What can an adult eat at a high temperature? Nutrition for diseases with high fever. Anti-cold cream soup from Natalia Batsukova

But it is also very important that at the same time you eat, drink, and dress so as not to interfere, but to help the body fight the disease.

What's in the cup?

First of all, you need to drink a lot so that the toxins formed during illness are quickly eliminated from the body. In addition to rinsing, it is also useful to have medicinal substances in the drink that help reduce temperature, fight inflammation and normal thermoregulation.

Right: Brew tea from herbs - chamomile, St. John's wort, linden blossom, mint, sea buckthorn leaf, add dried raspberries or strawberries. These plants have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, diaphoretic and diuretic effects, and promote relaxation, which is so necessary for a sick body. You can prepare this tea in a thermos. It’s good to put spices in it: ginger, cloves, cumin, cardamom, bay leaf. They help strengthen the immune system.

In addition, this tea with spices and a teaspoon of honey, if drunk constantly in small portions, regulates body temperature well, gradually returning it to normal. You can alternate it with cranberry juice.

Wrong: You should not drink milk - at high temperatures it will only harm you and will not be completely digested.

What's on the plate?

During a cold, it is very important not to “overload” the body, not to waste its energy on digesting heavy foods, thereby overstraining the liver, which plays a leading role in cleansing cells and tissues of toxins. The diet should be moderate and rich in nutrients that are easy for digestion.

Right: When fighting a cold, the diet should be based on low-fat cottage cheese, soufflé, omelet, cheesecakes, boiled or baked fish, baked apples and a variety of fruits. These foods will not force the body to spend a lot of energy digesting food. Vegetable soups are very useful, to which it is good to add various cereals: rice, barley.

An excellent choice is porridge with fruit or pumpkin. All these dishes provide the necessary boost of energy and also contain a lot of pectin substances, which improve digestion and rid the body of toxins.

If you don't lose your appetite, eat small meals often. During your illness, give up all fatty, spicy, salty, and sweet foods. However, this does not apply to chocolate - the cocoa beans from which it is made have long been known as a means of increasing the body's defenses. However, the chocolate must be bitter, without milk or flavoring additives. Natural cocoa has the same effect.

Wrong: During illness, consume meat and chicken broths, meat, especially smoked and fried. Butter and sour cream are also not for you yet.

What's around?

When you have a cold, it is very important that your internal organs do not overheat at high temperatures. Therefore, it is necessary to take special measures to ensure that the skin does not overheat: its temperature is a signal for the thermoregulation system, which controls the condition of the liver, heart, spleen, intestines and other organs.

Right: The room where you are must be regularly ventilated. The air should be cool, fresh and sufficiently humid. It’s good to place a container of water next to your bed or even turn on a special humidifier.

Wrong: Under no circumstances should you turn on additional heating in the room.

What's on the body?

Right: Even though you have a cold, dress lightly. It’s good to wash yourself with warm water several times a day and change your underwear. Do this away from drafts, in a closed bathroom. If the fever really bothers you, place a wet cold compress on your head.

It is very effective to wipe yourself with vodka or diluted alcohol. After this, you need to wear light clothing. This procedure can be repeated three to four times a day.

Wrong: Try to dress as warmly as possible, wrap yourself up from head to toe.

What does the thermometer say?

A high temperature during colds and flu most likely indicates that your immunity is in perfect order, that infectious diseases occur quickly and violently, and do not drag on for weeks, and recovery occurs quickly. After all, a high temperature just indicates that processes are taking place in the body that help eliminate the invasion of microbes.

Right: It is not always necessary to “bring down” the temperature, especially with the help of medications. Doctors today believe that temperatures up to 38 degrees do not require the use of antipyretics such as aspirin or analgin. Moreover, recently a number of restrictions have been introduced regarding these drugs - they are categorically not recommended to be given to children under 16 years of age, as well as for certain diseases - gastritis and stomach ulcers, blood and kidney diseases.

