What is white coal tablets for? Activated white carbon and black carbon: the difference, which is better? How to use white charcoal correctly


The pharmacological area is developing rapidly. More and more effective, fast-acting drugs appear in pharmacies, including white coal. This latest generation sorbent helps the body to quickly get rid of toxins, toxins and other harmful substances.

What is white coal

Before describing the main properties of the drug and its area of ​​application, it is worth finding out what it is. White activated carbon belongs to enterosorbents - agents that bind toxins in the gastrointestinal system. This type of medicine works very effectively and quickly relieves the body of intoxication.

Properties of white activated carbon: an odorless and tasteless medicine with a powdery, loose consistency, dissolves in water in a couple of minutes, forming a suspension. Available in tablets and powder vials for suspension preparation. The price on the territory of Russia is approximately from 100 to 150 rubles.

Activated carbon has many advantages:

  • much more effective than classic black coal;
  • much faster restores the body after food or alcohol poisoning;
  • it has a selective absorbing effect, removing only those substances that are harmful;
  • helps to stimulate the intestinal system;
  • does not contain flavoring or other synthetic additives;
  • improves the functioning of the stomach, helps to break down nutrients, reduces the risk of gallstones.

Many people are interested in what is the difference between white coal and black coal? Here is a list of the main signs:

  • in order to achieve the maximum health-improving and restorative effect, you need to take a couple of tablets of a white or 10-15 black drug;
  • activated carbon black is the removal of not only toxic elements, but also useful components, and white eliminates extremely harmful substances;
  • modern enterosorbent dissolves much faster in water, and therefore acts much more actively;
  • white activated carbon just needs to be washed down with water, it does not have to be crushed like black;
  • many positive reviews in favor of a modern analogue.

Indications for use

With the help of white activated effective carbon, they get rid of the following health problems:

  • food or alcohol poisoning;
  • intoxication with strong poisonous substances;
  • various manifestations of allergies;
  • endogenous and exogenous intoxication with chemical compounds;
  • different types of infections (including acute intestinal);
  • dermatitis;
  • acute forms of viral hepatitis;
  • renal and hepatic impairment;
  • dysbiosis and stomach upset;
  • white activated carbon also saves in the presence of purulent-inflammatory diseases of soft tissues;
  • used for dietary unloading therapy.

The numerous positive qualities of a drug with an absorbing effect do not exclude several contraindications:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • intolerance of the constituent components of the drug;
  • child under 14;
  • the presence of internal bleeding;
  • pregnancy and lactation.


Before using white activated carbon, it does not hurt to study its composition. The main component of the drug is a mineral - silicon dioxide. The drug also includes microcrystalline cellulose fibers and additional substances: potato starch and powdered sugar. Silicon dioxide removes waste, bacterial and food allergens from the human body by binding them through powerful absorption. This component of the sorbent also transports toxic products from the blood to the gastrointestinal tract, and then removes them outside.

How to take white charcoal

As a rule, a modern alternative to black pills is used by an adult one tablet 40-60 minutes before meals three times a day. You need to drink the medicine with plenty of water. White charcoal is not recommended for children under the age of 14. Before using an absorbent drug, it is necessary to study the nuances of its effect on the body for various health problems. It will not be superfluous to consult a doctor who will tell you about the effect of the drug on the body and instructions for its use.

In case of poisoning

Often, white activated carbon is used in the presence of poisoning. Doctors warn: even if acute intoxication is detected, the medicine should not be abused. The drug is very concentrated, so it is better to drink one tablet 3 times a day. If you need to slightly enhance and accelerate the therapeutic effect, then one tablet is ground into powder before use. The first symptoms of alcohol intoxication are eliminated with an identical dosage.


Enterosorbent is often used for weight loss during fasting days before a diet. You should not abuse the medication and replace food with it. White charcoal for weight loss is taken as follows: at night you need to drink 1-2 tablets, and the next day eat exclusively water and tea without sugar. You can also drink a bowl of chicken broth and eat a small portion of medium fat cottage cheese. Two fasting days in 7 days will slightly reduce weight indicators and significantly improve overall condition. Additionally, it is recommended to take multivitamins.

