What is the root of a word in Russian. What is the root of a word: definition, examples, rules What is which root

Root– the main significant part of the word, which contains the general lexical meaning of related words. Every word must have a root; some words may have two or more roots; such words are called complex words.

Consider, for example, the following group of related words, consisting of different parts of speech: WALK, GO OUT, ENTER, COME, TRANSITION, BYPASS, LEAVE, DAY OUT, TRANSITION, WALKER. As you can see, all these words are united by one common meaning. "walking"(and not swimming, running, crawling, drawing, etc.), due to which they are related. Although they all begin and end with different sound combinations and are not very similar in appearance, each of these words contains a part common to all of them - PROGRESS. It is this part common to all related words, which carries the main semantic load, that is root. When we want to give the meaning of a word some additional semantic connotation, the root begins to “overgrow” with various “additives”. The role of such “additives” is performed consoles And suffixes. We see that the spelling of the general part of a word is always the same and does not depend on stress: if in place ABOUT we hear [A], we only write ABOUT, because it is a root that unites related words. And if we write in this root A, then we will automatically exclude the written word from its related group and it will lose its lexical meaning.

Schoolchildren are taught to identify the root of a word already in the elementary grades. Why is it necessary to know the roots of words and correctly find them in a word? To select test words that will help you correctly write unstressed vowels in the root.

It seemed that it could be easier than finding a word with the same root. But here schoolchildren often have difficulties. Students, without thinking, select words that sound similar, completely ignoring the lexical meanings of the words. It’s good when the spelling of homonymous roots is the same: sp sewing and walking. In this case, mistakes can be avoided. What if, for example, the word path is checked by the word ladder? You should pay special attention to the semantics of the word and select words of the same root with a similar lexical meaning. The “Third Wheel” exercise helps with this.

  • Forest, stairs, forester.
  • Honest, garlic, dishonor.
  • Funny, laugh, mix.
  • Left, lion, left.
  • Water, driver, waterman.
  • Hurry, walking, pedestrian.

Writing roots with unstressed vowels is not a difficult task; you need to be able to choose the right test words. If you encounter certain difficulties when writing unstressed vowels or you want to test your knowledge, Tutoronline.ru specialists are always ready to help you.

We wish you good luck!

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The correct spelling of a letter in place of an unstressed vowel is in some cases determined by the fluency of this vowel. The fluent vowel appears in many nouns and adjectives in one of the declension forms, between the two final consonants of the stem...

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Letter combinations “tch”, “stch”, “dch” and “zdch” | Spelling

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Roots with letters "i" and "e" | Spelling

shine (k, t) – shine – shine. In place of the unstressed vowel, the letters i and e are written: i - before st with the subsequent stressed a, for example: shine, shine, shine, shine, brilliant, shine; e - in other cases, for example: sparkle, sparkles,...

Letter "i" | Spelling

In the following cases, the letter and conveys the sound ы after hard consonants: a) after prefixes of foreign origin: hyper, dez, inter, counter, post, sub, super, trans, as well as after the initial element pan, for example: hyperinflation, disinformation, de ...

Vowels not after sibilants and “ts” | Total dictation

After Russian prefixes ending in a consonant (except for the prefixes over- and inter-), the letter ы is written in place of the initial and root to convey the vowel ы and at the same time to indicate the hardness of the preceding consonant, for example: bezygly (cf. needle), bezyl. ..

Voiceless and voiced consonants | Total dictation

“Paired voiceless consonant sounds p, f, t, s (and the corresponding soft ones), k, sh at the end of a word and before voiceless consonants can be represented, respectively, by the letters p or b, f or v, t or d, s or z, k or g, w or g. The same letters can convey...

The letter "ш" at the end of the root | Total dictation

“The letter u is written at the end of the root in words and forms with alternations sk - sch, st - sch, for example: I am looking for (cf. search), forgive, forgiven, forgive (cf. forgive), waxed (wax), plank (board ), flatter (flat), thicker (thick), simpler (simple), sharper (oh...

Suffixes of nouns | Total dictation

“The letter combinations tch, dch (including stch, zdch) are written at the junctions of significant parts of a word, if the previous part of the word ends in t or d, and the subsequent one begins with ch, for example: at the junction of a prefix and a root: partly, report, emphasize...

Letter combinations “ssh”, “szh”, “zsh” and “zzh” | Spelling

The letter combinations сш, сж, зш, зж are written at the junctions of significant parts of a word, if the preceding part ends in a consonant s or з, and the subsequent part begins with sh or zh, for example: at the junction of a prefix and a root: seamless (from su), sew , compress, get rid of, in...

