Intestinal atony: what is it? What is intestinal atony: symptoms and treatment How to treat intestinal atony in an adult

K59.8 Other specified functional intestinal disorders

Causes of intestinal atony

With unsystematic bowel movements, there are cases of self-poisoning of the body. It is very important to empty your bowels regularly, avoiding a delay of more than 1 day. The reason is insufficient peristalsis. Unfortunately, due to the lack of a culture of caring for oneself, many people are in no hurry to go to the doctor with this problem for years. Laxatives simply stop helping after 3-5 years of use, because the intestines have become lazy. The result is that all vitamins and nutrients stop entering the body. Allergies and oncology are not far off for such a person.

Poor nutrition, snacking, physical inactivity, gastrointestinal diseases, and the tradition of skipping a drink or two on Friday are the main reasons for disruptions in the functioning of this important organ.

Postoperative intestinal atony

Postoperative intestinal atony is persistent constipation after surgery on the gastrointestinal tract. Successfully treated with Kalimin. This drug improves peristalsis and motility of the gastrointestinal tract. Contraindications: hypersensitivity, diabetes, pregnancy. Possible nausea, vomiting, gastric colic, lacrimation, myasthenia gravis, increased secretion of the lacrimal and salivary glands, weakness, miosis. Take orally, 60 mg every 5 hours.

Atony of the large intestine

Intestinal atony, in other words – constipation associated with weakening of the muscles of the large intestine. The large intestine is gradually stretched by fecal stones from childhood. Women are especially susceptible to constipation in the second half of pregnancy. Those who eat too much smoked foods also suffer from constipation. With intestinal atony, intoxication of the body occurs. Today, doctors have enough remedies to treat constipation. Eat more dairy products, and eggs should be limited. If constipation lasts more than 3 days, consult a doctor.

Atony of the stomach and intestines

Atony of the intestines and stomach develops most often with an incorrectly composed diet. The patient is bothered by a sagging belly, and sometimes intestinal obstruction and painful, prolonged constipation occur. The volume of feces is small and very dry. To avoid these phenomena, follow a few simple rules:

  1. Eat more fiber-rich foods.
  2. Contact a neurologist. In some diseases, disruption of the innervation of the stomach and intestines is possible.
  3. Move more.

Symptoms of intestinal atony

The normal frequency of bowel movements is 4 times a week. If bowel movements occur less frequently, be wary and try to identify the cause of constipation. It could be:

  1. Starvation.
  2. Overeating.
  3. If you have been in bed for a long time due to illness.
  4. Smoking.

Patients with intestinal atony have no appetite and are often lethargic.

Want to help yourself? Avoid fried and smoked foods, pies, chocolate and rich broths, pomegranates, mushrooms, garlic and radishes, and legumes. Beets, buckwheat and carrots bring invaluable benefits to the intestines. Kefir, lean meat and honey are useful.

Intestinal atony in children

Intestinal atony in children most often occurs under the influence of a psychological factor, for example, when weaning or potty training. Chronic constipation can be caused by insufficient water intake. To treat constipation in children, it is good to use glycerin suppositories. They promote reflex emptying of the baby’s intestines. The suppository should be administered 20 minutes after breakfast.

Intestinal atony in the elderly

A sedentary lifestyle and surgeries performed on older people often lead to constipation. A good method of combating constipation is a dairy-vegetable menu, walks and enemas. Give the patient 2 tbsp before breakfast. l. sunflower oil, biokefir; for breakfast, offer to eat boiled beet salad, baked apple, raisins, prunes. For lunch, solyanka and borscht, mashed potatoes, sauerkraut, bananas, berries and greens are good. Grind fruits and vegetables. Pass 400 prunes through a meat grinder and add 100 g of honey. The mixture is taken on an empty stomach. It is good to do enemas with chamomile.

Diagnosis of intestinal atony

The doctor takes stool for bacteriological analysis, performs a colonoscopy, and, if necessary, a biopsy. Intestinal atony is easily determined by the patient’s typical complaints of prolonged stool retention. To clarify the causes, diagnostics are carried out in the laboratory and using special instrumental research methods.

Treatment of intestinal atony

Traditional laxatives are only symptomatic remedies; they cannot eliminate the very cause of bowel movement disorders. Moreover, over time they stop working. The patient becomes very irritable and goes to the doctor for an appointment. You need to radically reconsider your diet. Exclude rice, hard-boiled eggs, and pears from it. Exercises and therapeutic abdominal massage help.

Eat fresh and canned lingonberries, include rhubarb, prunes, apricots, plums and prunes, and cherries in your diet.

Pour 10 g of oregano into a glass of water and drink a tablespoon twice a day.

