What is the best way to make honeysuckle? Honeysuckle - recipes for preparing preparations for the winter and dishes for every day. Useful properties of honeysuckle


It is not surprising, but just beginning the summer season already involves the first preparations. In May, the earliest berry ripens - edible honeysuckle. Its elongated, dark blue, with a bluish bloom, slightly irregularly shaped fruits have an incredible composition of vitamins and microelements and protect heart patients and hypertensive patients, helping to preserve youth and beauty. Depending on the variety, they have a complex flavor bouquet, in which light sour and even slightly bitter notes appear, which makes honeysuckle attractive to gourmets. In terms of taste, honeysuckle can easily enter the top ten most exquisite berries. Honeysuckle jam, jellies, compotes, soufflés are an incomplete list of its culinary uses. Fresh and tender berries can be frozen so that you can have honeysuckle on the table at any time of the year, recipes for which are gaining popularity. In winter, you can use frozen berries to make a classic semolina mousse or a morning smoothie with banana, kiwi or apple with honey or brown sugar. Honeysuckle will not only change the taste of traditional dishes, but also fill them with bright, positive color.


For honeysuckle jam you need a berry that is not overripe. You need to wash it very carefully so as not to crush it, because the fruits are very delicate. It is best to make honeysuckle jam on the day of picking the berries, when they are very fresh.
Honeysuckle jam, recipe 1. Products: 1 kg of berries, 0.8 - 1.2 kg of sugar depending on the variety and acid in the berries, a glass of water.
Preparation: rinse the berries in a colander under a gentle stream of water or place them in a basin and allow to drain. At this time, boil the syrup, approximately 10 minutes from the moment of boiling, remove the foam from the syrup. For honeysuckle, the syrup needs medium thickness, which stretches like a thread when it cools. If it is liquid, the berries may burst, but if it is thick, they may shrivel. Place the berries in a bowl for jam, pour in hot syrup, bring to a boil and remove from the stove. Leave the basin for several hours (4 – 6) to saturate the honeysuckle with sweetness. Place the bowl of jam on the fire, bring to a boil over medium heat, reduce the gas, and cook for 5 minutes. Since the berries are very tender, honeysuckle jam does not need to be stirred, but only shaken quite often in a circular motion. In addition, stirring the jam, especially with metal spoons or a slotted spoon, can cause it to burn. Remove the foam and set aside for several hours, repeat the operation 2-3 times until all the berries are drowned. Place the cooled jam in clean and dry jars, cover with an ordinary lid or, as in the old days, with parchment and tie with twine, previously soaked in water; as it dries, it will shrink and the jar will be tightly closed.
During the last cooking, it is recommended to add 2 g of dissolved citric acid so that the honeysuckle jam does not become sugary or sour during long-term storage.
Honeysuckle jam in one go, recipe 2. In the same proportions, honeysuckle jam is prepared in one go. After the berries are well soaked in syrup for 6 - 8 hours, cook for about 15 minutes. But such honeysuckle jam must be stored in the refrigerator and not for very long.
Honeysuckle jam, recipe 3. Products: 1 kg of berries and sugar.
Preparation: Place the washed berries and sugar in layers in a cooking bowl and leave until they release juice. This will take several hours. Place on the fire, boil and cook over low heat, shaking, for 5 minutes. Set aside to soak the berries for several hours and cook in 2-3 batches according to the traditional method until tender.
Aristocratic honeysuckle jam, recipe 4. Products: 1 kg of washed and dried berries, 600 - 700 g of sugar, the amount of sugar will be determined by the acidity of the berries, half a lemon, 50 g of any berry liqueur, optional - 2 tsp. cinnamon powder.
Preparation: place the berries in a bowl, add sugar and cinnamon, squeeze the lemon, mix with smooth movements. Leave to steep for at least an hour so that the berries are saturated with sugar and give juice. If there is little juice or there is no time to wait for it to appear, pour a little water. Place the container on the fire, bring to a boil, shaking, and cook for half an hour. Skim off the foam, pour in liqueur or alcohol with a strength of at least 20 0, stir, turn off the heat. Place the hot honeysuckle jam in hot, sterilized, completely dry jars, roll it up, turn it over, and you can additionally wrap it in something warm. After cooling to room temperature, place in the refrigerator for several days. You can then store it in a cupboard or cabinet.


