Cichlazoma labia. Cichlazoma labiatum or big-lipped fish is a large and aggressive fish. Appearance and gender differences


Description Cichlazoma labiatum is another very major representative

American cichlids, which are difficult to recommend for keeping behind glass in a room aquarium. But for populating large spaces in offices and enterprise lobbies, it is quite suitable. Its appearance and dimensions will help create the image of your organization. Basic distinctive feature are big lips , which when viewed in profile resemble a pair of cockscombs, which in Latin sounds like labiatus (double comb). In appearance, especially early stages development, they are easily confused with citron cichlasoma. Because of this it happens a large number of uncontrolled hybridizations of these two species. Because of this, some authors argue that it is almost impossible to meet purebred Amphilophus labiatum behind the glass of aquariums in Eurasia. Cichlases differ from lemon cichlases in color. But this sign is quite variable, so it cannot be used as a guide. More reliable sign

is the shape of the head. Their snout is more elongated, reminiscent of a fox's muzzle. It ends with large lips, as if inflated with air or silicone :-). Citrons have a less elongated head, and their lips have more modest dimensions.
In the open air it reaches 30 - 35 centimeters in length. Behind the glass of the aquarium it is usually half as long. Color ranges from dirty yellow to bright orange. Life expectancy at good conditions

maintenance for about 15 years.
Cichlasoma dorsatum is strongly territorial, especially during spawning. Predator. They become sexually mature when they reach approximately 9–15 months of age. The number of eggs for each clutch is very variable, depending on the maturity, as well as the length of the female. Can number in the hundreds or thousands.
Keeping aquarium fish Cichlazoma labiatum is relatively difficult. The species is territorial and aggressive. Aggression can be somewhat reduced by raising them together with other individuals from juvenile age, as well as by using a larger aquarium.
The capacity of the vessel is not very suitable for a city apartment. After all, one individual requires about 200 liters of water. And when keeping one pair, a vessel with a capacity of at least three hundred liters is required.

The soil should be selected in dark tones that correspond to the soil of the lakes in the natural habitat of Cichlasoma dorsatum. The dark color of the soil helps, to a certain extent, to calm down Herichthys labiatus, somewhat dampening their aggressiveness.
As a primer you should use coarse or medium gravel in dark shades. It is necessary to delimit the bottom by placing several large stones vertically approximately every forty centimeters. These stones will play the role of a visual boundary between the territories of individual individuals or formed pairs. It is also necessary to build caves, grottoes, and canyons from large stones. They will serve as a reliable refuge for weaker neighbors or a female not ready for spawning. It would be desirable to decorate the bottom with driftwood, which will make it resemble the bottom of natural reservoirs in which the long-lipped cichlazoma lives.
Loves plants. Dense thickets will help hide a friend or other fish that prefers to avoid a showdown with Amphilophus labiatum. But like all cichlids, Amphilophus labiatum digs the soil, so it can dig up green bushes. Nevertheless, it is worth at least trying to decorate their home with plants that have a strong root system and hard leaves. May also be useful when designing underwater world fast growing species.
Cichlazoma labiatum has the same requirements for water parameters as other members of the family. Hardness can range from 5 to 30°dH, with an optimum of 15 to 25°dH. pH from 7.2 to 8. Can withstand large short-term temperature fluctuations from 1 to 50°C. However, this is not worth experimenting with. The preferred temperature for keeping is the same as for most other cichlids from 24 to 26°C.
Lighting doesn't matter to fish. Therefore, you can select it according to your taste, as well as in accordance with the needs of the plants with which you tried to decorate this underwater world.
An aquarium with Cichlazoma labiatum fish must be equipped with powerful aeration and filtration systems. It is advisable that the filter system be external in order to free up the internal volume of the container, which is already critical for fish of this size. Even if you have a good filtration system - water aeration, you must remember to replace one quarter of its volume weekly.
Labiatums should not be kept with citron cichlasoma due to their ability to freely interbreed.
There are no problems with food. They will eat everything or almost everything you offer them. Almost all varieties of live, frozen or dry food. Only liver and chicken meat should be avoided. You can feed bloodworms with earthworms, small crustaceans and mollusks. Large pieces It is advisable to chop the food, for example, earthworms somewhat. It is necessary to remember about plant nutrition. Especially plants or fruits that contain large amounts of carotenoids and procarotenoids. For example, it was noted that in order to maintain a bright orange color, it is necessary to add paprika (sweet pepper) to the food together with crustaceans - brine shrimp.
Breeding has its own characteristics. So, for example, it is necessary to remember that female individuals of the big-lipped cichlazoma had the carelessness in the process of evolution to acquire the ability to mature later than males. This could end badly for them. However, some authors point out that it is precisely the immature girlfriend who can give an inappropriately cruel rebuff to the unlucky loving lover. Be that as it may, if the physiological development of the female lags, one of the intended producers may suffer greatly when trying to find out how the object of his desires relates to him. It is also a bad idea to plant adult Cichlasoma dorsatum in one container that have never seen each other before. In this situation, the likelihood of a fight is even higher. Most best option- this is keeping producers in one container separated by a transparent partition until signs of mutual favor appear. After this, you can try to remove the partition. Don't forget to watch the events taking place. It is possible that the partition will have to be put in place for some time. After a pair has formed, you can try to stimulate spawning. To do this, replace one quarter of the volume of water with fresh, settled water and gradually raise its temperature by 2 - 4 degrees Celsius. Amphilophus labiatum will choose some secluded place, and then, having cleared any flat stone there of algae and dirt, they will lay eggs on it from several hundred to several thousand. This is determined by the size and maturity of the female. Incubation lasts about 3 days, after another 4 - 6 days the larvae become fry, take horizontal position and begin to feed not far from their native stone under the supervision of caring parents. In nature, cichlazoma labiatum feeds its offspring with a special skin secretion, which begins to be produced by the time the offspring appear. IN artificial conditions you can help your pets by feeding their offspring with Artemia or its nauplii. For about two weeks, the fry can hide in their father’s mouth at the slightest danger. During spawning, fish should not be disturbed. For your own safety, you should not dip your toes in the water. It is especially important to ensure that children do not do this. Pisces are aggressive and can seriously injure the impudent person they see in your finger.


