Quick salad with ham and corn. Salad with ham and corn: recipes Salad with ham, tomatoes, cucumbers, corn

It would seem that an ordinary salad with ham and corn can be easily varied.

Experiment with our recipes, add different ingredients to the dish and you will be pleased with the new tastes.

You can serve the salad in the classic way - in a large salad bowl, or on portioned plates or in rosettes. Using molds or a small glass, you can give the salad a new look.

Make it layers in the form of a tower or lay out in the shape of a star. For a holiday table or banquet, try our signature recipe for “Mushroom Surprise” ham and corn salad.

Salad with ham and corn. General cooking principles

Eggs Boil hard-boiled in salted water so as not to burst.

Ham, preferably chilled, cut into thin strips, cubes or rectangular shapes.

From canned corn Always drain the liquid. Sweet bell peppers, white or Chinese cabbage, cucumber, and, of course, greens will add freshness to the dish.

Those who love a spicy taste can add this to their salad. fresh pear, canned pineapples or mushrooms. Dressing the salad usually mayonnaise. You can replace it with drinking yogurt or olive oil. The cheese goes perfectly with the taste of ham, so it won’t be out of place in any recipe.

Salad with ham and corn “Delicious”

Instead of regular mayonnaise, use drinking yogurt as a dressing. Fresh pear will add a tasty taste to the salad.


20 grams of raw smoked ham;

A glass of drinking yoghurt;

Half a sweet pepper;

50 grams of Iceberg salad mix;

Half a pear;

One hundred grams of canned corn;


Cooking method:

Ham and pepper are cut into thin strips. Lettuce leaves are large or torn into pieces by hand. Fresh pear is chopped into pieces and placed on top of salad greens. The juice is drained from the canned corn and the grains are poured onto other products. Sprinkle freshly chopped parsley on top. Before serving, mix all ingredients. Drinking yogurt is served separately or poured on top of the salad in portioned plates.

Salad with ham, pineapple and corn “Classic”

This is the most common and fastest way to prepare ham and corn salad.


Half a kilogram of ham;

One hundred grams of hard cheese;


Cooking method:

The ham is cut into thin squares, pineapples into small pieces.

The prepared ingredients are mixed with corn. Season with mayonnaise and sprinkle with grated cheese on top.

Salad with ham and corn

To dress this salad, mix mayonnaise with ketchup. This sauce will add spiciness and a special taste to the dish.


150 grams of ham;

150 grams of grated cheese;

Three fresh tomatoes;

One can of canned corn;


Cooking method:

The ham is cut into squares. Tomatoes are cut into rings, seeds are cut out and chopped into cubes. The cheese is passed through a coarse grater. Mix all the prepared ingredients and pour mayonnaise mixed with ketchup.

Salad with ham and corn “Homemade”

The highlight of the ham and corn salad prepared according to this recipe is the sweet bell pepper.


One sweet bell pepper;

One fresh tomato;

Two hundred grams of ham;

One hundred grams of cheese;

Half of one can of canned corn;

Three table. spoons of thin mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

The pepper is cut into pieces, the tomato into small cubes. The ham is chopped into thin strips. The cheese is passed through a coarse grater. Canned corn is added to the ham salad. Mix and season the salad with ham and corn with mayonnaise. Place on the table in a large dish. Sprinkle with herbs on top.

Salad with ham and corn “Puff”

The salad, made in layers, is ideal for an original presentation at the table. You can place the layers in portioned glasses, and before serving to guests, simply turn the glass over onto a flat portioned plate. This will create a salad tower.


Three hundred grams of chicken ham;

Five chicken eggs;

One fresh cucumber;

One can of canned corn;

Mayonnaise to taste.

Cooking method:

Boil the eggs over low heat. The cucumber is cut into thin strips.

The ham is chopped into squares. Juice is drained from canned corn.

The eggs are passed through an egg slicer or grated on a coarse grater.

Place the ham in the first layer on a flat dish, then a layer of corn, cucumber and eggs.

Salad with ham and corn “Mushroom surprise”

This is a holiday salad recipe. Surprise your guests with homemade stuffed fly agarics.


Five hard-boiled eggs;

Five dried mushrooms;

Half a kilogram of ham;

Several fresh round tomatoes;

Analogue of black caviar;

Canned corn;

Spices, herbs.