String. Unstressed vowels in the root | Total dictation

VERENITSA, -y, w. 1. A series of homogeneous, located one after another, usually moving objects or living beings. In the blue of the sky, wild geese flew in a long line. Chekhov, Goose Conversation. A line of people stretched along the dusty road. Fadeev, Mo...

Double consonants in Russian roots | Spelling

Double consonants are written in the roots of Russian (not borrowed) words in the following cases. The double is written in the words reins, yeast, buzz, juniper and in derivatives from them, for example: yeast, buzz, juniper, and also in some forms the verb...

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Active present participles are formed from the stem of the present tense verb with the help of the suffixes -уч- / -юш- (from verbs of the first conjugation) and -аш- / -яш- (from verbs of the second conjugation). The word bud-ush-y is formed from the stem bud-ut (cf. What are they doing...

Unstressed vowels “i” and “e” in the root | Total dictation

A number of verb roots have an unstressed fluent vowel, which is represented in writing (after soft consonants and sibilants) by the letter and and (in some of these roots) by the letter e. The letter is written (usually in imperfective verbs) if immediately after the root it stands under. ..

Unchecked vowels | Total dictation

DRAINAGE, -a and -a, m. 1. Drainage of the soil through a system of trenches or pipes, as well as the system of such trenches and pipes itself. 2. Removing pus and fluid from the wound, cavity using tubes and gauze strips; device for such removal. || adj. drainage...

Tar. Paired voiceless consonants | Total dictation

Paired voiceless consonant sounds p, f, t, s (and the corresponding soft ones), k, sh at the end of a word and before voiceless consonants can be represented, respectively, by the letters p or b, f or v, t or d, s or z, k or g , w or f. The same letters can be used to convey...

Letter combinations “sch”, “zch”, “zhch” and “shch” | Spelling

The letter combinations сч, зч, жч, Шч are written at the junctions of significant parts of a word, if the previous part of the word ends in s, з or Ж, Ш, and the subsequent part begins with h, for example: at the junction of a prefix and a root: dishonor, exhausted, uncover , comb, h...

Use of the letter “b” | Total dictation

“The letter b is not written between the consonants in the letter combinations nn, nch, nsch, rch, rshch, chk, chn, schn: monkey nn itch, beg, nyan begin, mason, parcha, typeset, pa chka, juicy, power, etc. (the listed combinations very often arise...

Double consonants at the junction of prefix and root | Spelling

Double consonants are written at the junction of a prefix and a root, if the prefix ends and the root begins with the same consonant letter, for example: lawless, heartless, introduce, restore, freeze, wear out, wipe off (but cf. wipe off, where the prefix is ​​o), ...

Double consonants in words formed from stems into two identical consonants | Spelling

In words formed from stems ending in two identical consonants, double consonants before suffixes are preserved, for example: group - group, group, group; program - program, software, program; score - five points, Gauls...

Letter combination "tch" | Spelling

The double consonant ch is not allowed at the junction of a root and a suffix, as well as two suffixes. The long consonant sound ch is conveyed here by a combination of the letters ch, for example: transmitter (from transmission), distributor (distribution), earner (production); innkeeper (from tavern, with alternating...

Locomotive. Unstressed vowels in the root | Total dictation

LOCOMOTIVE, -a, m. A machine (steam locomotive, diesel locomotive, electric locomotive, etc.) moving on rails and designed to pull cars attached to it. [French locomotive] List of references Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation: Complete academic reference...

Double consonants when shortening words | Spelling

When abbreviating words containing a double consonant, only one consonant is retained in complex abbreviated words, for example: gramophone recording (gramophone recording), korpunkt (correspondent point), terrorist act (terrorist act), grupkom, gruporg, special...

Spelling of voiceless and voiced consonants | Total dictation

“The spelling of unverifiable consonants in the roots is determined in dictionary order, for example: a b sept, a b solitary, ane k dot, a p teka, a p sida, a s best, a fgans, v friend, v k hall, v that swarm, where, zig zag, space in t, about general, about p, about f...

Unstressed vowels “a” and “o” in the root | Total dictation

Roots with letters a and o. gar - mountains In place of the unstressed vowel, the letter o is written, although under the stress - a, for example: burn, scorch, burn out, burn out, tanned, burnt, combustible; but: burning, tanning, soot, burning. Exceptions (gar- without accent): burnout...