Classic honeysuckle jam. Recipe
Products: 1 kg of berries, 1.3 – 1.5 kg of sugar.
Preparation: mix clean berries and sugar, grind with a blender or submersible mixer directly in the jam bowl. Place on the fire and heat until the sugar is completely dissolved and a couple more minutes, shaking all the time. If the honeysuckle jam turns out to be very thick, you can carefully stir it with a plastic (for Teflon dishes) or silicone spoon. It is best to store jam in the refrigerator.
Cold honeysuckle jam. Recipe
The main advantage of this method is maximum preservation of all beneficial properties. Products: 1 kg of berries, 1.5 kg of sugar.
Preparation: chop the berries with a mixer, mix with sugar. The sugar should completely dissolve. To do this, the mass must be stirred for a very long time with a non-metallic spoon until all the grains disappear, and only then put into jars. You can immediately put it in sterile jars and place it in the sun for 1 - 2 days, periodically checking for any sugar sediment at the bottom. From time to time you can stir directly in the jar. Store prepared honeysuckle jam in the refrigerator.


Classic recipe for honeysuckle jelly, which retains all the properties of fresh berries. Ingredients: 500 g berries, 300 g sugar, 1 tbsp. l. starch, 2.5 - 3 liters of water.
Preparation: squeeze juice from berries. Pour water over the pulp, add sugar, boil and carefully filter the broth into another pan. Stir the starch in a glass of cold water and pour along the side, with continuous stirring, into the hot broth. Briefly put the pan with the broth on the fire, when the first bubbles appear, remove it, pour in the raw juice and stir quickly. There is no need to boil it a second time.
For an exquisite taste, you can add sprigs of bergamot to the pulp, and a little lime juice to the juice, increasing the amount of sugar. Kissel can be flavored with cinnamon.
Quick recipe for honeysuckle jelly. Products are taken in the same ratio. Grind the berries with a blender or masher, add water, add sugar, cook for 5 minutes. Dissolve the starch in cold boiled water, pour it into the pan, stirring, and immediately turn it off when it boils again. Decorate cups with jelly with fresh mint.


Pies with honeysuckle, summer and winter, are no different from pies with other berries, such as blueberries or blueberries. They are made from any dough, yeast or shortbread, open and closed. The only difference is determined by the delicacy and tenderness of honeysuckle berries; recipes for pies with it require a reduction in baking time.
Pie with honeysuckle made from shortcrust pastry. Recipe. Ingredients: 150 g butter or margarine, 300 g flour, 0.5 cups sugar, 5 g baking powder, salt, egg, 1 tbsp. l. sour cream. Filling: 300 g of berries, 250 g of sour cream, 2 eggs, 0.5 cups of sugar, a bag of vanilla sugar (optional), 2 tbsp. l. starch.
Preparation: Wash the honeysuckle and scatter it on a cloth towel to dry thoroughly. Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance and chop it with a knife, put it in a bowl, pour flour on top through a sieve, add sugar, baking powder, and add a little salt. Grind the mixture until crumbly. Beat the egg a little, mix with sour cream, pour into a bowl and knead into a homogeneous plastic dough. Form a ball and place in the freezer for approximately 30 - 40 minutes. Grease a round pan with butter. Roll out the dough into a circle, 0.5 cm thick and with a diameter equal to the diameter of the bottom of the mold + two heights of the sides. Wrap the circle around the rolling pin and carefully place the layer in the mold to form side walls. Prick the bottom with a fork and place the mold in the oven at 180 0C for 10 - 15 minutes. Remove the pan from the oven and pour the berries into it. If the berries are very juicy, sprinkle 1 - 2 tablespoons of thin breadcrumbs under them. Sprinkle berries with 1 - 2 tablespoons of sugar. Beat sour cream with a mixer with eggs, remaining sugar, starch and vanilla, pour over berries. Place in the oven for 20 – 25 minutes at the same temperature.
Pie with honeysuckle jam. Recipe. Ingredients: 1 glass each of jam and yesterday's (sour) kefir, 1 dessert spoon of soda, 6 - 8 tbsp. l. sifted flour. For the form: margarine, semolina.
Preparation: coat a mold or frying pan with high sides with margarine and sprinkle with semolina. There is no need to do this for silicone molds. Mix jam and kefir, add soda, mix well. At this time, an intensive process of gas formation will begin, the color of the mass may become gray and ugly. Gradually add flour, 1 spoon at a time, stirring each time until homogeneous. The finished dough looks like thick sour cream; a tablespoon can stand in it for 1 second. Mix the dough with an immersion mixer and transfer evenly into the pan. Place in the oven at 180 0C and after a few minutes, when the dough begins to rise, increase the heat so that the temperature rises to 240 0C. When the cake stops rising, after about 35 - 40 minutes, reduce the temperature to 180 0C. The total baking time for a pie with honeysuckle jam is usually 50 - 55 minutes, determine readiness with a toothpick. Remove the pan from the oven and cover with a few towels, leave to cool slowly, then shake the cake out of the pan.
Honeysuckle cake. Recipe
You can make a wonderful cake using this honeysuckle pie. To do this, it is better, but not necessary, to filter the jam and bake the pie in a mold with a hole in the center. Prepare butter cream from boiled condensed milk, butter and cognac. Cut the finished cooled pie into portions, sprinkle each with cognac or liqueur, cut horizontally and spread with cream. Collect all portions in a circle, spread cream on top and sides and sprinkle with grated chocolate.

