What is Cydonia and where did the Face on Mars come from? Observations of the red planet Strange objects on Mars


Google Virtual Map of Mars is an Internet application that is very similar to Google Earth, the map of Mars is also made on this engine. This color map of Mars is nothing more than a 3d topographic map of Mars. This gives us an idea of ​​the heights of the area. This Google map of Mars also lets you switch between visible and infrared views in real time. The switch buttons are in the upper right corner.


In Google Maps of Mars, you can move up, down, left, or right using the arrow buttons in the top left corner of the screen. To zoom in and out of the Google Mars map, simply move the tool's slider. It is also on the left side.

This map of Mars, based on images from the Mars Odyssey probe, is a mosaic of images obtained from orbit.

If you're wondering why Google Mars maps are clearer in infrared, it's because the planet's clouds and dust are transparent to infrared light.

Additional features

In the search bar, you can look for objects that interest you, for example Mount Olympus - Olympus mons and read its description and detailed photographs. To return to the map, press "Backspace". There is also a search for pre-selected groups: spacecraft, mountains, volcanoes, craters, canyons, etc. To do this, click on the corresponding link to the right of the Google icon.

Topographic map of Mars

Pyramids and Face on Mars

If you don't know how to Google Mars pyramids, it's pretty easy. The Google Mars program allows you to quickly search. You can view the coordinates on Google Mars, but searching for them does not work.

Region Cydonia

Subsequently, more detailed images of the Mars Odyssey and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft (the Google Mars service also uses their images) showed that these hills have nothing to do with the activities of supposedly intelligent representatives of the planet, and what previously seemed quite meaningful figures appeared in the form normal Martian landscape. However, interest in these formations does not fade and therefore pyramids on Mars are quite easy to find on Google Mars. Just type Cydonia in the search bar and switch to infrared mode. The Google satellite map of Mars shows the Face and just below the pyramid. We hope that with Google Mars you will constantly discover new finds for yourself.

The Google coordinates of the Mars pyramid are as follows - 40.75N, 9.46W. By the way, the Google planet Mars pyramid coordinates allow you to calculate the coordinates quite easily, just select the object you are interested in and the necessary information of interest will appear in the drop-down menu.

Valles Marineris

Valles Marineris is the longest and deepest canyon in the solar system. It is a companion to the tallest mountain in the solar system, Mount Olympus, which is also located on the red planet. This couple demonstrates what extremes can be found using Google Mars online. To search for a valley, just type “Valles Marineris” in the map command line.

Valley dimensions

The Valles Marineris is about 4,000 km long and 200 km wide, in some places the depth reaches 7 km. It runs along the equator and covers almost a quarter of the planet's circumference, or 59% of its diameter. The Google map of Mars shows that the Valles Marineris system is a network of interconnected depressions that start in the west and Google shows this well. Noctis Labyrinthus or “Labyrinth of Night” is considered the beginning of the Valles Marineris. The canyon passes through various areas of chaotic terrain (ridges, crevasses, and plains mixed together) before ending at the Chryse Planitia basin.

The most common theory for the formation of such a huge canyon is that it was formed by stretching of the surface layer. The theory is confirmed by erosion and destruction of the rift wall. Rift valleys usually form between and during the formation of two mountain ranges.

History of discovery

The mighty canyon is named after NASA's Mariner 9 spacecraft, which first photographed it at close range in 1971-1972. Mariner 9 was the first spacecraft to orbit another planet, ahead of the Mars 2 and Mars 3 missions.

Valles Marineris on Mars has been the focus of many scientists' attention due to its geological past. It indicates that Mars used to be much wetter and warmer. If you are looking for interesting places on Google Mars, then this valley is rightfully in the TOP5.

Software updates

In 2012, the Google Mars program was significantly updated. The reason for this was that by that time there were as many as three orbiters circling the red planet in orbit, continuously imaging the surface in different ranges and with different resolutions.

Much of Google Mars' content is now captured by the Context Camera (CTX) on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO). The Google map of Mars has a pretty good resolution - 6 meters per pixel - this is significantly better than most of the images of our Earth in Google Maps (about 15 meters per pixel) and significantly exceeds previous photographs of the planet.

