Bio veterinary dermatologists provide diagnostics. Veterinary dermatologist. Skin diseases in cats, dogs and other animals - symptoms and diagnosis


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Veterinarian-dermatologist: qualified and timely assistance at the Vysota veterinary clinic Veterinary dermatology is a discipline that deals with the study and treatment of pathologies skin

animals. She also deals with pathologies of various appendages of the skin - claws, wool, horns and hooves, mucous membranes and so on. A veterinarian-dermatologist works in every self-respecting clinic, since skin diseases are no less serious.

It is a mistake to think that diseases of the skin and skin appendages deserve less attention and are not as dangerous as other diseases. Often, various changes that appear on the skin, fur, and mucous membranes are symptoms of systemic disorders. Many advanced dermatological diseases lead to very bad consequences - for example, untreated ear infections can cause deafness.

There are many dermatological diseases themselves, but they are also supplemented by systemic pathologies that manifest themselves on the skin, such as allergies or hormonal disorders. It is very easy to confuse them with dermatological diseases. Therefore, no matter how eloquent the symptoms may be, you should not engage in self-diagnosis - only a doctor can reliably determine the disease.

Symptoms of skin pathologies

  • Each disease has its own symptoms, however, there are certain signs that indicate that the animal is experiencing discomfort and should be shown to a doctor:
  • constant scratching indicates severe itching;
  • shaking your head may indicate an ear mite infestation;
  • hyperpigmentation of the skin or fur;
  • redness on the skin;
  • hair loss;
  • discharge from the ears, less often from the eyes;

the appearance of dandruff. If you notice your pet has one or more similar signs

, you should show it to a specialist. Remember that dermatological manifestations can signal serious systemic disorders in the functioning of the animal’s body. However, even if it is a “simple” skin disease, you should never delay its treatment.

More than 30% of animals with skin problems - itching, hair loss, redness, pustules - come to see a general veterinarian. This brings anxiety not only to the animal itself, but also to its owner. And if the general practitioner understands that the problem is long-term and requires special attention, he refers the animal to a dermatologist.

Dermatology is a branch of veterinary medicine that deals with skin and hair problems in animals.

Dermatology studies and corrects cosmetic defects of the skin and coat, for example, follicular dysplasia, pattern alopecia.

One of the largest segments of a dermatologist’s patients are animals diagnosed with allergies. They require a special algorithm to determine whether there is a dependence on food or on factors external environment.

Deals with dermatology and urgent, severe skin diseases, such as autoimmune, deep bacterial and inflammatory processes, require quick intervention and accurate diagnosis.

Dermatology borders and interacts with many other specializations. These are endocrinology, dietetics, ophthalmology, oncology, surgery.

Signs of skin disease

— The first thing that attracts attention to an animal is itching. This is usually the leading symptom. Animals usually demonstrate it very clearly: they itch, chew out fur, rub their muzzle and belly on the floor, lick their paws - all this is a manifestation of itching. Skin lesions also usually do not go unnoticed - the skin turns red or darkens at the site of inflammation, thickens, and swells. Crusty scratches, wounds, and pustules appear.

— Fur lesions proceed more calmly, may not irritate the animal, but are very noticeable to the owners. Focal or diffuse baldness appears, the fur becomes dull, becomes tangled or falls out in clumps.

Diagnosis of dermatological diseases

A dermatologist has many methods for diagnosing diseases in his arsenal - from routine scrapings, cytology, otoscopy to histology, skin tests for ASIT (the so-called “allergy vaccine”), as well as MRI/CT for suspected otitis media and internal otitis .

All routine diseases are performed by a doctor at the appointment. Of course, this takes time, but the animal goes home with a preliminary diagnosis and prescribed treatment.

Every dermatologist in his office has a modern microscope and paints for coloring skin smears. Otoscope - for examining the external auditory canal.

After some time, the animals are invited for repeated examinations to monitor treatment and adjust prescriptions.

It is necessary to find the root cause of the disease and take it under control, otherwise the disease will return. It is important for the owner to understand that sometimes the root cause is environmental factors, from contact with which the animal cannot be prevented, or a genetic failure, and in this case the treatment will be lifelong.

We are looking forward to your appointment at our clinic. We wish you and your four-legged friends health!

Diseases of the skin and its appendages are widespread among dogs, cats and other animals that live not only on the street, but also in the apartment. At the same time, a significant part of skin diseases is transmitted through direct contact between a person and a pet, which creates a risk of infection for all family members. Timely detection and treatment of dermatological diseases is the responsibility of a veterinary dermatologist.

Areas of work of a veterinary dermatologist

During the initial appointment, a veterinarian-dermatologist examines the patient, collects anamnesis, asking the owner in detail about the peculiarities of feeding and walking, and possible contacts of the pet with other animals. Based on the results, he orders the necessary research. The latter may include:

  • blood biochemistry;
  • scraping;
  • luminescence analysis;
  • leukogram;
  • trichogram and others.

