Money ritual in the lunar eclipse from the fedorenko region. Lunar eclipse and full moon rituals Lunar eclipse what to do magic

Humanity has long observed such a phenomenon as an eclipse of the moon, but before people did not understand why this could happen, many myths and mystical assumptions arose. People believed that this phenomenon does not happen just like that, you need to be able to interact with it correctly, and therefore a lot of signs and rituals appeared. Although science has explained what an eclipse of the moon is, the old rituals and signs associated with this process do not lose their relevance and power.

Lunar eclipse is a regular occurrence

The meaning of the phenomenon

The temporary disappearance of the night star is of great importance. Many signs of a lunar eclipse are known. The week before this event has great karmic power. It must be carried out as best as possible. You can't get angry, offend other people, and do bad things. It is better to help everyone, to live according to conscience and honor, to speak only the truth. A week like this can bring all sorts of temptations, but you shouldn't give in to them. The future happy life depends on it.

Lunar eclipses often affect people's health. The psycho-emotional state worsens, panic and unreasonable fear begin, the level of stress in some people may increase several times. Latent and chronic diseases are aggravated, pressure surges, migraines and headaches, weakness and sluggishness are possible, the desire to work disappears until apathy.

Don't panic in advance. These symptoms are not common to everyone. Usually, an eclipse is calmly tolerated by many people. People with chronic diseases suffer more often. In this case, you should very carefully monitor your health and well-being, and on the day of the lunar eclipse, do not burden yourself, allow yourself to take a break from the daily hustle and bustle.

During a lunar eclipse, new facets of previously unknown life may open, the energy of the moon can push you to solve important problems and direct you on the path of truth. Do not ignore various signs, they can help decide fate and determine the further course of life. It is worth listening to the inner world, revealing oneself, expressing oneself, only then there will be a chance to comprehend oneself and one's destiny.


There are a number of activities that should not be done on the day of the eclipse because of the special energy, which can be not only positive. What is better not to do:

  • it is advisable not to get behind the wheel, because at this time the level of possible injury increases;
  • do not start new business, do not start new processes;
  • do not drink alcoholic beverages;
  • do not waste money on the wind and do not make large and expensive purchases: it is better to postpone it for a more favorable day;
  • not to get married;
  • not make fateful decisions;
  • it is better not to meet new people during this period;
  • do not put yourself at risk, it can be fraught with tragedy;
  • you cannot eat before the eclipse, go outside and look at the lunar eclipse, this enhances the negative impact of the strong energy of the moon on the beholder.

What you can do:

  • during a total lunar eclipse, it is much easier to quit drinking and smoking, so it is worth fighting the habit;
  • throw out all the trash from the apartment, head and life;
  • engage in introspection, understand how and where to move on.

Variety of rituals

The days immediately before the eclipse should be devoted to the purification of the soul. For this, you can use prayers or confessions in the temple. It would be good to stick to the fast. These days it is worth remembering and praying for deceased relatives. All this is needed to throw off the shackles of the past. Let the eclipse become a starting point for a new life from scratch, without past resentments and negativity.

Meditation is a wonderful ritual for strengthening the spirit, gaining calmness and getting rid of thoughts of failure. For its implementation, it is necessary to create a calm, quiet environment so that no one interferes. Sit on the bed as you like, close your eyes and focus on the problem that tormented you.

Imagine that this problem is a soap bubble that you easily catch, squeeze in your palms, and it disappears. The problem no longer exists, you have crushed it.


During a total lunar eclipse, you need to light a candle and utter a conspiracy: "Give me strength, mother nature, to gain freedom from fear, so that my eyes can see and that my illnesses leave me."

Then you need to say what you want to get rid of, for example: “I want to stop drinking, smoking, being afraid of the dark,” or “I don’t want to be afraid to be alone,” etc.

Then you should turn around and leave the place where you leave your desire. You can write it on a piece of paper, set it on fire, and throw the ashes away as far as possible.

On a lunar eclipse, you can carry out a ritual of purification

Fulfillment of desires

It is carried out as a meditation, the technique of self-hypnosis is used.