Drugs for intestinal atony

An effective remedy for solving problems such as intestinal atony is distigmine bromide. It stimulates the functioning of the exocrine glands and increases peristalsis. Used for chronic constipation. Contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity, bradycardia, asthma, gastric ulcers, renal colic, chronic heart failure. Not prescribed during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Possible bradycardia, hyperhidrosis, muscle spasms. Drink half an hour before the first meal. Per day - no more than 10 mg of the drug.

Neostigmine methyl sulfate is a drug for intestinal atony that increases muscle tone of the gastrointestinal tract. Strengthens the work of the exocrine glands. For epilepsy, ischemic heart disease, arrhythmia, angina pectoris, asthma, atherosclerosis, thyrotoxicosis, stomach ulcers, and during the acute period of infectious diseases, neostigmine methyl sulfate is not prescribed. During pregnancy and lactation, prescribe with caution, comparing the risk to the health of the mother with the risk to the child. Possible headache, convulsions, loss of consciousness and miosis, arrhythmia, bradycardia, tachycardia and cardiac arrest. The drug is administered orally, intramuscularly and intravenously. The dosage is selected individually, taking into account age, body weight and other factors.

Prozerin for intestinal atony

Intestinal atony after surgery is eliminated with the drug Proserin. Prozerin facilitates the transmission of nerve impulses and restores neuromuscular conduction. Increases the secretion of gastrointestinal glands, tones muscles. Contraindications: epilepsy, ischemic heart disease, bradycardia, angina pectoris, asthma, gastric ulcer, atherosclerosis, peritonitis. Side effects: nausea, vomiting, flatulence, headache, weakness, drowsiness and visual disturbances. Take 10-15 mg orally 30 minutes before meals three times a day. SC: adults - 0.5-1-2 mg (0.5 mg - 1 ml of 0.05% solution) 1-2 times a day, maximum single dose - 2 mg, daily dose - 6 mg.

Diet for intestinal atony

Regular constipation is often caused by eating dry food on the go or malnutrition. You need to eat fractionally, in small portions, at the same time, 5 times a day. All dishes must be boiled, preferably steamed if possible, rather than frying or smoking. Can be baked in the oven. The share of protein in the diet is 60%. Vegetable juice is recommended in the morning, and yogurt, sour cream or kefir at night. Dieting is combined with exercise. Healthy foods include stale bread and dry cookies, vegetable soups, borscht and cabbage soup, lean meat, poultry, sausages, vegetable dishes made from cauliflower, zucchini, tomatoes, carrots and herbs, dishes made from barley and millet, and pasta. Canned food and salted fish are prohibited. If you are diagnosed with intestinal atony, you should not consume rich broths, peas and beans, rice, mushrooms, garlic, chocolate and coffee, pomegranates, and quince. Seaweed, compotes, jelly, baked apples, grated carrots with honey and various vegetable salads, natural yoghurts, veal and prunes are useful.

Intestinal atony- This is a violation of intestinal peristaltic movements due to changes in tone in the muscle layer of the intestine.

It is regulated by several parts of the nervous system: the enteric nervous system (nerve cells are located deep in the muscular wall of the intestine), the autonomic nervous system, the central nervous system and humoral factors (endocrine system).

The impact of unfavorable factors on any link in the regulation of intestinal tone leads to its disruption in the direction of decreased motility and tone, up to complete absence - atony, or in the direction of increase - spasm.



Intestinal atony is a syndrome that is included in the clinical picture of various diseases (adhesive disease, colitis, etc.). Diagnostic measures are aimed at identifying not only intestinal atony, but also establishing the true cause of the disease.



Drug treatment is etiological, pathogenetic and symptomatic in nature.

Etiological treatment is aimed at eliminating the cause of intestinal atony. These could be antidepressants, antibacterial drugs, treatment of a malignant process.

Pathogenetic and symptomatic treatment is aimed at eliminating the mechanisms and symptoms of the disease and includes the following groups of drugs:


If constipation predominates in the clinic, it is prescribed, which is aimed at enhancing intestinal motility.

Meals are fractional (4-6 times a day) in small portions. Food should be steamed, but not by frying.

Exercises (physical therapy)

All physical therapy activities should be aimed at strengthening the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles. Below are examples of exercises that you can use at home.

All exercises are repeated several times.

Intestinal pathologies are a factor affecting the condition of the whole organism. One of the most common diseases of this organ, especially in childhood and old age, is atony, causing. How to avoid this problem, what methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention are there? Is traditional medicine effective?

Description of the disease

The term "atonia" means lack of tone. In relation to the intestines, this is a pathology in which intestinal motility is insufficient to ensure regular bowel movements. Therefore, the disease is characterized by frequent constipation, which is called “atonic”.