After receiving the results, the veterinarian-dermatologist will carefully analyze them, make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. The doctor will also give detailed advice on caring for the pet, feeding habits (if necessary, changing the diet, diet), and show how to care for damaged skin areas.

When to Contact a Veterinary Dermatologist

A veterinary dermatologist will be needed if your pet has symptoms such as:

  • severe itching;
  • changes in the surface of the skin (peeling, redness, the appearance of ulcers or weeping spots);
  • hair loss or fragility;
  • unpleasant odor and others.

Modern laboratory equipment and reagents used in veterinary dermatology make it possible in some cases to obtain the results of the studies within 15-30 minutes after taking the material. This makes it possible to start treating the animal on the first day of treatment. The price for the services of a veterinarian-dermatologist in Moscow depends on many factors: the number and characteristics of the tests performed, examination, the use of medications and others.

Despite the fact that most animals have pronounced fur on their bodies, we should not forget where it grows from. The condition of the skin is very important for the full existence of any animal. This is a protective shell that protects your pet from exposure environment. When questions or problems arise in a pet with a skin condition, we need.

What is a veterinary dermatologist?

A veterinarian dermatologist is qualified specialist, whose activities are aimed at diagnosing, treating and preventing skin diseases, as well as pathologies of mucous membranes, claws and hair in animals. Dermatologists are in high demand in modern society. Besides treatment illnesses he can advise owners who prepare their animals for exhibitions and various events. Professionalism in this matter is very important! The doctors of our veterinary center “YA-VET” have diplomas confirming their high qualifications.

Skin diseases and coat very common, and their number increases every year. The profession of a dermatologist obliges the doctor to know the symptoms of various diseases, conduct competent diagnostics and prescribe appropriate treatment. Given the variety of breeds and species of animals, you need to know the characteristics of each patient who seeks help. Required individual approach! Skin diseases are dangerous degree of its contagiousness, and this endangers everyone around. Therefore, if proper treatment is not prescribed on time, not only the animal is at risk. The doctor must understand this.

In what cases is a veterinarian dermatologist needed?

You need to visit a veterinarian and dermatologist at the slightest hint of problems with the animal’s skin or fur. Our veterinary center "YA-VET" has such a service as calling a doctor at home, this will help save your time, as well as avoid the procedure of transporting the animal, which can be stressful for him and aggravate the course of the disease. When contacting a veterinarian if you have any ailments, do not forget that scheduled visits are also necessary; they will help prevent the occurrence of diseases and strengthen the animal’s immunity. When moving to another city or going on vacation You should see a doctor to be sure about your pet. If you are returning from a holiday abroad, keep in mind that the local climate and contact with other animals may affect the development of the disease in your pet.

    So, here are the cases when a pet should visit a veterinarian dermatologist:
  • the presence of symptoms of a dermatological disease;
  • routine visits to a dermatologist;
  • preparation for the event (exhibition, competition);
  • before going on vacation;
  • after arriving from vacation;
  • when moving to another city/country.

What diseases does a veterinarian dermatologist treat?

To help you understand more clearly what kind of doctor a dermatologist is, below is a brief description of the most common diseases that this doctor works with.

Allergic skin diseases in animals, as a rule, are associated with the body’s reaction to a certain irritant that provokes unpleasant symptoms.

    Here are some irritants, due to which it is possible skin allergies pet:
  • composition of products;
  • household dust;
  • reaction to insect bites;
  • plant pollen;
  • mold;
  • household chemicals;
  • medicines.
    At allergic reactions characteristic symptoms:
  • the animal begins to itch a lot;
  • irritation of mucous membranes;
  • nasal discharge;
  • discharge from the eyes;
  • cough;
  • nettle fever;
  • swelling may occur;
  • skin irritation.

After diagnosing the body and confirming the allergy, the dermatologist prescribes the appropriate treatment. In the case of allergies, as a rule, it is necessary to eliminate the immediate cause of such a reaction and avoid contact with it in the future.

    Below are symptoms of dermatitis:
  • noticeable wounds at the affected sites
  • cluster large quantity wax in ears
  • development of abscesses
  • severe itching
  • hair loss in affected areas

Treatment of any dermatitis should be prescribed or carried out by a veterinary dermatologist. Since narrow specialization in this area makes it possible to concentrate on certain tasks.

Fungal diseases of the skin also called dermatophytoses. Fungi affect the pet's body, which in some cases can be transmitted to humans, which carries double danger when it appears. Symptoms of fungal diseases manifest themselves in baldness of the affected areas, damage to the elbows, and purulent discharge from wounds affected by the fungus.

