Bezukhov characteristic. Pierre bezukhov - characterization of the character. An attempt to give relief to the people


(Roman, 1863-1867; separate ed. 1867-1869)

Pierre Bezukhov - one of the main characters of the novel; at first the hero of the story about the Decembrist, from the idea of ​​which the work arose.
P. is the illegitimate son of Count Bezukhov, a famous Catherine's nobleman, who became the heir to the title and a huge fortune, "a massive, fat young man with a shaved head, glasses", he is distinguished by an intelligent, timid, "observant and natural" look. P. was brought up abroad and appeared in Russia shortly before the death of his father and the start of the campaign in 1805. He is smart, inclined to philosophical reasoning, gentle and kind-hearted, compassionate towards others, kind, impractical and subject to passions. His closest friend, Andrei Bolkonsky, characterizes P. as the only "living person" among the whole world.

At the beginning of the novel, P. considers Napoleon the greatest man in the world, but gradually becomes disillusioned, reaching the point of hatred for him and a desire to kill. Having become a wealthy heir and falling under the influence of Prince Vasily and Helen, P. marries the latter. Very soon, having understood the character of his wife and realizing her depravity, he breaks with her. In search of the content and meaning of his life, P. is fond of Freemasonry, trying to find in this teaching the answers to the questions that torment him and get rid of the passions that torment him. Realizing the falsity of the Masons, the hero breaks with them, tries to reorganize the lives of his peasants, but fails because of his impracticality and credulity.

The greatest trials fell on P. on the eve and during the war, it is not for nothing that "through his eyes" readers see the famous comet of 1812, which, according to the general belief, foreshadowed terrible misfortunes. This sign follows P.'s explanation of love to Natasha Rostova. During the war, the hero, deciding to look at the battle and not yet very clearly aware of the strength of national unity and the significance of the event, finds himself on the Borodino field. On this day, the last conversation with Prince Andrey, who understood that the truth is where "they", that is, ordinary soldiers, gives him a lot. Remaining in a burning and deserted Moscow to kill Napoleon, P. tries as best he can to deal with the misfortune that has befallen people, but is captured and experiences terrible moments during the execution of prisoners.

Meeting with Platon Karataev reveals for P. the truth that one must love life, even suffering innocently, seeing the meaning and purpose of each person in being a part and reflection of the whole world. After meeting with Karataev P. learned to see "the eternal and infinite in everything." At the end of the war, after the death of Andrei Bolkonsky and Natasha's revival to life, P. marries her. In the epilogue, he is a happy husband and father, a man who, in a dispute with Nikolai Rostov, expresses convictions that make it possible to see in him the future Decembrist.

> Characteristics of the heroes War and Peace

Characteristics of the hero Pierre Bezukhov

Pierre Bezukhov is one of the main characters in the novel War and Peace. Pierre is the illegitimate son of the rich and influential Count Bezukhov, from whom he received the title and inheritance only after his death. The young count lived abroad until the age of 20, where he received an excellent education. Arriving in St. Petersburg, he almost immediately became one of the richest young people, and was very confused, because he was not ready for such a great responsibility and did not know how to manage estates and dispose of serfs. Pierre was very different from the people of high society in his absurdity and naturalness, and some took advantage of his credulity. Prince Kuragin, obsessed with the idea of ​​taking possession of Pierre's fortune, married him to his daughter Helene. Bezukhov soon realizes that he does not love his wife at all, that she is a cold, dissolute and calculating woman, and is trying to part with her. A duel with Dolokhov and a break with his wife lead Pierre to a strong disappointment in people and life. He leaves the city and on the way meets the freemason Bazdeev, and since Pierre had a penchant for philosophical reasoning and easily succumbed to other people's influence, he entered the Masonic society in order to find the meaning of life and change society for the better. Because of his impracticality, he is unable to reorganize and make the life of his peasants easier, although he tried very hard and saw his happiness in caring for others.

With the outbreak of war, Pierre changes his mind about Napoleon, because he considered him his idol, and after the Russians leave Moscow, Bezukhov remains in the city to kill Napoleon. Pierre strives for unity with the people, he understands that secular life is very burdensome for him. He helps the soldiers in the Battle of Borodino, and at the same time feels that he is needed on the battlefield. And once captured, he enjoys the fact that together with everyone he endures all the suffering. After meeting with Platon Karataev, Pierre begins to think about the fact that each person has his own purpose in life. By nature, Bezukhov is a very emotional person and because of this, it is difficult for him to perceive difficult reality.

