What can you buy for a month. List of products for the month. Food products are perishable and shelf stable. Why you need to make a menu

Is a certain set of goods and services that provide a comfortable and full-fledged living of a person throughout the year and satisfy his minimum needs. The composition of the consumer basket directly affects the value, which is revised every year depending on the price level.

What's in the consumer basket in 2019?

The current Federal Law "On the Consumer Basket in the Russian Federation as a whole" was adopted by the State Duma on November 20, 2012. Article 1 establishes that the consumer basket is installed at least once every 5 years. That is, this basket should have been revised by the beginning of 2018. However, Article 4 on the validity period was amended by Law No. 421-FZ of December 28, 2017, extending the validity of the "food package" until December 31, 2020 inclusive.

The consumer basket primarily includes food products, which make up about 50% of its cost (for comparison, in Western Europe, this figure does not exceed 20%). It is worth mentioning that the majority of Russian families also spend more than half of the family on food.

The second group includes non-food items - clothing, footwear, hats, underwear, medicines.

Well, the third group of the consumer basket consists of services: utilities, transport costs, cultural events, and so on.

So, if you look at the table below, which presents the products and services included in the consumer basket for 2017, then make sure that, according to the government's calculations, an able-bodied citizen uses 100.4 kg per year. potatoes, 114.6 kg. vegetables, 60 kg. fresh fruit, 126.5 kg. bread and bakery products, 58.6 kg. meat and 18.5 kg of fish products, respectively. Cultural services account for 5% of the total monthly expenses.

What does this mean per person per day? And this means that an ordinary average citizen of the Russian Federation for a normal existence should consume 300 g of bread, potatoes - 280 g, vegetables - 300 g, fresh fruits - 160 g, sweet - 60 g, milk and dairy products per day. food - 800 g, vegetable oils and fats - 40 g. And also 1 time in 2 days to eat one egg, be content with 160 g of meat per day, well, eat 350 g of fish per week. As for cultural development, here an able-bodied Russian citizen has a chance to go to the cinema or theater once a month for his living wage, for more money for these purposes is not provided.

1. Food

Nameunit of measurementConsumption (average per person per year)
Able-bodied populationpensionerschildren
Bread products (bread and pasta in terms of flour, flour, cereals, legumes)kg126,5 98,2 76,6
Potatokg100,4 80,0 88,1
Vegetables and melonskg114,6 98,0 112,5
Fresh fruitskg60,0 45,0 118,1
Sugar and confectionery products in sugar termskg23,8 21,2 21,8
Meat productskg58,6 54,0 44,0
Fish productskg18,5 16,0 18,6
Milk and dairy products in terms of milkkg 290,0 257,8 360,7
Eggsthing210,0 200,0 201,0
Vegetable oil, margarine and other fatskg11,0 10,0 5,0
Other products (salt, tea, spices)kg4,9 4,2 3,6

2. Non-food items

NameMeasurement unit / wear lifeConsumption (average per person)
able-bodied populationpensionerschildren
Upper coat grouppieces / years3/7,6 3/8,7 3/2,6
Upper costume and dress grouppieces / years8/4,2 8/5,0 11/2,0
Linenpieces / years9/2,4 10/2,9 11/1,8
Hosierycouples / years7/1,4 4/1,9 6/1,3
Hats and haberdasherypieces / years5/5,0 4/5,6 4/2,8
Shoescouples / years6/3,2 6/3,5 7/1,8
School suppliespieces / years3/1,0 3/1,0 27/1,0
Linenspieces / years 14/7,0 14/7,0 14/7,0
Cultural and household goodspieces / years19/10,5 19/10,5 19/10,5
Essentials, Sanitation and Medicinespercent of total spending on non-food items per month10 15 12

3. Services

There are various ways to save costs. There are situations when finances run out, and the salary is not soon. In such cases, in order not to overpay extra money, knowledge of how to easily and effectively save on food, what are the rules of an inexpensive diet, and where to buy cheap food will come in handy.