Paracetamol in all its forms remains a milder and harmless medicine. When buying a drug for the flu, pay attention to whether it contains paracetamol. It should be taken all the time while the temperature is elevated and noticeable malaise is felt, 3-4 times a day after meals. However, it makes sense to lower the temperature with the help of tablets only when it adversely affects general well-being: a feverish-excited state occurs, appetite sharply decreases, and sleep deteriorates.

Wrong: Take cold pills just in case, as a preventive measure.

By the way

Aloe is especially useful in winter: in its leaves during this period the concentration of juice increases, and therefore the content of medicinal substances. You can drink aloe juice during and after a cold, and to prevent the disease.

For medicinal purposes, leaves of plants aged 2-3 years and older are used. They are carefully separated from the stem along with the film wrapper and stored in a plastic bag in the refrigerator at 6-8 °C. After 12 days, the leaves can be used to prepare nutrient-enriched juice. The juice is not stored, but used immediately after receiving.

During illness, take 5-10 ml of fresh aloe juice half an hour before meals 2-3 times a day for 7-10 days. After illness - 1 teaspoon of fresh aloe juice half an hour before meals 2-3 times a day.

Healthy recipe

Mix 500 g of finely crushed aloe leaves, 500 g of honey, 500 ml of cognac, 200 ml of plantain juice, 50 g of centaury alcohol tincture. Drink 1-2 tbsp. spoons 2-3 times a day half an hour before meals.

In what cases do children tolerate colds, ARVI, and flu more easily? How to help a child’s body cope with a high temperature without medication? Is good care enough for a child to recover from a cough and runny nose? An experienced children's doctor reveals the mechanisms of well-known methods of caring for children during illness.

If your child shows signs, you should leave him at home and put him to bed. This serves two purposes. Firstly, by doing so you contribute to an easier course of the disease in the child himself. Secondly, you protect his friends from getting sick.

Air in the room: cool, humid, fresh

It is necessary that air temperature in the sick child’s room was no higher than usual (20-21 °C), and the air was humidified.

Some doctors even recommend a moderately reduced air temperature - 16-18 ° C, and there is a reason for this. The fact is that heat transfer from the surface of the child’s body is difficult if the room is very warm and the child is thoroughly wrapped up. The child also gives off heat when breathing, inhaling cool air and exhaling air that has warmed up in the lungs to body temperature. Moreover, the greater the temperature difference, the greater the heat transfer, the less likely it is that the child’s body temperature will rise to very high numbers.

Humid air It is necessary, firstly, to maintain the moisture of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, otherwise the child will not be able to cough up thick and viscous sputum. Secondly, to combat the increase in body temperature, the child has to sweat. If he is in a room with low humidity, the inhaled dry air in the lungs is humidified to 90-100% (think of steam from the mouth when breathing in cool weather). With each exhalation, the child loses fluid, and the breathing rate in small children is 2-3 times faster than in an adult. During the day, a child loses up to half a liter of fluid through breathing. What kind of sweating is there...

If you live in a house with central heating, it is advisable to either use a special humidifier or hang a damp terry towel on the heating radiator several times a day. This will make the child's breathing easier and promote effective coughing.

The air in the room where the sick child is located should be fresh. To do this, the room must be ventilated several times a day. The following is considered the optimal method of ventilation. The child is taken to another room for a while, the vents (window) and the door are simultaneously opened in the room for a few minutes, creating a draft. At the same time, the walls and furniture do not have time to cool down, and after ventilation, the air temperature in the room is very quickly restored. Ventilation allows you to remove microorganisms that have accumulated there from the room. Wet cleaning of the room also contributes to this.

Food and drink for colds

A sick child wants to be cured as quickly as possible. It is believed that additional energy is needed to fight the disease. And food is the main source of energy. Everything is logical, but not entirely true.