  1. The ceremony lasts 20 minutes: 10 minutes before the eclipse and 10 after.
  2. At this time, you need to make wishes, because at the time of the eclipse, the connection with the Universe is especially strong, so the requests will be fulfilled sooner. You can just close your eyes and imagine yourself in a beautiful new house or in a rich car, in the dean’s office in your hands with a grade book, in which everything was handed over perfectly, with children in your arms.
  3. Mentally repeat to myself: “I am beautiful (a), successful (en), rich (a)! Money is looking for a way to my wallet on its own! "
  4. You can look at a photograph of a dream, imagining it already fulfilled. The main thing here is faith and hope that the dream will come true, and it will find the way of its fulfillment by itself.

Call of the betrothed

If you have a young man, but you doubt whether he is your destiny, it is worth performing such a ritual: before going to bed on the full moon night, take a photograph of your beloved and any of his things, put them under your pillow.

If you are still single, then draw a schematic diagram of your future lover and put under the pillow a new thing that was bought for your future husband without bargaining, at full price.

After that, go to bed and say 3 times an appeal to God or an angel, in which you ask to be prompted if this is your destiny (or when you will meet your destiny). After 3 days, wait for the result, for this, pay attention to the signs from above, do not ignore them.

Beauty conspiracy

You need to pour boiled water into a glass at midnight, put it so that the moonlight falls on it, throw a pinch of salt and, while it dissolves, say: “Moonlight water, what a maiden's tear, let me be young, white-faced, careless, let the one whom I love will love me, for my beauty, for complaisance. "

You need to leave the glass to stand overnight. In the morning, wash with this water and drink a sip on an empty stomach with the words: "Water - into me, beauty - over me!". You need to do this every morning until the water in the glass runs out.


A lunar eclipse is a time when omens are of particular importance. If you do not notice any unusual things around you, but would like to get answers to your questions, conduct simple rituals. They will tell you which direction to move in.

A total lunar eclipse will occur on April 4 at 15:04 Moscow time. It will last no more than 3 hours, but the influence of its energy on our life will be felt for three days before and after. A lunar eclipse is a very rare occurrence, it happens no more than 1-3 times a year. This is the time when you can solve your problems or harm yourself.
Eclipses are the most important astrological events, their effect on life has a prolonged effect. In other words, what is laid down these days will have long-term consequences. Therefore, you should be careful these days. These days can be used to change something. Eclipses - solar or lunar - are special energetic, psychological and magical days.
The role of eclipses is very serious, these days karma comes into action, which has somehow accumulated, its action begins to be realized in the shortest possible time and has a long duration in time.
The effects of eclipses on humans have been known since the days of ancient Egypt. Already at that time, the priests developed practices for the period of eclipses, which protect a person from the negative influence of this event. In our technical time, we are less inclined to pay attention to such events, which unfortunately does not diminish their effect on our lives. In this regard, it is useful to know some of the practices of this day and the essence of the manifestations of eclipses. So that you can avoid negative influences and turn the minuses into pluses.
Eclipses always reveal our problems and begin to realize them, but eclipses are also cleansing. Cleansing can be compared to a surgical operation, and it is within our power to perform this operation with anesthesia.
The sun is our spirit, consciousness, will power, volitional actions, active energy. Symbolizes father and vitality.
The moon is feelings, intuition, inner world, unconscious behavior, creative energy. The moon symbolizes mother, fertility, purification.
The moon is primarily associated with our feelings, personal relationships with our inner world, the subconscious, that its manifestation, which is not always amenable to control. Under the influence of a lunar eclipse, our emotionality increases, what is happening is perceived sharper and more naked, closer to the heart. Our personal relationships are particularly affected.
These days, the general energy-informational background of space is always tense. A state of unconscious anxiety, tension, stress appears. It is worth noting one important fact that on such days it is difficult for us to control our emotions with our mind. The influence of logic on such days is weakened, it is as if it is also in an eclipse.