How to eat sparingly

Modern women are trying to save money on food without compromising the quality of food. Housewives come up with many ways, from buying in wholesale stores to preparing dishes according to the recipes of their mothers and grandmothers: from simple products, but with fiction. It is easy to save on food without harming your health, you just need to follow the rules of a reasonable diet. For this:

  • plan purchases;
  • use products effectively;
  • ignore marketing and advertising gimmicks;
  • keep track of expenses;
  • plan the menu in advance;
  • you shouldn't buy semi-finished products;
  • avoid perishable foods;
  • choose fresh fish, chilled meat;
  • do not buy wet vegetables, fruits (they spoil quickly);
  • keep long-term storage products at home;
  • make homemade supplies: pickled tomatoes, cucumbers, jam, jam;
  • prepare drinks yourself: compote, fruit drink, jelly.

Eating cheap and healthy

A modern hostess, having thought, will make a delicious, varied and economical menu. This business requires a systematic approach, desire, imagination. Do not be afraid to spend a lot of time: the most difficult thing is to organize the process, and then it will become a habit. It is worth immediately analyzing the contents of the kitchen. What is useful in the refrigerator, are there fruits, vegetables, eggs, dairy products? Perhaps it makes sense to exclude something from the diet, for example, canned food, sausage, pates? What is stored on the kitchen shelves - cereals or instant noodles?

Then you need to draw up a menu for a week, taking into account culinary preferences, not forgetting that the body needs proteins, vitamins, trace elements, carbohydrates, and fats every day. In order to save money on grocery shopping, it is recommended to do a thorough shopping trip once a week. An additional effect of this will be time savings in the coming days.

Eat economically and tasty

Food should be tasty, but how can you save on food? For this, you can use culinary tricks. When buying, it is better to choose a whole chicken rather than a cut one. It is easy to cook soup from the wings and back, and use the meat remaining on the skeleton for a hearty salad like Olivier or pies. The rest of the bird will make, for example, pilaf or chakhokhbili.

For more efficient use of meat, combine it with a side dish in the same dish, rather than cook it separately. Eliminate a la carte dishes: chops are expensive, and lazy cabbage rolls, beef stroganoff, or goulash are cheaper. Use offal instead of meat, such as beef heart filling for casseroles.

Economical family meals

If you want to understand how you can easily and effectively save on groceries, try planning a family menu for the week. To do this, set aside an hour of free time to choose dishes and make a list of necessary products. During the week, you will not need to figure out what to cook for dinner, and then run to the nearest store, buying what is in stock.

You can create a menu in a way convenient for you: print the list; manually write; create a template in which to change dishes weekly or add new ones. With this approach, it is important to consider that hot food can be cooked for 2-3 days, for example, soup or roast. Various side dishes can be served with fish or meat products. However, salads are best eaten fresh, they will not take much time to prepare.

How to save on purchases

The cost of buying groceries is up to 35% of the family budget. If you approach this process efficiently, you can save money. Going to the store, take a pre-prepared list so as not to make a purchase of unnecessary products and do not forget what is needed.

Buy products in factory packaging (vegetable oil, tea, coffee, pasta) where they are cheaper. But for meat, fruits and vegetables, it is better to go to the market or to a trusted store - they are rarely of good quality in cheap hypermarkets.

In stores, promotions are often held, sales - keep track of them, do not miss the opportunity to save money on products.

Products by weight

Buy bulk goods, sweets, cookies, sweets by weight. This way you will not overpay for packaging. This will save up to 20% of the cost on products. It is better to buy sugar and salt in winter, when the conservation season has not come. It is also recommended to take cereals by weight and preferably of domestic production. This approach will save family money.

Purchase of products for a month

Making a shopping list for a month is not as daunting task as it might seem. To do this, within 2-3 months, you need to record information about what, how much, at what price it was purchased. The effect of compiling such notes will not keep you waiting long: a picture will form in your head and everything will be put on the shelves. Bulk purchases should not be done in small shops, it is better to go to the supermarket.

Promotions and discounts

Large stores regularly hold promotions for certain groups of goods. This does not mean that the products are of poor quality or that their shelf life is coming to an end. To track discounts, you can use modern technologies, for example, install the Foodil mobile application. The service finds and compares prices for specific products.

A system of discount cards has been introduced in almost all retail outlets, which allows you to make purchases at lower prices. However, if you happen to stumble upon a great deal on a product that isn't on your list, don't buy it. Be aware of prices so you don't fall for the marketing gimmick when the discounted price is equal to the original price.

How to buy groceries correctly

When choosing products, it is helpful to read labels and understand their contents. The ingredients are in descending order. So, if beans are first indicated on the label, then its content prevails over other components contained in the can. Do not take products in which sugar comes first, salt should also not be in the forefront. It is undesirable for the number of components to be more than 5-6. Choose foods with a long shelf life. When shopping for frozen foods, keep them in thermal bags.

