What is better to take eutyrox or l thyroxine. Eutyrox or L-thyroxine - which is better to use for treatment? When is the best time to take it to normalize TSH levels?


When a diagnosis of hypothyroidism is made, associated with any disorder of the thyroid gland or hypothalamic-pituitary system, doctors prescribe hormonal therapy. It can be lifelong or to achieve a euthyroid state in order to continue treatment. Endocrinologists prescribe Eutirox or L-thyroxine, but which is better to buy? This question worries many patients who have suffered greatly from the disease.

Is there a difference

Eutirox or L-thyroxine are trade names for the same drug - levothyroxine sodium, which is an analogue of the human thyroid hormone. This means that the pharmaceutical company has produced tablets of this drug, added excipients and given it a “name” so that it is recognized in the market. The formula of levothyroxine in both is absolutely the same, and there is no difference in treatment.

They differ only in the additional components included in the tablet. Thus, Eutirox is not prescribed to people with lactose intolerance, but this drug offers a wider range of dosages in increments of 25 mcg. There are even non-standard ones: 88, 112, 137 mcg - which is very convenient. You can take the exact dose without resorting to dividing the tablet, which is not always possible to do evenly.

There are, of course, patient complaints about feeling unwell after taking one of the drugs, but most often they are associated with individual intolerance. To determine it, doctors advise buying both medications for the first time and conducting a test. If there is no difference, buy the one that suits you more, for example, in price or availability at the nearest pharmacy. Having chosen one brand of medicine, it is better not to change it.

How to take it correctly

  • Taking these medications has its own rules that must be followed.
  • The medicine is taken strictly on an empty stomach, you can eat only after 30 minutes. The presence of food reduces the absorption of the drug, and the body will receive only half of the dose taken.
  • Doses from 150 mcg are divided into two doses. The second dose should be taken no earlier than 4 hours after meals and 30 before. The best time is before lunch. It is not recommended to reschedule the dose until the evening hours, because the drug has a tonic effect and can lead to sleep disturbances.
  • Do not skip taking the drug. If you forget to take a pill in the morning, do it according to the second dose at any time of the day. Omissions during the dose selection period are especially dangerous; even one day without medication will blur the picture of effectiveness. Be sure to tell your doctor if this happens.
  • Other medications should be taken at intervals of 2-3 hours.

Why doesn't it help?

Hormonal therapy occurs under the strict supervision of an endocrinologist, and frequent tests for TSH levels help determine its effectiveness. But it happens that the result of the analysis is disappointing - TSH not only does not decrease, but increases. Why does this happen even after taking the same drug for several years?

The most common cause is the wrong dose. If treatment has just begun, its adjustment requires constant visits to the doctor until it is established. Monitor your condition carefully and do not wait for a scheduled visit to the endocrinologist when:

  • There is weight gain;
  • Any deterioration in condition (headache, nausea, aches, etc.);
  • Symptoms of hypothyroidism do not improve after 5 days;
  • Symptoms of thyrotoxicosis appeared;
  • Weight drops sharply.

If the drugs have been taken for a long time, then some changes may have occurred in the body, and an increase in dose or additional treatment is required. Diseases of the liver or kidneys lead to a decrease in the process of metabolism of the hormone into the active form, which makes taking the drug practically useless. Also, during times of stress, the body requires more hormones; if you drink the same dose, there will be a shortage of them.

Unfortunately, there is another reason - a counterfeit drug. To reduce the likelihood of purchasing such a medicine, it is better to buy it in large pharmacies, even better in city ones.

Carefully inspect the packaging; any difference from what was previously purchased is unacceptable. Contact the manufacturer's official website if the packaging is suspicious. All introduced design changes will be discussed in detail there. At the moment, only one manufacturer has protection against counterfeiting.

Eutirox and weight gain

Many patients, especially women, are concerned that taking hormonal medications will lead to weight gain. The disease itself, hypothyroidism, which is treated by these hormones, implies a decrease in metabolism. Taking the drug will increase the metabolic rate, and the weight will, if not decrease, then remain unchanged. You need to pay attention to the fact that cells that have been starving for a long time, when they begin to receive nutrients, will “demand” more, which will lead to increased appetite. This is where you need to restrain yourself and strictly control the daily calorie intake recommended by the doctor.

