Analysis of the use of material resources. If checkmate resources are collected in the warehouse, they are not mated. flow and mat. stocks Mathematical Olympiads and Olympiad problems


Indicators of efficiency in the use of material resources

Mat resources are raw materials and technical and energy resources. resources. Raw fuels and energy. resources are used in the production of products and are completely consumed, this is their difference from PF. Mat raw material resources transfer their level to the level of released products during the 1st technol. process. Types of industrial raw materials:

1) By origin: industrial. and agricultural

2) According to the nature of the image: organic, mineral, chemical.

3) According to the nature of labor: primary, secondary (ore, metal).

Raw materials decom. on the:

1) Basic - composition. mat. - technical basis.

2) Auxiliary - performing non-basic functions during production.

Mat. R. are divided into:

1) Inventories are inventories of raw materials. have not entered into production. percent .

2) Unfinished cont. - this is cont. the cat entered the prot. pr-va, but did not leave it.

3) Expenses bud. periods - this is the average cat. already exists now and is consumed now, but relates to the future. products.

Indicators of the effectiveness of using mat. resources

The analysis of the use of own OBS is carried out according to the data in section B of the assets and liabilities of the balance sheet.

Asset - standardized OBS

Liability - loans from the bank against standardized inventory items.

Problems of analyzing the efficiency of use of material resources, comp. is to install:

1) Is everything swearing? required for production are in stock.

2) Sufficiency V of these reserves for the production of planned V products.

3) Determine the efficiency of using consumed items of labor.

4) Does the enterprise employ workers? on the introduction of progressive types of mats.

On the effectiveness of using mat. influenced by factors:

1) Use of local language. cat. yavl. cheaper.

2) Replacement of some mats. others (while maintaining quality).

3) Reducing material consumption rates.

To characterize the efficiency of using mathematical resources, a system of general and specific indicators is used. In general, we show the profit per ruble of material costs, material productivity, material intensity, the ratio of the growth rate of production volumes and material costs, specific units. weight of material costs in agricultural products, coefficient of material costs. Profit per ruble of material costs is determined by dividing the amount of profit received from the basics. activities for the amount of material costs.

Material productivity is determined by dividing the cost of manufactured products (CP) by the sum of material costs (MC). This indicator characterizes the return of materials, i.e. the amount of products produced for each ruble of material resources consumed (raw materials, materials, fuel, energy, etc.).

Material consumption is determined by dividing MH by VP and shows how much material costs need to be produced or actually account for the production of a unit of product.

The ratio of the growth rate of production volume and material costs is determined by the ratio of the VP index to the MH index. it characterizes in relative terms the dynamics of material productivity and at the same time reveals the factors of its growth.

Ud. the weight of material costs in agricultural production is calculated by the ratio of the amount of labor costs to total agricultural production. The dynamics of this indicator characterizes the change in the material intensity of products.

The cost factor is a relative fact. the amount of the Ministry of Health to the planned one. Recalculated to fact. volume of products produced. It shows how economically materials are used in the production process, and whether they are overused compared to established standards. If the coefficient is greater than 1, then this indicates an overexpenditure of material resources for production, and vice versa, if less than 1, then material resources were used more economically.

Material intensity (ME) can be general, specific and specific. IU depends on the volume of VP and the amount of MH for its production.

General ME is determined: MH/VVP

The total IU depends on the volume of production. products, its structure, consumption rates for materials per unit of products, prices for materials resources and selling prices for products.

Specific ME is determined: UME=NR (consumption rates)

Partial ME (PME) is determined: PME=UME/CI (price of the product)


UME, = HP,-CM1 CM (material price)


DIed=NR, * TsMo




(GNP) in accordance with their educational and professional level. This is the most important element of the country's economic potential.

- part of the natural environment used or suitable for use by society for the purpose of satisfying material and spiritual people. Natural resources are classified into mineral, land, water, plant and animal, and atmospheric.

Material resources- a set of objects of labor, a complex of things that a person influences in the process and with help in order to adapt them to satisfy their own and use in the process (raw materials).

Energetic resources— energy carriers used in production and economic activities. They are classified: by type— coal, oil and oil products, gas, hydropower, electricity; by methods of preparation for use- natural, ennobled, enriched, processed, transformed; by methods of obtaining- from outside (from another enterprise), from own production; by frequency of use - primary,

recycled, reusable; by area of ​​use - in industry, agriculture, construction, transport.

Production resources ()- a thing or a set of things that a person places between himself and the object of labor and which serves for him as a conductor of influence on him in order to obtain the necessary material benefits. Instruments of labor are also called fixed assets, which in turn are classified into a number of groups.

Primary and derived material resources

Material and technical resources is a collective term that refers to those used in primary and auxiliary production. The main feature of the classification of all types of material and technical resources is their origin. For example, the production of ferrous and non-ferrous metals (metallurgy), the production of non-metals (chemical production), the production of wood products (woodworking), etc.