Uruguay, Nicaragua, Brazil, lakes of Nicaragua and Managua.


In an aquarium, 17-25 cm. Wild fish have a rather nondescript gray color, some have orange or red tints. Hybridization in the hobby has reached such an extent that it is difficult to find purebred fish.

There are color forms: brown-gray with and without dark spots, white, gray, as well as various shades of yellow, orange and red from pale gold and pink to orange-red. Decorated with black spots, and most importantly, fleshy lips - these protruding lips, as if pouting, distinguish individuals caught in natural reservoirs.

Mature males, generally larger and slimmer than females, have a more striking nuchal hump on an amber-yellow head, with a black vertical stripe running through the eye. These humps only develop during the breeding season in the wild, but in aquariums many specimens have a huge hump all the time. There are shiny pearls of blue spots on the sides. Bright blue dots decorate the head, the dorsal and caudal fins are decorated with bright blue and red stripes.

The male has elongated ends of the dorsal and anal fins. Females are much smaller, almost 2 times smaller, and less bright, with wide black vertical stripes on a light brown background. Large black round spots in the middle part of the body. Their dorsal fin is short and rounded with just a hint of red and Blue colour. Juveniles are gray-yellow with dark spots. Juvenile A. labiatus and A. citrinellus are difficult to distinguish. One of the color variations received its own scientific description and, for its amazing red color with black spots, it is called - Red Devil.

Aggressive, territorial species. Keeping more than one male in any aquarium is not advisable, regardless of their size. Females have a hierarchy with the dominant female driving others out of the small occupied territory. If the female is not ready for spawning, then she can give a serious rebuff to the male. Males, as a rule, do not mark out territories. A spacious aquarium with plenty of hiding places is needed, providing visual barriers (rocks, caves, large flowerpots) as many as possible, which must be stable, they will try to move them in any case.

You can try securing plastic plants with rocks, but don't expect them to stay there for long. It is better to hide heaters and any other equipment behind rocky structures, and use very strong suction cups on any pipelines. The filter itself must be large and efficient to clean the mass of biological waste produced by these greedy, dirty fish. A heavy lid is necessary to prevent jumping out of the aquarium during moments of excitement, of which there will be many.