Letter combinations “zhs”, “shs”, “chs” and “schs” | Spelling

The letter combinations zhs, shs, chs, shchs are written (in accordance with pronunciation) at the junction of the root with the suffix −sk in adjectives formed from proper names (personal and geographical), as well as from ethnic names, for example: Parisian (from Paris) , rizhs...

Letters "e" and "e" after sibilants | Total dictation

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The vowel “i” after “ts” | Total dictation

After c, the letter is written in the following cases: a) in the roots of words, including foreign proper names, for example: circus, cycle, cylinder, tsigeyka, scurvy, mat, number, shell, civilization, specificity, cyclone, barber, vaccine , revolution, tsutsik...

Double consonants at the junction of significant parts of speech | Total dictation

“Double consonants are written at the junction of a prefix and a root, if the prefix ends and the root begins with the same consonant letter, for example: lawless, heartless, introduce, restore, freeze, wear out, wipe off (but cf. wipe off, where the prefix is.. .

Spelling unstressed vowels in the root | Total dictation

“In accordance with the general rule (see § 33), the spelling of letters in place of unstressed vowels in roots is established by checking words and forms with the same root in which the vowel being tested is under stress, for example: water (cf. water, water) , garden...

Double consonants in borrowed roots | Spelling

The spelling of double consonants in the roots of borrowed (foreign) words is determined in dictionary order, for example: abbreviation, acclimatization, accompaniment, accreditation, neat, alley, antenna, appeal, apparatus, association, attraction, bacillus, brut...

Double s in the borrowed suffix “-ess(a)” | Spelling

Double s is written in the borrowed suffix -ess (a), for example: poetess (from poet), patroness, baroness, viscountess, princess, stewardess, clown, critic. Double t is written in the borrowed suffix -ett (a), -netto (in musical terms): s...

Roots with letters "a" and "o" | Spelling

There are roots in which writing letters in place of unstressed vowels does not correspond to the general rule, but is subject to tradition. These include the following roots with alternating vowels with the letters a and o, as well as with the letters i and e. gar - mountains. There's no impact...

Groups of consonants at the junction of significant parts of a word | Total dictation

The letter combinations сч, зч, жч, Шч are written at the junctions of significant parts of a word, if the previous part of the word ends in s, з or Ж, Ш, and the subsequent part begins with h, for example: at the junction of a prefix and a root: dishonor, exhausted, uncover , ra...

Company. Unstressed vowels in the root | Total dictation

COMPANY, -i; and. [French compagnie] 1. Society, a group of people spending time or smth. together. united. Friendly, cheerful k. Warm k. (ironic; friendly, cheerful). Get together with a group of close friends. Walk with the whole group. Keep me company! Ra...

Root word- this is a significant part of a word that expresses its lexical meaning, being common to its cognates.

Root - main morpheme

Being the main part of the word, the root will be the same for word forms that are similar in meaning. Example:

forest - undergrowth - forest - forester - forestry - forest-steppe.

These word formations are united by the fact that they mean “forest” or are related to it. This conclusion is made possible by the same root part in all of them." forest", which.

A word can have one root or two:

forest noah - forest O steppeforest O rubforest O park.

There are also linguistic units in which the root word is similar in spelling, but the lexical meaning is different. Here are some examples:

water itel — water A, mountains e - mountains a, by yearsyears niy, by troubles A - troubles A.

In each pair, one can identify an identical radical part, which has a completely different meaning. As an example, let's look at the third pair:

  • “flight” comes from the verb “to fly” (in the sky, in space);
  • "summer" comes from the noun "summer" (the warmest and hottest time of the year that follows spring).

Root in various words

There are word formations that consist only of a root and an ending. The list is not too extensive:

wave-a - earth-i - school-a - nail-i - lip-a - cow-a - star-a - village-o - book-a - kos-a - zar-ya - fish-a - meat- O.

In most cases, words are formed by combining different morphemes. There are several ways of word formation:

  1. + + (free-willed, glass-yshk-o, write-yush-y, lub-im-y);
  2. + + (under-men-a, for-garden-a, before-payment-a);
  3. + + + (to-gad-to-a, to-earth, to-glisten);
  4. + + + (no-interest-n-o, for-noise-e-in, for-se-i-in).

There are cases when the root part of a word is associated with a prefix, suffix or second root. It is impossible to determine the lexical meaning from such roots:

  • -nya-: s-nya-t, u-nya-t, under-nya-t;
  • -bav-: add, add, add.

How to determine the root in a word?

Finding this morpheme in a word helps by selecting words that have the same root and are close in meaning. The part that is similar in spelling and determines the lexical meaning will be:

pestilence e - pestilence yak - pestilence skoy - at pestilence ye — pestilence moving.