Sometimes people suffering from constipation immediately begin to suspect that they have atony. Meanwhile, the problem may be due to completely different reasons, for example, poor nutrition, psychological factors, etc. The diagnosis of “intestinal atony” can only be made by a professional doctor.

Atony is formed due to loss of muscle tone in the intestines.

Before talking about atonic constipation, you should understand what the word “constipation” actually means. Most people believe that bowel movements must occur once a day. This is a misconception. Each person's body functions individually. It is considered normal when the interval between bowel movements is from 10 to 48 hours. If you haven't had a bowel movement for more than two days, you can talk about constipation.

Regular constipation is accompanied by other painful conditions - weakness, depression, skin problems.

Similar problems arise when there are tumors or polyps in the intestines that prevent stool from leaving the body.

Atonic constipation in children

The causes of intestinal atony in children are different; they depend on age and other factors.

Intestinal atony in adults

This condition is rare in healthy adults who lead an active lifestyle. At risk are:

  • those who have a sedentary job;
  • patients with chronic diseases;
  • postoperative patients;
  • pregnant or recently given birth women.

Features of the disease in older people

At older ages, the risk of developing atony increases many times. An elderly person can no longer move as much and actively as a young person; he accumulates chronic pathologies that require regular use of various medications. These are risk factors that can trigger the disease.

In addition, in the elderly, atony may be due to atherosclerosis of the intestinal vessels.


There are many reasons for this disease:

Intestinal atony after surgery

After operations on the gastrointestinal tract, persistent atonic constipation often occurs. This phenomenon is temporary. After the patient begins to walk, peristalsis and intestinal motility return to normal. To alleviate the patient's condition, special medications are prescribed. The most popular of them is Kalimin.

Kalimin helps improve peristalsis after intestinal surgery

This is a very effective remedy, but it must be taken under the supervision of a doctor, since the medicine has many contraindications.

Atonic constipation after childbirth

Atonic constipation after childbirth is very common. This is due to the following reasons:

  1. The abdominal muscles are stretched after childbirth, the uterus has not yet returned to its normal size, so it puts pressure on the lower intestines.
  2. The intestines return to their normal location.
  3. Hormonal levels have changed, which can also cause a decrease in tone.
  4. Tears and sutures cause pain during bowel movements, which can lead to a decreased urge to have a bowel movement.
  5. Psychological instability of a woman during this period.

Typically, atonic constipation goes away 6–8 weeks after birth. This does not mean that it does not need to be treated. If a woman notices signs of such a condition, she should definitely consult a doctor, since the disease can harm not only herself, but also the baby who is breastfed.

Impact of endocrine diseases on the intestines

Endocrine diseases, caused by decreased activity of the thyroid gland and insufficient production of hormones, can cause intestinal atony. Such pathologies include, for example, hypothyroidism, in which not only intestinal activity slows down, but also all processes in the body in general. The person experiences constant weakness, his speech becomes slow and intermittent, and his blood pressure decreases. Such patients sleep a lot, which also does not contribute to regular bowel movements. Patients' weight increases, and women experience menstrual irregularities.

Obesity, which often accompanies diabetes, is also a risk factor.

Obesity provokes atonic constipation

In this case, it is necessary to treat, first of all, the underlying disease, since acting directly on the intestines will not lead to the desired result.

The appearance of intestinal atony due to infection

Infections that cause atonic constipation:

An unpleasant consequence of such infectious diseases is a decrease in intestinal tone, not only due to the activity of harmful microorganisms, but also as a result of the influence of the drugs used.

Drug-induced intestinal atony

There are a lot of drugs that can cause this disease. The main ones are:

  1. Antispasmodics, for example, No-Shpa, Drotaverine, etc.
  2. Antiulcers - Famotidine, Omez, etc.
  3. Antacids - Maalox, Almagel, etc.
  4. Sorbents - Polysorb, Enterosgel, etc.
  5. Drugs against epilepsy - Difenin, Finlepsin, etc.
  6. Antidepressants - Amitriptyline, Moclobemide, etc.
  7. Morphine-like analgesics and synthetic narcotic drugs - Omnopon, Promedol, etc.

Genetic predisposition.

There is no consensus among experts regarding the hereditary factor in the development of intestinal atony. However, studies mostly confirm that a similar problem is observed in close relatives. This allows us to talk about the presence of a genetic predisposition to this pathology. Therefore, if there have already been cases of this disease in the family, all other family members are at risk.

