What is biochemical pregnancy with IVF. Biochemical pregnancy: there will be a baby, but not this time. Biochemical pregnancy after IVF

It often happens that women lose a child without ever knowing that they were pregnant. This happens in almost every woman's life. Of course, this act is very surprising to many. A similar situation occurs in about 70% of women, but they may not even realize until the end of their life that they were pregnant and their pregnancy was terminated.

Here the question immediately arises - how can you not notice such a situation? Indeed, after a spontaneous abortion, the body makes it known about this with bleeding and pain. If a woman has a delay, then she immediately buys a pregnancy test or tastes her gynecologist, how can you not notice such a condition?

But in reality, everything is not so simple. In medicine, there is such a thing as biochemical pregnancy. A pregnancy like this begins in the same way as a normal pregnancy. The sperm cell fertilizes the egg, the fertilized egg attaches to the walls of the uterus. Changes occur in the body, but they can only be determined using an analysis for human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). HCG is a hormone that the embryo synthesizes by its membranes.

When a biochemical pregnancy occurs, neither a gynecologist's examination, nor a pregnancy test, nor an ultrasound scan can confirm this unusual condition. A woman who has a biochemical pregnancy does not know about anything and is just waiting for the next menstruation. The moment comes, and menstruation really begins.

If a woman did not expect pregnancy, then with the onset of such menstruation, she does not notice any changes, she does not bother with the fact that menstruation is a little different than usual. The painful sensations may be slightly more intense, and the discharge more abundant. Today it is very difficult to find an explanation and the true cause of the onset of biochemical pregnancy.

There are women who monitor their menstrual cycle very carefully. If they have even one day of delay, they immediately run to the pharmacy to get a pregnancy test or go to the clinic. It was with the help of such women that such a process as biochemical pregnancy was discovered. After all, when conventional methods denied pregnancy, it showed that the woman was indeed pregnant. And after the doctors confirmed pregnancy, the woman had menstruation after two or three days.

In all cases, the biochemical pregnancy ends. In some cases, biochemical pregnancies may show all the symptoms of a normal pregnancy. This happens if the delay is extended over a long period. The term biochemical pregnancy is rarely used. Even those who had to deal with it call biochemical pregnancy in a completely different way - menstruation has come or a miscarriage has occurred.

If a couple planning a child has problems with this case, then they should remember about the possibility of such a situation as the onset of a biochemical pregnancy. In this case, it is necessary to carefully examine and understand the real reason.

In some cases, it is impossible to understand why a biochemical pregnancy actually occurs. This is mainly due to hormonal disruptions, when there may be an insufficient amount of the hormone progesterone in a woman's body.It can also happen immune and autoimmune factors, because the female body, when pregnancy occurs, is very aggressive against the embryo, with blood diseases and with chromosomal abnormalities fetus.

You should be aware that during biochemical pregnancy it is not necessary to carry out and prescribe any drug treatment.

If a woman had a biochemical pregnancy, then this does not mean that she may have problems in the future with bearing a child or that she is infertile. After a biochemical pregnancy, the baby can be planned in the next menstrual cycle. But still the best option after such a situation would be to see a doctor. He will prescribe the necessary examinations to the woman and, if necessary, he will be able to prescribe the necessary treatment.

Biochemical pregnancy after IVF

Modern medicine very often uses IVF, which means in vitro fertilization. With this type of fertilization, infertile couples can have a baby. First you need to understand what IVF is.

Indeed, very often couples who cannot have a child can hear such an offer, to have a baby with the help of IVF. But many do not even have an idea of ​​what it is. Eco stands for Ektra (outside), Corporate (body), Fertilization. This means that conception takes place outside in the woman's body, and in the test tube, the egg is combined with the sperm in the test tube.

You should be aware that women who decide on IVF have a very high risk of biochemical pregnancy. In women who conceived naturally, this risk is much lower.

If a biochemical pregnancy occurs after Eco, then the next protocol can be prescribed only three months later, but not earlier. This is very individual, it all depends on the woman's individual tolerance for this procedure and on her state of health.

Demchenko Alina Gennadievna

Reading time: 2 minutes

Along with the advent of the pregnancy test, it became known that many women of fertile age, without even knowing it, become pregnant repeatedly. How is this possible? The fact is that very often, when an egg fertilized by a sperm is already implanted in the uterus, a sudden interruption occurs, not provoked by anything from the outside. Moreover, this happens at such an early stage that it is almost impossible to diagnose the presence of pregnancy by a gynecologist during examination or using an ultrasound machine. In this case, menstruation, as a rule, occurs on time. Such a self-terminated pregnancy is called biochemical. With IVF (an extracorporeal way to get pregnant), when a woman begins to do a test almost on the first day after replanting, BB is diagnosed much more often and is more difficult to experience.