As a rule, during a cold, a child’s appetite is reduced. If, when you are sick, you try to overfeed your child, then energy is spent on digesting food, which the child could use to fight the infection. The child always has some reserves in his body for such a case, the use of which is less expensive than the absorption of food. After recovery, the appetite will improve and the child will quickly restore its reserves. So how should you feed your baby? Just based on his appetite.

For mild illnesses that do not require significant costs to fight infection, and appetite is not impaired. The more severe the disease, the worse the appetite and the less the child should eat.

The next point is related to feeding the baby. Trying to compensate for a decrease in appetite, they often try to feed the child some delicious dishes: exotic fruits, oriental sweets, red caviar and other products that the child eats very rarely in everyday life. However, new (even very tasty) food requires adaptation, and with illness, digestion capabilities are reduced. And instead of benefit, a cold may be accompanied by indigestion.

Food should be familiar to the child, not plentiful, although, of course, preference should be given to favorite, especially vegetable, dishes. But the amount of liquid in the diet of a sick child must be significantly increased.

The additional need for fluid is due to the fact that when a child becomes ill, the activity of metabolic processes increases. The formation of toxins increases, which must be removed with urine, sweat, and feces. In case of illness, increased removal of toxic waste products of microorganisms is required. As body temperature rises, sweating increases and breathing quickens. This is accompanied by increased fluid loss through sweat and exhaled air. Increased mucus formation also requires additional fluid consumption.

All these additional fluid costs in the event of a child’s illness must be provided for and compensated for, without waiting until his lips dry out and the sputum thickens and the child cannot cough it up. On the contrary, if you give a child plenty of water in a timely manner, this will not relieve him of the disease, but when a fever appears, he will sweat profusely; body temperature will not be excessively high; will be wet - phlegm will come off easily; the child will urinate a lot; and the deterioration in health will be insignificant.

In most cases of colds, the success of fighting the disease largely depends not so much on taking medications, but on drinking enough water. At the same time, it is not at all enough to give the child water only when he asks.

Pay attention to the moisture of the lips and remember the last time your child urinated. An indicator of insufficient fluid in a child’s body is dry mucous membranes (lips, tongue) and decreased urination, and in children over 1 year of age there is also an increase in the concentration of salts in the urine, which is manifested by a more pronounced color.

It is very important to stay ahead of the development of the disease and give the child excess water beyond his desire. It's not always easy. You have to choose a drink that he will like. The choice is quite wide. As a drink, you can offer weak tea, dried fruit compote, fruit and berry juices, fruit drinks, still mineral waters, raisin decoction, special rehydration solutions.

You should give the child food in small portions, avoiding violence, but resorting to various tricks that your imagination is capable of. A personal example and various game situations can be used here. If you categorically refuse to drink, try offering your child food rich in liquid - melon, watermelon, cucumbers.

The drinking temperature depends on the goals you set for yourself. If the child is dehydrated and it is necessary for the liquid to be quickly absorbed in the digestive tract, the temperature of the drink should correspond to body temperature. If it is more important for you to first reduce the child’s elevated body temperature, the drink should be at room temperature, since part of the thermal energy is consumed to heat the drunk liquid in the digestive tract.

Comment on the article "Caring for a child with a cold: how much to drink and what to feed"

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Caring for a child with a cold: how much to drink and what to feed. But the amount of liquid in the diet of a sick child needs to be significantly increased. The additional need for fluid is associated with In general, reduce infusions to a minimum and where it is very necessary, well, get rid of...

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Caring for a child with a cold: how much to drink and what to feed. Feed - feed - feed. You have Zhen in your milk, we also got sick before New Year’s Eve. I had tempo 39 for 4 days, Katya had it, but it was small, I Penicillin antibiotics can be given to breastfeeding women, but this is not suitable...

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Are we treating a cold? :((. Medical issues. Child from birth to one year. Care and education of a child up to one year: nutrition, illness, development. Child from birth to one year. Most newborns sneeze, and a physiological runny nose is a runny nose that does not need to be treated, it. ..