Material and technical resources are also classified according to their purpose in the production process (production of semi-finished products, components, final finished products). For material resources, additional classification characteristics are introduced: physical and chemical properties (thermal conductivity, heat capacity, electrical conductivity, density, viscosity, hardness); shape (bodies of rotation - rod, pipe, profile, angle, hexagon, beam, lath); dimensions (small, medium and large sizes in length, width, height and volume); physical (aggregate) state (liquid, solid, gaseous).

Material resources, depending on their purpose in the production and technological process, are broadly classified into the following groups: raw materials(for the production of material and energy resources); materials(for main and auxiliary production); semi-finished products(for further processing); components(for the manufacture of the final product); finished products(to provide consumers with goods).

Raw materials

These are raw materials that, during the production process, form the basis of a semi-finished or finished product. Here, first of all, industrial raw materials should be highlighted, which, in turn, are classified into mineral and artificial.

Mineral fuel and energy raw materials include natural gas, oil, coal, oil shale, peat, uranium; metallurgical - ores of ferrous, non-ferrous and precious metals; to the mining chemical - agronomic ores (for the production of fertilizers), barite (for producing white paints and as a filler), fluorspar (used in metallurgy, the chemical industry), sulfur (for the chemical industry and agriculture); technical - diamonds, graphite, mica; for construction - stone, sand, clay, etc.

Artificial raw materials include synthetic resins and plastics, synthetic rubber, leather substitutes, and various detergents.

Agricultural raw materials occupy an important place in the national economy. It, in turn, is classified into plant (cereals, industrial crops) and animal (meat, milk, eggs, raw hides, wool) origin. In addition, raw materials from the forestry and fishing industries are isolated - procurement raw materials. This is a collection of wild and medicinal plants; berries, nuts, mushrooms; logging, fishing.


This is the basis for the production of semi-finished products, components, industrial and consumer goods. Materials are classified into basic and auxiliary. The main ones include those types that are directly included in the composition of the finished product; auxiliary - those not included in its composition, but without which it is impossible to carry out technological processes for its production.

In turn, basic and auxiliary materials are divided into types, classes, subclasses, groups and subgroups. In general, materials are classified into metals and non-metals, depending on their physical state - into solid, granular, liquid and gaseous.

Semi-finished products

These are intermediate products that must go through one or more stages of processing before becoming the final product. Semi-finished products are classified into two main groups. The first group includes partially manufactured products within a separate enterprise, transferred from one production unit to another. The second group consists of semi-finished products obtained through cooperation from one industrial enterprise to another.

Semi-finished products can be subjected to either one-time processing, after which they are turned into finished products, or multi-operational processing according to developed technological processes.


These are finished products that, through cooperation, are supplied by one industrial enterprise to another for the production of the final finished product. The final finished product is actually assembled from the components.

Final finished products

These are goods for industrial or consumer purposes produced by industrial enterprises, intended for sale to intermediate or final consumers. Individual consumer goods can be durable (reusable) and short-term use, everyday demand, pre-selection, special demand.

Secondary material resources

Waste refers to the remains of raw materials, materials, and semi-finished products generated during the production of products or performance of work and which have lost, in whole or in part, their original consumer properties. In addition, waste is generated as a result of the dismantling and write-off of parts, assemblies, machines, equipment, installations, and other fixed assets. Waste includes products and materials that are no longer in use among the population and have lost their consumer properties as a result of physical or moral wear and tear.

Secondary material resources include all types of waste, including those for which there are currently no technical, economic or organizational conditions for use. In this regard, it should be noted that with the increase in production volumes of industrial and consumer goods, the volumes of secondary material resources will constantly increase. They have their own classification according to the place of formation (industrial waste,

consumption), application (used and unused), technology (subject to and not subject to additional processing), state of aggregation (liquid, solid, gaseous), chemical composition (organic and inorganic), toxicity (toxic, non-toxic), place of use, volume and etc.

Meaning of Resource Classification

The classification of material and technical resources facilitates the selection of the necessary vehicles for their delivery (road, rail, water, air, specialized transport) depending on the cargo (their dimensions, weight, physical condition).

This classification allows designers and builders to take into account the features of stored and accumulated material and technical resources (bulk, liquid, gaseous and other products) during the construction of warehouse complexes and terminals. It becomes possible to choose the optimal storage option, take into account the impact on the environment, and create artificial conditions for this.

This allows you to create optimal reserves of material and technical resources, comply with warehouse storage deadlines, timely maneuver inventories, and sell them, linking all links of the overall logistics chain. We are talking about the use of information networks that provide logistics services with initial data for making rational decisions.

Analysis of the provision of material resources and their use

Let's consider the influence of material resources on. All other things being equal, the volume of production will be greater, the better the organization is provided with raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, components, fuel and energy equivalent to material resources and the better they are used.