Telescope in orbit

The latest Google Mars map shows individual areas of the surface with a resolution of 25-30 cm per pixel! This is thanks to the HiRISE camera, which is installed on the MRO satellite. The HiRISE camera is actually a telescope with a main mirror diameter of 30 cm! Despite the monstrous detail, it will take many years to completely map the planet with such resolution, so scientists are interested in the most relevant regions of the planet and the work sites of the Mars rovers, of which there are now two (Curiosity and Opportunity).

A collection of photographs captured by the HiRISE camera

To view in full screen mode, use the button at the top right.

Do not forget that such bright colors of the planet are due to the fact that the camera captures part of the infrared range. Images obtained using different filters and wavelengths are necessary to identify various surface features and mineral deposits.

Google Mars has paid a lot of attention to Gale Crater. The new version of Google Mars shows fresh satellite images in a gray scale, so they are easy to distinguish from old ones and remember that these are not artifacts of Google Mars, despite the fact that quite a lot of interesting objects were discovered on the Google Mars map.

Lava tubes on the surface

Quite interesting formations are collapsed lava tubes - channels that are formed during the uneven cooling of lava that flows from the slopes of the volcano. So the virtual map of Mars allows you to look not only at well-known objects, but also at quite rare geological formations. However, the Google Mars map is just high-detail images, so we recommend Google Mars 3D maps, which quite well convey the feeling of being on an alien planet. I’m especially pleased that recently it has become possible to watch Google Mars in Russian. So the Mars Google Mars application is not only a good visualization and technology demonstration tool, but also a whole multimedia entertainment center that allows you to make exciting trips around the red planet.

3D view

The Google Mars 3D map allows you not only to explore the planet, but also to make a virtual journey, because the relief map of Mars conveys the surface of the distant planet much more realistically. In 3D mode, users can enjoy a bird's eye view of the surface of the planet, and Google's 3D map of Mars makes it possible to virtually move to the most popular objects, consider the “Face on Mars” and Olympus Volcano.

This view from the Google Mars satellite was obtained using NASA's modern Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and Mars Express, as well as from the Mars Odyssey spacecraft.

A little about the planet itself

After Earth, it is practically the only place in the solar system that could shelter people. But there are many things we must overcome on the red planet.


The orbit of the planet of the “god of war” ranks second in eccentricity in the solar system. Only Mercury's orbit has a greater eccentricity. At perihelion it is located at a distance of 206.6 million km from the Sun, and at aphelion 249.2 million km. The average distance from it to the Sun (the so-called semi-major axis) is 228 million km. One revolution of Mars takes 687 Earth days. The distance to the Sun changes depending on the gravitational influence of other planets, and the eccentricity can change over time. As recently as about 1,350 million years ago, it had a nearly circular orbit.

At its closest point, it is located approximately 55.7 million km from Earth. The planets come closest to each other every 26 months. Due to the vast distance, a trip to Mars will take 10 months to a year, depending on how much fuel we use.


Mars is very small and the global topographic map of Mars shows that its area is very small. Mars is only 6,792 km across, about half the diameter, and only 10% of the mass of Earth. Google's satellite map of Mars allows you to view the planet as if you could stand on its surface. Mars, but unfortunately does not convey to us that we would experience only 30% of the gravity on the surface of the Earth.


Mars, like all the planets in the solar system, has an axial tilt of about 25.19 degrees. This tilt is similar to Earth's, so it has seasons. Martian seasons are longer than Earth's because the year on Mars is almost twice as long as the Earth's year. The dramatically varying distance between Mars at aphelion and perihelion means its seasons are out of balance.


One day on Mars is only a few minutes longer than on Earth. You can adapt quickly. Another advantage is that the tilt of the Martian axis is very similar to the Earth's; it is a pity that the online map of Mars from the satellite does not show this.


