Color of the labia in pregnant women. Why does a woman have dark labia? How to get rid of dark spots on lips


Why does the skin in the intimate area darken and the labia become brown or bluish? This is not always associated with dangerous diseases, but may be a variation of the norm, such as color changes in the genital area and nipples in different phases of the menstrual cycle. Find out about the possible causes of increased pigmentation in intimate areas.

Blue discoloration of the labia may be a consequence of venous stagnation. This can occur due to constant compression of the perineal area by tight underwear, a sedentary lifestyle and circulatory problems.

It is recommended to sleep on your side less often, not sit in an uncomfortable position for a long time, not wear tight, tight clothes, do gymnastics and spend more time in the fresh air. To exclude other pathologies, a consultation with a doctor is necessary.

  • The labia in women can darken for a number of reasons, starting with the banal friction that occurs between the skin and underwear when walking, ending with more serious reasons (hormonal imbalance, ovarian diseases, stomach cancer).
  • Another reason why the labia may be darker than usual is hormonal disorders. Failure of the body's hormonal regulation can occur with ovarian diseases or with the formation of tumors, which themselves can produce hormones.
  • Why is darkening of the skin accompanied by peeling and rashes? In this case, the reason that caused the appearance of spots in the genital area is most likely associated with fungal infections of the skin. Such spots do not go away on their own; consultation with a dermatologist and adequate treatment with antifungals are necessary.

Addison's disease - an endocrine disorder in which the adrenal cortex does not produce enough hormones - is also characterized by pigmentation disorders in the intimate area. Chloasma appears not only in the genital area, but also on the nipples, armpits and in areas exposed to sunlight (“Addison’s melasma”).

All women are individual, exactly as individual as their private parts. The color and shape of the labia is the same feature of the body as, for example, hair color or breast size.

1. Puberty The reason for this is exclusively hormonal changes in the body and active growth of the whole body.
2. Weight gain If fat is deposited in the body, then it does not spare any part of a woman’s body, including the labia.
3. Pregnancy

During pregnancy, all tissues of the female body change. There is deposition of fat, accumulation of fluid, and deposition of melanin (dark brown or black pigment).

The number of sexual partners can only be judged by more unpleasant factors than the shape and color of the labia. Our expert will tell you which ones:

The number of sexual partners can only be judged by more unpleasant factors than the shape and color of the labia. Our expert will tell you which ones:

“The female body, like any integral system, is, of course, susceptible to various external factors. In this case, these are pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, viruses), which, when they find themselves in a favorable environment, and the genitals are such, begin to actively multiply.

Unprotected sexual intercourse is the most common cause of sexually transmitted infections. They are called “sexually transmitted infections” (STIs). They can be called a kind of “marker” of promiscuity in sexual relations. Almost all of them pose a hidden threat to a woman’s body. Some directly, some indirectly.

Naturally, these diseases have a rather vivid picture, which manifests itself both on the external genital organs (labia, vestibule of the vagina) - redness, itching, growth of condylomas on the skin (HPV), and on the internal genital organs - discharge, pain, odor, etc. .d., causing serious discomfort to both the woman and her partner.

To summarize, it is worth noting that if such symptoms occur, you should not self-medicate, but consult a doctor as soon as possible. Delay in this situation can threaten the progression of the disease, even to infertility and operations, and aggravate the situation.”

If you notice that your labia have changed their color, we advise you to first take a pregnancy test, and then, possibly, visit a gynecologist. Because such symptoms are likely to indicate that conception occurred in the woman’s last menstrual cycle.

It is unlikely that there will be many girls who regularly examine the color of their labia, but it is quite possible to notice such a change. Moreover: some couples notice this sign very first, without even suspecting that pregnancy could occur.

Overall, this is definitely worth talking about.