Important: During a lunar eclipse, the mind, thinking and emotional sphere of people are very vulnerable.
Personal relationships are tested for strength. Deep problems are revealed. If there were any doubts, suspicions about your partner, then they begin to intensify. It is important to be able to stop yourself in time, because it is during this period that you will be able to program negative development yourself. Of course, this is easier said than done, especially when emotions are overwhelming. But, nevertheless, you know, as in the proverb: "Forewarned is forearmed."
On such days it is NOT recommended:

- Make large purchases;
- Buy and sell real estate;
- Start new projects;
- Go on trips;
- Quarrel with loved ones;
- Find out the relationship;
- Forging new relationships.
Don't make spontaneous decisions. Don't make a final choice or make a final commitment. For hasty decisions you will have to pay later. Postpone decision making for a week.
This is the time when relationship issues come to the fore. This is the time when the secret can be revealed.
Events occurring during the eclipse play the role of a kind of "trigger". The consequences of these events will have a chain of significant consequences.
It is worth remembering that if you, for example, quarreled with someone, then your quarrel can drag on for 18 years. So, if you need this person, try to make up. In fact, any conflict is also a way to solve urgent problems. Weigh it up, maybe it's time to cut off the unnecessary. Also, if you decide to break up with someone, then now is the best time to do so.
A lunar eclipse is a kind of completion of a certain stage.
You need to try to be holistic and not scattered about trifles. It is better to think about peace and tranquility in your family. When a person focuses exclusively on the bad, he is able to wind himself up, turning even the smallest things into huge problems. This condition intensifies on days of eclipses and can lead to depression. This time and so contributes to exaggeration, when you can inflate "out of a fly an elephant." You can go into a tailspin from negative emotions that can arise at the slightest provocation. Remember this. If you try to be the most conscious person and “be here” to the maximum, and not drown in your emotions. It is possible, on the contrary, to analyze and bring the situation to a new positive level, which was previously problematic.

Try to tune in to a positive wave during this period. Be objective and see only the good without dwelling on the bad.
It is desirable to create a positive atmosphere around yourself, this applies to both the social circle and the information space. Try to motivate yourself for worthy and constructive goals.
The days of eclipses are considered magical. On such days, even people without magical abilities are able to magically change their reality. It is during an eclipse that it is easiest to get rid of many bad habits - laziness, smoking, overeating, etc. We are successfully getting rid of unnecessary connections, exhausted relationships and memories. You know, how it happens, it seems that people have parted for a long time, but for some reason at night they still wake up from a jolt in their hearts, because he (she) suddenly dreamed. A bitter disappointment comes that despite the time, the techniques of letting go and the confidence that everything is in the past - the understanding that we are still there, well, or some important part of us.
That's when we need to take advantage of the special days when we need the help of the Universe. In the days of eclipses, the energy-informational space is cleared so that a person can let something new into his life. Of course, the eclipse itself instills some concern - after all, for many such clearing occurs painfully, through quarrels, conflicts and losses. But, everything may not look so scary if you approach it consciously.
There are some rituals that take place on the days of eclipses. Which can help you become a more balanced person, put your thoughts in order, get rid of the unnecessary, make room for the new.

First of all, you also need to prepare. Three days before the eclipse, i.e. from April 1, you should not eat meat and heavy food in order to increase your spiritual sensitivity. When the stomach is burdened with dense food, it is very difficult to carry out any practice. It is also worth putting your body in order, every morning and evening (this is generally very useful to do regularly on any days) take a contrast shower. It's quite simple: change the water temperature 7 times. For those unfamiliar with this, men start and end with cold water and women with hot water. Drink a glass of water in the morning and evening (preferably spring water, but that's how it goes).