But Mars has a very inhospitable environment. It is only 1% of the thickness of the Earth's atmosphere. It consists mainly of carbon dioxide. You won't be able to breathe in such an atmosphere. Night temperatures can drop to -100°C, even in the height of summer at the equator. A high-resolution interactive map of Mars shows the huge polar ice caps at the planet's poles.

One of the most important problems is the planet’s lack of a magnetosphere. Here on Earth, radioactive particles from space are deflected away from the surface, but on Mars there is no protection.

Finally, I recommend watching the popular science film The Mars Underground.

Aerospace engineer and President of the Mars Society, Robert Zubrin dreams of sending humans to the red planet in the next 10 years.

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Sphinx on Mars

Possessing powerful spaceships, the aliens, apparently, could leave some traces on neighboring planets. The photograph of the “Sphinx” on Mars is widely known. Earthlings saw it for the first time on July 25, 1976. When it arrived from the American Viking, a sensation was immediately born. However, scientists assured journalists that this was a “bizarre play of light and shadow,” and in the photograph taken a few hours later nothing like that was visible in this area. Journalists joked that “a few hours later” it was night over Sidonia (the name of the Martian valley where the “sphinx” was discovered), and it was really impossible to see anything there. But, however, for some time this topic received the imprint of an “unhealthy sensation” and was not seriously discussed. This photo has long remained a cute curiosity for pragmatists and a symbol of faith for lovers of everything unusual.

Some time later, one of the journalists tried to find a second photograph in the NASA archives, which had nothing on it, but the photograph “wasn’t there.” After much back and forth, NASA admitted that the site had not been re-surveyed. This happened in 1993.

Sphinx and pyramids on Mars

But even before this, the news was continuous.

First, two employees discovered in the NASA archives several photographs from a completely different series, but of the same place, and it turned out that there was no need to talk about light and shadow anymore: the “face” is visible when shooting from different points and at any angle of the Sun above the horizon . Its exact dimensions were announced: the “sphinx” is 25 km long, 2 km wide and about 400 m high.

Using special software, the photographs were enlarged and the face became even more human-like. Moreover, it turned out that fifteen kilometers from the “Sphinx” there is a pentagonal, very regular shaped pyramid. And if the “sphinx” is now interpreted not as a play of light and shadow, but as a “joke of the relief,” then scientists have not been able to obtain any meaningful commentary on the pyramid.

Meanwhile, work with the Sphinx continued. It was filmed several more times, and a stereo image was built using a computer program. The nostrils and necklace, which were previously considered simply interference when transmitting photographs to Earth, did not disappear at all; moreover, the program added to the image the pupils of the eyes and teeth in the slightly open mouth!

Soon, photographs of the area approximately 25 km from the “Sphinx” revealed clearly visible several more regular tetrahedral pyramids, surprisingly similar to the ancient Egyptian ones. Three more pyramids were discovered a little later in the Deuteronilus area. It turned out that their sides are built in the same proportions as those of the earth's pyramids, and represent the golden ratio. The largest pyramid is ten times larger than the Cheops pyramid. Some strange lines stretch between the pyramids, and some researchers suggest that these are roads.

In 1997, the American Mars Global Surveyor station entered orbit around Mars, and new photos appeared, in much better resolution than before: 4.3 meters per point, that is, 10 times higher quality than the image obtained from "Viking".

But the photo did not contain any new details of the mystery; moreover, the “Sphinx” itself disappeared. Not to mention the pyramids, with which so many hopes were pinned. In place of the already legendary “face” there was only a small mound. But soon there were those who disagreed with this result of the shooting: they began to claim that the “face” could not have disappeared. After all, calculating the height of the relief based on the cast shadow showed more than three hundred meters. In the last photos there was simply no such a large hill. There was not even anything to give rise to an illusion from. After numerous disputes, NASA experts were forced to admit that software filters were used when processing the photo, and all image details were suppressed. It was also recognized that this was done on purpose.

It was decided to re-photograph the Sidonia area. On April 8, 2001, the Mars Global Surveyor flew by at 8:54 p.m. to capture the “face.” The resolution has become even better: already 2 meters per point. That is, if there was an object the size of a truck there, then it could, if not be seen, then at least be identified.

