Complement part of a sentence examples. Direct addition

home In the Russian language, all words that are part of sentences are either main members or secondary ones. The main ones make up and indicate the subject about which we're talking about

in the statement, and on its action, and all other words in the construction are distributive. Among them, linguists distinguish definitions, circumstances and additions. Without minor members of the sentence, it would be impossible to talk about any event in detail without missing a single detail, and therefore the importance of these members of the sentence cannot be overestimated. This article will discuss the role of the complement in the Russian language.

Thanks to this member of the sentence, it is easy to construct a complete statement in which not only the action of the main character of the story will be indicated, but also the object with which this very action is connected will be highlighted. So, in order not to get confused, you should start analyzing this topic from the very beginning. After all, only by following consistency can you learn the great and powerful Russian language.


  1. A complement is a minor member of a sentence that indicates an object that is the result of the action of the main person in the sentence or to which this action is directed. Can be expressed as follows:
  2. A personal pronoun or noun used in indirect case forms. Can be used in a sentence with or without a preposition (I listen to music and think about him).
  3. Any part of speech that performs the function of a noun (She glanced at the people who entered).
  4. Often additions in Russian are expressed by the infinitive (Parents asked her to sing).
  5. A free phraseological combination of a noun and a numeral, used in the genitive case (He opened six tabs.).

A connected and stable phraseological combination (He said not to hang your nose).

Function and addition issues

  1. In Russian, the complement responds to cases, namely: “Whom?”, “To whom?”, “Whom?”, “About whom?”, “What?” “What?”, “What?”, “About what?” In a sentence, this minor member has an explanatory function and can refer to the following parts of speech:
  2. To a verb used as a predicate (I am writing a letter).
  3. To a participle or adjective used as any member of a sentence (Weighing grain; strict to daughter).
  4. To an adverb as any member of a sentence (Unbeknownst to you).

Types of add-ons

If a given member of a sentence depends on a verb, then it can be of two types:

  1. Direct objects in Russian are used without prepositions and are expressed by transitive verbs in Such words denote an object to which, one way or another, the action of the main person relates. For example: I remember very well the day we met. If the predicate in a sentence is a transitive verb and is in the form of negation, then a direct object in the genitive case can be used with it without a preposition (But we can’t bring back the days of yore). In the case of impersonal predicative words in a sentence, the addition is also used in the form of the genitive case and without a preposition with the words “sorry” and “sorry” (And we feel sorry for something bright).
  2. Indirect objects in Russian are expressed by words in the form of the accusative case, used together with prepositions, and in others without prepositions (She jumped up and began to peer out of the window with a restless look; his attempts to improve relations with his classmates were crowned with success).

Meanings of direct objects

Direct objects in Russian, used with verbs, can denote the following objects:

  1. An item obtained as a result of the action (I will build a house in the village).
  2. An object or person that is exposed to action (Father caught a fish and brought it home).
  3. An object to which the feeling is directed (I love winter evenings and walks along a snowy street).
  4. Object of development and knowledge (She knew foreign languages and could communicate freely; she was interested in philosophy and foreign literature).
  5. The space that is covered by the main person (I will go around the whole Earth, I will cross the cosmic distances).
  6. Object of desire or thought (Now I remember it).

Meanings of indirect objects without prepositions

An indirect object in Russian, used without prepositions, can have the following meanings:

  1. The relationship of the objects referred to in a phrase or sentence, namely the object to which the action is directed (Harvested).
  2. Object of achievement or touch (Received his diploma today; he will be happy when he touches just her hand).
  3. An object with which an action is performed (You can’t cut out what’s written on your heart with an ax).
  4. A subject or state that complements the action (The bear he killed was very large; he should be sorry).