There are more than five hundred characters in Tolstoy's novel War and Peace. One of the main and striking male roles went to Pierre Bezukhov. In the process of creating his creation, the author first planned to devote it to the fate of the nobles, participants in the 1825 uprising, but later decided to return to the narration of an earlier stage in the development of Russia, to the period of his characters' youth, their development and formation. In the work, Tolstoy chooses his favorites, and Pierre is one of them. The image of Bezukhov is the most extraordinary male image of the novel, he is constantly spinning in the thick of things. Pierre plays a huge role in the development of the novel's actions.

As one of his favorite characters, Tolstoy begins the story of Pierre from the very beginning of his formation and development as a person. In his youth, Bezukhov was presented as very gentle and did not have a strong character, but later he was able to become the organizer of a community against the tsar. The author introduced the hero Pierre into his works at the time of the rule of falsehood, flattery and ignorance in society. He was radically different from others, he was an open and straightforward person. He was a kind, very sincere way, and in this society it was very unnatural. People were afraid of Pierre, he could disturb this current situation.

For the first time, young Pierre Bezukhov is introduced to the reader by Tolstoy in the salon of Anna Pavlovna Sherer, he is shown as a violator of public peace and order, as well as the calm flow of the evening. He is unlike others with the presence of an intelligent and observant gaze. People greet Pierre with a bow that belongs to the lower class. He is the illegally born son of a nobleman under Catherine, Count Bezukhov, and later an illegitimate heir. In the future, on the pages of the novel, he becomes the owner of a thousand souls and millions. And already become a welcome and dear guest of all salons and houses. Tolstoy does not hide his sympathy for Pierre Bezukhov and presents him as the enviable suitors of the two capitals. And he marries him to a bad and ignorant creature, the Petersburg beauty Elena Kuragina.

With the help of the image of Pierre Bezukhov, Tolstoy carries through the entire novel the idea of ​​constant improvement and formation.

In the character of Pierre there is also a place of infinite kindness. The hero is young and therefore the dream of glory does not leave him. He even participates and shoots in a duel. He is still ready for unpredictable and destructive actions, due to his youth. Bezukhov adopted the ability to succumb to the calm passage of time, the ability to hear and listen. In this he was helped by Platon Karataev, the teacher of a righteous life.

Tolstoy gives Pierre the opportunity to fully comprehend simple human happiness and married him for the second time to Natalya Rostova. Later, in the lines of the novel, Pierre is an experienced family man, the father of four children. Salons, meetings of masons, thoughts of a high destiny are a thing of the past.

This is his true happiness, peace and becoming a hero. But he is not going to stop, he looks into the distance and makes more grandiose plans for political activity. But Tolstoy does not show this to the reader, leaving him in a family, quiet, harmonious family circle, knowing that this is the ideal of his life.

Option 2

There are about 500 characters in the novel War and Peace. Pierre Bezukhov stands out among them. Tolstoy decided to visit his great novel during the period of the revolt of the common people against state rule.

Pierre Bezukhov is the author's favorite hero. The hero became the center of the entire novel. As the protagonist, Tolstoy described the life and character of Bezukhov from a young age. In the book, the image of the hero changes several times. At a young age, he was a weak-minded guy who could not show any courage. Outwardly, the hero was a fat young man wearing glasses. He always wore a tailcoat and light trousers. He often visited the elite salon of Anna Pavlovna Scherer and always felt like a stranger. In this society, falsity has always reigned, people from high society spoke flattering words to each other in order to get what they want.

His position rose sharply after receiving a large inheritance. Pierre attended social events, where only the secular elite gathered. So he met Helen Kuragina and soon married her. He soon became disillusioned to learn that Helene had married because of wealth. In marriage, she cheated on him with Dorokhov. He was an innocent man and lived only at the behest of his heart. Pierre was distinguished by immeasurable kindness, ardent and impulsive character and generosity of soul. Such positive qualities prevented Bezukhov from finding a common language with influential people. After being disappointed by the surrounding society, Bezukhov joined the Masonic lodge. This community supported the idea of ​​universal brotherhood. Freemason Bazdeev became Bezukhov's mentor. Having entered the box, the hero donates a large sum of money. He writes a diary in which he writes his observations. Bezukhov wanted to find the meaning of life and find the meaning of life.