Symptoms of intestinal atony

The main symptoms of the pathological condition are as follows:

  1. Constipation for more than 48 hours.
  2. Difficulty and pain during bowel movements.
  3. Extremely dense consistency of stool.
  4. Bloating, heaviness and discomfort in the abdomen.
  5. Poor appetite.
  6. Drowsiness, weakness, depression, shortness of breath.
  7. In advanced cases, vomiting, nausea, and fever may rise.

Do not think that all these symptoms appear at the same time. The condition is getting worse gradually. Frequent constipation is the main symptom that should prompt you to see a doctor.


Initially, a patient with constipation should visit his primary care physician. After a survey and examination, the doctor will refer the patient to specialists. A gastroenterologist and proctologist can make a final diagnosis. Without examining them and the necessary tests, it is impossible to determine how complex the patient’s condition is and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Laboratory research

Usually, if intestinal atony is suspected, the doctor prescribes a stool test for:

  • helminths;
  • occult blood;
  • bacteriological environment.

These studies are necessary in order to determine the cause of the pathology. The patient may also be prescribed a general blood test to determine the presence of inflammatory processes in the body.

Instrumental research methods

The main instrumental studies for atonic constipation are:

How to treat pathology

  1. A balanced low-calorie diet with increased fiber intake. Eliminating fatty and fried foods, reducing sugar intake.
  2. Regularity of meals:
    • Try to take food every day at the same time in small portions;
    • do not allow long breaks between doses;
    • You should eat your last meal at least two hours before going to bed.
  3. Active lifestyle, walking, physical exercises that are recommended for this age, yoga.
  4. Loss of body weight.
  5. Treatment of the underlying disease in infectious and endocrine pathologies.
  6. Drug treatment.

Medications: Prozerin, Metoclopramide and others

When treating intestinal atony with medication, doctors usually prescribe two groups of drugs - laxatives and stimulants. The most popular at the moment are:

  1. Regulax is a plant-based drug with a mild effect. Helps cleanse the large intestine and can even be prescribed to children.
  2. Metoclopramide is a drug that improves the motility of the muscles of the intestinal walls and has an antiemetic effect, used both in the hospital (usually in the form of injections) and in outpatient treatment (oral administration).
  3. Prozerin and Amiridin are very strong drugs, most often used in a hospital setting, as they require medical supervision. They increase the passage of nerve impulses and thereby improve peristalsis.
  4. Medicines containing enzymes that improve digestion, for example, Mezim or Pancreatin.
  5. Espumisan is a drug that reduces gas formation.
  6. Suppositories - this method is especially often used in young children, for example, suppositories with glycerin, belladonna, and cocoa butter.

Drug treatment of atony - photo gallery

Mezim contains enzymes that improve digestion Metoclopramide improves motility of the muscles of the intestinal walls Proserin increases the permeability of nerve impulses, thereby improving peristalsis
Regulax helps cleanse the large intestine Suppositories with glycerin are used to treat children Espumisan reduces gas formation

Diet for intestinal atony

Following a diet for this disease is a necessary condition for recovery. Recommended Products:

  1. Fresh fruits and vegetables - cabbage, beets, carrots, pumpkin, cucumbers, turnips, apples, etc.
  2. Dried fruits, dried fruit compotes - prunes, dried apricots, figs, etc.
  3. Greens - dill, parsley, lettuce.
  4. All porridges except semolina. Buckwheat, wheat, corn, and pearl barley are especially useful.
  5. Dietary meat - chicken breast, turkey breast, lean beef in moderation.
  6. Bran bread.

Prohibited products:

  1. Fatty meat, lard.
  2. Fatty fish.
  3. All fried foods.
  4. White bread, rolls, cookies, except oatmeal.
  5. Confectionery.


Physical activity for atonic constipation depends on the age of the patient. People of young and mature age are recommended to walk, jog, and do gymnastics. Elderly patients who are limited in their movements due to chronic diseases are recommended to have abdominal massage and exercises in a supine position.

Gymnastic exercises to combat intestinal atony should include:

  1. Abdominal exercises:
    • “bicycle” lying on your back;
    • alternately raising the legs from a lying position;
    • raising legs alternately while standing on all fours, etc.
  2. Exercises to develop the diaphragm:
    • take a deep breath from a standing position while raising your arms and relaxing your abdominal muscles;
    • then exhale while lowering your arms and tensing your abdominal muscles.
  3. Exercises for the pelvic muscles:
    • simple squats;
    • wedge squats;
    • raising the back from a supine position while the head and legs remain pressed to the support;
    • Walk in place for a few minutes, raising your knees as high as possible.
  4. Self-massage of the abdomen - uniform circular stroking. 10–20 circles several times a day.

Moderate physical activity will help cope with the problem

Such simple gymnastics will help improve blood circulation, gas removal, strengthen muscles and improve intestinal motility.