The meaning of indirect objects with prepositions

Indirect additions, which cannot be used in a context without prepositions, in a sentence can acquire the following shades of meaning:

  1. The material from which this or that object is made (The house is built of stone).
  2. The object that is affected (Waves splashing on the stone).
  3. The person or thing that is the cause of the condition (The father was worried about his son).
  4. An object to which thoughts and feelings are directed. (He talked about the benefits of his work.)
  5. An object from which one is removed (He left his father's house at an early age.).
  6. The person who participates in the main action (Upon arrival, the grandchildren surrounded the grandmother and kissed her for a long time.).

Addition as part of turnover

In the Russian language there are such concepts as active and passive phrases. In both cases, this is a special phrase, the construction of which includes the main and considered secondary members of the sentence.

A valid turnover is considered when the complement is the person to whom the action is directed, and the main member of the sentence is expressed by a transitive verb. For example: picked a bouquet, mowed the lawn.

Passive is a turn in which the basis is the subject undergoing action, and the complement indicates the main object of the statement. For example: the colonel was quickly picked up by the privates and sent to the infirmary.

How to find an addition in a sentence?

Questions of addition in Russian are very simple, and therefore, regardless of what part of speech a given member of a sentence is expressed, finding it in the context is not too difficult. To do this, you should follow the standard parsing scheme. First, highlight the grammatical basis, and then determine the connection of words in a sentence through the questions posed. First, from the subject and predicate to the secondary members, and then directly between the secondary members. In writing, each word, depending on which category it belongs to, is indicated by a special type of underlining. To complement this

Secondary members of a sentence are the basis of complete statements

Secondary members of a sentence - the topic is quite voluminous and contains many rules, however, if you do not spend a sufficient amount of time studying it, you will not be able to master so much great science, like the Russian language. Circumstance, addition and definition are those that will allow you to form a statement that reveals the entire meaning of the story. Without them, the language would lose all its charm. Therefore, it is very important to approach this topic with full responsibility in order to know how to correctly use this or that word in context.

Direct addition

An object expressed in the accusative case without a preposition and dependent:

a) from a transitive verb (write a statement, give advice);

b) from some words of the condition category (sorry for the girl, it hurts her arm).

The genitive case form can act as a direct object:

a) with transitive verbs with negation (not to like music, not to notice mistakes);

b) with some words, categories of state (sorry for lost time).

Dictionary-reference book linguistic terms. Ed. 2nd. - M.: Enlightenment. Rosenthal D. E., Telenkova M. A.. 1976 .

See what a “direct complement” is in other dictionaries:

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    direct addition Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    direct addition- A type of morphologized addition used with transitive verbs and denoting the object to which the action is directly directed and which is completely covered by the action. D.p. expressed: 1) accusative case without... ... Syntax: Dictionary

    Addition- Complement is a member of a sentence, expressed by a noun and denoting an object (object), reflecting the action of a verbal attribute or serving as its instrument. There is a distinction between direct and indirect objects. Direct object means... ... Linguistic encyclopedic dictionary

    ADDENDUM, additions, cf. (book). 1. Action under Ch. complement complement. He was involved in adding and correcting old articles for the collection. || A part added to clarify or correct what was previously written. In the new circular... ... Dictionary Ushakova

    STRAIGHT, oh, oh; straight, straight, straight, straight and straight. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    ADDENDUM, I, Wed. 1. see add. 2. What what n. added, addition. D. to the resolution. In d. (in addition to nothing else). Additions to clothing (ties, belts, scarves, bags, jewelry). 3. In grammar: minor member of a sentence... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    This term has other meanings, see Appendix. An addition in syntax is a minor member of a sentence, expressed by a noun or pronominal noun. Supplement denotes a thing or person that is the object of... ... Wikipedia

    Complement (syntax) is a minor member of a sentence, expressed by a noun or pronominal noun, which names the person or thing that is the object of the action called the predicate. There is a direct object without a preposition... ... Wikipedia


  • Periodic law. Additional materials, D.I. Mendeleev. This book will be produced in accordance with your order using Print-on-Demand technology.