Although thyroid diseases are not common pathologies, insufficiently active functioning of the organ occurs in many people. Timely identified hypofunction can be well corrected with hormonal drugs, such as L-thyroxine and Eutirox. In cases where the doctor has not made a specific prescription, leaving the right to choose a medicine to the patient, then a comparison of two medications becomes natural. And especially relevant if they are practically no different from each other. Therefore, it is worth understanding in more detail what the advantages of Eutirox or L-thyroxine are, which will help restore the functioning of the thyroid gland better and faster.

What are the drugs for?

Both drugs are designed to replenish the lack of endogenous thyroid hormones; they are also prescribed for therapy for:

  • Decreased functioning of the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism)
  • Euthyroid goiter
  • Thyroid cancer after surgery
  • Replacement HT to prevent goiter recurrence after resection
  • Diffuse goiter (drugs are used as additional agents in complex treatment or in monotherapy).

Also, Eutirox and its competitor L-thyroxine are used as a diagnostic drug for thyroid suppression tests.

Who releases

Manufacturer: German company MERCK.

The drug was developed at the domestic enterprise Ozon. But besides it, there are several drugs on the pharmaceutical market with this name, produced both in Europe and in Russia or the CIS countries. You can recognize them by their name: an indication of the origin of the drug has been added to the name of the drug: Berlin-Chemie, Akri (produced at the Akrikhin company), Farmak (Ukraine), etc.

Comparison of compositions and dosage forms

The active component of Euthyrox and L-Thyroxine is levothyroxine sodium - an artificially synthesized analogue of natural thyroid hormone. The use of the substance in small quantities promotes the activation of growth, the formation and development of tissues, supplying them with oxygen, accelerating the metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, maintaining the cardiovascular system and central nervous system in a normal state. When prescribed in large doses, the production of hormones by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland is suppressed.

The drug is produced in the form of white tablets with a score line on each side and beveled edges. Each pill is engraved on one surface EM+N (N is the dosage value, the digital value is indicated in accordance with the amount of the active substance). In addition to the fact that this helps to navigate the dosage of the product, the inscription will help identify a fake.

Tablets are available with different levels of levothyroxine: 25, 50, 75, 88, 100, 112, 125, 137 and 150 mcg. This diversity allows you to select the most adequate remedy for varying degrees of thyroid hypofunction.

Excipients of the drug are corn starch, gelatin, primelose (croscamellose sodium), lactose in the form of monohydrate, magnesium stearate (E572). The composition and dosage of additional ingredients is the same in all tablets with different contents of the active substance.

The Russian drug from the Ozon company is available in tablets - white or slightly creamy square-shaped pills with rounded edges. On one surface there is a notch in the shape of a cross, on the other there are embossed letters L-T.

The dosage of the active substance is presented more modestly - in two forms: 50 and 100 mcg in one tablet. Correction of the daily amount is carried out by dividing the pill into several parts along the notch.

Auxiliary ingredients also differ from the first drug. The drug contains: lactose, povidone, E572, CMC, pregelatinized corn starch (i.e., subjected to a gelatinization process).

How does the active substance of drugs work?

After taking the tablet, the medicinal component is absorbed by the body mainly in the upper intestine. The volume of levothyroxine absorbed is about 80%. The absorption of the substance is affected by food intake: if the tablet is taken with food, the process will slow down.

The maximum concentration of the substance in the serum is achieved on average after 5-6 hours. Metabolism of hormones occurs in the liver, kidneys, GM, and muscles. They are excreted from the body in urine and intestinal contents.

The pronounced therapeutic effect of the drugs appears after 1-2 weeks of use, and after the end of the course the same amount of time remains.

Thus, it can be stated that both drugs act identically. The different rates may be affected by the concentration of levothyroxine tablets.

How to take Eutirox and L-Thyroxine

Both drugs are recommended to be taken on an empty stomach half an hour before breakfast. You should not bite or chew the tablets, just drink a small amount of water (100 ml is enough). For newborns and children under 3 years of age, grind the tablet into dust, combine with water until a homogeneous suspension is obtained, and give the entire daily dose at one time in the morning.

The specifics of use and dosage of medications should be determined by the attending doctor, since it is necessary to take into account not only the diagnosis, but also the age of the patient.