I understand that all this has been discussed more than once, but now there is absolutely no time to search, help, I’m afraid of infecting the child.

Dousing for a cold If you manage to catch the onset of a cold in time, immediately douse with cold water, as early as possible if possible, then a couple more times and one in the morning, by the evening you are usually already healthy. Caring for a child with a cold: how much to drink and what to feed.

Caring for a child with a cold: how much to drink and what to feed. At the same time, it is not at all enough to give the child water only when he asks. Your symptoms are not horrifying, leave the child alone, in three days you will see improvements for yourself.

A high temperature in a child is a symptom that requires not only the use of antipyretics, but also careful attention to the child’s condition during the period of illness. Examination, qualified medical care, regular use of medications - this is not all that a baby needs during colds and other diseases. Let's discuss what nutrition should be and what should not be given to a child at a high temperature.

What you need to know about fever

Thermoregulation is formed in an infant until the end of the first year of life, after which body temperature becomes normal, standard for an adult - 36.6 degrees.

In the first months after birth, the baby adapts to environmental conditions, and its body temperature fluctuates within 36.9 - 37.5 degrees. When heat exchange improves, the thermometer in the armpit reaches the usual 36.6 degrees.

The reasons for the increase in temperature are provoking factors leading to inflammatory processes and thermoregulation disorders:

  • stress;
  • overheating;
  • viral and bacterial infections;
  • teething;
  • pain;
  • allergic reaction;
  • vaccination.

The temperature should be reduced at levels not lower than 38 C in young children and 38.5 C in babies after one year: early use of antipyretics prevents the body from fighting infection or other factors that cause fever. Exceptions are patients with:

  • history of seizures;
  • heart disease;
  • pathologies of the nervous system;
  • cardiomyopathy.

Children with these diseases need to bring down their temperature, not allowing it to rise to 37.6C.

Important! Therapy should be carried out under the supervision of a pediatrician. Independently prescribing treatment for a child, especially an infant, is unacceptable.

Basic principles

Nutrition and drinking regimen are one of the items on the destination list, allowing you to speed up the healing process.

There is no need to worry if the baby refuses to eat: a decrease in appetite at a high temperature in a child is a natural process:

  • sore throat, causing discomfort when swallowing food;
  • intoxication;
  • dehydration;
  • weakness;
  • nausea;
  • and other factors due to which the baby does not want to eat.

Do not force your baby to eat: in the first days of illness, accompanied by an increase in body temperature, the body should be given the opportunity to fight infection and stress without wasting energy on digesting heavy food.

Provide your baby with clean drinking water - with a fever, dehydration occurs faster: fluid is lost through sweat, rapid breathing, and loose stools at high temperatures.

Calculate the rate of plenty of drinking for your child: when the temperature rises, increase the volume of water by 20-35 ml per hour (for a child weighing up to 10 kg), by 40 ml (for a baby up to 20 kg), by 60 ml per hour (for a child weighing more than 30 kg).

What to drink?

The ideal drink for a sick baby is warm, clean water. If it is impossible to give the baby water to drink (for example, many children do not like its taste), offer the little patient a diluted compote or water with the addition of unsweetened natural juice. Do not allow drinking concentrated nectars and sour tea: irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive system can lead to vomiting, diseases of the stomach and intestines.

What is there?

If the baby has an uncomplicated ARVI, and the main problem that worries the parents is lethargy, weakness and the child’s reluctance to touch food, pay attention to the following products:

  • unsweetened baked apple puree;
  • cottage cheese casserole or cheesecakes;
  • boiled chicken fillet;
  • steamed turkey meat in the form of cutlets;
  • light soup with vegetable broth;
  • soft cookies without additives;
  • dried whole grain bread;
  • steam omelette;
  • vegetable puree;
  • steamed fish (cod, trout);
  • porridge cooked in water (rice, oatmeal).