Addition This volume is a kind of addition to the volume of works by D. I. Mendeleev on... - this is a minor member of the sentence that answers questions of indirect cases and denotes the object (subject) to which the action is directed or associated or (less often) in relation to which a qualitative attribute is manifested. Sometimes addition denotes the subject of an action or state (see translation agency). For example:

The old man was catching fish with a seine (A. Pushkin); He was not at all inclined to humility and meekness (K. Chukovsky); I can’t sleep, there’s no fire... (A. Pushkin). Add-ons , expressing the object of action, are used with verbs, as well as with nouns formed from them:- deliver goods- cargo delivery; work on an article

The old man was catching fish with a seine (A. Pushkin); He was not at all inclined to humility and meekness (K. Chukovsky); I can’t sleep, there’s no fire... (A. Pushkin). working on the article. , naming an object in relation to which a qualitative attribute is manifested, are used with adjectives and nouns formed from them:- faithful to duty- loyalty to duty; stingy in his movements

The old man was catching fish with a seine (A. Pushkin); He was not at all inclined to humility and meekness (K. Chukovsky); I can’t sleep, there’s no fire... (A. Pushkin). stinginess in movements. are divided into straight And

indirect. - this is a minor member of the sentence that answers questions of indirect cases and denotes the object (subject) to which the action is directed or associated or (less often) in relation to which a qualitative attribute is manifested. Sometimes Direct - this is a minor member of the sentence that answers questions of indirect cases and denotes the object (subject) to which the action is directed or associated or (less often) in relation to which a qualitative attribute is manifested. Sometimes- This , which depends on a transitive verb and is expressed by a noun or pronoun (as well as any part of speech used in the meaning of a noun) in the accusative case without a preposition: see picture, , sing a song, fix the iron , write a letter , solve a problemsee , his .

indirect. - this is a minor member of the sentence that answers questions of indirect cases and denotes the object (subject) to which the action is directed or associated or (less often) in relation to which a qualitative attribute is manifested. Sometimes meet a friend can also be expressed by a noun in the genitive case without a preposition. The genitive case is used instead of the accusative in two cases: 1) if there is a negative particle Not before a transitive verb:- felt joy- did not feel joy; heard voices did not hear voices; 2) if the action does not transfer to the entire object, but only to a part:- bought bread- water: ...The gun commander did not leave the firing position, he asked to bring him shells from the broken guns (V. Astafiev); Don’t sing, beauty, in front of me you sing the songs of sad Georgia... (A. Pushkin).

indirect. - this is a minor member of the sentence that answers questions of indirect cases and denotes the object (subject) to which the action is directed or associated or (less often) in relation to which a qualitative attribute is manifested. Sometimes denotes an object to which an action is directly directed, which can arise, be created or disappear, or be destroyed during the action: knit a sweater,write an essay, decorate a room, check a dictation, break a tree, demolish a house and so on.

Other additions are indirect, they express different relations of action or attribute to objects: I won't regret it about roses, withered with a light spring (A. Pushkin); Aksinya remembered her youth and all her life, poor in joys (M. Sholokhov).

The old man was catching fish with a seine (A. Pushkin); He was not at all inclined to humility and meekness (K. Chukovsky); I can’t sleep, there’s no fire... (A. Pushkin). can be expressed:

1) a noun in any indirect case with or without a preposition: With a golden ray the villagelilo (A. Maikov);

2) pronoun: I could never argue with them(M. Lermontov);

3) cardinal number: Divide thirty-six by two;

4) any part of speech in the meaning of a noun: I ran to my grandmother and asked her about the forgotten (M. Gorky);

5) infinitive: Everyone asked her to sing something (M. Lermontov);

6) syntactically integral phrases and phraseological units (the same as the subject): The hunters killed seventeen snipe (L. Tolstoy).

Addition. Types of additions and ways of expressing them.

A complement is a minor member of a sentence, usually expressing object relations. Οʜᴎ answer questions that coincide with questions of indirect cases.