Meeting and acquaintance with the soldier Karataev was of great importance on Bezukhov. The soldier's speech had a decisive influence on Pierre's worldview. In captivity of the French army, Pierre acquired new personal qualities like patience for the hardships of life. He no longer felt hatred for the French and began to look at life differently.

Upon his release from captivity, Bezukhov changed his attitude towards people. He strove to understand each person and always looked for positive character traits in those around him. Now he could easily deny people financial assistance. Bezukhov acquired complete happiness after meeting with Natasha Rostova. He became a happy family man and a good father of 4 children. After his marriage, he left the Masonic lodge and riotous lifestyle. He forgot about Kulagin and Dorokhov. With the advent of Natasha, he acquired a new meaning in life. The hero found happiness and joy, as well as the long-awaited peace of mind. He decided not to stop at the achieved happiness. Bezukhov decided to take up political activity. He discussed his future plans with Natasha's brother Nikolai Rostov.

At the end of the novel, the main character Pierre Bezukhov completely changed and showed only his best qualities. Serious life difficulties made Bezukhov a mature person and a happy family man.

Composition Characteristic and image of Bezukhov

I got the impression that Pierre Tolstoy writes partly from himself. Both Pierre and Tolstoy are trying to find the truth and meaning of life. Both Pierre and partly Tolstoy have unhappy marriages. Pierre had enough willpower and character to drastically change his life. Tolstoy also protests - he just leaves home.

Pierre joins the Masonic lodge. Tolstoy "hits" religion. But neither one nor the other does not bring happiness and relief. Tolstoy does not see a way out of this situation, therefore, he shies from side to side. The eternal misfortune of the Russian intelligentsia.

Pierre wants to do something significant for society, for the country. He wants to have a republic, he already sees himself as the second Napoleon. On the contrary, he wants to defeat him. Many wanted to catch Bonaparte and take him to the king.

Pierre collects and equips a whole regiment for his own money. He is not stopped by the fact that he does not understand anything in military affairs. He decides that it is on him that the great mission is entrusted - to free the country from the hated Napoleon. The utopian idea fails miserably, and Pierre himself is captured.

A simple Russian soldier, with his conversations, changes his outlook on life. He sees, rose-colored glasses fall off his eyes, the mind is cleared of unnecessary thoughts. In life, nothing happens just like that, which means that he needed this captivity in order to free himself from erroneous thoughts. Understand your true purpose.

What he was looking for lies literally on the surface, under his nose. And he delved into philosophical treatises and Masonic lodges. Everything in life is simple - live yourself, enjoy life and do not interfere with other people. Ironically, it is the war that cuts this "Gordian" knot that Pierre tied around his neck.

Tolstoy also frees himself from erroneous thoughts. Now he understands what, or rather, who is the meaning of life.

Life makes Pierre a wonderful gift. He marries Natasha Rostova, with whom he was in love all his life, but could not give vent to feelings, since he was married. He bathes in the sea of ​​human happiness. He loves and is loved. A wonderful wife gave him four beautiful children. She loves and worships him. That's the whole philosophy.

The most important thing in the life of any person at all times is the family. And then work, friends, hobbies and everything else. The family gives strength and confidence in the future. When you know that your loved ones are waiting for you, you can move mountains.

And you can swing at the king. After all, the image of Pierre was conceived as the image of the future Decembrist.

Option 4

He did not get lost among the many other heroes of the novel. We can say that he is also Tolstoy's favorite hero. Together with the author, you can see the process of becoming a person. From soft spineless, from which "ropes are twisted", to a man who swung at the king himself.

For the first time we see him in the salon of Anna Scherer. What was he like? A fat-haired man with glasses, frill and pantaloons. He clearly does not belong there, the people around him laugh at him on the sly. He is simple-minded and trusting and looks like either a bear cub or a big child. So naive, not knowing life, that he can be easily deceived.

When he receives a huge inheritance and becomes one of the richest suitors in St. Petersburg, the ridicule stops. Sly and predatory ladies are trying to get a rich groom in their networks. And the cold, selfish "doll" Helen Kuragina succeeds in this.

But he has to take off his rose-colored glasses and face the realities of real life. His wife is cheating on him, and his lover challenges him to a duel. These events push him to join the Masonic lodge, where all people are brothers. So he thinks.

But membership in this organization brings him neither happiness nor peace of mind. But a simple Russian soldier Platon Karataev, with his peasant jokes, jokes, cures his tormented soul. Oh, this is Russian patience and humility (for the time being), tolerance for French soldiers, forgiveness of friends and relatives.