  • From birth to 6 months: 10-15 mcg per kg of weight, but not more than 25-50 mcg per day
  • From 6 months to 1 year: 6-8 mcg per 1 kg of weight, no more than 50-75 mcg per day
  • From 1 year to 5 years: 5-6 mcg/kg with HF 75-100 mcg
  • From 6 years to 12 years: 4-5 mcg/kg with HF 100-150 mcg
  • Adolescents from 12 years of age: 2-3 mcg/kg with HF 100-200 mcg.

Replacement HT in adults (up to 55 years) for hypothyroidism:

  • Without concomitant cardiovascular diseases: daily dosage is calculated based on 1.6-1.8 mcg/kg
  • If there are pathologies of the cardiovascular system: the daily norm is 0.9 mcg per 1 kg of weight. The same amount is prescribed to older patients.

Therapy for long-term severe hypothyroidism begins with the smallest amount of drugs (12.5 mcg per day) and then, based on the body’s response, the further course is adjusted. The dosage is increased gradually - doubling it every two weeks until the amount of drugs necessary to provide maintenance treatment is reached.

Undesirable effects and contraindications

Both products - Eutirox and L-Thyroxine - in recommended doses usually do not cause any complaints. Well tolerated without causing side effects. But there is an opinion that the latter remedy is perceived a little worse by patients with hypersensitivity, provoking allergic reactions.

Contraindications for use are identical; medications are prohibited for therapy with:

  • Individual hypersensitivity to constituent ingredients
  • If there is untreated thyrotoxicosis, adrenal or pituitary insufficiency
  • Congenital lactase deficiency, lactose intolerance, GG malabsorption syndrome (due to lactose content).

If it is necessary for pregnant women to use both drugs, they cannot be combined with antithyroid medications.

Eutirox should not be used in acute forms of MI, myocarditis and pancarditis. It should be prescribed with great precautions if the patient has coronary artery disease, hypertension, heart rhythm disturbances, diabetes, or prolonged hypothyroidism.

L-Thyroxine: the precautions are similar, the instructions only do not mention acute forms of heart pathologies.

Brief conclusions

After studying the properties of the German Euthyrox and the Russian L-Thyroxine, we can come to the conclusion that the competing drugs are almost complete analogues of each other: the same active substance, the same indications and contraindications. It is natural that a patient who has been advised to choose one of two drugs will be confused at the pharmacy.

The advantage of Eutirox is that it is available in various dosages, while Russian L-Thyroxine has only two forms.

In addition, those patients who trust imported drugs more should also choose foreign Eutirox. Otherwise, the only difference lies in the composition of additional ingredients that provide the form of the medicine and the absorption of the active component.

Price question:

Eutirox costs in pharmacies from 94 to 170 rubles per 100 tablets, depending on the dosage.

L-Thyroxine is not much different: a pack of 50 tablets will cost an average of about 97-100 rubles, a pack containing 100 tablets will cost around 150 rubles.

Patients taking hormonal drugs for the thyroid gland often ask: Eutirox or L thyroxine - which is better to choose?

To decide, you need to read the instructions for these drugs and consider their similarities and differences.

Eutirox and its analogue L thyroxine are drugs that compensate for the deficiency and belong to the category of thyroid drugs.

Indications for their use of Eutirox and its analogue are the following main pathologies:

  • hypothyroidism;
  • thyroid cancer after surgery;

Medicines are often prescribed to exclude new goiter formations after surgery on the organ. In similar cases, they are also used as part of replacement treatment.

In individual or combination therapy for a toxic type of goiter, drugs are used when the desired condition has already been achieved with the help of thyreostatic drugs.

For reference!

Eutirox can also be used in tests as a diagnostic tool.

Composition and release form

The main substance of these drugs is sodium levothyroxine, an analogue of the thyroid hormone thyroxine.

The auxiliary components in Eutirox are the following:

  • starch;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • croscarmellose sodium;
  • lactose monohydrate;
  • gelatin.

Additional components in the l thyroxine content are the following:

  • calcium hydrogen phosphate;
  • dextrin;
  • partial glycerides;
  • sodium salt of carboxymethyl starch.

Eutirox is produced in the form of round and flat white tablets with a separation on both sides.