The main sources of information for analysis are: explanatory note to the organization's annual report, order journal No. 6 for payments to suppliers for materials, order journal No. 10 for accounting for production costs, statements of materials consumption reports, cutting sheets, receipt orders for materials, limit cards, requirements, materials warehouse cards, book (list) of remaining materials.

The main objectives of analyzing the provision of material resources and their use are the following:
  • determining the degree of implementation of the organization’s logistics (supply) plan in terms of volume, assortment, completeness and quality of received material resources;
  • control over compliance with stock standards and consumption standards of material resources;
  • control over the implementation of organizational and technical measures aimed at reducing warehouse stocks of materials and saving on the consumption of material resources in the production process.

The implementation of the logistics plan should be analyzed by the most important types of materials on which product output is most dependent. The volume of supplies (delivery) of material resources to the organization in a given period is equal to the planned need for them to produce the specified volume of products; in this case, the balances of materials in the organization’s warehouse at the beginning and at the end of the period are taken into account. In turn, the planned need for material resources is equal to the number of products manufactured according to the plan, multiplied by the rate of consumption of materials per product.

During the analysis, it is necessary to find out to what extent the planned quantity of imported materials is provided by contracts concluded with suppliers for the supply of these materials, and subsequently to establish how suppliers fulfill their obligations for the supply of material resources.

Let us consider, using an example, the influence on the volume of output of factors of provision of material resources and their use.

The increase in production output was influenced by the following factors related to material resources:

The total influence of all factors (balance of factors) is: pieces.

The receipt of materials from suppliers, which affects the volume of products, should be studied not only in terms of the quantity of materials received, but also in relation to compliance with the scheduled timing of their receipt, their range and quality. Failure to comply with all these conditions may negatively affect product output. Then it is necessary to specify the analysis in the context of individual types of materials. When analyzing their warehouse stocks, you should compare the actual balances of materials with the norms of their stocks and identify deviations. If existing excess inventories can be sold to other enterprises without damaging the production process, then they should be sold. If actual inventories are less than normal, it should be determined whether this is causing disruptions in the production process. If not, inventory standards may be reduced. Particular attention should be paid to identifying stale and slow-moving types of materials in the warehouse stocks that are not used in production and have been in the organization’s warehouse without movement for a long time.

Having studied the state of warehouse stocks of certain types of materials, we should move on to considering their consumption. In this case, you should compare their actual consumption with the consumption according to the business plan, recalculated to the actual volume of production, and identify savings or overconsumption of certain types of materials. It is also necessary to establish the reasons for these deviations. Overconsumption of materials can be caused by the following main reasons: incorrect cutting of materials, replacement of one type, profile and size of material with others due to their lack of stock, non-standard size of material, discrepancy between allowances and dimensions of material, production of new parts to replace rejected ones, etc. It is necessary to establish the reasons for overconsumption material resources in production.

See further:

At the conclusion of the analysis, it is necessary to summarize the reserves for increasing production output associated with material resources.

Reserves for increasing production output:

  • reduction of material waste during the production process;
  • reduction in the net weight of products due to a revision of their design;
  • rational replacement of materials with more efficient materials.

Math.resources– objects of labor consumed in the production process, to the cat. are mainly and auxiliary materials, semi-finished products, components, fuel and energy for technological needs.

All mat. resources are divided into raw materials and fuel and energy. Raw materials- the totality of the objects of labor available in the country that are used directly for the production of various products. Raw materials: 1) depending on the functions performed in the creation of products - main. and auxiliary Main raw materials – types of raw materials, cat. form the basis of manufactured products. Auxiliary raw materials - participates in the manufacture of products, not being their production basis, but only giving it certain properties. 2) by the nature and size of labor costs - primary and secondary (production waste) 3) by the criterion of origin - industrial (obtained in processing and mining industry) and agriculture. agricultural raw materials – products of agricultural industries. 4) by the nature of formation - min, organ, chemical. 5) according to the degree of reproducibility - reproducible and non-reproducible.

Materials– labor products that have undergone one or more stages of pre-processing and are intended for further processing in the process of manufacturing finished products. The classification of materials is similar to the classification of raw materials.

There are potential and real fuel and energy resources. Potential fuel and energy resources – the volume of reserves of all types of fuel and energy that the country as a whole has. Real fuel and energy resources – the totality of all types of energy used in the country’s economy: 1) natural fuel and energy resources – coal, peat, natural resources. gas. 2) fuel processing products - coke, briquettes, non-products. 3) secondary energy resources - fuel waste, hot gases, exhaust gas.

Summarizing indicators.– material consumption of production and products, material productivity, absolute indicators. and relates. changes in the volume of mat. costs, intensification of the use of mat. resources, indicators of the consumption structure of mat. resources.

Single displays.- show. useful use mat. resources and indicators characterizing. share of waste, material losses. resources and the degree of their involvement in production (coefficient of extraction of a useful component from the source raw material, coefficient of product yield from the source material, coefficient of material use, cutting coefficient and various consumption coefficients).