After captivity, Pierre seemed to be born again. He is more tolerant of people, tries to find positive qualities in every bad person.

It is not for nothing that Tolstoy brings together his two favorite heroes - Natasha and Pierre. Yes, Pierre is not a handsome prince Andrei Bolkonsky, not a hussar Dolokhov, he is simple, stout, with glasses. He is beautiful with inner beauty. He is generous. Suffice it to recall how he persuaded Prince Andrew to forgive Natasha: "A fallen woman can be forgiven." But the prince did not forgive.

They are just made for each other. They need each other. Having suffered, they are worthy of simple human happiness. Natasha blooms from the true love of a loved one. Create a wonderful family. Pierre loves his wife and his four children.

Describing the family of Pierre and Natasha, perhaps Tolstoy wanted to see his family like that. But his wife, alas, is not Natasha Rostova. She plagued him with her nagging.

In the work "Taras Bulba" brothers are one of the main characters. Ostap and Andrii grew up in the same conditions, but they had different characters. The younger brother Andrii was close to his mother, and Ostap tried to be like his father in everything.

We are often supplied with power. what about Chi happy ty ?. The food is fantasizing by thinking over the team, which is good, happiness. In everyday life, people changed their priorities and for them important material values. There is a radio for a brand new phone

In our family, sport has become a good tradition that can unite and unite us in the most difficult times.

Pierre Bezukhov to the greatest extent expresses the ideology of L.N. Tolstoy. The hero's moral and spiritual quest is aimed at comprehending the universe. In addition, Pierre is the central character for a deeper understanding of the philosophical meaning of the work.

For the first time we see Pierre in the salon of Anna Scherer. The hero does not correspond to the idea of ​​a refined aristocrat, arrogant and selfish, insensitive and pretending to be in everything. Pierre is clumsy, conducting conversations not befitting a young nobleman in society. He admires Napoleon, dreams of repeating his fate, achieving great victories, but all this remains in his dreams.

Character features of the hero

By nature, Pierre is an overly soft and doubting person, because of this he is led by someone else's opinion, is influenced by the habits of the high society - he leads a very riotous lifestyle, while realizing that she is worthless. Very quickly Pierre realizes that he has become a nonentity, subjected to the artificial charm of Helene. He understands its essence, but nevertheless challenges Dolokhov to a duel, having made an almost fatal mistake.

Pierre's spiritual quest

The meaning of life, its truth - this is what Pierre constantly thinks about. These thoughts led him to Freemasonry, which at that time seemed to him the main vehicle of truth on earth. But the false direction led to the hero's early disappointment.

Around the same time, Bezukhov was experiencing disappointment in Napoleon, his desire to destroy his idol was growing more and more. For this, Pierre, as if possessed, goes through the whole burning Moscow.

During the war of 1812, unity with the common people became the meaning of life for Bezukhov. During the Battle of Borodino, true patriotism is exposed, a willingness to die for their native land.

Pierre's revival

Here his inner transformation begins, he lives a social life, feels unity with the whole world, receives clear answers to all his deep questions about what is most important in the world. Experiencing all the great difficulties in life, the hero every day feels more and more calm and happiness. The philosophy of Platon Karataev helped him realize that "man was created for happiness."

Family happiness

But Pierre does not succeed in following the instructions of Karataev to the end, he creates a family with Natasha Rostova. Unlike Helene, the first wife of Bezukhov, Natasha is deeply spiritual, knows how to love, shows understanding, subtly feels the world. She took over the interests of her husband, began to live only with him. The Bezukhov family is an ideal model of the world, without which earthly happiness is impossible, and, in principle, the existence of human society.

Pierre's life does not stop with family. He is trying to become a member of a secret society, his life does not stand still, he is constantly moving. In the finale of the novel, a contradiction arises again - a rational and heartfelt life.

Natasha is very close to naturalness, she is not alien to national unity. According to Pierre, if Platon Karataev knew about their marriage, he would certainly approve of their union.

I think through the image of Pierre Bezukhov L.N. Tolstoy sought to portray how difficult it is to realize the meaning of human life, what happiness pervades a simple human family life.