Every healthy, sexually mature woman regularly matures an egg, ready to potentially become the foremother of a future child. This happens at different times for everyone, but most often around the middle of the menstrual cycle every or almost every month. After the release of the egg from a mature follicle, that is, after ovulation, the level of the hormone progesterone, which has risen to this point, remains high, creating favorable conditions for the onset and maintenance of pregnancy. This will continue throughout the entire first trimester of pregnancy, and against the background of such hormonal changes, a pregnant woman may feel and observe a wide variety of signs of pregnancy, many of which sometimes seem unexpected or strange. Such symptoms include changes in the labia in the earliest stages.

In particular, both the labia minora and labia majora in a pregnant woman can increase in size and change color from the first days. This occurs due to increased blood circulation in the pelvic organs, which is necessary to fully provide the fetus with oxygen and nutrients that come with the blood. For this reason, the labia of a pregnant woman may become plump, increase in size, and swell. Such changes are noticeable already from the first weeks, but also often appear only in the second or third trimesters. As the pregnancy period increases, the muscle tissues in the body of the expectant mother become more elastic and elastic, and among them are the labia.

If you are prone to varicose veins and thrombophlebitis in the labia area during pregnancy, compactions and nodes may appear - enlarged veins appear. This situation should not be ignored. Although this, as a rule, does not pose any risk, there are still some risks, and therefore, if you find inflamed areas in the labia area, you should definitely tell your doctor about it. The same applies to other formations on this organ: rashes, erosions, compactions.

In addition to size, the color of the labia often changes during pregnancy. And this should not scare you.

Purple, dark red labia during pregnancy

It should be noted that the color of the labia is different for all women, and for each of them it can change at different periods of life. This feature is highly individual, and can vary in different colors and shades - from beige to black, from pale light to very dark or rich.

Most all women usually have pink labia. But no matter what color you have, with the onset of pregnancy, your lips can change their color and shade.

The previously pale or dull red labia after conception often become deeply red, purple, dark, as if inflamed. Do not worry: such changes, as we have already said, are the absolute norm, if in addition to them there are no “suspicious” vaginal discharge, itching, burning and other pathological symptoms.

Also, do not be surprised if during pregnancy only one labia changes color, while the second remains unchanged: this also happens normally.

Blue labia during pregnancy

The labia of a pregnant woman can also become blue due to varicose veins, which is observed in approximately a third of women who become pregnant for the first time and in most of those who are repeatedly pregnant. Overweight pregnant women and women who are genetically predisposed to this are at risk.

Most often, this condition is temporary and harmless: shortly before childbirth or shortly after it, it goes away on its own. But sometimes the blue labia during pregnancy begin to hurt and bleed, which you need to tell your doctor about. He will prescribe you an anti-inflammatory ointment, and also recommend wearing special compression garments without seams, not sitting too long or standing in one place for a long time, moving more and lying only on your side.

Please also note that blue discoloration of the labia can occur even in non-pregnant women due to wearing tight synthetic underwear, aggressive sex, very early onset of sexual activity, and also with age.

Black labia during pregnancy

Sometimes on forums you can find messages that women’s labia have become very dark, almost black, during pregnancy. This frightens and worries some of them, but there is no reason to worry.

The color of the labia during pregnancy can actually not only darken greatly, but actually turn gray or black. Moreover: for approximately 2-3% of fair-skinned women in the world, this color of the mucous membranes in the perineum is their normal norm.

If nothing else bothers you other than color, then there is no need to worry. If you are not yet sure about your pregnancy, then if the color of the labia changes, you should dot all the i’s: it’s time to buy a test.

Especially for -Ekaterina Vlasenko

Why does the skin in the intimate area darken and the labia become brown or bluish? This is not always associated with dangerous diseases, but may be a variation of the norm, such as color changes in the genital area and nipples during different phases of the menstrual cycle. Find out about the possible causes of increased pigmentation in intimate areas.

Why are a woman's labia blue?

Blue discoloration of the labia may be a consequence of venous stagnation. This can happen due to constant compression of the perineal area by tight underwear, a sedentary lifestyle and circulatory problems.