Cooking method:

The eggs are cut off from the blunt end, the yolks are taken out and crushed simply by rubbing them with your hands. Pre-cooked mushrooms and finely chopped ham are fried in oil, salt and pepper. Mix this mass with caviar, yolk and corn. They fill eggs with this stuffing, and make “hats” for “mushrooms” from tomatoes (cutting them in half). On these “hats” of crushed yolk, spots are stuck, like those of a fly agaric. Take a flat dish or tray, place “fly agaric mushrooms” on it and scatter finely chopped greens between them, as if it were grass. The dish is ready and can be served. Guests will swallow your “fly agarics”, not paying attention to their “toxicity”.

Salad with boiled ham and corn “Caprice”

Try making a salad with ham by boiling it first.


Two hundred grams of ham;

One can of canned corn;

One bell pepper;

One fresh cucumber;

Four eggs;

Fresh dill;


Salt, pepper.

Cooking method:

The eggs are hard-boiled and finely chopped. Cucumber, pepper and herbs are washed under running water. The core of the pepper is cut out, removed from the seeds and chopped into strips. The ham is boiled, allowed to cool and cut into small cubes. Peel the cucumber and cut into cubes. Brine is drained from canned corn. Mix all the ingredients in a saucepan, add mayonnaise and salt. When serving in a vase, sprinkle with fresh dill.

Salad with ham and corn “Fresh”

Add cabbage and croutons to classic sala with ham and corn. The dish will be fresh with a mysterious taste.


One head of cabbage;

Two hundred grams of smoked ham;

Canned corn;

Two hundred grams of mayonnaise;

White bread crackers;

Cooking method:

The cabbage is finely chopped and mixed with corn. The ham is chopped into thin strips. Everything is mixed and salted. Before serving, add croutons and mayonnaise to guests. You can sprinkle grated cheese and herbs on top.

Salad with ham and corn “Landscape”

Peking cabbage diversifies the taste of salad with ham and corn. Instead of mayonnaise, try olive oil as a salad dressing.


Three hundred grams of ham;

Four table eggs;

Two fresh tomatoes;

Three hundred grams of Chinese cabbage;

Two hundred grams of canned corn;

Two tables. spoons of olive oil or one hundred grams of mayonnaise;

Salt, pepper.

Cooking method:

The eggs are poured with cold water, salted and hard-boiled. Meanwhile, cut the ham into thin strips. Peking cabbage is finely chopped.

Fresh tomatoes are washed and cut into squares. The boiled eggs are allowed to cool, peeled and cut finely (you can put them through an egg slicer or grater). The juice is drained from a can of canned corn. All prepared products are mixed in a wide dish. Salt, pepper, season with a small amount of olive oil.

Salad with ham and corn “Olive”

Olives are perfect both as a salad garnish and for use in the main recipe.


Green canned olives;

Two hundred grams of ham;

Five or six table. spoons of canned corn;

One pickled cucumber:

Half an onion;


Cooking method:

The chilled ham is cut into small strips. Finely chop the onion and leave in boiling water for several minutes. The cucumber is cut into cubes. Green olives are cut in half. All products are combined and corn is added. Before serving, season with mayonnaise.

Salad with ham and corn “Exotic”

Exotic taste is always associated with pineapples. Try this option.


Three hundred grams of ham;

One can of canned pineapple;

One can of corn;

Six eggs;

Two hundred grams of mayonnaise;

A bunch of greenery.

Cooking method:

The ham is cut into flat rectangles. The eggs are hard-boiled, cooled and grated on a coarse grater. Open the jars of pineapple and corn, place in a colander, and allow the juice to drain. The greens are washed and finely chopped. The prepared products are mixed. Season the salad with mayonnaise. Bon appetit!

Salad with ham and corn. Tricks and useful tips

To prevent the eggs from bursting during cooking, add salt to the water in which they are boiled.

From the moment the eggs boil, boil them for no more than ten minutes.

Cool the eggs in ice-cold running water, then they will peel easily.

Crackers should be added to the salad just before serving, otherwise they will become soggy.

To avoid the bitterness of the onion in the salad, pour boiling water over the chopped onion for a few minutes before adding it to the salad.

A sandwich with ham and cheese has been one of the first places, so to speak, in the “ranking of the most delicious breakfasts” since the very time people learned to cook these two products. And this fact is hardly an exaggeration.

A salad with ham and cucumbers, “decorated” with a handful of corn and other vegetables, is a tasty addition to the diet. Variations of the dish occupy a worthy place on the festive table and are in great demand even in restaurants.

Three in one: fast, nutritious, tasty

A lightning-fast solution that will come in handy in times of acute shortage of time is a salad of cucumbers, ham and corn, dressed with light yogurt with spicy notes of garlic and aromatic parsley. You can prepare enough for 5-7 servings in ten minutes. If you have a combine harvester, it’s even faster.