The basic principles of nutrition during illness are an exception:

  • fatty, fried, salty foods;
  • fresh breads and muffins (intensify gas formation processes);
  • vegetables with a high fiber content (white and Brussels sprouts, peas);
  • unusual dishes for the child (sometimes children refuse to eat, and parents buy rare fruits, desserts and treats just to feed the child);
  • mushrooms (heavy food, difficult to digest);
  • sour vegetables and fruits that irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa;
  • large amounts of sugar and flavor enhancers, preservatives.

Nausea and vomiting in a child are indications for temporary refusal to eat. A small patient should be offered only water in small portions (a teaspoon at a time, so as not to provoke vomiting). An exception is infants: mother's milk replenishes the lack of fluid, preventing dehydration, so breast milk should not be excluded.

In addition to the obvious nutritional rules, there are quite controversial statements about the benefits of this or that product for a child with a temperature. Let's look at the main ones.

What foods should not be given to children?

Traditional methods of treating colds, applicable to adults, may be dangerous or useless for a child.


Honey is considered a natural antipyretic, which, due to its high concentration of biologically active substances, promotes sweating and reduces body temperature.

Hot tea with honey for influenza and ARVI is a folk recipe for getting rid of the symptoms of the disease, which cannot be applied to everyone:

  1. The beekeeping product cannot be mixed with hot drinks: boiling water destroys the beneficial substances in honey and turns the medicine into useless sweet water.
  2. This healthy treat should not be given to children with diabetes or excess weight: honey contains simple sugars, including glucose and fructose.
  • honey may contain spores of the bacterium Clostridium botulinum and cause the development of botulism (babies do not have microflora that can resist the disease);
  • the treat is a strong allergen and can cause a rash, hyperemia and swelling of the skin;
  • Honey is a high-calorie product (327 kcal per 100 g), which can cause weight problems with unlimited consumption of sweets.

For children over three years old, at high temperatures, you can offer a teaspoon of honey as a snack with tea, but without mixing it with the drink.


Fragrant berries are another folk method of getting rid of high fever.

Raspberries contain salicylic acid, which helps fight infection and has anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties.

Is it possible to give raspberries to a child with a fever?

If your baby is already one year old and has tried the berry, you can offer him compote or warm tea with raspberries: the drinks will help increase sweating and reduce high fever.

Important! It is undesirable to introduce something new into a baby’s diet: during this period, the body may react to an unfamiliar product with allergic reactions.


Whether to give milk to a child with a fever depends on how well the baby tolerates the casein and -lactoglobulin contained in the product. Milk replenishes the lack of potassium, prevents dehydration, and helps maintain strength if the baby cannot eat solid food.

However, high-quality milk is difficult to find, and even the inscription “for baby food” does not guarantee that you are buying a natural product and not one reconstituted from milk powder.

In addition, if a child cannot tolerate cow’s milk protein, heavy consumption of this drink leads to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, which worsens the baby’s condition during ARVI and influenza.

Chicken broth

Chicken broth when a child has a fever is a standard nutritional recommendation during illness:

  • This dish is easy to swallow, even if the baby has a sore throat;
  • broth replenishes the lack of fluid in the body;
  • does not overload the intestines.

However, chicken broth cannot always be a cure for a sick child:

  • it is difficult to find meat without additives and antibiotics, which means that the broth will do more harm than good;
  • an improperly prepared dish with excess fat will cause disruption of the digestive system.

A small portion of chicken broth can be offered to your baby during the recovery period, but only if the child does not mind eating and tolerates the product well.

Oranges and lemons

Bright citrus fruits are a source of vitamin C, necessary for infectious pathologies. However, the acidic juice of oranges and lemons can irritate the stomach lining and even cause nausea.

Therefore, it is advisable to offer your child tea with rosehip or a light salad with bell pepper instead of sour orange juice.

Bottom line

At high temperatures, the mother should not give the child heavy foods that can cause diarrhea, increased gas formation and dyspeptic symptoms in the baby. Food during illness should be tasty (appetizing) for the baby: favorite familiar dishes, excluding the introduction of unfamiliar foods that can cause allergic and other reactions.