It is recommended to sleep on your side less often, not to sit in an uncomfortable position for a long time, not to wear tight, tight clothes, to do gymnastics and to spend more time in the fresh air. To exclude other pathologies, a consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Swelling and blue color in the intimate area may be a sign of inflammatory processes in the reproductive system. In this case, you need to consult a doctor. In addition, similar symptoms, combined with itching and burning of the genital mucosa, appear when you are allergic to the material of underwear or components of hygiene products.

Causes of darkening of the labia minora

The labia in women can darken for a number of reasons, starting with the banal friction that occurs between the skin and underwear when walking, ending with more serious reasons (hormonal imbalance, ovarian diseases, stomach cancer).

  • Darkening of the labia can occur in the first weeks of pregnancy as a reaction of the body to the restructuring of all its systems to support the fetus. For example, during this period, a woman’s circulating blood volume and blood circulation intensity increase, which can lead to a change in skin tone in the genital area. This is a completely normal situation, the darkening is called chloasma, it goes away on its own and does not cause any inconvenience.
  • Another reason why the labia may be darker than usual is hormonal imbalance. Failure of the body's hormonal regulation can occur with ovarian diseases or with the formation of tumors, which themselves can produce hormones.
  • Another reason why the labia may be darker than usual is hormonal disorders. Failure of the body's hormonal regulation can occur with ovarian diseases or with the formation of tumors, which themselves can produce hormones.
  • Addison's disease, an endocrine disorder in which the adrenal cortex does not produce enough hormones, is also characterized by pigmentation disorders in the intimate area. Chloasma appears not only in the genital area, but also on the nipples, armpits and in areas exposed to sunlight (“Addison’s melasma”).

How to deal with darkening of the labia?

If the darkening of the labia is not a symptom of a serious illness or hormonal imbalance, and is not accompanied by rashes, peeling and itching, then it is not necessary to fight it. Most often, the body’s condition returns to normal after some time - for example, when the labia darkens due to pregnancy or hormonal imbalance.

However, if the dark color of the skin in the genital area is unpleasant to you, this can be corrected using a laser whitening procedure in the salon (if the darkening does not affect the mucous membrane) or using traditional recipes. Parsley, sour cream, cucumber juice, and white clay are good for lightening the skin. They can be used as part of a mask to combat lip darkening at home. After applying medicinal mixtures with lightening components, you must use a nourishing cream.

The size and color of the skin of the labia minora and labia majora vary significantly among women. The labia minora can be light pink, skin-colored, brown, almost red, etc.

The pigmentation of the intimate zone depends only on whether the distant ancestors were southerners or northerners. Northerners have lighter skin and mucous membranes, southerners have darker ones, and their descendants may have both. And it often happens that there is more pigmentation on one side and less on the other. This is fine. The color of the labia minora is usually about the same color as the areola of your breast nipples. If the areolas are dark, then the labia and anus will be too, although there are exceptions.

As a rule, the younger the woman, the lighter and pinker her genitals are. With the onset of sexual activity, the small genital organs darken. Moreover, according to some observations, the color of the labia minora in brunettes is often dark brown, while in blondes they are usually light, skin-colored or pink. The reason is quite understandable - different skin pigmentation in brunettes and blondes.

The coloring can be influenced by: age, hormonal levels, number and duration of sexual intercourse, pregnancy and number of births, underwear (if we say, it presses, cuts, is uncomfortable) and some others. (See "Why does the skin between my legs darken?").

By the way, a change in the color of the labia to dark (brownish, bluish, purple), by the way, is one of the signs of pregnancy. Such manifestations can be observed already 10-12 days after conception - they swell, become more juicy, and elastic.


Come for a consultation with a specialist in intimate surgery at our clinic, discuss the situation that concerns you, find out the most optimal way to solve it, and clarify the details of the upcoming procedure. Carrying out biorevitalization procedures in combination with plasmolifting (plasmofilling), mesotherapy, and revolumetry allows you to recreate aesthetically attractive forms, get rid of existing difficulties and achieve color correction of the external genitalia. Our capabilities and extensive experience in intimate labiaplasty and cosmetology will help in solving your delicate problems. Depending on the specific situation, we will offer one or another solution.