How to save on food in a crisis

The main advice of "anti-crisis" food - cook your own meals, trying not to purchase semi-finished products. For this it is not necessary to spend a lot of time, effort and money, you just need to approach the issue wisely. As a result, you will get tasty and healthy food in your home at a budget price. Cereals and legumes are easy to prepare, nutritious, and easy to digest.

  • Buckwheat, chickpeas, lentils, bulgur, mung bean go well with vegetables and are suitable for a side dish.
  • From undeservedly forgotten barley (price 30 rubles), you can easily make soup or pilaf.
  • Sprouted chickpeas and lentils are good for salads and garnishes.
  • Croquettes are easy to make with rice mixed with spices and cheese.

Regular potatoes are affordable and offer many cooking options: fried, stewed, boiled, steam, baked. A tasty and healthy vegetable can decorate a festive table. Don't forget about the spices: a skillful combination will easily add a new accent to ordinary dishes. The use of turmeric, mint, cumin will add an "Indian" flavor, while soy sauce and ginger will add a "Japanese" flavor.

Seasonal vegetables can become the basis of the diet in times of crisis. Avocados, greenhouse tomatoes and cucumbers are best replaced with local beets, radishes and pumpkin. They are perfectly stored and contain a storehouse of vitamins. Combining them with each other, it is easy to get new tastes every time. If you own a summer cottage, then you are doubly lucky: include more seasonal fruits and vegetables from your garden in the menu.


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Planning grocery shopping a week in advance will save your budget and provide your diet with all the essential nutrients you need. After all, every time you go to the store, you buy excess products and are not always useful. For example, you go to a store hungry and buy a chocolate bar, a sandwich, etc. Going once a week to the store will allow you to buy healthy food for the whole week, and you will not buy various unnecessary products. The list of products for the week should include vegetables, fruits, dairy products, canned food, meat products, side dishes and others. Let's take a closer look at each food group so that you understand how useful and necessary a particular food is. Adjust the amount of food based on your daily calorie needs.


Vegetables contain fiber and should be on your table every day. Vegetables contain various vitamins, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, E, C, PP, P, A. Useful substances, fluorine, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, iodine, cobalt, boron, nickel , copper. Vegetables are good for the cardiovascular system, for the skin, hair, teeth, nails, improve the metabolism in the human body, make health strong.

List of products (vegetables) for the week:

  • Potato
  • Beet
  • Cabbage
  • Tomatoes
  • Cucumbers
  • Radish
  • Broccoli
  • Garlic
  • Beet
  • Beans or peas
  • Red and green pepper
  • Greenery

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Fruits are rich in vitamins: C, D, P, groups B, A, E. Beneficial substances in fruits: calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, manganese, iodine, zinc, copper, carotene, folic acid, pectin, potassium, beta-carotene ... Fruits provide a person with useful components, minerals, strengthen immunity and protect our body from environmental influences. Fruit should be eaten by everyone: children, men, women. Several times a week - be sure to eat fruit.

List of products (fruits) for the week:

  • Bananas
  • Tangerines
  • Lemon
  • Oranges
  • A pineapple
  • Apricots
  • Plums
  • Apples

Milk products

Dairy products contain animal proteins that are good for your muscles. Also, dairy products contain fat, this fat is considered not useful, because it is of animal origin, and vegetable fat and omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial. Buy dairy products with a minimum amount of fat, such as 0.5%. Dairy products contain vitamins of group B, A, H, PP, D. Useful substances: calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, zinc, copper, selenium, chromium, molybdenum, cobalt, phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur, iron. Milk is used for the prevention and treatment of many diseases, in traditional and folk medicine. Low fat milk is good for everyone, and children are advised to drink it from an early age, if there is no allergy. Look carefully at the expiration date on the packaging, because milk and other dairy products can be stored for no more than 5 days. In a month, you need to eat dairy products for 20-25 days, and rest for 5-10 days.