Main ingredients:

  • ham in the amount of 300 g,
  • 3 large and fresh cucumbers, which salty lovers can replace with pickled ones,
  • a can of corn from your favorite manufacturer,
  • classic yogurt,
  • garlic and herbs for dressing.

Let's start cooking:

  1. It is aesthetically more pleasant to eat the dish when the ham and cucumbers are cut into thin strips, but you can get by with the standard approach - cut into cubes.
  2. Mix all ingredients in a nice, deep bowl. Prepare the sauce by adding chopped parsley, dill or cilantro to the yogurt (or you can do it all together), you can additionally add salt and pepper. The appetizer is ready, it's time to start tasting!

Exquisite combination of kiwi and ham

An elegant and unusual solution is a ham appetizer, flavored with the sweet and sour aroma of kiwi and the delicate crunch of sweet corn. Double benefit: ham fills you up, and kiwi prevents excess fat from being deposited in the most problematic areas!

Product List:

  • ham, preferably without a large amount of fat, in the amount of 0.5 kg;
  • can of corn (medium);
  • a small amount of carrots will add brightness to the salad - 3 medium pieces;
  • 3-4 kiwis (sweet, but not falling apart);
  • a little grated cheese (you can use processed cheese);
  • mayonnaise and salt (can be replaced with full-fat sour cream);
  • A clove of garlic will add a spicy note, but this is not an essential point of the recipe.


  1. Preparation for the implementation of the recipe begins 30-40 minutes before the final mixing of the ingredients. First, you need to place the processed cheese in the freezer so that you can easily grate it.
  2. Pass the carrots through a coarse grater, cut the ham in any convenient way. If you want to get the maximum benefits and vitamins, wash the kiwi skin thoroughly, but do not remove it. Underneath it, the fruit retains the largest layer of vitamins. You need to cut the “shaggy” ones into circles.
  3. If garlic is used in the recipe, then it is passed through a crusher and mixed with mayonnaise (sour cream).
  4. The dish consists of layers. The first is ham, then carrots, cheese, corn, cheese again and neat kiwi slices. Coat each layer with mayonnaise (except for cheese layers).
  5. In order for the snack to acquire a tender and juicy consistency, it must be added an hour after preparation. The layers will be well saturated, the kiwi will give off its aroma to the lower products.

Eggs and onions are true “friends” of ham

A quick and easy corn and ham salad that doesn't require any hard-to-find ingredients. In most cases, the only thing that may require a special trip to the store is the ham itself. The thrifty housewife a priori has corn in her stash!

So, a detailed list:

  • chicken eggs – 3 pcs. (for aesthetes – 5-6 quail);
  • Ham – 0.5 kg;
  • Can of corn;
  • Favorite onion in the amount of 1 pc.;
  • Mayonnaise, sour cream, yogurt - to choose from.
  1. Some lovers of corn salads will agree that opening a jar of their favorite product is a kind of fetish among gourmets. Spread the corn in an even layer on a plate.
  2. Cut the ham into strips or small cubes.
  3. Scald the onion. If the onion is too bitter, you can add lemon juice. After this, all the bitterness will disappear from it.
  4. Beat the eggs with a whisk. You can add a pinch of soda and a tablespoon of flour - future pancakes will turn out airy and elastic. Fry and tear into pieces with your hands or cut into strips - depending on your aesthetic preferences.
  5. Place onion, ham, and egg pancakes on the corn, making a “layer” of mayonnaise or yogurt.
  6. The salad is infused for 30-40 minutes.

Salad “Romance” with croutons

This simple salad stands out among other recipes because of its presentation. All ingredients are laid out in layers in wide glasses and served directly on the festive table. This dish will be relevant at any holiday, as well as during a romantic dinner, which is facilitated by the loud name.

Recipe for 4 glasses:

  • 150 g lean ham;
  • Large fresh cucumber;
  • 150 g cheese;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 4 slices of a crispy and tasty loaf (it is important to take a sweetish loaf that does not dry out when fried; you can give preference to a loaf with raisins - it will give the salad an original flavor note);
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 juicy tangerines;
  • Oil, pepper and salt.
  1. The first layer is cheese, passed through a coarse grater.
  2. The second is a thin strip of ham.
  3. The third is finely crushed eggs. It is important to achieve fineness here, otherwise the yolk or too large pieces of white can spoil the overall impression.
  4. The fourth layer is cucumber straws.
  5. The fifth layer is finely chopped tangerines. Ideally, the pulp should be separated from the white layers and film.
  6. Sixth - crackers from a loaf, pre-dried in the oven or in a frying pan. You can fry them in a little oil, adding a little dry parsley.
  7. Slices or slices of tangerines will help decorate the salad, but the original presentation generally solves the problem of appearance.