The size and color of the skin of the labia minora and labia majora vary significantly among women. The labia minora can be light pink, skin-colored, brown, almost red, etc.

The pigmentation of the intimate zone depends only on whether the distant ancestors were southerners or northerners. Northerners have lighter skin and mucous membranes, southerners have darker ones, and their descendants may have both. And it often happens that there is more pigmentation on one side and less on the other. This is fine. The color of the labia minora is usually about the same color as the areola of your breast nipples. If the areolas are dark, then the labia and anus will be too, although there are exceptions.

Typically, the younger the woman, the lighter and pinker her genitals are. With the onset of sexual activity, the small genital organs darken. Moreover, according to some observations, the color of the labia minora in brunettes is often dark brown, while in blondes they are usually light, skin-colored or pink. The reason is quite understandable - different skin pigmentation in brunettes and blondes.

The coloring can be affected by: age, hormonal levels, the number and duration of sexual intercourse, pregnancy and number of births, underwear (if we say, it presses, cuts, is uncomfortable) and some others. (See "Why does the skin between my legs darken?").

By the way, a change in the color of the labia to dark (brownish, bluish, purple), by the way, is one of the signs of pregnancy. Such manifestations can be observed already 10-12 days after conception - they swell, become more juicy, and elastic.


Come for a consultation with a specialist in intimate surgery at our clinic, discuss the situation that concerns you, find out the most optimal way to solve it, and clarify the details of the upcoming procedure. Carrying out biorevitalization procedures in combination with plasmolifting (plasmofilling), mesotherapy, and revolumetry allows you to recreate aesthetically attractive forms, get rid of existing difficulties and achieve color correction of the external genitalia. Our capabilities and extensive experience in intimate labiaplasty and cosmetology will help in solving your delicate problems. Depending on the specific situation, we will offer one or another solution.

Many women wonder why the labia are dark. After all, very often women, looking at themselves in the mirror, begin to notice that the skin of the labia is significantly different from the color of the vagina, and this seems very unaesthetic. What are such changes usually associated with?

Physical impact on the labia

The labia may begin to darken for many reasons. One of them is physical impact. Very often, a woman does not even notice that she is wearing uncomfortable or too tight underwear, as a result of which dark age spots appear. The skin also receives a lot of microtraumas during shaving.

Some women's legs are positioned in such a way that friction occurs between them when walking. Therefore, the skin begins to wear off in the area of ​​the groin folds, and dark areas form. In such women, greatly increased sweating is observed in the inguinal folds, and this is another reason why the labia become dark.


Dark labia can be the result of a variety of diseases associated with inflammatory processes. In addition to darkened lips, swelling, hyperemia, swelling, discharge of an unpleasant color and odor, as well as small ulcers on the lips may be observed.

Dark labia can suddenly acquire this shade if the disease pityriasis versicolor is noticed. In this case, the labia majora and minora begin to itch very much, and small transparent blisters will be noticeable on them, which will burst over time. If treatment is not started in time, dark spots can spread from intimate areas to the inner thigh. But not only lichen will indicate similar symptoms. Any fungal disease will have similar symptoms. After treatment, the fungal cultures that caused the inflammation will disappear, but pigmentation on the skin may remain.

If the labia begin to contrast strongly with the skin on other parts of the body, this indicates the presence of serious diseases.

If the mucous membrane has acquired a black tint and a velvety surface, this indicates a risk of stomach cancer. But genital cancer not only changes the pigmentation of the labia, but also thickens the surface of the skin.

Consequence of intoxication

Dark labia with a slight brown tint may be a consequence of constant intoxication of the body. Harmful substances can be ingested through food, food, or inhaled while working in hazardous conditions. Toxic substances also enter the body in the form of drugs.