New photographs showed that the “sphinx” had not disappeared anywhere, and all the assumptions about the “necklace” and “teeth” turned out to be true. Americans now regularly photograph the Sphinx, but for some reason they are silent about the pyramids.

Among the latest Martian sensations, it is worth mentioning a stone removed by the rover with a square hole, similar to those made in instruments for placing handles in them. NASA posted this image without any comment (you can see it on the Internet at: http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/jpegMod/PIA05103_modest.jpg).

But even these sensations were not limited to the discoveries on Mars. One of the supporters of the artificiality of the “Sphinx”, candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences V. Avinsky, in the almanac “On Land and at Sea” for 1983, reported an even more amazing fact. He was able to discover a photograph that captured it about 15 miles from the Viking probe, at 22.7 degrees N. latitude, 48 degrees west. etc., fragments of an all-metal ship and a clearly visible groove drawn by it in the Martian soil.

His theory caused controversy, but no one was able to convincingly refute it. However, very soon a perfectly smooth ring with a diameter of several kilometers was discovered between the “Sphinx” and the pyramids on the surface of Mars. Old assumptions immediately came to life that the pyramids (these were the versions expressed about the pyramids on Earth) are landmarks for landing spaceships, and the ring is the cosmodrome itself. It is difficult to say whether this is true or not, but it is covered with dust, and it is worth recognizing that in any case it was not used in any way for several thousand years.

And just recently, lucky American researchers discovered that the Martian “sphinx”, it turns out, is not alone! In a completely different Martian region - in Utopia - they managed to find his double in photographs, having approximately the same dimensions, the same symmetrical face and the same pageboy hairstyle. Both “Sphinxes” also have a number of other details that are the same. So there can be no talk of a random play of chiaroscuro. Was there life on Mars?

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The best option is to hide the needle
will dump a haystack on it.

Doesn't remind you of anything? We are seeing something similar now. Every day the World Wide Web dumps gigabytes of information on us. Among these digital streams, it is very difficult to find truly valuable and useful information that encourages thought. This is exactly the situation we find ourselves in pyramids on Mars. Let's continue, the world of the pyramids.

This news has been known since 1972. It was then that photographs were taken of the Martian Elysium Quadrangle on the surface of which strange hills were discovered, casting quadrangular shadows... Well, think about the pyramids - you never know what Mother Nature can “build”? All this is supposedly easily explained. Time passed, they forgot about the pyramids. And only rare seekers of truth periodically appear with their statements regarding the artificiality of many Martian anomalies.

But it’s not about Elysium that I would like to talk about today. Sidonia attracted my attention and fascinated me with her riddles. At first my attention was drawn to this area due to a well-known anomaly called “” or simply “the Face”. Now I have no doubt that this is precisely why they were erected - to draw our attention specifically to Sidonia.]]>You have to be absolutely blind to believe NASA’s statements that the “face” is just a trick of light and shadows. In addition, as will be indicated below, the leadership of this organization itself, again, based on indirect evidence, does not think so at all. A photograph of the Sidonia region, in which the pyramids on Mars are quite clearly visible, has been traveling through the expanses of “God Nat” for quite a long time and, nevertheless, it would not be superfluous to present it here again.

There are plenty of all sorts of anomalies in the picture, but, as I said, what excites my imagination most is the so-called “pyramid of D and M,” named after the scientists who first drew public attention to it - Di Pietro and Gregory Molenaar. But what makes this Martian pyramid so unique? It looks like an ordinary hill. Well, while we only had photographs of this area taken by Viking, the explanation with the hill somehow, excuse the expression, “rolled”...