Orchid salad

A simple and contradictory-unusual salad made from available ingredients, the uniqueness of which is given by crispy chips (the secret of the salad lies in the correct choice of the latter). Among everything that is available in stores, Pringles chips with cheese flavor are the most suitable. You can take the aroma of sour cream and herbs, but bacon or barbecue will definitely ruin the recipe with their intrusiveness.

So, the shopping list:

  • A pack of Pringles cheese/sour cream and onions (the recipe requires 50-70 grams, but who can resist the bad habit of stealing a piece while cooking?);
  • 200 g ham;
  • Eggs and small pickled cucumbers – 3 pcs.;
  • Fresh carrots – 1 pc.;
  • Cheese and mayonnaise 100-150 g each.

Step by step guide:

  1. Grate the carrots on a fine grater and place the first layer on a wide dish, which will be served on the table. Add a light layer of mayonnaise.
  2. Pass the pickled cucumbers through a grater and place on the carrots.
  3. Crumble some chips as a third layer on top of the cucumbers.
  4. Finely chop the ham and place it on top of the prepared layers. Sprinkle with mayonnaise (do not overdo it - it is harmful to the figure, health and taste of the salad).
  5. The last inner layer is grated cheese. To adhere to the general concept, it is better to grate the cheese on a fine grater. But you can get by with a large one. One last time, coat everything with a thin layer of mayonnaise.
  6. Place whole “petals” of chips and put the salad away from hungry eyes for an hour.

Ham and olives in the Black-Eyed Beauty appetizer

A tart and nutritious salad for lovers of “darkies”. Like many ham salads, it cooks very quickly. Black olives will add piquancy to the dish, but green olives can spoil the concept of the dish; it is not recommended to use them.


  • 200 g ham (lightly salted);
  • 2 pickled cucumbers (gherkins are not recommended, but avid lovers of the latter can ignore this advice);
  • 100 g olives without filling;
  • 50 g white crackers;
  • A little mayonnaise.

Cooking process:

  1. 1. Cut the ham and cucumbers into thick strips and mix with each other.
  2. 2. Add olives, divided into 4 parts.
  3. 3. Dry the croutons (you can use ready-made ones, but this often spoils the taste of the salad) in a frying pan and add to the salad.
  4. 4. Season with mayonnaise and start eating before the crackers soften too much!

Nutritious ham, combined with the freshness of cucumbers and the sweetness of corn, rarely fails to linger in the hearts of those who love to eat hearty, tasty food, but at the same time prefer to spend a small part of their lives in the kitchen.


Salad with ham, egg and corn. delicious salad recipe - with ham, corn, sweet pepper, cucumber and egg.

Ham salad recipe

5 from 1 reviews

Salad with ham and corn

Salad with canned corn and ham

Type of dish: Salads

Cuisine: Russian


  • 500 g - ham,
  • 350 g can of canned corn,
  • 4 eggs,
  • 1 sweet pepper,
  • 1 cucumber
  • dill,
  • mayonnaise,
  • salt.


  1. Boil the eggs hard, wash the bell pepper, cucumber and dill in cold water, drain the corn.
  2. Chop the eggs into a large bowl. Add corn and stir.
  3. Cut the ham into thin long pieces and add them to the bowl.
  4. Cut the pepper into strips, cut the cucumber in half lengthwise and cut into thin pieces.
  5. Add everything to a bowl.
  6. Chop fresh dill and add to salad.
  7. Mix everything, add salt to taste, then add mayonnaise and mix again.

Bon appetit! Salad with ham and corn

Salad with ham, egg and corn. A simple delicious salad recipe - with ham, corn, sweet pepper, cucumber and egg. Salad with ham recipe 5 from 1 reviews Salad with ham and corn Print Salad with canned corn and ham Author: Cook Type of dish: Salads Cuisine: Russian Ingredients 500 g - ham, 350 g can - canned corn, 4 eggs, 1 sweet pepper , 1 cucumber, dill, mayonnaise, salt. Preparation: Boil hard-boiled eggs, wash bell peppers, cucumbers and dill in cold water, drain the corn. Chop the eggs into a large bowl. Add corn and stir. Cut the ham into thin long pieces and add...