The whole series of word formation is united by the same part " pestilence." This means that it will be a root morpheme.

Garden garden new — garden ovnik - garden ik - pali garden nickname - by garden silt.

The common part will be the word form " garden ", which is the root of the given word series.


Language is our teacher. And every word is a lesson. The lessons of cognate words are especially interesting. Here is the tractor driver. He drives a tractor. Plantain grass grows by the road. A winter hut is a place where they spend the winter. Cognate words help to understand how a word was formed and what it means. About this in the lesson “The Root of the Word. Cognate words." During the lesson, you will observe families of words, learn what cognate words are, what is called the root of a word, make sure that the root is spelled the same in related words, and also observe the alternation of consonants in the root.

Scientists have calculated that there are approximately 4,500 roots in the Russian language. The author M.A. Rybnikova believed: “To find the root of a word means to find its inner, hidden meaning - the same as lighting a light inside a lantern.” Lesson topic: “The root of the word. Similar words. Writing roots in words with the same root."

Some words are said to be related. Let's remember what this name means?

Cognates are words that can be explained using the same word. Part of this word lives in all related words. Therefore, related words There isgeneral part and general meaning.

For example, sugar bowl, sugar, candy- related words?

1. Let's see if the words have a common part ? (The words sugar bowl, sugar have the common part sugar)

2. Is there a common meaning? (Is it possible to explain words using the same word?)

Sugar bowl - a piece of tea utensils for sugar. This means that sugar bowl and sugar are related words. Candy is not a related word.

The words are given: fish, fish, catch, fish, fish, perch, fisherman.

Let's collect a family of related words.

How to recognize them? Firstly, the words have a common part (fish), and secondly, there is a common meaning. You can explain words using the same word.

To fish is to engage in fishing. A fish is a small fish. Fish - cooked from fish. A fisherman is one who catches fish.

Means, fish, fish, small fish, fishy, ​​fisherman- related words.

We have words left catch and perch.

Let’s select only those words that we consider related. Perch, dipped, catch, dexterous - related words?

Do the words have a common part? (Perch, fishing)

Is it possible to explain words using the same word? Perch is a small perch. This means that perch and perch are related words.

Dipped - immersed in liquid. Perch, dipped - these words have no common meaning.

Catch is the amount of fish caught. This means that catch and catch are related words.

Dexterous - skillful, possessing physical dexterity. Catch, dexterous - these words have no common meaning.

What is the common part of related words called?

The common part of related words is called the root.

The root contains a meaning common to all related words.

Let's note the root in related words. In words perch, perch perch root. In words catch, catch root lov-.

Related words are called cognates because they have the same root.

Conclusion: vowels and consonants are different.

Are the letters the same? The letters are the same.

Remember the secret of the roots! The roots of related words are written the same.

To find the root in a word, you need:

1. Find related words. 2. Select the same part.

Let's find the root in the words gift, shout out, silver.

A gift is a thing that is given or brought as a gift. The general part is a gift.

Shout out - shout loudly, make a scream. The root is a cry.

Silver - the color of silver, with a silver tint. The root is silver.

By the way snow Let's choose related words. We recognize them by the description of their meaning.

1. Affectionate name for snow (snowball).

2. Crystal of snow (snowflake).

3. Snow woman (snowman).

4. Abundant with snow (snowy).

5. Small, tightly rolled lumps of snow (snowballs).

These words have a common meaning. Let's watch the root.

Imagine that all these words have a root snow. Pronounce each word with this root. Was it comfortable for you to pronounce "snowy", "snowballs"?

You have observed the law of language: in the roots of words with the same root, some consonant sounds can be replaced by others. This replacement is called consonant alternation.

In these words the root is snow-snow, in the root there is an alternation of letters of the consonants ms.

What other consonant letters alternate in the roots of words with the same root?

Look at the last letter of the consonant in the root.

fluff-fluff OK

wow O- ear to x-sh

water it- leader ak

glance there- look at d-j

rivers A- speech ka

torment A- much noah k-ch

weight s-vz weight Ival

braid A- kosh at s-sh

WHO it -leader at

tale-tell me and zh

And in words ice-ice Yana, ate glasses- spruce letter e replaces a letter e.

Pay attention! The root is considered the same, and the words are related if the letters e And e, G And w, d-j, k-ch, h-sh and others replace each other.


Many years ago

They imprisoned strange garden.

It wasn't fruity

He was only a word.

This is the word

Root word

It began to grow soon

And it brought us fruit -

There are many new words.