Whereas the analysis of new images dispelled the illusion of the naturalness of Martian objects. There is a hypothesis, and I must say, I completely share it, that pyramids on Mars, and in particular the pyramids of Cydonia, are an encrypted message. A kind of “key” to all the mysteries of the “red planet”. Is humanity really that blind? We spend a lot of money searching for contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations, naively believing that messages from them will be carried by radio waves (), for some reason ignoring messages (obvious!!!) of a different kind.]]> Those who are familiar with the work of Drunvalo Melchizedek, namely, through his “Flower of Life”, I think they will understand what the “golden ratio” is. In simple words this is 1.61803398. This relationship is found in all organic life and is what we perceive as harmony. I will give examples from life. The spiral of a snail is twisted according to the “golden ratio”, the leaves on a tree branch also obey this law and, finally, the ratio of the length of any person’s body from the head to the navel to the length from the navel to the soles is 1.61803398.

Now let's return to our “pyramid of D and M”. At the very beginning it was believed that, like the Great Pyramid on the Giza plateau, it was quadrangular, but later it turned out that this was not so. This is all due to damage to its structure. Next, I would like to list a short list of everything that this unusual pyramid contains. The dimensions of the “Pyramid D and M” are approximately 1 mile by 1.6 miles (extremely close to the “golden ratio”). This structure has five-sided mirror symmetry. In order not to be unfounded, I will quote here an excerpt from the McDaniel Report:

...a mathematically rich figure,
whose geometry includes the mathematical foundations of hexagon and pentagon
and the classic geometric proportions of the “golden section”. The model's twenty interior angles, angular ratios, and trigonometric functions redundantly express the three square roots of 2, 3, and 5 and two mathematical constants: pi (the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter) and e (the base of natural logarithms)... With the exception of the square roots of 2 and 3, the constants appear not alone, but in seven different mathematical combinations. The most common values ​​are e, pі, e/root 5 and e/root 3. These values ​​are repeated four times each, in at least two different measurement modes...

The top of this mysterious Martian pyramid of Cydonia is located at 40.86 degrees north latitude, the tangent of this number is 0.865, which is nothing more than e/pi! Another relationship related to the geographical location of the pyramid: the nearest angular line is opposite to the line at 40.88 degrees north latitude at an angle of 19.5 degrees. Now pay attention to this angle, this is important, since we will return to it later.

This angle underlies an entire branch of mathematics called “energy-synergetic geometry” and is called the “tetrahedral constant.” As the name implies, the main element here is the tetrahedron. From all of the above, one simple conclusion follows - the pyramid is not located in a random place.”

And now, as promised at the very beginning, let’s return to NASA... When the public learned about the upcoming landing of the Pathfinder apparatus on Mars, calls began to be made more and more often to make this very landing in the Cydonia region and to study the pyramids on Mars in detail. All the objects in this area indicate that this is the place that will answer all our questions. Both the “pyramid of D and M” and the “face” - all this is undoubtedly built in order to draw our attention to the intelligence of those who compiled it. This is what was planned from the very beginning...

But as we know, Pathfinder landed in the Ares Valley. Although it seemed, what could be interesting here? But this is only at first glance. Pay attention to the following subtle details of this mission. The solar panels of the lander are shaped like isosceles triangles, so its design is a tetrahedron! Now let's look at the landing site - 19.5 degrees north latitude... Is it a coincidence?

Coupled with the mysterious “natural” objects of Sidonia, aren’t there too many coincidences? By landing the Pathfinder, humanity made it clear to Mars that the “message” was accepted and understood...

  • An alien message in a wheat field in England, as a response to the Arecibo message // 26th January 2012 // 1
  • Pyramids in China: an attempt to hide the airfield of the Gods on “metal dragons” // 20th January 2012 //
  • Pyramids in Mexico: another trace of a highly developed civilization // 8th January 2012 //
  • Why did proto-civilization leave the Earth? Review of hypotheses // 23rd December 2011 // 2
  • Hypotheses of the artificial origin of the Moon or an alien ship above our heads // 4th December 2011 // 1

And here we see that this is really the top of the plateau. This formation in the Cydonia region on Mars is most likely a lava dome, which is a separate hill or, in other words, a hill. Compare this image with the original 1976 Viking orbiter photo (below), which created an incredible furor, including a whole culture of new theories, books, talk shows and even feature-length documentaries. Alas, it's just a hill.