Some simple asanas are very effective for constipation, especially if performed regularly.

  1. Tadasana - mountain pose. When performing this pose, the abdominal muscles are developed and the intestines are stimulated. It is also good for the spine. Tadasana should be done after drinking plenty of clean, still water at room temperature. This asana is especially useful in the first half of pregnancy.
  2. Tiryaka-tadasana - tree pose bending in the wind. When performing bends, you need to concentrate on the tension in the abdominal wall.
  3. Udarakarshanasana - abdominal massage. This exercise begins by bending the left knee towards the support and turning the torso to the right side. It is not recommended to start by turning to the left, since you first need to influence the right side of the intestine as it moves.

Traditional medicine

People have long known remedies that work well for atonic constipation. However, you should not use them constantly without medical supervision, as many of them can be addictive. These means include:

  1. Senna leaves:
    • pour a teaspoon of crushed dry leaves into 250 ml of cold water;
    • leave to brew for a day, stirring every 3–4 hours;
    • After 24 hours, strain the infusion and drink, preferably in the evening before bed. It starts working in the morning.
  2. Infusion of dill seeds (dill water):
    • Pour 40 g of dill seeds into 0.5 liters of hot boiled water;
    • leave in a thermos for about one hour;
    • drink half a glass three times a day before meals. It is safer to use a pharmaceutical drug for children.
  3. Buckthorn bark:
    • 2 tbsp. l. add crushed bark to a glass of water;
    • keep in a water bath for 15 minutes;
    • leave for one hour;
    • add boiled water at room temperature to the initial volume;
    • drink half a glass before bed.
  4. Calamus rhizomes:
    • pour dry crushed raw materials with vodka at the rate of 50 g per 500 ml;
    • leave to infuse in a dark place for 10 days;
    • shake the product every day;
    • take 15 drops before meals, diluting with warm water.
  5. Thyme herb:
    • 2 tsp. steam dry thyme with boiling water (200 ml);
    • let it brew for 7–8 minutes;
    • drink like tea.
  6. Sequence grass:
    • add dry string powder (3 tablespoons) to one glass of boiling water;
    • keep in a water bath for 20 minutes;
    • let it brew for one hour, strain;
    • add boiled water to the initial volume;
    • drink one third of a glass after each meal.
  7. Flax seed jelly:
    • take 3 tbsp. l. seeds and add 500 ml of water;
    • boil for 10 minutes;
    • To enhance the effect, it is recommended to consume not only the jelly itself, but also the seeds from which it is cooked, chewing them thoroughly.
  8. Sea kale salad - if you are prone to constipation, consume it as often as possible.
  9. Grapefruit juice - drink a glass in the morning before meals. Contraindicated for stomach ulcers.
  10. Potato and beet juice (1:1) - only freshly squeezed juices are used from July to February, since at other times harmful substances accumulate in potatoes. Drink half a glass 20 minutes before meals.

Since these drugs have a gentler effect on the intestines and have virtually no contraindications (except for possible individual intolerance), doctors recommend starting treatment with them. Sometimes this is enough.

Intestinal atony is defined as a condition that is accompanied by complaints from the patient about the presence of disturbances that are relevant when attempting to empty the bowel. Intestinal atony, the symptoms of which are particularly manifested in a constant increase in the intervals between bowel movements or in severe difficulty in stool, is also characterized by the presence of constipation. Constipation, in turn, indicates a whole range of pathological conditions or the presence of certain negative factors affecting the body.

General description

Intestinal atony occurs due to loss of muscle tone in the intestines. The disease can be accompanied by both muscle spasms and, conversely, excessive relaxation. It should be noted that these types of problems often become chronic in accordance with the characteristics of their manifestation, respectively, their duration can last for many years.

Main types of constipation

The occurrence of atonic constipation occurs as a result, in fact, of intestinal atony. Meanwhile, other types are also distinguished, a concomitant factor for which is intestinal atony. For example, the most common is nutritional constipation, which occurs as a result of a poor-quality approach to nutrition. In addition, constipation is classified as psychogenic, toxic, endocrine and neurogenic. They do not exclude such a variety as constipation, which occurs due to weakening of the muscles and anorectal area.

Constipation also occurs due to the presence of an influencing factor in the form of a mechanical obstacle, due to which the movement of its contents through the intestines is significantly hampered. This kind of interference includes tumors or polyps, as well as adhesions and some other anomalies that form during the development of the large intestine.

Constipation: consequences

People who constantly experience problems associated with constipation due to intestinal atony often have toxins that accumulate in the intestinal lumen. In some cases, coprolites (that is, fecal stones), mucus, and also a suspension containing harmful microorganisms and toxins may form there.