Material consumption pr-va – character. level and eff. use of material resources in general according to production, regardless of the specifics. types of products produced. Material efficiency– indicator, the inverse of material intensity, is determined by dividing the quality of the product by the cost of the materials consumed. Shows how many products are produced for each ruble of material resources consumed.

Product recovery factors from feedstock - the ratio of the volume of actually extracted product to the volume of this product contained in the feedstock.

Indicator of product yield from raw materials - the ratio of the amount of products produced to the amount of raw materials consumed.

Material utilization rates - characterizes the degree of use of the material at the stage of product manufacturing.

Cutting coefficients- the ratio of the areas of cut blanks to the area of ​​the material being cut (when cutting fabrics, leather, sheet metal, etc.).

Expense coefficient- indicator, inverse coefficient. usage and coefficient cutting, the ratio of the rate of consumption of material resources to their useful consumption.

TO waste and loss ratio - indicators characterizing the level of waste and loss generation.

Rationing of material resources – process of determining min. the amount of their consumption sufficient for the normal course of the process. Rationing of material consumption- Established measures for material consumption.

Classification of consumption rates: 1) by period of validity – current, future; 2) by scale of application - individual (for individual types of products), group (manufactured for a group of products); 3) according to the degree of detail - specialization standards developed using detailed calculations, consolidated standards developed using aggregated calculation methods.

Directions for rational use of raw materials and fuel and energy resources:

1) improving the structure of the fuel and energy balance 2) better preparation of raw materials 3) proper storage of raw materials and fuel 4) chemicalization of production 5) use of production waste 6) recycling of raw materials 7) integrated use of raw materials

Resource saving- a set of organizational and technical measures and activities that accompany all stages of life. cycle of objects and aimed at rationalization. use and economical consumption of fuel and energy resources. Energy saving- limiting the consumption of various types of energy.

The material intensity of products and the efficiency of material consumption are influenced by the following factors: 1) external - state regulation of resource conservation, market conditions, scientific and technical. development, general economic factors. 2) internal - reaction to the influence of external factors 3) technical (at the design stage, affect the reduction of material consumption and improvement of product quality) - reduction of abs. and ud. product weight, improving the quality of materials, replacing expensive materials. 4) technological (at the stage of product manufacturing, causing a reduction in waste and losses of materials) - the introduction of new equipment, material-saving technologies, improving the manufacture of parts, increasing the level of mechanization. 5) organizational - improving the organization of production, the system for rationing the consumption of material resources, accounting for their actual use, the system for providing materials. resources, product quality control, personnel qualifications. 6) economic – incentives for workers, e.g. responsibility for negligence Used mat. resources, eq. mailbox status. The transition to resource-saving reproduction requires rationalization of the use of resources, structural restructuring of production taking into account the real needs of internal and external markets, the introduction of scientific and technical progress achievements, the latest methods of management, analysis and forecasting, government support and regulation resource saving when using legally established incentives and sanctions.

23. Organizational activity planning system.

Planning-This is the development and adjustment of a plan, including anticipation, justification, specification and description of the activities of an economic entity for the short and long term. units. It states very clearly and in detail:

The goal of the enterprise and its structure for the planning period, quantitatively expressed by a system of established indicators; - Means of achieving the goal; - Rules and deadlines for completing work; - Executors of the plan by timing and type of work; - Methods, stages and means of monitoring the implementation of the plan .

Planning the activities of an enterprise, depending on the policy adopted in the state for regulating economic processes, can be centralized or decentralized.

The main planning method is balance sheet. Its meaning is to ensure equality of two indicators.

The normative method is based on the use of norms and standards for the consumption of living and material labor to determine variable values.

Graphical methods can have various forms: network, linear, which is compiled in coordinate axes, where X is the work time, Y is the type of work. Using the same method, the break-even point of the enterprise is calculated, where X is the production volume, Y is the cost of production.

The network method is used when planning the preparation of production of new products

The program-target method is used in the development of complex projects where many performers are involved.

Economic-mathematical models in planning are used in various modifications. Their meaning is that a model is compiled from a number of indicators and coefficients. The variable planned value (Y) is found as dependent on other factors (X). For example, the linear dependence of indicators is expressed by the formula

Y=a 0 +a 1 x 1 +a 2 x 2

Where U is electricity consumption, kWh;

X 1 - power of technological equipment, kW;

X 2 - production program, pieces;

a 0, a 1, and 2 are coefficients obtained by calculation using retrospective data.

The listed methods of planning various aspects of the functioning of a company are a kind of toolkit for planners, specialists and managers to determine development goals and ways to achieve them.

The main tasks of planning the activities of an enterprise are as follows:

Ensure the financial stability of the enterprise and the return on capital higher than that of competitors; - increase sales volume and market share through highly competitive products, works, services; - create new jobs to ensure social stability in the country and the prestige of the state in world community.