    Here are two of the most well-known fungal diseases found in animals.
  • Trichophytosis is popularly known as ringworm. It is found in absolutely different animals. Infection occurs by contact with the affected areas of the animal's body (abrasions, scratches, bites, etc.) of a fungus, the spores of which interact with the animal's hair follicles. During the life of the fungus, surrounding cells are affected. molecular level, which causes the corresponding reaction. The fur seems to be cut off in the affected areas.
  • Microsporia is similar to trichophytosis in its characteristics. The disease is also caused by fungi that affect epidermal cells and fur.

Bacterial skin problems, an area covered by a veterinarian dermatologist

This type of dermatitis is very common in animals, but experience shows that only in a small number of cases is bacterial dermatitis the primary disease. In most cases, it follows or is accompanied by other diseases.
There are also many reasons for the appearance of dermatitis.. It is very important to pay attention to proper and balanced nutrition, because a lack of vitamins or enzymes from food can trigger the onset of illness. Common reason– the influence of staphylococci on the body.

Skin diseases are very diverse and are often found in animals, regardless of breed. Of course, there are determining factors that create the conditions for the onset and progression of the disease. These include breed characteristics, genetic characteristics, climatic conditions, living conditions, quality of diet, etc. A dermatologist is the person who will help you treat and monitor the condition of your pet’s skin and coat correctly.

Veterinarian dermatologist at the veterinary center “YA-VET”

In our veterinary center "YA-VET" we work only qualified specialists, whose activities are confirmed by diplomas of education, and whose professionalism is supported extensive work experience. The veterinarian at our center can always advise you by phone before your appointment. Also in Moscow, the service of calling a doctor at home is very common. This will allow you save time, will help the animal avoid contact with other representatives of the fauna, and will also eliminate possible stress that the pet may experience during transportation. When an animal’s body is affected by any disease, its immunity weakens and there is a possibility of contracting another disease through contact with sick animals, so calling a dermatologist at home is a very priority decision for you and your pet!

All procedures and examinations are carried out using the latest equipment , and the actions of doctors are dictated by European standards. Drugs used in the treatment and rehabilitation of animals have the necessary certificates of conformity and quality. By contacting our center, you will receive:

  • quick help;
  • no long queues;
  • competent diagnostics;
  • properly selected treatment;
  • pleasant attitude towards animals;
  • individual approach to each patient;
  • accompanying a pet after illness;
  • express tests;
  • the ability to call a doctor at home;
  • 20% discount for repeat applications;
  • consultation with a specialist on any issue.

Veterinarian dermatologist - conclusion

After studying this article, you should understand that the activities of a veterinary dermatologist are very relevant in our time. Diseases of the epidermis are dangerous due to the speed of disease progression, and can also be contagious to humans and others. In addition to treating diseases, a dermatologist can provide services in preparing animals for competitions and exhibitions, as well as give recommendations on maintenance. You cannot do without such a specialist; he should always be a priority for those for whom animals are not just a word, but a part of life! Take care of your pets!

A veterinary dermatologist is a specialist who diagnoses and treats skin diseases. The doctor helps pets get rid of itching, irritation, and alopecia (pathological hair loss). At the BEMBI Veterinary Dermatology Center, animals are received by Irina Aleksandrovna Kostenko. An experienced doctor provides veterinary services in the treatment of skin diseases. Our pet dermatologist provides comprehensive examinations of the skin and coat of dogs and cats.

Skin diseases and their symptoms

A veterinarian-dermatologist will relieve your pet of the following problems:

Our veterinary dermatology center in Moscow is equipped with the latest equipment for diagnosis and treatment. The specialist has equipment at his disposal to conduct examinations of fur, skin scrapings, fingerprint smears, and express blood tests. At the initial appointment, a veterinarian-dermatologist examines the animal’s fur, ears, skin, collects anamnesis, and performs palpation to determine thickness, elasticity, general condition skin. If necessary, otoscopy, video otoscopy, and dermatoscopy are performed using a special microscope.

We offer assistance in the treatment of the most complex diseases, accepting four-legged patients within the walls of the clinic or on their territory. Call us, schedule a visit, and a dermatologist for your animal will arrive at your home.

Reasons to contact a dermatologist are:

  • itching, dandruff in dogs, cats, dry or oily hair;
  • local hair loss;
  • pustules, pimples, papules on the skin of animals;
  • red, inflamed skin;
  • symmetrical alopecia
  • delamination and yellowing of claws;
  • damage to the periungual bed;
  • bloody scratches;
  • peeling;
  • dark plaque in the ears;
  • the dog shakes its ears, scratches its ears;
  • swelling and hardening of the skin and subcutaneous tissue.

Experienced animal dermatologists can determine the disease by visual examination. For correct setting laboratory tests (biopsy, blood test, examination of scrapings and smears of fingerprints, culture, complex mycological analysis, etc.) will be prescribed for diagnosis and competently prescribed treatment. Survey with fence biological materials guarantees 100% accuracy when making a diagnosis. An animal dermatologist will choose the optimal therapeutic methods taking into account the condition, age of the animal, and the degree of skin damage.

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