Both liquid and microelements with vitamins are actively absorbed in the large intestine. Thus, people who often face the problem of constipation experience internal intoxication due to the entry of harmful substances into the blood.

This ultimately leads to inflammation of the intestinal mucosa and subsequent disruption of the microflora. In addition, the general condition of the entire body deteriorates. Such a course can be fraught with allergic reactions, as well as immune disorders. The high degree of slagging to which the intestines are exposed increases the possibility of an increased risk of cancer.

Intestinal atony: symptoms

The main symptom of the disease we are considering, as already noted, manifests itself in the form of constipation. Atonic constipation is particularly relevant when stool retention is forty-eight hours or more. Often accompanying manifestations of this condition are abdominal pain, discomfort, and bloating. The consequence of this is a deterioration in general well-being, the complexion undergoes changes, and weakness appears.

Patients whose constipation lasts for more than three days often experience symptoms in the form of increased temperature and blood pressure. In addition, they also experience significant heaviness in the stomach, and interest in food may completely disappear.

Basically, atonic constipation, which occurs due to weakness of the abdominal wall and pelvis, as well as due to weak peristalsis, disappears without accompanying painful sensations. This type of phenomenon is generally not uncommon after pregnancy and, accordingly, after childbirth. In some cases, it is possible to develop intestinal atony in women during, as well as with emphysema, obesity and hypokinesia. In addition, this condition becomes relevant in case of prolonged stay in bed.

Factors that provoke the occurrence of atonic constipation are nutritional disorders, physical inactivity, fasting, systematic stress, as well as unusual conditions that become the reason that prevents defecation. In addition, such factors include infections, endocrine diseases and the use of certain medications. Intestinal atony in children can often indicate the presence of certain anomalies regarding intestinal development.

Diagnosis of intestinal atony

Diagnosis of the disease in question involves the need to determine the causes that caused current disturbances in intestinal functions. Accordingly, a specialist must conduct a detailed survey of the patient, on the basis of which a picture is formed indicating the specific features of his lifestyle. In addition, factors such as nutrition and heredity are also taken into account.

Stool analysis and bacteriological culture are also performed. If necessary, it is possible to prescribe an examination in the form of a test, which will determine whether there are any pathologies in the intestinal area.

Treatment of intestinal atony

Quite often, patients seek help from a specialist only when the laxative drugs they previously used have ceased to work properly. This is completely wrong, because traditional laxative medications are only symptomatic remedies. Moreover, they do not eliminate the cause of constipation, and the effect on the intestinal mucosa leads to its atrophy, which only aggravates the course of the disease.

For this reason, treatment of intestinal atony primarily comes down to following a diet when developing a specific diet for this. Food should be taken in small portions. An important inclusion in the daily diet are foods that have a scraping effect. These include kvass, fermented milk products and natural juices. In addition, it is important to avoid eating foods that lead to “fastening” of the intestines - hard-boiled eggs, smoked meats, pears, etc.

If you are prone to atonic constipation, you should eat foods that contain a sufficient amount of fiber and fat. Due to these products, intestinal motility increases, which allows you to change the chemical composition of the large intestine.

In the treatment of intestinal atony, it is also important to adhere to a clear schedule for eating followed by bowel movements, which is facilitated by certain exercises aimed at ensuring ease and regularity of bowel movements. An effective measure in the treatment complex is also to perform therapeutic massage of the abdominal area.

If atonic constipation persists, additional medications may be prescribed. Pain is eliminated by using antispasmodics. In addition, it may be necessary to conduct an examination with a proctologist, who will determine or rule out the presence of a specific pathology.

Thus, to diagnose the disease, you should initially contact a gastroenterologist, who, if necessary, will additionally refer the patient to a proctologist or prescribe appropriate therapy for the treatment of intestinal atony.

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Diseases with similar symptoms:

Pneumonia (officially pneumonia) is an inflammatory process in one or both respiratory organs, which is usually of an infectious nature and is caused by various viruses, bacteria and fungi. In ancient times, this disease was considered one of the most dangerous, and although modern treatments make it possible to get rid of the infection quickly and without consequences, the disease has not lost its relevance. According to official data, in our country every year about a million people suffer from pneumonia in one form or another.

Intestinal obstruction is a severe pathological process, which is characterized by a disruption in the process of exiting substances from the intestines. This disease most often affects people who are vegetarians. There are dynamic and mechanical intestinal obstruction. If the first symptoms of the disease are detected, you must go to the surgeon. Only he can accurately prescribe treatment. Without timely medical help, the patient may die.