Labia dark in color during pregnancy

Very often during pregnancy you may notice that the labia and vagina have acquired a darkish tint. Often pigmentation also affects the nipples. Rarely the neck and face area. Such changes are called chloasma.

Such processes in the body occur due to hormonal changes in the very first stages of pregnancy. Thus, the body is constantly preparing for its new state. Blood circulation increases in the pelvic organs, which means the load on the vessels located in the genital area increases. The body responds to this effect with pigmentation.

In the second and third trimester of pregnancy, the effect on the labia area increases significantly. You may notice that they become more elastic and soft, and more pigmentation appears.

Dark colored labia may result from the use of hormonal contraceptives, as well as other medications containing hormones.


Often the dark labia minora become this way due to the appearance of venous stagnation. In the first stages, the lips swell a little and change color slightly. And then they turn completely blue.

The most common cause of varicose veins is pregnancy or obesity, as well as genetic predisposition. However, women of normal weight are also susceptible to this disease.

For perineal varicose veins, doctors strongly recommend increasing activity as much as possible and sitting, standing or sleeping on your side as little as possible.

in intimate places

Dark labia minora is a problem that many women face. However, today there are many ways to successfully cope with it.

First, perform a peeling procedure and thoroughly exfoliate the skin. After this, you need to apply a special whitening cream or serum. But it is best to do this a few days after peeling, so that there are no microcracks or scratches on the skin. In order to whiten the skin of intimate areas, you don’t need to spend a lot of time and make hellish efforts. After two weeks of regular use of the whitening cream, you will already be able to notice the result. The skin will become more uniform and well-groomed, pigment spots will gradually begin to disappear.

Dark spots on the labia: whitening at home

Try squeezing the juice from parsley and mixing it with rich homemade sour cream. Add a few drops of lemon juice to this and apply to problem areas for a few minutes. As soon as you feel a burning sensation, wash it off immediately.

Cucumber puree also copes well with this problem. If you add white clay to it, the effect will be achieved as quickly as possible.

A mask with parsley will give faster results, provided that you do it about three times a day for a week. The cucumber mask will manifest itself only after several weeks of regular procedures.

Salon treatments

Many women are concerned about very dark labia. If this problem occurs regardless of inflammatory diseases, then it generally does not bring any unpleasant sensations. But many girls believe that dark labia and the area on the inner thigh look extremely unaesthetic, and therefore are ready to take any measures to solve this problem.

In modern beauty salons, special procedures can be performed to whiten the skin, but they are not performed on the labia minora and mucous membranes. Several laser correction procedures can completely restore skin color and give it a more well-groomed appearance.

No matter how you try to lighten your skin, use a nourishing cream afterwards.

Don't worry too much about the color of your intimate areas. In these places, a woman's skin may actually have a darker shade. This is not a pathology, this is how nature intended it. So if it doesn't cause you physical discomfort, don't worry about it and continue enjoying life. After all, even the most harmless procedures can cause harm to the body.

A change in the color of a woman's external genitalia usually causes concern primarily from an aesthetic point of view. However Often these types of changes are accompanied by painful symptoms.

Important! In this case, a pathological process is likely to develop in the body; it cannot be ignored.

Reasons why the labia turn blue

Blueness of the mucous membranes of the intimate area occurs against the background of changes in blood circulation. As a result, a change in pigmentation occurs, which changes the color of the genitals.

Photo 1: Bluishness of the intimate area is a common phenomenon among pregnant women. This is not a pathology unless it is accompanied by atypical symptoms. Source: flickr (Evgeniy rumedicalnews).

There are certain differences in the factors that cause blueness of the lips major and minor.

Why do the labia majora turn blue?

Among the most common causes of blueness of the intimate area the following:

  1. Physical impact. Bluishness can be caused by either a bruise in the intimate area or wearing tight underwear;
  2. Physiological features. If, according to anatomical parameters, a girl’s legs are very close, the groin area is susceptible to friction even while walking. A similar phenomenon is observed in cases where the congenital feature is the large size of the external labia;
  3. Allergic reaction. The allergen may be synthetic underwear, perfumed hygiene products or medications taken;
  4. Hormonal changes and disruptions. Pigmentation changes with hormonal changes. For example, before the onset of sexual activity, the intimate area in women is lighter in color, and with its onset it darkens and turns blue.