For allergies

White absorbent is also used for allergies. The drug will significantly increase the number of T-lymphocytes, which will cause positive dynamics in the work of each organ and system of the human body. After taking the medicine, puffiness, itching, and rashes on the skin disappear. The therapy must be continued for 14 days (4 courses per year). If a person experiences an exacerbation of an allergic reaction (for example, to pollen), then doctors recommend treatment in early spring. This approach will make it possible to avoid allergies at the time of flowering plants.

How to take white charcoal to eliminate allergic manifestations? Take one tablet for every 10 kilograms of weight, rounded up. For example, if the weight is 53 kg, then it is better to drink 6 tablets. The medicine is taken in the morning and in the evening, the daily dosage should be divided into 2 doses. It is advisable to chew each tablet well or pre-crush it to get a quick effect. Drink with water. Rinse the oral cavity thoroughly to remove the swelling from the mucous membrane.


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In any home medicine cabinet, you can find a universal remedy for intoxication. A well-known black coal is little by little inferior to the palm of an inexpensive drug for cleansing the body of white coal... White coal is an enterosorbent that was developed by pharmacologists. What are the advantages of white coal, how to use it and what it is effective for, we will consider in this article.

Differences from black activated carbon

White coal was developed in Ukraine and now it can be purchased in almost any pharmacy in the CIS countries, as well as in Europe. This the product is positioned as a less harmful way to cleanse the body than black coal... In the circles of pharmacists, the extra white sorbent was called "enterosorbent of the fourth generation".

Except for the color of the tablets, their appearance does not differ in any way from black activated carbon tablets. Whiteness is achieved by adding starch to its composition. Moreover, white activated carbon contains components such as silicon dioxide and cellulose, and it is these components that are the active substances. Marketers assure that all raw materials for the manufacture of tablets are supplied exclusively from European countries, and in particular from Germany, as evidenced by the official description of the drug.

What is the difference between white coal and black coal? The main difference is its selectivity. So, black enterosorbent is indicated for poisoning, dyspepsia, flatulence. However, together with toxins and other harmful substances, it removes everything useful from the body, for example, the vitamins and minerals we need. Moreover, in order to achieve the desired effect, it should be used in a sufficiently large dose. So, in some cases, to eliminate severe intoxication, it is necessary to drink several packs of coal at once.

White enterosorbent approaches the body cleansing selectively. It absorbs only toxins, and also pushes out toxins and other waste that the body does not need, while nutrients remain intact in the body. In addition, there is an increased concentration of active components in white coal, therefore, the dose of the drug, in order to cope with intoxication, is much less than the required dose of black activated carbon.

Instead of drinking 8-10 tablets of black charcoal, you can drink just 1 tablet of its white counterpart.

Indications for use

Silicon dioxide, which is one of the main components of white coal, removes excess gas from the body, allergens, including bacterial, toxins (microbial and chemical), as well as products formed during protein breakdown. Silicon dioxide promotes the elimination of alcohol, metal salts, serotonin, lipids and even urea.

The cellulose contained in the tablets does not dissolve in the gastrointestinal tract, but attracts toxins, free radicals and other "debris". Such cleansing helps to avoid the formation of the so-called food lump, eliminate congestion, and also increase the function of parietal digestion of food.

Silicon dioxide and cellulose gently act on the delicate mucous membrane of the stomach, due to which it is not damaged, and the effect of the drug is achieved as soon as possible. This drug does not cause addiction and allergies and therefore is absolutely harmless to the body. Unlike black activated carbon, white enterosorbent will not cause constipation: on the contrary, it stimulates the intestines so that toxins are eliminated from the body as quickly as possible.

White enterosorbent need not be ground before use, but it is more effective in the form of a suspension.

It has no flavorings, tasteless. Monthly use will not harm the body in any way, will not lead to hypovitaminosis... Even a small dosage of the drug can help achieve the desired effect.

White coal is officially a dietary supplement, the indications for the use of which are renal and liver failure, intoxication of various kinds (including alcohol), acute intestinal infections, hepatitis, gastrointestinal disorders.