Inflammatory ailments that are accompanied by constant pain in the joints are called arthritis. Essentially, arthritis is a disease that causes thinning of joint cartilage, changes in ligaments and joint capsule. If the disease is not treated, the process worsens, leading to joint deformation.

Intestinal atony is a fairly common problem that is diagnosed in both adult patients and young children. The disease is accompanied by a decrease in the tone of the intestinal wall, resulting in a serious disturbance of peristalsis. Patients suffer from, if left untreated, atony can lead to damage to the intestinal walls.

Of course, many people are looking for more information about the disease. Why does intestinal atony develop? What to do in such cases? How dangerous can the pathology be? What symptoms should you look out for? The answers to these questions are important for many patients.

General information about the disease

Intestinal atony in humans is a pathology that is accompanied by a decrease in the tone of the smooth muscles of the digestive tract. Against the background of such changes, intestinal motility is disrupted, as a result of which the rate of movement of food masses to the final sections of the digestive tube (to the rectum) slows down significantly.

As is known, normally each section of the colon makes approximately 14 peristaltic contractions per minute. If this indicator falls, then feces begin to accumulate in the intestines. That is why the main problem that patients face is constant, chronic constipation. This pathology is diagnosed not only in adults and elderly patients—newborn babies also often become victims of the disease.

The main reasons for the development of pathology

Symptoms of intestinal atony can vary. In this case, everything depends on the stage of development of the disease and the degree of weakening of the walls of the digestive tract:

  • The main symptom of atony is constipation. Such a violation is said to occur if defecation occurs less than once every 2-3 days. Problems with bowel movements are directly related to impaired motility of the intestinal wall.
  • Patients complain of bloating, discomfort and even abdominal pain. The list of symptoms also includes flatulence.
  • Since, against the background of atony, the body’s processes of assimilation of the gland are disrupted, anemia may develop. The disease is accompanied by severe weakness, insomnia, increased irritability, and dizziness. The patient's skin becomes pale.
  • Against the background of prolonged constipation, hard fecal stones form in the intestines, which can damage the mucous membrane of the rectum (small bleeding is possible during bowel movements).
  • Due to the accumulation of feces in the intestines, putrefactive processes are activated. Toxins and harmful substances enter the blood, which is accompanied by increased body temperature, nausea, weakness and other symptoms of intoxication.
  • Atony and constipation lead to disruption of the intestinal microflora. This is fraught with a significant decrease in the activity of the immune system, as well as allergic reactions.

If such signs appear, you should definitely consult a doctor. Under no circumstances should the problem be ignored.

Under no circumstances should such a disease be ignored. If left untreated, intestinal atony can lead to dangerous consequences.

Feces accumulate in the intestines, which sometimes leads to the formation of fecal stones. In addition, if there is no bowel movement for a long time, toxins begin to accumulate in the body, which in some cases end up back into the blood. The absorption of vitamins and some other useful substances occurs precisely in the large intestine - atony is often associated with severe forms of vitamin deficiency.

Chronic constipation can lead to the development of hemorrhoids and anal fissures. It is believed that intestinal atony in the absence of timely treatment increases the risk of developing cancer. It has been proven that such a pathology, in the presence of other prerequisites, can lead to the development of inflammatory bowel diseases.

And do not forget that constant constipation is accompanied by discomfort, abdominal pain, bloating, and this simply cannot but affect the emotional and mental state of the patient.

Diagnostic measures

Diagnostics is extremely important in this case. The doctor needs not only to confirm the presence of atony, but also to find out the causes of its occurrence.

  • Anamnesis collection is mandatory. During a general examination, the doctor collects information not only about the presence of certain symptoms, but also about the patient’s lifestyle, his daily diet and other aspects. Upon palpation, you can notice that the patient's abdomen is swollen.
  • A coprogram is being carried out. Feces are examined for traces of blood, as well as helminths and protozoa. Sometimes an additional bacteriological culture is performed (this helps to assess the composition of the natural microflora and determine the presence of a fungal or bacterial infection).
  • Patients are shown irrigoscopy and contrast radiography - this helps the doctor evaluate the functioning of the intestines and determine the presence of organic lesions.
  • Sometimes an additional colonoscopy is performed (using endoscopic equipment, the doctor examines the colon) and a biopsy (if the presence of malignant neoplasms is suspected).

Drug therapy: what helps with atony?