Planning of the enterprise’s activities is based on the following principles: continuity, optimality, efficiency, stability, organic unity of plans of the enterprise and its divisions, prioritization,

1. From the point of view of the mandatory nature of planned targets, directive and indicative planning.

2. Depending on the period for which the plan is drawn up and the degree of detail of the planned calculations, it is customary to distinguish between long-term (future-term), medium-term and short-term (current) planning

4. In the theory and practice of planning, other types of planning can also be distinguished, covering both the main and secondary aspects of this process.

Intra-company planning as an integral part of the enterprise management process can have the following organizational forms:

With centralized planning functions;

With decentralized planning functions.

Creating organizational planning systems requires costs. But the effect of rational organization of production always exceeds these costs.

Strategic planning, as a rule, is focused on the long term and determines the main directions of development of an economic entity.

The main goal of strategic planning is to create the potential for the survival of an enterprise in a dynamically changing external and internal environment that creates uncertainty in the future. As a result of strategic planning, an enterprise sets long-term goals and develops means to achieve them

Strategic planning has its own technology. The process of strategic planning includes the following stages:

Defining the mission of the enterprise; - formulating the goals and objectives of the enterprise; - analysis and assessment of the external environment;

Analysis and assessment of the internal structure of the enterprise; - development and analysis of strategic alternatives; - choice of strategy.

Strategic planning is characterized by the following features:

It must be complemented by the current one;

Strategic plans are developed at meetings of the company's senior management, which are held annually;

The annual detailing of the strategic plan is carried out simultaneously and in close connection with the development of the tactical plan;

Most Western companies believe that the strategic planning mechanism should be improved

Strategic planning is designed for a long period. Tactical planning is a means of implementing strategic plans. If the main goal of the strategic plan is to determine what the enterprise wants to achieve in the future, then tactical planning must answer the question of how the enterprise can achieve this state.

Websites with a mathematical and educational focus: Resources for schoolchildren and applicants