Meaning. The meaning of an object is the most striking sign of a complement. In this case, the addition can express other meanings (subject, instrument of action, state): The teacher has set a task(teacher– subject of action in the passive context); He's sad (he's- subject of the state).

Means of expression. Morphologized object - a noun in the form of an indirect case, a pronoun. A non-morphologized addition must be expressed by different parts of speech: You're talking idle talk(adjective); He didn't understand what he read ( participle); I learned to play the violin(infinitive); I managed to see something dark, small(indivisible phrase); The commander did not particularly respect the weaker sex ( FE).

Position in a sentence. The addition is usually located after the word being distributed. In this case, inversion of additions in colloquial or poetic speech is possible.

Syntactic connection. The main type of subordinating connection between an addition and the main word is control (less often, adjacency) or free attachment to the entire predicative center (determinant). Most complements refer to one word, ᴛ.ᴇ. are non-deterministic. Only some semantically obligatory additions act as determinants: It's both painful and funny to him.

In relation to the semantic content of the sentence. Additions are semantically obligatory components of a sentence: He is in a cheerful mood.

Non-deterministic complements differ based on which word in the sentence they refer to, ᴛ.ᴇ. what parts of speech control them.

1. The most common and widespread are verb complements, since many verbs name an action that presupposes a particular object: build a house, build for workers, tell a friend, tell about an incident, chop with an ax.

2.Adjective additions. Οʜᴎ are rarely used, since only high-quality adjectives have the ability to manage, and not all of them: We lived in an ore-rich region. The region is poor in forests.

3.Adjuncts can refer to nouns. These are substantive additions. There are also few of them, since the complement should be used only with an abstract noun formed from a transitive verb or from a qualitative adjective. This means that in the phrase dress sleeve, house roof The relations are not objective, but attributive, since the distributed nouns are non-verbal. But in the phrase treatment of patients object relations. The common noun is formed from a strongly controlled direct transitive verb treat. In case the noun refers to a strongly controlled one, but intransitive verb, then the addition acquires a defining connotation, syncretism appears: passion for music, thinking about my son.

4.Additions may refer to words in the status category: I felt sorry for Bela (Lermontov).

5.Additions can also apply to adverbs: far from home.

Types of add-ons. Traditionally, additions are divided into direct and indirect. The direct object expresses the meaning of the object to which the action directly passes. It must be expressed by a noun or pronoun in the accusative case without a preposition: I read a book and saw a horse. At the same time, the direct object must be expressed by a noun or pronoun in the genitive case without a preposition with a negative predicate - a transitive verb: I haven't read this novel. And also a noun in the genitive case, expressing the meaning of “part of the whole”: drink tea, bring firewood. The remaining additions are indirect.

There is some disagreement in the linguistic literature regarding the boundaries of the use of direct and indirect objects. Some believe that the division of objects into direct and indirect concerns only verbal objects (Skoblikova). Others believe that direct objects also occur with words of the state category ( sorry for him) Still others believe that direct ones can include both adjectival and substantive complements.

The addition expressed by the infinitive is extremely important to distinguish from the part of the GHS, ᴛ.ᴇ. subjective infinitive from objective: I start to tell, I can tell, I was afraid to tell - I told to tell, asked to tell, helped to tell. The infinitive object has its own LP. In LZ there is neither modal nor phase meaning. Activities are indicated by different verbs. Such additions are ϶ᴛᴏ objective infinitive. A subjective infinitive can also act as a complement when the subject of the action indicated by the complement coincides with the subject of the action of the verb being explained: agreed to correspond.

Addition. Types of additions and ways of expressing them. - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Addition. Types of additions and ways of expressing them." 2017, 2018.

Secondary members play in a sentence important role, enriching it, bringing clarity, explaining the subject and predicate. Among them, the addition stands out. The mistake in highlighting this minor member is that it is often confused with the subject, especially when it is in the accusative case. To avoid inaccuracies, you need to know what questions the supplement answers. We will talk about this in the article.