In the XII volume of the Brockhaus and Efron dictionary, published in 1894, in articles about honeysuckle and honeysuckles, many varieties and species of this plant are listed, but about the application it is only said that they use it to decorate alleys and parks, not a word about cooking. Wikipedia actually quoted this article in full, also bypassing the nutritional capabilities of honeysuckle. Only in special dictionaries and reference books of the Soviet era it is reported that some types of honeysuckle, as well as viburnum and elderberry, which belong to the honeysuckle family, are eaten. This is due to the fact that the cultivation of honeysuckle began only a little over a century ago. Now everyone knows that honeysuckle, recipes for which are in modern cookbooks, paper and virtual, is tasty and healthy. And not only amateur gardeners, but also modern agricultural enterprises do not ignore honeysuckle, and at the beginning of summer this wonderful berry is sold in the markets, not very cheaply, one of the main advantages of which is that it is the first! Having yearned for a fresh, natural, native product over the winter, you so want not only to eat it right away, but also to quickly prepare something from it “for now,” for example, a pie with honeysuckle, and for future use - jam with honeysuckle or jam. After all, honeysuckle has no competitors at the beginning of summer!

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Honeysuckle preparations - 11 recipes for preparing delicious and healthy recipes for the whole family.

RECIPE No. 1 Honeysuckle compote

To prepare the compote, you will need fresh whole honeysuckle berries and sugar at the rate of 400 g per 1 liter of water. Rinse the berries and dry them on a napkin, fill the jars with it to 2/3 of the volume. Prepare the syrup - dissolve sugar in water, bring to a boil and continue boiling for 10 minutes. Pour hot syrup over the honeysuckle, close the jar with a lid and pasteurize in hot water at a temperature of about 80 ° C. If you want to avoid using sugar, then pour the berries not with sugar syrup, but with hot juice of honeysuckle berries. Store the finished compote in a cool, dark room.

RECIPE No. 2 Honeysuckle in sugar

For 1 kg of berries you will need about 1.5 kg of sugar. Carefully mix freshly picked honeysuckle berries with sugar, being careful not to crush them, place the resulting mixture in glass jars, sprinkle sugar on top and seal the jar hermetically. This way you can keep honeysuckle fresh and enjoy it in winter.

RECIPE No. 3 Honeysuckle, pureed with sugar

Mix 1 kg of honeysuckle with 1.5 kg of sugar and grind in a blender or mince. After this, heat the mixture until the sugar is completely dissolved. Pour the resulting mixture into jars, sprinkle sugar on top, close the lid and store in a cool place.