Any self-respecting housewife can prepare a salad with corn and ham. It does not require any unusual ingredients, and its components are often easy to find in the refrigerator. The dish turns out to be very satisfying, and the ham combined with sweet corn gives it a surprisingly rich taste. We have selected several popular recipes for this snack for you.

Salad with ham and corn

It won't be difficult to prepare it. This salad can even be placed on a festive table; guests will devour it on both cheeks!

The main ingredients we will take:

  • 300 grams of ham;
  • two chicken eggs;
  • 200 grams of cabbage;
  • four large spoons of corn;
  • one cucumber;
  • three large spoons of peas;
  • mayonnaise.

Cooking steps:

  1. Boil the eggs, peel them, cut them into cubes.
  2. Finely chop the cabbage.
  3. Cut the ham and cucumber into strips.
  4. Mix the products in a plate, add peas, corn, mayonnaise, and salt.

A simple and satisfying salad with ham and corn is ready! Before serving, decorate it with greens.

Salad with champignons

This dish also includes cheese, which adds a piquant flavor.

Products needed to prepare the salad:

  • 300 grams of ham;
  • one can of corn;
  • 200 grams of cheese;
  • one can of mushrooms;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • six large spoons of mayonnaise.

Sequence of actions:

  1. Cut the ham into cubes.
  2. Three cheese on a fine grater.
  3. We cut the champignons.
  4. Crush or finely chop the garlic.
  5. Mix all the ingredients, salt, pepper, season with mayonnaise.

This is such a delicious salad! Ham, corn, cheese - an unusual combination that turns out to be very winning. Decorate the salad with greens. Now you can put it on the table.

Salad with beans

Dishes that include beans are very tasty and healthy. This recipe is incredibly easy to prepare and won't take much of your time. What products do we take?

  • one can of beans;
  • 200 grams of ham;
  • a can of corn;
  • olive oil.

How to prepare salad with corn and ham?

  1. Cut the meat into cubes and place on a plate.
  2. Add corn, beans, season with oil.

Ready! The whole thing took us no more than five minutes. This salad can be a pretty filling lunch.

Salad with shrimp, tomato and corn

This dish will undoubtedly decorate any table. Shrimp combined with corn gives the salad an unexpected taste.

We need to take these products:

  • 150 grams of boiled peeled shrimp;
  • can of corn;
  • two tomatoes;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • olive oil.

Cooking process:

  1. Cut the ham into strips.
  2. We tear the salad.
  3. Wash the tomatoes and cut them into cubes.
  4. Mix all ingredients, pour oil, add salt.

A light and exotic dish is ready!

Salad with pineapple

We can create a bright, cheerful dish thanks to the yellow tropical fruit. Ham and eggs, in turn, will make the salad very satisfying.

  • 200 grams of canned pineapples;
  • can of sweet corn;
  • two chicken eggs;
  • 200 grams of ham;
  • mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

  1. We cut pineapples into half rings, ham into strips.
  2. Boil the eggs and grate them.
  3. Mix all the products, season with mayonnaise and salt.

That's it! Exotic salad with ham and corn with pineapple is ready! You can serve it on the table.

Salad "Delight"

Do you want to prepare a hearty and tasty salad that your family and guests will love? We suggest using this recipe.

Let's take the following ingredients:

  • two cucumbers;
  • 300 grams of ham;
  • five boiled potatoes;
  • can of corn;
  • two boiled chicken eggs;
  • 100 grams of crab sticks;
  • a bunch of green onions;
  • mayonnaise.

How is it prepared?

  1. Finely chop the ham.
  2. Wash the cucumbers, peel them and chop them into strips.
  3. Grate the crab sticks on a fine grater.
  4. Cut the boiled eggs and potatoes into cubes.
  5. Finely chop the onion.
  6. Combine all the ingredients, add mayonnaise, salt and mix well.

So we prepared our salad. Corn, ham, cucumber and crab sticks go well together. It’s not for nothing that the salad got its name - guests will devour your creation with delight.

Salad with croutons

This easy quick dish is sure to be on your list of favorites.

Here's what we need from the products:

  • a pack of crackers;
  • can of sweet corn;
  • 150 grams of ham;
  • can of red beans;
  • clove of garlic.

The salad is very easy to prepare:

  1. Cut the ham into cubes.
  2. Open the corn and beans, drain the water, and place on a plate.
  3. Add ham and garlic.
  4. Season the finished salad with mayonnaise and sprinkle with croutons.