General information

The addition answers questions about indirect cases. These include everything except the nominative (the subject answers it).

Usually, a question is asked about the addition from the members of the sentence (minor and main), which are expressed either by verbs or those close in meaning to them (participles, gerunds).


The meanings of the addition can be completely different. Let's analyze such relationships with the predicate in a sentence and see how the addition answers the questions. Examples below.

Olga gives (what?) an injection.

Olga gives an injection to (who?) her mother.

Olga gives an injection (with what?) with a syringe.

Sometimes there are additions that depend on verbal nouns and adjectives: conquering the top, moving to the end of the line, fish fried in a frying pan.

If we systematize the meanings, taking into account what the complement responds to, we get the following:

  1. This minor member determines the object experiencing the action: choosing (what?) a profession, washing (what?) linen.
  2. The object in whose interests the action is performed: write to your brother, go to your sister, come to your parents.
  3. A means of performing an action or a tool of labor: writing with a pen, swimming breaststroke, drawing with a brush and paints.

How is the addition expressed?

The object, like the subject, is expressed by the following parts of speech:

  1. A noun in the oblique case or a noun pronoun in the same form. The preposition is variable: I went (to whom?) to my mother; happy with (what?) the work; I think (about whom?) about him; bring (who?) him.
  2. Any substantive part of speech (endowed with the function of a noun). Everyone was interested in (who?) was reading.
  3. Infinitive. The audience asked the troupe (about what?) to dance again.
  4. Numeral name. I'll multiply (what?) fifteen (by what?) by ten.
  5. Phraseologism. I ask my sister (about what?) not to hang her nose.

What does the supplement refer to?

Since the addition answers questions of indirect cases, most often it refers to the predicate verb. In this way, it brings clarity to the main action being communicated in the sentence. We are walking (with whom?) with our daughter around the store. In this case, the addition “with my daughter” extends the predicate verb “walking”.

However, this minor member can also refer to a noun that has some kind of action in its meaning. For example, “He is the driver of (what?) a heavy vehicle.” The object of "car" refers to the noun "driver".

Short adjectives are close in form and meaning to the predicate verb, so this minor member can also apply to them: I am angry (at whom?) at my neighbor. The complement with the preposition "to the neighbor" refers to the short adjective "evil". Less often it refers to full adjective: Similar (to whom?) to his father.

Often an addition explains an adverb or adjective in the comparative degree. For example: She looks younger (what?) than her age. Jasmine is more fragrant (what?) than roses.


Depending on what questions the addition answers, it can be either direct or indirect. The first requires placement in the accusative case, and there cannot be a preposition with it.

This addition defines the object of the action. It refers to a transitive verb or adverb. For example: to hate the enemy is direct, it is in the accusative case, and the verb “to hate” is transitive. Another example: I feel sorry for your friend. The addition of “friend” refers to the adverb “sorry”, which acts as a predicate in this sentence.

What questions does a direct complement answer? Only questions in the genitive or accusative case. Let's look at the options:

  1. The most common is the accusative case form with a missing preposition: We decorated the Christmas tree with the whole family. The addition “Christmas tree” is direct, used in the accusative case, there is no preposition.
  2. Form of the genitive case when denoting a part of something whole: I poured tea leaves into a cup, and then diluted it with boiling water and put in lemon. The addition of “infusion” is direct and is in the genitive case. Also Genitive may indicate any result of an action, combined with the meaning of quantity: I need to go buy flour and bread.
  3. In impersonal sentences, when the predicate is an adverb: What a pity for the wasted years.


What questions does the indirect complement answer? For all the others: accusative with preposition, dative, instrumental and prepositional. The last three can be used with or without a preposition.

  • Our childhood dreams included bright travels and carefree everyday life (indirect additions - dreams, everyday life).
  • We pretended to be adults to ride this attraction (indirect addition - adults).
  • Talk about the upcoming celebration occupied everyone free time(indirect addition - about the celebration).

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