For the day of the eclipse, prepare two candles - one black (or any dark) and one white. An hour before the eclipse, take a contrast shower, drink a glass of water and retire. Think about what you would like to cleanse or get rid of. Take a piece of paper and write down what you think is bothering you (qualities, memories, habits, feelings, emotions). Light a black candle, sit or lie down (in a comfortable way), close your eyes and try to see your reflection as if you were looking in a mirror. Think about what is bothering you, about what you wrote down on your piece of paper. Watch your reflection, how it changes when you think about the bad. When you feel like you've reached a peak, pull it out of you. Someone will have a black ball, someone will have a red one, someone will have something of their own. Here, it is better not to program yourself in advance, but to see what you pull out.
Imagine that you are in the Universe, push away what you pulled out from you, and then blow it up, let it explode into a thousand pieces. Then open your eyes, rest assured that you've just gotten rid of unnecessary junk. You will become much lighter, your thoughts will become clearer, your feelings will be calmer, a pleasant serenity will appear. Extinguish the black candle (either with a special cap or by hand, DO NOT blow out).
Light a white candle and say: “let something new come into my life ...”, or “let my qualities increase… ..”. Sit or lie down (whichever is comfortable) and let the new come into your life. Visualize what you want, let new feelings, emotions fill you. Mentally look into your reflection as it changes. Feel how gratifying these changes are. At the highest moment, when you feel fulfilled, open your eyes. Drink some water. Leave the candle to burn out and look at yourself in the mirror. Let the mirror remember you.


There is another very interesting technique from Burislav Servest, which can allow you to achieve your desired goal, even if you do not practice yoga techniques and other spiritual practices. During an eclipse, many techniques give a stronger result than on ordinary days:
Contrast shower and water, as in the previous case. Retire, so that no one bothers you or distracts you.
- Formulate a goal that you want to achieve, but one that interests you. A goal that would relate specifically to your interaction with the world, the acquisition of some necessary qualities, can be relationships, or money. An important condition is that the goal must be real and achievable. The essence of this technique is that when you achieve it, "everything went like clockwork", that is. remove obstacles and barriers, in particular internal ones.
- Identify the main barrier that separates you from the goal. This should be done as concretely as possible. Visualize, imagine so that you have inner vibrations. For example, if you want to date someone but indecision gets in the way. Imagine your indecision so that it becomes an inner vibration.
- Then take a red felt-tip pen and draw equal rectangles on the palms of your hands. In them, "draw" the desired target - on the right palm and a "barrier" - on the left palm. Draw those images that represent both the first and the second for you. If nothing works out with the images, just write the appropriate words, but when writing each word, you must reproduce within yourself that "vibration" that arises when you touch the barrier and when you reach the goal.

Further, two options are possible. If you know how to "bifurcate" objects by squinting your eyes, place your palms in front of you and bifurcate them so that both rectangles are aligned. Almost immediately, you will feel a current of energy going up your arms, most intense in the "middle arm." Wait until the process is complete - when, as it were, all the energy has flowed out, and then put one palm to the other so that both rectangles are connected. If you find it difficult to "bifurcate" objects, just place your palms parallel to each other at a distance of about five centimeters - it will take more time, but, in the end, the results will be the same.

Then try to do what was difficult for you to do. Or something that can lead you to achieve your desired goal. The action must be completed as quickly as possible - the less "pause", the more effective the results. And the result is simple - no resistance. What was very "heavy" becomes very "light".

Do not tell anyone about what you have been doing. Then your chances will increase many times over.

You have already entered the Eclipse Corridor on a very deep note and are now in the flow of powerful fateful energies of connection with your Family and the interweaving of connections that have been created in it for many more years than you can imagine now.


  • Do not frantically clean up your apartments before this Eclipse, taking out of them an old rug and a couple of broken cups, hoping that this way you will clear your space and free it up for new energies.
  • This is best done on a full moon in Virgo. Better yet, regularly.
  • Do not make it your main goal for this Eclipse to get rid of bad habits and, for example, quit smoking or stop eating at night. A full moon in Capricorn is best suited for this.
  • Do not seek or do Rituals to release former loved ones. You will do this on a full moon in Scorpio. The energies of this sign are perfect for such a task.

Now I see a lot of articles on the Internet, where these tips are repeated over and over again. Well, and also advice to take a shower, maintain peace of mind, numerous Rituals and the like.

Do not fixate on trifles in the coming week!

Doing so is like standing in front of a dam, on which the inexorably overflowing river is pressing with its power more and more, and trying to strap on a swimsuit or tint your lips, hoping that this will help you when the dam bursts.

Or stand in front of a hurricane approaching you and rejoice that it will pull out exactly that bush in your garden, to which you all did not reach.