Since the medicine can be counterfeited, in order to recognize the original, it is important to pay attention to the branded engraving on one side, which represents the dosage.

Eutirox is available in the following dosages of the main substance (in mcg):

25; 50; 75; 88; 100; 112; 125.

There are also tablets with maximum doses of 137 and 150 mcg.

L thyroxine is produced in the form of flat tablets of 50 (light blue) or 100 mcg (yellow-green) of the active component.

They are produced in blisters of 25 pieces. One cardboard package contains 2 or 4 blisters.

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

The active substance of medications is absorbed directly in the small intestine in the amount of up to 80%, and food intake affects this indicator and reduces it.

Such drugs are metabolized primarily in the following sites:

  • brain;
  • liver;
  • muscles;
  • kidneys

A good therapeutic effect of the products, if it is not a fake, is observed after a week or two.

It lasts the same amount of time after stopping the medication.

For reference!

When treating hypothyroidism, the effect takes approximately 5 days to develop. A decrease in goiter is observed over three months or six months.

Dosages, regimens and methods of application

The daily dose is calculated based on the indications in a particular case. It is recommended to take the tablets on an empty stomach in the morning.

The medications should be taken at least half an hour before meals and washed down with ½ glass of water without chewing.

In case of severe hypofunction of the thyroid gland, the use of Eutirox and l thyroxine has the following features:

  1. Therapy begins carefully and with small doses. The dose per day is 12.5 mcg.
  2. Every 14 days it doubles to maintenance.
  3. In this case, the patient's thyroid-stimulating hormone level should be assessed more often.

For a disease such as hypothyroidism, these medications generally need to be used throughout the rest of your life.

When consuming l thyroxine, you can focus on the average daily doses in mcg, presented in the following table:

The congenital form of thyroid hypofunction in childhood is treated based on age.

The dose per day (in mcg) of the active substance is calculated according to the following scheme:

  1. From birth to six months – 25 – 50.
  2. From six months to 1 year – 50 – 75.
  3. From one year to 4 - 5 years - 75 - 100.
  4. From 5 years to 12 - 13 years - 100 - 150.
  5. After 13 years – 100 – 200.

For a child under 3 years of age, the dose of medication per day is prescribed in 1 dose and half an hour before meals.

However, it must first be dissolved in water before use.

Replacement treatment of thyroid hypofunction has the following features:

  1. The daily dose of Euthyrox or l thyroxine for people under 55 years of age and without cardiovascular diseases is determined at 1.8 mcg per 1 kg of weight.
  2. In the presence of such deviations or age after 55 years, the dose per day is calculated according to the scheme 0.9 mcg of the drug per 1 kg of weight.
  3. For females under 55 years of age and without diseases of the cardiovascular system, the initial amount of the active substance per day ranges from 75 to 100 mcg, and for males - from 100 to 150 mcg.
  4. In cases of the presence of these pathologies and for people over 55 years of age, it is reduced to 25 mcg.

The dose of Eutirox or l thyroxine during this treatment is increased every 60 days by 25 mcg until the concentration of thyroid-stimulating hormone is normalized.

If there is an increase in the symptoms of cardiovascular diseases, it is necessary to reconsider the methods of their treatment.

For other diseases, the following dosages of medications are used (in mcg):

  1. The dose per day for euthyroid goiter or after intervention for such a diagnosis ranges from 75 to 200.
  2. As part of a mixed treatment of thyrotoxicosis, it is in the range of 50-100.
  3. After surgery for thyroid cancer, the dose of the drug per day is from 150 to 300.

The duration of the course of therapy is determined by the doctor individually.

If treatment with drugs is aimed at suppressing hypothyroidism, then pregnant and lactating women should continue it.

During pregnancy, the need for thyroxine increases, so the dosage of medications is often increased as prescribed by a specialist.

Their use in combination with thyreostatics during pregnancy/lactation prohibited to avoid the development of hypothyroidism in the unborn child.


Untreated forms of the following pathologies are contraindications to the use of drugs:

  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • insufficiency of pituitary hormones.

You should also not use medications if you are hypersensitive to some of their components.

For l thyroxine, restrictions are added in the form of myocarditis and myocardial infarction in acute forms.