RECIPE No. 4 Honeysuckle jelly

For jelly lovers, we offer two recipes: with and without gelatin. If gelatin is not to your taste, then stock up on honeysuckle juice and sugar at the rate of 800 g of sugar per 1 liter of juice. Add sugar to freshly squeezed honeysuckle juice and bring to a boil. Stirring continuously, boil the resulting syrup to 1/3 of the original volume. Then pour hot into jars and seal tightly with a lid. If you are a fan of gelatin jelly, then mix honeysuckle juice with water in a 1:1 ratio, add soaked gelatin at the rate of 20 g per liter of juice and boil for 3-5 minutes, then pour the jelly into jars and close the lid.

RECIPE No. 5 Honeysuckle puree

Wash the honeysuckle thoroughly and remove the stems. Pour a small amount of water over the berries and put on the fire, without bringing to a boil, remove from the heat and puree it while hot using a blender. Add sugar to the resulting puree at the rate of 500 g per 1 kg of berries and, stirring constantly, heat at 85°C for 5 minutes. Place the resulting puree into jars and seal tightly.

RECIPE No. 6 Honeysuckle juice

Juice can be extracted from honeysuckle berries using a regular juicer. For greater juice yield, the berries are pre-blanched for 3-5 minutes. Pour the resulting juice into sterilized bottles and close the lid tightly. If the resulting juice seems too sour to you, you can add 150-200 g of sugar per 1 liter of drink. Honeysuckle juice has an intense color and a high concentration of acids, sugars and biologically active substances. This juice should be stored in a cool place.

RECIPE No. 7 Honeysuckle jam

Cover freshly picked unripe berries with sugar in a 1:1 ratio and soak in it for 3-4 hours. When the berries give juice and are soaked in sugar, put them on the fire and cook for 5-6 minutes. Then take a break for 5-8 hours and cook again until done. The state of readiness is determined by the berries that have stopped floating. If you do not want the jam to become sugary, add 1 g of citric acid for each liter of jam during the last cooking.

RECIPE No. 8 Honeysuckle confiture

Crush the washed and dried honeysuckle berries and mix with sugar in a 1:1 ratio. Leave the resulting mixture for 3-4 hours to allow the sugar to dissolve. Then bring the berries to a boil and place them in hot jars.

RECIPE No. 9 Honeysuckle jam

The consistency of the jam resembles jelly, however, it is not made from juice, but from whole berries. In a saucepan, mix 1.5-2 kg of sugar, 1 kg of honeysuckle berries and 1-2 glasses of water. Place on the fire and cook with constant stirring until the berries are softened. Pour the finished jam into jars and seal tightly with a lid.

RECIPE No. 10 Honeysuckle marshmallow

Mix the remaining berries left after squeezing the juice with sugar in a 1:1 ratio and leave for 3-5 hours for the sugar to dissolve. The mixture can also be heated for 10-15 minutes. Roll the resulting mass into a flat cake, sprinkle with sugar and dry in the oven. Cool the finished pastille and cut it.

RECIPE No. 11 Honeysuckle syrup

For 1 kg of berries you will need about 2 kg of sugar. Mix freshly squeezed juice from honeysuckle berries with sugar syrup heated to 80°C, cool and refrigerate for 6-8 hours. Then remove the resulting film and pour the syrup into bottles.

Honeysuckle is an amazing berry and a real storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. It is grown in household plots and is enjoyed fresh and canned. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to savor this berry outside of the fruiting season, so today we will discuss what to cook from honeysuckle.

Honeysuckle is a valuable gift to our health

Before we discuss what can be prepared from honeysuckle for the winter, I would like to pay special attention to the component composition and beneficial properties of this miracle berry.

Honeysuckle contains a high concentration of various vitamins, sugars, acids, pectins, micro- and macroelements. These include:

  • retinol;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • B vitamins;
  • tannins;
  • potassium;
  • ferrum;
  • sodium, etc.

Note! A simple way to prepare honeysuckle berries is to freeze them. The fruits are thoroughly washed, dried and placed in durable plastic bags. Then they are sent to the freezer for storage. This way you can preserve all the beneficial properties of honeysuckle to the maximum.