What is biochemical pregnancy

The term biochemical pregnancy has appeared in our everyday life quite recently. This does not mean that there was no problem, it just was not discovered and not studied.
So what is biochemical pregnancy? This is a diagnosed successful conception only on the basis of the level of hCG (chorionic gonadotropin) in the blood, but not confirmed by ultrasound scanning. HCG during biochemical pregnancy is also below normal and ≤100 on day 14. In simple words: when a woman "wets" the test, she sees two stripes, which mean pregnancy. And, having come to the ultrasound, he finds out that there is no ovum and, accordingly, there is no pregnancy either. Asking the doctor what it is, she hears "You had a biochemical pregnancy with hCG."
You should not consider such a conception a tragedy, because doctors are convinced that if a woman becomes pregnant and the pregnancy fails, you just need to establish and eliminate the cause of the breakdown. As a rule, after treatment, a normal pregnancy occurs after a biochemical pregnancy.

Biochemical pregnancy after IVF

Biochemical pregnancy

Biochemical pregnancy is a child of the progress of medical science. Its diagnosis has become possible relatively recently, since the study on hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) became massively available and "home" diagnostic tests for pregnancy - test strips - became widespread.

That is, a biochemical pregnancy occurred in women of fertile age even before the appearance of these tests, but its diagnosis was extremely difficult.

So what is biochemical pregnancy?

A biochemical pregnancy is a pregnancy that ends in very early fetal death. Most often, it is asymptomatic. Only a delay in menstruation is possible from one day to two weeks. Then there is a spontaneous miscarriage in the form of another menstrual bleeding. As a rule, the bleeding is slightly more profuse and longer than usual, and may be accompanied by cramping pains in the lower abdomen. Subjective signs of pregnancy, which are called dubious in the medical literature (changes in appetite, taste preferences, nausea, vomiting, changes in smell, etc.) are usually absent, do not have time to develop.

What can cause biochemical pregnancy?

The first place among the reasons is occupied by chromosomal abnormalities that occur when a chromosome divergence error occurs during the division of the embryonic cells, or when an egg is fertilized simultaneously by two or more spermatozoa. This anomaly is almost always fatal to the embryo.

Many researchers believe that spontaneous miscarriages are an element of natural selection aimed at eliminating carriers of chromosomal mutations, since in the study of abortions (material extracted from the uterine cavity after spontaneous abortion), 60 to 80% of embryos with chromosomal abnormalities are found.

The second most important are inflammatory changes in the mucous membrane of the uterus (for example, endometritis), they prevent the implantation of even a healthy ovum and its further development.

Among other reasons, anatomical, immunological, endocrine factors are distinguished, but in fact, they are more the cause of habitual miscarriages, and much less often, due to the listed problems, biochemical pregnancy develops.

Causes and main risk factors for this phenomenon:

  • A woman's age is one of the main risk factors. The older she is, the higher the likelihood of an early miscarriage: up to about 80% in women over 45.
  • A history of spontaneous abortions also plays a role: in the presence of three cases, the risk is more than 40%.
  • Bad habits - smoking more than 10 cigarettes a day, drinking 4-5 cups of coffee a day.
  • The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs immediately before conception - they prevent implantation, increasing the risk of miscarriage by 25%.
  • Further, fever, injuries, lack of folic acid, harmful production factors, hard physical labor, stressful situations, unsettled family life, etc.

Biochemical pregnancy after IVF

One of the problems that women who decide to use assisted reproductive technologies may face is biochemical pregnancy after IVF. What is it, how to prevent its interruption at such an early stage - these are the typical questions that patients ask their doctors.

Biochemical pregnancy with IVF is practically no different from the same with natural conception. The only difference is that the risk of early miscarriage in patients of reproductive clinics is higher than in ordinary women. This is because they already have some reproductive disorders that can be risk factors.

In order to increase the chance of a normal conception with the subsequent normal development of the fetus, it is necessary first of all to establish the cause of problems with its implantation. First of all, you need to exclude the influence of risk factors. For this, a number of additional studies are carried out.

Often, to increase the chance of successful fertilization as part of the IVF procedure, additional ICSI or PIXY for the selection of more suitable spermatozoa, which should provide a better end result. After all, the main cause of biochemical pregnancy is mutations, and they can be a consequence of the low quality of the genetic material of the sperm.

Features of biochemical pregnancy with IVF. Preparation for pregnancy, the number of its maximum allowable protocols and risks for the mother.

Biochemical pregnancy with IVF

Those who are ready to conceive a child may not always be able to do this naturally due to a number of reasons.

But now you can get pregnant artificially.