It lives in the middle and lower layers of water. In a spacious aquarium they get along with other large cichlids. Smaller fish are treated as food. The soil is pebbles or gravel. Daily large quantities substrate will move around the aquarium. Aeration, filtration and large water changes are necessary. Will try to eat anything that looks edible. Despite their massive head and large jaws, they find it difficult to eat large pieces of food, so they need to chop up pieces of mussels or earthworms.

To achieve an intense red coloration, the fish are fed with special food or sweet paprika along with brine shrimp.


Breeding is very difficult, because... males kill females when adding them to the aquarium. The eggs are laid on a pre-prepared substrate (flower pot, flat stone) located in hard to reach places for other types of fish. Parents protect the clutch, and then the young. dH 5-30°; pH 6.0-8.0; T 24-26°C.

Endemic to two lakes Nicaragua and Managua, located in the territory of modern Nicaragua in Central America. Both lakes are of tectonic origin, connected by the Tipitapa River. Cichlazoma labiatum prefers to stay along rocky shores, where it swims among crevices.
The note- lake Nicaragua's largest freshwater lake Latin America and the only one in the world where sharks are found.

Brief information:

  • Aquarium volume - from 350 l.
  • Temperature - 21–26°C
  • pH value - 6.0–8.0
  • Water hardness - from soft to hard (5–26 dGH)
  • Substrate type - rocky
  • Lighting - moderate
  • Brackish water - no
  • Water movement - weak to moderate
  • The size of the fish is 30–35 cm.
  • Food - any
  • Temperament - aggressive
  • Keeping alone in a species aquarium


Adults reach a length of up to 35 cm. More powerful males have a characteristic occipital hump that distinguishes them from females, as well as elongated and pointed dorsal and anal fins. Color varies from white-yellow to deep orange.


They are not at all picky about their diet; they eat everything that can fit in their mouth, including smaller fish. In a home aquarium, the main food supply should be frozen, fresh or live foods, e.g. earthworms, pieces of snails and other shellfish, shrimp, as well as herbal supplements such as peas, spinach, etc. A great alternative will serve as specialized food for large Central American cichlids produced by some manufacturers.

Maintenance and care, arrangement of aquariums

One adult fish will require an aquarium of 350 liters. The decoration mainly uses fragments of rocks, large stones, and gravel substrate. There is no need for live plants; artificial ones can be used if desired. All interior decor must be securely fastened, and equipment, if possible, hidden so that big fish couldn't damage anything. The aquarium is equipped with a reliable lid. Despite its size, the Red Devil is able to jump out of it.
Water parameters have wide acceptable ranges of pH and dGH values, so there are no problems with water treatment. Difficulties are associated only with maintaining high water quality. Filtration and aeration systems are installed based on the need to process large masses of organic waste and the need of fish for a high content of dissolved oxygen. It is mandatory to replace part of the water (20–25% of the volume) with fresh water weekly.

Behavior and Compatibility

One of the most aggressive representatives of cichlids, it attacks not only other fish, but also representatives of its own species. Skirmishes usually lead to the death of the weaker individual. Joint keeping is possible only in large aquariums of 1000 liters or more. As neighbors, you should select larger fish that will not be easily intimidated, and/or reliably protected from among the large catfish. For an amateur, we can only recommend a species aquarium.


The process of breeding the Red Devil is quite simple. When will it come mating season the fish will do everything themselves, without the need to create any special conditions or introducing a special diet in advance.
The main difficulty is that the fish are not compatible with each other and in a home aquarium it is extremely difficult to get a pair ready for reproduction. Cichlasoma labiatum is often kept alone due to its large size and aggressive behavior, and if a male is placed in the same tank with a female, she will soon be killed.
There are several ways to obtain offspring in an artificial environment, but none of them gives a 100% guarantee.
First. A male and a female from different aquariums are placed in one and separated by a transparent perforated wall. There is a small chance that after a few weeks the male will get used to it and reduce the degree of aggression, and in the future they will be able to form a temporary pair.
Second. Initially, about 6 young individuals are acquired, which will grow in place. As they grow older, one pair can naturally form, which in the future will regularly produce offspring. The chances of forming a pair increase in proportion to the increase in the number of young fish growing together, but this is not the case in amateur aquarium keeping.
As a result, this type It is better to buy from professional breeders than to breed it yourself.