As for the beneficial properties of berries, firstly, they help strengthen the immune system and slow down the aging process. Secondly, honeysuckle is considered a preventative against cancer. Thirdly, berries are good for the respiratory and cardiovascular systems and kidneys.

Vitamins in a jar

Most often, aromatic jam is made from honeysuckle fruits. Let's discuss how to make honeysuckle jam. This information is necessary for novice housewives.

Note! Many people are interested in how to cook honeysuckle with sugar. One of the simplest ways is to combine crushed berries with granulated sugar without heat treatment. Please note that this sweetness should only be stored in the refrigerator.


  • 2 kg of honeysuckle fruits;
  • 1 kg granulated sugar;
  • 0.5 g citric acid.


Honeysuckle compote

You can make more than just jam from honeysuckle fruits. Many housewives have already conducted culinary experiments and surprised their households with delicious delicacies. So, incredibly tasty sorbet, jelly or cocktail are prepared from these berries. How to prepare honeysuckle compote? Let's figure it out.

Note! A drink made from honeysuckle berries can be prepared for everyday use or preserved for the winter. It is important to use sterilized lids and jars, and also pour the compote while boiling. It is recommended to store preserved food in a cool and dark place.


  • 2 liters of filtered water;
  • 3 tbsp. l. granulated sugar;
  • 0.2 kg honeysuckle berries.


How to prepare honeysuckle ground with sugar?

This berry puree will please everyone without exception. This sweetness can also be used as a traditional medicine to strengthen the immune system.

To prevent the puree from fermenting, you need to add more granulated sugar than honeysuckle fruits. It is recommended to store this sweetness in a cool place, preferably in the refrigerator.


  • 1 kg of honeysuckle fruits;
  • granulated sugar – 1.5 kg.


  1. We prepare honeysuckle berries as described in previous recipes.
  2. Dry the berries on a towel or napkin to remove excess moisture.
  3. Grind the honeysuckle to a puree consistency in a meat grinder, food processor or blender.
  4. Add granulated sugar and stir thoroughly.
  5. Place the honeysuckle puree into sterilized dry jars.
  6. Sprinkle a little granulated sugar on top.
  7. We store the vitamin mixture only in the refrigerator.

Berry sorbet: you'll lick your fingers!

Let's turn on our culinary imagination and prepare an original dessert from honeysuckle for your table. As already mentioned, these berries can be frozen, so this delicacy is easy to prepare at any time of the year.


  • 3 pcs. kiwi;
  • 50 g powdered sugar;
  • 100 g frozen honeysuckle;
  • 5 g citric acid;
  • 10 g dried barberry.


Previously, until the benefits of honeysuckle for humans were proven, the plant was considered purely decorative. Even in the legend of Tristan and Isolde, the girl was compared to this flower - delicate, fragile, with a subtle fragrance. Honeysuckle was a symbol of devotion and passion: according to myth, the plant entwined the tombstones of Heloise and Abelard, as if linking them in the afterlife.

What are the benefits of edible honeysuckle for humans?

Honeysuckle is another storehouse of vitamins and a garden decoration.

The first information about edible honeysuckle with sweet berries appeared at the end of the 17th century in the notes of the discoverer of Kamchatka, Vladimir Atlasov.

Previously, the hard wood of this bush was used to make gun cleaning rods and shoe nails. After all, honeysuckle means “bone” in Latin.

Photos of honeysuckle and its beneficial properties are below:

In folk medicine, it is used as an antipyretic; fresh fruits and jam are taken for hypertension and associated headaches and dizziness. Honeysuckle berries of various ripeness were used for chronic diarrhea and constipation, as a diuretic and tonic, and for the treatment of certain diseases of the stomach and liver. The fruits of honeysuckle have long been used to treat scurvy; fresh juice was used to treat lichens and ulcers. A decoction of the berries was used to wash the eyes and rinse the mouth for sore throats and stomatitis.

Useful properties. Honeysuckle fruits contain monosaccharides, phenolic compounds, ascorbic acid, B vitamins, organic acids, pectins, tannins and dyes, in addition, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron.