The face on Mars is already a well-known landform in the Cydonia region of Mars. (Photo: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona)

Original image of “Faces on Mars”, Viking orbiter 1976. (Photo: NASA)

Viking had lower spatial resolution than HiRISE and a different lighting geometry, resulting in a face-like structure. Indeed, she looks like the face in this photo. But things aren't always what they seem, especially in low resolution and poor lighting. These new, better images from the Mars Orbiter Camera aboard the Mars Global Surveyor (which photographed the Cydonia region in 1998 and 2001) and now HiRISE - which is revealing incredible detail 300km below the surface - certainly put all doubt to rest. Unfortunately, even this is not able to convince some people.

Viking 1 photo from 1976, Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) photo from 1998 and MGS photo from 2001. (Photo: NASA)

This is a 3D image of a Face on Mars, created from a MOC camera shot, viewed from the side.

(Photo : NASA/Jim Garvin (NASA) and Jim Frawley (Herring Bay Geophysics)).

Black and white image from HiRISE camera.

Photo HiRISE 2007 of the year. (Photo : NASA /JPL/ University of Arizona).

And this is one of the best pictures. Jim Garvin, senior scientist in the SED division of the Space Flight Center. R. Goddard, NASA, has created a supposed "face" walking route map with a funny description. “The length of the route is approximately 5.5 km in one direction, the ascent height is about 300 meters. At the beginning of the route the slopes are gentle, but in the middle of the route there are very steep sections. Take plenty of water and oxygen with you.”

Proposed walking route map for the elevation formerly known as the Face on Mars. (Photo: NASA/Jim Garvin)

If you're still in doubt, watch a video created from real 'face' images taken by ESA's Mars Express spacecraft and take a full tour around the hill.

A network channel dedicated to Martian archeology published a video, the author of which is confident in the discovery of a number of destroyed pyramids and a well-preserved head of the Sphinx.

The researcher made his findings after carefully studying NASA photographs from the Red Planet.

“Analysis of images taken by the Curiosity rover suggests that in ancient times there was an intelligent civilization on Mars, whose artificial objects were identical to their terrestrial “analogs” in Egypt,” says the creator of the Martian Archeology channel.

While the US space agency says it has found no evidence of even microscopic life on Mars, amateurs who spend hours studying Curiosity photographs through various filters continue to find evidence of extraterrestrial life.

Moreover, NASA continues to ignore even the data from the Mars rover, which suggests that the surface of the Red Planet was covered by oceans. Therefore, “rich” evidence that there was once a developed civilization there is increasingly being found in photographs by amateur researchers. Express reports this.

They are convinced that the population of Mars created huge monuments and pyramids similar to the terrestrial structures of antiquity, but the planet itself and its atmosphere were destroyed during some kind of intergalactic nuclear war billions of years ago.

Scott Waring, editor-in-chief of the blog UFOsightingsdaily.com, is convinced that most of these discoveries are real evidence of life that existed on Mars.

Commenting on the latest video, he stated: “This face, found on Mars near several pyramids, resembles those that Earth archaeologists discovered near the Egyptian pyramids.” He suggests that the Great Pyramids of Giza most likely "had a religious meaning" rather than serving as "evidence merely of the wealth of the ruling family."

Nevertheless, NASA, which will not comment on this find, like a number of others like it, are confident that Mars did not lose its atmosphere as a result of a nuclear war.

Scientists believe that the atmosphere of the Red Planet was literally “blown away” by powerful solar winds of natural origin.

Agency specialists call all these finds irregularly shaped rocks and optical illusions.

Previously, an object had already been found on Mars, which was dubbed the Martian Sphinx.

A pair of Viking orbiting satellites surveyed the area of ​​Kydonia and took several photographs that became widely known. Then heated debates broke out between skeptics and supporters of the theory of extraterrestrial life over the objects found, and NASA took an unprecedented step. In 1997, the Mars Global Surveyor satellite was specially sent to the Kydonia region, which took photographs 10 times higher in quality than those of the Viking. In the resulting photographs, instead of a “face,” there was only a small mound.

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