IVF is a fertilization option that helps to fulfill the dream of having a baby. At the same time, do not forget that IVF does not always end with pregnancy.

What is biochemical pregnancy with IVF?

In reproductive medicine, specialists often use the term biochemical pregnancy. BhB is an aborted pregnancy that can occur for many reasons. After the egg is fertilized, it moves into the uterine cavity, where it is further attached to the endometrium of the uterus. Then the egg is rejected, characterized by bloody discharge.

In vitro fertilization is a method of fertilization that is performed artificially, by connecting the sex cells and growing the embryo in a special incubator. After that, it is transferred to the uterus. Most often, the diagnosis of biochemical pregnancy occurs after artificial insemination or IVF.

Approximately 20% of couples suffer from infertility.

Until what week is biochemical pregnancy considered?

It is believed that a natural termination of pregnancy occurs in the second week after conception has occurred.

If we talk about IVF, then this happens almost immediately after the transfer of the embryo to the uterus. If the interruption occurs after two weeks, it is called a miscarriage.


Such a pregnancy takes place without changes in the body. Therefore, if a woman did not perform IVF and did not monitor the growth of hCG, she may not know that she was pregnant. When it comes to artificial insemination, the level of gonadotropin is monitored daily. Often, against the background of such control, a woman emotionally prepares herself for motherhood, and against the background of psychological perception, the first signs of a long-awaited pregnancy may appear:

  • swelling and soreness of the chest;
  • changes in taste preferences;
  • nervous irritability;
  • rapid fatigue and drowsiness.

These and other signs, such as gagging and nausea, are not specific symptoms, as they may appear before the onset of the menstrual cycle.

Possible additional signs are minor delays of 1-5 days or profuse hemorrhage, pain in the lower abdomen.

HCG indicators

Chorionic gonadotropin is a hormone secreted by the embryo during the entire pregnancy cycle. Therefore, an overestimated level in the blood or urine indicates that fertilization has occurred. Its release into the female body begins already on the 4th day. Every day the amount of hCG increases, doubling.

Since BhB is interrupted early, the hCG index in the analysis, more often, does not exceed 100 mIU / ml. During such a pregnancy, hCG grows as in a normal pregnancy, but then drops off sharply. This is one of the main signs of spontaneous interruption. Those women who have undergone IVF will find out about this almost immediately, since their condition is monitored by specialists.

The strip pregnancy test is based on the same method for determining hCG in the body. But since there are less of these hormones in the urine than in the blood, you should not pass it earlier than after a week of delay.

Why does preclinical spontaneous abortion occur?

It is impossible to say for sure what caused the spontaneous preclinical abortion, since each situation must be considered on an individual basis.

Factors that can affect the course of early IVF pregnancy include:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • an abnormality in the set of chromosomes of the embryo;
  • disorders in the woman's immune system;
  • blood diseases;
  • diseases of the female reproductive organs (endometrial hyperplasia, ovarian hyperstimulation, etc.);
  • the presence of bad habits.

Hormonal disorders are accompanied by an underestimated level of progesterone. Its lack causes miscarriage, or spontaneous preclinical abortion. In such situations, doctors prescribe a drug containing this hormone.

Termination of pregnancy after IVF more often occurs due to a violation in the genetic chromosome set.

After the embryo is introduced into the uterus, the woman's immune system can perceive it as a foreign body and try to get rid of it.

Some blood diseases lead to blood clotting disorders. For this reason, the nutrition of the embryo is disturbed, which causes its death.

When can you get pregnant again?

BxB does not have negative consequences for the body, therefore, the next IVF process can be carried out after a couple of menstrual cycles.

Artificial insemination takes place through cryo-frozen embryos. You can also take "fresh" cells, but for this it is worth waiting for 2-3 menstrual cycles.

How to prepare for a new pregnancy?

If BhB did happen, this is not a reason to give up. If we are talking about artificial conception, then the probability that the embryo will take root the first time is no more than 40%, depending on the situation. To increase the chances of fertilization, more research is needed:

  • the karyotype of the implanted embryo;
  • verification of a set of chromosomes of a pair for compatibility;
  • MAP test for men;
  • Coagulogram, if there is a suspicion of the tendency of the female body to thrombus formation.

The probability of getting pregnant is not one hundred percent. Out of 100 women, only 40 will get the long-awaited pregnancy.

The artificial insemination process is not new. Biochemical pregnancy with IVF happens quite often. This pair is reported by the specialists who carry out the procedure. It is worth considering IVF as a way to get pregnant, but it is not recommended to resort to it if the attempts have not been successful within 2 years. Also, during the first biochemical pregnancy, reproductive specialists can advise ICSI, where fertilization of a genetically “wrong” egg or sperm cell is excluded.

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