sections of cable structures, the cables are located on the floor, on shelves and hangers in the order in which they were assembled into these structures.
The laying of cables in buildings is carried out taking into account the reduction of their length, the smallest number of intersections, the most visual and convenient installation and replacement of cables.
Thus, a large number of cables are brought into the subpanel room.
In the ceiling between the subpanel room and the main control room, under all panels and control panels, between the floor beams, numerous openings are provided through which all cables are routed to the rows of clamp assemblies. The order of arrangement of clamps in the rows of assemblies corresponds to the simplest, most convenient and visual switching of wires within panels of switchboards and consoles.
Consequently, on the metal structures and shelves of the panel room, cable routing must be carried out in such a way that each cable is inserted into the ceiling hole in in a certain order and each core was connected to the desired terminal in the row of the panel terminal assembly of this panel.
Rice. 11-2. Options for the layout of panels and consoles in the main control panel room 1 - duty desk; 2 - control panel; 3 - control panel panels; 4 - panels of relay protection, automation and recording devices

In general, the layout of the switchboard panels and control panel, their location in the room and the choice of location and size of the main control room, as well as special equipment should provide a comfortable environment for quiet work of personnel: normal temperature and humidity, natural light, good artificial light, conditioned air, absence of radiation, noise, vibration, dust, gases with safety of service by all personnel electrical devices premises; construction and architectural coordination of the main control room and sub-panel rooms with the surrounding construction situation.

When laying out the main control room in combination with two floors of the building, one must take into account the fact that the sub-panel room can be of reduced height, and the main control room, due to its large area, can be of increased height. This creates known difficulties in the vertical layout and design of stair connections.
Columns in the main control room are undesirable; if the area is large, it is rational to cover it with trusses; This means that the control panel must be located on the top floor of the building.
The location of the beams of the lower floor of the main control room must be linked to the location of the window openings, the installation of switchboards and a control panel on them, and the location of numerous holes in this floor for the introduction of control and other cables.
In the central part of the main control room, a special table-console for operating personnel is installed, on which are located: a miniature luminous mnemonic diagram, a phosphor signaling board, control keys for control units of group control devices for active and reactive power, summing instruments for measuring output parameters characterizing the operation of the station, in particular active and reactive power, displays and buttons of telemechanical devices, devices of all types of communication, operational diagram, operation logs, etc. Under this remote control table, between the beams, openings are also provided for the switchboard room.
The front of the main control panel with control, monitoring and signaling devices must be accessible and easily visible to operational workers sitting at their workplace at the control desk. The most convenient, but also the most expensive location of the control panel is in a semicircle relative to the centrally installed staff table.

Rice. 11-3. Option for the location of panels and console structures, floor beams and openings in the floor of the main control panel premises
1 - desk of duty personnel; 2 - main panel - control panel; 3 - control panel panels; 4 - relay boards and recording instrument panels; 5 - operational (direct) current shield; 6 - own needs shield
In Fig. Figure 11-2 shows options for the layout of switchboards and consoles in the main control room. Between the rows of shields, corridors of standardized sizes are left for maintenance. In Fig. 11-3 shows an option for the arrangement of panels, beams and holes in the floor of the control room.
IN modern conditions Automated control systems, while retaining only the functions of monitoring and control for humans, make it possible to sharply reduce the number of panels in the main control room.
Control and protection elements, sets of recording devices and other elements of secondary devices, assembled in standardized blocks on a steel case, are installed directly on the equipment, near the units, on the walls of switchgears, in special cabinets at the substation. The cross-sectional dimensions of cable structures and the flow of control cables are sharply reduced.
During operation, in-station telecontrol and telesignaling systems, short-range telemetering devices, television installations for inspecting equipment of 110-750 kV substations are used.
To reduce the size of the switchboards, small-sized control keys with intermediate relays are installed to influence the control circuits and to multiply key packages, round-scale and narrow-profile devices of reduced dimensions, and small-sized fittings for signal lamps. Low-current control circuits with an intermediate operating voltage (for example, 60 V) and with the widespread use of low-current multi-core cables are being introduced.
Automatic step-down substations, operating without permanent personnel, are built without control panels. Devices and devices for automatic control, monitoring and protection are located here on the walls of the switchgear rooms and in switchgear cabinets.

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