Or watch an ocean storm and believe that if you now utter a few magic phrases or move a couple of pebbles on its shore, it will subside, obeying your will.

Using the energy of the Lunar Eclipse on July 27 for such things is like taking a huge loan to buy an extremely expensive and powerful sports car, buy it and then drive it exclusively to the nearest store for bread a couple of times a week.

Please do not waste your time on trifles now!

This Lunar Eclipse is the most powerful and global in the 21st century.

Firstly, because it is the longest. And until the end of the 21st century, there will simply not be anything like it in strength and capabilities.

Secondly, because it is the last in a very significant cycle of Eclipses. And its relentlessness and fatality is due to the fact that it will either bring it to its climax and will bring the karmic tasks of your Kind to a higher level of complexity(and, accordingly, yours), or it will beautifully and harmoniously end forever a certain karmic history of your Kin, which has been accumulating, but could not be resolved and worked out for at least 100 years.

All generations of your ancestors over the years have repeated this theme over and over again, bumping into the "rake" in their Fates, living over and over again, in different decorations, different dresses, with different partners some one and the same story.

And you continued it too. And now you can finish it!

This Lunar Eclipse is a transition point.

And it is on these days that not only your future is laid, but also new karmic tasks for your Kin about 100 years ahead.

This is about 4 generations after you - your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren. You may never know or see any of them.

But whether their life will be a happy story of victories or a sad story of disappointments is largely up to you now.

Therefore, let's figure out right now what you can do these days and what not. In order not to entertain yourself with false illusions, but also not to miss and ignore the real chances and opportunities.

You will not be able right now or within 5 minutes to accurately and independently determine which one topic of your life these days is a marker and a hint about a karmic task that can and should be completed. Because the world around you in the coming days will throw you a lot of hints, provocations and false hints in order to lead you to the wrong place.

You will be able to discover this theme on the Day of the Eclipse.

You can make it visible.

And give the world a Sign that you agree to let her go forever.

To give a chance to begin a new story on the Solar Eclipse on August 11. At least 100 years long!

On July 9 at 20.00 Moscow time a webinar on Kundalini Reiki will be held.
Register below

Therefore, the first thing you should do is have a few sheets of paper and a pen available in the coming days.

Do not analyze external situations in the coming days. Don't try to understand cause and effect. Do not conflict with people and do not try to solve everything at once.

Be a formal participant in external processes. Let your role in the days of the Eclipse be that of a quiet but very alert observer.

All your attention should be directed within you. In all this outer whirlwind your attention should be focused only on what feelings and emotions you are experiencing. This is the only thing that matters! Because it is they, your spontaneous, not the most pleasant, sometimes strange feelings and emotions regarding seemingly insignificant or, conversely, very significant situations of these days that will tell you what exactly can be and should be completed.

Allow yourself to feel. Don't try to switch. Be deep and total in your feelings and experiences.

Nothing bad will happen if these days you do not clean the apartment or prepare lunch on time. Even if there is a conflict - God bless him! Apologize or will settle it later.

If you want to cry, cry.

If you want to laugh, laugh.

I have no strength and I want to lie on a ball in complete dullness - lie down.

Anger and rage rolls over - yell at the wall or chair in the kitchen.

If you feel melancholy or sadness, allow yourself to feel them totally and do not try to switch your attention to other things.

And all this time, all these days, you should have a notebook or sheet of paper next to you.

Your task is to keep track of what you are experiencing the strongest feelings and emotions. What topics in your life these very days pulled you away emotionally.

There should be exactly four of these topics or situations! Don't analyze them now. Just write down on paper what they are.

It could be anything. Don't try to decide whether it's important or not. Just be open and sincere with yourself. And sensitive.

  • Because on the days of the Lunar Eclipse, your Fate and Karma will, through external situations, try to persistently reach out to you and send you clues about what exactly the red thread of your Kin is going through right now, on which there are unraveled knots and the end of which you are holding in your hands right now ... And these knots can really be untied!

It may seem too simple or strange to you now, but all that should be in your hands for the Day of the Lunar Eclipse on July 27 is four absolutely identical pieces of paper on each of which one of four situations is written about which you have experienced the brightest , deep and possibly seeming to you inadequate feelings and emotions.