Fish diseases

The main cause of most diseases is unsuitable living conditions and poor quality food. If the first symptoms are detected, you should check the water parameters and the presence of high concentrations hazardous substances(ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, etc.), if necessary, bring the indicators back to normal and only then begin treatment. Read more about symptoms and treatment methods in the section "

Cichlazoma labiatum(Amphilophus labiatus) – aquarium fish family cichlids or cichlids (Cichlidae).
Latin name: Amphilophus labiatus
Other names: Cichlasoma labiatus, Cichlasoma labiatum, Cichlasoma dorsatum, Cichlasoma erythraeum, Heros lobochilus, Heros erythraeus, Amphilophus froebelii, Amphilophus erythraeus, Red Devil, Roter Lippenbuntbarsch, Large Lipped Cichlid, Grosslippen Buntbarsch, Dicklippiger Buntbarsch


In nature, Cichlazoma labiatum lives in lakes located in Nicaragua and Managua in Central America.

Appearance and gender differences

Lipped cichlazomas have a wide variety of colors: brown-gray with spots of dark tones (or without them), various variations of red or yellow shades from pale golden and pinkish to fiery red. There are clear anatomical differences between females and males. The forehead of males is more convex, the ends of the dorsal and anal fins are elongated, and the body is slightly larger than that of the female. IN natural environment fish habitats grow up to 25 cm, and in aquariums - no more than 20 cm.

Cichlazoma labiatum has an aggressive disposition. For fish of this species, it is very important to have a personal territory. Therefore, a large aquarium with a capacity of 200 liters or more is suitable for keeping one pair. If you have a more spacious aquarium, large-lipped cichlids will be able to get along well with other large-sized cichlids. When setting up an aquarium, you should take into account that the big-lipped cichlasoma quite actively spoils living aquarium plants, undermining their root system, so it is better to use artificial aquarium plants.

In addition to the soil consisting of pebbles, stones, caves and other shelters are placed at the bottom of the aquarium. Water parameters: hardness – 15–25 °, pH – 6.0–8.0. Although for fish of this species the temperature range should be within 20–30 °C, they still feel most comfortable at a temperature of 24–26 °C. It is important to ensure high-quality aeration and filtration, as well as weekly water changes in the aquarium.

In its natural habitat, the lipped cichlasoma feeds mainly on crustaceans, small fish, insects and their larvae. In an aquarium, care should be taken to provide a varied nutritious diet consisting of live and frozen food, plant food, granules, minced meat and shrimp. The intensity of the color of red specimens largely depends on the presence of astaxandin in the food, the source of which in an aquarium can be sweet varieties of paprika along with brine shrimp or special foods “Astacolor” and “Red Parrot”.


Cichlazoma labiatum becomes sexually mature at one year of age. To stimulate spawning, it is necessary to replace ¼ of the water in the aquarium and increase the temperature by several degrees. The water in the spawning aquarium must meet the following requirements:

  • hardness: 10-30 degrees;
  • acidity: 7.0 - 8.0 pH;
  • water temperature: 26 - 28 degrees.

Before the female spawns, the male carefully prepares the surface of a pot or flat stone. The number of eggs in the litter depends on the age of the female, the conditions of keeping p
parents and its sizes. Like other cichlids, the long-lipped cichlasoma carefully takes care of its offspring. The incubation period of the eggs can vary from 3 to 5 days, and at the end of 5-6 days, the fry already swim and feed on their own. The starting food for fry is the following: cyclops nauplii, brine shrimp and diaptomus. If in aquarium conditions try to cross the long-lipped cichlasoma with the citron, you can get hybrid offspring.

Behavior: cichlazoma labiatum fish has a fairly diverse character, but in general it is not particularly aggressive in character (if you keep it in a large aquarium, if there is not enough space, the aggressiveness of the character can manifest itself in all its “glory”), at the same time, when defending its territory, it will not retreat from "face" of the enemy. Keep in mind that in nature it feeds on small fish, but in captivity, with fairly good feeding, attacks on other fish are rare, unless they are very small. Keep singly or in pairs

Nutrition: They eat everything they can eat, the fish will try any new item, which is called “by the tooth.” It is recommended to add earthworms, shrimp and other foods containing carotene to the diet. Feeding beef heart and chicken meat. Be sure to add it to your diet plant foods

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