  • portal EduStudio/ - created for teaching and testing knowledge in mathematics for schoolchildren
  • - an online collection of problems for the school mathematics course.
  • - solutions to prototypes of the Unified State Exam 2012 in mathematics, useful materials and articles for preparing for the Unified State Exam. Free access to Unified State Exam video lessons (mathematics, 2012).
  • Department of BMA SSTU - website of the Department of Biotechnical and Medical Devices and Systems of Saratov State Technical University.
  • - online mathematical portal for solving problems. The site presents more than 20 online calculators that allow you to carry out detailed solutions to problems from various branches of mathematics: differential and integral calculus, operations on matrices, constructing graphs of functions, solving equations and much more.
  • - subject Olympiads for the 2011/2012 academic year in Russian, English and mathematics.
  • - Free program LoviOtvet for automatically solving mathematical examples of any complexity with displaying the solution stages online.
  • - The goal of this project is to unite the geological Internet community to create a convenient information and educational resource, which includes an electronic library of geological literature, a section of educational video lessons and lectures, announcements of geological community events and other materials on geological topics.
  • PSTU student library - books, articles, coursework, energy calculations are freely available.
  • Mathematics for school. - Clear explanations. Solving problems and examples in mathematics.
  • - Student laboratory. Review of software for students. Internet experiments. Library of educational materials. Original MathCad solvers.
  • Website of secondary school No. 60 with gymnasium classes named after. V.S.Oparina
  • - Fascinating logic puzzles that will be interesting for both children and adults. Fun tasks adapted for modern schoolchildren. For each problem, a solution method is described. The basic concepts and principles of logic are presented in a simple and understandable form. Problems develop logical thinking and mathematical acumen.
  • - Examples of solving typical problems from a higher mathematics course using the most popular mathematical packages Mathcad, Matlab, Maple, Statistica. There are methodological developments for mathematics teachers on their use. Textbooks on the mentioned programs, demo versions and free software for solving equations, files for books. Competitions are held from time to time. Forum, links by topic."
  • - A site where differential equations are solved.
  • - The site is designed for solving various problems in mathematics online, i.e. You get the solution to your problem immediately, right on the website.
  • - The project collects all the mechanisms created by the great Russian mathematician - Pafnuty Lvovich Chebyshev.
  • - The site presents sketches made using modern 3D computer graphics, telling about mathematics and its applications in a fascinating and interesting way. We invite you to take educational tours of beautiful mathematical problems. Their formulation is understandable to a schoolchild, but some problems have not yet been solved by scientists.
  • - Collection of textbooks and resources for teaching schoolchildren. Solutions to assignments in various subjects, Unified State Exams and much more.
  • - Blog of the school Know-It-All. The Blog contains information about teenage competitions, tournaments and Olympiads in which you can try your hand at and get your moment of fame.
  • - The site contains presentations of mathematics lessons designed for secondary school students. All presentations are 5 – 10 minutes. Extracurricular activities are also posted.
  • - Uniquation was created to search for mathematical information on the Internet. To search for information about a mathematical object, you need to enter a representation of this object in TeX format and click “Find”.
  • - Mathematics, Russian language online assignments. - Information, entertainment and educational portal for children of preschool and primary school age and their parents.
  • - Educational video portal Database of free video lessons on the school curriculum.
  • - Website about mathematics. Includes sections of higher, school and entertaining mathematics, as well as the history of science. Particular attention is paid to the issue of preparation for the Unified State Exam in mathematics.
  • - Website of the Faculty of Applied Informatics of the Kuban State Agrarian University.
  • - Solving mathematical problems, grades 5-6. Online checking of answers.
  • - Official website of Odessa National University named after I.I. Mechnikov.
  • - Detailed information about universities in St. Petersburg, secondary and additional education, courses and study abroad.
  • - The first social network for schoolchildren in Ukraine and Russia. The site contains a complete database of online GDZ from grades 5 to 11, topics, abstracts and much more. Meet people, chat and help others with their homework!
  • - website of the mathematics tutor Pavel Berdov. A collection of lessons and tests to prepare for exams.
  • - Children's Math Forum for schoolchildren in grades 4 - 8.
  • - North-West correspondence mathematical school: remote in-depth study of mathematics, biology and chemistry for schoolchildren in grades 8-11.
  • - EGE trainer. Generator of problems and their solutions.
  • - On the site you will learn a lot of interesting things from the world of science, get acquainted with the history of the greatest scientific discoveries and achievements, read the works of outstanding scientists of the world: physicists, astronomers, mathematicians and biologists. Study the Universe and space in detail.
  • - Unified State Examination in mathematics. The site is designed to prepare students for the exam. There are: on-line testing in the form of the Unified State Exam, notes on school mathematics, services for mathematics teachers - trainings, test tasks, a grade book, educational materials.
  • - Training on the Internet. Online textbooks on the following disciplines are presented: Economic Informatics; Computer networks and telecommunications for economic specialties; Fundamentals of e-business.
  • - Website of teacher Sakovich (Belarus) about multi-level teaching of physics and its didactic support for specialized grades 9-11 of the school. Articles from the methodological journal "Physics: Problems of Teaching" have been published. The forum is working.
  • - Educational portal, ready-made lessons, work plans, forum.
  • - Resources for mathematics: textbooks, lectures, links to useful sites, programs, online solvers. Solving tests in higher mathematics and probability theory.
  • - All-Russian information and entertainment online magazine for schoolchildren 9-14 years old ZATEEVO.
  • - The site is dedicated to practical aspects of mathematics, algebra and geometry. The main task of the site is for students and ordinary students to be able to go to it and, without installing any special programs or having any skills in working with the site, be able to perform the mathematical operations they need.
  • - Internet Olympiad in computer science and programming St. Petersburg. All-Russian and city Internet Olympiads at St. Petersburg State University ITMO, St. Petersburg. Regulations, deadlines, examples of typical tasks and registration of participants.
  • - Center for Distance Education, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov presents courses in in-depth study of physics and mathematics for schoolchildren.
  • - Solutions from Kuznetsov’s problem book. - on the website you will find solutions to the problem book by Kuznetsova L.A. in higher mathematics, as well as the problem book itself in electronic form.
  • - Department of Mathematics, SUSC, Moscow State University.
  • - Books of Physics and Mathematics School - textbooks and fiction written by teachers and graduates of Physics and Mathematics School-18 - SUSC MSU.
  • - Physics School Digest - articles and publications about students, teachers and graduates of Physics School-18 - SESC MSU.
  • - International scientific conference for schoolchildren "Kolmogorov Readings".
  • - A.N. Kolmogorov: biography of the scientist, books, photographs.
  • - The site was created for applicants, schoolchildren and students. It presents Unified State Exam tests in various subjects, with special attention paid to mathematics. Both school and higher education. Let’s make the complex understandable, and the understandable easy.
  • - On the website, teachers from Moscow universities talk about the possibilities of early admission to the best universities in Moscow - how to become a student by participating in Olympiads, passing Centralized testing, etc.
  • - WEBSITE of MSUP students Educational materials that make life easier for students.
  • - World of Geometry - a portal for schoolchildren, applicants and students. The site was created with the goal of making any information about Geometry available to all network users. After studying our project, you will be able to learn how to prove theorems and apply them in solving problems, learn the sign language used in Geometry, and study the history and biography of scientists.
  • - Distance education, correspondence education.
  • - Abstracts, homework, coursework, biographies.
  • - Computer science teacher portal. The portal presents didactic and methodological material on the subject, lesson plans, student notes on programming, a teacher forum, on-line tests...
  • - Portal of the mathematics department of the Open Lyceum "All-Russian correspondence multi-subject school" at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.
  • - The site covers the activities of the State Educational Institution “Regional Center for Information Technologies in Education” (GOU OCITO) in the Kaluga region. Talks about events in Kaluga and the region that are important for educators. Describes educational projects in which the Kaluga region participates. Allows you to enroll in computer courses for children and adults.
  • -Collection of lectures and spurs on various subjects.
  • - Solving problems in TOE, OTC, Higher Mathematics, Physics, Programming, Termekh, SoproMat...
  • -Mathematical Internet school. All sections of the secondary school curriculum in elementary mathematics. Arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, functions and graphs, basics of analysis. Theory and problem solving.
  • - Distance education: courses, olympiads, competitions, projects, online magazine "Eidos".
  • - Method of multiplication with a triangle.
  • - NOU "University Mathematical School", full-time and correspondence preparatory courses in mathematics, physics, Russian language and literature. The school's staff are teachers from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, the Faculty of Computer Science and Technology, the Faculty of Physics, and the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University.
  • - an online mathematical game based on the problems of entrance exams for Mechanics and Mathematics, Computational Mathematics, and Physics Department of Moscow State University.
  • - official website of Physics and Mathematics Lyceum No. 30 (St. Petersburg). In-depth study of mathematics, physics and programming, organization and holding of Olympiads, conferences and competitions. Information about the school, teachers, students, graduates, admission rules, news.
  • - educational and scientific center of pre-university education.
  • - Applicant's Book Shop.
  • - on-line tests for applicants and high school students.
  • - SESC MSU - School named after. A. N. Kolmogorov. Official website The school has been teaching gifted children from all over Russia since 1963. Recruitment is ongoing for grades 10 and 11. Specializations: physics and mathematics, chemistry, computer science. Curricula, history, teachers, graduates and everything related to the Kolmogorov school - FMS 18.