Medicines are used with great caution for the following conditions:

  • high blood pressure;
  • diabetes;
  • angina pectoris;
  • arrhythmia;
  • ischemic heart diseases.

With such a pathology as malabsorption syndrome, dosage revision may often be necessary.

Eutirox is prescribed with extreme caution to people prone to psychotic reactions. It is also not recommended for certain genetic diseases, including lactase deficiency and galactose intolerance.

Side effects

When using l thyroxine, the following manifestations are possible:

  • skin itching;
  • rash;
  • other allergic reactions.

When using this thyroxine analogue in high doses, hyperthyroidism may develop. It is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • headache;
  • muscle cramps;
  • chest pain;
  • sweating and fever;
  • sleep disturbances and irritability;
  • loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea and weight loss;
  • arrhythmia/tachycardia.

An allergy to Eutirox can occur if the patient is highly sensitive to the drug.

If you follow the instructions, the doctor's instructions and exclude counterfeit drugs, there are no other side effects of the drugs.

Comparison of drugs

To choose which is better - the drug Eutirox or L thyroxine, you need to pay attention to their similarities and differences.

The main similarities between the data of Eutirox and its analogue are the following parameters:

  1. Thyroid hormone preparations with the same pharmacological action.
  2. Indications, dosages and regimen of use are the same.
  3. Both are available from pharmacies with a prescription and have the same shelf life.
  4. Allowed for use by children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.

Many experts still prefer Eutirox, since it is produced in Germany, and the drug l thyroxine and its analogue l thyroxine-Akri are produced in Russia.

For reference!

How to distinguish Russian-made drugs from Western drugs? It should be noted that there is also a product - thyroxine Berlin-Chemie, which is the most common and is manufactured in Europe.

In this regard, if the country of origin is important, it is possible to choose an imported drug or its domestic analogue.

The differences between Eutirox and l thyroxine include the following points:

  1. The first drug has significantly more release forms, which simplifies the selection of the desired type at different dosages.
  2. Eutirox practically does not cause, with the exception of allergic reactions in rare cases, while its analogue has a number of possible undesirable manifestations.
  3. On average, the effect of Eutirox is observed after a couple of weeks, and the effect of l thyroxine is noticeable after a few days.
  4. The effect of the latter lasts for a couple of days, so accidentally skipping the drug does not cause serious complications.

In addition, experts under no circumstances recommend combining or alternating these agents.

To some extent, this is due to the various excipients that are included in their composition, although the latter are generally unable to have a serious effect on the human body.

However, replacing one remedy with another can cause complications in some cases.

In any case, the choice must be entrusted to a specialist and not deviate from the treatment regimen prescribed by him.

The thyroid gland is a very important part of the endocrine system, performing the function of internal secretion. Hormones are produced here that regulate homeostasis (constancy of the internal environment) of the human body. Disruption of the functioning of this organ leads to an imbalance of all metabolic processes. Increased production of hormones is called hyperthyroidism, and decreased production is called hypothyroidism. Treatment methods for these conditions are radically different. For hypothyroidism, the patient is prescribed hormone replacement therapy with levothyroxine-based drugs. These include L-thyroxine and Eutirox; the doctor decides which one to choose. It is useful for everyone concerned with this topic to get acquainted with the instructions and patient reviews.

Endocrinologist patients are always interested in Eutyrox or L-thyroxine, which is better to buy for the treatment of the thyroid gland? The question is difficult, given that these are absolute analogues. Both drugs are hormonal drugs and contain the same active substrate - sodium levothyroxine. It is a left-handed stereoisomer of the thyroid hormone thyroxine. It performs the same functions as the endogenous hormone produced by the thyroid gland. The sodium salt of l-thyroxine, after biological transformation in the liver and kidneys, affects all metabolic processes in the human body. The hormone thyroxine (T4) by its nature is a low-active substance; as a result of the action of a special enzyme, it is converted into a functional form - triiodothyronine (T3).

The important properties of the hormone are:

  • increased oxygen consumption by tissues;
  • an increase in the strength and frequency of myocardial contractions and blood pressure;
  • stimulation of mental and physical activity, intellectual activity;
  • increased blood sugar levels;
  • regulation of the process of glucose formation in the liver;
  • promoting the uptake of glucose by cells;
  • strengthening the process of breaking down fats into fatty acids (lipolysis);
  • suppression of the formation and deposition of fats in the depot;
  • increased tissue sensitivity to adrenaline;
  • increased hematopoiesis in the bone marrow;
  • decreased reabsorption of water in the renal tubules and tissue swelling.