That's all you need to do before the day of the Eclipse. "

On the day of the Eclipse, perform the Karmic Reboot Ritual.

To carry out the ritual on the Lunar Eclipse, you must:

  • small white cylindrical candle,
  • lighter
  • mat

An hour before the eclipse, you must perform the Purification procedure: or take a contrast shower 3-5 times.

Attention! This time, you need to start with hot and end with cold water, either the bathroom, or thoroughly wash your hands, face and feet. All ablutions should be done with the obligatory addition of salt (it is possible to mix a small amount of salt into the shower gel, etc.) Then put on clean clothes of light colors (preferably white) from natural fabrics.

Conducting the Ritual

10 minutes before the Eclipse, light a candle and place it next to you as follows: men - on the right, women - on the left.

10-15 minutes before the climax of the eclipse, lie with your head to the north.

Mentally look in the mirror of your Karma, think about your soul, about its qualities, about what worries you the most, about your emotions, reactions, perception of the surrounding reality.

About what kind of relationship you have with those around you, and most importantly - with your loved ones?

What are you offended, what is hard for you to accept?

Pay particular attention to the analysis of the repeating lessons of Destiny. You can read the notes from the leaflets prepared in advance.

Say mentally: “That's it, I won't live like this anymore, I don't want to! I am starting a new life! I leave all my problems and shortcomings in the past. "

At the peak of the eclipse

Imagine a bright white ball of light (representing the Moon), then a funnel in it, which spins counterclockwise. With the power of imagination, imagine how a funnel pulls out of you into a ball everything that you want to get rid of. Give your outdated, burdensome programs and negativity with a feeling of gratitude, mentally repeating "I am gratefully getting rid of ... for the joy of myself and the Universe."

Then mentally move the filled ball to the limits of the horizon and burn it in the Flame of eclipse (best visualizing the Violet Flame of transformation).

Create in your mind a new bright white luminous ball filled with Light and those qualities and feelings that you need. In place of painful situations, visualize their successful resolution, in place of bad habits - what you will do instead of her !!!

Model what you want to purchase within 10-15 minutes after climax.

Change your attitudes and your future life. Harmonize, fill with positive rhythms.

Then mentally bring the shining ball closer to you and dissolve it in the chest area.

Feel lightness, filled with harmony and light.

Get out of meditation with a few deep breaths in and out. Thank all of your Invisible Helpers.

The paper that you compiled at the beginning of the ritual must be burned. It is also necessary to remove the remnants of the candle. Take a contrast shower again, drink a glass of clean water.

We wish everyone successful practice of liberation and real changes in Destiny!

With sincere love for you,

P.S. For all questions, please contact

The period when the moon is in one strip between the Earth and the Sun gives it a special magical power. A lunar eclipse is the ideal time to cleanse, get rid of various ailments and bring success and luck into life. We will tell you more about what conspiracies are carried out during a lunar eclipse in the article.

What can you talk about in a lunar eclipse?

The eclipse expands the energy field of the soul. In this rare period, more subtle matters become available to magicians. Higher powers are more willing to respond at this time, and in addition, the eclipse allows you to use the widest range of magical tools.

Conspiracies in a lunar eclipse receive the full force of the energy of the night luminary. The positive effect of magic is also enhanced and the influence of irritating factors is limited. The sun, hidden behind the moon, intensifies its light, enveloping it in an inspiring halo.

  1. Observe a fast for three days before the eclipse.
  2. Before the plot itself, take a contrast shower and change into green.
  3. A lunar eclipse is the perfect time to get rid of bad habits. If you've been trying to quit smoking for a long time, start now. The moon will give you strength.
  4. The plot is carried out to the moon, make sure it is visible from your window.
  5. The conspiracy must be completed before the eclipse ends. Check the news sources for the duration.

Fulfillment of desires

The first on the list of effective are conspiracies in a lunar eclipse to fulfill a wish. The power of human request is doubled by the thrill of the mystery that is happening in the sky. Sincere and good desires are fulfilled by the higher powers with themselves hunting during this period.