List of dairy products for the week:

  • Kefir
  • Milk
  • Yogurt
  • Yogurt
  • Sour cream
  • Ryazhenka
  • Snowball
  • Cottage cheese

Garnish products

You can serve porridge, spaghetti and other dishes as a side dish. They contain carbohydrates that provide our body with energy for the whole day. Porridge contains vitamins E, H, PP, group B. Useful substances: calcium, sulfur, magnesium, chlorine, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, nickel, iron, aluminum, zinc, cobalt, iodine, silicon, copper, manganese, boron, vanadium, molybdenum, fluorine, chromium, selenium. The vegetable protein included in the composition is useful for maintaining muscle tone. Porridge is good for the gastrointestinal tract.

List of products for a side dish for a week:

  • Noodles (from coarse wheat varieties)
  • Buckwheat
  • Spaghetti
  • Peas
  • Beans
  • Potato
  • Various cereals

Meat products

Meat contains healthy animal proteins and unhealthy animal fats. For good health, meat should be selected with the lowest fat content. Meat contains vitamins of group B, A, H, C, E, PP, beta-carotene, choline. Useful substances: iron, cobalt, iodine, fluorine, chromium, manganese, copper, zinc. Chicken meat is good for recuperation, for metabolic processes in the body. Vitamins, group B useful for hair, nails, skin. Chicken is good for children, adults and the elderly. Include chicken several days a month in your diet, be sure.

List of meat products:

  • Hen
  • Beef
  • Turkey
  • Meatballs
  • Cutlets
  • Pork

Fish and seafood

Fish contains omega-3 fats, which are very beneficial. Animal protein to strengthen muscle fibers. Vitamins of group B, A, PP, C, E. Useful substances: potassium, calcium, sulfur, chlorine, sodium, magnesium, nickel, iron, fluorine, molybdenum, cobalt, iodine, zinc, manganese, copper. Fish and seafood well replenish the reserves of minerals in the body, reduce the content of bad cholesterol in the blood, improve the functioning of the endocrine system and the heart.

List of fish and seafood for the week:

  • Pollock
  • Seaweed
  • Sprat
  • Squid
  • Shrimps
  • Cod
  • Herring
  • Canned fish
  • Pink salmon

Other products for the week

  • Sugar
  • Pepper
  • Yeast
  • Vinegar
  • Various condiments
  • Vegetable and olive oil
  • Black tea
  • Green tea
  • Cocoa
  • Bay leaf
  • Mustard
  • Mushrooms
  • Do not go shopping on an empty stomach. When you are hungry, you are ready to eat everything in unlimited quantities and often pick up all sorts of sweets and other, less healthy food. On a full stomach - your thinking becomes reasonable and you can safely buy from a prepared list, food for a week or a month.
  • Shop in a good mood. In a depressed state, you also buy a lot of excess food, sweet, fatty, starchy foods, etc. Thus, you are trying to cheer yourself up. You do not need to do this, if you are in a bad mood, then cheer up and go shopping, only in your right mind and memory, save your budget and take care of your health and the health of your loved ones.
  • Choose a smaller cart or take a basket. Psychologically, when your food is small, you tend to buy less food. Thus, unwanted purchases, you will be bypassed. Better to take a basket and here's why. In the cart, you do not feel the weight of the food, and the basket with each food put in it adds weight. Thus, it becomes difficult for you to carry the basket and you want to go to the checkout as soon as possible and pay off, thereby not buying excess food, but only necessary food.

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Daily grocery shopping is a tedious process that takes up a lot of energy, as well as free time that can be spent at your own pleasure. In addition, every time you visit a store, it is common for a person to buy not only the necessary goods, but also something superfluous (for example, ice cream, soda, chocolate bars), which is accompanied by unnecessary expenses. The practice of making a list of products for the week and purchasing them for future use is becoming more and more popular. This saves both time and money.

What should always be in the kitchen?

Whatever your grocery list for the week, there are a number of must-haves. They should always be in the kitchen, no matter what menu you follow. We are talking about such products:

  • potatoes, cabbage and carrots, which are used in the preparation of most soups and other dishes;
  • garlic and onions as additives to dishes, as well as preventive measures;
  • a set of seasonal fruits that saturate the body with vitamins;
  • vegetable oil (sunflower or olive);
  • flour, which is useful not only for baking, but also added to other dishes in the form of breading;
  • soda, which acts as a baking powder as well as a cleaning agent;
  • dry yeast and gelatin;
  • a set of your favorite spices;
  • tomato paste, which will help out if there are no fresh tomatoes at hand;
  • canned vegetables and fish, which can be used for snacks, as well as preparing salads if guests unexpectedly come;
  • frozen dough packaging;
  • tea and coffee.