Causes of blue labia minora

Due to the peculiarities of its location, labia minora are not so susceptible to external mechanical damage. Their blueness may be caused:

  1. A strong blow or constant wearing of tight underwear and trousers (for example, tight jeans made from thick fabric). Due to subcutaneous hemorrhage, a bruise forms, which explains the blueness;
  2. Allergy to synthetic fabrics, cosmetics and medicines;
  3. Hormonal imbalance. The color of the intimate area changes in women over 35 years of age, as estrogen production increases and the color intensity changes.

Causes of blue labia during pregnancy

Labia turn blue after at least two weeks from the moment of conception. From the second trimester, the color becomes even more saturated, the intimate area may swell and itch. These changes are characteristic, they are caused by a sharp change in blood circulation in the genital area and should not cause concern.

Blue labia and diseases

If the blue color of the labia is not caused by mechanical damage, hormonal changes or allergies, it is likely that this is a sign of the development of the disease.

Blueness of the labia majora and minora may indicate such diseases:

  1. Varicose veins, which can subsequently lead to acute thrombophlebitis and bleeding. Pregnant women are most susceptible to developing chronic venous stagnation;
  2. Inflammatory processes in the ovaries. In most cases, they cause changes in hormonal levels, which provokes blueness;
  3. Fungal infections. Against the background of the disease, the labia darken, peel and itch;
  4. Oncological neoplasms in the gastrointestinal tract. Along with the color, the tactile parameters of the skin change - it becomes denser and velvety;
  5. Adrenal cortex insufficiency(or Itsenko-Cushing syndrome). A rather rare pathology, the characteristic symptom of which is the cyanosis of the mucous membranes of the labia. Blue discoloration may spread up the abdomen and appear on the elbows.

What measures need to be taken

Photo 2: In order to exclude the development of pathological phenomena due to blueness of the labia, a woman is recommended to undergo a comprehensive diagnosis, in particular, visit a gynecologist, endocrinologist and oncologist. Further treatment depends on the identified diagnosis. Source: flickr (pnikv).

If the color of the labia has changed due to blood stagnation, To prevent varicose veins and its complications, it is recommended to take the following measures:

  1. walk more, increase the amount of physical activity;
  2. sleep mostly on your side;
  3. avoid wearing tight underwear, switch to seamless products.

Homeopathic treatment for blue labia

The goal of treatment with homeopathic medicines is enhance the body's defense mechanism and promote its self-healing.


Blueness of the external genital organs with varicose veins.

Stagnation of blood.

Blue, swollen labia.

Stagnation of blood.

At different periods of a woman’s life, the natural color of the labia becomes darker. They may acquire blue or brown shades. Darkening of the skin is not in all cases associated with serious pathologies in the body, but is a consequence of processes that are normal for a woman. Why do the labia change color?

In medicine, darkening of the skin of the perineum is called dyschromia, and it is often accompanied by unpleasant symptoms for women. Pigmentation occurs due to high levels of melanin production, which leads to increased melanogenesis, or due to inflammatory post-traumatic hyperpigmentation.

In most cases, the color of the labia changes for the following reasons:

  • hormonal changes;
  • injuries and inflammatory processes on the labia;
  • uncomfortable underwear that rubs the skin;
  • friction of the thighs against each other, the cause is excess weight;
  • age;
  • skin diseases;
  • medications;
  • long stay in a solarium or under the sun;
  • epilation.

Blue labia

Venous congestion, which develops as a result of the pressure of tight underwear on the skin of the intimate area, a sedentary lifestyle and diseases that disrupt the blood circulation, most often causes blue skin in the perineum. In this case, a woman needs to sleep less lying on her side, sit in a comfortable position that will not cause harm to the genitals, eliminate tight clothes from her wardrobe, play sports and go outside for walks more often.