Do not force your child to eat if he has a high temperature: force-feeding can cause vomiting, crying, abdominal pain and will not give the body the opportunity to regain strength. Remember that well-prescribed drug treatment and the right diet will allow you to quickly achieve the desired recovery.

For most people, normal body temperature is 36.6 C°. But when the body begins to fight bacteria and infections, it can rise significantly. The immune system works more effectively at high temperatures. However, at the same time, you begin to feel not very good, which affects many aspects of life, including nutrition.

Is it possible to eat when the temperature rises?

Doctors strongly recommend drinking more fluids when you have a fever. But this does not mean that you need to give up food. Just try to eat soups and juicy fruits. Avoid sugary drinks and foods as sugar is very harmful to the body and can suppress the immune system. Below are foods that are recommended to eat when you have a fever.

Hot tea

Hot tea has many beneficial properties. Firstly, the steam acts as a decongestant. Secondly, tea is rich in polyphenols - substances that act as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents.

Also, polyphenol tannin has antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties. Try adding a little honey to your tea because it has a powerful antibacterial effect and can soothe a sore throat.


Antioxidants are important for maintaining health. Focus on foods rich in antioxidants, which help the body fight viruses and promote healing. Fruits and vegetables usually contain many of these nutrients. Plus, plenty of moisture helps the body survive the heat.

These plants include: grapes, blueberries, raspberries, melons and sweet potatoes.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a traditional infection fighter. However, humans are the only mammals that cannot synthesize it. This is why we need to eat foods rich in vitamin C. For example, oranges, watermelons, strawberries, pineapples, kiwis and melons. Pineapples are also good for coughs, so they are very useful for colds. And citrus fruits contain flavonoids, which reduce inflammation and improve immune cell function. At the same time, preference should be given to fresh fruits; canned products not only contain fewer nutrients, but they also contain large amounts of sugar, which is not beneficial for either the sick or the healthy.

Eat vegetables

Vegetables will give you the widest range of nutrients. Legumes are especially useful. Vegetables can be eaten raw or steamed. Only it is better to boil potatoes, since in this form they are much more nutritious and are easily digestible. The human body needs high-quality, high-calorie foods to fight infection. If you refuse to eat, your body simply won’t have the strength to fight.

Don't forget about probiotics

Your gut contains millions of bacteria that help keep you healthy. Taking antibiotics kills all bacteria, not just the bad ones. Research shows that, in addition to restoring microflora, eating foods rich in probiotics reduces fever in children.

Take probiotics during fever or when taking antibiotics. These beneficial bacteria are found in large quantities in yogurt. But choose a product without additives and sugar. In addition, there are special bio-yogurts that are prescribed along with antibiotics. They can be purchased at some grocery stores.

Protein is good too

When you're sick, your body needs protein to support your immune system. Choose quality protein, such as eggs, chicken and legumes. Plant protein is just as healthy as meat protein, so eat both. If you're eating too much, try making a smoothie that includes protein and fruit for extra antioxidants.

Coconut water

Coconut water isn't just for working out. It can help you stay hydrated during a fever, helps with the upset stomach that often accompanies a high fever, and tastes much better than plain water.

Coconut water contains glucose and electrolytes needed for rehydration, so it can provide the body with essential nutrients. Like tea, coconut water contains polyphenolic tannin. Tannins soothe inflamed stomach linings and have antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties.

Coconut water also contains antioxidants and minerals that will improve the well-being of the patient.

Liquid food

Broth is a soup that may contain pieces of vegetables or meat. Such dishes are very useful for rehydration. They are an excellent source of calories, vitamins and minerals needed to support the immune system.

You can add garlic to your food for an extra germ-fighting effect. This plant has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effects. If you like spicy foods, you can also add chili peppers, which are rich in antioxidants and help fight colds.