Based on these functions, it is clear that Eutirox or L-thyroxine have the following indications for use:

  1. Hypothyroidism of various origins: primary - congenital or acquired as a result of diseases of the thyroid gland, it is characterized by an increase in TSH (regulating thyroid-stimulating hormone of the pituitary gland); secondary – develops with lesions of the pituitary gland, while T4 and TSH are at low levels.
  2. Carrying out replacement therapy after resection of the thyroid gland.
  3. Diffuse non-toxic goiter (euthyroidism or uniform enlargement of the gland without dysfunction) - to control the level of TSH in the blood.
  4. Obesity and cretinism associated with hypothyroidism.
  5. Hashimoto's disease (autoimmune inflammation of the thyroid gland).
  6. Basedow's disease (Graves' disease) - as part of a complex of therapy after achieving compensation of thyroid function with thyreostatic drugs.
  7. Hormone-dependent highly differentiated malignant neoplasms (carcinoma) of the thyroid gland.
  8. Thyroid cancer in the postoperative period.
  9. Carrying out a diagnostic functional test.
  10. For weight loss (for example, in bodybuilding).

The effect of thyroid hormones on the body depends on the dose: in small quantities they provoke anabolic effects, and in high quantities they have a powerful opposite effect (protein catabolism).

The drug is a synthesized hormonal agent similar to endogenous thyroxine. Prescribed to replenish endocrine deficiency when thyroid function decreases. Eutirox is produced by a German manufacturer, the release form is tablets containing from 25 to 150 mcg of levothyroxine sodium salt. The tablets are packaged in 50 or 100 pieces per package. Indications for use are described above.

The therapeutic effect begins to appear on days 8-12 of taking the medicine. If the patient has clear clinical signs of decreased thyroid function, the effect of the drug begins earlier (on days 3-5). When treating diffuse goiter, the result becomes noticeable only after 3 months of course use. Excretion of Eutirox's metabolic products occurs through the intestines with bile and through the kidneys with urine. After cessation of therapy, the effect of the drug remains for another 14 days.

The instructions recommend taking the daily dose of the medication in the morning half an hour before breakfast. The tablets should be swallowed whole with half a glass of water. The dosage of Eutirox is selected for each patient individually. It depends on the purpose of use, diagnosis, concomitant pathologies, and the person’s age.

For example:

  • for euthyroid goiter, the daily dose is from 75 mcg;
  • prevention of goiter after resection of the thyroid gland is the same;
  • for Graves' disease, from 50 to 100 mcg as part of a treatment complex;
  • after surgical removal of gland tissue for cancer, 50 to 200 mcg per day is prescribed.

The duration of therapy is also determined individually. Eutirox can be used in pediatrics for the treatment of congenital forms of hypothyroidism. Dosages are selected according to the child’s age and weight - from 10-15 to 2-3 mcg per kg of body weight. Prescribing and discontinuing Eutirox is the competence of doctors.

The cost of Eutirox depends on the dosage and number of tablets in the package; for 100 pieces the price varies from 98 to 180 rubles.

The drug is a complete analogue of Eutirox with the same mechanism of action and indications for use. Produced in Germany in tablets of 50 and 100 mcg of levothyroxine sodium salt. There is a domestically produced generic El-thyroxine, containing from 25 to 200 mcg of the active ingredient per tablet. The daily dosage of the drug is determined depending on the indications of the individual patient. For people under 56 years of age without pathology of the heart and blood vessels, the drug is prescribed for replacement therapy in a dose of 1.6 to 1.8 mcg per kg of body weight. For patients over 60 years of age, especially those suffering from heart and vascular diseases, the dose is halved. For obese people, the calculation is made based on ideal weight indicators by gender and age.