The beneficial properties of edible honeysuckle have not been fully studied. But it has already been proven that berries help remove radioactive substances from the body, improve memory, reduce the risk of hypertension, strokes and heart attacks, protect the body from heavy metal salts, their tannic and antimicrobial effects are used to treat and prevent diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

How is honeysuckle used in folk medicine and cooking?

Baths with young branches of honeysuckle are good for treating articular rheumatism.

Edible honeysuckle has a rather original taste, which has allowed it to find worthy use in cooking. The berries are consumed fresh, they are used to make jam, jelly, marmalade, pie fillings, compotes, make juices, wines, dry them and freeze them. The juice can be used as food coloring.

You can distinguish edible varieties of honeysuckle from poisonous ones by an old folk superstition: you can only eat blue and black berries, red and orange ones are poisonous!

What can be prepared from honeysuckle: compote recipe

What can be prepared from honeysuckle to preserve maximum vitamins?

Recipe for honeysuckle compote for long-term storage.


1 kg of honeysuckle berries, 1 liter of water, 900 g of granulated sugar.

Rinse the berries in a sieve with cold running water and place in pre-sterilized jars. When filling the jar with berries, shake it several times for better compaction.

Prepare sugar syrup from water and sugar and pour the hot syrup over the berries in the jars. With this method of preparing honeysuckle compote, the berries retain the maximum of nutrients.

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Honeysuckle, the recipes for which are simple and unpretentious, is known for its high content of useful elements and is not inferior to lemon in the amount of vitamin C. The berry is unpretentious in cooking; preserves, jams, compotes and other preparations are made from it. Pies with a rich sweet and sour filling are excellent.

What can be prepared from honeysuckle?

The first spring Siberian berry pleases with its tart taste, and honeysuckle dishes will appeal to all eaters who miss fresh berries. Its ripening season is long, so everyone can have time to enjoy it.

  1. Honeysuckle preparations, according to the method of preservation, do not differ from the usual berries. They make preserves, jams, marmalade, compote and juice.
  2. Raw jam is prepared by grinding berries and sprinkling with sugar. Store in the refrigerator all winter.
  3. washing it and drying it thoroughly. You can freeze it by sprinkling it with sugar or pureeing it.
  4. Tinctures (if consumed in moderation) will help fight colds during the cold season. The alcoholic drink is infused with vodka or alcohol.
  5. Baking with honeysuckle will appeal to every lover of unusual sweets. This filling goes well with any dough base.

Honeysuckle jam “Five Minute” is a simple and completely hassle-free recipe. Cooking takes a lot of time, but given that the heat treatment when creating the delicacy takes place quickly, the maximum amount of nutrients is retained in the jam. You can neutralize the sweetness of fresh berries by adding more sugar.


  • honeysuckle – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1-1.2 kg.


  1. Rinse the berries, add sugar and leave to separate the juice.
  2. After 4-5 hours, place on the stove and cook until boiling.
  3. Boil the jam for 5 minutes. Set aside and cool.
  4. Repeat the five-minute boil and cool procedure twice more.
  5. Seal the hot jam in a sterile container and store it.

Honeysuckle pureed with sugar for the winter is an excellent way to preserve all the valuable properties of the berry. To prevent the product from deteriorating during storage, grind the berries with a large amount of sweetener (the ideal ratio is 1:1) and preserve them by covering the puree in jars with a thick layer of sugar, and cover with a nylon lid.


  • honeysuckle – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 kg.


  1. Wash honeysuckle and dry.
  2. Rub through a sieve or punch with a blender.
  3. Mix the mixture with sugar and, without waiting for the crystals to begin to melt, transfer the puree into a sterilized container, leaving 2 cm to the edge.
  4. Fill the remaining space with sugar, seal with a nylon lid, and store in the refrigerator for no more than six months.

Honeysuckle, recipes for which do not require the introduction of special ingredients. Berry-based drinks are tasty, aromatic and extremely healthy. You can also boil sugar, or you can supplement it with other seasonal berries that have arrived at the time of harvest - strawberries, for example.


  • honeysuckle;
  • water – 1 l;
  • sugar – 400 g.