Method of application and contraindications

White charcoal for children is usually prescribed 3-4 tablets several times a day.... In order to achieve maximum effectiveness of the product, it should be washed down with plenty of liquid. If you purchased enterosorbent not in the form of tablets, but in the form of a powder, then before drinking it, you must prepare a suspension, for which you need to stir the powder from one measuring cap in 200 ml of boiled water and mix thoroughly. In case of poisoning, white coal is not recommended to be taken more than 5 times a day. The shelf life of white coal is 3 years from the date of issue.

The main contraindications for use:

  • exacerbation of gastritis;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • exacerbation of other gastrointestinal diseases;
  • lactation period;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

The tool can be combined with other drugs to cleanse the body and the gastrointestinal tract in particular. If you have any side effects or you have doubts about the tolerance of the components of white coal, we recommend that you consult with your physician. The official instructions for use do not describe cases of overdose of the drug..

What to use for

It is a mistake to believe that white activated enterosorbent is used only in case of poisoning. So, he can be an excellent helper in the fight against allergies, obesity and other problems.

For allergies

If you are allergic, then you are probably familiar with such unpleasant allergy symptoms as coughing, swelling, runny nose and sneezing. Almost all known symptoms of both a normal and seasonal allergic reaction will help to overcome white activated carbon. So, it quickly removes allergens from the body. Since this drug is not a drug, the enterosorbent combines well with other adsorbing drugs, as well as antihistamines.

With intoxication

Intoxication can occur for various reasons: food poisoning, alcohol and even chemicals. Ordinary white coal can cope with all types of intoxication. During the period of poisoning, it is necessary as soon as possible to take a substance capable of absorbing toxins, toxins, alcohol and other debris in the body. As a rule, any poisoning is accompanied by headache, nausea, vomiting and sometimes diarrhea. White enterosorbent will help not only cleanse the body of toxins, but also cope with these unpleasant consequences of intoxication.

During pregnancy and lactation

Before you start using White Charcoal if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you need to consult with your doctor... In most cases, a pregnant or lactating woman is advised to refrain from using white charcoal and replace it with black to avoid harm to the baby.

However, black enterosorbent should also be used with caution, especially if the young mother has constipation. If everything is in order, then black enterosorbent should be used according to the scheme: 1 tablet for every full 10 kilograms of a person's weight. This dosage ensures its maximum effectiveness.

For kids

As in the case of an adult, in order to decide how to take white enterosorbent for children, it is necessary to calculate the dosage.

The child's age does not at all affect the effectiveness of the drug, and enterosorbent can be drunk even by babies.

If the child is less than 1 year old, it is recommended to give him white enterosorbent in the form of a suspension for its better assimilation.

Rules for the reception of white coal

The rules according to which it is necessary to take white enterosorbent are almost identical to those according to which black activated enterosorbent is taken. Let's consider them:

  1. Do not take charcoal for longer than your doctor tells you... As a rule, the use of sorbents does not last more than one week, then it can be repeated after a short break. If the adsorbent becomes a drug that is taken every day, it accumulates and is retained in the intestines.
  2. Do not take adsorbent at the same time as medications... You should first take the enterosorbent, then, after 20-30 minutes, drink the drug. This is due to the fact that enterosorbent can reduce the effectiveness of the drug.
  3. In order to determine the ideal dosage for you, it is best to consult with your healthcare professional to avoid side effects.

How to lose weight with white charcoal

Any adsorbents that you can find in the pharmacy are good at helping against slagging in the body. One of the adsorbents is white coal. Unlike black, it promotes the removal of extremely harmful substances from the body, therefore it preferable if you want to cleanse the body.

There are two main schemes for losing weight using white charcoal, we will consider each of them:

  1. In order to lose weight with the help of white coal, you must take a dose of the drug at night according to the instructions, and the next day drink as much water, herbal teas, fruit drinks and fruit drinks as possible. Arrange such a fasting day once a week, and soon you will notice how your weight gradually decreases. In any case, whether you decide to use white coal or another adsorbent for weight loss, you must also take multivitamins to saturate the body with the nutrients it needs so much during the cleansing period. As a rule, any cleansing is a little stress, and the body needs to be supported.
  2. White charcoal tablets can be taken with plenty of water for one week. This intake of charcoal helps to reduce hunger, and such tablets can become an alternative to all known MCC tablets.