Dose adjustments for certain groups of patients with hypothyroidism are carried out every 60 days until TSH levels in the blood normalize. If symptoms from the cardiovascular system arise or intensify, changes to the treatment regimen for cardiac pathology are required. For patients with congenital thyroid pathologies, the dose is calculated based on weight and age. For hypothyroidism, L-thyroxine is usually taken for life or for a very long time. In case of thyrotoxicosis, after achieving a normal hormonal (euthyroid) state, it is prescribed together with antithyroid drugs. The duration of the course of therapy in each case is determined by the doctor.

What adverse reactions may develop:

  • allergic conditions in the form of urticaria, bronchospasm, Quincke's edema;
  • migraine-type headaches, insomnia, anxiety;
  • extrasystole, atrial fibrillation, angina pectoris, attacks of angina pectoris, tachycardia;
  • nausea, diarrhea;
  • skin itching and rash;
  • hair loss;
  • disorders of the female menstrual cycle;
  • hyperhidrosis of the palms, hyperthermia, weight loss or weight gain, malaise, muscle twitching.

These symptoms are a reason to adjust the dose or discontinue the drug for a while. Cases of sudden death of patients due to acute cardiac dysfunction who used increased doses of L-thyroxine for a long time have been described. After relief of adverse reactions, therapy is resumed with caution, starting with the minimum optimal dose.

For weight loss, the drug is first taken in a daily dose of 50 mcg in 2 doses (morning and afternoon). Therapy is usually supplemented with drugs from the group of beta-blockers in a dose that is selected based on heart rate. Subsequently, the dose of L-thyroxine is gradually increased by 3-6 times, the drug is taken in 3 doses until 18:00 in the evening. At the same time, the dosage of the beta-blocker is increased so that the resting heart rate is within the range of 60-70 beats per minute. The amount of the drug is reduced if undesirable effects occur. Treatment usually lasts from 1 to 1.5 months. You should stop taking the medication gradually, reducing the dose every 2 weeks until complete withdrawal.

If diarrhea occurs while taking the medication, add Imodium or Lopedium (Loperamide).

The intervals between repeated courses of L-thyroxine should be at least a month.

Eutirox, like L-thyroxine, is based on the same active substance (levothyroxine).

However, each of these drugs still has its own characteristics:

  1. Medicines are produced by different manufacturers, so the composition of excipients is different.
  2. There is a difference in the effect of medications. L-thyroxine begins to have a therapeutic effect for hypothyroidism already on the 3-4th day, and Eutirox – on the 2nd week. Complete cure or reduction of goiter occurs after 3 (sometimes 6) months of treatment with both drugs.
  3. Original L-thyroxine, with the correct dose selection and regular use, practically does not cause adverse reactions. In rare cases, Eutirox can still lead to weight gain. Sometimes patients develop allergic dermatitis, very rarely kidney function is disrupted, and alopecia appears. In children with convulsive syndrome, the use of L-thyroxine can lead to a worsening of the condition.
  4. Undesirable effects do not depend on the dosage of Eutirox. When treated with small doses of L-thyroxine, such phenomena were not observed.

If a question arises, Eutirox or L-thyroxine - which is better, your doctor can help answer it. The individual characteristics of the patient’s body, indications for use of the drug and the required dose are important.

You cannot independently cancel a drug prescribed by a doctor, reduce or increase the dose, or replace or alternate taking Eutyrox with L-thyroxine; this may negatively affect the results of treatment.

Eutiroks or L-thyroxine reviews

Eutirox and L-thyroxine have many reviews on the Internet. Some patients taking El-thyroxine complain of side effects of the drug, such as rash, diarrhea, and weight gain. Basically, these manifestations occurred when the drug was taken incorrectly (incorrect dose, uncontrolled use).

Eutirox or L-thyroxine, which is better, the majority of reviews are positive.

Valentina, 58 years old:

“I was diagnosed with autoimmune thyroiditis 3 years ago. The symptoms appeared after a trip to the sea during the hot season. The examination confirmed that there is a lack of hormones, the thyroid gland has greatly increased in size. The endocrinologist prescribed me Euthyrox for the rest of my life. There is an improvement in health and analysis at a dose of 100 mg per day. The only negative is that my not very thick hair has become even sparser. The doctor says that this is due to a deficiency of sex hormones due to age. I hope I don’t go completely bald.”