Treatment of intestinal atony must be comprehensive. Depending on the presence of certain symptoms, the doctor will prescribe appropriate medications:

  • Pancreatin, Festal and other enzyme medications that improve digestion processes are widely used.
  • If there is bloating, patients are prescribed Espumisan - the drug reduces the volume of gases produced, thereby relieving discomfort in the abdomen.
  • “Proserin” is also effective for intestinal atony. This medicine improves neuromuscular conduction, speeding up the process of transmission of nerve impulses to the intestinal wall, thereby enhancing motility. The drug is used only in a hospital setting.
  • The drug "Metoclopramide" will also help strengthen intestinal motility.
  • Sometimes laxatives are used. A good option in this case is Regulax, which contains senna extract. The medicine softens stool and facilitates the process of their passage.

Of course, only a doctor can select medications for intestinal atony. You should not try to cope with the disease on your own.

The right diet for patients with atony

Diet for intestinal atony is extremely important. With the help of a properly formulated diet, you can relieve the burden on the digestive organs and improve intestinal motility:

  • You need to exclude sugar, baked goods, fatty meats and other high-calorie foods from your diet.
  • Useful for constipation are carrots, boiled beets, pumpkin, bread with bran, greens, as well as plums, dried apricots, and prunes.
  • It is worth giving up fruits and berries, which have an astringent effect. Pears, dogwoods, blueberries, and pomegranates have these properties.
  • It is recommended to limit the amount of foods such as radishes, cabbage, garlic, legumes, mushrooms, radishes, and onions in the diet, as they irritate the intestinal mucosa and activate gas formation processes.
  • Fermented milk products will help improve digestion. The menu must include kefir, yogurt, and yogurt. They not only help fight constipation, but also support the vital activity of beneficial intestinal microflora.
  • You can and should include broths, meat and fish in your diet, but only low-fat varieties. It is better to bake or steam them—fried foods are prohibited.
  • Porridges, in particular millet, buckwheat, and barley, will be useful.
  • The menu should be enriched with vegetable oils. Before going to bed, doctors recommend taking a spoonful of olive (or other) vegetable oil - this will help eliminate problems with stool.
  • You should give up chocolate, coffee, strong tea, rice and rich broths at least for a while.
  • It is very important to monitor your drinking regime. You need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of clean water per day. Doctors recommend drinking a glass of still mineral water in the morning - this will help start intestinal motility.
  • Food should not be too hard, cold or, conversely, hot - this will only irritate the mucous membranes of the digestive tract.

Other therapeutic measures

As already mentioned, intestinal atony requires an integrated therapeutic approach. In addition to diet, physical activity is an important part of treatment. Swimming and long walks are suitable. Exercises that are aimed at strengthening the abdomen are useful. Contraction of the abdominal wall stimulates the intestines, helps get rid of gases, and improves blood circulation.

In addition, regular abdominal massage will be useful - it is better to entrust this to an experienced massage therapist.

Intestinal atony: folk remedies

You already know why the disease develops and what symptoms it is accompanied by. Drug treatment of intestinal atony, coupled with a proper diet, will certainly have an effect. But therapy can be supplemented with some homemade remedies (with the doctor’s permission, of course):

  • Large leaf green tea is a good remedy for intestinal atony. The leaves need to be crushed in a coffee grinder, and the resulting “Dust” should be taken four times a day (before meals) half a teaspoon.
  • A decoction of flax seeds is also considered useful, which, by the way, has a beneficial effect not only on the intestines, but also on the mucous membranes of the stomach. Pour a tablespoon of seeds into a glass of hot water, then put on the fire and bring to a boil. The dishes are then covered with a lid, wrapped in a terry towel or blanket and left for an hour. There is no need to strain the broth - the medicine is taken along with the seeds, three tablespoons three times a day.
  • A decoction of dried string herb (sold in a pharmacy) also helps. Two tablespoons of raw material are poured into 0.5 liters of water, put on low heat and brought to a boil. The broth should be infused for at least 30 minutes - then it can be strained. The medicine is taken twice a day, one glass.
  • Porridge made from pumpkin will help cope with constipation.
  • From time to time it is worth preparing a salad of boiled beets with prunes, seasoning it with vegetable oil - this also helps to improve the bowel movement process.

Of course, before starting to use any traditional medicine, you need to consult a specialist.

Prevention: how to prevent the development or complication of the disease?

Unfortunately, there are no specific drugs that would make it possible to avoid the development of the disease. Prevention in this case comes down to very simple measures:

  • A proper diet is important. The diet must contain vitamins, minerals and plant fibers that stimulate intestinal motility. By the way, some foods (for example, beets, prunes) help cope with constipation and improve the functioning of the digestive tract.
  • Therapeutic exercises, regular walks, swimming, in a word, any physical activity will have a positive effect on intestinal function.
  • Of course, all diseases of the digestive tract must be treated promptly and adequately.

If you notice symptoms of intestinal atony, you should definitely consult a specialist. The earlier therapy is started, the less likely it is to develop various complications.

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