One of the brightest masterpieces in Russian prose is the epic novel War and Peace. The four-volume work, which is distinguished by a variety of plot lines, an extensive system of characters, the number of which reaches five hundred heroes, is, first of all, not only a reflection of pictures of historical reality, but a novel of ideas. To the final version of the work Tolstoy followed the path of ideological and plot searches, which also recalls the image of Pierre Bezukhov "War and Peace" by Tolstoy.

Ideological searches of the author and hero

Initially, Lev Nikolaevich did not plan to write the history of this character, creating him in the image of a Decembrist fighting for civil equality and freedom. However, gradually, in the course of comprehending historical events and writing the novel, Tolstoy's ideological orientation changes. In the finale of the work, we clearly see that the true essence of the destiny of an active hero lies not in struggle, but in gaining spiritual harmony and personal happiness through rapprochement with the people. Tolstoy reflected his ideological searches through the image of the main character - Pierre Bezukhov.

Development of the image of Pierre Bezukhov

At the beginning of the work, the hero is opposed to contemporary high society, in which insincerity, flattery, and superficiality prevail. Young Bezukhov, from the first pages of the novel, appears as an open and honest man, who at all costs is trying to find the truth and his vocation in life - this is the characteristic of Pierre in the fat novel War and Peace.

Suddenly finding himself rich, Pierre becomes a victim of his own financial situation and falls into the shackles of an unhappy marriage. Marrying Helen Kuragina made Pierre disillusioned with the spirituality and purity of the institution of marriage and family. Pierre still does not give up. He tries to find his place in life, to do good, to help people, to feel his need for society. He believes that he will surely find his just cause: "I feel that besides me, spirits live above me and that there is truth in this world." These aspirations became the reason for the hero's entry into the ranks of the Masonic movement. Imbued with the ideas of equality and brotherhood, mutual assistance and self-sacrifice, Pierre shares the views of Freemasonry with high ideological passion. However, this period of his life also brought disappointment. The hero again finds himself at a crossroads.

Whatever he did or thought was motivated by the desire to carry out activities useful for society, for Russia. The war of 1812 was a chance for him to finally do the right thing and serve his people. The protagonist of the novel "War and Peace" Pierre Bezukhov, with the same passion and zeal, is fired up with the idea of ​​sharing the fate of his people and contributing his all possible help for a common victory. To this end, he organizes the regiment and fully finances its support.

Not being a military man, Pierre cannot directly participate in hostilities, but the role of a passive observer for such an active hero is also not sweet. He decides what exactly he needs to carry out the most important mission that will rid Russia of the French invaders. Desperate Pierre contemplates an attempt on the life of Napoleon himself, whom he once considered his idol. Following the lead of his ardent ideas, Bezukhov does not think about the possible consequences. Ultimately, his plan failed, and the hero himself was captured.

Awareness of the essence of true human happiness

Another time of disappointment is coming. This time the hero is completely disappointed in faith in people, in kindness, in the possibility of mutual assistance and friendship. However, a meeting and conversation with Platon Karataev completely changes his worldview. It was this simple soldier who had the maximum influence on changing the hero's views. The simplicity and a certain primitiveness of Karataev's speech was able to reveal all the spiritual wisdom and value of human life more than intricate Masonic treatises.

Thus, Pierre's captivity became decisive in the formation of his civil and personal consciousness. Finally, Pierre realizes that the essence of happiness was in fact so simple and was always on the surface, but he was looking for its meaning in philosophical depths, personal suffering, striving for active action. The hero realized that true happiness is to have the opportunity for spiritual and physical freedom, to live a simple life in unity with his people. “There is truth, there is virtue; and the highest happiness of man is to strive to achieve them. " Awareness of such simple human values ​​finally led the main character to peace of mind, inner harmony and personal happiness.

Implementation of the idea of ​​the novel by the hero

At the end of his ideological quest, the author rewards Pierre with life in an atmosphere of a real family idyll. The hero enjoys serenity and happiness, surrounded by the care of his beloved wife and the happy voices of four children. The image of Pierre Bezukhov is the personification of the hero, through whose spiritual and ideological searches and the way of their comprehension, the main idea of ​​the work is revealed.

As we can see, like Pierre Bezukhov, the author himself renounces his initial convictions. Thus, in the basis of the novel "War and Peace", the main idea was not serving civic duty or participating in social movements. The main idea of ​​the work and my essay on the theme: The image of Pierre Bezukhov in the novel "War and Peace" - in the image of the ideal of human happiness in the family circle, in life on their native land, in the absence of war, in unity with their people.

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