Evgenia, 46 years old:

“My reviews for L-thyroxine versus Eutirox. I took the first one for many years, everything was fine. I recently bought Eutirox at the same dose. I suffered for 3 days from nausea and headache. It was hot and cold, and my joints ached. I quit, switched to L-thyroxine again, everything returned to normal. I don’t know what it was. My colleague doesn’t believe me; after surgery on the thyroid gland, she is safely on Eutirox and is happy. Maybe I have a hypersensitive body. I didn’t tell my doctor, but in vain. Tomorrow I'll go and confess. I want to warn everyone not to do experiments, they don’t joke with their health.”

Unfortunately, some patients require hormonal correction: the thyroid gland does not fully fulfill its obligations. The drugs Eutirox and L-thyroxine are popular in medical practice. Their use is justified in a number of conditions:

  1. For goiter and diagnosed hypothyroidism.
  2. In the case of replacement therapy with complete or partial removal of the thyroid gland.
  3. To stabilize the condition caused by hypothyroidism.
  4. These drugs are prescribed to patients with malignant tumors.
  5. For the treatment of congenital hypothyroidism.

Let's try to answer the burning question: Should people with thyroid problems or women who want to lose weight choose Eutirox or L-thyroxine?

Similarity of these drugs

According to endocrinologist doctors and patients, both drugs make life much easier for people with a problem thyroid gland. The following can be considered similar characteristics of these pharmaceuticals:

  • These are hormonal cycle drugs.
  • They have an identical dosage regimen. Eutirox and L-thyroxine are taken on an empty stomach, waiting at least half an hour before the next meal.
  • These drugs are prescribed to young patients, pregnant and nursing mothers.
  • They have one shelf life.
  • To purchase both products, you need a prescription from a doctor.

Distinctive features

Despite many similar characteristics, the products cannot be called completely identical. The specialist must decide which treatment regimen is preferable in each case. Don’t neglect your health and choose price as the deciding criterion.

The first visible difference is the packaging design and the number of tablets in each pack. L-thyroxine can be purchased in quantities of 10 and 50 pieces. Eutirox is produced in 25 tablets. These drugs have individual contraindications. L-thyroxine is not prescribed to patients who have had a myocardial infarction. Pituitary insufficiency can be considered a contraindication to the use of Eutirox; the drug is not prescribed to pregnant women taking antithyroid drugs.

How to make the right choice

The answer to this question should be based on knowledge of the patient's medical history and other important criteria. To make the right choice, you should familiarize yourself with some data:

  • Patients taking L-thyroxine should not engage in arbitrariness: even a small change in dosage can have serious consequences. Do not neglect the treatment regimen proposed by the doctor.
  • You should be consistent: once you start treatment, you don’t need to try an analogue of the prescribed drug out of curiosity, as your health may worsen and the doctor will not be able to assess the objective picture of the treatment.
  • The European origin of the pharmaceutical product speaks in favor of Eutirox. This remedy helps patients all over the world; it is more common in medical use.
  • Pediatric patients with epilepsy should be monitored. If your condition worsens, you should stop taking the pills and seek medical advice.
  • People taking Eutirox say that the condition stabilizes within a couple of weeks after starting treatment and the positive effect lasts for some time after stopping taking the drug. Most patients note positive dynamics associated with taking Eutirox; some (about 30%) say that the thyroid gland has decreased. After 3 months of treatment, thyroid problems do not complicate life so much.
  • L-thyroxine is good because on the 3rd day after the start of treatment, the patient notices an improvement in the condition and a decrease in unpleasant symptoms. But this remedy is contraindicated for people over 65 years of age.
  • It is better to trust the doctor and give preference to the drug stated in the prescription.

The instructions for L-thyroxine describe the side effects that patients may experience. The following symptoms can be noted:

  1. Weight gain.
  2. Hair loss.
  3. Allergy.
  4. Kidney problems.
  5. Hair loss.
  6. Change in appetite.

Eutirox has fewer side symptoms: a small number of patients have allergies.

Price policy

Prices for these products may depend on:

  • Region.
  • Manufacturer.
  • Number of tablets.

L-thyroxine and Euthyrox have a small price difference, and these medications can be purchased at the same price 100-200 rubles.

After analyzing the information provided and familiarizing yourself with the peculiarities of the action of each drug and the doctor’s opinion, patients will be able to choose the optimal drug that is suitable for them.

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