Most of these products have a long shelf life and can therefore be purchased in bulk or at great deals.

Algorithm for making a list

Making a grocery list for the week is not easy. This is a time consuming activity that will require concentration and a couple of hours of your time. The algorithm is as follows:

  • decide on the final weekly menu;
  • rewrite all ingredients in quantities appropriate for your family's size;
  • add to this list the must-have foods that are not in the recipes;
  • Combine all duplicate products in one line by calculating the exact quantity;
  • Cross out from the list those foods that you have at home in sufficient quantities;
  • break the sheet of paper into several columns corresponding to the departments of the store (grocery, vegetables, etc.), and group the products;
  • fill out the list in a form convenient for you (written, printed or digital).

Foods for the week: list for 2 people (approximate)

If you haven't done a weekly grocery list before, check out the examples that already exist. So, 2 people will need the following products for a week:

  • chicken fillet (3-5 kg);
  • white fish (2 kg);
  • beef (2 kg);
  • mushrooms (2 kg);
  • any cereals (1.5 kg);
  • legumes (500 g);
  • eggs (20 pcs.);
  • cottage cheese (2 kg);
  • kefir (2 l);
  • butter (1 pack);
  • milk (2-3 l);
  • hard cheese (1 kg);
  • any fruit (3-4 kg);
  • bow (6 heads);
  • carrots (1 kg);
  • cabbage (1 head of cabbage);
  • other vegetables (6-8 kg);
  • greens (in any quantity);
  • coffee, tea (1 pack);
  • lemon (4-5 pcs.);
  • puff pastry (1 pack).

Economical option

Unfortunately, not everyone can afford their favorite products, and therefore it is necessary to reduce this item of expenses. Nevertheless, this does not mean that such food will be tasteless and inadequate. An approximate list of economy products for the week is as follows:

  • chicken carcass (from the meaty parts, you can cook main dishes, and from the rest - soups);
  • potatoes (there are a lot of economical and tasty dishes based on this product);
  • buckwheat and rice (these are nutritious cereals that can make up a complete meal);
  • onions, carrots and cabbage (used in soups and main dishes);
  • apples (delicious and contain many useful substances);
  • pasta (inexpensive and hearty side dish);
  • eggs (a good option for a full breakfast);
  • fermented milk products (saturate the body with calcium and improve digestion).

Why do you need to create a menu?

If purchasing for future use is already a fairly common practice, then not all of them make up the family's menu for a week. It is much easier to make a list of foods if you have an idea of ​​what you are going to cook. Also, this action has the following advantages:

  • saving time for daily thinking about the menu;
  • the likelihood of irrational use of products is excluded, which significantly saves time;
  • the opportunity to transfer the family to a healthy diet, in which there will be no place for semi-finished products;
  • the opportunity to consolidate existing culinary skills and learn how to cook new dishes;
  • self-discipline.

Consider your resources and capabilities

When compiling a list of products for the week for a family, you cannot skip the stage of working out the menu. Of course, enthusiasm can develop a luxurious diet, but don't forget about the resources you have. So, when drawing up a menu, it is important to take into account the following points:

  • How much time can and are you ready to spend on cooking? In this regard, you can decide whether to eat fresh food or prepare homemade semi-finished products (dumplings, cutlets, marinades, etc.).
  • How many dishes are you going to cook every day? If you are not ready to stand at the stove for days, try to have each dish for at least 2 days.
  • Do you have assistants? If so, you can safely plan a varied menu, because you will have someone to share responsibilities with.
  • How much money are you willing to spend on food? This is perhaps one of the defining moments of your weekly menu. If you show a little imagination, then gourmet dishes can be prepared from chicken, vegetables or inexpensive fish.

Sample menu for a week

To save time looking for culinary ideas, you should make a menu for the week. It will be much easier to decide on the list of products if you know what to cook. Of course, each family has its own culinary preferences, but an example menu might look like this (see table).