For a successful outcome of the conspiracy, the instructions must be followed exactly.

Place a small mirror under the moonlight. Look into it and capture your image in your memory. Move your hand in front of the mirror, separating you from it. Now your double is reflected in the mirror and it is he who is experiencing the problems that have corroded you. Mentally wish him luck. Imagine how he asks you to fulfill his deepest desires, feel them. Turn your face towards the moonlight, trying not to leave the mirror in the shadows, and pronounce the conspiracy:

"The power of the eclipse, the magic of the moon, gave me the power to make desires."

Repeat the plot seven times.

Turn back to the mirror and, looking into your eyes, say:

"Your desire, (mention the essence of it), I fulfill the eclipses with the power given to me."

Feel the joy of your double. Come close to the mirror and touch their face. Imagine reuniting with your double.


You need the following items:

  • a photo of a loved one;
  • granulated sugar;

Draw a circle on the floor with chalk.

Stand by a window from which you can clearly see the eclipse. Raise your arms and position them so that they wrap around the lunar disk. Hold them by saying:

"I shoot the moon from the sky, I endow my hands with magic."

Slowly "move the moon" over the circle drawn on the floor. Place the photograph of the person whose love you yearn for inside the circle. Sprinkle sugar in a circle, overlapping the chalk.

Pronounce the conspiracy:

“My strength multiplies, our love grows stronger. As chalk holds you, sugar sticks to me. In a moonless time, in the coming night, the affection that lives today will awaken. You cannot throw me out of thoughts, you will begin to breathe feeling. And you will find peace when you come to my house ”.

Do not remove the circle from the floor until the end of the eclipse. Then sweep the sugar into a canvas bag and hide it among the things along with the photo.


Required items:

  • church candle;
  • scissors;
  • small coins;

It is more effective to carry out conspiracies in a lunar eclipse for money, having previously cut off the threads of failure that interfere with you. To do this, wrap the candle with a red thread and put it lit on the windowsill.

Swipe your scissors over the fire. Pronounce the conspiracy:

"Failures, troubles, hardships, bad promises I cut off with fire and steel."

After that, put the scissors aside and, wrapping your hands around the candle, speak the second part:

“The thread is red, sanctified by the moon, I speak to you for good luck. Save from waste and debts, call for success and profit. "

Remove the charmed thread from the candle and tie it around your wrist into seven knots. Accompany each bundle by throwing a small coin on the windowsill with the words:

"I'll give the moon with a coin, I'll get ten in return" .

Wear the thread without removing it. Leave the coins on the windowsill until you get an unexpected profit.

Consequences of conspiracies in a lunar eclipse

Rituals in the eclipse of the moon have an extremely positive effect if the magician adheres to the postulates of white magic. Get rid of negative emotions, perform the ritual exclusively with positive messages. In a lunar eclipse, conspiracies are perceived by higher powers especially subtly, so you should not put hidden subtext into your words. It will be easily recognized by the Universe and if the true essence of your desires differs from what has been said, your dream will not come true.

Various cataclysms are associated with the Earth's satellite. Especially many are wary of eclipses. Once people did not know the reasons for this phenomenon and looked for the prerequisites for important events in it. According to centuries-old observations, various signs have developed about a lunar eclipse. Especially on this day, there are many prohibitions. The next lunar eclipse will be only partial and will begin exactly half an hour after midnight on July 17, 2020 Moscow time.

Magical interpretation of the eclipse

In the summer of 2020, we are waiting for the connection of the Earth's satellite with Pluto at the 24 ° 5 'sign of Capricorn. The moon and the 9th planet of the solar system will be located exactly opposite Mercury, Venus and the Sun. The event will take place on the night of July 16-17 at 00.30 Moscow time.

Partial or complete disappearance of the heavenly body for some time has a serious impact on the life and fate of people. A week before the event, the well-being of many worsens. This is indicated by the following facts:

  • chronic diseases become aggravated, latent symptoms appear;
  • pressure jumps;
  • more and more cases
  • the mental state worsens - there is unfounded fear, panic, exposure to stress increases;
  • people become lethargic, it is hard for them to force themselves to work.