Most common display bodies, characterizing used The basis of all material resources in an enterprise is the material intensity of products and its inverse indicator, material productivity.

There are several types of material consumption: general, specific and relative.

Material consumption and material productivity are determined as follows: ME = МЗ/ТП, МО = ТП/МЗ, Where МЗ is material costs, rub.; TP - commercial products, material resources.

Thus, material resources represent a available complex of material elements intended for processing during the production process with the help of tools, consisting of materials directly extracted from the surrounding nature and converted into a product, and materials that have undergone pre-processing (raw materials and raw materials).

Raw materials are classified into industrial and agricultural. In turn, industrial raw materials are divided into mineral, artificial (plastics, fabrics, etc.), secondary (waste and waste from the main production, scrap metal, etc.). Agricultural raw materials are divided into raw materials of plant and animal origin

The most important factors in the formation and development of raw material zones of industrial sectors are natural-climatic and socio-economic factors. Natural and climatic conditions determine the land cadastre, which is then used as a measure of economic feasibility, as well as in the comparative economic assessment of raw material zones of processing industries. This also applies to the raw material base of the extractive industries.

The organization, formation and development of the raw material base of each industry is carried out in a unique way, taking into account its specifics. Processing branches of the food industry of the agro-industrial complex, for example, should be located in accordance with the specialization of agriculture, and, therefore, optimize their raw material base on this basis. The raw material bases of the food industry should be in those areas where the best natural (soil-climatic) and socio-economic conditions are available.

The raw material zones of the leading sectors of the food industry are characterized by a number of important indicators that ultimately form the corresponding level and dynamics of the main economic

In order to use material resources most economically, plan their use, identify the enterprise's need for them and improve the organization of material and technical supplies, an analysis of the use of basic and auxiliary materials, fuel in the current and previous periods is carried out.

Typically, this analysis begins with the establishment of general indicators, which include the following:

1. weight of the product per unit of product or its useful property (weight of a motor per 1 hp of power, all trucks per 1 ton of carrying capacity, etc.);

2. coefficient of material utilization (the ratio of the weight of the finished product to the weight of the materials used for its production);

3. fuel consumption per unit of production;

4. the ratio of the actual consumption of materials to the planned one, which characterizes compliance with established standards;

5. percentage reduction in material consumption standards established on the basis of establishing new, progressive standards, reflecting advanced production experience and scientific and technical achievements that must be implemented in the upcoming planning period.

Essence, goals, principles and types of planning. Planning methods.

The essence of planning is meeting the demand of consumers of relevant goods and obtaining maximum profits.

Objectives: - identifying directions for the development of consumer demand for products manufactured by the enterprise

Increasing the competitiveness of products by improving quality, developing new types of products, services and reducing prices for them

Reducing costs by improving the use of organizational resources

Creation of new jobs to ensure social stability in the country.

The main task of planning is to ensure the successful operation and development of the enterprise.

Depending on the policy adopted in the state for regulating economic processes, the principles can be grouped into two areas: general and specific. General principles planning are applicable both in planned-regulated and market economies. Particulars are characteristic of only one of them.

The principle of complexity means the plan covers all aspects of the enterprise’s activities: goals, resources, functional areas of activity, environmental management.

Unity principle involves the development of a general or consolidated development plan for the enterprise.