Chicken soup

This dish is best for a sick person. It contains everything you need - vitamins, minerals, calories and protein.

If you have vomiting or diarrhea, chicken soup will help restore lost electrolytes. The dish also contains the amino acid cysteine, which breaks down mucus. It also suppresses neutrophils, which can cause coughing or nasal congestion. Thus, chicken soup is antiviral and anti-inflammatory, containing antioxidants.

However, fever is a protective function of the body, and its occurrence indicates that your immune system is working well and your body is fighting infection. Therefore he needs help. And instead of taking antipyretic drugs, just follow the diet described above. A sufficient amount of fluid, vitamins and antioxidants at elevated temperatures will lead to a speedy recovery.

How are you treated?

High temperature is a symptom of many diseases. Accompanied by headaches, chills, body aches and loss of strength, it brings a lot of discomfort to a person who is trying in every possible way to reduce it. However, doctors and scientists insist that this is not always advisable. And they explain in detail why in their numerous publications. They also include a list of special products that can, if not knock it down, then at least alleviate the patient’s condition.

What you need to know about temperature

Body temperature above 36-37°C is considered high. In the process of increasing, before it reaches its peak and stops, a person feels a feeling of cold, although he himself is burning. And few people know that 36.6°C is not a standard. Moreover, depending on time or various factors such as exercise, food intake or sleep, it may change, and this is absolutely normal. As a rule, body temperature is highest at 6 pm and lowest at 3 am.

By raising the temperature, our immune system tries to fight off the infection. The mechanism of its operation is quite simple: such increases lead to an acceleration of metabolism, which in turn helps to destroy pathogenic organisms in the blood.

If a person leads a healthy lifestyle, she succeeds. However, sometimes the temperature can rise too quickly. This is a serious problem that can lead to complications. In this case, it is important to take antipyretics in a timely manner and increase the amount of fluid consumed. This will allow you to quickly establish thermoregulation.

Is it always necessary to lower the temperature?

According to Western therapists, if the temperature has increased slightly, it is not worth bringing it down. After all, at this moment the immune system successfully neutralizes bacteria and viruses that provoked the disease. It is advisable to take antipyretics only if such changes cause discomfort. And also if the thermometer exceeds 38°C. Since then, it has ceased to be insignificant and requires immediate intervention from the outside. The obtained indicators need to be rechecked every couple of hours.

By the way, the mark of 38°C is correct only for the temperature that is measured in the mouth. If a person is more accustomed to holding a thermometer under his arm, he needs to reduce it by 0.2-0.3 ° C and start taking antipyretics earlier.

Under no circumstances should high fever in children be ignored. It can provoke the development of febrile convulsions, or febrile attacks in them. Most often, they appear between the ages of 6 months and 5 years and can recur with subsequent diseases accompanied by high fever.

Food at temperature

  • Increase fluid intake for the duration of the illness. This can be water or juice, the main thing is that you drink a glass every three hours. They will help not only curb the rise in temperature, but also saturate the body with vitamins and increase its defenses (in the case of juice).
  • Eat more fresh fruits. They are quickly digested and enrich the body with useful substances. Nevertheless, it is still better to focus on grapes, apples, oranges, peaches, lemons and pineapples. But it is better to refuse any canned ones. They are rich in preservatives, which can only make the situation worse.
  • Useful at very high temperatures switch to easily digestible foods. This could be steamed vegetables, vegetable soups, oatmeal, boiled eggs, yogurt, etc. While saturating the body with energy, they are still quickly digested, preserving its strength to fight infection.

Top 14 High Temperature Foods

Green tea or juice. You can replace them with water, compote and even harmful soda, as one famous children's doctor said. Drinking plenty of fluids is the key to success in the fight against high fever. It is appropriate even when taking antipyretics, especially since the latter are especially effective when combined with a sufficient amount of fluid. This is explained by the fact that it allows you to effectively cleanse the body of toxins and establish thermoregulation processes. It also prevents the proliferation of viruses and bacteria that prefer dehydrated cells.