The liquid, taken together with the adsorbent, reduces the feeling of hunger, and therefore taking tablets of white activated carbon helps to reduce the volume of the stomach, as well as its cleansing... Of course, if you decide to lose weight with charcoal, then you should refrain from:

  • snacks, especially fast food;
  • meals later than 4 hours before bedtime;
  • meals caused not by hunger, but by fatigue, boredom or anxiety;
  • unhealthy lifestyle.

Remember that adsorbents do not remove excess calories, but only cleanse the body and create a feeling of "fullness" in the stomach. Moreover, avoid long-term use of white activated carbon in order to avoid its accumulation in the body. Consider your digestive tract, as this system is not used to constantly receiving silicon dioxide.

To lose weight with white charcoal, you must first calculate the dosage. If your weight is up to 60 kg, then we do not recommend taking more than 4-5 tablets at a time, if your weight fluctuates between 60-80 kg, then no more than 10 tablets, if you weigh more than 80 kg - then no more than 12 tablets.

Before the course of white coal, it is necessary to spend a fasting day in order to prepare the gastrointestinal tract for cleansing.

When carrying out a fasting day, drink only water, as well as herbal teas. At the end of the fasting day, you can already take a dose of coal. In the morning, take enterosorbent again, and then make yourself a light breakfast. Your food during cleansing should be as low-fat and light as possible: broths, cottage cheese, vegetables. Try to avoid flour and sweet foods, fatty, salty and spicy foods. You should leave such a diet carefully, gradually increasing the load on the gastrointestinal tract to its normal state.

White coal is one of the best remedies for intoxication of the body. It gently cleanses the gastrointestinal tract of toxins and toxins, however, unlike black coal, it does not remove all useful substances from the body, including vitamins and minerals. The active ingredients of white coal are much more effective than the active ingredient of black activated carbon, so you will need a smaller dose of coal to get rid of the symptoms of intoxication.

White charcoal is also used to simply cleanse the body and lose weight. The drug is indicated even for infants with the permission of the therapist. However, pregnant and lactating women should avoid taking white charcoal to avoid negative effects on the baby.

White coal contains silicon dioxide, a small amount of sucrose, microcrystalline cellulose, which have anti-dysuric and adsorbing properties. It is prescribed for detoxification of the body in case of acute food poisoning, as well as for the diagnosis of intestinal infections. White charcoal helps to cure dysbiosis and dermatitis. The drug is capable of binding and removing various toxins from the body through adsorption, which can both come from the outside and be produced in the body itself. In case of excessive formation of acid or gastric juice in the stomach, white coal normalizes and stabilizes the process of secretion production.

1. Pharmacological action

Dietary supplement that reduces the symptoms of poisoning and promotes the elimination of toxic substances from the body. It is not a drug.

2.indications for use

  • Food poisoning of any origin;
  • Infection with helminths;
  • Inflammation of the liver;
  • Various allergic diseases;
  • Intestinal dysbiosis;
  • Intestinal infectious diseases in acute form;
  • Disorder of digestive processes;
  • Functional failure of the kidneys;
  • Various dermatitis;
  • Functional failure of the liver.

3. Method of application

White charcoal in tablet form:

  • for children from 3 years of age: one or two tablets of the drug four times a day;
  • for children over seven years of age and adult patients: three to four tablets of the drug four times a day.
White charcoal in suspension form:
  • for children aged one to two years: 0.5 ml of the drug four times a day;
  • for children aged three to four years: 1 ml of the drug four times a day;
  • for children aged five to six years: 1.5 ml of the drug four times a day;
  • for patients over 7 years of age: 2 ml of the drug four times a day.
The number of spoons for preparing a suspension of White Charcoal:
  • Patients are one to two years old: two teaspoons of the drug;
  • Patients are three to four years old: one rounded tablespoon;
  • Patients age five to six years: two tablespoons;
  • Patient age over seven years: two rounded tablespoons.
Application features:
  • Before use, you must consult with your doctor;
  • It should be remembered that White Charcoal is not a drug and cannot be used to treat serious illnesses;
  • It is necessary to take the medicine no earlier than one hour before meals.

4. Side effects

Possible hypersensitivity reactions to White Charcoal.