A few words in conclusion

Now you know how to prepare ham and corn salad. As you can see, it will not take much of your time, but will please you with the result. This dish is perfect for both daily and holiday tables. Thanks to the ham, the salad turns out to be filling, so it can be prepared for lunch or dinner.

Don't be afraid to experiment, add a variety of ingredients, playing with the taste of the salad. It will definitely become one of your family's favorites. Bon appetit!

Salads with ham are considered not only tasty and colorful, but also a very nutritious snack. In addition, almost all of them require a minimum amount of time for preparation, since ham is a ready-made ingredient that requires only mechanical processing (cutting).

Ham goes well with corn, sweet bell peppers, fresh cucumber and many other vegetables, and therefore there are a lot of recipes with its addition. Here are a few interesting and tasty ones.

A fresh and tasty ham salad with cucumbers and corn is prepared as follows:

  • grate 2 small fresh cucumbers along with the peel on a special vegetable grater. If you don’t have one, you can cut the cucumbers into thin strips;
  • Grate 100-120 grams of hard cheese. It is advisable to use a grater with large holes for this;
  • Cut 100-150 grams of ham into strips or into small cubes;
  • pass 2 cloves of garlic through the garlic press. Spicy lovers can increase the amount of this ingredient to their taste;
  • open a can of canned sweet corn and separate the kernels from the liquid;
  • Pour the prepared ingredients into a salad bowl, add mayonnaise (the amount is arbitrary) and mix thoroughly.

You can serve the appetizer to the table immediately after preparation or after some time. The salad perfectly complements any meat dish. Cheese gives the appetizer a touch of special tenderness.

Video on the topic:

Salad of fresh cucumbers, ham, corn, tomatoes

This salad will be an amazing decoration for any holiday table. It is made in layers using a tall springform pan. To prepare it you need:

  • Cut 2 small tomatoes into small pieces. Do not add the juice released by them to the salad. It can be separated by placing the tomato pieces in a colander;
  • Grate 2 fresh cucumbers on a vegetable grater;
  • Pass 2 garlic cloves through a press or garlic press, add a pinch of salt and mix with tomato cubes;
  • Chop 150 grams of ham into small squares;
  • open a can of canned corn and drain the juice;
  • Place a springform pan on a serving plate;
  • place the ingredients in the mold in the following sequence: tomatoes with garlic, evenly spreading this layer with mayonnaise, then ham cubes (also sprinkled with mayonnaise), corn grains with mayonnaise, cucumbers (also not forgetting to grease with mayonnaise dressing), finish the dish with grated cheese.

After removing the springform pan, garnish each serving with a bunch of fresh herbs.

Salad with corn, ham, cucumber, pepper

This salad differs from others not only in its brightness and unique taste, but also in its variety of colors. He will not leave anyone indifferent. And to prepare it you need:

  • boil 3 chicken eggs (necessarily hard-boiled). Let them cool, chop finely;
  • drain the juice from the canned corn, and mix the grains with chopped chicken eggs;
  • Cut 400 grams of ham into thin strips;
  • Wash 1 bell pepper (preferably red), separate from the core with seeds and cut into strips;
  • 2 fresh green cucumbers of medium size, also cut into strips equal in width to strips of bell pepper;
  • finely chop 30 grams of fresh dill;
  • Mix all ingredients together, add a little salt if desired. Pour enough mayonnaise over everything and mix well.

If desired, you can add any fresh herbs to this colorful salad, depending on individual preferences and tastes.

This cold appetizer attracts not only adults, but also children with its appearance and bright taste. And the nutritional value of the dish can guarantee complete saturation even when using salad as a snack.

Salad with carrots, ham, cucumber, corn

This salad is very interesting in the combination of its ingredients. Each of them complements the others perfectly. The appetizer turns out to be very bright and original. The same can be said about the taste of the salad. To prepare it you will need:

  • Grate 1 large fresh carrot so that it looks like a long thin straw;
  • 2 fresh cucumbers cut into circles;
  • Cut 100 grams of ham into thin strips;
  • open a can of canned corn and add half the kernels without liquid to the rest of the ingredients;
  • hard boil 2 eggs, after cooling, finely chop;
  • Mix all the ingredients and season with mayonnaise.

The huge advantage of this cold appetizer is that its preparation takes very little time due to the fact that all the ingredients, except chicken eggs, are ready for use and do not require additional processing. Anyone can prepare a salad with carrots and ham, even those who are very far from cooking. The bright colors of the dish will lift your spirits even on the cloudiest day.

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