  1. Wash the berries, dry them, fill the jar 2/3 full.
  2. Dissolve sugar in water, bring to a boil, cook for 10 minutes.
  3. Pour the syrup over the berries, cover with a lid and place in a large container with water for sterilization.
  4. The compote should boil in the jar for 15 minutes.
  5. Seal the jar hermetically and store it.

Every cook can make honeysuckle jam. The berries are ground or minced, and the high pectin content helps thicken the product without adding gelling ingredients. The jam becomes jelly during storage; after about a month you can enjoy the excellent taste of the dessert with the correct thick consistency.


  • honeysuckle – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1.2 kg.


  1. Grind the berries through a meat grinder, add sugar and cook.
  2. The jam should boil for at least 20 minutes.
  3. Pour into a sterile container and seal tightly.

Honeysuckle jelly can be made according to the principle of making jam, without adding gelatin. But to be sure of an ideal result, it is better to include it in the composition. Jelly is made from pureed berries or concentrated juice. Be sure to remove the foam during the cooking process so that the consistency of the workpiece is as transparent as possible. You can try the treat the very next day.


  • honeysuckle – 1.2 kg;
  • sugar – 800 g;
  • gelatin – 20 g.


  1. Rinse the berries, rub through a sieve or squeeze out the juice. Pour out ½ tbsp., add 1.2 tbsp. water, heat and dissolve gelatin in it.
  2. Add sugar. Boil the mixture to 1/3 of the original volume, removing any foam that forms.
  3. Mix gelatin with the total mass. Heat to a boil and pour into containers. Seal tightly and store.

When consumed in moderation, honeysuckle tincture is very beneficial. It improves digestion, excellently strengthens the immune system and helps with... Among other advantages, the drink has a very pleasant, tart taste and a bright, rich color. The tincture can be prepared with vodka or alcohol diluted to 40%.


  • honeysuckle – 300 g;
  • sugar – 160 g;
  • vodka – 900 ml;
  • water – 250 ml.


  1. Wash the berries and crush them in a convenient way.
  2. Transfer the puree into a jar, add vodka, stir.
  3. Cover with a tight lid and leave for 5 days. Shake the jar once a day.
  4. Boil syrup from sugar and water for 5 minutes, removing white foam. Cool to room temperature.
  5. Strain the infusion, add syrup, close the lid and leave for 5 days.
  6. Filter the tincture until transparent.
  7. Pour into bottles, seal tightly, and store cool.

Frozen honeysuckle - recipes for preparing the product can be called the simplest. There are two ways to prepare such a preparation - by pureeing the berries or freezing them whole. In winter, whole berries can be used in a variety of baked goods, cooked in compotes, and simply enjoyed with fresh berries.


  • honeysuckle – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 600 g.


  1. Wash the berries and dry well.
  2. Distribute in one layer in a container and freeze a little.
  3. Sprinkle the berries with sugar and place them in a freezer to completely freeze.
  4. Transfer to an airtight container.
  5. Frozen honeysuckle with sugar can be stored for a year in the freezer at a constant temperature.

Charlotte with honeysuckle - recipe

Honeysuckle pie will undoubtedly be delicious. In this case, the dough can be made sweeter than in, the tartness of the berry perfectly balances the taste of the finished delicacy. Lemon zest and vanillin in the dough will add a special taste to the treat. A baking dish with a diameter of 22 cm is suitable.


  • sugar – 1.5 tbsp.
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • flour – 2 tbsp;
  • baking powder, vanillin;
  • zest of one lemon;
  • honeysuckle – 200 g.


  1. Beat eggs with sugar until fluffy.
  2. Add vanilla and baking powder.
  3. Add flour, kneading into a smooth, liquid dough.
  4. Pour the dough into the mold, distribute honeysuckle on top.
  5. Bake for 40 minutes at 180.
  6. Sprinkle powder on top of the hot cake.

Dumplings with honeysuckle will appeal to all lovers of such treats. Any amateur cook can make a thin, tender dough with an incomparable juicy filling, having a proven base recipe in stock. For a balanced taste, sugar must be added to the filling. The dough can be prepared according to any proven recipe; kefir is considered ideal.

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