In addition, if, in addition to discoloration, the labia itch or a burning sensation occurs, this indicates an allergic reaction to personal hygiene products or underwear fabric, so doctors advise wearing only cotton.

Varicose veins in the perineal area usually develop during pregnancy. Vasodilation is observed, the skin begins to turn blue. The girl should not worry, since this process is normal for the body; it occurs due to increased blood circulation. After childbirth, symptoms may disappear or remain, but they will bother the woman less. Blood stagnation is common among women who have two or more children.

Injuries in the intimate area, causing the formation of hematomas under the skin, affect its color. The color of the labia remains blue for 1-4 weeks, depending on what caused the skin damage.

May indicate the presence of inflammation in the reproductive system. A common cause is considered to be a chronic form of inflammation of the vulva, in which the labia minora turn blue due to blood flow and appear larger than usual. Such a case can only be treated with the help of a doctor.

Aggressive or frequent sex rubs the intimate area, which causes blue labia.

If a woman does not feel unwell, she does not experience itching, discharge of an unpleasant odor and pain in an intimate place, blue labia do not have dangerous consequences for the body.

Blue skin discoloration can occur in adolescents during puberty. In addition, during menopause, the level of estrogen in the female body increases, which leads to blue discoloration of the labia.

Dark labia

Sometimes the skin of a woman’s labia darkens. A change in shade occurs both due to the friction of uncomfortable underwear on the perineum, and due to serious diseases.

Dark labia are observed in pregnant women in the first weeks after conception. This happens because processes begin to occur in the body that rebuild all structures to support the fetus. The phenomenon is called chloasma. Darkened labia do not cause any discomfort to a woman and go away regardless of whether measures were taken to lighten the skin.

If the labia are blackened, this may indicate hormonal imbalance. Disorders occur due to pathologies in the functioning of the ovaries, with cancer producing new hormones.

Darkening of the labia majora is accompanied by the appearance of scales on the skin and spots due to skin fungus. Such symptoms require treatment and consultation with a dermatologist, as they do not disappear on their own.

Dark skin in the “bikini zone” may be due to Addison’s disease, which is characterized by a malfunction of the endocrine system: the adrenal glands are not able to produce the required amount of hormones. Pigmentation occurs in the perineum, on nipple halos, in the armpits and on skin exposed to sunlight.

Areas of skin in the perineum darken due to a large amount of hair grown into the “bikini area” after inaccurate shaving.

How to lighten labia

Dark skin in the genital area that does not cause unpleasant sensations such as itching, burning or discharge does not require a visit to a doctor and treatment. In the absence of symptoms, the body’s condition will normalize on its own after a certain time, and the skin areas will return to their previous color.

Some girls have dark labia from a young age. This is normal, but may not satisfy the girl. In this case, it is possible to correct the skin color using laser whitening in a special salon. This procedure is performed provided that the darkening does not affect the mucous membrane. In addition, folk remedies help to lighten the labia: parsley, cucumber juice, sour cream and white clay have proven themselves.

It is not advisable to carry out the private area whitening procedure on your own.

You should visit a dermatologist to diagnose and rule out diseases of the body. The specialist will advise the patient which lightening methods will not cause harm to health. The procedure will be much safer if the woman consults a doctor.

When “whitening” the skin, it is necessary to use special creams; they should be available in pharmacies or intimate goods stores. This is because the genital area needs protection from ultraviolet radiation during the procedure.

A change in the shade of the labia in less than half of the cases indicates dangerous abnormalities in the functioning of the body and does not require special treatment. What color the skin in the intimate area should be is determined in women depending on the characteristics of the body. And if a girl is dissatisfied with the state of her body, she has the right to correct the situation. To ensure a safe whitening procedure, consultation with a specialist is recommended. If there are no complaints, and the woman and her partner are satisfied with everything, there should be no reason to worry.

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