5. Contraindications

  • Ulcerative bowel disease;
  • Hypersensitivity to white charcoal or its components;
  • The use of White coal at any stage of pregnancy;
  • Stomach ulcer;
  • The presence of intestinal obstruction of any origin;
  • Individual intolerance to White coal or its components;
  • The use of White coal during breastfeeding;
  • Duodenal ulcer;
  • Erosive bowel disease;
  • The presence of bleeding from the digestive system.

6. During pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy or lactation, the use of White Charcoal is prohibited.

7. Interaction with other medicinal products

The simultaneous use of White coal with any other drugs leads to a decrease in their effectiveness.

8. Overdose

Overdose cases were not observed when using White Coal.

9. Release form

Tablets, 700 mg - 10 pcs.

10. Storage conditions

11. Composition

One White Charcoal Tablet:

  • 210 mg of silicon dioxide and microcrystalline cellulose;
One bottle of White Charcoal:
  • 250 mg of silicon dioxide and microcrystalline cellulose;
  • Excipients: potato starch and powdered sugar.

12. Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

The drug is dispensed without a prescription.

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* Instructions for medical use for White Coal are published in free translation. THERE ARE CONTRAINDICATIONS. BEFORE USING IT IS NECESSARY TO CONSULT A SPECIALIST

White charcoal is available both in tablets and in the form of a powder, from which a suspension is made. The main active ingredient of the specified drug is also powdered sugar in the composition of the tablets. Every person at least once in his life has faced problems arising from poisoning. Therefore, the use of this drug is relevant, and it should be in every home.

White coal - instructions for use

The specified tool is used as a dietary supplement, which is taken as an additional enterosorbent, it is used in the following cases:

Any food poisoning, including mushrooms;

In the presence of acute intestinal infections and helminthiasis;

In the presence of hepatitis, including hepatitis A and B, as well as with gastric disorders;

Indications for the use of white coal are renal and hepatic insufficiency and allergic diseases;

In the presence of dysbiosis and dermatitis of endogenous intoxication.

White coal helps to adsorb and remove exo- and endogenous toxic substances from the gastrointestinal tract, which arise as a result of the action of bacterial and food allergens, as well as due to the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. It belongs to the new generation of enterosorbents and appeared relatively recently. The drug is non-toxic, does not damage the gastrointestinal tract and is well excreted from the body, has high sorption and organoleptic properties.

Also, white coal helps to reduce toxic-allergic reactions and stress on the liver and kidneys, it corrects metabolic processes and eliminates the imbalance of biological substances, while increasing

In the case of using a powder, add water to the bottle and stir the resulting mass well. Take the specified suspension, measuring with a measuring cap, three times a day. Children under 2 years old take 0.5 caps, up to 4 years old - 1 cap, up to 6 years old take one and a half, and after 7 and older - 2 caps of the drug.

In each individual case, the duration of treatment is determined separately and depends on the characteristics of the patient's body and the severity of the disease, but in all cases the drug must be taken at least an hour before meals.

Children, elderly people, allergy sufferers, pregnant women and athletes should be careful to take White Charcoal. If a person has diabetes mellitus, it is better to take a suspension, since the tablets contain sucrose.

The benefits of this drug

It has a high sorption capacity, which is significantly higher than that of other enterosorbents. Due to this, the daily dose of white coal is 10 times less than when using an activated analogue;

Taking this drug does not cause constipation, but stimulates intestinal motility, so cleansing is much faster;

The specified tool is neutral in taste and does not have any flavors and additives;

There is no need to crush or chew white charcoal tablets before use.

Contraindications to the use of white coal

The presence of individual intolerance to the components, during lactation, in the presence of erosion of the mucous membranes, as well as a stomach ulcer, with intestinal obstruction, bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.

White charcoal is not a drug, it is dispensed without a prescription. After preparation of the suspension, its shelf life is 32 hours at a temperature of about 4 degrees, and the powder and tablets are suitable for use for three years from the date of their manufacture.