But don't worry right away. The moon affects people in different ways, especially since its influence can be traced only in those places where an eclipse occurs. Most of the world's population can say with certainty that they do not feel any changes during the period of observation of the phenomenon.

There are tips on how best to spend this week to reduce the negative impact. The further life of a person depends on their observance. The recommendations are as follows:

  • help everyone who needs help;
  • tell only the truth;
  • control your emotions;
  • do not offend others;
  • do not do bad deeds;
  • do not get angry;
  • resist the temptations, of which there are many during this period.

On the day of the lunar eclipse, you need to rid yourself of unnecessary physical and psychological stress. It is worth paying attention to your health and trying to relax. This is especially true for people who suffer from chronic diseases.

During the period of the phenomenon, new opportunities often open up. The satellite of the Earth also sometimes indicates to a person. It is worth paying attention to different signs, because they can change the direction of the course of life. You also need to listen to your inner feelings, to reveal your potential.

Superstitions about the phenomenon

According to the signs of a lunar eclipse, there are many warnings on this day.

  1. Drinking alcohol leads to bad habits.
  2. - to the unfavorable fate of the baby. In the future, his worst qualities will appear. He may repeat the negative experiences of his relatives. Also, people born on the night of observing this phenomenon complain about bad luck in life.
  3. - the marriage will end in parting. Unfavorable time for entering into any kind of alliance. Divorce on this day is also undesirable.
  4. Lending money or lending it - to financial losses.

You should also not make big purchases on the day of a total lunar eclipse, discuss and conclude important deals, make transactions, or move. All new beginnings will end in failure. It is worth postponing them for a more favorable period. If there is an opportunity not to get behind the wheel, then it is better to do so, because the risk of injury is increased. It must be remembered that going outside and observing this phenomenon enhances the negative impact of the luminary.

Blood Moon Phenomenon


The moon has more than just a negative impact. For certain actions, a total eclipse is a favorable period. On this day, it is easier to get rid of bad habits, so you should try to quit smoking, drinking, etc. You also need to do some introspection. You can strengthen your spirit through meditation. It will help you gain peace of mind, get rid of bad thoughts.

There are many rituals associated with the day of the lunar eclipse. It is worth seeing them off in silence and loneliness, so that nothing distracts.


Before the appearance, old and unnecessary things are thrown out of the house, as well as all bad things from the head. When the total eclipse begins, they go out into the street, light a candle and say:

"Give me strength, mother nature, to gain freedom from fear, so that my eyes can see and that my ailments leave me."

Making wishes

The ceremony is carried out according to the principle of meditation - self-hypnosis is used.

  1. 10 minutes before the eclipse and such a time after it. During this period, the Universe has a strong impact, so a person's request will be heard faster.
  2. They close their eyes and imagine themselves in a pleasant place: in a luxurious car, in a rich house or in the dean's office with a credit book filled with high marks, etc.
  3. Pronounced:

“I am handsome, successful, rich! Money is looking for a way into my wallet, health - into my body, knowledge - into my mind! "

You can take a picture of a person's dream and peer into it. The main thing in the process is to believe that what you have planned will come true.

Call of the betrothed

The ritual will help determine who - If he has a soul mate, but there are doubts, then the Higher powers will help to determine. To do this, on the night of a total eclipse, a photograph of a loved one is placed under the pillow. When the person performing the rite is alone, they schematically depict the betrothed on a sheet of paper. And a gift for the future husband is put under the pillow. The main condition is that it must be new and paid for without bidding.

Before going to bed, you need to turn to the Lord for help and to them to suggest who is the fate of a person. The words are repeated three times. The answer is expected for 3 days in the form of different prompts.

Beauty conspiracy

On the night of an eclipse, water is poured into a glass and placed so that the moonlight hits the liquid. They throw salt into the vessel and say:

"Moonlight water, that a maiden's tear, may I be young, white-faced, carefree, may the one I love love me, for my beauty, for complaisance."

The liquid is left overnight. Then they drink it a little on an empty stomach and say the following words:

"Water - in me, beauty - on me!"

The actions are repeated every day until there is nothing left in the glass.

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