Here from the garden

Seedlings for you,

Here are some more landings nearby.


Gardener .

The gardener goes with him.

Very interesting

Walk in the verbal garden!

(E. Izmailov)

Similar words: garden, planted, seedlings, planting, gardener(gardening specialist) , gardener(a worker who takes care of the garden).

Is it possible to add words gardening, planting, soot, seedlings?

Garden- related to the garden.

Plant- the same as planting.

Saplings- plants transplanted from another place. At the root of words with the same root, there is an alternation of consonants d-j.

But soot has no general meaning. Soot is a black residue from combustion.

Let's call a family of words with the same root UCH-: teacher, student, training, scientist, retrain, memorize, teacher, educational, teacher's room, head teacher, teach, study.

In the lesson you learned that the common part of related words is called the root. The roots of related words are written the same. Cognate words are words that have the same root and common meaning. To find the root in a word, you need to select related words and highlight the same part in them.

  1. M.S. Soloveychik, N.S. Kuzmenko “To the secrets of our language” Russian language: Textbook. 3rd grade: in 2 parts. Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2010.
  2. M.S. Soloveychik, N.S. Kuzmenko “To the secrets of our language” Russian language: Workbook. 3rd grade: in 3 parts. Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2010.
  3. T. V. Koreshkova Test tasks in the Russian language. 3rd grade: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  4. T.V. Koreshkova Practice! Notebook for independent work in the Russian language for 3rd grade: in 2 parts. - Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.
  5. L.V. Mashevskaya, L.V. Danbitskaya Creative tasks in the Russian language. - St. Petersburg: KARO, 2003
  6. G.T. Dyachkova Olympiad tasks in Russian. 3-4 grades. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2008
  1. School-collection.edu.ru ().
  2. Festival of pedagogical ideas "Open Lesson" ().
  3. Padabum.com ().
  • Write down the word salt and add words with the same root to it. Recognize them by the description of their meaning.

1) A small vessel for table salt - ...

2) Put salt in something for taste - ...

3) Having a taste of salt - ...

  • Write out words with the same root from proverbs and sayings. Select the root.

1) Truth is not friendly with lies.

2) In a friendly team, things get complicated.

3) I read a book and met a friend.

4) Learn to value friendship.

  • Divide the words into two groups of words with the same root.

Water, water, driver, flood, seeing off, conductor, watery, watery, guide.

In the rich Russian language, it turns out, there are not many roots - only four and a half thousand, from which all other words are formed. A root is a guiding light that leads to an understanding of what a word means and helps to group it into groups with words that have the same root. That is why it is so important to study this topic of the 4th grade Russian language.

What is the root word?

This is its main part, which is the bearer of meaning. Thus, if several seemingly different words have the same root, then their meaning will be similar. Such words are called cognates. It turns out that the root is needed not only to carry the meaning of the word, but also to unite words that may belong to different parts of speech into a common lexical group.

All roots have one common secret - they are written the same way.

How to find the root in a word?

Doing this is not as easy as it might seem – and you can’t do it with just one word. You need to find several words similar to it and highlight the common part in them. This will be the root.

Related words can also be recognized by the description of their meaning - in all descriptions the meaning contained in the root will be present in one form or another. For example, a snowman is a figure made of snow, and a snowmobile is a machine that is needed to move on snow. They are connected by a common root “snow” and meaning.

Sometimes you can make a mistake and classify words with the same root and different meanings into a related group. The fact is that in the Russian language there are roots that are written exactly the same, but have different meanings. For example, the root speech - at first glance, combines the words river and speech, but in fact they are not related.

How to write the root word correctly

The spelling of the root word is governed by several very important rules.

The first says that if there is an unstressed vowel in the root, then it needs to be checked by choosing a word with the same root where it would be stressed. For example, the word forester is checked using the same root word forest.

It is also important to remember that there are words in which the letters in the root can alternate, but they still remain the same root. The spelling of such roots will depend on the stressed/unstressed position or on the suffix that follows them.

There are also many words in the Russian language where the spelling of the root cannot be simply checked - they are called dictionary words, and they should be memorized.

What have we learned?

The root of a word is the part that contains its meaning. In the Russian language there are words with the same root - they are called cognate, as well as related. The spelling of roots is determined by several rules: an unstressed vowel in the cortex can be checked by placing it in a stressed position, sometimes they alternate, and this alternation depends on whether a suffix is ​​used after the root or not, as well as on whether the root is in a stressed or unstressed position. Some words have roots that do not obey the rules - they are called dictionary ones and you just need to remember their spelling.

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