Day of week

BreakfastDinnerAfternoon snackDinner
MondayFried eggs with tomatoesMushroom soup, fish in batterGrapePie with meat
TuesdayRice porridge with applesChicken broth, meat pieBerry jellyZucchini pancakes, meat salad
WednesdaySemolinaBorsch, squash pancakesHomemade cookiesStuffed peppers
ThursdayOatmeal with dried fruitsBorsch, stuffed peppersMilk jellySteamed fish, vegetable salad
FridayHot sandwiches with chicken, tomatoes and cheeseMeatball soup, steamed fishApple pieVegetable puree soup
SaturdayBuckwheat porridge with milkVegetable puree soup, chicken cutletsAny fruitPork in orange marinade, Chinese cabbage salad
SundayFried eggs in breadMushroom soup, pancakes with sour creamLemon muffinRoast meat with vegetables

Having compiled the menu, you can arrange it in a form convenient for you. For example, you can magnetically attach a printed or handwritten piece of paper to the refrigerator. If you are keeping up with the times, save it on your smartphone or tablet.

If you have not previously had to make a list of groceries for the week ahead, it is quite difficult to navigate. The advice of experienced housewives will help you with this:

  • There should be a foundation in the diet. For example, cereals and meat dishes should be on the menu every day. Thus, having dealt with the main products, you can easily pick up additional ones.
  • Before making a shopping list, be sure to think over the weekly menu. Thus, you will not be lost in guesses, but you will be able to clearly identify which products you need.
  • All family members should be involved in drawing up a weekly menu and a list of products. This will take into account the interests and preferences of everyone.
  • It is best to make purchases in large supermarkets on weekends. This is due to the high probability of holding promotions, thanks to which you can buy products cheaper.
  • Don't buy a lot of perishable food. There will be enough stock for 1-3 days, depending on the product category.
  • Having compiled such a list for the first time, you will be able to walk with it to the store and subsequently, making small changes and adjustments.

How to save money?

More and more people are choosing to buy groceries for the week. A list for 3 or more people is sometimes voluminous and, therefore, costly. Here are some helpful tips to help you save a lot on certain product categories:

  • it is better to buy seasonal vegetables and fruits from summer residents, which will eliminate the likelihood of high trade margins;
  • it is better to buy salt and sugar in bulk in winter, since these products are actively becoming more expensive during the conservation season;
  • significant savings are observed when buying whole chicken, and not its individual parts;
  • do not overpay for semi-finished products, because it is much cheaper to buy groceries and stick, for example, dumplings on your own;
  • if your family loves sandwiches, learn how to cook homemade boiled pork, which will be much cheaper than high-quality sausage;
  • it is better to buy cereals and pasta by weight, which is 15-20% cheaper than packaged products.

Basic rules for going to the store

Even if you have thoroughly thought out the recipes for the week, the grocery list and other details, you are not insured against unnecessary expenses during the trip to the store. To prevent this from happening, follow these fundamental rules:

  • As practice shows, it is spontaneous purchases that eat up the lion's share of the family budget. But this is not at all a reason to deny yourself pleasant little things. Make it a rule to buy no more than three items on top of your list.
  • Try not to take children while shopping, because sometimes it is difficult to resist their whims. If the kids are coming with you, arrange everything else at home. Let them have their own list, for example, with sweets that they can choose themselves.
  • Try to buy groceries that really last for a week. In 2-3 times you will be able to make your own norms for the family. If you're not sure, it's best to buy a little more so that you don't have to go to the store in the middle of the week.


More and more housewives are beginning to understand how convenient and profitable it is to purchase food for a week. The list helps you not to get lost in a huge supermarket and not make unnecessary, rash purchases. However, for the list to be as accurate as possible, you must have an idea of ​​what you are going to cook within 7 days. To do this, you need to draw up a detailed menu with a breakdown by day.

ratings: 2, average: out of 5

Of course, we buy some of them in much larger portions, for example, we usually buy cereals for a quarter. However, for the sake of completeness, I will take exactly the expense per month.

I would also like to say that the consumption is approximate and we should not assume that we eat like this all the time. All the same, the diet varies greatly from season to year, at least. This list is more about winter or spring, so don't be surprised if you don't find an abundance of fruits and vegetables here. All the same, it is not the season, but the shops in our area have both poor quality and exorbitant prices.

So let's get started.

Meat products.

The main demand in our family is chicken breast. Beef and pork are bought mainly for variety. When there is a high-quality turkey available, I also like to take it, although no one except our dad and the cat loves it. Quite often I use beef heart and very rarely liver. This is more likely because only me eat it.

Chicken 4 kg - 250r / kg = 1000r

Pork / beef 1kg - 380r / kg = 380r

By-products 2kg - 200r / kg = 400r

Fish and stuff.