7 reviews


by date

    So the feasts and holidays are over, and I must say, this year was not without incident. Either indigestion, or overeating, but at the next feast I felt that things were bad and I managed to catch the poisoning in all its glory. Nausea began and the holiday had to go down the drain, by ... So the feasts and holidays are over, and I must say, this year was not without incident. Either indigestion, or overeating, but at the next feast I felt that things were bad and I managed to catch the poisoning in all its glory. Nausea began and the holiday should have gone down the drain, at least for me.
    But my friend managed to help me out, she gave me a drug that I had not used before, called White Coal. It is such a sorbent with a safe composition, tasteless and odorless. By the way, it is applied quite easily: I took three tablets with water. After a while, it became much easier and, most importantly, it worked without side effects: the intestines still worked the same for the clock.
    These tablets interested me very much because they are easy to use and leave no marks on my hands. And you don't need to drink 10 tablets at a time. The next day I already bought myself a pack of white coal. The price for 30 tablets is about 200 rubles, I think this is quite adequate for an effective and safe drug, especially since these tablets will be enough for 10 uses. Now the first-aid kit will be in the lei, maybe it will come in handy again, no one is immune from poisoning.

    I love to have fun, especially when there is a good reason and company. Of course, this entails some consequences. However, we are all intelligent people, we are in control of ourselves .. but my body is already asking for help in the morning. Well, you understand me. Previously, I did not recognize any pills, I thought that from a hangover ... I love to have fun, especially when there is a good reason and company. Of course, this entails some consequences. However, we are all intelligent people, we are in control of ourselves .. but my body is already asking for help in the morning. Well, you understand me. Before, I didn’t recognize any pills, I thought that only time heals a hangover. My views changed as soon as I discovered white coal. Once I took it from a colleague after a corporate party, it worked well. My body quickly cleared of toxins, and I felt great, without headaches and nausea. Of course, after that I read reviews on the Internet, scientific articles on the topic of its safety, and bought myself one too. (now I carry it in my purse to all parties). I like that it does not stain my teeth and fingers, like some sorbents, I like that it is more convenient to take it: just swallow a couple of tablets with water and that's it. And then earlier I had to measure out the Polysorb powder with spoons, stir ... it seems to be easy, but at times my condition did not allow me to do even these actions. Now I forgot that such problems exist, by the way, I forgot about the hangover too. They say that he also helps to lose weight, I have not checked it yet. When the time comes - I will write a review, I will share my opinion. Thanks to all.

    Now there are so many opportunities to get in shape, I finally pulled myself together and did it. I signed up for the gym, went twice a week for an hour-long workout, didn’t limit myself to food, I just tried not to eat after 20.00. To this I connected white coal - these are tablets, on ... Now there are so many opportunities to get in shape, I finally pulled myself together and did it. I signed up for the gym, went twice a week for an hour-long workout, didn’t limit myself to food, I just tried not to eat after 20.00. To this I connected white coal - these are tablets, in my opinion, an alternative to black coal. Firstly, you need to take it 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day, depending on the situation (and not as with the activated one). Secondly, it has no taste, color or smell. I also liked that white charcoal is completely safe, regardless of the length of the intake period. I even read articles on this topic on the Internet, I was not too lazy! And of course it works well. It helps by improving bowel function, which is why the person taking it begins to lose weight. I took this coal for 2 months, did all of the above and the result was justified. With the benefit of the body, I lost 5kg in 2 months. Now I don’t accept white coal, but I continued to go to the gym, my result was preserved. That is, I said goodbye to the extra pounds, I strengthened my health. I feel great.


    From time to time, these pills are very helpful. Either in nature you eat something wrong, then the fat / oily stomach will not like it - in general, for all such cases! Quite quickly relieves abdominal discomfort, improves the tract and miraculously removes toxins. I recommend keeping it in your first aid kit.


    He saved his fortune with white coal when he got poisoned while fishing. It's good that you always have a first-aid kit with you with a minimum set of medicines. There was no hospital nearby, it was dangerous to get behind the wheel in such a state, so I decided to try to quickly solve the problem. Within eight hours I drank 12 tablets - three every ... He saved his fortune with white coal when he got poisoned while fishing. It's good that you always have a first-aid kit with you with a minimum set of medicines. There was no hospital nearby, it was dangerous to get behind the wheel in such a state, so I decided to try to quickly solve the problem. Within eight hours I drank 12 tablets - three every two hours and in the evening I already felt much better. In such an emergency, white coal has proven to be effective. I'm not sure if black coal would have helped me then.

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