Oranges and lemons are extremely rich in vitamin C. It is responsible for the functioning of the immune system and helps the body cope with infection faster. In addition, lemon allows you to regain lost appetite and relieves nausea. There is an opinion that 1 grapefruit, 2 oranges or half a lemon can lower the temperature by 0.3 - 0.5 ° C. However, they are allowed only if the cause of the fever is not a sore throat. Firstly, they irritate him. And, secondly, they create favorable conditions for the development of pathogenic organisms.

Basil. It has bactericidal, fungal and disinfectant properties and is considered a natural antibiotic in many countries. Moreover, it not only eliminates fever, but also acts directly on the cause of its occurrence, helping the body heal faster.

Raisin. Oddly enough, it is dried grapes that effectively combat high temperatures. It contains antioxidants and vitamin C that can enhance the body's defenses.

Oregano (oregano). It is used in Chinese medicine. It reduces fever, relieves nausea and indigestion. It is also used to treat respiratory diseases and throat diseases.

Rice. It contains a lot of water (according to various sources from 40 to 90%), necessary during this period, is quickly digested and prevents the occurrence of diarrhea.

Vegetable soup is an excellent refreshing and easily digestible dish. Doctors advise that you definitely add carrots and a clove of garlic to it. They help speed up metabolism and improve immunity.

Boiled potatoes. It is quickly digested and prevents diarrhea. And the addition of black pepper and cloves to it makes this dish especially effective for colds and coughs if they are accompanied by fever.

Apples. 1 apple a day saturates the body with fluid, as well as many vitamins and minerals, including iron, which is necessary to maintain normal hemoglobin levels and good immunity.

Boiled eggs, preferably quail. They contain a huge amount of useful substances, increase the body's defenses and are easily digestible.

Milk and lactic acid products. This is a source of calcium, which is necessary for restoring strength at fever. If possible, it is better to add live yogurt or biokefir to your diet. In fact, these are probiotics that are responsible for intestinal health. But immunity depends on it. In July 2009, an interesting publication appeared in the journal Pediatrics stating that recent research had found that “probiotics are highly effective in treating fever and cough. Moreover, they act on children like an antibiotic.” But consistency is important here. The studies involved children from 3 to 5 years old who consumed live yoghurts for 6 months or more.

Oatmeal. It is very nutritious and healthy. Saturating the body with potassium, sulfur, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus and other substances, it helps strengthen the body and speed up recovery.

Chicken broth. This is a source of fluid and protein, which are essential for the body at high temperatures. By the way, a handful of vegetables also gives it antioxidant properties, making it especially beneficial for a weakened immune system.

Ginger. A lot has been written about this root vegetable, and there are explanations for this, since it has anti-inflammatory and strong diaphoretic properties and helps the body cope with infection, effectively reducing the temperature. Most often they drink tea with ginger. But it is useful only at low temperatures (37°C). If it rises to 38°C or more, ginger is contraindicated!

How else can you help the body with fever?

  • Remove fatty or spicy foods from your diet. They provoke the appearance of diarrhea.
  • Eat small meals 5-6 times a day. Overeating slows down the digestion process and can cause nausea.
  • Avoid fried and unhealthy foods, as well as meat. The body needs to spend a lot of energy to digest them, which it could use to fight the infection.
  • It is undesirable to smoke and drink alcohol, as they can only aggravate the situation.
  • Regularly ventilate and moisten the room.
  • Give up coffee. It reduces the body's defenses.
  • Try to cool your body in every possible way by removing an extra jacket or lowering the room temperature by a few degrees.
  • Reduce your consumption of sweets to a minimum. Sugar slows down the process of suppressing the virus.
  • Minimize the consumption of raw foods, as they are less digestible.
  • Replace tight clothes with loose and comfortable ones. During this period, the body needs to relax as much as possible, improve blood circulation and ensure sufficient oxygen supply to the lungs.

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