I try to take mostly local fish, so it turns out to save quite a lot. In the background is inexpensive sea fish, we buy red fish mainly for the holidays for salting. I also often take squid fillet, because we have it with a very humane price and goes well in salads.

Veggie, white sea, etc. 3 kg - 80r / kg = 240r

Mackerel, cod, etc. 1.5kg - 200r / kg = 300r>

Squid 1kg - 100r / kg = 100r

Dairy products and eggs.

Our family consumes a huge amount of eggs. This is due to the fact that they go well just boiled, and I take a lot of them for baking, casseroles, etc.

About milk and related products. There is a very wide range of options because I will simply indicate in liters of all this good, especially since the price is about the same as milk and kefir. We eat little cheese, no one is particularly fond of sandwiches, and instead of soft, I tend to tend to local cottage cheese. We also have a little oil consumption. It only goes into porridge, because my baking is vegetable, unless of course it's a traditional shortbread dough.

Milk / sour milk 1.5l / day - 100r = 4500r

Eggs 1cl / week - 200r = 800r

Cottage cheese 2kg - 250r / kg = 500r

Other = 1000r

Another huge expense, since this includes products with a long shelf life and you can use this by purchasing for future use. First of all, we consume a lot of flour and sugar, this is due to the fact that we do not buy bread and all kinds of cookies. Well, if only occasionally, when I am completely lazy or have no time to bake. For the same reason, a lot of vegetable oil is wasted. I have not used margarine for baking for a long time, and pure butter is expensive and very high in cholesterol.

Wheat flour 8kg - 30r / kg = 240r

Rye flour 5kg - 25r / kg = 125r

Sugar 6kg - 45r = 270r

Vegetable oil 4l - 70r / l = 280r

Buckwheat 2.5kg - 70r / kg = 175r

Rice 2kg - 55r / kg = 110r

Semolina 1kg - 40r / kg = 40r

Ball 0.5kg - 30r / kg = 15r

Oatmeal 1.5kg - 20r / kg = 30r

6 cereals flakes 1kg - 40r / kg = 40r

Wheat 0.5kg - 30r / kg = 15r

Pearl barley 0.5kg - 30r / kg = 15r

Peas or beans 0.5kg - 90r / kg = 45r

Chickpea 0.5kg - 80r / kg = 40r

Pasta 2kg - 50r / kg = 100r


We practically do not use this department. Therefore, we buy little and it is mainly canned vegetables. Sometimes condensed milk. We do not use canned fish, stew, etc. We don't eat jam on a regular basis, there are enough lovely gifts from grandmothers. From them we get pickles, which I add to pickle or vinaigrette.

Condensed milk 2b - 70r / b = 140r

Green peas or olives 2b - 50r - 100r

Tomato paste 0.25kg - 100r = 100r

Frozen food.

I try to stock up on frozen vegetables and berries as much as possible for the winter. And the fact that there is not enough space to freeze, then dry. However, products such as broccoli or green beans still have to be purchased. Therefore, I take freezing all the time, but I can't say what exactly, it's still a matter of taste. I spend about 500 to 1000 rubles a month on this.

Vegetables and fruits.

Fruit is the same story as freezing. I take the most advantageous offer. However, in winter it is almost impossible to find something cheaper than 100 rubles per kg. In vegetables, I prefer to take simple products: cabbage, carrots, beets. The rest as far as possible or on holidays. My homemade greens do not like salad greens, they are replaced by Peking cabbage. I use frozen parsley, dill. As a result, this cost item costs from 1000 to 3000 rubles.

Tea, coffee, spices, sauces and other pranks.

All these products are not bought from us all the time. I often try new teas. And we drink coffee in different ways. I also buy sauces often, but they are used for a long time. To be clear, we do not use mayonnaise or ketchup, by sauces I mean soy or teriyaki or mustard and the like. Spices are also very varied in price and frequency with which I use them. In the same section, I can include different types of vinegar or soda. How much I spend on all the add-ons I can’t calculate at all.

It is also worth considering that here I am taking into account the prices for large volumes. For example, this is true for cereals, if you buy in packages of 500g, in a simple store, it will come out more expensive. We buy local milk, fish and many other products. And harvesting vegetables, fruits and berries in the summer is of great importance. If I didn't have dried apples or frozen bell peppers, it would hit my budget significantly.

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