Continuity principle involves a combination and continuity of strategic, tactical and current plans.

The principle of balance means maintaining proportions between production and consumption, on the one hand, production and material, labor and financial resources, on the other.

Flexibility means that the planning system must quickly adapt to changes in the internal and external environment of the enterprise.

Precision principle plans are determined by many factors both within the company and its external environment.

Participation principle shows the active influence of personnel on the planning process.

Coordination principle establishes that the activities of no part of the organization can be planned effectively if it is carried out independently of other objects at a given level.

Types of planning:

-planning goal: current (short-term and operational), tactical (1-5 years), strategic (5-10)

- control level: branded, corporate, factory

- justification methods: market, indicative, centralized,

Scope of application: intershop, intrashop, team, individual

Time of action: short-term, medium-term, long-term

Development stages: preliminary, final

Degree of accuracy: enlarged, refined.

There are several planning methods:


Calculation and analytical;

Economics and mathematics;



The balance sheet planning method ensures the establishment of connections between resource requirements and. sources of their coverage, as well as between sections of the plan. For example, the balance method links the production program with the production capacity of the enterprise, the labor intensity of the production program with the number of employees. The enterprise draws up balances of production capacity, working time, material, energy, financial, etc.

The calculation and analytical method is used to calculate plan indicators, analyze their dynamics and factors that ensure the quality level of indicators. Within the framework of this method, the basic level of the main indicators of the plan and their changes in the planning period due to the influence of the main factors are determined, and indices of changes in the planned indicators compared to the basic level are calculated.

Economic-mathematical methods make it possible to develop economic models that reflect the dependence of quantitative parameters (indicators) on the influence of main factors, prepare several plan options and select the optimal one.

The graphoanalytical method makes it possible to form p results of economic analysis by graphical means. Using graphs, a quantitative relationship is revealed between related indicators, for example, between the rate of change in capital productivity, capital-labor ratio and labor productivity. Network graphs are a type of graphic-analytical methods. With their help, parallel execution of work in space and time on complex objects is simulated, for example, reconstruction of a workshop, development and mastery of new equipment, etc.

Program-target methods allow you to draw up a plan in the form of a program, i.e. a set of tasks and activities united by one goal and confined to specific deadlines. Based on the ranking of goals (general goal - strategic and tactical goals - work programs), a schedule of the “goal tree” type is drawn up - the initial basis for the formation of a system of indicators for the program and the organizational structure for managing it.

32. Business plan of the organization: essence, structure and content.

Business plan- this is a justification for the activities of an enterprise in market conditions and a working tool that, if used skillfully, will help manage the company.

Business plan is a program of action aimed at achieving success in the entrepreneurial activities of an enterprise.

Its development allows you to assess the possible prospects of a new business, anticipate problems in advance, find ways to solve them, identify the advantages and disadvantages of various enterprise development strategies, determine what production resources are needed, provide the lender with the necessary information, calculate the volume of investments and their payback period.

A business plan reflects the course of development of an enterprise for a certain period and serves as the basis for deciding the issue of allocating budget investments and providing bank loans.

The scope of a business plan depends on the purpose of its preparation.

It can be used for: rehabilitation, restructuring, privatization, receiving external investment.

In world practice, a business plan is developed based on standard requirements for its design:

1. Simplicity and clarity of presentation of the plan;

2. Sufficiency, reliability and reliability of information;

3. Validity and objectivity;

4. Achievability of set goals;

5. Completeness;

6. Perspective;

7. Flexibility and optimality;

8. Control (drawing up work schedules, deadlines, indicators).

The structure of the business plan is characterized by the following sections: Title page (cover of the business plan), resume, business description, Goals of the enterprise (summary), marketing and product sales plan, innovation plan, product production, management, personnel, risk assessments and insurance, legal plan, production costs, financial plan, accompanying documents.

34.Production capacity of an organization: concept, types, methods of calculating it.

The production capacity of an enterprise is understood as the maximum possible output of products in the planned range and range, with full use of production equipment taking into account the planned measures acceptance.

Production capacity is determined in the same units in which the volume of production is measured. A wide range is reduced to one or more types of homogeneous products.

In general, production capacity (MP) is expressed as follows:

Mpr = Pr.ob. * F or Mpr = F\ Tr, where Pr.ob. - equipment productivity per unit of time, expressed in pieces;

F is the actual (working) operating time of the equipment; Tr - labor intensity of parts manufactured on this equipment, standard hours.

Types of PM: input - power at the beginning of the year, output - power at the end of the year, taking into account the disposal and input of power due to capital construction, equipment modernization, technology improvement.

Indicators of production capacity utilization. General indicators of production capacity utilization are:

1. Capacity utilization factor (Kim), as the ratio of the production program (PP) to production capacity (PM).

2. Equipment load factor (Kz), as the ratio of the labor intensity of the production program (sum T) to the planned operating time of all equipment (Fp*K).

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